
wgrantdoko, lifeless: There are binaries there...00:04
wgrantSurely you know how package pools work :)00:04
dokoplease fix the error message00:05
lifelesswgrant: so I think this is a UI bug00:10
lifelesswgrant: we shouldn't offer impossible options00:10
wgrantlifeless: Sure, but that requires JS.00:17
jcsacketthuwshimi: current work on wallyworld's part http://people.canonical.com/~ianb/person-picker-extra-detail.png00:17
lifelesswgrant: oh noes, we would have a real UI ?00:17
jcsackettugh, channel fail.00:18
wgrantlifeless: Adding trivial JS like that to a non-AJAXy form is non-ideal, given our bad JS stuff.00:18
lifelesswgrant: I don't follow; its not high pri anyhow so deferrable00:18
Andre_GondimHi, I need some help to use people.ubuntu.com01:58
wgrantAndre_Gondim: #canonical-sysadmin may be more helpful.02:01
Andre_Gondimthanks wgrant02:01
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ajmitchwhere should I report spam on launchpad?05:45
ajmitchok, done05:48
lakinOk, I know launchpad is an open source project now - which is awesome.  Is it something that's intended to be run as a standalone project on ones own server? If so, are there instructions for doing it?  I've found https://dev.launchpad.net/Running - but that seems more like instructions on how to build it if you're developing on it.05:49
wgrantlakin: No, it's still intended that Launchpad.net should be the only instance.05:52
lifelesslakin: its only intended to be deployed by canonical. Other folk can deploy it but it /must/ be rethemed before doing that.05:52
wgrantIt's possible to run your own, but you'd have to rebrand it and replace all the images.05:52
lakinThanks for the info05:52
lifelessI believe there to be sites running LP05:53
wgrantThere are a couple I know of.05:53
lifelessinhouse hosting setups and the like05:53
lakinRebranding it makes sense.  I wouldn't be running it to compete with lp.net - mostly I'm intrigued about using it as a private bug tracking software for clients05:53
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maxbUrgh, git.debian.org has now been down long enough that vcs-imports are starting to toggle to failed status12:51
gesermaxb: does it use anonymous read-only access? http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2011/05/msg00009.html12:55
maxbOh joy, they changed the URLs12:55
StevenKYes, because stable access is hard12:57
geseryou might want to wait on an answer on http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2011/05/msg00889.html as the Vcs-* headers in packages are affected too12:57
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=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: gmb | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
ahasenackhi guys, this bug is weird, it has no project: https://bugs.launchpad.net/landscape/+bug/78474913:43
ubot5Error: Launchpad(https://launchpad.net) bug 784749 not found13:43
ahasenackI then tried to add one ("also affects project") and got an oops13:43
gmbahasenack: Hmm. Weird. Looking into it now.13:50
ahasenackgmb: thanks13:51
gmbahasenack: Can you see anything in the Affects table on bug 784749 now? I see two tasks.14:39
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 784749 could not be found14:39
gmbShush, Ubotu.14:39
ahasenackgmb: one of them beret managed to add a few minutes ago14:41
ahasenackgmb: he said that he thinks the problem is that someone managed to unsubscribe landscape from that bug14:41
ahasenackgmb: I see one task now, a side effect of how beret fixed it14:41
ahasenackwell, one "11.06" "thing" (is that what you call a task?)14:41
gmbahasenack: I think we may have (had) a cache invalidation problem here. It's not possible for a bug to have no tasks (yes, anything under "Affects" is a Bug Task, in LP parlance).14:42
gmbIt would have OOPSed all the time if the tasks were deleted.14:42
ahasenackgmb: did you get to see the oops yet?14:42
ahasenackit's synced every hour or so IIRC14:42
gmbahasenack: Yes; the OOPS is telling me that you tried to add a task to the bug for a project (Landscape, I assume) that was already listed as being affected by the bug.14:43
ahasenackgmb: ok, that was when I saw no tasks for it14:43
wgrantgmb: Ah, see #launchpad-ops, I didn't see that the problem was here too.14:43
gmbSo whilst you couldn't see Landscape in the Affects table, internally it was there.14:43
wgrant~launchpad-bugs had been unsubscribed, but they could still see the bug because of that hack that allows pillar owners to partially see all of their private bugs.14:44
wgrantThat partial visibility somehow caused the tasks to not show.14:44
gmbwgrant: Ah, right. See, I'm out of the loop on bugs stuff now, unless it's bug mail. We have ACLs now?14:44
wgrantgmb: No.14:45
wgrantSome time pre-squads pillar owners were granted access to their bugs.14:45
wgrantNot sure why, and it's certainly unwanted in some cases, but it clearly doesn't quite work properly either.14:45
wgrantSo, what happened here is that a LOSA accidentally hit the unsubscribe button for ~landscape-bugs while unsubscribing the user.14:46
wgrantSo then the bug was only partially visible, and the world ended.14:46
wgrantNow they are subscribed again, all is OK.14:46
gmbwgrant: I'll file a bug, then, unless there's one already.14:47
wgrantgmb: There may be one for the general issue of pillar owners being able to see all bugs.14:48
wgrantBut there isn't one for this particular bug.14:48
RedSingularitylifeless: ping15:22
benjiRedSingularity: it's 2:30 AM for him so you might not get a reply (but knowing him, you just might)15:39
RedSingularitybenji: ohh ok.  Thanks for the heads up :)15:40
RedSingularitylifeless: When you get a chance, take a look at this error I am getting when trying to mark a duplicate.  http://i.imgur.com/Q7Qw3.png15:41
commandolineHello, I'm wondering who has more rights in a project: a maintainer or a driver? I believe the second has the bonus of settings the direction of a project (registering series etc.), but I'm not sure and the docs don't help me out since I didn't find a good description of the role of a Maintainer.16:47
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commandolineOK, I've found a good description now, it seems like I was mistaken.17:01
DooitzeCompaqYes, and I was right17:02
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CarlFKhow do I search lp ppa for jsondiff?17:29
bigjoolsCarlFK: you want to search all PPAs?17:37
bigjoolshttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas will do that17:38
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
ahasenackhi guys, i'm getting timeout errors when trying to copy packages between private ppas17:44
ahasenackhere is a second one: OOPS-1970CO45117:44
CarlFKbigjools: cool - thanks17:46
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
suihkulokkiThe page https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=arm-porting-queue fails to load with a timeout17:57
suihkulokkiI understand it is a known bug in launchpad?17:57
ahasenackI'm also getting timeouts, but elsewhere17:58
gmbsuihkulokki: We do still get timeouts on search pages on occasion, unfortunately. It may work shortly if you refresh the page.17:59
gmbahasenack: Where abouts?17:59
ahasenackgmb: copying packages between ppas, see oopses above17:59
gmbahasenack: Could you file a bug about those please if you haven't already?17:59
ahasenackgmb: I haven't, but I really need those packages copied, is there another way? Or do I have to upload them again to the other ppa then?18:00
bigjoolsahasenack: don't, it's a known bug18:00
bigjoolsahasenack: copy fewer at once18:00
suihkulokkigmb: is there a bug# ?18:00
ahasenackbigjools: thanks, I'll try18:00
bigjoolsahasenack: the time taken is a function of the number of *binaries* getting copied.18:00
* ahasenack tries 418:01
ahasenackhmm, the info note only mentions 218:02
gmbsuihkulokki: I thought there was, but apparently not (or at least not one that's immediately obvious). Please file one at https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug.18:02
ahasenackah, the others were the same version probably18:02
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
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suihkulokkigmb: filed as LP#78771019:03
rsalvetidon't know if anyone posted already, but would like to search for bugs using a specific tag at ubuntu19:10
rsalvetibut launchpad hates me and always gives me timeout19:10
micahgrsalveti: search for +MYTAG in the box19:11
maxbIs there still no joy on killing off the launchpad-bugs contact address that spams any non-Canonicalite who touches a code import?19:12
micahgrsalveti: I think that's bug 73597719:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 735977 in Launchpad itself "MaloneApplication:+bugs timeouts searching for tags across all bugs" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73597719:12
rsalvetimicahg: yup, thanks19:13
lifelessRedSingularity: hi20:38
lifelessprobably a timeout20:38
lifelessah yes20:38
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SpamapSHow does one flag a comment as spam on a bug?21:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 573633 in mysqmail (Ubuntu Lucid) "package mysqmail 0.4.9-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:31
micahgSpamapS: file a question against launchpad?21:37
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RedSingularitylifeless: ok, thanks :)22:29
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