
vychunehey whos new bot?02:26
wrstvychune:  mine... its a stupid bot02:29
vychunewhat does it do?02:29
wrst.weather livingston tn02:31
testbot8570Cloudy, 80.6℉ (27℃), 29.95in (1011mb), Calm 0kt (↑) - KCHA 00:53Z02:31
wrst.google ubuntu02:31
wrst.g ubuntu02:31
testbot8570wrst: http://www.ubuntu.com/02:31
wrst.wik ubuntu02:32
testbot8570"Ubuntu (philosophy), an ethical concept of African origin" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu02:32
wrsttestbot8570: tell vychune hello02:32
testbot8570wrst: I'll pass that on when vychune is around.02:32
testbot8570vychune: 01:31Z <wrst> tell vychune hello02:32
wrstvychune:  that's more or less it :)02:32
wrsttestbot8570: !02:32
vychunecan you make me one?02:32
vychune.weather 3811602:33
testbot8570Scattered, 80.6℉ (27℃), 29.82in (1006mb), Gentle breeze 10kt (↑) - KMEM 00:53Z02:33
wrstvychune: http://inamidst.com/phenny/02:33
wrsttestbot8570: http://inamidst.com/phenny/02:33
vychunekick testbot857002:35
vychunejust wanted to see a response02:35
testbot8570Sun, 22 May 2011 20:35:33 CDT02:35
vychunetestbot8570: tell wrst hes a dork02:36
testbot8570vychune: I'll pass that on when wrst is around.02:36
testbot8570wrst: 01:36Z <vychune> tell wrst hes a dork02:36
wrsti know that vychune :)02:37
vychuneim having to much fun02:37
vychuneim having to much funhe would love this02:37
vychunecorrection: he would love this02:38
wrsti'm going to mess with itsome here soon02:41
vychuneoh i will too lol02:42
vychuneaw man i was just about to tell cyber something02:44
wrstgive it just a second :)02:44
vychunehey perfect it man its your project02:44
wrsthmm he isn't wanting to restart :\02:45
wrstha there it is02:47
wrstubuntu-tn-infobo: tell vychune hello02:47
vychuneand there it isnt lol02:48
wrstok leaving him alone for a while02:49
infobot-tnSun, 22 May 2011 20:49:20 CDT02:49
vychuneinfobot-tn: tell wrst leave ya alone02:50
infobot-tnvychune: I'll pass that on when wrst is around.02:50
wrstha ha02:50
infobot-tnwrst: 01:49Z <vychune> tell wrst leave ya alone02:50
vychunei hate PC troubleshooting at home w/ mom02:53
wrstwhat's wrong with it?02:55
wrst.weather 3857002:58
infobot-tnCloudy, 21℃, 1016mb, Gentle breeze 8kt (↑) - GCTS 01:30Z02:58
vychunenot the computer. my mom02:59
vychuneeverytime i do it she makes computer reference for my smarts03:00
wrstha ha03:04
=== vychune_ is now known as vychune
orangeninjayou up cyberanger ?04:49
cyberangerhey orangeninja06:26
orangeninjasorry I missed you i was on another screen..../06:45
cyberangerwhat's up06:54
wrst.weather Livingston TN11:31
infobot-tnCloudy, 66.2℉ (19℃), 30.00in (1013mb), Mist, Light air 3kt (↑) - KCHA, 09:53Z11:31
cyberangerwrst: ... with a 100% chance of linux11:59
cyberangerwrst: just hate the weather out west12:36
cyberangerenough damage from tornados already, then that12:37
wrstbad weather on the way cyberanger12:46
* wrst just heard abotu MO12:47
cyberangerfor me seems unlikly12:47
cyberangermaybe a stray drop at worst12:47
cyberangeryou however, oh boy12:47
cyberangeryou've got something brewing, and it's not the coffee12:49
wrstahh must be staying to the north cyberanger12:52
* wrst needs to look at a radar12:52
cyberangerwrst: yep, some is hitting dunlap, that's fringe12:53
cyberangerstraight east12:53
cyberangergreat deal in nashville already based on Radar12:54
cyberangeryou all have a good day, I don't expect to be online too much for the next 48 to 72 hours13:13
cyberangerjust a normal move is all13:13
wrstok cyberanger be careful will talk with you later13:13
cyberangerI'll be checking in here and there though, so if I'm needed, shoot (please, without live ammo though)13:14
cyberangerwrst: thanks, small place, shouldn't be bad, just time to do it is all13:15
wrstsee you later cyberanger13:16
wrstinfobot-tn: tell Xpistos hello :)15:33
infobot-tnwrst: I'll pass that on when Xpistos is around.15:33
cyberanger*infobot-tn says hello master wrst15:35
Xpistosinfobot-tn: tell wrst What's up!15:42
infobot-tnXpistos: I'll pass that on when wrst is around.15:42
infobot-tnXpistos: 14:33Z <wrst> tell Xpistos hello :)15:42
vychunehey guys15:52
wrsthey hey vychune15:56
infobot-tnwrst: 14:42Z <Xpistos> tell wrst What's up!15:56
wrstXpistos: how are things going?15:56
wrst.weather livingston tn15:56
infobot-tnCover Unknown, ?, ?mb, (wind unknown) - KCHA (time unknown)15:56
* wrst facepalms15:56
wrst.weather bna15:56
infobot-tnScattered, 18℃, 1014mb, Light breeze 6kt (↑) - OITM 14:00Z15:56
wrst.weather nashville tn15:56
infobot-tnCloudy, 71.6℉ (22℃), 29.92in (1010mb), Moderate breeze 12kt (↑) - KBNA 14:53Z15:56
vychunehey wrst15:56
* wrst does not like the metric system!15:57
wrstvychune: how are you doing?15:57
vychuneim doing good15:57
XpistosI okies15:57
wrstdoing well especially for a monday :)15:57
vychuneinfobot-tn: tell linuxman410 that i said whats good15:59
infobot-tnvychune: I'll pass that on when linuxman410 is around.15:59
pace_t_zulu.weather bna16:00
infobot-tnScattered, 18℃, 1014mb, Light breeze 6kt (↑) - OITM 14:00Z16:00
vychune.weather Memphis16:01
infobot-tnKeyError: 'geonames' (file "/home/ircbot/phenny/modules/weather.py", line 26, in location)16:01
vychune-_- wrst wth16:01
vychune.weather memphis16:01
pace_t_zulu.weather Nashville16:01
infobot-tnOvercast ☁, 75.2℉ (24℃), 29.92in (1010mb), Moderate breeze 11kt (↑) - KMEM 14:53Z16:01
infobot-tnCloudy, 71.6℉ (22℃), 29.92in (1010mb), Moderate breeze 12kt (↑) - KBNA 14:53Z16:01
pace_t_zuluprobably should precede that string with "Nashville: " or "Memphis: "16:02
vychuneinfobot-tn: tell wrst -_- wrst wth16:02
infobot-tnvychune: I'll pass that on when wrst is around.16:02
pace_t_zuluthe KMEM and KBNA at the end is more cryptic than it needs to be16:02
vychunepace_t_zulu: very ture16:02
vychune.weather mem16:03
pace_t_zuluwrst: i'd be happy to contribute programming to the bot16:03
infobot-tnValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '//' (file "/home/ircbot/phenny/modules/weather.py", line 198, in f_weather)16:03
pace_t_zulu.weather nashville16:03
infobot-tnCloudy, 71.6℉ (22℃), 29.92in (1010mb), Moderate breeze 12kt (↑) - KBNA 14:53Z16:03
vychune.weather memphis16:03
infobot-tnOvercast ☁, 75.2℉ (24℃), 29.92in (1010mb), Moderate breeze 11kt (↑) - KMEM 14:53Z16:03
vychuneinfobot-tn: wth16:04
cyberanger.weather adak, ak16:04
pace_t_zuluand what is 14:53Z ??? 14:53 Zulu ?16:04
infobot-tnOvercast ☁, 39.2℉ (4℃), 29.79in (1005mb), Light breeze 6kt (↑) - PADK 14:56Z16:04
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: yep16:04
cyberangerit's coded for GMT16:04
pace_t_zului mean ... i like the shoutout16:04
pace_t_zulubut we should do UTC rather than GMT ... as UTC is Ubuntu time16:04
cyberanger(for IRC thats smart, but I hate the inflexability)16:05
wrst.weather memphis tn16:05
infobot-tnwrst: 15:02Z <vychune> tell wrst -_- wrst wth16:05
infobot-tnOvercast ☁, 75.2℉ (24℃), 29.92in (1010mb), Moderate breeze 11kt (↑) - KMEM 14:53Z16:05
pace_t_zulucyberanger: who is programming the bot?16:05
wrstpace_t_zulu: be a neat little project to throw up on launchpad16:05
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: gmt is utc16:05
cyberangerone in the same16:05
cyberangerGMT/UTC is full notation16:05
pace_t_zuluyea ... i'd like to take a crack at making it a little friendlier16:06
cyberangeras for coding idk, the admin is wrst16:06
infobot-tnAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode' (file "/home/ircbot/phenny/modules/calc.py", line 72, in c)16:06
pace_t_zuluwhy does it broadcast errors?16:06
pace_t_zuluyou should log those to a file16:06
vychunegood point16:07
wrstha ha pace_t_zulu, cyberanger made me put it in here!16:07
vychuneinfobot-tn: tell wrst log erorrs to file16:07
infobot-tnvychune: I'll pass that on when wrst is around.16:07
wrstpace_t_zulu: just playing with python some :)16:07
infobot-tnwrst: 15:07Z <vychune> tell wrst log erorrs to file16:07
cyberangerwrst: it was working, why not16:07
pace_t_zuluwrst: that could be dangerous if someone has some time where none of us are around16:08
cyberangeris it still in #swissknife-test16:08
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: how16:09
wrstyes cyberanger16:09
cyberangerit's only info16:09
pace_t_zulussh infobot@
wrsttrue pace_t_zulu16:09
wrstthank you sir :)16:09
pace_t_zulunot that anyone would ... but it is hanging out there like an invitation16:10
wrstpace_t_zulu:  a kiddie script probably could have got hold of that16:10
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: one of us is always here though16:10
vychuneok then16:10
pace_t_zulucyberanger: between the hours of 1 am and 5 am i bet our numbers are low16:11
cyberangerand where is the risk exactly, just spam of info right?16:11
wrstcyberanger: took him offline until i have time to mess with it16:11
vychunegot this in the makers chan16:11
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: low, but usually around16:11
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: it's not got any op ability like chanserv, and it'll spam at worst, right?16:12
cyberangeror is there another worry?16:12
pace_t_zulumore like i worry for the server it sits on16:13
pace_t_zuluand any users on that server16:13
vychuneoh yeah that could be problems16:13
pace_t_zuluspam on here is hardly a big deal16:13
pace_t_zuluit hasn't been something we've ever had to worry about16:13
cyberangerif it's not locked down, but on the code I read, looked solid16:14
cyberangerbut yeah, see your point16:14
pace_t_zuluuh huh ... broadcasting error messages with file paths in them is ill-advised ...16:14
vychuneto the utmost pace_t_zulu16:15
vychuneJuzzy-: well damn16:17
Juzzy-no doubt16:19
vychuneanybody wanna break me off a piece off that16:21
vychunesee ya guys gotta rokk16:28
wrstwelcome electricus18:20
electricusya..strange thing.. i fired up quasselcore again on my server and poof..all my old channels came up again18:21
electricusi found the old user profile to run the core under.. i had totally forgot18:21
electricusguys.. i am seriously liking Ron Paul18:23
electricusI think he's 10 times smarter than all those idiots in washington18:23
wrstelectricus: didn't realize you still weren't using quassel core?19:34
wrstand electricus on Paul his domestic policy I think is ok, his foriegn policy blows chunks :)19:35
electricuswrst: do you not like his foreign policy because of isreal?21:01
wrstwell electricus he really doesn't have a foriegn policy21:01
wrstI just don't think he stands a chance because he is a libertarion trying to get elected on a the republican ticket that really doesnt' make a lot of sense either21:02
* wrst hates equally all politicians :)21:10
electricuswrst: what do you think we actually need as foreign policy..?22:14
electricusi've always been baffled how the leadership of this country thinks it has to give out billions of dollars to other countries.. and fight their battles for them22:15
wrstelectricus: nuke first ask questions later?22:16
wrstI'm half serious, if people want to complaing and bemoan the US cut off aid22:16
electricusI'm pretty sure that's Ron Paul's take on it too22:17
electricuswrst: check this out:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXIdMq3-aqk22:20
wrstelectricus: i don't agree with his position on israel however and yes I know that's not consistant :)22:21

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