
MartijnVdSAlanBell: oooh08:01
DJonesMorning all08:22
diploMorning all08:59
TheOpenSourcererTwo interesting links for you all this morning:08:59
TheOpenSourcererAnd http://www.boingboing.net/2011/05/20/watch-a-landslide-ha.html (watch the short video) and listen to Benny Hill music at the same time.09:00
MooDoomorning czajkowski09:09
bigcalmMorning peeps09:09
nigelbAlanBell: what happened with the monitors eventually? ;) Got 3 of em?09:15
gordwow, ubuntu asked me for my password 11 times after logging in - thats a new record09:16
bigcalmWell, it is Monday...09:16
hooverMontag ist Schontag biggie ;-)09:17
czajkowskigord: it's making sure you're fully awake09:17
gordi'll just turn off auto-login, its not achieving what i set out to achieve ;)09:21
* AlanBell suggests gord writes his password on a postit note09:21
wintellectAnyone here use Kubuntu?09:25
bigcalmOne of the uupc presenters does afaik09:27
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: why am I looking at that weather page about farnham?09:27
popeyyes, Mark does09:27
bigcalmThat's the fella :)09:28
bigcalmCouldn't remember his name09:28
wintellectWhat's his channel nick?09:28
wintellectthanks popey09:29
czajkowskiwintellect: or ask in #kubuntu09:29
* wintellect slaps himself in the face09:29
wintellectczajkowski: thanks, stupid of me not to have checked for a #kubuntu first09:29
wintellectwill do that first09:29
czajkowskiwintellect: no worries :)09:30
czajkowskiyou'll just find more users there possibly though some may be in here also09:30
czajkowskitis a bit early09:30
TheOpenSourcererpopey: I liked the interactivity of the map - you can change the location09:30
czajkowskiwhy is it seeing some peoples names in my inbox makes me wnat to just delete the threads09:30
bigcalmczajkowski: I get that with client emails09:33
wintellectOn a side note - NetworkManager does dhcp on my wireless card on Ubuntu (unity desktop on an aceraspireone) - how do I configure it to automatically seek a specific access point?09:34
gordi don't know what my cat is doing.. but it sounds a *lot* like mischief09:36
bigcalmgord: it's in their mandate09:36
oimonmy dog has a habit of humping her bed when she wants to cause mischief09:37
bigcalmI had the image of your dog humping your cats bed09:39
oimonwhere were we ? ahem..ubuntu09:40
oimonwintellect: off the top of my head, network manager -  edit connections - wireless - add a SSID to connect automatically to09:41
wintellectoimon: ok, sweet. I'll try that later. Thanks09:42
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: ahhh, thought you were pointing out the weather itself ☺09:45
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: you going on thursday to digital surrey?09:54
TheOpenSourcererpopey: I am.09:54
popeyGoing to try to get there09:54
gordy'know, we really shouldn't have spell check say that your name is spelt wrong, i mean we have that information available to it10:05
davmor2morning all10:06
* czajkowski pokes davmor2 10:07
czajkowskigord: TELL ME ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!10:08
davmor2I missed something interesting that gord said didn't I10:08
gord*everything* i say is interesting10:09
* czajkowski throws gord a bickie 10:09
davmor2gord: purhaps to you ;)10:11
JonTheNiceGuyNothing I say is interesting :(10:12
gordtry yelling it louder10:12
davmor2gord: Your wrong it needs to be slower and louder for it to be interesting :P10:15
AlanBellczajkowski: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2u_DVkK1Rc10:16
TheOpenSourcererlol: http://twitter.com/#!/TwopTwips/status/7259134560423936010:17
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:18
DJonesHoliday complaints received by a tour operator http://paste.ubuntu.com/611749/10:25
oimonDJones: number 1 is fair enough10:30
DJonesoimon: :)10:32
DJonesHad to laugh at number 2310:32
oimonmaybe that's why i holiday in england...can't get proper bacon in many other countries10:32
AlanBellhttp://lists.ukuug.org/pipermail/announce/2011-May/000191.html tell the government how to use plone/drupal/joomla!10:35
MartijnVdSYes, and tell them to keep it updated to the latest version, not just install-and-forget10:36
MartijnVdS(our sysadmins cry whenever Joomla in installed)10:36
oimonAlanBell: alpha.gov are using ubuntu and django10:36
AlanBellyeah, had a chat with one of the alpha.gov team last week10:37
AlanBellshould be talking this week with the cabinet office skunkworks team about setting up a new shapado site which is built with ruby on rails10:41
* Daviey is not a fan of RoR.10:42
AlanBellI don't have a strong opinion on it10:44
MartijnVdSRuby is a bit scary10:44
bigcalmNever used it myself10:45
MartijnVdShave they fixed unicode handling yet?10:46
bigcalmBut have found that those who preach about RoR are arrogant10:46
bigcalmGrrrr. The .otf I converted to .eot still isn't showing in IE10:48
bigcalmWhy why why does IE have to ignore standards?10:49
brobostigonssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host        anyone recognise that error, because i dont.10:50
brobostigonand inauth.log it simplysays, refused connection.10:52
TheOpenSourcererbrobostigon: run ssh with a few "-vvvv" - you probably need to remove the relevant line from your "~/.ssh/known_hosts" file10:53
brobostigonTheOpenSourcerer: ah, thank you.10:54
AlanBellor fail2ban got you10:54
popeyDaviey: https://github.com/danielfm/pyruby10:57
popey""From now on you should be able to write Ruby code within a regular Python module"10:57
BigRedSwhy would you want to do that?10:58
brobostigonTheOpenSourcerer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611757/10:59
popeybrobostigon: thats not -vvvv10:59
brobostigonpopey: ok, how do i pipe the output into a text file, so tht i can pastebin the entire output, please.11:00
brobostigonor pipe it, directly into pastebinit.11:01
AlanBellssh -vvvv user@host 2>&1 |pastebinit11:01
brobostigonthank you AlanBell11:01
brobostigon10:01:26 < AlanBell> ssh -vvvv user@host 2>&1 |pastebinit11:03
brobostigonthere we go.11:03
=== cking_ is now known as cking
AlanBellI think you have been blocked by fail2ban or the other one11:07
brobostigonAlanBell: let me look in hosts.deny11:08
BigRedSiptables -nL | grep <ip address>11:09
BigRedSwill tell you if fail2ban caught it11:09
BigRedS(more accurately, it'll tell you if it's in iptables, but that's where fail2ban puts it)11:09
brobostigoni dont have fail2ban, i have denyhosts11:09
AlanBellbrobostigon: can you get in though?11:10
brobostigonAlanBell: via my ipv6 tunnel, yes.11:10
Davieyfail2ban doesn't give that ssh error, as you cannot conenct at all.11:14
DavieyThat looks like a hosts.deny entry, therefore Denyhosts.11:14
brobostigoni am just looking through deny.hosts to find my ipv4 addr.11:15
AlanBellbrobostigon: I wouldn't bother to remove it (it will just come back at some point) add yourself to hosts.allow11:19
brobostigonyes, my ipv4addr is/was in hosts.deny11:19
brobostigonAlanBell: goodthinking, yes.11:19
brobostigondone, thank you everyone.11:23
TwinkletoesI get a black screen when trying to install 11.04, I have to plug an external monitor in just to be able to see anything.  It's a laptop with a Radeon HD6650 card in it.  Is there anything I can do to fix this please?11:27
gordBT are tempting me with 40mbit downstream >:(11:32
popey3 people from 217. addresses in a short period.11:34
popeywhat are the chances11:34
popeyI guess BT or someone uses 217 then ☺11:34
AlanBellTwinkletoes: is that when booting from the live CD or when it is installed?11:35
DJonespopey: ISP/Organisation COLT Technology Services Group LImited11:35
jpdspopey: Well, IPv6 is going to confuse you.11:35
Davieypopey, ewwwww!11:35
popeyA common reaction Daviey11:36
DJonesAnother one shows up as Zen internet11:36
MartijnVdS"Lots of people from 2001:: addresses"11:36
jpds2001? I live in 2011.11:37
DavieyMartijnVdS, I get more connections from fe80:: addresses :)11:37
TwinkletoesAlanBell: Booting from the LiveCD/USB11:37
MartijnVdSDaviey: yay link local11:38
MartijnVdSDaviey: fe80::, the 169.254. of ipv6 :)11:38
TwinkletoesAlanBell: I've tried other distros too, and they complain about modesetting, if that's any help ("KMS:drm report modesetting isn't supported").  According to this article, Karmic had an update to fix it, but this is 11.04 so presumably includes that fix aswell (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/410058)11:39
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 410058 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "Black screen with radeon KMS" [High,Fix released]11:39
shaunowas trying to explain 2000::/3 to someone earlier.  v6 prefixes are fun :)11:42
MartijnVdSshauno: v6 is fun :)11:43
* brobostigon has hostnames for each ipv6 he has, so he doesnt need to remember ipv6 addr's.11:44
MartijnVdSI use avahi for that11:45
MartijnVdSit registers hostnames for all my v6 addresses at home11:45
MartijnVdSor how-ever it works :)11:45
shaunowell, yeah.  memorizing addresses never was a fun idea.  but understanding the difference between 2* and f* is handy11:45
brobostigoni didnt know that,11:45
MartijnVdSshauno: ff00::!11:46
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i will look into that.11:46
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: works by default on Ubuntu11:46
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: ping short_hostname_you_specified_during_installation11:46
MartijnVdSor ing611:46
shaunoI have to specify .local at home.  works a treat tho11:47
brobostigonMartijnVdS: there only 2 ubuntu machines, 2 windows, one with haiku, and several other linux baseddevices.11:47
shauno'ssh herlaptop.local' "just works (tm)"11:47
brobostigonMartijnVdS: ah, i get it now, :)11:47
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: you can install Bonjour (apple's implementation) on the Windows machine (part of itunes)11:47
brobostigonMartijnVdS: those windows machines are my dads work machines.11:47
brobostigonMartijnVdS: anyways, my router, nicely shares out ipv6 addr's. so hopefully those machines are picking up addr's aswell.11:48
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: Win Vista and 7 automatically work, yes11:48
brobostigonMartijnVdS: eeek, my dads work still uses xp.11:49
shaunoyou can still make that work if you really want to.  you can set avahi up to answer for another machine11:49
AlanBellTwinkletoes: you might have more luck with the alternate CD, or even installing 10.10 and upgrading to 11.04 (I had to do that on a machine that got confused by grub on CD)11:49
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: v6 on XP is b0rken11:49
brobostigonMartijnVdS: ok, i will discount those machines from the equation then.11:49
TwinkletoesAlanBell: I'll give that a go, thank :)11:49
shaunoyou can set hosts in /etc/avahi/hosts, so it'll publish them on behalf of other machines that aren't able to.  can be handy11:52
brobostigonshauno: however for those to refer properly, those machines still need to be able to pickup ipv6 addr's properly.11:53
shaunoor have static v4 addresses11:53
shaunonot that you're likely to be addressing his work machines often - just nice to know you can kludge around 'legacy' devices fairly tidily11:54
bigcalmWell, router didn't die but the modem connection did12:02
* bigcalm shakes fist at VM12:02
bigcalmAny reason why &ellipsis; might be showing &ellipsis; and no ... ?12:09
gordwhen you start running out of lion king characters to give to your devices as hostnames. you have too many devices....12:13
dutchiebigcalm: sure it's &ellipsis; and not &amp;ellipsis;?12:13
dutchiealso, i'd just use unicode12:13
kazadeTwinkletoes, you could try asking questions in #radeon they can probably help12:26
bigcalmdutchie: very sure, I typed it myself :) I ended up using ... because I'm lazy12:31
bigcalmHoray for MoonPig reminding me that it's my fiancee's birthday on Saturday \o/12:38
bigcalmShould get around to wrapping some presents12:39
DJonesbigcalm: So if it wasn't for MoonPig, would it be an ex-fiance?12:40
oimonmooooooooonpig dot com12:41
bigcalmDJones: I'm not noted for my memory. We were at my parents yesterday and I was talking about us coming back next Saturday. I turned to my fiancee to check that we weren't doing anything on that day12:42
oimonshared calendars on smartphones are good for that12:43
oimonwe rarely double book stuff now12:43
bigcalmIt's more the fact that I should have remembered that is was her birthday on Saturday12:44
oimonshe should have been dropping hints about pressies for 3 months now12:44
Pendulumoimon: he has all the pressies for her12:45
bigcalmI'm a good boy like that12:45
bigcalmI really hope she takes the stampler to work with her and uses it there12:46
bigcalmSeems unlikely, but one can dream :)12:46
gordanyone know any way of  getting policy-kit to work with a fingerprint reader?12:47
davmor2gord: no but if you want to login there's an app for that :D12:49
gorddavmor2, oh really? an app?12:49
MartijnVdSa napp12:50
davmor2gord: yeap plugs into gdm I'll track it's name down for you if you haven't got it12:50
gorddavmor2, i found it, its useless :(12:51
gordbecause it logs in without a password, gnome-keyring doesn't unlock12:51
gordso guess what happens...12:51
davmor2type in a password12:51
gordi'd rather type a password in once than have to use a fingerprint reader then type in a password eight thousand times12:51
BigRedSI've never understood the idea of using fingerprint readers for auth on PCs12:52
davmor2gord: there is a modification that Ubuntu added that enabled keyring login from autologin maybe you could track that down12:52
gorddavmor2, when was this? certainly not the case as of now12:53
AlanBellgord: I guess it would make sense to unlock the screensaver12:53
davmor2gord: I know it was in hardy and lucid for oem support12:53
czajkowskilook at that12:55
gordits a vicious cycle, they can't hire anyone to fix their site because their site is broken12:56
DJonesczajkowski: Is that the one that wouldn't accept your .doc files?12:59
czajkowskiDJones: no that's just another muppet site I've found12:59
czajkowskiI swear if some sites could just be tested! a little bit13:00
czajkowskiwould save job seekers hair loss!13:00
gordso... new laptop. need to get my u1 stuff on it, chances of me just copying the files over working?13:30
MartijnVdSgord: worked for me13:32
MartijnVdSgord: make sure you kill u1sdtool before you copy13:32
MartijnVdSthen restart when copy is don13:32
oimonisn't the idea that u1 will fill the folder up for you?13:33
gordi have several tens of gb of data :)13:34
gordi don't reeeeally want to spend the next few weeks just syncing u113:34
oimonso it's you that's slowing it down for everyone else :)13:34
davmor2gord: you can copy paste and then let u1 sync it should read everything like it's a back up but annoy Aq till he tells you for sure though13:36
gordi basically spend all day in #u1 annoying people with questions ;)13:36
davmor2gord: no just Aq he'll soon point you at the right person to get you to leave him alone :D13:40
BigRedSDoes (should) network manager default to using wired networks where they're available?14:02
BigRedSI can't find any config one way or the other in nm-applet14:02
gordBigRedS, how do you mean default?14:05
davmor2BigRedS: yes it does from my experience14:07
DaveMorrisI'm using the shared connection option in network manger on Lucid to enable a machine to act as a gateway.  It works fine, and is running a DHCP server to assign IPs to those behind the gateway.  Does anyone know where the config file is for this DHCP so I can change the range it offers out since I want to have fixed IPs without any clashing.14:11
BigRedSgord: as in, without needing to be configured to do that14:14
gordBigRedS, configured to do what? :) do you want connections to go over ethernet before wifi?14:14
gordah - yeah it'll do that14:14
BigRedSif I boot up and a remembered wifi network is available, and there's a good network in eth0, will it bring up eth0, wlan0, or both?14:14
BigRedSahh, but default route is eth0?14:15
gordshould be14:15
BigRedSand do you know if that's configurable anywhere?14:15
gordit might be a case of first come first served, your ethernet is gonna come up before wifi14:15
BigRedSah yeah14:15
Azelphurhahaha, sony got hacked again14:22
AzelphurThat's 6 times in a row now?14:22
Azelphurthis time it's sony music greece, complete with leaked user database14:23
gordi think tbh they have just become a target now14:23
BigRedSin a row? Can break ins be non-consecutive?14:23
AzelphurBigRedS: I call in a row all over the past month or so?14:23
DaveMorriswe just don't hear about all the failed attempts14:24
DJonesProbably don't hear about all the sucessful attempts either14:25
Azelphurindeed xD14:25
popeyshould exist14:25
popeyand just say "YES"14:25
Azelphurpopey: I'm up for that. :D14:25
Azelphuralthough my webserver isn't bomb proof atm so maybe not such a good idea :p14:26
Azelphurpopey: that's interesting, if you put that URL into chrome, it offers you a google search for "has sony been hacked again". It figured out where the words are from a url with no spaces :)14:27
gordlaptop says 9:45 remaining :)14:28
oimonjust had a flashback14:30
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oimonisn't google chromium supposed to have something like firefox awesome bar? doesn't always find the url in my history :(14:34
gordits not as awesome14:35
oimongord: i'm discovering that's the case14:42
dogmatic69google chrome / chromium :)14:42
oimoni shouldn't feel this exhuasted on a monday :(14:44
davmor2oimon: could be worse, could be sunday still14:46
oimoni did 7 hours flat out yesterday ,sound engineering a live event, now today i'm at work ...hmm14:48
oimonwoo the brand new puppet book just landed on my desk14:51
DJonesoimon: Sound engineering? setting up or running a sound system or all of it14:52
oimonDJones: the whole shebang. i was part of a team - we setup our own gear in 5 screens of the local cineworld mulitplex for a few hours of simultaneous broadcast and mixing .14:53
oimonyou can do stuff with technology now that wasn't possible a few years ago.14:54
oimonsince we use the cinema digital projectors and run audio over cat5 to slave devices14:54
DJonesSounds  big job14:54
oimonyeah, do it every other sunday so it's getting easier, but this sunday was a biggun14:55
DJoneswhat is the broadcast for14:55
oimondjones: annual international day - video clip here http://jubileechurchlondon.org/events/international-day/14:57
DJonesHeh, reminds me of springharvest14:59
oimonhave u been?14:59
DJonesYeah, about the last 7 years14:59
DJonespm if you want14:59
Azelphurpopey: lol, aircondirect seriously tried to screw me over xD15:31
AzelphurI ordered for next day on thursday and it didn't arrive for 2 days, phoned them up and they said it would be here on monday, After arguing with them over the fact that I had actually placed an order, then arguing over whether they should be allowed to deliver an item next week that was paid for as next day, they finally agree'd to give me a refund15:33
Azelphurapparently "refund" means deliver the item on monday anyway and give me £5 \o/15:33
AzelphurI refused the delivery, though. Not letting them get away that easy \o/15:33
shaunoI wish places would let you decide what day you want it to arrive on, rather than whatever approximates next day, etc15:36
Azelphurshauno: their site actually said "Delivery for: Tomorrow" and charged me an extra £15 for the privilege XD15:38
oimonjust spent 30 minutes processing cashback claims totally £500 for some hp printers...talk about a palaver15:38
davmor2popey: "http://hassonybeenhackedagain.com/" == True /n wait sony=="bankrupt"  /n "http://hassonybeenhackedagain.com/" == False or code to that effect :)15:41
oimondoes PSN require credit card details?15:42
davmor2oimon: nope only buying stuff from them does15:42
shaunoI just get annoyed when I only have one day off work, so I'm trying to time the purchase precisely to get it to arrive while I'm home :/15:42
gordoimon, davmor2 even then, you can buy cards instead from shops/online. thats what i do15:43
oimonPS3 hardware seems to have longer life than Xbox15:43
shaunowaiting to get something atm .. have to get it thursday afternoon for it to arrive monday  lol15:43
davmor2gord: makes sense, I just buy games second hand when they are cheap as I only really like adventure rpg style games that can be played forever and a day in single player mode :D15:44
oimonshauno: maybe invent a secure dropbox and go on dragons den15:44
shaunotoo early on thursday, it'll arrive friday.  too late thursday, it'll ship friday & arrive tuesday :(15:44
gorddavmor2, so - not expecting to see you much once the new elder scrolls game comes out? ;)15:45
davmor2gord: I got the first one a couple of months ago for a £5 :)15:46
gorddavmor2, the first one? the old old dos one?15:46
davmor2gord: that was available on PS315:47
gorddavmor2, ah, the *forth* one ;)15:47
davmor2gord: yeah that's the one :)15:48
reaper4334the first one's pretty hard to play these days, but the second is pretty good with Dosbox15:48
davmor2gord: yet to play it still trooping through Dragon Age15:48
reaper4334Dragon Age any good?15:51
davmor2reaper4334: Dragon Age is great fun15:51
reaper4334davmor2: is it a long game?15:52
davmor2reaper4334: kept me going for a while and I'm yet to complete it, there are a load of sub-missions to make it longer I've only completed about 50% of those so there is another game in it just to complete those as well as downloadable content15:54
davmor2reaper4334: by a while I had it for xmas and I'm still playing it, and spend 2-3+ hours at the weekend on it15:55
reaper4334davmor2: sounds pretty good :D I might have to buy it soon15:55
davmor2reaper4334: Dragon Age 2 is out now too which is meant to be bigger still15:56
gorddavmor2, no its way smaller15:56
reaper4334davmor2: I played the demo of the second one, but it seemed more of a hack 'n' slash than an RPG15:56
gordits one city, an outside area and a mine15:56
davmor2gord: It's meant to be bigger15:57
gordwhoever told you that is a liar, a filthy liar ;)15:58
davmor2gord: they could mean gameplay wise15:58
gordgameplay wise its way smaller, i beat it in a week of playing a bit in the evenings15:58
davmor2gord: that's disappointing16:03
gorddavmor2, well they took less than a year to make it... i mean, yeah. its disappointing16:04
davmor2gord: so I'll get it when it's in the bargain bin then :)16:04
gorddavmor2, sure, for what its worth, for what little content there is, its pretty good :)16:05
davmor2gord: haha16:05
oimonthere's no sadder face than the face of someone coming to the help desk with a broken hard drive..and no backs16:08
davmor2gord: can you test something for me please, in unity setup mumble with F12 as the press to speak button, have a few chats and see if the launch remain in sight permanently for the rest of the session16:32
davmor2launcher even16:32
oimonhas anyone used a site called goodreads.com? it's like a facebook for bookreaders16:32
gorddavmor2, i'm not quite sure what you mean16:35
davmor2gord: normal behaviour is for app launcher to autohide correct?16:36
DJonesoimon: INteresting site, I do a lot of reading, could be quite useful for me16:36
gorddavmor2, sure, but what does f12 have to do with that?16:36
davmor2gord: So on mumble I have press to talk set with the F12 button.  After every team call the launcher nolonger hides  I can only assume this is down to pressing F12 repeatedly16:37
gorddavmor2, at what point does the launcher stop hiding?16:38
davmor2gord: It's out while I have mumble open when I minimise mumble it just stays in place16:39
gorddavmor2, why would it move when you minimise mumble? are you using dodge active window?16:40
davmor2gord: I'm using whatever the default is.  but all the windows behind mumble are maximised and the launcher remains in place.16:42
gorddavmor2, the default is to dodge windows, which means if any window gets in the way of the launcher it should hide :) i don't think your jamming on f12 has anything to do with it16:43
davmor2gord: pre mumble usage it moves in and out16:43
gordits just stuck for some other reason16:43
davmor2gord: would a vid capture help?  I can get one tomorrow possibly16:44
gorddavmor2, its a long standing bug - i don't know a huge amount about it tbh16:44
gordcheck on launchpad, see if others have it too16:44
davmor2gord will do just wondered if there was a simple fix that didn't kill half the system :D16:46
czajkowskisomething to make everyone smile at this hour of the day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCbnxX7VEuU17:10
TwinkletoesAlanBell: If you can remember my qyuestion about the blank screen when booting from the 11.04 desktop USB?  Well, 10.10 is absolutely fine... except that it doesn't recognise my wireless NIC :(17:17
davmor2czajkowski: you have too much time on your hands17:18
czajkowskidavmor2: it was meant to make people happy at this hour of the day17:18
davmor2czajkowski: haha it worked :)17:18
gordi haven't watched uk tv in a long time... is that comedy now? i don't get it :(17:20
gordthen again i never understood all that Catherine Tate stuff either, everyone loved that =\17:20
popeyI really don't like her either17:21
Azelphurpopey: 1.6ghash and counting :)17:21
DJonesI've only seen her in Dr Who and I wasn't impressed with her in that17:21
davmor2gord: bring back the porridge days hey :)17:21
Azelphur217w/node :p17:21
Azelphurshop forgot to ship me my switch so I'm running at <50% atm17:22
czajkowskiDJones: noooo she was fantastic as DONNA NOBLE!17:24
gordshouting is not the same as acting =\17:25
* czajkowski revokes gords bickies 17:25
DJonesgord +117:25
MartijnVdSgord: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LargeHam17:26
gordi am not falling in to your trap dear sir.17:26
gordfor those that click on tvtropes links, never do return17:26
shaunonoble felt like it only worked because they wrote the role around her17:31
AlanBelldead chicken :(17:32
MartijnVdSAlanBell: :( natural causes?17:32
AlanBellyeah, goldie was pretty old, sat down all day and didn't get up17:32
davmor2gord: no but it does get you understood17:33
davmor2AlanBell: Bummer sorry about that.17:33
davmor2AlanBell: how have the other chickens taken it?17:34
AlanBellthey were a bit flustered when I took her away17:34
davmor2AlanBell: same thing happened with our bird when the other died, give it a couple of weeks they should be right as reign again17:37
Azelphurin Ubuntu is /tmp in ram?17:41
Azelphuror is there anything that is in ram I can use?17:41
BigRedS/dev/shm should be17:42
popeyAzelphur: type "mount"17:43
Azelphurty, that's the one :P17:44
gordbluetooth and suspend work on the new laptop... this... this has never happened to me before17:57
davmor2gord: don't worry I'm sure you'll figure out a way to break it17:58
PsychobudgieI think I'm reaching my 'really p*ssed off' threshold with ubuntu and that is something I thought I'd never say18:02
BigRedSPsychobudgie: all software has fantastic ability to be annoying18:07
BigRedSthe trick isn't finding one that doesn't annoy you, but the one that's least annoying18:08
Psychobudgienot to the point ubuntu is annoying me at the moment18:09
Psychobudgieit's approaching vista levels of annoying18:09
MartijnVdSwhich bits?18:09
PsychobudgieBanshee, dbus, unity, compiz instability18:10
PsychobudgieI can think of more18:10
MartijnVdSdbus is unstable?18:10
Psychobudgieit is here18:10
MartijnVdSI haven't had the other programs in that list crash on me either since release18:10
MartijnVdSyou must be doing something wrong -- Nvidia drievrs?18:11
Psychobudgieno I'm not doing anything wrong18:11
Psychobudgiethough the suggestion made me happy18:11
PsychobudgieI've only been using Linux on the desktop since 98 so I'm a bit of a noob18:12
MartijnVdSyeah, 13 years is way too short ;)18:12
MartijnVdSPsychobudgie: do your problems occur in a clean default install as well (or on the live cd)18:13
Psychobudgieclean default install18:13
Psychobudgieinstalled yesterday to ensure I'm not going mad18:13
TwinkletoesHow do I edit grub.cfg to make the default boot, Windows?  grub.cfg says "Do not edit this file", and I can't see any setting in /etc/default/grub to change the default18:13
Psychobudgiesame problems18:13
MartijnVdSPsychobudgie: have you tried running memtest overnight?18:13
Psychobudgieit's not me18:13
Psychobudgieit's it18:14
gordif dbus is crashing, you have bigger problems18:14
Psychobudgieit that shall not be named18:14
BigRedSTwinkletoes: you need to fight with the mess that is /etc/grub.d18:14
TwinkletoesBigRedS: Grrr....18:14
BigRedSTwinkletoes: welcome to progress :)18:14
* BigRedS notes that grub-legacy isn't in the repos in natty :(18:15
TwinkletoesDid they really have to make it so confusing?18:16
Psychobudgiechecked with maverick yesterday before reinstalling natty18:16
Psychobudgiein maverick all is good and lovely18:16
Psychobudgiein natty all is bad and not awesome18:16
PsychobudgieI can pretty much render natty useless by plugging in my samsung t1018:16
kaushalFinally I am on Dell Vostro 3500 running Ubuntu 11.04 :)18:18
Psychobudgiethe device mounts fine, nautilus opens it thenthe awfulness that appears to be Banshee tries to talk to the device, maxing out dbus then it crashes dragging down the nautilus window which launched it which in turn vanishes leaving a blank overlay on the screen which can't be closed without killing compiz18:19
Psychobudgieand so on18:19
Psychobudgieit's comical18:19
TwinkletoesBigRedS: StartupManager did the trick ;)18:23
ubuntuuk-planet[Tony] Yall better show up now - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2011/05/23/yall-better-show-up-now/18:25
kaushalCan someone please guide me about configuring MS Exchange Calendar 2007 in lightning running on Thunderbird 3.1.10 in Ubuntu 11.04 ?18:28
advancedbraindamhi its first time for me and not sure that is it18:38
advancedbraindamis there anyone i can talk to?18:38
advancedbraindamhave one question to ask18:38
kaushaladvancedbraindam: shoot18:38
advancedbraindamis there still a support and upgrades for ubuntu 10.10 as for couple of days have not been recieving any updates18:39
kaushalyes it is18:40
lubotu3Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101018:40
advancedbraindamso why i am unable to download any18:40
kaushaladvancedbraindam: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases18:41
kaushaladvancedbraindam: Please pastebin the sources.list18:41
advancedbraindamhow do i do that?18:41
kaushalcat /etc/apt/sources.list18:42
brobostigonsudo pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list18:42
kaushaland copy it and paste it using pastebin service18:43
kaushalMore details https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Pastebin18:44
advancedbraindam# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.10 _Maverick Meerkat_ - Release i386 (20101007)]/ maverick main restricted18:44
advancedbraindam# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to18:44
advancedbraindam# newer versions of the distribution.18:44
advancedbraindamdeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick main restricted18:44
advancedbraindamdeb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick main restricted18:44
advancedbraindam## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the18:44
advancedbraindam## distribution.18:44
advancedbraindamdeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates main restricted18:44
advancedbraindamdeb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates main restricted18:44
advancedbraindam## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu18:44
advancedbraindam## team. Also, please note that software in universe WILL NOT receive any18:44
advancedbraindam## review or updates from the Ubuntu security team.18:44
advancedbraindamdeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick universe18:44
mgdmadvancedbraindam: don't paste things in here18:44
advancedbraindamdeb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick universe18:44
advancedbraindamdeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates universe18:44
advancedbraindamdeb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates universe18:44
advancedbraindam## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu18:44
advancedbraindam## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to18:45
advancedbraindam## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in18:45
advancedbraindam## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu18:45
advancedbraindam## security team.18:45
advancedbraindamdeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick multiverse18:45
advancedbraindamdeb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick multiverse18:45
advancedbraindamdeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates multiverse18:45
advancedbraindamdeb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates multiverse18:45
advancedbraindam## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'18:45
advancedbraindam## repository.18:45
advancedbraindam## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as18:45
advancedbraindam## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes18:45
advancedbraindam## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.18:45
advancedbraindam## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review18:45
advancedbraindam## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.18:45
* mgdm hands around the lifebelts18:45
advancedbraindam# deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-backports main restricted universe multiverse18:45
advancedbraindam# deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-backports main restricted universe multiverse18:45
advancedbraindam## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's18:45
advancedbraindam## 'partner' repository.18:45
advancedbraindam## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by Canonical and the18:45
advancedbraindam## respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu users.18:45
advancedbraindamdeb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner18:45
advancedbraindamdeb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner18:45
advancedbraindam## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by third-party18:45
advancedbraindam## developers who want to ship their latest software.18:45
advancedbraindamdeb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick main18:45
advancedbraindamdeb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick main18:45
advancedbraindamdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security main restricted18:45
advancedbraindamdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security main restricted18:46
advancedbraindamdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security universe18:46
advancedbraindamdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security universe18:46
advancedbraindamdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security multiverse18:46
advancedbraindamdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security multiverse18:46
advancedbraindamdeb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner18:46
advancedbraindamdeb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner18:46
advancedbraindamnot sure is that the way you wanted me to do it18:46
mgdmIt's not :)18:46
brobostigonoh my.18:46
advancedbraindamjust read the first line on wiki18:46
* brobostigon switches off.18:46
advancedbraindammy apologize18:46
kaushaladvancedbraindam: stop it please18:47
kaushalyou are flooding the channel18:47
kaushaladvancedbraindam: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Pastebin18:47
advancedbraindamim sorry my experience its not as good as i wish to be18:47
kaushaladvancedbraindam: please read wiki18:48
hamitronours isn't now ;)18:48
advancedbraindamim electrician18:48
brobostigonhence i suggested pastebinit.18:48
kaushalas its self explanatory18:48
advancedbraindamcool i will have a look18:48
mgdmadvancedbraindam: it's cool. Don't worry. easiest thing is that pastebin gadget on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Pastebin, like kaushal says18:48
advancedbraindami kicked windows os in january and switched to ubuntu18:49
mgdmadvancedbraindam: just for future reference :)18:49
advancedbraindampastebin s cool18:52
advancedbraindamhere is my post18:52
Psychobudgieproblem solved18:55
Psychobudgie'apt-get remove banshee' 'apt-get install rhythmbox'18:56
Psychobudgiedbus doesn't go nuts now18:56
skybinaryhiya, i have been going nuts with compiz since i upgraded to 11.04 i have no desktop items nor can i right-click there18:57
skybinaryi am almost sure i turned something off in compiz18:57
advancedbraindamso what you think19:01
advancedbraindamwhat could be a reason for not getting any downloads?19:02
advancedbraindamas in upgrades19:02
AlanBellsome more tickets have been released, and they are going fast http://oggcamp11.eventbrite.com19:10
skybinaryis it weird that my nautilus home folder pops up after login instead of my desktop and icons?19:20
BigRedSfirefox 4 is "html5-compliant" isn't it?19:22
mgdmerr, well19:23
mgdmthat's a rather complex question :-) HTML5 is a catchall for a bunch of technologies19:23
BigRedSyeah, I know it's not a spec yet19:23
mgdmso it depends largely on what bit you want, but yeah,m for the most part19:23
BigRedSvimeo's just told me to come back with an "html5-compliant browser" and I wondered why19:23
mgdmit's maybe that FF doesn't speak whatever codec they're trying to deliver to you19:24
BigRedSahh yeah. I'm not interested in the video that much, I just wondered if I was wrong in thinking that ff4 did html519:24
skybinarydo you thing19:24
skybinarylol typo19:24
skybinarydo you think resetting gnome by using rm -rf .gnome gnome2 .gconfd .metacity would help my icons reappear?19:25
BigRedSseems rather brute force19:26
skybinaryoh lol19:26
BigRedSyou're quite likely to just break gnome19:26
BigRedSit's rather fragile and bad at telling you what's going on these days19:26
skybinaryi think unity broke me19:26
BigRedSyou think unity's bad? you should try gnome319:26
skybinaryit is hard to tell, looks purty but19:27
PsychobudgieMartijnVdS, I managed to work out why Banshee is  breaking everything. Essentially as soon as an MTP device is plugged in, ubuntu mounts the device then asks you what you wish to do. Once the device is mounted by the OS, Banshee cannot interface via mtp and instead of giving an error message (rhythmbox gives an error), it bugs out and hangs the application which in turn appears to cause the dbus interface to max out the cpu causing all sorts19:27
Psychobudgieof fun.19:27
MartijnVdSPsychobudgie: sounds like bug filing time19:27
BigRedSaha, that sounds like at least two bugs19:27
Psychobudgiethree as if the initial nautilus window asking to what do is still open when it dies, it kills the window but leaves the process running which in turn causes compiz to leave a blank overlay where the window should be19:28
MartijnVdSshotwell copes better with this19:29
MartijnVdSI plug in my camera, then open shotwell, which asks if I want to unmount it so shotwell can use i t19:29
Psychobudgieif you then click on an application and the link or button is beneath the overlay you have to move the window to get to the thing you want to click on19:29
Psychobudgieit's like dominoes19:29
skybinarybesides right-clicking desktop how else can i change my theme?19:30
BigRedSwhich DE are you using?19:30
BigRedSunity, gnome2, gnome3?19:30
skybinarygnome 2.32.1 but it said that when i was in unity19:30
BigRedSsaid what?19:31
skybinaryi looked at system monitor to discover that19:31
BigRedSbut it's in <system> off the main panel, <preferences><appearence>19:31
skybinarybackground is the first option there, no appearance19:32
BigRedSsounds like something's a bit broken then19:34
* skybinary sighs19:34
skybinaryi tried gnome3 too for a bit, seems simple19:35
BigRedSI couldn't get my head round the workspaces19:36
Psychobudgieworkspaces are one of the big improvements in gnome 3 for me19:37
BigRedSreally? How do you keep track of where things are?19:37
Psychobudgielike the idea of dynamically adding and removing them as and when required19:37
BigRedSI disliked the way workspace four kept becoming workspace 3 just because I emptied workspace 219:37
PsychobudgieI actually prefer that19:38
Psychobudgiehate wasted areas19:38
BigRedSWell, I'm glad it works for someone :)19:38
jacobwits not good for muscle memory19:38
Psychobudgieif I need 3 desktops I want 3 desktops, I don't want 419:39
BigRedSBut then when you're going for something you left on ws4, you need to check by 2 and 3 first, in case it's collapsed them for you19:39
jacobwwasted space on virtual desktops :s19:39
PsychobudgieIf I want 5 I don't want to have to hit the settings to add one19:39
jacobwthere's a logic in that somewhere19:39
BigRedSThe easy addition I do like19:39
BigRedSwell, it doesn't annoy me :)19:39
PsychobudgieBigRedS, I didn't look but I would put money on being able to fix the desktops via settings19:40
BigRedSPsychobudgie: yeah, I found a way claiming to19:40
PsychobudgieGnome-desktop is not unity, it's not locked down19:40
BigRedSwhich broke gnome :(19:40
BigRedSand then I got annoyed with it, and noted that gnome 3 doesn't fix any of the issues I have with gnome 219:41
BigRedSso I might as well stick with the devil I know19:41
PsychobudgieBigRedS, where you running from the gnome ppa?19:41
BigRedSyeah, on 11.0419:41
Psychobudgiethe only issue I had with it was to do with samba19:41
Psychobudgiefor whatever reason, samba just would not work correctly with gnome 3 running19:42
BigRedSbit of an odd conflict19:43
skybinaryif i install gnome colour chooser from the software centre, will i be able to change my theme then, dya think?19:43
Psychobudgiebut a known issue apparantly19:43
Psychobudgiethey had workarounds but to be honest it was more trouble than it's worth19:44
BigRedSwhat was the cause?19:44
PsychobudgieI can see me going back to kde if gnome and unity doesn't sort themselves out19:44
BigRedSI find KDE way more annoying than unity19:45
Psychobudgieit's to do with filesharing handling within gnome-desktop. It basically, in a nutshell, doesn't work properly19:45
BigRedSI've been trying several DEs recently. The least annoying, at about equals, are Gnome2 and Unity19:45
BigRedSahhh, so it is gnome3's interaction with samba, rather than some random conflict19:45
Psychobudgieif it was me in charge of ubuntu, I would have moved to docky19:47
* Psychobudgie <3 Docky19:47
gordits not like we have the main docky developer making the unity launcher or anything19:47
gordand the guy who started AWN running the whole thing19:47
gordthat would be craaaazy19:48
skybinarythe software centre history is a bit of a life saver19:48
PsychobudgieI don't care if jesus himself was involved, it's awful19:48
BigRedSis it? which bit's teh launcher?19:48
BigRedSthe buttons on the left?19:48
Psychobudgiethats them19:49
BigRedSwhat's wrong with that? Seems fine to me19:49
Psychobudgieit looks awful for a start19:49
Psychobudgieoh and I didn't even get to the ........Global Menu19:49
BigRedSyeah, I've not used the menu yet19:50
jacobwhave you tried kde BigRedS ?19:50
Psychobudgiewho ever suggested that at the developer meeting should be bagged, tagged and shipped to whatever OS we currently hate19:50
BigRedSit's great, but every time I login I need to reconfigure something19:50
BigRedSand it's got all these widgets that seem to exist only to get in the way19:51
Psychobudgiemy main problem with unity is that unless I know exactly what I want to do everything takes longer to do19:51
Psychobudgieit's intuitive in the way that cheese isn't19:51
BigRedSmmm, I've not had much need for menus since noticing alt+f219:52
PsychobudgieI want to browse for an app, right click, click, click, click19:52
jacobwlast time i tried it, i got far too fustrated with the file copying mechanism not working properly19:52
BigRedSwhich is handy, 'cause they're always painful to use19:52
Psychobudgieon gnome, click, click19:52
BigRedSjacobw: yeah, and the single-click-open keeps getting me19:52
Psychobudgieoh and it looks like the graphic designer was recruited from my local primary school19:53
Psychobudgiefor the partially sighted19:53
Psychobudgieand colour blind19:53
Psychobudgieapart from that it's awesome19:54
jacobwi think the design of kde is often better.. but it just doesn't work when you need it to19:54
BigRedSit doesn't work when I don't need it to, either :)19:54
Psychobudgiekde has it's issues, but I always think they kept on the right track with the workflow19:55
BigRedSnah, KDE feels horribly horribly over-designed to me. Like someone set out to make the most 'modern' looking DE possible, and kept redoing it until everything was transparent or gradiented, with curved edges and fade-outs and all the rest of that crap19:55
BigRedSit's sort-of usable, but it's butt-ugly and forgetful19:55
PsychobudgieBigRedS, what like Gnome 3?19:56
jacobwkontact is definately better than evolution, for example.19:56
jacobwevolution is just so slow :|19:56
PsychobudgieI'd agree with that19:56
BigRedSPsychobudgie: gnome 3's more subtle in design, just more crazy in process19:57
Psychobudgiealways like kontact19:57
PsychobudgieI always seem to run in to font issues whenever I venture into kde with ubuntu19:57
Psychobudgieno idea why19:58
Psychobudgieand I don't mean nice, aww, I can fix that quite easily, issues19:58
PsychobudgieI mean, omg, wtf has happened to my screen, is my monitor broke, has my graphics card gimped out19:59
BigRedSI've never had those20:00
BigRedSI do have exceedingly low aesthetic expectations though20:00
Psychobudgieno wonder you like unity20:00
jacobwi don't really car for aesthitics20:00
BigRedSPsychobudgie: I don't *like* it, I just have nothing much against it20:01
Psychobudgieyou tolerate it20:01
BigRedSmm, I think it's complete indifference20:01
gordquite a lot of people love the visuals of unity20:01
BigRedSthe bits I use are exactly gnome220:01
PsychobudgieI tried so hard to tolerate it but I found I got a much better experience from classic gnome and docky20:01
BigRedSalt+f2, ctrl+alt+arrow keys20:02
Psychobudgieunity looks great on a notebook20:02
BigRedSI don't think anyone does menus 'well', but it's nice to see people bothering to try20:02
Psychobudgieon my desktop however it looks like a notebook frontend on a desktop20:02
Psychobudgiethe only thing it's missing is a big button on the desktop that says 'the internet'20:03
mrwarmthI preferred unity to classic gnome but it just runs too slowly on my pc, I changed to dwm and love it20:04
gordpretty sure thats called "firefox"20:04
AlanBellI think the concept of unity is OK20:04
gordwe can rename it if you like20:04
AlanBellthe application lense doesn't make much sense to me20:04
gordin general?20:05
gordi mean, i like launching applications20:05
BigRedSoh yeah, I heard about those20:05
AlanBellin that it isn't structured by category20:05
BigRedSi didn't actually find out what it is20:05
AlanBellI only found out yesterday (having used it for 8 months) that there is a category dropdown in the top right20:05
gordah - i get you - yeah that bit sucks, we know :)20:06
BigRedScan things exist in two categories yet?20:06
PsychobudgieAlanBell, you'll remember it's there though20:06
AlanBellit seems to try awefuly hard to sell me stuff to download20:06
PsychobudgieAlanBell, as it's colour scheme is out of sync with everything else20:06
gordthings have always been able to exist in more than one category, part of the desktop file spec20:06
AlanBelland doesn't actually spend enough time showing me where the stuff I have is20:06
AlanBell"installed" vs "available to download" isn't the top level split I want to see20:07
PsychobudgieAlanBell, the cynic in me says that it will be selling us stuff for money in years to come20:07
AlanBelland there is too much "click here to see the rest of the stuff you wanted to see in the first place"20:07
PsychobudgieAlanBell, agree completely with that20:08
AlanBellPsychobudgie: there are paid apps already, I am totally cool with that20:08
PsychobudgieAlanBell, not got a problem with that, I get the feeling however that the 'available to download' is going to be for that purpose20:08
Psychobudgiethink itunes20:09
AlanBellthroughout 10.10 I learned to have a terminal open and launch stuff from the command line because I couldn't find it in the unity menu20:09
AlanBellI now do super+type stuff until it finds it, so that is an improvement a bit20:09
gordi lik ethe available for download stuff, i'v honestly used it quite a lot20:09
AlanBellbut I struggle to find stuff without typing the command line20:10
gordwhy can't you just type in the search box what you would type in the command line?20:10
PsychobudgieI personally don't see what is so wrong with a drop down/ pop up menu20:10
Psychobudgieif it aint broke don't invent something that is20:10
AlanBellI don't mind that it offers stuff for download, but that should be secondary to stuff I already have20:10
gordit is?20:11
gordhow do you mean secondary?20:11
AlanBellso it should start with big friendly buttons for the categories (like software centre does)20:12
Azelphurhttp://superuser.com/questions/287560/i-deleted-files-from-my-linux-boxs-boot-directory-and-now-it-wont-boot epic fail...20:12
AlanBellthen show me *all* the stuff in that category I have20:12
AlanBelland click here to see cool apps in this category available to download20:12
Psychobudgiewouldn't you rather see maybe 5 things you have and 5 things you don't?20:13
Psychobudgiewhen I typed that I felt more stupid doing so20:13
gordah you mean when you are poking your way through?20:13
gordrather than searching20:13
AlanBelllike a normal person would :)20:13
Psychobudgiepeople should do that more often, type something out and if it makes you feel stupid the idea is awful20:13
AlanBellit also means that you can't transition from the gnome menus20:15
AlanBellif it used to be applications-graphics-gimp it could easily have mapped to click the applications lens, click the graphics category, click the gimp20:17
AlanBellrather than click the lens, see random stuff, click more on the installed applications, stare at hundreds of unsorted icons looking for wilber20:17
BigRedSoh, so these categories aren't the ones from the gnome menu?20:18
AlanBellor for the clueful click the applications lens use the ugly grey menu to find graphics, wonder why it isn't there, end up installing something else from the software centre that looks neat20:18
gordthey are20:18
AlanBellthe categories by default are frequently used applications, installed applications and stuff to download20:19
AlanBell(from memory, I have broken my compiz right now)20:19
BigRedSI thought of "graphics" and "internet" and "office" as categories20:20
AlanBellme too, you don't see them20:20
AlanBellthey are hidden in a dropdown menu that doesn't look like a dropdown menu20:20
BigRedSand it's long puzzled me that, say, evolution's in office but not internet. or vice versa, whichever it is20:20
MartijnVdSit's also the crashiest piece of software in the default install20:21
BigRedSwell, yeah20:21
hamitronunity is good for all of us....20:21
BigRedSevolution's always been shipped by default and used by nobody20:21
gordi use evolution20:22
hamitronif we make it so nobody else switches to the OS, nobody will bother trying to exploit it with virus, so it makes us safe20:22
gordmost people i know use evolution20:22
MartijnVdSgord: are they made to?20:22
PsychobudgieIn order to make unity usable for me I have to uninstall scrollbar overlays and global menus20:22
gordevolution is fine20:22
BigRedSdon't you ever find that there's better things to be doing than arguing with a jumped up mail client, though?20:22
Psychobudgieevolution is good, far better than thunderbird20:23
BigRedSactually, that said, there's a guy at work who uses evolution20:23
BigRedSit does seem to work these days20:23
Psychobudgieworks well here20:23
* hamitron is having problems with seamonkey atm20:23
BigRedSmaybe it's just gained such a horrible reputation that most people wont touch it just based on past experience20:23
gordevolution got imap+ support in the maverick cycle, made it 20x better20:23
gordhum. i enabled a feature on my laptop, makes the laptop suspend when the camera can't detect any faces. that was very very annoying20:24
gordit also has something called "airbag protection" - which as far as i can tell is designed to detect shocks to stop the hard-drive getting hurt. seems like if your detecting a shock you are already too late20:27
BigRedSyeah, that works on the grounds that large shocks are preceeded by smaller ones IIRC20:28
AlanBellthere are some that detect zero G and assume they are falling and park the heads before they land20:28
gordahh that would make sense20:28
AlanBellI had a thinkpad which did not successfully do that20:29
Psychobudgienot necessarily, used to run tandon packs back in  the 80's which had HD's wrapped in what could best be described as shock absorbers. You could drop one of those things off a third story window onto concrete20:29
gordi'll just get an SSD sometime, not now. because i like spending money on food, but in the future20:29
AlanBellapparently the coffee table was too low20:29
gordnoted: if i'm gonna drop this thinkpad. drop it out of a 4 story building20:29
Psychobudgie3 story20:29
PsychobudgieI won't guarantee for 420:29
ali1234the thinkpad accelerometer doesn't work in linux unless you install a special bit of software20:34
ali1234actually same goes for windows but it comes preinstalled20:34
jacobwtht's pretty clever stuff20:42
popeyevening all21:07
bigcalmHowdy popey21:07
bigcalmI need to suggest some plugin sharing services to a client. So far on my list are sharethis.com and addthis.com. Anybody have any other suggestions?21:08
jacobwcool tech stuff on bbc2 now21:12
* AlanBell returns from farnborough with another 17 inch monitor21:16
dwatkinsI bought a CRT-based machine at the weekend21:16
* popey checks all his monitors are still intact21:16
gordthe monitor thief strikes again!21:16
AlanBellany monitor thief coming round to my house had better bring a transit21:17
gordthey are at least LCD's right? would hate to think your being cluttered up with CRTs21:17
dwatkinsI don't mind a bit of clutter if it's an old iMac.21:18
dwatkinsanyhoo, off ot get keys, toodleoo21:18
AlanBellgord: LCDs, I bid on three on ebay in the hope that I would get one21:23
daubersList is bust these past few days21:36
jacobwas long as it doesn't need a bailout :p21:40
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Community Team Plans For Oneiric - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/05/23/community-team-plans-for-oneiric/22:25
Azelphurjust secured a $1.50/CPM advertising deal for my game servers :D22:40
Azelphurprofitable game servers are now profitable22:40
Azelphurbigcalm: thousand hits22:43
bigcalmI see22:43
bigcalmViews or clicks?22:43
Azelphurindeed :D22:43
Azelphurthey came to me too, emailed me and asked politely for advertising space haha22:43
AzelphurI get 150-200k hits a month, so it's decent22:44
ujjainis compliment not a british word?23:35
bigcalmujjain: it is23:37
ujjainbigcalm: ah k23:37
dogmatic69_could anyone tell me what (if any) is an advantage of running my OS on a RAID23:39
dogmatic69_eg 2x (or 4x) 32gig SSD's23:39
AlanBelldogmatic69_: there are different types of RAID23:40
dogmatic69_and also different drives for ~/ vs one big one for everything23:40
dogmatic69_RAID5 would be 4x23:40
dogmatic69_or RAID1? for 2x23:40
dogmatic69_i know the basics like RAID5 gives me 3x smallest drive and one can die23:41
AlanBell2 disks you can do mirroring (sensible), or striping (dangerous performance hack)23:41
AlanBellraid5 is a decent option if you have enough disks (preferably matched disks)23:42
dogmatic69_i would be looking to get a bit faster, im thinking with a RAID this is true23:42
AlanBellit can be a fraction faster, but with a bit of processor overhead23:42
dogmatic69_ah ok23:43
dogmatic69_so the main (only) advantage is the thing not randomly ding23:43
dogmatic69_does ubuntu do one of them fancy custom RAID setups?23:44
dogmatic69_been playing with one of these and it seems pretty good compared to normal raid http://www.synology.com/us/products/features/RAID.php23:45
BigRedSistr md's not in the livecd23:57
BigRedSso you need to apt-get it, then you can install to raid23:57
BigRedS(sw raid)23:57

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