
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
preecheris there a way to only have the panel displayed on only one of my desktops?00:24
James147preecher: virtual desktops? no00:27
preecherJames147 thanks00:28
solovoyhi, anyone who uses deadbeef ?00:41
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:44
=== Guest36838 is now known as ssfdre38
giantpunehi boys.  i am having an issue with wireless in kubuntu 11.04.  i can connect for about 5 minutes and then it gets disconnected and the network manager thingy tries to reconnect and gets stuck on "configuring interface".  if i restart the computer, it connects again for 5 minutes01:42
giantpunedoes anybody have any ideas?01:42
Magnussonanyone running natty on nvidia and getting the "input signal out of range" during boot and shutdown? or able to help with it01:45
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
kevinJHello, I could use a little help with Bluetooth when someone has a second02:11
kevinJplease and thank you02:11
kevinJBasically, bluetooth is not starting at boot02:12
kevinJIf i go into a terminal and restart it everything works fine.02:13
kevinJbut I prefer not to have to do that every time.02:13
kevinJOn on 11.04, fresh install.02:13
kevinJthere is no /etc/default/bluetooth file.02:17
kevinJor do you not need that for KDE?02:17
wompkevinJ: what commands do you use to restart bluetooth?02:38
ubuntuhi i need help with this : error hd1,1 out of disk02:39
ubuntugrub rescue>02:39
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rjr162So I think I hit an interesting snag (ok maybe not that interesting to you guys)02:52
Programmer_should i use wubi or dual boot?02:52
rjr162hit up http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download#download-block to download a copy of Kubuntu, and after having the version and 32-bit I wanted, I clicked Begin Download.. but nothing happens under Chrome. Under IE everything works fine...02:52
Programmer_last dual boot i did ended in grub being currupted and having to send computer to be repaired02:53
KerrMDProgrammer_: I prefer to dual boot.02:54
Programmer_yeah me too, but after last experience, i dont wanna risk it02:54
KerrMDYou should not have to send a computer in to repair grub02:54
Programmer_i was too lazy to do it myself02:54
KerrMDrjr162: I try to stay away from Chrome. It was nice at the start but is too much a pain. In windows I use IE9 and on linux I use firefox02:55
Programmer_but yeah. windows has some features i need. therefore i wont have to use wine either02:55
Programmer_i dont like windows tbh02:56
KerrMDWhat features are those?02:56
KerrMDnor do I02:56
Programmer_video stuff and disk writing stuff02:56
KerrMDAs in authoring?02:56
Programmer_anyway, my linux partition isnt that big, and if wubi isnt working out, ill just dual boot02:57
KerrMDI've been dual booting 7 and kubuntu quite successfully02:57
KerrMDUnit193: Yes I do02:58
Programmer_kerr i might02:58
Programmer_i just dont like switching between the too02:58
Programmer_especially since my battery doesnt work02:58
Programmer_can i hibernate linux and switch to windows?02:58
rjr162KerrMD: Ok just ignore my comment :) After checking with Opera, IE, and Chrome Canary.. it worked in all of those. Went back to Chrome Dev and it's working now (after the first 7 do nothing attempts)03:00
KerrMDWell, I am not entirely sure03:00
KerrMDbut I doubt it03:00
tsimpsonyou should be able to03:00
Programmer_plus i like having microsoft office and adobe suites03:00
tsimpsonhibernate just stores RAM onto the swap partition, as windows doesn't do anything with swap, it should be possible03:01
KerrMDI'm not up on my hibernation.03:01
rjr162doesn't hibernate write to swap, suspend holds in ram03:01
Programmer_i have to use hibernate since i dont have a battery for this laptop03:01
tsimpsonI've never tried to hibernate and boot into windows, but that's mostly because I wiped windows out the day I got the PC03:02
rjr162errr i mis-read that line tsimpson, my bad :) I'll butt out now03:02
Programmer_tsimpson i did that on this laptop, but i got a free version of windows with office on it, so why not utilize it?03:03
tsimpsonwell, I don't think MS Office is a reason to stick with windows. most linux office apps can read and write MS Office formats03:03
KerrMDLibre office for one03:04
tsimpsonbut, if there is something you need, that is only on windows, then that's a perfectly valid reason to keep windows03:04
rjr162to an extent though. There's some stuff you can do in Office 2007+ that explodes in OO.O/Libre03:04
tsimpsonI'd rather not ever touch windows, but I'm not one of those zealots that condemns anyone for feeling differently ;)03:05
Unit193And Libre/OpenOffice don't read/write those formats very well03:05
tsimpsonMS Office reads and writes to ODF just fine, stick with that :)03:05
tsimpsonwho knew "text" documents would get so complicated03:06
Unit193+1 ^^03:06
rjr162if you don't want to dual boot, and need the windows, you could always do something like a VMware Player/VirtualPC/VirtualBox setup (while not the best/most ideal solution)03:06
KerrMDThere are ways to make a windows live dvd as well. It can even be run from a usb thumb drive03:07
rjr162haha no kidding. The header I did up on my resume.. OpenOffice doesn't like it (nor does Google Docs or versions of Word older than 2007). So I send it as a PDF03:07
Programmer_rjr162> to an extent though. There's some stuff you can do in Office 2007+ that explodes in OO.O/Libre03:14
Programmer_^ i failed a project because it didnt write in ms format correctly03:14
Programmer_<tsimpson> I'd rather not ever touch windows, but I'm not one of those zealots that condemns anyone for feeling differently ;)03:15
Programmer_i hate windows, myself...but i like adobe suites03:15
Programmer_plus for some reason, i cant usb tether my phone on linux03:16
rjr162Programmer: That's where the WiFi access point mode comes in handy (if it's available) :)03:22
pastyhermitHow do I get my ipod working with amaok?03:22
pastyhermitI dont have any media support installed...03:22
pastyhermitDoes anyone know what the amarok device plugin package is called?03:23
pastyhermitI saw something called exaile...03:23
FluttershyExaile is a GTK player modeled after Amarok03:23
Fluttershynot sure it's an actual fork, don't think it is03:23
pastyhermituhhh why would I use a gtk app in KDE?03:24
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod03:24
pastyhermitmy understandingi s amarok is suppose to have support in Amarok?03:24
tsimpsonmaybe some info ^ there03:24
Fluttershypastyhermit: I didn't say you should?03:24
FluttershyI was saying it has nothing to do with Amarok03:25
pastyhermitFluttershy: I was reading some docks about ... some media devices plugin but when I go to configure Amarok I dont see that option.03:26
pastyhermittsimpson: followed the link, I see the plugins in amarok but my ipod still doesnt show up03:51
Magnussonok, how bout this then, anyone know why it says that my driver is activated but not in use?04:08
dan__does anyone know how to start the run command interface after it has crashed?04:28
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rosco_ydan__: do you mean at boot time, or other?04:44
dan__Rosco_y:  while already in the desktop.04:44
dan__I was playing with the plugins04:45
dan__And I crashed it.  But I really can't boot down at the moment.04:45
rosco_ymost computers will shutdown if you hold their power button for 5 seconds.  This may not be your best option at the moment....04:46
rosco_yyou might be able to login to a command shell by pressing CTL+ALT+F2 (but wait before you do)04:47
rosco_ythen, to get back to where you are right now, you press CTL+ALT+F704:48
DarthFrogAlt-F7 is all you need.  The CTL key modifier is only needed in X.04:59
ZeDingolet's see05:29
ZeDingoi'm supposed to say anyone here several times, get frustrated at the lack of service, then leave in a hissy, right?05:29
mr-richZeDingo: Patience ...05:30
ZeDingoi'm having a very strange problem05:30
ZeDingomy mouse hangs on the volume icon down in the tray05:30
ZeDingoand just a bit above it05:30
ZeDingobut ONLY if i'm moving my mouse to the left05:30
mr-richZeDingo: Ask your quesstion and if someone knows the answer, that will answer ...05:31
ZeDingoalso my graphics are laggy but the joy of learning a new OS is learning to optimize it05:31
mr-richZeDingo: if you don't mind propritary drivers, click on "additional drivers" in the menu somewhere and maybe that will fix your issues ...05:32
ZeDingoi'm using the ATI drivers straight from their site. fglrx through kpackage didn't install right05:33
androidbrucehey guys, im a long time ubuntu/gnome user and i just switched to kubuntu to try it out05:37
androidbrucei am having difficulties with performance.... any tips05:37
ZeDingoi'm having similar problems bruce lol05:40
ZeDingoapplying every windows 7 optimization trick i can think of to see if it works05:40
ZeDingoturning off all desktop effects fixed video05:45
ZeDingopiece of crap radeon =\05:45
valoriehey androidbruce05:50
valorietry turning off the blur special effect05:50
valoriesome graphics cards/drivers have trouble with that one05:51
valorieZeDingo: I have a radeon, and the only effect I have to turn off is blur05:52
valoriealthough most of them I think are silly05:52
valoriewho wants wobbly windows? not me05:52
ZeDingoi just tried that, seems to run video fine with effects on and blur off05:52
valoriemoving to Xrender helped the most05:52
valorieI had weird little things wrong until I did that05:53
ZeDingoand it's not just my mouse freezing when i move it across the volume icon05:53
ZeDingovideo freezes too05:53
valoriethat's very strange05:53
ZeDingoit's like it's trying to display a tooltip or popup05:54
valoriethat sounds like it's worth a bugreport05:55
valorieare you using kmix, or veromix?05:55
valorieyou might try unlocking your widgets and just remove it05:57
valorietry veromix instead05:57
ZeDingodropped the task manager off my taskbar so the tray moved05:58
ZeDingoit's not the volume icon but that specific spot on my screen05:58
valorieI've never heard of that happening before05:58
ZeDingonow that i explore it more, it's like a rectangle that traps the mouse05:58
valorieunless you've spent a lot of time on your system tray05:59
valorieI'd delete that one entirely05:59
valorieand then create a new one05:59
valorieit's just another widget05:59
ZeDingoi have no idea what i'm using06:00
ZeDingowhatever comes in the kubuntu iso06:00
valorieit sounds like it is damaged in some way06:00
valorienothing should "capture" your mouse pointer06:01
ZeDingoi killed kmix, still doing it06:01
ZeDingoit's like a rectangle that's in the bottom right, goes up above the taskbar a bit06:02
ZeDingoit catches if i try to move up or left out of the rect06:02
ZeDingonever seen a computer do this lol06:02
valorieI've never heard of it06:03
ZeDingogonna try rebooting06:05
ZeDingothough it won't tell me what's causing the problem06:05
androidbrucevalorie, sorry i just rebooted into my ubuntu drive06:08
androidbrucevalorie, Xorg is hogging all of my cpu in 11.9406:08
androidbrucevalorie, Xorg is hogging all of my cpu in kubuntu 11.04 valorie06:08
c2tarunandroidbruce: are you on a laptop?06:09
androidbrucec2tarun, no sir06:10
androidbrucec2tarun, an older machine but fully functional with gnome06:10
androidbrucecore2duo 2.4ghz, 4gb ram06:10
c2tarunandroidbruce: well, I also faced this problem of getting system very slow then I thought Xorg is eating my CPU, but then I changed my heat sink and it solved the problem. But it might not be the case with you.06:11
androidbrucemy machine is very cool. cpu is at 30C06:11
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c2tarunandroidbruce: hang around, someone will help :)06:12
Magnussonandroidbruce>trade cpus with ya06:13
androidbrucelol Magnusson06:14
androidbrucefor speed or temp?06:14
Tm_Tandroidbruce: if Xorg is hogging all cpu, it could be buggy graphics driver06:16
ZeDingowelp, it's doing the same mouse catch box on the login screen06:16
Tm_Tandroidbruce: do you have effects enabled?06:17
androidbruceTm_T, yeah i tried the latest nvidia driver and it borked my xorg config b/c it was the wrong driver for the kernel06:17
c2tarunZeDingo: are you saying about your mouse being captured to drag mode?06:17
androidbruceTm_T, desktop effects make no difference06:17
androidbruceTm_T, i read that it seemed to be a driver issue with nvidia06:18
Magnussonandroidbruce>prob both hehe06:18
ZeDingoc2tarun, no i'm saying there's an invisible rectangle in the bottom right corner and when i try to move my mouse out of it, the graphics hang for a second or two06:18
Tm_Tandroidbruce: did you have same issue with nouveau drivers? (as in, opensource drivers)06:18
c2tarunZeDingo: ghost :( (sorry I thought something else)06:18
androidbruceTm_T, didn't change06:19
androidbruceTm_T, out of the box it was bad06:19
androidbrucecan i get the same experience if i just install kde as an alternative desktop environment in ubuntu?06:20
ZeDingogonna put gnome on here and see if it does it there too06:20
valoriedid you just install KDE-desktop on top of Ubuntu?06:20
androidbrucevalorie, nooo06:20
valorieandroidbruce:  ^^^06:20
valoriefresh install?06:20
androidbrucevalorie, installed fresh to one of my drives in my machine06:20
valorieand you verified the ISO?06:21
Magnussonvalorie>how long have you been using these networks? i used to know someone with your name YEEARS ago06:21
androidbrucehmm well i had no errors on the install06:21
androidbrucevalorie, i don't believe it's the iso06:21
valorieMagnusson: freenode only about 18 months06:22
valorieIRC, maybe 10 years06:22
Magnussonformerly dalnet?06:22
valorienope, sorry06:22
valorienever did dalnet06:22
valoriemy spelling of the name is rare06:22
valorieI've never met anyone in IRC using it06:23
androidbrucei wanted to give kubuntu a good shot boy did it just fail06:23
valoriethat sucks06:23
valoriedid the live CD work well?06:23
Tm_Tandroidbruce: if it's issue with binary drivers of nvidia: it has little or nothing to do with Kubuntu06:23
androidbruceTm_T, yah true.... but ubuntu has no issues like that ;)06:24
androidbrucevalorie, i suppose06:24
c2tarunandroidbruce: just a suggestion, if possible try removing nvidia card and then using system for few hours.06:24
androidbrucec2tarun, ehh yeah that's possible. but why would i use onboard junk if i can use a 1gb card with quality 3d accel?06:25
androidbruceit seems like kubuntu didn't install the latest nvidia driver/kernel module06:25
androidbrucewhen ubuntu did06:25
c2tarunandroidbruce: you  tried looking into addtitional drivers?06:25
phoenix_vlc crashes06:25
androidbrucec2tarun, yeah i got the binary from nvidia. the same version im using now and it borked my xorg config b/c it was a kernel mismatch06:26
androidbrucei see how kde has potential to be a killer ui06:26
c2tarunandroidbruce: lolss :)06:27
androidbruceim going to install it on my laptop right now06:27
androidbruceto see how it performs06:27
androidbruceany tips?06:27
c2tarunandroidbruce: try not to share your home folder with other distros. make it separate.06:28
androidbrucefrsh install here06:29
c2tarunwell I guess you are not getting what I am trying to say :) never mind, shared home folder always suks.... just install simply.06:30
androidbruceahh yeah yeah i see what you mean06:30
androidbruceim checking the disc for defects first06:30
androidbruceanyone give any tips on moving from gnome to kubuntu?06:32
androidbruceor kde more respectively06:32
androidbrucei noticed that to switch workspaces you hit ctrl+f1, f2,f3.... anyway to change that to ctrl+alt+right arrow, left arrow?06:33
ZeDingoshortcuts and gestures in system settings i think06:34
androidbrucehow does compiz work with kubuntu?06:34
androidbruceor does it?06:34
valorieyes, some people use it06:37
valorieI'm not sure why06:37
valoriekwin is native to KDE06:37
valoriecompiz isn't06:37
valorieoh, you got the binary from nvidia?06:38
androidbruce kwin has the same features?06:38
valoriethat is NOT a good idea06:38
valorieuse jockey-KDE06:38
androidbrucehow so06:38
androidbrucewhy is that a bad idea?06:38
valorieyou just saw - kernel mismatch06:38
androidbrucei got the drive from nvidia when i had issues06:38
valoriejust like in gnome/ubuntu, jockey will suggest appropriate drivers06:39
androidbruceand do i run jockey myself?06:39
valorieI ran it from the kmenu06:40
androidbrucehow do i connect to my wifi from the installer so it will download the packages on install06:41
c2tarunandroidbruce: try to remove the driver you installed manually.06:41
androidbrucei saw no option to do so06:41
androidbrucec2tarun, i already formatted that drive, im installing on my laptop now06:41
androidbrucei want to "test" this on my laptop06:41
androidbrucethen run on my machine06:41
androidbrucei use my desktop as a server too, so i need a functioning machine06:42
androidbrucei wish ubuntu/kubuntu would ship with chrome06:42
c2tarunandroidbruce: why are you trying to connect to wifi during installation? install it first and then connect.06:43
androidbruceyeah i would like it to download packages in the first install06:43
androidbrucesuch as mp3, fluendo etc06:43
androidbruceit's ok ill download later06:43
c2tarunandroidbruce: I dont know about wifi but you can try wired connection06:44
androidbruceyeah it's not a big deal06:44
androidbrucehow close to ubuntu is kubuntu?06:44
c2tarunsiblings ;)06:44
androidbrucesame packages?06:44
androidbrucewhat do you guys use for a dock? i use docky in ubuntu06:45
valoriewhat's a dock?06:45
c2tarunandroidbruce: well kubuntu has plasmoids, which are better then docs06:46
valorieI've heard of docky, but have no clue what it is06:46
androidbruceapplication manager/launcher06:46
valorieI like the system tray, but there are other ways of setting stuff up, I guess06:46
androidbrucevalorie, http://i.imgur.com/vzZef.png06:46
valorieI like out of the box, mostly06:46
androidbruceso 4.5.5 was a big change eh?06:47
androidbrucei like that this room isn't HUGE! and it's manageable to talk to people06:48
c2tarunyeah, #ubuntu is vry crowdy06:48
valoriehttp://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/24/plasma-desktopNH1662.jpg is my desktop atm06:48
c2tarunvalorie: nice playlist :)06:49
valorieI dunno -- I'm on kde 4.6.306:49
valoriecan't really remember 4.5.506:49
valoriec2tarun: lastfm valoriez06:50
androidbruceis that was ships with 11.04?06:50
androidbruceohhhh ok06:50
valorieand no, it wasn't much of a change06:50
androidbrucehere comes first boot on the lappy!06:50
androidbrucelets see what happens06:50
valorieyou nut, you didn't even try with the liveCD?06:51
c2tarunthat was fast, are you  using CD or pen drive?06:51
androidbrucethat was cd btw06:51
androidbruceno i didn't try live06:51
androidbrucethis better WORK06:51
androidbrucelike ubuntu did06:51
androidbruceif it doesn't, then im mad06:51
valorieI often skip that step too06:51
valoriebut it isn't wise06:51
androidbruceahhh this is better06:52
androidbrucewhy was xorg such a whore on my Desktop?06:52
valorieum, language06:52
androidbrucesorry sorry06:52
androidbrucewhy was it being so weighty06:52
c2tarunandroidbruce: may be ur deskop feeding it well ;)06:52
valoriegood question, and it probably would take some digging to find out why06:53
androidbruceweird though06:53
androidbrucemy Desktop is much faster than my lappy06:53
androidbruceand i know the drive i installed it on is fine06:53
c2tarunandroidbruce: try using jockey this time06:53
ZeDingois there something similar to the windows task manager?06:53
ZeDingoi think kpackage is running somewhere halfhidden06:53
c2taruntry Ctrl + esc06:53
c2tarunZeDingo: ^^06:54
androidbrucevalorie, where is my wifi/network manager?06:54
androidbrucegot iy06:54
androidbruceno proprietary drivers in use on this system06:55
androidbruceis that good? no nvidia drivers needed eh?06:55
c2tarunandroidbruce: try running sudo apt-get update first06:55
* c2tarun though its not compulsory06:55
androidbruceyeah word one sec06:56
androidbrucethis is so smooth o06:56
androidbrucei want this on my DESKTOP!06:56
c2tarunwelcome to KDE :)06:56
c2tarunkiller desktop env ;)06:56
androidbruceyah, so mad it was whack on the desktop06:57
androidbrucejust did an update, now doing an upgrade06:57
androidbrucevalorie, now i need to learn how to use amarok ;)06:58
valoriejust mess with it06:58
androidbrucethe ui is a little wonky ootb06:58
valorieor http://userbase.kde.org/Amarok/Manual06:58
valorieui is uber-configurable06:59
* c2tarun prefers messing with amarok, it wont bite ;))06:59
androidbruceim so used to banshee and rhythmbox07:00
androidbruceill try to configure amarok07:00
androidbrucei want it to look like banshee if possible07:00
c2tarunandroidbruce: I think rhytmbox should work on kubuntu.07:00
androidbruceohhhh so no ubuntuone with kubuntu?07:01
jussiandroidbruce: you may want to take a look at clementine also.07:01
androidbrucejussi, clementine? music plater?07:01
jussiandroidbruce: you can use the gnome client (I do)07:01
jussi!info clementine07:01
ubottuPackage clementine does not exist in maverick07:02
valoriereally? the gnome client no longer works for me07:02
jussioh maverick huh07:02
jussilemme fix you silly bot07:02
valoriesomeone is fixing the ubuntuone again, though07:02
jussivalorie: Its working finr here.07:02
valoriedamn devels and their changeable api07:02
valoriewon't even start for me07:02
androidbrucei love guake, so im install yakuake07:02
valorieI have to use it on the web07:02
valoriedropbox works, though07:03
jussi!info plasma-widget-daisy07:03
ubottuplasma-widget-daisy (source: plasma-widget-daisy): Simple application launcher. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 284 kB, installed size 788 kB07:03
jussiandroidbruce: ^^07:03
jussifor your docky replacement07:03
androidbrucejussi, yea? lemme see07:03
androidbrucejussi, whoa this is wild07:04
androidbrucecircle launcher eh?07:04
jussiyeah, you can have a circle launcher if you like07:05
jussiits pretty configuarable07:05
androidbrucejussi, not bad07:05
androidbruceit's nice07:05
androidbruceso here is a question07:06
androidbrucei don't want the default panel to manage the windows07:06
jussi!info clementine natty07:06
ubottuclementine (source: clementine): Modern music player and library organiser inspired by Amarok 1.4. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.1-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 4142 kB, installed size 9780 kB07:06
androidbrucei want the dock to manage the windows07:06
androidbrucemake sense?07:06
jussiandroidbruce: so remove the plasmoid in the default panel (right click on it)07:06
androidbruceok.... then go to taskmanager settings?07:07
jussino, there should be a "remove this $plasmoid"07:07
androidbruceremove this taks manager?07:07
androidbruceahhhh ok07:07
androidbrucenow i need to move klipper and wifi and volume etc back to the right07:08
jussiyeah, you probably need to add the spacer07:09
jussiright clik, panel settings, add spacer07:09
androidbruceah yes07:09
androidbrucegotcha thanks jussi07:10
jussiandroidbruce: if you arent there already, do join us in #kubuntu-offtopic - we can be a little more "chatty" there. :)07:11
ZeDingofresh install07:46
ZeDingonow let's try this again without the mousetrap07:46
valoriethat was just strange07:49
ZeDingoand fglrx won't work through kpackage, of course.07:51
dingook, it's a problem with the ati drivers08:02
tdnIs anyone else using iwlagn driver for wifi? Do you experience bad performance when transferring large amounts of data?08:03
androidbrucei can hear notificiation sounds but nothing in my browser?. anyideas08:03
Grue_so, what is it like around these parts?08:06
Grue_as stuffy as ubuntu?08:06
dingowe'll not have your base emoticons in this channel!08:07
dingobecause there is no emoticon for us turning our noses up at you08:07
=== dingo is now known as ZeDingo
Grue_well fine then!08:08
ZeDingoi just showed up because of weeeeeird problems08:08
Grue_how many of you drive priuses?08:08
ZeDingowhich i just tracked down to these ati drivers08:09
Grue_ati drivers usually do that08:09
ZeDingothere's an invisible rectangle in the bottom right08:09
Grue_i am actually downloading kubuntu right now to play with08:09
ZeDingoit traps my mouse08:09
Grue_that isnt ati08:09
Grue_that is an app08:09
ZeDingographics hang for a second when i try to move out of it08:09
Grue_oh maybe not08:09
ZeDingono it's the drivers08:09
ZeDingothis install is 15 minutes old lol08:10
Grue_i know gnome has an app that does that08:10
Grue_you a normal kubuntu user?08:10
Grue_would that be turning nose up?08:11
ZeDingoi installed like, yesterday08:11
Grue_oh ok08:11
ZeDingomy ethernet's gone to shit so i need linux's ability to turn the network card off and on to use the internet at all08:12
Grue_found lots of good distros. trying to find a good community08:12
ZeDingoif you want a good community just play warcraft08:12
Grue_no thanks08:13
Grue_not a gamer08:13
valorieZeDingo: install drivers through systemsettings, or just use jockey-kde08:15
androidbrucefixed the audio08:15
valoriewhat did you do?08:15
androidbrucei disabled the internal audio in bios08:15
androidbruceso the only card that is used is my pci card08:15
valorieI'm a bit fuzzy about what that means08:16
androidbruceumm i have internal audio(soldered onto the motherboard) and i have a pci card08:17
androidbrucein the motherboard bios i disabled the onboard audio08:17
androidbruceso when i boot into kubuntu it only sees one card08:17
androidbruceand defaults to that08:17
Grue_I had that issue with PCLOS and my onboard vid08:17
androidbruceits a work around and not a fix08:17
androidbrucei SHOULD be able to have two audio cards in here and choose08:17
Grue_androidbruce: YO08:17
valorieyeah, it should try whatever you set first, first08:18
=== Grue_ is now known as Codenomics
asraniel_my gf uses 2 audio cards (internal and usb) and it works without a problem08:18
valorieand only fall to the second choice when the first doesn't work08:18
androidbruceworks fine in ubuntu08:18
Codenomicsno matter where I go I see one cm geek or another08:18
androidbrucein kubuntu you have to "prefer" one over the other08:19
androidbruceCodenomics, :)08:19
androidbrucehey bro08:19
androidbrucecm ftw!08:19
valorie#kubuntu is where the elite, meet!08:19
ZeDingooh dammit08:19
Codenomicsi am downloading kubuntu right now08:19
ZeDingoResolves the intermittent mouse cursor lag issue seen by some users08:19
ZeDingocatalyst 11.5a08:20
ZeDingolatest for linux is 11.508:20
Codenomicsdecided to give the channel a whirl before I installed and needed support08:20
ZeDingonow how do i UNinstall ati lol08:20
Codenomicsa big part of whether I like/use a distro or not is based on the community08:20
valorieZeDingo: with a soldering iron?08:21
ZeDingosilly valorie08:21
valorieCodenomics: kubuntu has the best community around!08:21
ZeDingoyou INSTALL with a soldering iron08:21
ZeDingofor uninstall, you use a blowtorch08:21
ZeDingopreferably acetylene08:21
valoriethat might be sorta hard on your motherboard08:21
Codenomicsvalorie: I have heard that claim before08:22
ZeDingosame with the soldering iron08:22
Codenomicsthe normal ubuntu community and I clash08:22
valoriewell, we're sorta part of it, and sorta separate08:22
valoriein that we interface with KDE, not gnome *as much*08:23
Codenomicsis referring to yourself as a noob allowed in here?08:23
valorieto yourself, sure08:23
valoriealthough, if you know bruce08:23
Codenomicsi was reprimanded for that08:23
valoriehow can you be a newbie?08:23
Mamarokmy I remind you people that we have an offtopic channel as well? This here is purely for support08:24
CodenomicsMamarok: is it?08:24
valoriesorry, Mamarok08:24
ZeDingomaybe i can just overwrite the 11.5 drivers with 11.408:24
* Codenomics is a newb08:24
ZeDingocatalyst 11.508:25
ZeDingothat's what's causing the mousetrap08:25
valoriewhen you downloaded that, there should be a readme in it08:25
valoriethat should tell you how to uninstall it08:26
ZeDingothar be no readme08:26
ZeDingoit's a .run self installer08:26
ZeDingoand nothing in /etc/ati/ where it installed to08:26
MamarokZeDingo: you should avoid such external sources08:27
Mamarokthe radeon driver is what works best in Linux08:27
Codenomicsi hate ati08:27
Codenomicsand yet, I love AMD08:27
valorieI have radeon ati, and it works fine08:27
MamarokCodenomics: topic :)08:27
valoriewith what jockey-kde suggested08:28
CodenomicsMamarok: I was making it relevant!08:28
Codenomicsgoing to probably have boot issues with the machine i have now,08:28
ZeDingoand rebooting08:28
Codenomicsany suggestions for what to do when boot fails randomly?08:28
Codenomicsit happens with a few distros on this machine08:29
MamarokCodenomics: check if you can get a newer Bios08:29
CodenomicsMamarok: already checked that one08:29
valoriegrub-repair ?08:29
Codenomicsmachine is pretty new, but the second I pulled it out the box I checked on all the firmwares08:30
androidbruceso skype isn't in the repos?08:30
valoriepartner repos08:30
androidbrucewhere are the partner repos?08:30
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga08:30
CodenomicsMamarok: most distros I have tried lock up randomly08:31
Codenomicsthis is on first boot mind you08:31
Codenomicsthe only idea i get is from mint that shows it locking up at a spot where it looks like it is scanning my networking HW08:32
MamarokCodenomics: you must have some messages in the shell08:32
Mamarokcheck Ctrl+Alt+F608:32
Mamarokthat's where usually you have the startup stuff08:32
Codenomicsthis is only when booting a livecd08:32
Codenomicsi did something random and got it working and got mint installed on this machine08:33
valoriethis is where notes come in handy08:33
Codenomics... sigh08:34
Codenomicsi know08:34
valorie"something random" is difficult to replicate08:34
androidbruce valorie im not seeing skype after enabling partners08:34
androidbrucei did an update08:34
Codenomicseasy to replicate... just gotta wait till this really slow download is done08:34
Codenomicsvalorie: when/if they happen with kubuntu i will come prepared with errors and info08:35
androidbruceCodenomics, what device are yo carrying nowadays bro?08:36
ZeDingothat fixed it08:38
ZeDingoso if anyone ELSE shows up08:38
ZeDingocatalyst 11.5 has a mouse hang bug, install 11.408:38
ZeDingobecause amd only cared to make a hotfix for windows08:38
Codenomicswhat is new08:38
ZeDingoi'm not on ati drivers at all right now08:39
ZeDingotrying to move this window is laggy08:39
ZeDingogdi just work right ; ;08:39
tsimpsonandroidbruce: skype is there in partner, I see it08:43
androidbruce can you create a shortcut in kde to move a windows to the next workspace?08:50
ZeDingonow i get the fglrx package to work, but my "start menu" is freakin huge lol08:54
ZeDingoIT'S SO UNFAIR08:54
valorieI'm pretty sure those aren't connected?08:59
valoriemy start menu is normal sized08:59
ZeDingoit was something to do with the resize when switching from generic back to proprietary09:00
valoriewell, you can shrink it again09:00
ZeDingoi took it off the bar and put it back, now it's fine09:00
iliashi all. any idea how can i make opera/firefox/chrome to recognize the java which is already installed in my system?09:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ZeDingoilias: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.xml#enable09:05
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
androidbrucehey can someone help me with my fstab entry?09:11
eristikophileswhat's wrong with your fstab?09:11
androidbrucewell it's ro09:11
androidbrucei want rw09:11
androidbrucethis is what it looks like,09:11
androidbruce#this is my media drive09:11
androidbruceUUID="99EC-2FA6"        /media  vfat    errors=remount-ro 0       109:11
eristikophilesno you don't, probably09:11
FloodBotK1androidbruce: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:11
androidbrucefor this drive09:11
eristikophilessudo vi or sudo nano it09:11
eristikophilesdon't make it rw. it's supposed to be locked up 'cause it's a system file09:12
androidbrucei made that entry, i just don't know which option09:12
androidbrucewell this is a hard drive with media09:12
androidbrucei want it to be rw09:12
eristikophilesah ok09:12
eristikophileshold on a sec09:12
eristikophilesUUID=1BED-1245  /media/TWEEDLEDEE       vfat    owner,rw,suid,exec,dev,auto,async,uid=1000,check=s  0       209:12
eristikophilesUUID=600F-1AE0  /media/TWEEDLEDUM       vfat    owner,rw,suid,exec,dev,auto,async,uid=1000,check=s  0       209:12
eristikophilesthose are lines i added to my fstab09:12
eristikophilesso i can just sudo mount -a and mount my storage drives09:13
eristikophilesnot the huge list of options :)09:13
androidbrucei want auto mount09:13
eristikophileser, note09:13
eristikophileswell that's a distinct option09:13
eristikophilesok well, first off, you don't need quotes around the UUID09:13
eristikophilessecond, are you sure you want to mount your drive as /media?09:14
androidbrucethat's where my media will be09:14
eristikophilesbecause any usb drives or other junk you plug in that's storage will be a dir *inside* /media09:14
eristikophilesnormally anyway09:14
androidbruceyeah that's ok09:14
androidbrucei want this to be used like removable media09:14
eristikophilesyeah only it's not, because once you mount your storage drive on /media, you basically can't use flash drives at the same time09:15
androidbruceone sec09:15
eristikophilesbecause it'll try to mount them as like /media/[nameofflashdrive] and it'll be like "wtf! /media isn't what it's supposed to be"09:15
eristikophilespick a name for a subdir under /media like in my entries09:16
androidbrucethis is what i had on my other install, defaults,umask=000,uid=1000,gid=1000   0       009:16
eristikophilesyou don't really need both uid and gid09:16
eristikophilesunless you have some pretty convoluted user/group setup09:17
eristikophilesuid=1000 is enough09:17
androidbrucei don't09:17
eristikophilesbe sure and use the 'owner' flag too, in order to enable mounting by the drive owner (uid will then set the owner to you, while gid would do the same but for your user-group)09:17
eristikophilesi'm guessing you're on a PC and are not one user among many on some bigger box, so you are probably the only user in your group, which means gid and uid are essentially interchangeable09:18
androidbruceahh ok09:18
eristikophilesyou need the rw flag to properly write to the drive as well as read it, and the flags in between are basically the defaults (except that a few flags i used will de-select them so i have to make them explicit)09:19
eristikophilessuid, exec, dev, and async are that way09:20
eristikophilesauto allows mount -a to mount the drive09:20
eristikophilesi forget what check=s does but i figure it's a good idea since i read over the vfat part of mount thoroughly09:20
androidbruceright right09:21
eristikophilesalso: The root filesystem should be specified with a fs_passno  of09:22
eristikophiles       1, and other filesystems should have a fs_passno of 2.09:22
eristikophilesso that last 1 should be a 2 for you09:22
eristikophilessince i doubt you will be booting your kubuntu box off a vfat drive ;)09:22
androidbruceha nope ext409:22
eristikophilessince- lucky you- i have recently figured out all the nice options for a vfat drive, you can feel free to copy my entries and just change the UUID and the dir09:23
eristikophilesgetting the drive to automatically mount when plugged in is a bit tricky though. i tried to do it, didn't have it work, and set it aside because i don't care so much that i have to manually type "sudo mount -a" and enter pw when i mount my drives. that's actually easier than the kde gui mechanism to mount them (which does one by one also)09:24
eristikophilesandroidbruce- still there?09:26
androidbruceeristikophiles, yup09:28
androidbrucejust rebooted09:28
androidbrucei used your vfat entires09:28
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
eristikophilescool, hope it works well :)09:32
akishi all. any idea why firefox/oper/chrome cannot load properly and fast certain pages although my connection is avery speedy one and i can download almost with 1050kb/s? i have already installed restricted-extras on my 10.04 system. the problem is only with some "hevy" pages like google maps and every page that have google maps in it and other pages using special effects (i suppose shockwave, flash etc.09:51
eristikophilesgoogle doesn't support opera, so on that at least it sometimes messes things up. firefox should work ok but remember that linux versions aren't supported as well as windows ones are. chrome i don't know wth is wrong with since it's a google app anyway09:53
mfraz74Any idea why I'm missing the Aggressive powersave profile in powerdevil and how to get it back?09:54
Tm_Takis: if you can try and see if using another profile/user or turning off a some plugin has any effect09:54
eristikophilesmfraz74- just make a new one and set it up like you'd want it to be for aggressiveness09:55
mfraz74eristikophiles: any idea why it is missing though?09:55
mfraz74or where the default profiles for powerdevil are stored09:56
akisi try the same version of opera (11.11) in the same machine under xp and is the faster browser i had ever, google included. but under kubuntu it's a difference bettwen day and night09:56
eristikophilesnope, sorry :)09:56
akistm_t. could please advise me how can i do that? the only plug-in is enable for all browsers is one for shockwave and for kopete09:57
akisshould i disable this one for kopete?09:58
eristikophilesakis- opera isn't the fastest browser. it's built for security09:59
eristikophileswhich is why i use it, even though its semi-unsupported status means a lot of pages load slower10:00
akisactually 11.11 was rated as the fastest one. but the point isn't which is fastest. the point and the big proble is why they cannot load certain pages or the load thme after 1-2 minutes although the connection has absolutely no problem.10:03
akiswell, any other idea?10:16
eristikophilesakis- it's not about the size of the data being transferred10:17
eristikophilespages load faster or slower because of the data *types*10:17
eristikophileslike java or flash. things like that take time to load on your system and slow down because your browser has to translate that data into content, using your cpu and resources10:17
eristikophilesthis means that it can vary widely from box to box10:17
akisthat's right. i agree.10:18
eristikophilespart of that is the browser versus the content developers10:18
akisbut why the same translation under xp was much more fast10:18
eristikophilesopera is not supported by most, so developers ignore it, and it can easily lead to opera having bugs relative to other browsers. for like 6 months i couldn't login to google with opera for example10:18
eristikophileson a friend's box10:18
eristikophileson my box at home, fine.. but it was another cpu, another o/s10:19
eristikophilesso each variable can speed or slow the process. cpu, o/s, browser, content type, specific developer10:19
apple_catHi, I've just upgraded to 11.04 and am having wireless issues. I get high packet loss ( > 20%). All I have figured out is that before I was using the ath5k driver and now I am using the ath9k module. Does anyone have any ideas?10:19
eristikophilesbecause it's like a chain of in/compatibility10:19
akiswith firefox the problem is bigger. slowest "translation"10:20
szalakis: are you now on SUSE or on Kubuntu?10:20
eristikophilesyeah but firefox may have plugins that slow it down10:20
eristikophilesi have no idea what sites you're looking at either. i mean, you could be using heavier sites than i do10:21
akisboth. i have a desktop running suse 11.2 and a laptop with a fresh kubuntu 10.04 where i have some problems loadin pages. under suse where i old enough everything is OK10:21
eristikophilesi *maybe* can get up to 1mbps sometimes, but really not so much. and only torrents ever really approach those speeds10:21
eristikophilesbut i have no problem browsing usually. sometimes it takes a few seconds for opera or the site to catch up, but i am also on an old refurbished p410:22
akisthe heaviest are google maps and some airtraffic tracking using google maps and some blogspot pages10:22
eristikophilesyeah google maps is rather cpu-intensive10:22
eristikophilesnothing to do with bandwidth10:22
eristikophilesyou have to render the graphics, and they're complex10:23
apple_cat#kubuntu-offtopic ?10:23
eristikophilesand when you move the map around, or change zoom, it has to re-render. that's the usual bottleneck10:23
eristikophilesapple_cat- i have no idea why you'd have wifi slow down.. unless you moved the box/ laptop and there are walls involved10:23
akisyep, i sure for that, nothing to do with line speed. yep graphics its a matter. the proble is that i just came from xp and i realised a big difference10:24
akisi am very closed to routers box. it is not the problem. maybe the proble is the graphic cards drivers under kubuntu10:25
apple_cateristikophiles: I'm absolutely positive that it's not a matter of interference or anything like that. Same environment, same wifi, same walls but now it's 11.04, ath9k rather than ath5k and  there is high packet loss10:27
eristikophilesakis- i've noticed that opera runs slower than in windows on kubuntu10:29
eristikophilesbut not *that* slow10:29
eristikophilesit's barely noticeable, and the difference compared to my last box (died suddenly, need to fix) is more than the difference from o.s10:30
apple_cateristikophiles: Do you know what would be involved in just trying to switch out the current wireless module I'm using for a module from an older kubuntu release? Even if I could just downgrade to the last module I was using might be good enough10:30
eristikophilesi could tell you how to do that in freebsd but i'm not sure in ubuntu10:30
eristikophilesin freebsd you make a custom kernel for such things10:31
akisthat's right. in windows is very-very fast. ie is hours (!) behind.10:31
eristikophilesabout every user does at some point. ubuntu i use for desktop purposes and to be honest, i understand less about.10:31
eristikophilesmy wifi didn't work on my netbook for the past couple years, from 9.04 on10:31
eristikophiles11.04 fixed that. it's made me very happy :)10:32
apple_cateristikophiles: Ah : ) I'm sure things have worked out better for most people, I just happen to be one of the unlucky ones. Everything else has been great though, I particularly like the new boot loader  ^_^10:34
apple_catkde sticking to what it does great, being blue10:35
eristikophilesi kinda find it annoying that it messed with my method of logging in and gave me issues with it. it seems fixed now though10:36
eristikophilesanyway, 11.04 allows my netbook to actually be a netbook, and that is awesome.10:36
eristikophileswith that plus getting an android phone recently, i feel uber-connective10:36
Peace-eristikophiles: hihihih http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYwiE2RDKic10:37
Peace-i have kubuntu mac10:37
eristikophilesi have heard a lot of people have ath5k and ath9k issues though10:37
eristikophileskubuntu mac? you're on a powerpc cpu?10:37
Peace-see the video xD10:38
apple_cateristikophiles: Yeah, looking across the internet it seems to be a pretty big problem. I think the Atheros cards are quite common too, which can only be a problem if this issue is happening in most cases10:38
eristikophilesPeace-- ew10:38
apple_cateristikophiles: There's ndiswrapper, perhaps I will just try to get the windows drivers and use that rather than sticking with the ath5k, ath9k modules10:39
eristikophilesyeah that'd be cool. note that you can only use xp drivers with ndiswrapper btw10:39
eristikophilesif it's a newer card that there are only vista/win7 drivers for, then you may still be screwed10:40
Peace-apple_cat: mmm10:40
Peace-ath5k and ath9k can be fixed10:40
Peace-i have atheros and it's workin here10:41
apple_cateristikophiles: Thanks for the heads up10:41
Peace-just do a voltage reset10:41
Peace-apple_cat: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/24/plasma-desktopXF4089.jpg10:41
apple_catPeace-: Are you running 11.04? How did you get ath5k instead of ath9k... I couldn't even find the ath5k module10:42
Peace-apple_cat: i am on 11.0410:42
Peace-well ath5k support only some card10:42
Peace-ath9k it's the newer driver10:43
Peace-for atheros card10:43
Peace-so ... if the system want use ath9k i guess that it's the properly driver10:43
Peace-you should use10:43
Peace-there are some issues on athk drivers10:43
Peace-for example i can't get it up if a reboot a lots of time10:43
Peace-it seems that the driver doesn't work well rebooting often10:44
Peace-so you nedd to reset it10:44
Peace-btw this issues can be fixed installing wicd-kde10:44
szal!enter | Peace-10:44
ubottuPeace-: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:44
Peace-szal: -.-10:44
Peace-szal: i support here since 3 years10:44
Peace-i guess i know10:45
akis@eristikophiles. so what is your opinion to solve my case? return xp? try other linux distribution? try to upgrade firefox and use it instead of opera? or wait the borwsers to "translate" the pages?10:45
szalPeace-: also you didn't answer the 2nd part of apple_cat's question yet ^^10:45
Peace-that because ath5k can't be found because the card doesn't work with it10:46
Peace-it just use ath9k10:46
Peace-because it's the right driver to use10:46
apple_catPeace-: http://wstaw.org/w/vFR/10:47
apple_catPeace-: woops, http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/24/snapshot1_png_750x750_q85.jpg10:47
harrisonPeace-: Maybe I should just blacklist ath9k, ath5k supports my card too and I had no problems with it last time10:48
Peace-harrison: ok if you believe that ...10:48
Peace-just add in the blacklist.conf  ath9k10:49
harrisonIs blacklisting ath9k enough to make ath5k be used instead, or do I have to do something extra?10:49
Peace-you need to modprobe it10:49
Peace-sudo modprobe ath5k10:49
Peace-then you need to add the module on a file to do that automatically10:49
Peace-afer the boot10:49
eristikophilesthat took way too long to stick up there10:49
harrisonHow about after the next reboot? Where should I stick the file that modprobes it on startup?10:50
Peace-harrison:     sudo nano /etc/modules10:50
Peace-harrison:     kdesudo kate /etc/modules10:50
eristikophilesPeace-- i find your setup to be pretty but a bit too bright and way too minimalist10:50
harrisonPeace-:  Thanks, I'll give that a try then10:50
harrisonAlso, I'm an emacs user hehe10:51
eristikophilesakis- i'd say if you want the security of opera, then just be patient for that extra couple seconds it takes to load stuff10:51
Peace-harrison: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/05/07/kubuntu-904-driver/10:51
eristikophiles:) it's worth it generally10:51
Peace-eristikophiles: well you could use this then10:51
Peace-eristikophiles: http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/macstyle2.jpeg10:51
Peace-eristikophiles: or this one http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/gnome-defaltt-panel-kde.gif10:52
Peace-i have to go10:52
akiskde is great.10:53
eristikophilesPeace-- no thanks. i really like the way i have things10:53
eristikophilesdid you see my screenshot?10:53
eristikophilesakis- i agree. i love kde10:54
eristikophilesit's so customizable10:54
eristikophilesmy two panel setup takes a bit of time to set up at first but then it's awesome10:55
eristikophilesi can switch between apps in 3 ways- by desktop, with the taskman on the left that shows all running apps, and with the one on the bottom that only shows ones from the current desktop10:55
eristikophilesor i can kb shortcut it10:55
eristikophilesctrl-alt-arrows move between desktops and alt-tab between windows10:56
eristikophilesoh wait no. ctrl-lshift-arrows10:56
eristikophileshm. either shift, i guess. don't use rshift for it though10:56
akisme too, and i run my suse under kde for years. this is the reason i tried kubuntu, but i have browsing problems and i am considering to go to lxde 11.4 (suse) because my notebook cannot run 11.4 kde.10:57
eristikophilesi should emphasize that my screen setup is for a stationary computer with a 21" monitor10:58
eristikophilesit's a big ol' CRT too :)10:58
eristikophilesand i use an oldschool heavy-key kb10:59
eristikophilesanyway.. i should find something to do for a bit before i sleep10:59
eristikophilesperhaps some Buffy the Vampire Slayer :)10:59
CQhello, I get normal bootup sounds on my system, but nothing on youtube... everything is set to pulse audio ... any ideas? volumes are on etc.11:16
apple_catWell after not getting anything to work, I ended up restarting my computer twice while playing with loading different modules. Now everything is the same as before (using ath9k) and my wireless is working perfectly.  Hopefully this is the last I see of this problem,  it'd be horrible if this is an intermitant problem11:16
apple_catCQ: Try installing a program called 'pavucontrol' and then using it to check where the sound is going (or even if there is any sound)11:16
szalCQ, apple_cat: normally you don't even need that..  see a playback stream from Flash in KMix -> it's there, just adjust where it's being output to11:18
szalsee none, then you can start looking elsewhere11:18
CQszal i don't see a flash stream there11:19
szalCQ: Flash running?11:20
CQszal yes, video is now playing and no flash stream11:21
apple_catCQ: I think it will be labeled 'npviewer.bin'11:22
apple_catalthough... Maybe that depends on what browser you are using. I'm using chromium and it comes up as 'npviewer.bin'11:23
CQok, its an alsa plugin (npviewer.bin) ... then its there and on full volume11:23
CQis there any way to test sound?11:23
apple_catCQ: Right click on the name and go to 'Move' and see if you can select the right audio output11:24
apple_catCQ: If npviewer.bin is showing up, it might just be that the sound is being routed to a different output that you are not monitoring, such as digital output11:25
CQmove is greyed out11:25
apple_catCQ: I don't usually use Kmix, i use a program called 'pavucontrol' to control sound outputs and routing for pulseaudio. Perhaps you will have more luck with that program... At the very least it is easier to select what output devices are being used11:27
apple_catCQ: But otherwise... I'm not really sure, it's hard to get a clear picture of what is going on. If npviewer.bin is showing up and Move is greyed out, I'm assuming you only have one audio device and it has already defaulted to that11:28
CQyes, internal analog stereo ...11:29
CQpavucontrol shows the same thing... one output device, all volumes on ...11:29
CQcould I be missing a driver?11:29
CQI think that a few days ago, something asked me if I wanted to remove a driver.... I thought I said no, but maybe it removed somethign anyway...11:30
apple_catCQ: What browser are you using? Are you using any special implementation of flash ?11:30
CQfirefox, nothing special11:30
CQcan we test sound from the command line somehow first? I'm pretty sure I heard the bootup jingle, but nothing since then...11:30
apple_catCQ: In pavucontrol, ALSA plug-in [npviewer.bin]: ALSA playback on [Internal Audio Analog Stereo]. When flash is playing do you see the volume meters moving?11:32
apple_catCQ: Or even just they turn blue when the sound should be on, and they go back to grey when there is no sound from flash11:33
CQhm, aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wavplays nothing ,.... trying https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting11:33
CQno, the meters don't move11:34
CQ... but my power management just warned me and made a sound ...11:34
CQapple_cat: they just stay blue11:35
apple_catCQ: In the configuration tab, is there anything there that looks wrong?11:36
apple_catCQ: I guess that tells us that the sound is playing, so flash is working fine. The audio is just not going anywhere. That could either be pulseaudio not sending it to the correct place, or you have a problem with your audio device. But you said you hear sounds when you log on, so I guess your device is being detected11:38
CQno, the only thing I have there is the internal audio with a pulldown ...11:38
CQyes sudo aplay -l shows devices (analog and digital)11:38
apple_catCQ:  and that pulldown says Analog Stereo Duplex/Output ?11:39
CQi have two options, analog stereo output and analog stereo duples separately11:41
apple_catCQ: Either one should work, that's all fine then11:41
CQwaita a minute, kmix is showing dummy output as the output device ....11:42
apple_catCQ: That sounds like it could be a problem ^_^11:42
CQaccording to the audio setup, everything is going to the pulse audio server... but that seems to not send it anywhere then?11:44
CQhow do I set up an output then?11:45
CQgoing to try a reboot and se what happens11:46
apple_catCQ: Ok, good luck11:47
apple_catCQ: Playing sounds from other applications works fine?11:47
apple_catCQ: if they do, you can see what happens in pavucontrol when you do and see what is happening differently to npviewer.bin11:47
iliashi. although java is installed in my system firefox/opera cannot add it in their plug-ins. whato should i do?12:06
hyb_.g cygwin13:24
fosstuxHi! One question: I'm using Kubuntu 11.04 and I am having problems adding my bluetooth mouse to kubuntu.13:41
fosstuxIt disappears after a few seconds after setting it to trust and authorize.13:42
fosstuxand it dows not remember the trust and auth settings...13:42
fosstuxWhat is wrong???13:42
moonfluxare there a (trustworthy) qt 4.7.3 ppa available for natty?14:43
kubu2moonflux: I'm sure ppa owners trust their work.14:49
moonfluxkubu2: heh. yeah, well, I'd start with any ppa but hoped for something like ~kubuntu-ppa14:50
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rosco_ywhenever I maximize a Konsole terminal, my system either freezes up, or gets very snowy--does anyone know how I can fix this?15:28
amichairhow can I tell which processes are using swap and how much?15:29
rosco_ythe "System Monitor" has that information15:30
rosco_yApplications/System/System Monitor15:30
James147amichair: dosnt matter which are using swap... what matter is how much memory they are using... the kernel handels which processing are being swaped out and generally it wont help to know which are15:32
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amichairJames147: if I knew which one is there, I'd know which one to kill when the system thrashes, or which one to limit the memory usage of, etc.15:32
James147amichair: then just look at memory usage, not which are being swaped out15:33
amichairJames147: is it not possible?15:33
rosco_yamichair: The System Monitor might help15:33
rosco_yApplications/System/System Monitor15:33
amichairrosco_y: I don't see swap details anywhere there...15:33
* rosco_y my bad...checking15:34
James147amichair: dont worry about which are being swaped... its likly the the ones that are ARNT causing the problem15:34
rosco_yamichair: I suppose it depends on what level of detail you want to go into:  mine shows memory and swap history15:35
amichairis there a way to tell how much total memory is being used by a process (RAM+swap)? excluding commited but unused virtual memory space?15:35
rosco_yunder System Load15:35
rosco_yI think the "free" command in a terminal may be used for that15:36
amichairrosco_y: true, but my question was regarding the processes using swap, not just the total15:36
James147amichair: process that are swaped out generally arnt being used... if you are having a problem with a runaway process then it will be loading info into ram and the kernel will be swaping out other process to compensate.... look at the total ram usage NOT the swap usage of a process to find the mnissbehaving programs15:36
amichairJames147: ram usage alone doesn't tell how much memory a process is using (since part of it might be swapped out)15:37
rosco_yJames147: good call15:37
James147amichair: then look at total memory usage15:37
amichairJames147: how do I do that?15:38
James147amichair: system monitor "memory" is good enough.... it dosnt care about ram/swap just the total memory15:38
James147amichair: everything just measures memory... not if swap or ram is being used15:38
rosco_yyou may also be interested in "top"15:38
James147(for indivdual processes that is)15:39
amichairfrom what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong), that (or VIRT in htop) shows the total memory mapped by the application, not what is actually used15:39
James147amichair: I think virt is something else (to do with shared and actual program memort) not to do with swap and ram15:40
rosco_yamichair: try "top" in a terminal15:40
amichairfor example, if you have a tiny C program that allocates an array of 1G and does nothing with it, it will show 1G used, even though the memory was never allocated by the OS because the pages were never used (so nothing in RAM, and nothing to SWAP)15:40
James147amichair: you can only measure the amount of "virtual" memory a program uses... not whether it is using ram or swap... (virtual here means ram + swap)15:41
amichairJames147: that's my question though, how do I see allocated memory (ram + swap), excluding memory that's mapped but not really used or allocated15:42
rosco_ywhenever I maximize a Konsole terminal, my system either freezes up, or gets very snowy--does anyone know how I can fix this?15:42
rosco_yI'd like to turn off all the window effects, where can I do that?15:42
amichairrosco_y: system settings -> desktop effects15:43
James147amichair: the "memory" column in system monitor... %mem column in htop...15:43
rosco_yamichair: thank you15:43
amichairJames147: isn't that just the percentage of total RAM used? (i.e. RES / total)15:44
amichair100 * RES / total, that is15:44
rosco_yamichair: Thank you--no more freezup when I maximize my konsoles :)15:44
amichairwell, I found an ugly workaround (but useful for diagnostics) - running swapoff causes the swapped pages to be mapped back to RAM, after which I can see where the memory went (added to RES of respective processes)15:57
amichairand then swapon again15:58
amichairof course this can only work if there's more free RAM than used swap...15:58
amichairthen I can also know how much memory is really being used by the process (RES), and how much is mapped as virtual but not really allocated or used (VIRT-RES)16:00
amichaire.g., plasma-desktop shows 1236M VIRT, but actually uses only 101M16:01
amichairJames147: ^^ in case you ever need it (or someone else asks) :-)16:02
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Codenomicswhere do I change the desktop theme on this thing?16:22
James147System setting >> application apearance or workspace apearance16:23
Codenomicsoh there is it16:24
CodenomicsI was in the setting and just kept skimming oer those two somehow16:25
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Linkmasteranyone here use KOffice?16:37
James147!anyone | Linkmaster16:37
ubottuLinkmaster: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:37
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LinkmasterWell, in other word processors, if you click on the document, it allows you to move the cursor to that point. In KOffice, its not allowing me that. Any ideas, or does it simply not work?16:38
James147^^ as far as I know it should16:39
LinkmasterHuh...well, its not D: I click on the document halfway through it, and the little blinky thing stays at the very first character spot16:39
James147Linkmaster: what version?16:40
LinkmasterNewest? I used 'apt-get' about 4 days ago to get it, no new updates, so I'm assuming its the newest16:41
James147Linkmaster: ^^ can ou find out (the help menu should tell you)...16:42
ubottuCurrent stable releases of Ubuntu use OpenOffice.org, and do not have supported packaging for LibreOffice. Ubuntu developers are working on packaging for Ubuntu Natty and backports for 10.10 and 10.04. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/032298.html for more information on progress and an unstable, unsupported PPA.16:42
Linkmasterand its koffice, not libreoffice or openoffice16:42
BluesKajyes, Linkmaster , Iwas suggesting libreoffice16:43
James147Linkmaster: hmm, well its working here :s what fileformate are you using ?16:43
* Linkmaster is a diehard KDE kid and is wondering what James147 means by fileformate16:43
James147Linkmaster: .doc .odt ...16:44
Linkmasteroh..uh, a new document?16:44
LinkmasterBut I stay recursevly for .odt16:44
Linkmasterunless I need to send a file to a MSword user...then I send a .txt file xD16:44
James147hmm... your right does the same thing here.. looks like a bug.16:45
LinkmasterBut if you start up an .odt, it should work?16:46
James147though it works fine in a document created in another program :S16:46
James147Linkmaster: you might want to ask in #koffice16:46
Linkmastersure, let me pop over there16:47
arvedhi, since i upgraded to natty, i can not communicate via http with KDE applications (Konqueror, akregator, amarok), anyone got an idea?17:00
Codenomicswith a default kubuntu setup, is there a way to access ftp through the fiel manager?17:00
arvedCodenomics: Network -> Add Network Folder -> FTP ?17:02
Codenomicsell that seems easoy17:03
James147Codenomics: or just use ftp://URL in the adress17:04
James147(or sftp://  if the server has ssh since it far more secure)17:04
Codenomicsi actully wanted shortcuts to it17:05
Codenomicsarved: that was perfect17:05
CodenomicsJames147: it is just a home server17:05
James147Codenomics: still, ssh is easy to use and vastly more secure...17:06
arvedJames147: just not performant :)17:06
James147arved: really?17:08
CodenomicsJames147: meh, either way works17:08
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arvedJames147: well crypto takes CPU cycles...17:10
James147arved: but ssh can also compress so can reduce the amount needed to transfer... it depends on the envroment17:11
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CodenomicsI figure it this way... what can ftp hurt?17:11
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Codenomicsno real reason to change how I have everything setup17:12
arvedJames147: well in my environment with 100Mbit/1000Gigabit links performance is usually cpu bound17:13
djazproductions0hi all17:47
vbgunzcurious but has anyone experienced vbox at version 2? and how lightning fast it used to be compared to the monstrosity of slowness and unbearable responsiveness it is today? surely this can't be right?17:47
djazproductions0what is vbox17:48
djazproductions0oh ok17:48
djazproductions0is that media software17:48
vbgunzit's a virtual machine manager.17:49
djazproductions0oh right17:49
djazproductions0im new to this os its damn good though17:49
djazproductions0better than ubuntu17:49
vbgunzyeah, I agree. I used to use ubuntu about 5 years ago for about 2 years then switched to kubuntu and never once looked back17:50
jhutchins_ltSo is muon a package manager or just a GUI manager for apt?17:51
djazproductions0ubuntu is good but i like this as had problems with ubuntu the hard drive failed17:51
djazproductions0i had to intall kubuntu onto a flash drive17:51
djazproductions0where can i get the flash player need for facebook games17:52
djazproductions0as i tried them but it wouldnt work17:52
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szalvbgunz: can't say that VBox 4 is slow17:56
akishi, could u plz advise me how can i setup java so chrome/opera could initilize applets?17:57
vbgunzit's so painfully slow, I'd really rather install onto a new partition and dual boot to test new distros. I thought it had something to do with noapic 1 or more processors, 32/64 bit and no matter what I do, it's forever butt slow. it never ever used to be like this. was curious if anyone else experienced this17:58
James147vbgunz: not noticed vbox4 being slow ^^ problem a problem with your setup17:59
James147brobally a problem :)17:59
* James147 gives up trying to type today17:59
vbgunzvbox was never slow for me. I had xp, win 7 and several distros and never noticed a problem. now, no matter what I install, it's just a slowbox. It used to be awesome. just not anymore :(18:01
James147vbgunz: a problem with your host?18:02
vbgunzI think kubuntu is near perfect.18:02
James147vbgunz: at elast the vbox setup on your host18:02
vbgunzI deleted and purge everything vbox. all configurations are gone. new install. I used to use the binary version and that's probably why it was super awesome. today, I am trying only to use ose from the repos and it's just nothing like it used to be18:04
szalvbgunz: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads <- section "Debian-based Linux distributions"18:05
vbgunzszal: that's what I used to use. I haven't downloaded a deb in a very long time and have been trying to use the ose version in the official repos.18:06
akisany help plz18:07
vbgunzI never had a problem with the binaries from the site *but* lately the ose is really terrible in performance, at least for me18:07
djazproductions0where can i get a flash player18:26
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:26
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Codenomicscan anyone recommend a nice clean dockbar app?19:11
Codenomicsthat doesnt require composite?19:11
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iliashi all. could u plz advise me how can i check if my system (10.04) has detected my winmodem and has installed driver for it.19:13
LibraratCodenomics: cairodock is nice, but it's gnome dependent (though, I just hack and slash around that).19:13
LibraratOn that note, is there any decent applet that I can set statically for a console window? eg: auto-start at bootup, fixed position, no borders etc?  The stock terminal window puts me into kernel panic when I try to resize it :s19:14
Codenomicscairo is composite dependant aint it?19:14
LibraratCodenomics: I think it might be, I can't remember to be honest. But like I said, I just hack and slash around that :P19:15
LibraratCodenomics: I'm like a blind man with a chainsaw on my messaround box.  If it b reaks, break it more and then give it some oil.  Seems to fix it.  If you apt-get install cairodock, it will pull in the dependencys19:16
LibraratCodenomics: However, you need to edit a few of the .py files to be able to open up the config window, as KDE doesn't have some of the icons that it depends on.19:16
CodenomicsI just want something that will work lol19:17
Codenomicsdont want to put that much effort into it19:17
Librarat:P KDE sadly has few options for nice docks.19:17
mr-richAny ideas on filtering russian spam?19:17
Libraratmr-rich: use gmail :)19:17
Codenomicsi can just create a seond kde bar at the top of the screen i guess19:17
ZeDingospam filters for russian characters?19:17
Codenomicsmr-rich: gmail has uber spam filters19:18
CodenomicsI actually just checked mine the other day and noticed that there were 600 spam emails in there, and only one of them wasnt spam19:18
mr-richCodenomics: I have a gmail account ... don't use it much ... I need to filter russian spam coming into my main account ...19:19
ZeDingogmail can access a pop3/smtp account, yknow19:19
Librarat^ Bingo19:19
LibraratCodenomics: Let me show you my desktop, see what you think.  Cairodock actually, on second look, installs nicely into KDE, provided you are using Kubuntu and not Ubuntu with the KDE packages pulled secondarily19:21
CodenomicsI am on a fresh kubuntu install19:21
LibraratCodenomics: Alright, give me a second and I'll show you my desktop (I too am pretty fresh, havn't bothered adding my custom icons)19:22
Codenomicsi have used cairo in the past19:22
CodenomicsI can just pop it on and see how it works19:22
Codenomicsif it does it does, if not then i will remove it lol19:22
Librarateasy enough, yea :)19:22
Codenomicsthe graphics card on this machine sucks19:23
LibraratAlright, give me a second and Ill screenshot19:23
Codenomicsdont worry about it19:23
Codenomicsinstalling already lol19:23
LibraratCodenomics: that being the case, dont use teh GLX dock, use the non-opengl version (it comes with both)19:23
Codenomicshorribly slow starbucks wifi connetion lol19:23
LibraratCodenomics: well fun, screw you then :P19:23
Libraratfine* :P19:24
Codenomicsthe non opengl?19:24
Libraratyea, if your GPU sucks use the non-opengl one19:24
Libraratthere ya go19:25
Codenomicsall I can find are the GLX-Dock version and the regular cairo-dok install19:26
Codenomicsno others19:26
Libraratinstall cairodock19:27
Codenomicsyeah I just read a little deeper lol19:27
LibraratIn your applications, you will see two variants - non-glx and glx19:27
Codenomicsthey are two different installs19:27
Codenomicswow this damn place just got busy19:27
LibraratIf you install the regular one, it will install both19:27
CodenomicsLibrarat: oh oi19:28
Codenomicsi am sposed to be doing my homework lol19:28
LibraratIn the summer? 0.o I just got out of school :p19:28
Codenomicsi am in college19:29
LibraratDitto, though I am taking a few summer classes. They start in July19:29
Codenomicswow, the non opengl version has a large blackbox around everything19:29
Codenomicsthat dont look too pretty19:30
Codenomicsworks great but has this black chunk covering all the realestate that it uses19:32
Librarattry GLX, see if your card can keep up19:33
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LibraratTry the GLX version, Codenomics19:36
LibraratCodenomics: did you see my screenshot? http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/24/plasma-desktopYA1784.jpg19:36
Codenomicsmy machine is crapping on itself right now19:36
Codenomicscairo locked up and I cant kill it19:37
Codenomicsproccess isnt showing up in top either19:37
Codenomicsno ctrl19:38
Codenomicsno ctrl alt bckspc?19:38
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap19:39
James147Codenomics: alt+printscreen + k19:39
macoCodenomics: upstream Xorg disabled that by default years ago19:39
Codenomicsubuntulo1: it is too late right now19:39
macoJames147: it's alt+sysrq. just because your keyboard puts them on the same key doesnt mean all do19:39
Codenomicsi kinda need it right now19:39
ZeDingois there something similar to path in windows that i need to do to run java from any folder?19:41
iliascould u plz advise me how can i check if my system (10.04) has detected my winmodem and has installed driver for it.19:44
pierre__any one can tell me how i can get realtime kernel on ubuntu 11.04?19:44
James147ZeDingo: yes.. though it should be added to the PATH varible when you install it (assuming you did installed it through the packagemanager)19:44
ZeDingodidn't use the package manager19:45
James147ZeDingo: why not?19:45
ZeDingobecause that's no fun!19:45
ZeDingoand i couldn't find sun's jvm in it19:45
ZeDingoopenjdk breaks minecraft19:45
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ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.19:45
pierre__now some on tellme me openJDK kill minecraft -.-"19:46
* Librarat is glad he doesnt play minecraft19:47
ZeDingopierre__, yeah, notch tells us19:50
pierre__oh well19:50
ZeDingoin the first book of mojang, chapter 6: And use not that wicked OpenJDK, for it shall break thine machine.19:51
Codenomicsholy crappy video cards dell man!19:51
pierre__now i just need to get my self a lowlatency19:51
pierre__now i just need to get my self a lowlatency kernel19:51
genii-aroundZeDingo: You might also want to just use update-alternatives to add the locations of your manually installed version, and then to make them the defaults for java and javaws19:55
ZeDingooh ffs20:00
pierre__i think i just figuredout hot to get a lowlatency kernel oh well close enough i just need the raw power >.>20:00
ZeDingominecraft bleeds through in chromium20:00
ZeDingoand downloaded version won't run20:01
pierre__now  can run minecraft at extream speeds >:D20:01
pierre__but kde still buggy >:E20:02
pierre__oh well im out >:O20:02
vbgunzpierre__: whats buggy?20:02
pierre__KDE rekonq!20:02
pierre__it allways CRASHES >XO20:02
vbgunzpierre__: it happens when you viewing flash vids and stuff?20:02
pierre__yep :|20:02
vbgunzpierre__: go to any youtube video and right click the video. then deselect hardware acceleration20:03
vbgunzsolved all my problems. by any chance you have an nvidia card?20:03
pierre__yep :|20:04
vbgunzdo as I said. videos will still play great20:04
pierre__im on a mac...go ahead let it all out yeah mac suck what eva20:04
vbgunzno, just do as I said. that should help20:04
vbgunzat least try it and if it doesn't help, it's too easy to put back the way it was20:05
pierre__oki now if there was only a way to make the rest of kde smoother and more stable |:20:05
vbgunzpierre__: you have nvidia binaries?20:05
pierre__oh no i have the blob drivers and all im just disapointed in the way KDE gobbles up my memory |:20:06
vbgunzpierre__: personally, I have no idea why what I am about to say isn't the default *but* it helped me out bigtime (could be a placebo effect) but try this20:06
vbgunzecho QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=raster > ~/.kde/env/qt-raster.sh20:07
vbgunzthen chmod +x ~/.kde/env/qt-raster.sh20:07
vbgunzthen restart X20:08
pierre__i allready have the QT grahics settings and i did set it to raster... no noticable diference20:08
vbgunzIt works wonders on my end, I noticed a big difference20:08
pierre__i dont know maybe its the way the compile the binaries over at ubuntu /:20:08
vbgunzyou could try a fresh xorg.conf and no nvidia-settings.rc file. and see how the defaults work out for you20:08
pierre__oki ill try that sometime20:09
vbgunzcool, hopefully your flash problems are all done now20:09
vbgunzgood luck20:09
pierre__now i going to reboot and hope i can get this lowlatency kernel running to help turn my mac to a beast >:E20:10
vbgunzgood luck with that :)20:10
mr-richHow do I restart spamd?20:10
vbgunzmr-rich: if it's a service try this: sudo service spamd restart20:10
mr-richvbgunz: not a service ...20:11
Libraratmr-rich: try just $ sudo spamd restart20:12
Libraratmr-rich: if that doesn't work, run:   $ sudo /etc/init.d/spamd restart20:12
szalwth is spamd?20:13
szaldoes it send spam e-mails? :P20:14
szalor does it produce canned meat? :D20:14
vbgunzmr-rich: you sure it isn't spampd or spamc?20:14
vbgunzmr-rich: if you're sure it's spamd, try to man spamd then press / and search for restart20:15
mr-richLibrarat: finally just sighup'd the pid ...20:15
mr-richbut that didn't solve my problem ... I need to filter mail via language and it seems that language detection is now a plugin ...20:16
genii-aroundmr-rich: This one? http://spamassassin.apache.org/full/3.1.x/doc/Mail_SpamAssassin_Plugin_TextCat.html20:20
wornofI'm trying to make my trackball work in 11.04. I followed the ubuntu instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Logitech_Marblemouse_USB , and it all works (including seeing the results in Xorg.0.log, '[ 11961.976] (**) Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true" '), but I don't get 3-button-emulation20:25
wornofAny ideas how to fix that?20:25
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olskolircI'm on Natty Kubuntu - where is my boot menu please or Grub gui?21:18
Tm_Tolskolirc: try pressing shift during boot21:19
olskolircI want to look at it from the desktop Tm_T like the good ol days21:19
Tm_Tolskolirc: I'm not sure what you're asking now21:20
olskolircused to be a box in system settings Tm_T where we could edit and download boot splash and edit grub21:24
gomiboyolskolirc: never used myself, but you probably want to install kde-config-grub221:28
olskolircthanks gomiboy21:29
Belial`is anyone else having a problem with kopete constantly disconnecting?21:38
girishsome thing problem with rekonq when we search some thing in google then click on the one of the link and after to the searched list cant click on any of the link have to refresh the page ... so why it happen so21:49
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ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.21:54
CammyBelial, Kopete and Xchat both disconnect for me when the monitor goes into power saving mode21:55
CammyWhen I move the mouse again, all my servers reconnect21:55
girishdude somebody plz telme which browser is good for kubuntu21:56
James147chromium :)21:56
szalthe one you find best suits you21:56
James147^^ though it highly depends on your tasts21:57
James147^^ i suggest tring at least firefox and chromium21:57
CammyAnd then settle on Opera when you realise how much faster it is21:58
girishthanx for ur suggestions i'll try these21:59
Belialmmhh Cammy?22:00
CammyI was replying to something you asked earlier22:00
CammyAbout Kopete disconnecting all the time22:01
BelialWasnt me :) I have a clone apparently!22:01
Belial`oh snap22:01
Cammy<Belial`> is anyone else having a problem with kopete constantly disconnecting?22:01
CammyI guess so22:01
Belial`i looked at him replying and thought someone jacked my nickname22:02
Belial`then i remembered i use the ` for freenode.22:02
CammySo you both like this name, what does it mean?22:02
CammyIs he a character from something?22:02
CammyThere was another girl on Efnet who used to try and claim my nick, so I had to use Cammmy sometimes22:03
LjLwhere do i configure/enable input methods?22:07
olskolirc_where is the official kubuntu facebook account please?  I find many with only a few thousand while ubuntu has over 400 thousand?22:37
LjLwhere do i configure/enable input methods?22:49
James147LjL: System settings > Shortcuts and Gestuers  Custom shortcuts?22:50
LjLJames147: by input methods i mean IME, like for writing in chinese or japanese22:51
James147LjL: :) then you should say that22:51
LjLwell that's what "input method" means in computers22:52
James147LjL: you tried locale in system settings?22:52
LjLi did, but i couldn't find it there22:52
James147LjL: input devices > keyboard22:53
LjLJames147: as far as i can see that only gives me a Japanese (or whatever) keyboard layout, not an actual IME selection22:54
* James147 isnt sure then22:54
naught101I'm on Natty on an eMachines em350, and my entire system is completely locking up at apparently random intervals (sometimes 4-5 hours, sometimes 1 minutes).23:13
naught101How would I go about finding out why?23:13
naught101(I have to hard reboot)23:13
naught101is /var/log/dmesg moved to dmesg.0 on boot? ie. is where the last dmesg stops when my system crashed?23:18
gomiboynaught101: yes, but i doubt you'll find something... it's a hard crash, no time to write on disk :(23:20
naught101gomiboy: no, I know, but the last thing that happens there is something to do with wireless, so perhaps it's related23:20
=== f3n1x is now known as F3N1X
ZeDingolinux driver for my realtek sound bad idea or worst idea23:54
ZeDingoi'm still trying to get minecraft to run on here23:55

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