
charlie-tcaGood morning14:55
davmor2morning charlie-tca 14:55
charlie-tcaXubuntu community meeting today at 19:00 UTC in #xubuntu-devel. Everyone is invited to attend. Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings14:56
pleia2charlie-tca: I'll be on a plane at that time, my only update is that we can't use the canonical staging site to stage the theme so we're going to need to run our own and go from there until the theme is complete15:03
pleia2I'll talk to knome and we might get something up this week to start writing our new theme15:03
charlie-tcaOkay, thanks15:09
ochosihey charlie-tca 15:23
charlie-tcaHello, ochosi 15:23
ochosias a follow-up on the discussion of whether to include something for touchpads in xubuntu by default i wanted to refer to this thread: http://foo-projects.org/pipermail/xfce4-dev/2011-May/028865.html15:24
ochosiseems like this feature is planned upstream15:24
ochosiso maybe it isn't worth digging around for something else15:24
pleia2oh! I also filed some bugs against the site (and fixed some), I encourage others to review and do the same: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website15:25
charlie-tcaGreat! Xfce developers are really on top of most stuff15:25
ochosicharlie-tca: they're already discussing the UI, so i assume that it could be part of 11.10 even if xfce 4.10 isn't released by the time15:25
ochosiat least iirc they now plan to do more individual releases of the components15:26
ochosioh, and also i have to apologize, i won't be able to make the meeting tonight15:26
charlie-tcaOkay, any plans for oneiric need to get discussed quickly15:26
charlie-tcaWe are looking at a short cycle this time, compared to Natty15:28
knomepleia2, absolutely16:13
charlie-tcaXubuntu community meeting in #xubuntu-devel in 35minutes. Everyone is invited to attend. Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings19:25
charlie-tcacody-somerville: any chance this is complete now?  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/xubuntu-desktop/+spec/xubuntu-karmic-doc-packaging19:35
micahgcharlie-tca: meeting in here?19:55
charlie-tcaIn 4 minutes19:56
* charlie-tca waves at the crowd19:59
charlie-tcaLet's welcome everyone to the Xubuntu Community Meeting 20:00
micahgwow, login screen in oneiric is funky ATM20:00
charlie-tcaFor those who can not be here, there will be minutes and logs20:00
charlie-tcaI haven't upgraded yet20:00
* micahg just upgraded his spare laptop20:00
charlie-tcaWe don't have a meeting bot, so I will copy the logs after the meeting20:01
charlie-tcaA full meeting agenda is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings20:02
drccharlie-tca: "The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."20:04
charlie-tcareload the page20:04
charlie-tcait is a common wiki error20:04
charlie-tcaTOPIC - Old business - all 20:04
charlie-tcaTOPIC - email the ML with proposed meeting days and times, Mon, Thurs, Fri only for days 20:05
charlie-tcaThis was done, Monday was chosen as the best day for most of us. As for times, they are harder to pin down20:05
charlie-tca19:00 UTC seems to be a good time, but there are conflicts in #ubuntu-meeting at that time. 20:06
charlie-tcaI can attempt to get a meeting bot in here, which would nicely resolve the issue20:06
charlie-tcaAny questions or comments on the new meeting time?20:06
charlie-tcaHopefully, we will make more progress on Marketing during this cycle.20:07
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Team updates - Team Leads 20:08
charlie-tcaThis is the time to decide what w20:09
charlie-tcawe are doing for Oneiric. 20:09
charlie-tcamr_pouit: any updates?20:09
charlie-tcamr_pouit: will we see Xfce 4.8.2 for Oneiric?20:10
charlie-tcaWebsite: We are going to move to wordpress from Drupal20:11
xrdodrxam I on time20:12
xrdodrxfor the meeting described @ https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2011-May/007787.html20:12
charlie-tcaWe will be setting up a test site, either through knome or pleia2 own setups, since Canonical staging site is only them to see if our site is okay20:12
charlie-tcaxrdodrx: yes, on time20:12
mr_pouitno updates, sorry20:13
charlie-tcano problem20:13
mr_pouityeah, newer upstream releases will be synced20:14
charlie-tcaThat will be great! 20:14
* micahg got midori 0.3.6 into oneiric20:14
charlie-tcaArtwork this cycle will be mainly improving greybird and the wallpaper 20:14
charlie-tcaThanks, micahg 20:14
mr_pouitmicahg: and parole :p20:15
micahgmr_pouit: yep, didn't know anyone cared about it though (weirdly enough, it's still a recommends for xubuntu-desktop and in the default install)20:15
charlie-tcaWe have an Oneiric Goals page, which we should try to keep updated20:15
charlie-tcaOur artwork team will also be working from http://wiki.knome.fi/shimmer:greybird, which has several goals they would like to get in for Oneiric20:16
charlie-tcamr_pouit: are we looking at both gtk2 and gtk3 for this cycle?20:17
charlie-tcaAnnouncements - 20:18
mr_pouitno, the focus is still on gtk+220:18
charlie-tcaWe have alpha1 coming at us fast. The tentative calendar/schedule for Oneiric is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule20:18
mr_pouit(upstream for 4.10 at least)20:18
charlie-tcaGreat. I do know Ubuntu will be moving some stuff to gtk3, since they will be adding gnome3 to the repositories20:19
micahgmr_pouit: won't we need GTK3 for apport and related GNOME stuff?20:20
charlie-tcaAlpha1 release is due on June 2. It would be nice to see some of 4.8.2 in there if possible, but we need to at least have an alpha1 release20:20
charlie-tcaWe will also need testers for each milestone, so if you can, let me know as soon as possible.20:20
charlie-tcaI hope to split the roadmap out more, and will have specific things that have to happen. We would like to have people volunteer to do those items.20:21
charlie-tcaWe have pleia2 and knome working the website, We need someone that can go through the wiki documentation and update it.20:22
Soupermanitocharlie-tca, testing can be done using virtualboxes? im fairly new to all this, sorry if its a silly question20:22
xrdodrxSoupermanito, it's best to test on real hardware, just set up a dedicated partiton for xubuntu test releases/nightlies I'd say20:23
charlie-tcaSoupermanito: yes, for us testing works in VirtualBox20:23
xrdodrxor not :D20:23
micahgSoupermanito: testdrive is also a good way (which can use virtualbox or qemu on the backend)20:24
mr_pouitmicahg: yeah, unfortunately, and I think it'll be a mess20:24
charlie-tcaHeh. 20:24
micahgmr_pouit: no doubt20:24
mr_pouitbecause afaik, gtk3 needs its own theme, and won't use the gtk2 murrine based one20:24
micahgmr_pouit: right20:25
charlie-tcaI am thinking right now that if there is a way, we are looking at putting Xfce 4.10 into 12.04, which is the LTS. 20:25
charlie-tcaIf that is a true statement, we need Oneiric to be as stable as we can get it.20:25
charlie-tcaSoupermanito: can we count on you for testing then, at least the milestones in the schedule?20:26
micahgcharlie-tca: what does it matter?  oneiric won't have 4.1020:26
xrdodrxsince xfce is based on gtk, are there any plans to add unity (2D?) to xubuntu for oneiric? I thought unity was to "unify" officially-supported ubuntu-based distros?20:26
charlie-tcaxrdodrx: there will not be any plans to add unity to Xubuntu 20:26
xrdodrxthat's good to hear :)20:26
Soupermanitocharlie-tca, yes i think you can, i will need some kind of testing protocol or something but yes20:26
charlie-tcaWe are not Ubuntu, we are a separate distribution20:26
mr_pouitwe (try to) stay close to upstream20:27
charlie-tcaI will give whatever help is needed for testing20:27
charlie-tcaUnity was designed to unify all the Ubuntu distributions, meaning desktop, mobile, netbook, etc20:27
beardygnomei'm happy to test the milestones as well20:27
charlie-tcabeardygnome: great! putting you both down. We do test starting the tuesday before the milestone20:28
charlie-tcaand testing is run 24 hours, so you can do it in your own timez20:28
beardygnomehow much time should i allow?20:29
charlie-tcaas much as you can. Images are subject to instant rebuild, and then will be tested completely again.20:29
charlie-tcafor natty final, I think I burned about 48 cd's, between ubuntu and Xubuntu20:29
charlie-tcaand I only got two for each one when it was released20:30
beardygnomewhen's the first milestone?20:30
xrdodrxbeardygnome, 2 june20:30
charlie-tcaJune 220:30
beardygnomei just moved house so don't have internet there yet20:30
charlie-tcaOkay, we will try to keep you informed20:31
charlie-tcaAny questions on what we discussed?20:32
charlie-tcaAny Other Business - all/anyone 20:32
charlie-tcaMeeting times and dates, I think is settled. 20:32
beardygnomecan i get a link to the testing procedures?20:33
charlie-tcaI will try to schedule them for here and #ubuntu-meeting both, perhaps using this three times a month and #ubuntu-meeting once a month20:33
charlie-tcaI would like to hold weekly meetings, since it does seem to keep all of us informed about what is happening.20:34
charlie-tcaBefore I forget, Ubuntu did agree to use LightDM to replace GDM20:34
charlie-tcamr_pouit: we will also, right?20:34
charlie-tcaThe lightdm developer is devoting all of his time to make it work, and iron out any issues20:35
charlie-tcaAnyone have anything they would like to bring up?20:36
charlie-tcago ahead, beardygnome 20:36
beardygnomejust a big congratulations to everyone for natty :-)20:37
charlie-tcaI would add mine and a huge thank you also to that!20:37
beardygnomeit's working really well for me20:37
beardygnomeand i'm loving the new networking features20:37
beardygnome(though that's down to xfce, not us)20:38
charlie-tcaI seem to have an issue yet with the screensaver locking things up, but I really like natty20:38
micahgcharlie-tca: gltext?20:38
beardygnomeanyone else had the panel restart on them?20:38
charlie-tcaall the gl... ones20:38
micahgcharlie-tca: was fixed with 5.13, might be worth an SRU if we can find the commit20:38
beardygnome(sorry, i'm derailing this, i'll take it to the ml)20:39
jozefkyes panel restarts coz of screensaver but not a big deal20:39
charlie-tcaIf I dig for it, you will help me get it done?20:39
micahgcharlie-tca: sure20:39
micahgcharlie-tca: idk if the source repo for xscreensaver is available20:39
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: yep, if ubuntu throws gdm away, we'll follow :p20:39
charlie-tcaACTION:  Charlie to dig for the xscreensaver updates, and put in an SRU20:39
charlie-tcaIt's happening, mr_pouit 20:40
micahgmr_pouit: I think it's for alpha1, I"ll check quick20:40
xrdodrxI've used ubuntu since 6.06 (gnome), but switched to xubuntu 4 days ago, and I've only experienced minor bugs, I really hope we follow with ubuntu and switch to lightdm20:40
charlie-tcaI just don't know if it will be alpha1 or 220:40
micahgmr_pouit: it's supposed to be happening for alpha120:41
charlie-tcaxrdodrx: we will go to lightdm. We tried really hard last cycle, but things just didn't work out20:41
xrdodrxI'd say Canonical helped you guys Grow the Xubuntu Community, lol, a lot of people I know that use ubuntu switched to xubuntu and in fact convinced me too20:41
charlie-tcaAny thing else we need to discuss?20:41
charlie-tcabeardygnome: sounds like screensaver related panel issues too?20:42
beardygnomecharlie-tca: i don't have xscreensaver20:42
charlie-tcathat matters, too20:42
charlie-tcaI haven't had any panel restarts here20:43
xrdodrxcharlie-tca, I don't know if this is the right place for this or not but is thunar being slow on initial start a gnome bug?20:43
charlie-tcathunar slow in initial start is not gnome20:43
beardygnomeit happens when i move windows from one workspace to another using the switcher applet20:43
charlie-tcait is Xfce, caused by the networking changes20:43
mr_pouitxrdodrx: something related to gvfs, but that's still unclear20:43
charlie-tcaxrdodrx: make sure gvfs is running20:43
* charlie-tca too slow again20:43
mr_pouitthere's an upstream bug for that, I think it's Xfce #737320:44
charlie-tcaxfce bug 737320:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 7373 in slocate (Debian) "CAN-2003-0848: heap overflow in slocate" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/737320:44
micahgwell, natty was the first major bump for xfce since jaunty, and I think it went a lot smoother20:44
mr_pouitubottu: awesomely useless :)20:44
ubottumr_pouit: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:44
charlie-tcawell! that ain't it20:44
micahgxfce 737320:44
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 7373 in general "g_file_new_for_uri ("network://") seems to slow down Thunar's startup" [Normal,Assigned]20:45
charlie-tcaThat's it20:45
xrdodrxAlright, thanks for making such a good distro, I plan on sticking with it for as long if not longer than I used Ubuntu :)20:45
charlie-tcaWe try hard20:46
charlie-tcasometimes more successful than other times20:46
jozefkyeah it's seems xubuntu is the way to go :)20:46
charlie-tcabeardygnome: did you file a bug for the panel thing?20:46
charlie-tcaYou probably should, using ubuntu-bug xfce4-panel, and attach ~/.xsession-errors and /var/log/syslog20:47
charlie-tcaThank all of you for participating in this meeting! 20:48
charlie-tcaIt is good to see new people not afraid to show up20:48
charlie-tcaLet's go ahead and end the meeting and go back to work20:48
charlie-tcaand by the way, next meeting is Monday May 31, 19:00 UTC, #xubuntu-devel (same place)20:50
charlie-tcaI may be sorry for that, as it is an American Holiday, but we will see...20:50
micahgcharlie-tca: working on memorial day? ;)20:50
charlie-tcaLot's of these people don't have memorial day, do they?20:51
micahgcharlie-tca: should be fine20:51
charlie-tcaThat's my thought, although if there is a race on, I will be disappointed20:52
* xrdodrx marks calendar :)20:53
micahgmr_pouit: I don't want to step on your toes, would it help you if I request syncs for stuff you update in Debian?20:55
micahgrelating to Xubuntu specifically20:56
Soupermanitosorry to be late to the discussion, but yesterday i installed 11.04 on my sister's laptop, and besides her computer being absolutely no linux friendly, thunar taked a hellalot of time to start and if i tried to open a ntfs drive it will take longer and then will open a 'warning could not mount' or something like that and after i close that it would open the window whit the proper ntfs folder i was trying to open21:08
scott-workcharlie-tca:  is xubuntu moving to wordpress on your own hosting or are you using canonical hosting?21:09
charlie-tcaSoupermanito: that is part of that bug. I know Xfce is working on that issue, but it might take a bit for fix.21:09
charlie-tcascott-work: canonical21:09
charlie-tcaWe finally got a staging site set up by rt, but they won't let us use it21:10
pleia2yeah, we need to stage our theme elsewhere and then send it to them to review21:11
scott-workcharlie-tca:  i'm having trouble getting rt to give others access to the website to even update for releases21:11
charlie-tcaThey seem to be very hard to work with21:11
charlie-tcaYou can not decide who gets access in it?21:12
Soupermanitocharlie-tca, i know i might be the only one here, so it doesnt really matters, but if you can set the next community meetings not on mondays it will allow me to participate more, again, just me, but mondays and thursdays are the only days i have to go to the university, where is where i should be going right now21:13
Soupermanito:) good luck to you all people21:13
pleia2scott-work: I can give others access21:13
charlie-tcaWill give some more thought, Soupermanito 21:13
pleia2(er, to xubuntu site anyway)21:13
pleia2they gave us admin in drupal so we can add users21:14
Soupermanito:) thank you charlie-tca have a nice day21:14
charlie-tcano problem21:14
=== Soupermanito is now known as Soup|away
xrdodrxI agree with Soup|away weekends would be better for me too, but of course it's up to the real devs :)21:15
charlie-tcaxrdodrx: any weekday that will work? I really don't want to tie up my own weekends21:17
xrdodrxChanServ, tuesday21:17
charlie-tcaMaybe alternating weeks, Monday and Tuesday, would work. Let me examine things21:18
xrdodrxokay :D21:18
charlie-tcaI will send that to the ML, and see what we can do21:19
charlie-tcaI would really like to see Xubuntu grow, and to do that, we might have to change things here and there21:19
charlie-tcascott-work: Got to be a way to get RT to give you admin for others?21:21
scott-workcharlie-tca: pleia2: i am only aware of one person who has access to the website and he is not involved except twice a year to change the release news on the website, but he's usually late by two to three weeks21:21
xrdodrxcharlie-tca, if my friends are any indication interest is definitely on the rise :)21:21
charlie-tcaThat person should be the one that can add you to the access list21:21
scott-workcharlie-tca: he states that i need to get my own21:22
scott-worki have asked for it and they sent it to me but used an old gpg key (which was my fault) but have asked for it to be sent again after i removed all the old gpg keys from launchpad21:22
scott-workand that was three or four months ago now21:22
charlie-tcascott-work: really? I will rattle some things and see whether or not I can shake it up then.21:22
scott-workasked for it = asked for acces with rt21:23
charlie-tcascott-work: of course, that may mean nothing. I haven't been able to get the staging site working for us21:23
scott-workcharlie-tca: lol, but thank you very much though :)21:23
charlie-tcascott-work: I think they just put a lot of things off, really21:23
scott-workcharlie-tca: i imagine they get a lot of requests, some trivial, some not so trivial21:27
charlie-tcaYou are kinder than me21:29
charlie-tcabut probably more correct, too21:29
drccharlie-tca: I assume (yes, I know) that when the A1 milestone is reached that http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/ will be active for 11.10 nightly build?21:34
charlie-tcahopefully both daily and daily-live will be active then21:34
drcah...there is a difference....21:35
charlie-tcadaily-live is the desktop/live cd, daily is the alternate text installer21:36
drcOK, I'm in...I have an extra 10 gig I can partition off for testing.21:40
charlie-tcawell, great! too21:41
charlie-tcaWe will not see images until alpha1, normally21:42
drcWhich do you need more, an "nightly update" testing or a "night install" testing21:42
charlie-tcainstall will fail more often for us, update fails more often because of something Ubuntu did21:43
drcOK...install it is21:43
charlie-tcaI will upgrade to Oneiric on my production machine for alpha1, which lets me test the upgrade.21:43
charlie-tcaI will then be using Oneiric until the next cycle21:44
drcI am assuming that a LiveUSB install will work (I can't afford to burn a new dvd every night)21:44
charlie-tcaWe hope so21:44
drcWe'll test that too, then21:44
charlie-tcaI usually go through over 100 cd-r's per cycle21:44
charlie-tcaoops, 20021:45
pleia2grub2 supports booting from isos, I've had very good luck installing grub2 on a usb stick and using the pristine isos21:45
charlie-tcaI start each cycle with 200 here, and usually have to buy more21:45
pleia2no converting to usb stick21:45
charlie-tcaolder hardware, doesn't support usb boots21:46
pleia2yeah, you do have to have a machine can boot from usb (or a floppy drive to make it do so)21:46
pleia2we use the floppy disk trick for some machines at a school that won't pxe boot, but there are a lot of systems which are too new for floppy drives and too old for usb sticks21:47
drcHere's my hardware specs:  http://pastebin.com/fb8087Uq21:48
drcog, I forgot to tae out the Intel video (I have the nvidia)21:49
charlie-tcaGreat system for testing21:49
drcno I didn't...I forgot to take out the <or> :(21:49
charlie-tcaCan you add yourself to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/Testers21:50
charlie-tcaI will have to update it for natty, I see.21:51
drcThis was one of the first system that Dell pre-installed Ubuntu on...if X/Ubuntu won't work on this ststem something is wrong/changed.21:51
charlie-tcaVery slight differences, but I have seen some of those that won't work well with the devel releases21:51
drcWell, we'll know that too, then :)21:52
drccharlie-tca: Request submitted21:55

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