
rbelemDasKreech, http://xkcd.com/323/00:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
padamshey all... i have a problem which i suspect is with ubuntu rather than being kubuntu-specific... any one got a moment to hear me out and share their thoughts/advice?09:59
apacheloggerpadams: sure10:00
padamsapachelogger: thanks, dude....10:00
padamsapachelogger: so i have installed natty onto a brand new hp pavillion dm4 laptop....10:01
padamsi am getting very poor battery life.... problem #1 was knotify4 was chewing up CPU... i switched the phonon backend gstreamer to VLC and /that/ problem went away10:02
padamsbut i am still getting very poor battery performance....10:02
apacheloggerpadams: any information in powertop?10:03
padamsso if i turn off wifi and bluetooth, powertop tells me that i am getting about 24 wakeups a second... which is very respectible10:03
apachelogger(also FTR: knotify4 & phonon gstreamer is a knotify bug as it does not switch the backend to stoppped ;))10:03
padamstop tells me that pretty much nothing is chewing CPU10:04
padamshere is where it gets weird.....10:04
padamsso top shows nothing really using the CPU (because the laptop is just sitting doing nothing)... but yet the load average stays above 1 permanently10:04
apacheloggerpadams: anything interesting in iotop maybe?10:05
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padamsoooooh iotop... new to me... /me goes to look10:08
shadeslayeriotop is awesome10:09
padamswhat should i be looking for? i am mostly looking at 0s. every now an then kontact pops up10:09
padamsalso jbd2/sda3-8 - whatever that is10:10
yofeluse 'iotop -o -d 5', that's more readable10:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: someone somewhere in the world got their package :P10:12
jussiyay... hard total crash :(10:12
padams1021 be/3 root        0.00 B/s  813.98 B/s  0.00 %  1.50 % [jbd2/sda3-8] <- appears every other refresh. sometimes pidgin appears, too with similar figures. but that is about it10:13
apacheloggerpadams: jbd2 is the journal block device for ext4 10:13
shadeslayerjussi: about blink .... where do i put it? and would you like to test the bin out first?10:13
apacheloggerpadams: not io related then, 1.5 does not strike me as terribly high io load10:13
jussishadeslayer: pop it into its own ppa 10:13
apacheloggerpadams: what graphics driver do you have?10:14
shadeslayerjussi: i was thinking of creating a team and then putting in the ppa there10:14
apacheloggers/driver/driver and chip10:14
jussishadeslayer: perfect10:14
padamsapachelogger: it is an i5 processor... so it will be whatever the onboard intel magic is10:14
apacheloggerkubotu: now you dont sed anymore, you are a broken piece of software my friend10:14
shadeslayerwill do in a couple of minutes10:14
jussishadeslayer: rock on. have you tried it on your own machine yet? 10:15
apacheloggerpadams: are you sure? I think there are pavillion dm4 with ATI10:15
apacheloggerpadams: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep drivers10:16
padams[    15.539] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/intel_drv.so10:16
padams[    15.539] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/vesa_drv.so10:16
padams[    15.539] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/fbdev_drv.so10:16
padams[    15.541] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/intel_drv.so10:16
apacheloggershould not be a graphics power management problem then10:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: I will mail carol, mine is not here yet10:18
apacheloggerI think they forgot about me10:18
apacheloggerpadams: I am running low on ideas here ^^10:18
jussihttp://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/24/2011-05-24_11-37-17_362_Oulu.jpg <- Anyone know why that would come up on my screen? 10:18
padamsapachelogger: me, too. that is why i thought i would ask :(10:19
apacheloggerI mean10:19
apacheloggerit is not anything userspace or it would show up in powertop, it is not anything io or it would show up in iotop, it is likely not a graphics PM issue as that ought ot work with intel10:20
apacheloggerperhaps kerneltop could help, you'll need to boot with kernel cmdline arg profile=4 or so to use it10:20
apacheloggerthat will allow you to take a look at the ticks caused in the kernel functions10:21
padamsalrighty - at which point it is definitely not a kubuntu issue anyhow10:21
padamsit would be nice to get more than 2.5 hours out of this supposedly 6.5 hour battery :)10:21
apacheloggeryeah, probably a kernel issue from what we know10:23
apacheloggerincidentially we used almost all top-like apps I know of ^^10:23
apacheloggerxrestop, iftop, htop I know as well10:24
apacheloggeron that note htop is far superior to top10:24
apacheloggerScottK: actually, what do you think about replacing top with htop in the default setup?10:24
apacheloggerhtop is so much more usable IMHO10:24
valorieeven I use htop10:25
apacheloggerjussi: your kernel crapped out10:25
sheytanwow, running xchat on windows in avast! sandbox ;D10:25
sheytanthat's sick :D10:25
jussiapachelogger: yeah, Im in -kernel asking about it now :)10:25
apacheloggerquassel runs on the windows10:26
apacheloggerjussi: just like everytime I see a kernel go kap0tt ... I blame X :P10:26
sheytanapachelogger: really? well, i'm always running konvi10:26
sheytanlet try quassel10:26
apacheloggerkonvi runs on windows?10:26
jussiquassel <310:26
apacheloggerI mean, it probably does with billions and billions of kde packages installed10:27
apacheloggerthat IMHO is one of the sore spots with kde on windows10:27
jussiI love that the quassel for windows is a portable binary10:27
apachelogger+ the installer is scary to begin with10:27
apacheloggerlook what the cat dragged in: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176547910:27
shadeslayersheytan: you realize xchat has a windows bin :P10:28
sheytanapachelogger konvi, as a part of KDE propably run on windows, but i meant konvi as my default irc client in kubuntu. I'm using wincrap only at work ;/10:28
sheytanbut that will change soon :D10:28
apacheloggerah well, I am not suggesting you should switch to quassel, just that it would be a very viable option for windows10:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: look at the 6th comment10:29
apacheloggerI do not compute that at all10:29
apachelogger"I wish they could get a very lean Kubuntu that can run totally in RAM."10:30
apacheloggerwhat is that even supposed to mean?10:30
apacheloggerour live cd essentially runs totally in RAM10:30
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sheytanhere i am :D10:31
apacheloggeroh, actually that almost was proper german10:31
apacheloggerkubotu: are you mad at me?10:31
apacheloggerkubotu: help sed10:31
kubotuFix the previous sentence using regexp and a sed-like syntax. Supported delimiters are /|,! and the modifier "g". Grouping is supported via parens, and backreferencing is done via \1 \2 and so on. You don't have to directly address the bot. Examples: <nick>hello <nick>s/e/u/10:31
kubotuapachelogger: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"10:32
sheytanapachelogger it have to be quasslER to be german :D10:32
apacheloggerkubotu: when did you grow actual syntax support?10:32
apacheloggersheytan: that is what I said10:32
apacheloggerquassl0r is the leet way of saying quassler, obviously I am leet10:33
apacheloggerI can name some 7 top apps and their use cases :P10:33
apacheloggercome to think of it10:33
apacheloggervalorie: you are still up? :O10:33
valorieIN A MINUTE10:34
* apachelogger hugs valorie10:34
valorieI might have my headphones working again!10:34
apacheloggershadeslayer: so what is in the welcome package?10:34
* valorie hugs back10:35
apacheloggerwill I get a unicorn?10:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: someone got it10:35
sheytanshadeslayer if you're from the future, can you tell me; will I ever be rich? :D10:35
valoriea couple of people have10:35
apacheloggergoogle surely could send out some unicorns10:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: and they did not tell?10:35
shadeslayersheytan: i'm not that far in the future10:35
apacheloggerlast year instead of everyone going crazy about not getting the package everyone got crazy about what might be in the package10:35
sheytanshadeslayer, if you be, please ping me :D10:35
shadeslayersure :D10:35
apacheloggerit is the madest thing10:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: hahahaha10:35
apacheloggersheytan: I think shadeslayer is just withholding information10:36
shadeslayeryou could say that .... "Knowing your future destroys you"10:36
apachelogger"kubuntu finger theme"10:37
apacheloggerI wonder what that is10:37
apacheloggersomeone asked lord google for it and ended up on my blog10:37
* apachelogger knows everything10:37
apacheloggerperhaps a touch friendly theme?10:38
shadeslayerjussi: http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/blink_0.2.6_all.deb10:38
shadeslayertry it out10:38
padamsapachelogger: everything? could you help me with this rash that i have....10:38
jussithat will install with only whats in the repos ?10:38
apacheloggershadeslayer:  did you make that?10:38
shadeslayerjussi: you wanted the one from darcs?10:39
apachelogger Depends: python (>= 2.5), python-support (>= 0.90.0), python-application (>= 1.2.5), python-cjson, python-eventlet-0.8, python-qt4 (>= 4.7), python-sipsimple (>= 0.18.1), python-twisted-core, python-zope.interface10:39
apacheloggerwe do not have sipsimple and half the other crap int here10:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: no i didn't .. :P10:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: we had the one from darcs10:39
apacheloggerit cannot be installed10:39
shadeslayerherp derp10:40
apacheloggerpadams: put some cold coffee on it10:40
shadeslayeri need to get rid of prelink crapz10:40
padamsapachelogger: i will wait for my mug to cool down :)10:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://blog.qt.nokia.com/2011/05/23/how-well-can-you-code-qt-for-meego-enter-the-qt-wetab-app-challenge/10:41
apacheloggermake some code happen10:41
apacheloggershadeslayer, Quintasan_: do we have calligra in project neon yet?10:41
debfxshadeslayer: mind filing another MIR? :)10:42
debfxlibqzeitgeist is required by muon10:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: i started a import last night10:42
shadeslayerdon't know if it completed or not10:42
shadeslayerdebfx: sure10:42
apacheloggerplz check10:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/project-neon/calligra10:43
shadeslayerlooks like it was imported10:43
shadeslayerneed to fixor the branch tho10:44
shadeslayerdebfx: do you need the MIR right now?10:46
debfxshadeslayer: no, it's not urgent10:47
apacheloggeris kde merged from debian yet?10:47
shadeslayeroh that reminds me10:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: mind doing a upload of avogadro for me?10:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612052/ << debdiff from debian10:48
apacheloggerI should be learning10:48
apacheloggerwhat I always wondered, why can one not just write Architecture: !armel10:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: incidentially for a merge request to get sponsored a debdiff of that new thing to our packaging would be useful10:50
apacheloggeralso I think mr. debian has an invalid changelog10:50
apachelogger+avogadro (1.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low10:50
apacheloggerthat OA there looks fishy10:50
shadeslayerthat might have been me ... but i can't say10:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: okay, fixed, should i file a bug report or such?10:53
shadeslayerfor the avogadro merge10:54
apacheloggerwith according debdiffs attached :P10:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: but the ubuntu old vs ubuntu new debdiff would be quite huge10:54
shadeslayerversion bumps, so i'll just add a diff of the packaging10:55
* apachelogger wants both10:56
shadeslayerif you say so10:56
jussishadeslayer: dependency issues...10:58
jussishadeslayer: need to package all the bits and pieces10:59
shadeslayerright ...10:59
shadeslayerjussi: which version do you need btw?10:59
jussiversion of blink? 10:59
jussishadeslayer: whatever is in their maverick repo there is fine.11:00
jussishadeslayer: deb-src http://ag-projects.com/ubuntu lucid main11:00
jussithats lucid11:01
jussibut mav is same11:01
jussiso, can you just repackage whatevr is in there for natty ?11:01
shadeslayerwill look into it :)11:01
valoriewooooooooo headphones, mic and SKYPE work again!11:09
valoriethanks to the nice team at ubuntu-kernel11:09
* jussi hides from QuintasanDroid11:10
* apachelogger hides from jussi11:10
QuintasanDroidjussi: well, the board will be available from 2nd of June but I am ordering now :P11:10
apacheloggerI am now hidden^211:10
* QuintasanDroid has to make his father pay up11:10
shadeslayersay i want to close multiple bugs, with the changelog, i can use a ',' between the 2 bugs right?11:10
jussiQuintasanDroid: yeah, ordering now is a good thing - mine is due shipped in july :/11:10
* valorie goes to hide in the covers of the bed11:10
apacheloggervalorie: nites11:11
ScottKapachelogger: top is part of procps, which is in ubuntu-minimal so we can't replace it.  I think adding an additional top implementation into Main would be a very hard sell and I can't see why it would be Kubuntu specific, so it's really a platform issue and not Kubuntu.12:21
apacheloggerbut kubuntu must be superior12:21
ScottKBTW, there's a known issue with kernel power management in Natty that sounds like it may be padams' problem.12:23
ScottKapachelogger: Can you make a note to chat with Jon the Taco about the fact that Muon is pulliing in libqzeitgeist?  Either needs a MIR or the dependency dropped.12:25
apacheloggertaco :D :D12:25
apacheloggerI shall hope to note forget about it12:25
debfxScottK: I've already asked shadeslayer to file a MIR12:26
ScottKdebfx: Great.  doko was asking about it on #ubuntu-devel.12:26
ScottKPlease keep after him on it as apparently properly supervising shadeslayer is beyond apachelogger now.12:26
apacheloggerhe's gone rogue12:27
shadeslayerlaunchpad isn't accepting my patch now12:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: bug 78745813:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787458 in avogadro (Ubuntu) "Please merge avogadro 1.0.3-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78745813:04
shadeslayerdebfx: the qt-gstreamer package doesn't have a watch file ... 13:05
shadeslayerScottK: apachelogger kamoso promoted to main 13:06
ScottKshadeslayer: Great.  Did someone seed it?13:07
shadeslayerScottK: not yet, it was just promoted13:07
* ScottK does.13:09
debfxshadeslayer: ok, I'll send a patch to debian13:09
shadeslayeralrighty :)13:10
shadeslayerqt-gstreamer moved to main too13:12
jussiso... apachelogger... how does one install plasma mobile from natty?  (I want to try it out on the imx51 machine I have here)13:14
shadeslayerjussi: install plasma-mobile ?13:15
jussishadeslayer: is it really that simple ?13:15
shadeslayerafaik they don't have a meta package for kubuntu-mobile and the amd64/i686 arch's13:15
jussishadeslayer: its arm machine13:15
shadeslayerjussi: kubuntu-mobile then13:16
* jussi installs13:16
shadeslayer!info kubuntu-mobile13:16
ubottukubuntu-mobile (source: kubuntu-mobile-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Mobile system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.218 (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 56 kB (Only available for i386 armel)13:16
jussiI installed that, logged out, but it isnt in the list? 13:18
ScottKDoes the systemsettings kcm for picking your plasma shell give you mobile as an option?13:19
jussiScottK: Ive tried to install straight from gnome. 13:20
shadeslayerok gtg and study for a while, ciao13:21
jussithe install gave me some wirdness though13:21
ScottKSince plasma-mobile is designed to work with nodm, I suspect you aren't in the area of a considered use case.13:21
apacheloggerdft makes me wanna throw up bad time13:22
jussiScottK: so... what do I need to do to get it to work? 13:22
apacheloggerjussi: using gdm?13:22
jussiapachelogger: yes13:22
apacheloggercause gdm will definitely need a restart to pickup new sessions13:22
* ScottK looks at apachelogger.13:22
jussiIve basically got a stock efika upgradded to natty13:22
jussiapachelogger: oh :)13:22
* jussi restarts the machine13:22
apachelogger!find plasma-mobile.desktop13:23
ubottuFile plasma-mobile.desktop found in kubuntu-mobile-default-settings13:23
apacheloggerah, what useless output this is13:23
apacheloggerxsession file should be part of the default-settings package13:23
apacheloggerwhy that is I really wonder13:23
jussinope, restarted and still nothing :(13:25
ScottKSeeds fiddled, btw.13:26
apacheloggervery seedy today13:28
apacheloggerjussi: perhaps kdm woudl serve you better :P13:28
jussiapachelogger: hrm, seems the kubuntu-mobile package didnt pull much in...13:29
* jussi tries installing plasma mobile13:29
jussihrm, that looks more correct13:30
QuintasanDroidherper derper13:45
QuintasanDroidso hot13:45
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanapachelogger: no we do not13:52
padamsScottK: thanks for the heads-up on kernel power management. is there a bug i can look at somewhere?14:03
ScottKThere is.  Let me see if I can find it.14:03
ScottKpadams: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/760131 is the one I was thinking of.14:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 760131 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Power consumption raised significantly in natty" [High,Confirmed]14:09
jussikdm by itself doesnt work - drops me to shell. :/ - installed kubuntu-desktop and... nothign. :( only gdm seems to work :(14:12
jussibah, kde doesnt work either.14:12
padamsScottK: thanks14:12
jussi(could not start kdeinit4: check your installation)14:12
* txwikinger hates all those natty regressions14:21
txwikingermostly non-kde related though14:22
claydohw00t veromix ftw, its kde, and has basic amarok controls built in!!! no more pavucontrol for me hopefully14:27
ScottKclaydoh: We did consider veromix for default install at UDS, but concluded that for general users it was overkill and kmix was best for general use/default install.  I'm curious what you needed pauvontrol for?14:28
* ScottK has never needed it.14:28
claydohmy usb headset14:28
claydohthats the only reason14:29
txwikingerwould be nice if kmix would at least work14:29
claydohsure would be nice14:31
claydohhah veromix even has the same media controls for Clementine when that is running14:33
ScottKtxwikinger: What do you mean by work?  Worksforme.14:33
* claydoh should blog on it.14:33
padamsScottK: interesting to see in that bug that a lot of people are reporting lots of wakeups in powertop... the only clue that /i/ have something wrong (other than the crap battery life) is the inexplicably high loadavg... worth me adding to the report?14:34
txwikingerScottK: On my netbook, it does not show any of the needed channels14:34
ScottKIf you aren't seeing the large number of wakeups, then I'd suggest filing a new bug.14:34
txwikingerI have to go to alsamixer to turn on the mic14:34
padamsScottK: ok, cool14:35
ScottKpadams: For kernel bugs it's better to make a new bug.14:35
ScottKtxwikinger: Sounds like a pulseaudio/driver bug.  You should file a ubuntu-bug audio about it.14:35
ScottKIt's nothing to do with kmix.14:36
* txwikinger did his duty and voted14:36
txwikingerScottK: ok.. as I said before.. mosst of the time it is non-kde related :D14:36
ScottKYou also said kmix wasn't working.14:37
ScottKIt's nothing to do with kmix.14:37
ScottKI understand why lots of users mistake that, but I think you know better.14:37
txwikingerI said it earlier in regards to natty regressions14:38
txwikingerI do not know enough about the sound stuff to be able to say were the problem is14:38
txwikingerI cannot even keep up what sound system is used anymore14:39
padamsScottK: thanks for the pointers - just reported my first ever bug in launchpad :)15:09
ScottKtxwikinger: It didn't change any from Maverick for Kubuntu.15:09
ScottKpadams: You're welcome.15:09
steveire_padams: Noob!15:13
padamssteveire_: you can only get away with banter like that when i am in the uk, not when i am in berlin and in the same building as you!15:14
padamssteveire_: the fact that i have only just filed my first bug in launchpad is more of a statement of the quality of the product than it is of my n00bishness :)15:15
moonfluxsomebody with qt packaging fu might want to look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/75271315:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 752713 in qtcreator (Ubuntu) "Can't access Qt creator design mode" [Undecided,New]15:25
debfxmoonflux: didrocks is working on it15:30
moonfluxdebfx: cool15:30
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
txwikingerScottK: That is true.. kmix never showed more than the general output channel for my netbook15:43
ScottKWhich is what it's supposed to do.  The magic behind the curtain should make that OK.15:43
txwikingerWell.. I guess that is what I wanted to express.. the Kubuntu part is getting better and better, unfortunately underlying parts have issues.. even in regards to the sounds stuff. I am not qualified to assess were the probem is..I just don't understand enough of it15:45
rbelemapachelogger, https://wiki.mozilla.org/Antonr/FennecQtBuild15:45
apacheloggerstinky gecko *grml*15:48
ScottKThis page was last modified on 2 April 200915:51
ScottKA bit dated.15:51
apacheloggeroh, is it back from in the days when there actually was brief hope for a qt firefox15:53
rbelemScottK, https://build.pub.meego.com/package/files?package=fennec-qt&project=Project%3ADE%3ATrunk15:53
rbelemthis one is a bit new newer15:54
ScottKA bit.15:55
rbelemScottK, http://wiki.meego.com/Project/Browser more info here15:56
ScottKMore bugs in reopened status than new is not encouraging.15:57
rbelemthat's true15:58
apacheloggerbad wiki page, aint got no screenshots15:58
rbelemi'm installing it in meego to see how it is looks like16:01
rbelemhum... bad microsd :'(16:04
=== moonflux_ is now known as moonflux
rbelemapachelogger, i will try the emmc alternative http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900/Install/EMMC16:17
apacheloggerrbelem: oh, I was thinking about that too16:17
apacheloggerwas a bit too scared16:18
rbelemeheheh :-D16:18
rbelemapachelogger, i'm testing in company's n900 :-D16:19
* apachelogger giggles16:19
apacheloggerwise thing to do16:19
rbelemapachelogger, i ran out of microsd. two microsd with badblocks and other three are being used in a presentation in the meego conf16:21
apacheloggerperhaps fixing the boroken microsd's would be an option ^^16:22
apacheloggerI do however wonder why one needs a microsd at meego conf16:22
apacheloggerit is all in the cloudz16:22
rbelemapachelogger, one colleague made a presentation about developing game with qt, qml and qt mobility16:24
apacheloggerrbelem: and you cannot run that in the cloud?16:25
apacheloggerkubotu: dent #cloudfail no qml in the cloudz16:25
apacheloggerkubotu: hellooooooo16:25
apacheloggeroh my, he is broken16:26
* rbelem kicks kubotu 16:26
* apachelogger kicks rbelem16:26
apacheloggerhow rude16:26
rbelemapachelogger, it is just toaster16:27
rbelembrb.. meeting16:27
* apachelogger never gets to have any meetings16:28
apacheloggeroh, tomorrow I will16:28
* apachelogger should really be learning for exams on thursday but is too tired from cycling 16:28
ScottKWhen rbelem says 'meeting' we know he means 'Rodrigo'.16:28
apacheloggergood point there16:29
ScottKapachelogger: Careful.  I think 'too tired from cycling' is what happened to nixternal.16:29
* apachelogger wonders whatever happend to his identica plugin16:29
apacheloggerScottK: I think it is a scientific fact that he turned lazy16:30
ScottKThe distinction between that and 'too tired' is often very fine.16:30
ScottKWhich reminds me.16:30
* apachelogger somehow managed to loose the identica plugin16:30
ScottKNeed to go find more coffee.16:30
apacheloggerScottK: good luck!16:30
* apachelogger also could use a cup16:31
apacheloggeror twenty16:31
* ScottK distinctly recalls having made it this morning AFTER everyone else left, so absent really fast evaporation, it should be there.16:31
ScottK(I suppose the dog developing opposable thumbs to break into the pot and a caffeine addiction is also a small possibility)16:32
apacheloggerthem addictions are horrible16:33
apacheloggerScottK: do you have any particular opinion WRT having the youbuntoo icon in kubuntu-default-settings?16:33
apacheloggerI reckon there are apps that use it (like youbuntoo uno)16:34
apacheloggeralso it would help me not click the wrong icon in my dolphin sidebar ^^16:34
ScottKHow so?16:34
* ScottK is a bit reluctant to include free advertising for others.16:35
apacheloggerScottK: cause there is kubuntu links and there more ubuntu links, me being always high on caffeine or alcohol or tabacco or all three of them I usually randomly click at nice icons to get somewhere, which almost never is where I wanted to go originally16:36
apacheloggerthe youbuntoo uno use case is more present though, also it would just sit there, waiting for someone to use it, so I'd not call it advertisment16:37
apacheloggerat any rate not more advertisement than using their name and prefix it with a k ;)16:37
ScottKCan I try this youbunoo uno?16:37
ScottKSo I can see the problem.16:37
ScottKOh.  That one.16:37
apacheloggerwell, more precisely I believe the ubuntu-sso-client uses it16:38
apacheloggerwhich makes sense, as it is the ubuntu sso rather than the kubuntu one16:38
* ScottK was thinking it was a customized version of a computerized version of the card game of that name.16:38
ScottKAnd it assumes this icon is present?16:38
apacheloggerto that extent we might need it at some point anyway, when jon the taco finds out that he will need sso to get review stuff into muon proper ;)16:39
apacheloggerScottK: yeah16:39
ScottKAren't we going to conflict with some other package that already provides it?16:39
apacheloggerScottK: not if we put it in oxygen16:39
ScottKOf course that causes bloat.16:40
apacheloggerwell, icons are not that big :P16:40
apacheloggerplus we do not need all resolutions of it16:40
ScottKBut I suppose that's way simpler than splitting out an ubuntu-icon package we can seed.16:40
apacheloggermaybe just 16, 32 and 4816:40
apacheloggeror just 4816:40
apacheloggerIIRC the icon spec says that apps should deploy their icons as at least 48 to hicolor16:41
ScottKMeh.  Whatever.16:41
apacheloggerScottK: well, I'd suppose they then would like to put all ubuntuish icons in there :S16:41
ScottKYes, but if we do it that way the next time they revolutionize their artwork we don't have to remember to fix the one in oxygen.16:42
apachelogger(ubuntuish = derived from the ubuntu icon used across multiple apps)16:42
apacheloggerScottK: then let's refactor the packages ^^16:43
apacheloggeroh, also16:43
apacheloggerthe niceness of this approach is that each app that actually uses the ubuntu icon as such can nicely depend on that one package to ensure it is installed16:43
ScottKAs long as us means you, sure.  Please have a chat with seb1218 or didrocks about it since I've recently been harping on the importance of them checking with us before they mess with Qt.16:43
ScottKIt seems buggy to need icons that aren't provided by dependencies.16:44
apacheloggerkubotu: you are so beautiful to me!16:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://i.imgur.com/XYm5d.png16:48
ScottKExcept for denting.16:49
ScottKshadeslayer: Are you working on the libqzeitgeist MIR?16:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: read about termkit yet?16:49
shadeslayerScottK: will work on it in a couple of hours16:49
apacheloggerit is kap0tt because twatter switched to oauth16:49
* apachelogger does not particularly care for that16:49
shadeslayeri will file a request by tonight16:49
apacheloggerso I'd need to grab a revision of the twitter plugin that does not use oauth and then work with that16:50
ScottKJontheEchidna: ^^^ doko was pinging about this MIR earlier today due to muon dependencies.16:50
apacheloggerhttp auth is superior anyway16:50
ScottKI think you have to use oauth now.16:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: what is it?16:50
apacheloggerScottK: not with identica16:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: Terminal + Webkit : https://github.com/unconed/TermKit16:50
JontheEchidnaI'm not using any auth layer for anything in muon yet16:51
apacheloggerwhat be the use of this?16:51
JontheEchidnathis is why users cannot submit reviews with muon16:51
ScottKJontheEchidna: The MIR thing was about libqzeitgeist.16:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: cooler terminal, can cat png's and stuff16:51
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: can we build muon without it?16:52
JontheEchidnaI thought the ^^^ was in regards to the above discussion w/ apachelogger16:52
apacheloggerI does not compute this16:52
JontheEchidnaScottK: we should probably get that an MIR, seeing as Phonon will use it too16:52
apacheloggerthe empire of phonon uses it for years16:53
apacheloggerfirst of the adopters we were16:53
ScottKshadeslayer apparently has enough spare time from exams, studying, and termkit to file it, so assuming he actually does so, we should be good.16:53
apacheloggerthe land of libqzeitgeist wei conquered16:53
apacheloggernow it is a colony of the great phonon empire, supplying us with buzz and engineering forces16:53
JontheEchidnait won't be a hard library to MIR, since it is just a very thin wrapper over a dbus interface16:55
apacheloggerwhy do you hard-depend on it anyway?16:55
apachelogger!info phonon16:55
ubottuphonon (source: phonon): metapackage for the Phonon multimedia framework. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.0really4.5.0-0ubuntu3 (natty), package size 7 kB, installed size 72 kB16:55
JontheEchidnaI don't, you can compile without libqzeitgeist support16:55
apacheloggersupposedly phonon is built without it16:55
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so why dont we do that? :P16:56
JontheEchidnabecause then you wouldn't be able to use zeitgeist fanciness even if you wanted to16:56
apacheloggeruntil there is zeitgeist integratin building with libqzeitgeist enabled does not make sense anyway16:56
apachelogger(for us)16:56
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you are trying to address 0.00001% of the target audience with that :P16:56
apacheloggerthose that know what zeitgeist is could not care less and those that do not probably do not want to know anyway16:57
JontheEchidnait's a chicken/egg problem. If nobody ever uses it, nobody will care enough to use it in their apps16:57
apacheloggerit is a chicken problem16:57
apacheloggeruntil there is sane KDE integration there is no gain from ever tracking anything with zeitgeist16:58
JontheEchidnathere is a kate plugin :P16:58
ScottKKDE Integration: DONE.16:58
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: not in upstream kate though16:58
debfxScottK: feel like sponsoring a Debian package?16:59
ScottKDepends on what it is.16:59
ScottKSo "maybe"16:59
debfxa small xml library16:59
ScottKYes, but I twitch everytime anyone says XML.17:00
ScottKI can have a look a bit later.17:00
ScottKSurely by Thursday.17:00
ScottKdebfx: Link me the .dsc.17:00
ScottKdebfx: Are you in NM?17:01
debfxScottK: thanks, http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/t/tinyxml/tinyxml_2.6.2-1.dsc17:01
ScottK(or did you consider to become a DM)17:01
JontheEchidnaI'll just remove the build-dep on libqzeitgeist17:01
ScottKYou should one or both of those.17:01
ScottKJontheEchidna: Why?17:01
JontheEchidnathe reasons apachelogger mentioned17:01
ScottKIf it's an easy MIR, then you can be the egg.17:01
ScottKYour call.17:01
JontheEchidnayeah, it's not that big of a deal17:02
JontheEchidnait's just used for a tiny feature to tell you how many times you've used an application: http://i.imgur.com/hBmtv.png17:02
shadeslayeroh wow17:02
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: it even tells what addons you can install?17:02
JontheEchidnaand kate is just about the only kde app that can report this, if you manually install its zeitgeist plugin and the zeitgeist daemon itself17:02
shadeslayerthats kewl17:02
apacheloggerdebfx: bug 525005 ... FAM does not use inotify, it is much older than inotify, also it does the same thing as inotify, also gamin is largely compatible to FAM but uses inotify with additional clutter around it for the lolz of it, also upstream should be consulted on this matter17:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 525005 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "kubuntu kde4 missing fam support for nfs (kdelibs-bin)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52500517:03
debfxScottK: maybe, I don't think I have a DD signature though17:03
ScottKWhere do you live?17:03
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: yes, using package suggests, and finding packages that have Enhances: kate in their control file17:03
debfxScottK: in karlsruhe, germany17:04
apacheloggerScottK: it is an easy MIR but not worth opening a browser as it does add nil useful functionality at this time17:04
ScottKGermany is thick with DDs.  You should be able to solve this.17:04
* apachelogger reads get a DD drunk and do nasty things17:04
apacheloggerdebfx: actually.....17:05
JontheEchidnaI got my key signed about about 3 DDs at UDS17:05
ScottKdebfx: There's multiple people listed for karlsruhe: http://wiki.debian.org/Keysigning/Offers#DE17:05
apacheloggerperhaps I am wrong, but I believe KDE actually uses inotify natively nowadays17:05
JontheEchidnaGermany is also thick with apt developers17:05
apacheloggerat least I think I once read something on some list about something like that17:05
apacheloggerdebfx: which would make sense seeing as FAM is crapz, gamin is less crapz but fat around inotify17:06
ScottKdebfx: How about I agree to sponsor you and you agree to get your key signed so we can get you DM and in NM?17:06
ScottKapachelogger: You say fat like it's a bad thing.  This is KDE after all.17:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that is because only the german way could possibly deal with all the scaryness17:07
apacheloggerScottK: actually gamin is a gnome project17:07
apacheloggerjust so you know17:07
apacheloggernot KDE is the fatty, but GNOME17:07
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I verified from DonKult that this is true :P17:07
ScottKWell.  If it's a Gnome thing then I believe that automatically makes it cross-desktop these days.17:07
apacheloggerso is the kernel :P17:08
ScottKBut since it turns out Gnome is an OS, I guess the kernel is relevant.17:08
debfxScottK: fair enough17:08
apacheloggeroh lulz17:09
apacheloggerfam: zero bug reports17:09
apacheloggergamin: 4 bug reports17:09
apacheloggerold crapz > new fat crapz17:09
debfxapachelogger: so building with gamin wouldn't solve that bug since it uses inotify?17:09
apacheloggerI did not read the bug :P17:09
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: ok so muon doesn't depend on zeitgeist now?17:09
debfxmaybe it's just that no one uses fam since it's in universe whereas gamin is in main17:10
JontheEchidnaThe situation now is that it can be compiled to depend against the Qt wrapper lib for the zeigeist dbus interface, so that if you have zeitgeist-daemon installed, things will work17:10
shadeslayerokay, but i need to know if i should file a MIR against it tonight :)17:11
apacheloggerdebfx: it probably would17:11
JontheEchidnazeitgeist itself is already in main, you'd need one for libzeitgeist but I'm removing the build-dep from muon17:11
apacheloggerdebfx: I am pretty sure NFS would not be covered by inotify17:11
JontheEchidnasince nothing in KDE can use it without some work17:12
debfxapachelogger: I though gamin relies on inotify17:12
apacheloggerit also does subsequent manual checks I'd suppose17:12
apacheloggerotherwise there would not be much use for it alltogether ^^17:13
apacheloggerinotify IIRC is sitting just above the FS, so unless the NFS impl actually notifies inotify (which in case of NFS, being distributed and all, means that the driver needs to poke the server ever so often)  inotify won't work17:13
apacheloggerof course NFS is utter crap and should not be used for reasons like that17:14
JontheEchidnahopefully a meaningful zeitgeist integration plan will come out of that KDE sprint in Randa17:17
shadeslayeroh btw i might have a new minion17:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^ want a minion?17:19
JontheEchidnafirst rule of minions:17:21
JontheEchidnanever offer a former minion master one of your minions, or they become your minion master's minions17:21
JontheEchidnaand you will really never stopped being a minion :P17:21
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: i don't have a minion, i know someone who might become a minion .. :P17:21
JontheEchidnasecond rule of minions:17:22
JontheEchidnaalways seize the opportunity to get yourself a minion17:22
JontheEchidnaQuintasan know what I am talking about :P17:22
apacheloggerdebfx: inotify in kdirwatch should cover everything fam supports, also inotify indeed generally works with any FS as long as it emits inode changes accordingly17:23
jussiNOOOOO.... No nonononononononononononono...MAKE IT STOP!!! (watched part of rebecca black - friday)17:24
apacheloggerdebfx: so, IMHO this is a bug in NFS and should be fixed there, meanwhile we *could* build with fam support17:24
apacheloggerquestion is: do we care enough about a crappy legacy network file system to introduce a new/old dep17:24
apacheloggerI suppose NFS could totally support inotify and be it by regularly shooting a rescan to the server for files/dirs that are watched 17:26
debfxwhen kdelibs is built with gamin it always spawns a daemon at runtime17:27
shadeslayerjussi: you are now contaminated17:27
jussishadeslayer: yeah :/17:27
apacheloggerdebfx: not if we set the preferred method to inotify I suppose17:27
apacheloggeror just not install the silly daemon17:28
debfxapachelogger: how do we do that?17:28
apacheloggerwho'd have known17:28
apacheloggerit defaults to inotify17:28
apacheloggerso it should not launch the daemon (I suppose)17:28
apachelogger  QString method = config.readEntry("PreferredMethod", "inotify");17:28
debfxit does however17:29
apacheloggeralso:::::  m_nfsPreferredMethod = methodFromString(config.readEntry("nfsPreferredMethod", "Fam"));17:29
apacheloggerIMHO we just don't give a rats behind :P17:29
apacheloggerdoes fam have a daemon?17:29
* apachelogger cant recall17:29
apacheloggerat any rate it would increase mem usage and wakeups if it did not have a daemon17:29
apacheloggerah yeah17:30
apachelogger#ifdef HAVE_FAM17:30
apachelogger  // It's possible that FAM server can't be started17:30
apachelogger  if (FAMOpen(&fc) ==0) {17:30
apachelogger    availableMethods << "FAM";17:30
apacheloggerdebfx: that is why it starts the daemon regardless of preferredmethod17:30
debfxfam is in universe, I wouldn't want to start a MIR17:30
apacheloggerfam=gamin within thte context of kdirwatch17:30
apacheloggerbut oh, we have the ScottK17:32
debfxif we want to use gamin and make it optional we'd have to change the gamin package17:33
apacheloggerScottK: how important is the NFS these days?17:33
ScottKEither not or very depending on who you talk to.17:33
apacheloggernutty file system17:35
QuintasanDroidsomeone is still using that?17:36
stalcupi am17:36
apacheloggerstalcup: what for?17:36
stalcuper, just kidding :P17:36
QuintasanDroidapachelogger almost fell for it17:36
apacheloggerone shalt not kid about scary things like that17:36
stalcupsorry :)17:37
apacheloggerQuintasanDroid: there is people that use it, for there is a report about making KDE fatter so that their NFS plunder works17:37
QuintasanDroidno fatter KDE pls17:37
apacheloggerdebfx: ^17:38
apacheloggerdebfx: well, you make the call :P17:38
apacheloggerI'd redirect the reporter nicely to report a bug against NFS being crap and not supporting inotify17:38
QuintasanDroidapachelogger: also, did you mean blunder?17:38
* QuintasanDroid has always thought than plunder is stuff obtained through illegal ways17:39
apacheloggeras in booty17:39
QuintasanDroidwell, whatever, somehow plunder does not fit together with NFS for me17:40
* QuintasanDroid would like to note that he is not an English specialist by any means17:40
* QuintasanDroid goes back to physics homework17:41
apacheloggerQuintasanDroid: one man's plunder is another man's crapz17:42
ScottKWhich explains the popularity of second hand stores.17:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: hm, did you ever think about making a less confusing update manager for muon?17:50
apacheloggerall this undo and redo and whatnot makes me confus0red17:51
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: yes, I have. I have run in to ENOTIME errors though17:53
JontheEchidnamaybe next muon cycle17:54
apacheloggerlets propose the 32 hour day to kent beck17:54
apacheloggerhe could make it happen17:54
=== seajey_ is now known as SeaJey
JontheEchidnathese are some notes I jotted down a month or two ago: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612362/17:58
JontheEchidnasome general ideas on how to present updates17:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/72332873/ubuntu_old_to_ubuntu_new_packaging.diff18:09
apacheloggerwhy are there no upstream changes despite 2 intermediate upstream releases?18:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: also what is with the empty line at the end of the changelog?18:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: +avogadro (1.0.3-1ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low18:13
apacheloggerwrong series18:13
apacheloggershadeslayer:   * Merge from debian, remaining changes (LP: #787458 , #784267)18:15
apacheloggerthat will not work18:15
apacheloggerIIRC the only valid markup is LP: number or #number18:15
apacheloggercertainly not comma number18:15
macoapachelogger: you can do LP: #number, #othernumber, #othernumber18:16
apacheloggeris that new?18:16
apacheloggerback when I was young that did not work18:16
macoi saw crimsun close 70 bugs in one pulseaudio upload that way a couple years ago18:16
apacheloggernumber, number could indeed work18:17
apacheloggernumber space comma space number though is verrrry doubtable18:17
* apachelogger gets himself some nice pbuilder for annoy-rick18:17
apacheloggerhah, indeed18:18
apacheloggernumber, number will definitely work18:18
apacheloggermaco: no things to learn everyday :D18:18
apacheloggerthanks for the info18:19
* apachelogger pokes ejat with a long pointy stick18:39
* ejat miss me 18:41
ejatopss .. 18:42
ejatsorry .. my quassel :(18:42
* ScottK cautions apachelogger that use of 'long pointy stick's might summon ghosts of Ubuntu developers past.18:53
ejat+1 ScottK18:56
apacheloggerScottK: I do not fear no ghosts!19:04
micahgapachelogger: I think the quote is "I ain't afraid of no ghosts" :)19:04
davmor2apachelogger: has ghostbusters on his speed dial19:04
apacheloggermicahg: perhaps19:05
apacheloggerit is not like I'd remember things long enough19:06
apacheloggerbut here is one that will stay with me for life: "it is not supposed to make that noise, *you* leave the breaks on"19:06
apacheloggeryo bambee19:10
bambeehey 19:10
bambee apachelogger: it would be a good thing to move libmygpo-qt from universe to main, imho. As amarok may use  it.19:12
apacheloggerbambee: once amarok does we will19:12
debfxafaik it already uses libmygpo-qt19:17
debfxJontheEchidna: so what do you want to do regarding muon and qzeitgeist?19:18
JontheEchidnatrying to testbuild dropping the build-dep but there's a bit of archive skew so it's not building19:19
bambeeapachelogger: could you upload libmygpo-qt-1.0.3 into archives for me ? (see revu)19:23
apacheloggerwhat do I get in return? :P19:23
apacheloggerI dont see anything on revu anyway19:24
bambeemhhhh....  a kiss ? :P19:24
apacheloggersmooching \o/19:25
apacheloggerbambee: still don't see in on revu though19:25
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: hello hello?19:25
apacheloggerdoes you haz time to prevu a bloggy posty?19:26
JontheEchidnamaybe in 10 minutes19:26
apacheloggerI will send you some spam19:27
apacheloggerwho else wants to prevu?19:27
apacheloggerbambee: too many changes19:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: for the extra line at the end of the file, i'd say merge-changelog might have put it there19:42
shadeslayerbecause i certainly did not touch the end of the changelog19:42
shadeslayeras for the translations patch, there is no translations patch in the sources i pulled from launchpad19:43
apacheloggerthe what patch?19:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: the install_translations.patch 19:44
apacheloggerdid I complain about that?19:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh .. what were you talking about?19:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: [22:39:32] <apachelogger> why are there no upstream changes despite 2 intermediate upstream releases?19:48
apacheloggerin the debdiff newubuntu->oldubuntu19:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: because the debdiff is fscking huge19:49
shadeslayerlaunchpad times out when i try uploading the 10MB patch19:49
shadeslayeri can try pastebining it ^_^19:50
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: while you are in blog prevu mode, I shall also spam you some other post I have drafted for release sometime this week19:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: xz -9 file19:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: i also found something else, my MIR request for avogadro19:53
shadeslayerwill try to include a patch by mterry19:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: lol .. see GSoC mailing list19:58
apacheloggerdid carol announce that I wont get my welcome package? :/19:58
apacheloggerPosted on wrong list , please ignore.19:59
* apachelogger reads19:59
apachelogger">I don't recommend signing the back of the payment card with the included pen. The ink just doesn't want to dry.20:00
apacheloggerIt would be a good idea to sign on it, else it can be misused easily if stolen."20:00
apacheloggeryou got to be kidding me20:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: i actually know the guy who posted that20:00
shadeslayeri studied with him for 2 years20:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: so, please try to explain that comment20:01
shadeslayeri have no idea what it means20:01
apacheloggerperhaps understanding will prevent me from writing a "what is wrong with you people" mail20:01
shadeslayerhe probably didn't read the previous mail properly20:02
apacheloggerwhich is a perfect use case for WIWWYP20:02
apachelogger"Yes, it must be signed.20:02
apacheloggerI'm just saying I wouldn't sign it with the pen included in the welcome package, the ink doesn't seem to dry and keeps smearing around.20:02
apacheloggerSign with a different pen."20:02
apacheloggerjust srsly20:03
apacheloggerand why does he tell us that there is a pen in the package, now the surprise is all gone20:03
* apachelogger actually could use some ubuntu pens20:03
shadeslayer^^ the one ubuntu pen i had is all out of ink :(20:04
JontheEchidnathose linaro pens at UDS were all smear-y20:04
apacheloggerfor the very same raeson I have 5 n900 styluses ^^20:04
JontheEchidnaI got ink all over myself at the keysigning20:04
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: really? the linaro pens at UDS N  were pretty good20:04
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you just do not know how to operate a linaro pen :P20:04
apacheloggerit is arm powered20:04
apacheloggerso I can see how that would happen20:04
* claydoh is still waiting for his thong, but will take a fez in its place20:04
apacheloggerfezes are cool20:05
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: you are incompatible with their instruction set20:05
apacheloggerQuintasan: where be your blog post btw?20:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: where be *your* blog post???20:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: kshadeslayer.wordpress.com20:07
shadeslayerbut i have yet to add a entry20:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: i shall have a blog entry on the 10th, the day my exams end20:07
apachelogger"today end of exams\ntomorrow next exam\nEOF"20:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: nope, these are my last exams this semester, i have holidays after that20:09
apacheloggerfor 1 week, eh?20:09
apacheloggerQuintasanDroid: where be your blog post?20:09
* QuintasanDroid has over 9000 exams in the following weeks20:09
shadeslayer2 months :P20:10
apacheloggertests aint quite the same as exams :P20:10
QuintasanDroidapachelogger: pending due to "extra" short test from physics20:10
bambeeapachelogger: I was eating. Too many changes ?20:10
bambeewhat ?20:10
QuintasanDroidthat apparently "should raise our already shitty grades"20:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: i am in great pain ... my book says .doc is a de jure standard20:10
shadeslayermy eyes burn20:10
QuintasanDroidtherefore I counclude tomorrow will be a shitty day20:11
* shadeslayer faints20:11
bambeeapachelogger: it's just a release bugfix :)20:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: is it not?20:11
QuintasanDroidshadeslayer: sup, Hall's effect20:11
apacheloggerbambee: that is what you say20:12
QuintasanDroidsheytan: want to write my physics test tomorrow?20:12
* apachelogger has all sorts of graphics exams on thursday and is not exactly well prepared20:12
apacheloggerneed at least 15% of points20:12
apacheloggerit scares me slightly20:12
QuintasanDroidI wanted to have a good grade from physics but I abandoned that idea a long time ago20:13
QuintasanDroidI have absolutely no idea what she wants from me20:13
QuintasanDroidshe == the teacher20:13
apacheloggerat least in austria the desire is knowledge20:14
apacheloggernot so much understanding20:14
sheytanQuintasanDroid i had 2 in physics :D Sorry :D20:14
QuintasanDroidyeah, she says that we will have test from electricity and she gives us a test from magnetism and tells us to stop whining20:14
* apachelogger likes her attitude20:14
QuintasanDroidshadeslayer: I had 3 last year, not sure how my grades look now20:15
QuintasanDroidsheytan: ^^20:15
QuintasanDroid#searchbuttonfail apachelogger 20:15
* QuintasanDroid has no tab on keyboard20:16
apacheloggerthat does not even make no sense20:16
apacheloggerhow do you write pyth0rn without tab?????20:16
apacheloggershadeslayer: Actually, on second thought, use a fine-tip permanent marker to sign.20:18
apacheloggerthere you go20:18
apacheloggerall questions answered, apachelogger's brain fried, now we can all sleep well tonight20:19
bambeeapachelogger: so libmygpo-qt is badly versionned ? 20:20
bambee(on upstream, I mean)20:20
apacheloggerbambee: yes20:20
apacheloggerperhaps no though20:20
* apachelogger is confused20:20
apacheloggergsoc students ate my brain for breakfast20:20
bambeethere are a lot of changes for a bug fix... you're right...20:21
sheytanapachelogger greate blog post! :D If you could next time you blog, add my blog address as "Tomasz Dudzik" as a link, i would be glad :)20:22
apacheloggerif you told me the address20:22
apacheloggeractually I was already wondering why you did not link it on phonon.kde.org20:22
sheytanapachelogger me too. need to poke ryrych to do that for me. The address is http://madsheytan.blogspot.com 20:24
bambeeMOHH!! the new phonon website... lovely :D20:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: also we need some box or something to drop some nice and cosy introduction to phonon in20:24
apacheloggersheytan: 20:24
apacheloggerthere we have it again20:24
apachelogger#tabfail strikes again!20:24
sheytanapachelogger i'll take care of that20:24
sheytanbambee thank you :D20:24
sheytanglad y ou like it20:25
apacheloggerkubotu: script add tabfail "zomg!!! #tabfail strikes again, one kitten less on this world :("20:25
apacheloggerkubotu: tabfail20:25
* bambee tries to read the code snippet...20:25
apacheloggerkubotu: are you still angry?20:25
apacheloggeroh right20:26
apacheloggerkubotu: script add -f tabfail m.reply "zomg!!! #tabfail strikes again, one kitten less on this world :("20:26
apacheloggerkubotu: tabfail20:26
kubotuzomg!!! #tabfail strikes again, one kitten less on this world :(20:26
bambeearf it's too quick :\20:26
apacheloggerthere we goes20:26
shadeslayermy router isn't working >.>20:27
shadeslayeri keep getting disconnected20:27
apacheloggerkubotu: script add rodrigo m.reply "oh, someone be pulling a rodrigo, recharge the batteries, good idea"20:28
kubotucan do!20:28
shadeslayerand there we go again20:29
* sheytan has some cool peanuts20:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: coudl qapt::debfile not grow an mostLilelyUsefulIcon() function?20:37
apacheloggerreturning a qimg20:38
JontheEchidnashouldn't be too hard to make such a function. All you'd have to do is extract the first item of iconList() in a temp dir, and create a QImage from the resulting file20:42
JontheEchidnawhy I didn't do this before is that I wanted consumers to have control over where to extract the files20:44
JontheEchidnasince it's a teeny bit security sensitive20:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: checkout bug20:48
shadeslayerbug 787458 that is20:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787458 in avogadro (Ubuntu) "Please merge avogadro 1.0.3-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78745820:48
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: did you create a thumbnailer for debs yet?20:54
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qapt/1.1.80-0ubuntu2/+build/252212320:55
apacheloggeruh sweet20:55
apacheloggeryou should blog about that ^^20:55
apacheloggeromgubuntu will surely pick it up20:55
JontheEchidnayeah, I've been meaning to blog about all the new utils coming in 1.220:56
apacheloggerJontheEchidna:     QString iconPath = iconsList.last();20:57
apacheloggerthat is an interesting algorithm to find the most suitable icon ^^20:57
JontheEchidnait is presumably the biggest :P20:57
apachelogger    QString destPath = QDir::tempPath() + QLatin1String("/kde-deb-thumbnailer/");20:58
debfxapachelogger: I've uploaded akonadi which builds multiple backend packages20:58
* apachelogger fires up qtcreator before going to bed20:58
JontheEchidnayeah, and QLatin1Literal needed too20:58
debfxin case you want to use sqlite for kubuntu mobile20:58
apacheloggerdebfx: you are my hero20:58
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: why are you using qpixmap btw?20:59
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: why would you replace all QL1S with literal?21:00
apacheloggerah, because of overlay21:00
JontheEchidnait includes a size member var which saves even more time in concatenation21:00
apacheloggerI see, I see21:00
JontheEchidnaQStringBuilder concatenates everything in one go, meaning one mem allocation, but it still needs to calculate how big21:01
JontheEchidnaliteral ensures it doesn't have to calculate size for that string21:01
apacheloggeryeah yeah21:01
apacheloggerbut you have one valid use of QL1S :P21:01
apacheloggerwhat is with 21:01
apacheloggerreturn (Flags)(None)21:01
apacheloggerabsolutely makes no sense to me considering the none is part of the enum21:02
apacheloggerthe enum flags that is ^^21:02
JontheEchidnathat might have been copypasta'd from another plugin21:02
apacheloggerJontheEchidna:     virtual ~DebThumbnailer();21:03
apacheloggerwhy virtual?21:03
JontheEchidnabecause it's virtual in the parent class21:04
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: doesn't matter in this case21:05
apacheloggerthe virtualness would only have an effect if that classy would be the parent of another one, where you implcitly want to enforce the dtor call21:06
JontheEchidnareally I could just skip on even stubbing out an empty dtor period21:08
JontheEchidnasince I'm not even deleting anything21:08
apacheloggerIMHO compiler implicit dtor would be best there21:08
apacheloggerAFAIK the thumbcreators do not need a virtual dtor21:08
JontheEchidna[16:02:25] <seb128> slangasek, you broke gdk-pixbuf in oneiric! ;-)21:09
JontheEchidna^that is why my chrome was red @UDS21:09
apacheloggerah, you should have given him a beatin' then :P21:09
apacheloggeror not use gtkware :P21:09
yofel_my chrome is still red here ^^21:10
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I did push you code21:10
apacheloggerand now I am off to bed21:10
JontheEchidnaright, it's not fixed yet. slangasek is getting noogied as we speak in #ubuntu-devel21:10
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: thx21:11
* yofel files bug about byobu in the meanwhile21:13
yofelno, my disk can't handle 7233MB/s even if it's an ssd21:13
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shadeslayerhas anyone even seen jr lately?22:11
shadeslayeri think he forgot about us :(22:11
vorianninjas, what is the link to creating a ninja environment?22:14
yofelvorian: see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/22:20
yofelthe pages need an update though, I'll look at them over the weekend22:21
vorianyofel: thanks22:21
shadeslayeryofel: is anyone working on the KDE 4.7 Beta?22:25
yofelnot that I know of, I'm busy with other things, and we still wanted to first merge from debian22:26
yofelthough I'm not sure how much they're doing with alioth issues22:26
* yofel is off to bed, good night22:30
shadeslayernight :)22:30
ScottKapachelogger: tabbed python is an abomination.  Should be indented by two or four spaces (four preferred).22:36
ScottKshadeslayer: He said he was going to take a break from #kubuntu-devel for a couple of weeks so he could get oriented with his new Canonical work.  He'll be back.22:39

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