
snap-lI wish I had a bluetooth-controlled IR emitter in my living room02:41
snap-lso I wouldn't have to get up to turn the stereo off.02:41
snap-l<- lazy.02:42
snap-lGetting some T-Storms here04:11
snap-lhttp://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/hhef3/in_which_zed_encounters_a_small_snag_with_fossil/ <- why do I feel like Hg is a great way to occasionally lose your work?04:36
snap-lhttp://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/hhef3/in_which_zed_encounters_a_small_snag_with_fossil/c1vg3nh <- Heh04:43
snap-lGood morning12:15
rick_h__ugh, here comes a case of the mondays12:24
brouschmessed up my back doing yardwork. i hate meatspace12:37
rick_h__yea, busted butt to try to get lawn done before the rain12:37
rick_h__after doing basement cleaning/reorg12:37
rick_h__and paying for it this morning for sure12:37
snap-llelectrician is here early12:46
snap-lso going to power down12:47
greg-g lots of ugh this morning13:04
rick_h__heh, definitely13:05
_stink_so if i'm in a manic state of happiness i should keep it to myself?13:14
rick_h___stink_: hah, naw, need to raise the rest of us up13:15
rick_h__do share :P13:15
brouschhe's such a tease13:17
_stink_oh, i'm not.  that was strictly hypothetical :P13:18
rick_h__crap, now you got our hopes all up for some sunshine and crushed us more13:19
brouschas long as one person was happy, i was ok with the world. now i'm gonna jump off a bridge13:19
_stink_yeah, i have that effect on people13:20
brouschman, joplin got flattened13:31
snap-lThat was fun14:32
rick_h__I think we need a coffee run14:32
snap-lThe electrician was early. Threw off the entire morning14:35
snap-lWas supposed to be here at 8am. Was here at 7:40am14:36
greg-gin the morning, 20 minutes *is* a huge deal. that can make or break a mood14:37
snap-lOh, I got a headbutt to the lips this morning instead of a kiss from JoDee14:38
greg-gthat's an odd electrician14:39
snap-lI meant JoDee wasn't in a very happy mood14:39
snap-lShe was already being rushed for 8am, and 7:40am was too much14:39
* greg-g nods14:40
rick_h__see, no if _stink_ has been all sharing the happy, he could have helped fix this, now it's more ugh14:54
snap-lOk, it's all his fault is it?14:54
rick_h__FF5, here we go FF turns into chrome14:54
rick_h__(which is all good except now we have a FF extension to worry about ugh)14:54
rick_h__some michigan love15:11
* rick_h__ checks ohio for 4g coverage15:16
snap-lI am downloading Lady Gaga's latest album, only becasue a) It's .99 on Amazon, and b) I think I still have a $1 credit at Amazon for a MP3 purchase.15:16
rick_h__mmmm, 4g could be cool for covering pyohio and OLF15:17
rick_h__could probably stream some ustream, etc15:17
snap-lThat would be cool15:18
rick_h__yea, we're still thinking of getting a table for OLF right?15:18
rick_h__I've not heard about that stuff opening up yet15:18
snap-lWow, people are tearing into Amazon because this album isn't downloading for them15:18
snap-lrick_h__: YEah, that's what I was thinking15:19
snap-lI'm a little worried about PyOhio. Haven't heard a peep15:19
snap-lre: registration / hotel / etc.15:19
snap-lJust request for talks.15:19
rick_h__hmmm, yea I should email them shortly. I see some sponsorses listed and a category called "media sponsors"15:20
rick_h__but don't see a price category for that15:20
rick_h__vs OSS/.org15:20
rick_h__why do they keep trying to mess up a good thing? http://techcrunch.com/2011/05/23/kobo-introduces-new-touchscreen-e-reader-drops-original-model-to-99/15:48
rick_h__I do not want to touch my e-reader kthx15:49
snap-lThanks, Amazon for completely fucking me.16:40
snap-l.amz file only downloaded a handful of the tracks16:41
rick_h__joining the angry crowd?16:41
snap-lYes, but rather than passive-aggressive in the review section, I'm going to do something about it16:41
snap-lApparently they're having growing problems with the cloud downloads16:47
snap-lmiro changed their landing page17:12
snap-llooks like it now has ads17:12
rick_h__and another service grows up17:12
snap-lMight have to dust off piddlepodder if it gets too obtrusive. ;)17:17
snap-lWho keeps changing the damn internet on me.17:18
snap-lSTOP IT!17:18
rick_h__yea, tell me about it17:18
snap-lI'm going to start up a twitter account called 2010 Linux User. ;)17:19
wolfgerwhat's got snap-l's goat today?17:34
snap-lAmazon MP3 store screwed up17:37
wolfgerYou were trying to download the new Lady Gaga album for 99 cents, weren't you?17:43
wolfgerI know that's what I'm doing when I get home...17:43
jrwrenrick_h__: recommend an AMI for use on EC2 with LAMP18:41
rick_h__one that's lamp prepped?18:41
rick_h__or just want to run a lamp server?18:41
rick_h__I'd just do an ubuntu micro ami to start out and setup from there18:41
rick_h__I don't know of any with lamp pre-installed/config18:41
jrwrentaht is waht I said, but these guys spun their wheels for an hour or two thinking there was some AMI out there that would save them from teh apt-get install libapache2-php5...18:42
rick_h__it's like two commands to setup php on ubuntu :/18:42
rick_h__sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server mysql-client phpmyadmin libapache2-mod-php518:43
rick_h__oh, missed php5-mysql18:44
rick_h__haven't done a php server in a while18:44
brouschdoes server version allow to install it at install time?18:44
brouscha little check box18:44
rick_h__well an AMI is pre-setup and doens't go through the install process18:45
rick_h__so you don't hit that on an EC2 box18:45
rick_h__I'm sure someone has an AMI with that prepped up, but doesn't seem worth the time18:45
krondorwouldn't you just build out an instance how you like then save it off as an ami for other ones if you don't like typing apt-get install foo18:45
rick_h__well what you should do is script that18:45
rick_h__so that when you want to setup a new box, you'd run the script18:46
jrwrenyou could, but if you are only building one EC2 instance, you need not.18:46
rick_h__and be able to spin up new instances, etc18:46
greg-gman I hate slurpers18:46
rick_h__blog slurping?18:46
greg-gpeople who slurp their can of soda constantly18:46
rick_h__oh, lol18:46
rick_h__didn't see that coming18:46
jrwrenwhat if it is coffee or tea?18:46
rick_h__greg-g: bring them an empty glass18:46
greg-gall slurping is annoying, unless you are trying to drink something really hot, then it is only acceptable the first 2 times, after that, wait, or blow on it18:47
rick_h__quoteth greg-g: "after that...blow on it"18:47
jrwrengreg-g: slurp rules! I agree on these slurp rules.  post 'em to the ubuntu loco wiki18:47
brouschquote of the day18:47
greg-gglad my misery is funny18:48
rick_h__come on, smiling helps make people less annoying18:49
rick_h__that and shooting them...but we're a bit far away for the second option18:49
greg-gwe're closer than you think18:50
snap-lI think there was an old usenet command called slurp18:51
snap-lso I had to re-read that to get the gist. :)18:52
wolfgergreg-g: what about 7-11 Slurpees?18:59
greg-gdo not slurp a slurpee19:00
wolfgerbut... it's in the name!19:00
wolfgerit's practically required by definition19:01
wolfgerthey're not called Sipees19:01
greg-gwolfger: yeah, well.... seatbelts are not called safety restraint devices because they're unsafe!  :P19:04
rick_h__oh crap, boom goes the Monday19:04
rick_h__greg-g: with the beat down19:04
greg-gtake note, this is the greg you get if you slurp in his presence19:05
wolfgerSeatbelts are called seatbelts. Because they are belts. Attached to your seat.19:05
greg-germ, I meant safety belt, which they are also called19:06
wolfgerthe sign on the dashboard does not say "fasten your safety belt" :-p19:06
* wolfger suddenly gets a desire to find a way to slurp over IRC....19:07
jrwrenslurp is a nntp binary downloader right?  so you can snag 0-day movies from the usetnets.19:07
rick_h__ok, I'm done then19:11
wolfger"Shoulder belt (lap)"???19:11
wolfgerThey need Human Anatomy 10119:11
wolfgerthe shoulder is not located in or near the lap19:12
rick_h__just saying, that the dot.gov, nhtsa ...seem like some reasonable places to get 'terminology' from19:12
wolfger2carpros is a lousy place, though (apparantly)19:14
rick_h__well that one came up first, but yea...I figured I'd better get more authoratative before I got feedback19:15
rick_h__was originally looking for a sign that said safety belt19:15
rick_h__but most signs are just pictures of belts locking19:15
wolfgerwhat a timely discussion, since this weekend is the start of The Semi-annual Seatbelt Law Enforcement Week19:15
rick_h__greg-g: is sneaky like that19:15
wolfgerone of 2 (arguably 3) weeks per year that law enforcement really cares if you wear it or not19:16
rick_h__well, I think that I've got a few friends that would disagree19:17
rick_h__though I admit mostly they were stopped for reason X and the SB got added on for good measure19:17
greg-goops, I didn't *really* mean to get this conversation going ;)19:17
rick_h__but I'd hardly say 'really cares' only occurs during that limited time19:17
brouschgreg-g: you troll, you pay the consequences19:18
rick_h__I've missed them all so far, and I'm running out of steam...19:18
greg-gbrousch: touche19:18
wolfgerand for my part, I've been pulled over twice for reason x while not wearing a belt, and not been ticketed for non-compliance with the belt... Just lucky I guess.19:18
* greg-g grumbles of the mighigan.gov urls19:19
krondormichgan seatbelt rate is > 95% you can't get 5 percent of people to do anything, seems like a waste to focus so heavily on the last few percent right..19:19
wolfgerbut there's only 2 or 3 weeks a year where they will actually pull people over specifically to issue seatbelt tickets19:19
rick_h__meh, we've got crap like national donut day19:19
wolfgerthe rest of the time, there's some other reason, and they pile on19:19
rick_h__nothing wrong with a little theme events once in a while19:19
brouschwe do? when is that?!19:19
wolfgerbrousch: there's a "19:20
rick_h__(I just threw that out there, but you just know it had to exist)19:20
krondorI thought that was the point of fat tuesday19:20
wolfger"National X Day" for virtually any X you can come up with19:20
rick_h__krondor: no, that's specific to the puncki thing right?19:20
krondoryes the superior donut19:20
rick_h__anyway, that's my point. It's like a company saying it's "quality week"19:20
brouschoh man, national donut day is coming up soon19:20
brouschfirst friday of ju ne19:21
rick_h__all entities setup themes19:21
krondoryeah but they also pump ad money into click it or ticket campaigns.. that's the waste I guess or 'seatbelt enforcement zones' rather then doing the normal police work.  I bet there's OT opportunities too19:21
* krondor wears his seatbelt always, but is annoyed anyway19:21
wolfgerwhat I want to know is, how do they determine there was "a dip" in seatbelt use?19:22
rick_h__krondor: true, but it's also a general reminder and somewhat friendly face of public law enforcement19:23
brouschthey could look at accidents19:23
rick_h__"hey, we're looking out for you, we're protecting"...19:23
wolfgerI think what they really mean is "more people who dislike seatbelts got into accidents last year than the year before"19:23
rick_h__hah, this coderwall thing is brilliant19:23
rick_h__" During our beta we can only handle so many new accounts (due to API throttle limits and all). The current demand has us a little backlogged. Your expected wait time is currently 5 days in this queue. We'll email you as soon as your wall is ready."19:23
brouschjune 3, national donut day 2011, is on my calendar now. thanks rick_h__19:23
rick_h__"Cut in line and get your wall within the next 2 hours by clicking  or tweeting your page"19:23
wolfgeralso, if that's how they record seatbelt use, it's all a lie anyway19:23
rick_h__so doesn't auto tweet, but encourages me to do so, or else wait 5 days in the queue19:24
wolfgerI'm 0 for 3 on wearing seatbelts in accidents, but 3 for 3 according to police reports19:24
wolfgerbecause, I'd be stupid to admit to breaking the law now, wouldn't I?19:24
rick_h__wait, you've had 3 accidents/19:25
brouschso you're a liar and a seatbelt non-cnformist? i don't know which is worse19:25
rick_h__even my sucky driver wife has only had 119:25
rick_h__he's an accident prone crazy person is what it sounds like19:25
wolfgerWell, more than that. I've had 3 since the law went into effect19:25
* brousch files that quote from rick_h__ away for future use19:25
wolfgerOf those 3, I was a passenger in one.19:26
rick_h__ok, thanks. I've lost all interest in this discussion because it's not even intelligent any more, back to work19:26
wolfgerI'm wondering which part made the discussion unintelligent... the part where rick_h__ assumed I was a sucky driver without knowing if I was even behind the wheel (much less at-fault), or the part where.... well, I'm not sure19:28
brouschhave any of you used gnome3 shell?19:28
wolfgerthanks, greg-g.... see what trouble you cause? :-)19:29
wolfgerTime to flee work.  Have a good non-slurp-filled day.19:31
snap-lbrousch: Not recently.19:33
jcastro""Unity" which is the most un-unix-like GUI I've ever seen."19:59
jcastroWOO HOO!19:59
jrwreni don't even know what a "unix-like GUI" means. I've read some of the UNIX and POSIX spec. I don't recall anything about GUI in there.20:39
jrwrenif there was anything about GUI in there, it was xlib.20:39
jrwrenunity is definitely built on xlib :)20:39
snap-ljrwren: You know what un-unix-like means in this instance?22:08
snap-ljrwren: It means that the poster doesn't think it meets whatever lofty UNIX plateau they think GNOME / KDE achieved.22:08
snap-lI wonder what they think of the Macintosh GUI, since that's UNIX-based. ;)22:09
jrwrenexactly, but said poster is a fool :)22:15
jrwrenor at least very ignornat.22:15
jrwrenpardon my spelling22:15
snap-lNot absolving, just acknowledging. ;)22:15
snap-lPersonally, the only UNIX gui looks a little something like this:22:16
krondors/\$/#/ until sudo that was22:25

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