
danilosgrepping for "subscribers" doesn't work that well when a class uses "subcriber" in the name instead :)12:28
gary_posterdanilos, I approved your PDR goals13:23
danilosgary_poster, cool, thanks, is there any action required on my part?13:23
danilosI guess I'll just go and check13:23
gary_posterdanilos, yeah, I think there is, but could be wrong13:23
danilosgary_poster, yep, I needed to counter-sign it (I added a comment that "I agree with your agreement with my objectives", for clarification ;))13:24
gary_posterlol, thank you so much13:24
danilosgary_poster, btw, I have one question for the "other subscribers" list: for the directly subscribed persons/teams, do we check their mute status as well?13:25
danilosgary_poster, or is that assumed to be appropriately set with API return values?13:25
gary_posterdanilos, they are currently set via API.  I'm happy with you leaving that as is, or adjusting it to the pipeline approach.  I'd be tempted to put off the pipeline approach to the end, in case it is unpleasant (with many pieces of code needing to be changed) but perhaps that is unnecessarily pessimistic13:27
gary_posterbac (are you feeling better?) benji danilos gmb, kanban now, call in less than 313:27
danilosgary_poster, right, sounds good enough for me13:28
gary_postercool thanks danilos13:28
bacgary_poster: yes-ish13:30
gary_posterbac, :-) ok, well glad you are better13:30
gary_poster#launchpad no longer has a /topic13:30
baci see a topic13:31
bacare using linkinus?  it has been screwy for me wrt topics13:31
gary_posteryeah, ok13:31
gary_posterBrad Friday, Benji Monday, Danilo Wednesday, Graham Tuesday, Gary Thursday13:40
gary_posterGary will adjust IRC resp on wiki13:41
gary_posterDanilo/Graham: something Benji 3-4: Brad 4-5: Gary 11-1213:44
gary_posterLaunchpad Translators Group for Translation questions13:45
danilosgary_poster, that's a bit too broad, so to simplify, punt it to me and I'll reassign appropriately13:47
gary_posterLaunchpad Translation Coordinators does that (David Planella)13:49
bacgary_poster: added sick leave to canonicaladmin13:50
gary_posterthanks bac, will go approve13:50
benjigary_poster, a drive by: the more I think about it the more I wonder if we should try using an asynchronous transport for the services balkanization (and since we already have rabbitmq running it would be a good place to start)14:09
gary_posterbenji, poolie said something similar, but I don't yet understand how async helps for building a page.  ISTM you want results ASAP, and you don't want the overhead of async (rabbitMQ is lightweight compared to, say, zc.async, but heavyweight compared to not having async around at all, or zeroMQ would not have arisen AFAIK),14:13
gary_posterand in fact async doesn't buy you anything (AFAIK) that simple threaded requests to the publishers doesn't provide.  Is there a quick way to explain what you mean?14:13
daniloshaha, "balkanization" :) I'm rather sad that has become a "proper" word :/14:14
gary_poster:-) :-/14:15
benjiI'm envisioning a scatter-gather type situation.  Simple example: say there are parts of the page we can do without knowing who the user is and parts that we have to know, at the start of a request we could fire off one or more async requests to render the parts of the page that don't need user data, then fire off a synchronous (or async with a subscription to the response, or whatever) request to look up the user from their 14:16
danilosgary_poster, as for async stuff, I am kinda with benji: there is stuff we know we can't do in whatever the time might be allotted for page rendering14:16
benjidanilos: something you should know by now, just because I use it doens't mean it's proper ;)14:17
danilosgary_poster, and I imagine more things that might come up in the future, where we'd want to offer live status updates14:17
danilosbenji, heh, actually, I've seen it used on BBC's web site, and defined in dictionaries, but never before seen anyone use it in a real non-political statement14:18
gary_posterbenji: maybe.  The same as you describe could be handled with other approaches, like the one I described, with lighter weight.  Since we have to write integration for rabbitMQ and we are talking about simple thread use (the sort that Twisted can provide with deferred abstraction, even) for my alternate approach, I am not convinced it is a win.  Maybe I'm wrong.14:22
gary_posterFor what danilos says, with stuff we know we can't do in the time allotted for page rendering, sure, but that's a different story.  A big part of instituting a constrained time for page rendering is to give a quick response time to the user.  If you need to start something up separately, great, but you'll have to deliver it separately (e.g. with AJAX).  I'm a big fan of async for things like that.14:22
gary_posterIn general, though, I'm interested in JS/AJAX for page assembly14:23
benjigary_poster: can you quickly summarize the approach you described?14:23
benjiI may have confused things by introducing page assembly.  My understanding of Robert's intention is to break LP up into "services" that can be deployed independently.14:24
gary_posterah ok14:24
gary_posterI'm in favor of rabbit MQ as being one of the tools we use for that purpose14:24
gary_posterBut page assembly itself on the server is less convincing to me as a specific time when RabbitMQ/async is a good solution14:25
benjiright, pretend my example was about API calls to fetch data, not page fragments14:26
gary_posterIf we are not waiting to render a page until we get that data back, then I am +1 on async/RabbitMQ without further discussion14:27
gary_posterLet's say this is a Twisted app assembling the services.  A request comes in.  You immediately make threaded calls that talk to services to get pre-auth replies.  Then you do a call to become authenticated; when that is done, you make more threaded calls to get post-auth replies.  When all services have returned, or something has timed out, we assemble the page and send it back.14:27
gary_posterYou could even do interesting things like "the reply isn't back yet; we'll stick in an AJAX thing to load this part of the page after the browser got it, using the results we've been working on already but that aren't ready yet"14:28
gary_posterYou could use RabbitMQ for something like that, but it is heavyweight...*unless* you need coordinated transactionality.14:29
gary_posterWhich is another thing I haven't seen discussed, actually.14:29
benjiI'd worry about the "threaded" bit (and why would you need threads with Twisted?).14:31
benjiotherwise that sounds like what I had in mind14:31
gary_poster(threads are reasonable tools if used in simple ways, and Twisted supplies the tools to use them.)  But yeah, actually for network activity, you wouldn't need them with Twisted. You'd only need it if you needed to talk to something like a DB call (like a graph DB) that started up a separate process.  So yeah, when you rip out the threads, that's even lighter weight.14:33
benjiso, I'll mention one more thing and stop :) if we have a service for, say, managing bug notifications then we should build things so we can run several and load-balance/fail-over between them;  that would be a good argument for using HTTP as the transport as we already have/know the tools to do that; plus we could easily add caching14:37
gary_posterUnless I misunderstand :-P I think I agree completely.  I think that's the same kind of thinking that makes me want us to use REST-style communications.  Does that sound like I'm on the right track?14:39
benjiit does; I guess I should go read Robert's write up of this now that I've decided how we should implement it all ;)14:41
gary_poster...and it's my CHR time!16:00
bacgmb: is my re-use of bug 777789 for the branch you just reviewed going to cause deployment problems?  the first 'qa-bad' branch and its rollback haven't landed yet.  hmmm.16:37
_mup_Bug #777789: "Other subscriptions" description of direct team subscription makes no sense <qa-bad> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by bac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/777789 >16:37
bacs/landed/been deployed16:37
gmbbac: I don't know. I don't *think* so, but I usually find it better to file another bug and let qa-tagger track things there.16:38
gmbBecause I've seen the qa-tagger do odd things to re-used bugs in the past.16:38
bacyeah, hindsight16:38
baci guess i'll find out...16:39
* gary_poster stops doing CHR, 1:35 later17:35
gary_posterI left a few projects for the next person17:35
gary_posterHopefully this will go faster once we all get in the rhythm :-)17:36
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
* benji starts CHRapalooza20:01
* benji realizes he's an hour early bug goes ahead anyway.20:02
bacbenji: why do you say you're an hour early?  i thought you had 3pm and i had 4pm20:12
benjibac: oh, you're right, I did my UTC math wrong20:12
benjiDoes anyone know if it's possible to delete a project?  I have a question in which a user asks that their recently created project be deleted.  The admin page lets me deactivate it.20:34
benjiI assume that since LP tells me that the person that asked the question and the person that registered the project are the same, that it's safe to fulfill the request (i.e., there's no impersonation going on).20:35
gary_posterbenji, yeah, delete request from user -> deactivate for us20:38
gary_posterand yes, I trust LP in that kind of way too20:38
benjigary_poster: thanks!20:38
benjidone with CHR; other than having no idea what a couple of the ~registry tasks were talking about, that wasn't too bad20:55
gary_posteryeah, I had no idea what the ~registry was either :-P20:56
gary_posterI suppose I should fix that20:56
gary_posterI'll see if flacoste knows, since I'm about to talk to him anyway20:56
gary_posteroh.  you probably saw this.  This explains most or all of it to me20:57
benjigary_poster: well, that page is part of the problem: the "Decline invitations to join a team." bit makes no sense; copy paste error perhaps?  and the "Remove owned teams" section asking me to "investigate those you do not understand" isn't very helpful21:04
benjigary_poster: should we use bug heat to guide us in choosing bugs to work on?  If so, I should look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/74020821:16
gary_posterbenji, sorry on call since 4 will ping when off21:16
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
gary_posterbenji, hi, reading...yeah, Francis said that the page maybe has had too many cooks lately.  I'm supposed to work with Curtis to make sure that we understand it.  It takes Curtis 15 min/day to do that work.  He's an expert, so if it takes us 45 minutes, aggregated across all of us, over the day, that's probably not too bad, but we do all need to understand it.21:46
gary_posterbenji: use bug heat: naah21:46
gary_posterI mean, if you want to21:46
gary_posterbut the main goal should be speed21:46
gary_posterSecondary goal should be learning21:47
gary_posterAdditional goals for you to determine :-)21:47
gary_posterbut that bug would certainly be a nice one to fix, sure :-)21:47
bachi benji -- did you do the 'project review' part?  i'm just asking b/c i want to make sure i'm not missing anything.  there are several projects there that should've been approved that pre-dated your shift.22:03
benjibac: I did, but it ended up being a no op (as far as I can tell) because all the projects had whiteboard entries that said things like "emailed them about our license policy"22:04
bacbenji: yeah, but i saw about 5-6 that had GPL licenses that needed to be marked as approved22:04
benjiI admit that I don't have a good feeling about my understanding of that page though22:04
bacbenji: just want to ensure we're on the same card22:04
bacso, as it is now, there are only projects with "I don't know"22:05
benjiI assumed (bad me) that the page was in reverse chronological order, so if the top few were handled, then they all must be22:05
bacbenji: no, it is oldest at top.  :(22:05
benjipfft, that's helpful22:05
bachey at least it is all ajaxy now22:05
benjisounds like we need a bug about that with the "chr" tag22:05
bacmuch easier to deal with22:05
* bac eods. bye.22:09

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