
JonathanDhello Sadin00:07
Sadinhi JonathanD00:07
Sadini thought id join since i live in PA too00:07
Sadineven though im not an adult lol00:07
SadinSo what do you do?00:10
JonathanDI'm the sysadmin for a small finance co, myself.00:10
SadinOh wow that counds cool00:11
Sadinim a Web developer and i also enjoy using photoshop :)00:11
JonathanDI don't do anything for ubuntu, exactly, but I do organize events in the area.00:12
Sadinill be graduating 10th grade this year :)00:12
Sadinoh what are the different types of events again00:12
JonathanDfor ubuntu or in general?00:13
JonathanDThere are loco meetings, I'm not sure when the next one is... thats an ubuntu thing.00:13
JonathanDWhere in PA, generally?00:13
Sadinim by Reading00:13
JonathanDtheres quite a bit of "tech stuff" in and around philly00:14
Sadinoh cool00:14
Sadindoubt ill be able to go till im 18 and have my license :)00:14
Sadinwhere are you from?00:14
JonathanDPhilly area.00:15
Sadinyeah im about an hour from philly00:16
Sadinjust finished my 3rd ubuntu install :)00:16
ChinnoDogReading.. mmm, Chipotle. I wish I had a burrito.00:20
jedijfChinnoDog's gonna do an Ubuntu Hour near Sadin soon; just to prove his parents' correct00:21
jedijfor her....00:21
ChinnoDogjedijf: What are you trying to say?00:21
jedijfChinnoDog: trying to get an 'out there' ubuntu hour, and i guess parents should think that, but attend and see we're mostly norma;00:22
jedijfnormal too00:22
Sadindoes anyone know why my ubuntu 11.04 install is not wanting to use duel moniters correctly00:22
jedijfor call the police; whatever motivates them00:22
ChinnoDogThat doesn't happen /every/ time. hehe.00:22
jedijfSadin: i guess the place to start would be your video card; lspci and see what card; then google00:23
rmg51it just has to happen once :P00:23
Sadinjedijf what do i need the driver?00:24
ChinnoDogSadin: be sure you run an update before you start debugging. Video problem could already be fixed.00:24
Sadinyeah i forgot to sudo apt-get update00:24
ChinnoDogThat is what usually happens after release. Many problems fixed in first two weeks but you don't get the patches until you update.00:24
Sadincan i get anyones opinion on this besides its bad quality http://zachsnyder.deviantart.com/#/d3gz1vh00:25
PennBotTitle: ZachSnyder on deviantART (at zachsnyder.deviantart.com)00:25
Sadinyeah i forgot lol00:25
ChinnoDogDon't forget about guidelines if you want to use it: http://design.canonical.com/the-toolkit/ubuntu-brand-guidelines/00:27
PennBotTitle: Ubuntu Brand Guidelines « Canonical Design (at design.canonical.com)00:27
ChinnoDogYour graphic needs to be antialiased.00:27
SadinChinnoDog alright it also looked better in gimp because i didnt realise but at the time it was being viewed in gimp at 66% zoom00:31
Sadinnope duel moniters arent working even after update...00:33
Sadinthey work but my background gets all screwed up00:33
ChinnoDogAnd restarting? peeps plz don't lynch me. If you installed new kernel you need to restart. If you installed new driver you need to restart X.00:34
Sadini restarted00:34
Sadinill try restarting again but00:34
Sadini did already :/00:34
ChinnoDogNo, you don't need to restart again00:34
ChinnoDogBack to what jedijf was saying. Time to check video driver problems.00:35
ChinnoDogBut, you said they work aside from the background?00:35
ChinnoDogThen it probably isn't a video driver problem.00:35
jedijfSadin: explain background00:36
Sadinits all white lines and black lines00:36
Sadinand fuzzy and staty00:36
Sadinbut the side panel and top panel appear just fine00:36
Sadinand now my second moniter just shut off on its own and reverted to single moniters00:37
Sadinugh its all weird now when i drag a window it looks like its cloning it00:38
jedijfSadin: i would log out, log back in to a gnome classic seesion(no effects) and see what it looks like00:39
Sadinalright trying that now00:39
Sadinwow this looks just like the 10.10 distro00:41
Sadinand its actually working00:41
jedijfok, just wanted to remove the unity variable00:42
jedijfSadin: now to troubleshooting00:42
jedijfSadin: lspci00:42
Sadinwhats that?00:42
jedijfthat command will list your pci devices;00:43
jedijfyou will need your video card info to google; someone else probably has experienced and solved00:43
jedijfgoogle your card, and unity and dual monitors00:44
Sadinok i am now00:44
pleia2Sadin: can you email the rss feed of your blog to lyz@ubuntu.com and I'll get it added when I have a chance00:45
pleia2(running to dinner now)00:45
Sadinyeah sure :00:45
jedijfpleia2: it may be time to give ChinnoDog some admin powers00:45
pleia2jedijf: indeed!00:45
jedijfand me too, since most of the previous admins are out of state00:46
jedijfand we seem to be here...even though ChinnoDog keeps threatening dc00:46
Sadinjedijf :/ all there are are forums of people yelling my problem... lol no fixes00:47
pleia2heh, yeah bts and lamalex are the other two00:48
pleia2maine and louisiana!00:48
Sadinmy card is reported to have unity and compiz issues...00:50
Sadinwhat do i do now...00:50
Sadinits not fixed its stilla reported bug :(00:50
ChinnoDogWhat kind of card do you have?00:50
SadinRadeon x30000:50
jedijfDual Screen wallpaper00:50
jedijfUbuntu 11.04 has a new option for displaying wallpaper, “Span”. Time to hit up your favorite site for images that work on dual monitor setups.00:50
jedijfSadin: try the span option, see if that fixes the unity wallpaper00:51
Sadinjedijf its not just the wallpaper00:51
Sadinwhen i move a window it looks like theres multiple copies of the window in a trail following wher i moved the window00:51
Sadinand they stay imprinted on the background00:52
* Sadin might just try arch linux for his desktop and leave ubuntu for laptop00:52
ChinnoDogThat just means it isn't redrawing00:54
Sadin:( well thats a bug00:54
Sadinunless i use ubuntu 10.1000:55
Sadinthat should work00:55
jedijfor you said gnome was working, so 11.04 with gnome00:56
Sadinwell how would i get it to use gnome by default00:56
jedijflogin window,00:59
rmg51System/Admin/Login Screen00:59
ChinnoDogThe burrito finally called loud enough. bbl00:59
SadinGuess i gotta use Gnome till a fix for unity comes out :P01:15
* rmg51 is going to wait until 11.10 comes out :-/01:20
jthanooh boy. one second01:56
jthanthere we go01:57
PennBothello andrew02:05
jthanI'm back in black02:05
andrewOh Really?02:06
andrewHow's jthan been?02:07
jthanDecent. I'm ready for summer02:07
andrewone more month02:07
jthanYeah. A long month02:07
jthanandrew: done anything exciting lately?02:15
andrewpassed the lead climbing test at PRG on Friday02:15
jthanWhat does that entail?02:15
andrewthe test?02:15
PennBotthe test is a separate thing, andrew02:15
jthanYeah - and what are the benefits of passing?02:15
andrewbenefits of passing: allowed to lead climb at PRG02:16
PennBotI guess Outside is pretty messy, but its mostly blowing around, jthan02:16
andrewjthan: They can't control outside02:17
jthan*shrug* I don't know what this lead climbing thing is you speak of :-P02:17
andrewPRG = philly rock gyms02:17
andrewjthan: lead climbing is where you take the rope up with you, instead of "top roping" where the rope starts anchored at the top02:18
jthanSo you just climb up with no safety?02:18
andrewno, you clip in as you go02:19
jthanI don't get the point02:20
andrewthere are often a number of routes that can't be climbed on a top rope02:21
jthanno wolfgame for you?02:21
andrewjthan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHes0dPSonE02:22
PennBotTitle: YouTube - Demonstration of Lead Climbing (at www.youtube.com)02:22
jthanFair enough.02:23
andrewlast night I managed the scoreboard for a roller derby match02:26
jthanHow'd that work out?02:26
andrewalways glad to be doing that safely behind a cinderblock wall from the action02:26
jthanHow's the cr-4802:27
jthanand how do you like 11.04?02:27
jthanHey corey__02:28
andrewThe CR-48 is heavily used when updating the scoreboard02:28
andrewhi corey__02:28
corey__so how is everyone?02:28
corey__thats good. how long have u guys used ubuntu02:29
jthan4 or 5 years here02:30
andrewI lost count02:30
corey__i think ive been using it on and off for about 3 years02:30
jthanI don't know.. first version I used was Feisty02:31
andrewwhat number was that?02:31
andrewnames have merged together02:31
andrewsounds like it02:31
andrewI've got a pressed 4.10 disc around here somewhere02:31
corey__i would use it 24/7 if i could get the .exe software to work with it that i use02:32
corey__i just d/l that but i play a game thats not compatable yet02:33
jthanWhich game?02:33
jthanWoW used to work rather flawlessly with wine02:33
corey__ive tries wine and crossover but i just cant get it02:33
jthanDoes it work somewhat?02:33
corey__i have the installer for wow on an external drive and when i try to install it through wine it tell me some kinf od error code saying its not allowed02:34
PennBotTitle: WineHQ - World of Warcraft 4.1.x (at appdb.winehq.org)02:35
jthanWhat graphics card are you using?02:35
corey__its a ati radeon 4670 1gb ddr302:36
corey__so wheres everyone from?02:39
andrewoutside of philly02:40
jthanBethlehem area02:40
corey__im close to williamsport\02:41
andrewAh, I'm quite familiar with that area02:43
jthanYa never gave me your two cents on 11.0402:44
PennBotme is going to this tomorrow: http://www.constructionjunction.org/pages/bigpour, andrew02:45
andrewI'm getting used to it. I made a post about some basic tweaks that I made to get started (see ahotw.com)02:46
* rmg51 is using Ubuntu Classic02:47
* jthan is too02:47
rmg51too many things broke :P02:47
jthanandrew: typo02:48
rmg51wireless doesn't work on this laptop02:48
corey__i didnt like the new desktop in 11.0402:48
andrewcorey__: then switch back to 'ubuntu classic'02:48
jthan"a few problems arouse"02:48
rmg51nvidia driver is active but not in use02:49
corey__i did thats what im using now02:49
andrewjthan: fixed02:51
jthanYou can thank me later02:51
andrewThanks for bringing up what 3+ weeks of readers didn't mention to me02:52
Sadinwow this wallpaper i made matches my theme perfectly02:54
jthanA kid I met this year at school wants to podcast with me02:54
jthanI don't know if I want to persue it02:55
PennBotTitle: ZachSnyder on deviantART (at zachsnyder.deviantart.com)02:55
Sadinmy wallpaper02:55
* rmg51 prefers pictures :-D02:56
=== jthan is now known as HaloReach
InHisNameSadin: did you get a HD to fix last nights troubles yet?03:02
=== HaloReach is now known as jthan
SadinNo :( no money to get a new one03:03
Sadincrap what email was i supposed to send my rss feed to so i could get added to the planet03:05
andrew19:45:03 < pleia2> Sadin: can you email the rss feed of your blog to lyz@ubuntu.com and I'll get it added when I have a chance03:08
jthanpleia2.... what an awesome woman03:08
Sadinthank YOU03:08
MutantTurkeygot my own VPS!03:16
MutantTurkeyonly like 10 bucks a month :)03:16
MutantTurkeyjust thought I would mention that.03:16
jthanWhere at?03:19
jthanI always like tektonic for $15/mo03:20
jthanthough it was nice when bts worked there :-P03:20
Sadini need to get Ruby and ruby on rails setup on my new natty install03:21
jthanWhat for?03:21
Sadincause i develop with ruby and Rails03:23
MutantTurkeyVPS forge03:29
MutantTurkeyjthan: some random guys from the UK, saw a reddit add, clicked thru, 10% off. like 20 bucks for 3 months03:30
jthando they manage dns?03:30
MutantTurkeynow i just need to actually use my website for something03:30
MutantTurkeyjthan: my domain hoster does.03:30
MutantTurkeyi have a static IP anyways.03:30
MutantTurkeyso not much to worry about03:31
MutantTurkeywhat should I do with my website?03:31
SadinMutantTurkey what development languages you know?03:33
MutantTurkeySadin: C03:34
MutantTurkeyC, C, and C03:34
MutantTurkeyjthan: I guess, I use twitter enough to micro manage my life a blog would be fruitless.03:34
jthanWhat else does one do with a website?03:34
jthanPlay around with PHP03:34
jthanyou can do some fun stuff with that.03:34
Sadin:D i know PHP03:34
Sadinand Ruby :D03:35
jthanI know HTML/CSS, PHP, C#, Bit of C/C++, and Python03:35
SadinPHP for the win03:35
SadinHTML/CSS too of course03:35
MutantTurkeyI mean, yeah I know PHP and HTML/CSS but those aren't development languages03:35
MutantTurkeyand damn anyone who thinks they are.03:35
jthanPHP is a development language in my eyes03:36
MutantTurkeyat this point.03:36
MutantTurkeyI am against applications being in the browser, and just generally against the whole cloud ideal.03:36
MutantTurkeybut I digress, I need to brainstorm03:36
MutantTurkeyWhat about using it for like some distributed computing project?03:36
jthanSuch as?03:37
MutantTurkeyno idea, I am on the wikipedia page right now.03:37
MutantTurkeyandrew: what would you use a website for.03:37
andrewthat's a pretty broad question03:37
MutantTurkeyand the answer needs to be broad also.03:37
andrewWhat would I use a website for? I use websites for reading my email, checking the news, viewing semi-live weather maps, watching movies, showing off my photos, etc03:38
MutantTurkeymaybe a bit to broad.03:39
MutantTurkeywhat would you use a website that YOU hosted for03:39
MutantTurkeywell, frankley pictures is a good idea.03:39
MutantTurkeynot frankey-ly03:39
jthanMutantTurkey: challenge yourself - make a page that is dynamic and has lots of self-updating content03:41
MutantTurkeyyeah, I hate that.03:42
MutantTurkeybecause It's bloat03:42
jthanBut can be entirely useful?03:42
MutantTurkeyI like static web pages.03:42
MutantTurkeyIndeed it can, but doing it for the sake of doing it becomes bloated.03:42
jthanYeah - sure. But it would be a good project?03:42
jthanYou don't have any better ideas, do you?03:43
MutantTurkeynot at all.03:43
MutantTurkeyNot at all.03:43
MutantTurkeyI have no ideas.03:43
MutantTurkeyDynamically generated content hrmmm.03:43
SadinMutantTurkey you gotta think of what you want people to do when they visit your site03:50
MutantTurkeywatch kittens jump on a black guys head while he freaks out.03:50
MutantTurkeywith random upbeat polka playing along03:51
SadinTry making a blog/contact site where users can post emails to you using a contact form simple enough...03:51
Sadinand lol03:51
jthanMake a message board03:51
Sadinoh im making an ubuntu background and id like to hear peoples opinions when im done03:51
MutantTurkeySadin: I would like to see03:52
MutantTurkeyalso, no point reinventing the wheel03:52
Sadinwhos reinventing the wheel03:54
Sadinit really isnt03:54
MutantTurkeymaking a blog, been done. making a site where users can contact through a form. done.03:54
Sadindiscussion board done03:54
Sadinlol what else is there the point is its yours your not reinventing the wheel if you make it your original style03:55
MutantTurkeyyeah I suppose.03:55
ChinnoDogI have too many computers04:45
ChinnoDogI need to start putting expiration dates on them or something04:45
Sadini need to re install xp on my desktop :(04:47
* Sadin cries04:47
ChinnoDogFind some app you can't live without?04:48
Sadinactually for schoolwork yes ;/04:48
ChinnoDogI'd offer you my old computer so you could harvest its hard drive but is probably about the same price to go to Microcenter and get a cheap hard drive.04:49
Sadinlink me to microcenter?04:49
ChinnoDogIf you can't run it under wine you can always dual boot or, if you have enough memory, run it in a virtual PC.04:49
Sadinnot enough memory04:50
PennBotTitle: Micro Center - Computers, Electronics, Computer Parts, Networking, Gaming, Software, and more! (at www.microcenter.com)04:50
ChinnoDogI don't think their unpackaged hard drives are on the site04:50
Sadini found a 25$ pata which would work fine04:51
ChinnoDogIf you want a hard disk you walk into the section with the hard drives and you will see open boxes of hard disks in antistatic bags. They are bulk drives, not individually boxed, cheaper than the others.04:51
Sadinim keeping Ubuntu on my laptop just not on my desktop04:51
ChinnoDogIf you use Synergy you can sit at your desktop with your laptop open and use both from one keyboard and mouse04:53
SadinD: ah so many things being throw at me what is that?04:55
Sadinoh ChinnoDog would you like to see the backgroun i made to match my current ubuntu theme04:56
ChinnoDogI saw it. B&W?04:57
Sadinthis? http://zachsnyder.deviantart.com/#/d3gzo1w04:57
PennBotTitle: ZachSnyder on deviantART (at zachsnyder.deviantart.com)04:57
ChinnoDogYes that one04:57
Sadinits got 14 downloads already and has only been up for an hour04:58
ChinnoDogSynergy is a console sharing program. It sends mouse movements and keyboard strokes over the network so you can control another computer04:58
ChinnoDogEach computer still has to have its own monitor(s) though04:58
Sadinsounds amazing04:59
ChinnoDogI use Synergy+, which is a fork of synergy that some peeps decided they would improve/mantain04:59
Sadinim theming ubuntu while XP re downloads04:59
ChinnoDogoh. I forgot, synergy+ merged back into the tree. http://synergy-foss.org/04:59
PennBotTitle: Welcome - Synergy (at synergy-foss.org)05:00
ChinnoDogI need a shower. bbiab05:00
Sadinim going to bed i feel sick05:25
Sadinnight evryone05:25
ChinnoDogI forgot to come back. oops06:32
ChinnoDogsheep counting time06:32
JonathanDGood day.10:54
rmg51it's Monday, what's so good about that? :P11:09
rmg51but anyhow.... morning JonathanD11:10
JonathanDMorning :)11:10
SamuraiAlbagood bacon to all!12:16
SamuraiAlbaI am now an official college student!  Classes start August 31st at Camden/Blackwood campus!12:16
SamuraiAlbaComputer Information Systems, Associate in Applied Science degree.  Two year course.  I'm gonna transfer to Rown at the end and go for my B.A.S.12:19
InHisNameGreat MONDAY morning to all of you out there.15:03
Sadin:O cool i can access freenode at school15:19
andrewfor up to 3 minutes15:23
InHisNameThen maybe have to wait for another period to get another 3 minutes15:26
InHisName@later tell SamuraiAlba here is a bacon picture for you to help celabrate getting school scheduled --> http://www.scalzi.com/cattapebacon2.jpg17:04
PennBotInHisName: The operation succeeded.17:04
waltmanthat's mean!18:20
InHisNameWhat is set up as default in windows box that I can probe ?    I tried ping, yes, ssh, telnet, ftp, rdp, shar folder, None of those.    Any other defaults besides ping ?19:05
jedijfInHisName: do you mean out of a windows box, or into a windows box...in windows you can netstat -a19:08
InHisNameI'm in a linux box and want to see what person has vulneralble on their windows box.  I have IP and pings so far.  Not stealthed.19:13
jedijfInHisName: nmap19:14
InHisNameSo some ports are open, so what defaults can I test for ?   (other ports)19:14
InHisNamethat takes a while to run ?19:15
InHisNameGave me a starting date/ time19:15
jedijfyes and read this: http://nmap.org/book/man.html19:16
PennBotTitle: Chapter 15. Nmap Reference Guide (at nmap.org)19:16
InHisNamefinished in 101 seconds19:17
InHisNameI guess he's somewhat safe ?   6 items found but all filtered not open.19:33
ChinnoDoghello Sadin21:54
Sadinhi ChinnoDog :)21:54
SadinChinnoDog: I updated my blog and theres a screenshot of my ubuntu laptop on there if you want to check it out21:56
PennBotTitle: Linux OS selection (at sparkz.exofire.net)21:56
ChinnoDogI see. Your background looks.. gritty21:59
SadinI really like it22:00
SadinFound it in one of my friends galleries in the minimal desktop customizers group on deviantart22:01
ChinnoDogYou could skin a knee on that background22:01
* Sadin is still looking for a hard drive while working on his chem project22:11
InHisNameSadin: you don't need much in a HD, how come none haven't fallen from the sky upon you, yet?22:19
InHisNameWhere do you live in PA?22:19
InHisNamearen't you near Reading ?22:19
SadinInHisName because im the only techy i know and i dont have a job still looking for one so i can pay for my car insurence22:19
Sadinim in Douglassville22:19
InHisNameClose to all of us in Philly end of state.  No one's offered to toss one your way?22:22
InHisNameJust need to know next turnip truck to send it on.....22:22
SadinChinnoDog said he would have but he didnt know i needed one so he got rid of em all the day before lol22:23
SadinIf you do send one i would be very grateful :)22:23
InHisNameAre there any turnip truck commuters going up and down 422 ?22:24
ChinnoDogNot the day before, a few weeks ago.22:24
InHisNameI have no job so no commuting at present.22:25
jedijfi was in limerick thurs & fri22:25
InHisNamejedijf: you coulda left one of those old lappys under a tree for Sadin to discover.22:26
jedijfSadin: in the evnt i have one, what size were you looking for?22:26
* jedijf thinks he has a few 6 gigs22:26
Sadini just need something small to load ubuntu server on for my desktop22:27
Sadin6gb would be more then plenty since its only going to hold basic HTML PHP and CSS files22:27
jedijfk, let me check office tomorrow, i pulled a few recently22:28
jedijfunlike ChinnoDog, i hoard tech22:28
ChinnoDogYea, I don't have time/space/money/energy to be a pack rat right now22:29
ChinnoDogLook, 40gb hard drive for $16.87 with free shipping: http://www.pcprogress.com/product.asp?m1=pw&pid=WL40ATA100-5422:29
PennBotTitle: PCPROGRESS.com (at www.pcprogress.com)22:29
ChinnoDogOh. This one is better. $17.35 with free shipping and it is a seagate. http://www.goharddrive.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=G01-0258&Click=4640622:31
PennBotTitle: Seagate U Series 5 AV ST340825A 40GB IDE 5400RPM 2MB cache Hard Drive Pull -w/ 1 year Warranty (at www.goharddrive.com)22:31
SadinSaving all money for a car my dads taking me to get my permit in a few days22:31
Sadin:D so excited22:31
SadinOh plus i need one thats Pata compatible if you have one jedijf22:32
ChinnoDogYou won't be finding 6gb hard drives that are sata.22:33
ChinnoDogIF you have a spare USB flash drive and your server will boot to USB you could install Ubuntu on there.22:33
ChinnoDogInstall onto btrfs with compression enabled and get a lot more space.22:34
SadinAlright well my only flashdrive is for school work :/ ive looked into that and believe me i would if i could22:35
ChinnoDog8gb flash drives are $13 after shipping on NewEgg.22:44
ChinnoDogActually you could run server on 4 comfortably I think. That is $8 after shipping.22:45
SadinThe bios wouldnt detect my flashdrive anyway :O22:49
Sadinbut thats a deal so im going to ask for one22:50
Sadinwhen i get the money im have my dad use his credit card22:50
ChinnoDogBut it won't help you with your server.22:50
Sadini guess ;/22:50
ChinnoDogMicrocenter appears to have them for same price22:52
ChinnoDogHow far are you from Microcenter? 30min?22:53
SadinAnyway i had a tower which it ran fine and then i stopped using it cause it was loud and noisy i decided to take it back out and reinstall server22:53
Sadinon it but it wouldnt detect the HD. Our town had its local yardsale 2 days ago so i bought a junker toer that only needed ram Powersupply and a HD22:53
Sadinwhich i had all of those so i swapped em all out and tried this new tower and it started up just fine... it detected the HD as its primary drive in the bios setup22:53
Sadinbut when i tried to run startup it said primary IDE not detected D:22:53
Sadinso its confusing me22:54
ChinnoDogexplain "run startup"22:54
Sadinbefore OS loads i hit F10 and it brought me into the configuration settings so i decided to check to see if it detected my HD unlike the other one and it said22:58
Sadinthe exact brand of the HD, PATA, and 40GB all correct info22:58
jedijfSadin: do you have an install cd? try booting with that and installing and seeing if the livecd 'sees' teh hd to install upon23:05
Sadinok i will later tonight i need to finish writing a chemistry report for Wednesday  :) haha ill make an ubuntu CD and try it. Even if i had startup order set to usb first23:06
Sadinthe system didnt see my ubuntu usb23:06
Sadinjust throwin that out there23:06

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