
funnylookinhatHeyo - anyone here know how I could append an echo to a bunch of files all at once ... i.e. echo "whatever" >> *.txt    ???  apparently ambiguous redirects are a no-go.  :D22:35
joeyfunnylookinhat: xargs might work23:33
joeyfunnylookinhat: e.g.   ls *somefiles* | xargs echo "*whatever*23:34
joeyfunnylookinhat: e.g.   ls *somefiles* | xargs echo "*whatever*  >>23:34
funnylookinhatjoey, figured it out with tee  :)23:36
funnylookinhatecho "whatever" | tee -a *.txt23:36
funnylookinhatI had no idea tee existed...23:36
joeyah tee!23:37
joeyyes that will work too23:37

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