
=== n8wulf is now known as N8Wulf
N8Wulfg'morning all06:18
N8Wulfslept well?06:18
Symmetriamirror.ac.za will be back in a minute or two, just reconfiguring one of the raids which required a reboot06:21
superflySymmetria: lemme know when it's back, please?06:24
Symmetriawill do, shouldnt be long now06:26
Symmetriajust waiting for the array controller06:26
Symmetriaok, its rebooting now, if I got it right it should be back in 2 or 3 minutes06:27
Symmetriatakes a little while to boot because of the massive amount of hardware checks when it posts06:28
superflyof course06:28
* Symmetria watches as it inits 48 drives 06:29
Symmetriaheh I will say one thing, remote console iDRAC 6 ftw :P06:29
Symmetriaits back06:32
Symmetria/dev/sdd               26T   33M   26T   1% /diskspace406:36
Symmetriawrong thing06:36
Symmetria  Disks           : 45 06:36
Symmetria  Critical Disks  : 1 06:36
Symmetriathats not nice of it06:36
* nlsthzn waves07:19
maiatodayhi nlsthzn07:20
nlsthznhey maiatoday ... congrats with your enhanced roll in the loco btw :)07:21
* nlsthzn wonders if he said something wrong... ?07:30
* nlsthzn is checking out trevor noah on youtube :p08:52
inetprogood morning09:01
inetproMaaz: coffee on09:01
* Maaz flips the salt-timer09:01
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro!09:05
inetproMaaz: thanks09:11
Maazinetpro: Sure09:11
maiatodaynlsthzn: sorry I didn't answer, I got complete side tracked and didn't see your message, no you didn't say anything wrong, I wasn't paying attention11:53
kodezHi Maaz11:53
kodezMaaz: Good Day11:54
kodezMaaz: Coffee for two please11:54
Maazkodez: Go get it yourself!11:54
kodezmaaz; ok11:54
Maazkodez: Huh?11:54
kodezmaaz; yeh11:55
Maazkodez: Excuse me?11:55
kodezmaaz: what do you know about linux mint11:55
Maazkodez: I'm afraid I have no idea11:55
nlsthznmaiatoday: k, cool :)12:15
sakhiMaaz: coffee on13:22
* Maaz puts the kettle on13:22
MaazCoffee's ready for sakhi!13:26
sakhiMaaz: thanks13:26
Maazsakhi: No problem13:26
nlsthznMaaz: tea please13:31
MaazEverybody here drinks coffee or goes thirsty13:31
* nlsthzn will then have some tea his wife prepared him :p13:32
marcogMaaz: coffee please, leave out the coffee beans for me13:33
Maazmarcog: Excuse me?13:33
* Symmetria orders still more disk space for mirror 14:18
Symmetriaheh, this time purely for redundancy14:18
* Symmetria doesnt ever want to face an issue like last night again14:18
Kilosafternoon superfly and all of ya14:54
superflyhi Kilos14:55
superflyeish. already time for me to go14:55
Kilosdid you do it?14:55
Kilosgo home i hope superfly . all work and no play makes the fly a dull boy14:56
Kilosheya nlsthzn 14:58
nlsthznHey Mr. Kilos14:58
Kilosinetpro, ping15:00
inetproKilos: pong15:00
Kiloshello inetpro  can i bother you15:00
inetproKilos: you can try :)15:01
Kiloshehe. is there a psssibility you do a /rsync of your archives if you running kubuntu natty for us please\15:02
Kilosian can meat you somewhere to get it to his external or so15:02
inetproKilos: hmm... I'm not on natty yet15:04
KilosMaaz, coffee on15:04
* Maaz flips the salt-timer15:04
Kilosok ty sir15:04
Kiloshe has installed it but we got a data prob15:04
KilosMaaz, coffee for all15:05
MaazSure thing, Kilos. Hey guys, bring your own mugs! I'm tired of doing all the dishes on my own.15:05
Kilosnlsthzn, coffee time15:05
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!15:08
KilosMaaz, ty15:08
MaazEnjoy Kilos15:08
Kilosmaybe there is someone not too far from pretoria west that has the repos?15:13
Kilosdunno what happened to corrie206. has he also joined the enemy15:14
Kiloshe mailed he just been very busy15:37
* inetpro wonders who else in Pretoria might be running Kubuntu Natty 11.0415:44
inetproKilos: then again ideally you'd want someone with the full ubuntu repository 15:44
Kiloswhatever is available can only help inetpro 15:45
inetproKilos: I don't have enough bandwidth on this side to keep things in sync all the time 15:46
Kilosno prob inetpro i think corrie will get it still as he running natty servers15:47
Kilosif i have it right15:47
Kilossays he still gotta download them15:47
superflyKilos: if I lived closer, I'd download all the archives for you16:02
Kilosyeah ty superfly i know you would and i am grateful16:03
Kilosdid you do the other thing again16:03
superflyKilos: I'm not sure what you're referring to?16:03
N8Wulfgeez it's quiet in here18:53
* nuvolari blackmails kbmonkey for some disks19:33
nuvolario/ g'evening19:33
Kiloslo nuvolari 20:03
KilosMaaz, coffee on20:03
* Maaz puts the kettle on20:03
nlsthznMaaz: tea please20:03
MaazEverybody here drinks coffee or goes thirsty20:03
nlsthznMaaz: pretty please20:04
Maaznlsthzn: Go get it yourself!20:04
nlsthznMaaz: ok20:04
Maaznlsthzn: What?20:04
Kiloshiya nlsthzn 20:04
nlsthznHey Kilos :)20:04
nlsthzntea time20:04
nuvolarilo oom Kilos 20:04
nuvolarigaan dit goed vanaand?20:04
* Kilos lucky. no tea time20:04
nuvolarihowdy nlsthzn 20:04
nuvolarihello roryy 20:04
nlsthznKilos: lol, wife just asked me if I wanted :p20:04
Kilosgoed dankie nuvolari  en daar20:04
nlsthznnuvolari: hey :)20:04
Kilosi drink tea by the beermug full all day20:05
nlsthznKilos: nothing like a spot of tea eh...20:05
nuvolarikan nie kla nie dankie oom :>20:06
roryyhi nuvolari 20:06
nuvolariwelcome roryy 20:06
nuvolariI did not see you before20:06
Kilosi did something wrong somewhere.  installed natty to a separate partition and now on boot only see xp and natty. no maverick20:06
roryyi might've joined once a few years ago :-)20:06
* nlsthzn waves @ roryy20:06
Kiloshi roryy 20:06
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!20:07
KilosMaaz, ty20:07
MaazEnjoy Kilos20:07
* nlsthzn slurps some tea20:10
Kilosor maybe its a gnome kde thing20:10
KilosMaaz, rusks please20:11
MaazSorry Kilos I only have Romany Creams today20:11
KilosMaaz, romany creams please20:11
MaazOnly 2 Kilos Otherwise no one else gets any20:11
nlsthznKilos: gnome kde thing?20:11
Kilosyeah we have xp and maverick on first partition and kubuntu on second20:12
Kilosbut now boots to kubuntu and xp20:12
Kilosmaverick hidden20:12
nlsthznKilos: doubt the DE have anything to do with it :p20:13
Kilosoh lol kui?20:13
roryythere's still some sort of grub text file one can tweak for that sort of thing, isn't there?20:13
Kilosi get mixed up with all these things20:14
Kilosi dunno roryy  im a mechanic kinda pc appy20:15
* nlsthzn has a feint idea however it is past 11 here already and his brain has already shutdown... so hopefully those with the knowledge will assist soon ... zzzz....20:15
Kiloswassup superfly 20:15
superflyKilos: try running "sudo update-grub"20:16
Kilosfrom the kubuntu superfly 20:16
nlsthznit seems that grub 1.98 and grub 1.99 don't play well together20:16
Kiloswill try that as soon as he gets back there ty20:17
Kilosmaybe its cause kubuntu isnt updated yet?20:17
nlsthznKilos: nah, the boot info was written on install...20:17
superflyI doubt it20:17
nlsthznor I should so updated on install20:18
nlsthzn(or not updated) :p20:18
nlsthznKilos: if ever bored you can go through this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527520:18
Kilosian likes kubuntu but it will take me a long while to find and get used to it all20:18
Kiloswill do nlsthzn 20:19
nlsthznKilos: well, I am back doing the kubuntu thing again :)20:19
Kilosis there no synaptic in kubuntu?20:20
nlsthznKilos: KPackageKit20:20
superflyKilos: KPackageKit20:20
superflynlsthzn: ^520:20
kbmonkeyah evening20:22
Kiloslo kbmonkey 20:22
superflyhey Symmetria, what do you think of this? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-13469924 - One of my buddies is one of the researchers20:26
roryynight all20:43
Kilosnight roryy 20:43
* kbmonkey is a tired monkey tonight20:49
Kilossleep is a great cure20:50
kbmonkeythat it is :) 20:56
Kiloshi N8Wulf 20:56
kbmonkeyhi N8Wulf 20:57
N8Wulfhey pplz, sorry, got busy watching The Mentalist21:00
N8Wulfgotta go read a Bedtime story quick then I'll check in21:01
* Kilos wonders what mod kiddie stories are about21:07
nlsthznSnow White Google and the big bad Microsoft21:09
Kiloshee hee21:11
Kilosand heidi gates21:12
Kerberofuckit (sorry for my language), some people are breaking webservers on our campus because they read https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adduser/+bug/4873421:13
* Kilos gonna climb into bed where its warmer than here.21:17
Kilossleep tight all21:17
Kerberojy ook21:17
kbmonkeysleep tight Kilos 21:18
Kilosty you guys too21:18
Kilostoo cold here21:18
N8WulfI read her the story of Red riding hood in the Redwood and about the wolf whose name is Bill, then Bill ate the Granny who discovered ubuntu and just because Little Red Riding Hood brought Mint to scare Unity away, Bill decided to eat her as well. Then the 21:18
kbmonkeywow Kerbero @ that bug21:18
N8Wulfother uncle came who's name is Mark21:18
Kerberoit's not a bug, it's a feature21:19
N8Wulfand decided it's a good time to get all the little Dwarves and Elves involved21:19
Kerberoand the sooner the windows admin kiddies realise it the better21:19
Kerberoall windows users with root on linux servers' rights should be revoked21:20
N8Wulfthey all worked together to save little old Graanies and little Girl who wear Hoodies21:20
KerberoBraam: jy maak nie sin nie21:20
N8Wulfwho me?21:21
Kerberoi'm tired21:21
Kerberogood night21:21
N8Wulfhow you know my name?21:22
Kerberotype /whois N8Wulf 21:22
N8WulfEll Eish21:22
N8Wulflekker slaap almal21:23
KerberoSymmetria: do you have something like cati on tenet but for latencies?22:20
Kerberolike smokeping22:20
nuvolario/ night22:30
kbmonkeynight all22:48
kbmonkeysorry I couldn't play much tonight. -.- zzz22:49

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