
djszapiHow can I run an upstart script manually for testing purpose ?13:53
ionIt’s not a script, and “start jobname”.14:40
djszapiion: well, something is wrong :(14:52
djszapiexec /usr/sbin/start-cupsd.sh -> I try to run this custom file from an upstart job14:53
djszapiWhich is intended to run this script: http://paste.kde.org/73711/14:53
djszapiand 1) I do not see the created directory 2) cups daemon is not run at all14:54
djszapihow could I debug the issue ?14:54
djszapihttp://paste.kde.org/73717/ -> this is my apps/cups.conf14:55
djszapiWhen are the /etc/init/apps/ jobs run ?16:26
jhuntdjszapi: take a look at http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#debugging16:40
SpamapSHrm.. so we're hitting the "state problem" again with network-manager. It needs to not stop until after a certain event has run. But right now it is 'stop on stopping dbus' .. so if I make it 'stop on stopping dbus and deconfiguring-networking' .. 'stop dbus' will hang. ... 18:21
SpamapSso I almost have to make dbus have a dbus-shutdown.conf that works like portmap-boot.conf and identifies itself as specifically the dbus that stops on runlevel [06]18:30
SpamapSs/almost/think I probably/18:31
SpamapShmm.. unless I just make dbus stop on my new event19:53

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