
zillahhi all15:36
zillahhow's it going this morning?15:38
kwadrokeit's going ok, I suppose15:39
kwadrokefor a monday anyway15:39
zillahlol i know the feeling15:39
kwadrokehow's it going with you?15:39
zillahnot too bad, i need to be getting some work done, but having a hard time waking up this morning.  feel more like playing than working15:42
kwadrokesame here15:42
zillahi'm trying to make shairplay work on ubuntu server  :)15:44
zillahdoubleb and i got it running on macOS the other night, but having problems with ubuntu15:44
kwadrokehaven't heard of that till now15:45
kwadrokebut I'm trying to move away from apple products15:45
zillahi've always been a freebsd guy until recently...i can't help myself, i like macos and don't even know why15:47
zillahi guess it's like freebsd with a much better gui and a lot better software support15:48
Ahmuckgive me a link, and i can prolly get it working in under an hour15:49
zillahi keep getting RSA.xs:178: OpenSSL error: no start line at ./shairport.pl line 89.15:49
zillahi tried upgrading Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA but that didn't help15:50
Ahmuck a link to the software15:54
zillahto shairport?15:56
Ahmuckis Apple seriously locking down speakers now?15:58
zillahyep, isn't that awesome15:58
zillahreally makes me want to get everything back on linux15:59
Ahmuckp   libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl                                                - Perl module providing basic RSA functionality16:04
Ahmucksudo aptitude search install libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl16:04
zillahlibcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl is already the newest version.16:05
zillah0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 32 not upgraded.16:05
zillahah, i had an old version16:14
zillahnow all i get is Can't exec "avahi-publish-service": No such file or directory at shairport.pl line 87.16:15
zillahso maybe my avahi-daemon.config needs to be fixed, i dunno16:19
Ahmuckwhat avahi stuff do you have installed?16:27
Ahmucki   avahi-autoipd                                                            - Avahi IPv4LL network address configuration daemon16:29
Ahmucki   avahi-daemon                                                             - Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon16:30
Ahmucki   avahi-utils                                                              - Avahi browsing, publishing and discovery utilities16:30
Ahmucki   libavahi-client3                                                         - Avahi client library16:30
Ahmucki   libavahi-common-data                                                     - Avahi common data files16:30
Ahmucki   libavahi-common3                                                         - Avahi common library16:30
Ahmucki   libavahi-core7                                                           - Avahi's embeddable mDNS/DNS-SD library16:30
Ahmucki   libavahi-glib1                                                           - Avahi glib integration library16:30
Ahmucki   libavahi-gobject0                                                        - Avahi GObject library16:30
zillahroot@ubuntu:/home/mitchell/shairport-0.05# dpkg -l |grep avahi16:31
zillahii  avahi-daemon                              0.6.23-4ubuntu4.1                 Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon16:31
zillahii  libavahi-client3                          0.6.23-4ubuntu4.1                 Avahi client library16:31
zillahii  libavahi-common-data                      0.6.23-4ubuntu4.1                 Avahi common data files16:31
zillahii  libavahi-common3                          0.6.23-4ubuntu4.1                 Avahi common library16:31
zillahii  libavahi-core5                            0.6.23-4ubuntu4.1                 Avahi's embeddable mDNS/DNS-SD library16:31
zillahii  libavahi-glib1                            0.6.23-4ubuntu4.1                 Avahi glib integration library16:31
Ahmucki   libavahi-ui0                                                             - Avahi GTK+ User interface library16:31
Ahmucki   python-avahi                                                             - Python utility package for Avahi16:31
Ahmucksuu need libavahi-core716:32
Ahmuckwhat ubuntu version r u using?16:33
Ahmuckah, nm16:37
Ahmucki'm using 11.0416:37
Ahmuckwhy so far back?16:37
Ahmuck9.04 is not listed in repos because it had security issues16:39
Ahmuck9.10 is about to fall out of support iirc16:39
Ahmuckand 10.04 is the latest Long Term Support release16:39
zillahlol i haven't upgraded much because it always breaks vmware16:39
Ahmuckur using VMWare for server VM machines?16:40
zillahand i haven't wanted to recomplie vmware because it seems i have a perpetual free license for vmware infrastructure :)16:40
zillahi have a server 2008 virtual machine i use as a backup domain controller16:41
zillahi installed avahi-utils and now i get Avahi publishing failed! Do you have avahi-publish-service on your PATH? at shairport.pl line 65, <DATA> line 23.16:41
Ahmucku upgrade to libavahi-core7?16:42
Ahmuckthat service is directly releated to mDNS.  u know how to check to see what services are running?16:43
zillahi tried apt-get install libavahi-core7 and get "not found"16:43
zillahother than ps | grep "service"...no16:44
Ahmucksudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf16:45
zillahah...service --status-all i guess16:45
zillahwhat's the sysv rc.conf for?16:46
zillahi don't see anything about mdns16:46
Ahmuck[05/23/11 10:30] <Ahmuck> i   avahi-daemon                                                             - Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon16:47
zillahah, duh lol16:47
Ahmucksysv.rc.conf is for those command line challanged people16:47
Ahmuckbut i see u can grep, so u prolly don't need it16:48
zillahi only have command line  :)16:48
Ahmuckwell, sysv-rc.conf is a term app16:48
Ahmuckso, ur service isn't started.  u know how to start/stop a service, to see if it's started, etc.16:49
zillahroot@ubuntu:/home/mitchell/shairport-0.05# ps aux|grep avahi16:50
zillahavahi     9747  0.0  0.0  31896  1672 pts/1    S    10:42   0:00 avahi-daemon: running [ubuntu.local]16:50
zillahavahi     9748  0.0  0.0  31764   532 ?        Ss   10:42   0:00 avahi-daemon: chroot helper16:50
zillahi restarted it just to see if that would help, no luck16:52
Ahmuckwhat's line 87 say16:52
zillahjoin('', map { sprintf "%02X", $_ } @hw_addr) . "\@$apname",16:53
Ahmuckk, u have avahi-utils installed?16:54
zillahok, on 46, is that his output from diff?16:59
zillahi'm scp'ing it over17:03
zillahtoo bad github is not lynx/wget friendly17:03
Ahmucksorry, no idea17:04
zillahroot@ubuntu:/home/mitchell/albertz-shairport-d105570# ./shairport17:05
zillahLogLevel: 117:05
zillahAirName: ShairPort17:05
zillahHWID: <79-A17:05
zillahHWID_Hex(12): 003C37392D4117:05
zillahEstablished under name '003C37392D41@ShairPort'17:05
zillahi guess it works?17:05
zillahi can't see it from any devices though, i wonder if the firewall is blocking it17:07
zillahi hate iptables  :(17:12
zillahi think i'm having an issue with ipv6 maybe i dunno17:23
Ahmuckhttp://www.thisamericanlife.org/play_full.php?play=419 - wow, ouch17:25
zillahhmmm, my server won't reboot17:35
Ahmuckoh, not good17:40
zillahwow that was fun18:13
Ahmuckget it fixed?18:16
Ahmucki assume18:16
zillahi think ipv6 is messing it up, but i can't disable ipv618:17
zillahi think shairport is only listening on ipv618:18
zillahi see tcp6       0      0 [::]:5000               [::]:*                  LISTEN18:22
zillahbut no *:5000 for ipv418:23
Ahmuckimplement ipv618:24
Ahmuckon the server, ipv4 to ipv618:24
Ahmucki'll have to touch base with you a bit later.  have to see a customer.18:30
r2d2rogersHowdy Ahmuck22:35

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