
hydroziiwhen i installed lubuntu on this computer there was no network card in it... could that be a problem?00:00
GTRsdkhydrozii, not really00:00
GTRsdkhydrozii, can you connect it with a wired connection to check for additional  drivers and possibly even apply updates?00:00
hydroziiyes i have00:01
hydroziimy computer is fully updated and there is no additional drivers00:01
GTRsdkhydrozii, are you sure the card is turned on?00:03
hydroziino, but im thinking the wirless light on the top of my computer being blue means it is00:04
hydroziiis that right?00:04
GTRsdkwhich model laptop?00:04
hydroziicompaq presario cq6000:04
GTRsdkdid it work in Maverick?00:06
hydroziiwas that 10.10?00:08
JackyAlcineatheros is fully supported on Ubuntu,00:08
hydroziiit did work perfectly before in lubuntu00:08
hydroziiwhen it stoped i assumed that my network card was broken and ordered another one00:08
GTRsdk10.10 = maverick00:09
hydroziiyes it worked in 10.1000:09
GTRsdkhydrozii, did it stop once you upgraded?00:09
hydroziino it stoped before that00:09
hydroziii have been plugging it in directly since it broke00:10
hydroziiand have upgraded since then00:10
hydroziiwhen you plug in a new network card to a linux machine, what typically happens?00:10
hydroziidoes it simply work?00:10
GTRsdkmaybe the port/slot/whatever it is called died00:11
hydroziithe old one wouldn't work in other labtops either00:11
GTRsdkhydrozii, when I plug a wireless card into the computer, it says wireless netwroks are awailable. Then I can click on the icon on the panel and join the network00:11
hydroziiso there is no drivers that need to be downloaded or anything00:12
GTRsdkit "just works"00:12
hydroziiwell my dad will assume its a software problem and i will be forced to install some form of windows to prove otherwise00:13
GTRsdkhydrozii, maybe you could get a USB card?00:14
hydroziiare most usb cards compatible?00:15
GTRsdksome are, some aren't. I have a Belkin F5D8053 V3000 that works00:15
KM0201i'ev also got that exact belkin, works fine00:15
KM0201hydrozii: what is your internal wireless device, this might be a fairly easy fix if its not working00:16
hydroziihow do i find out what my internal wireless device is?00:18
hydroziithats not the wireless card?00:18
GTRsdkhydrozii, the atheros card is internal, right?00:19
hydroziiwhen i click on the wirless icon it says " wireless network(Atheros AR5001 Wirless Network Adapter) wireless is disabled"00:21
hydroziiand underneath that is a checkbox that says "enable wireless" but i have that checked...00:21
hydroziiso how do i enable wireless...?00:21
GTRsdkmake sure the enable wireless is active00:21
GTRsdkhydrozii, is there an annoying switch on the laptop?00:22
GTRsdkone that could easily get switched off?00:22
hydroziithere is an annoying button00:22
hydroziino i don't think so00:22
GTRsdksee what it does00:22
GTRsdkhydrozii, maybe a BIOS setting was changed?00:23
hydroziiim faily certain that it turns my wireless on and off.... and when its blue that means on.... i have to press it about a million times to get it to change colors00:23
hydroziishould i look for a bios setting that could have been changed?00:23
hydroziialright then brb00:24
hydroziihang on it tells me that wirless is disabled by hardware switch00:24
hydroziiim gonna mess with this button for a minute00:24
hydroziii couldn't find any options mentioning wireless in bios, i really don't think thats the problem00:30
hydroziiwell i give up for now00:32
hydroziiill see you guys later thanks for the help00:32
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zen_monkeynights, am having trouble with X and a TNT2 on lubuntu 11.0402:31
zen_monkeyanyone up for a chat? :D02:31
zen_monkeywhen i turn the pc on screen flickers a couple of times then i can see few of the starting services (bluetooth is the last) and pauses there02:37
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mikedep334zen_monkey: recovery mode?03:40
mikedep334hold down shift to prevent Ubuntu skipping through the grub2 menu03:41
mikedep334if that works, you can install openssh-server and see if you can at least ssh into it during a normal boot03:41
mikedep334honestly, I don't even know what driver a TNT2 would use03:41
mikedep334nv still?03:42
mikedep334oh, they're the oldest cards supported by nouveau03:42
zen_monkeyhey hi03:42
mikedep334"can suspend/resume reliably except for a TNT2 that has other issues.. This support is only available when kernel modesetting is switched on, so that's even more reason to use it!"03:43
zen_monkeysomehow i'm experiencing various issues with this thingy03:43
mikedep334I recently had to disable modesetting for couple of Radeon cards to work03:43
mikedep334it's both a kernel parameter and a /etc/modules parameter03:43
mikedep334or you can use whatever /etc/<Folder Name>/ modules config can go in as well03:44
zen_monkeyubuntu live 10.04 starts in low graphic mode, kubuntu stoped working after upgrading to 10.04 and lubuntu is not working X03:44
mikedep334zen_monkey: my best guess would still be to disable KMS03:45
mikedep334"The Nouveau stack in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS provides 2D and X-Video acceleration with kernel mode-setting."03:45
zen_monkeyone wierd thing is that running Xorg -configure detects many screens03:45
zen_monkeyand i only have one03:45
mikedep334zen_monkey: I've seen stupid stuff like that03:46
zen_monkeyand quits config with an error03:46
mikedep334I don't think you need to use Xorg -configure03:46
mikedep334you should be able to use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:46
mikedep334also, you may need to run your command with sudo03:47
mikedep334(sorry, I don't know exactly how much you know about this stuff)03:47
zen_monkeywhy there's no xorg.conf on /etc/X11/03:47
mikedep334zen_monkey: because recent versions of X no longer include it unless you're manually configuring X03:47
mikedep334X is now meant to be auto-configured03:47
mikedep334eg, if you need it to load 'fglrx' or 'nvidia', the utilities would generate an xorg.conf03:48
zen_monkeylet me check dpkg-reconfigure to see what surprises it has for me03:48
mikedep334zen_monkey: http://wiki.debian.org/KernelModesetting#Disabling_KMS03:48
mikedep334try that03:48
mikedep334I need to go to bed badly03:49
zen_monkeymikedep334: well thanks till now, it's not too late here and i'm standing for a fight hehe03:50
mikedep334zen_monkey: np, gl03:53
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TatsujlnThe sound works directly on this motherboard when running ubuntu but not when running lubuntu http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/AMD_CPU_on_Board/E35M1I_DELUXE/#specifications05:59
Tatsujlnand it's a headache trying to get the drivers to install05:59
Tatsujlnmanually since i'm a beginner05:59
Tatsujlnjust curious if theres some special package in synaptics that would solve it05:59
Tatsujlni've tried http://black-pixel.net/alc892realtek-id-892-on-mint-linuxubuntu.html06:01
Tatsujlnit does not work06:01
Tatsujlngetting can not remove /dev/snd and alsaconf not found are some of the errors i'm getting among other stuff06:03
GTRsdkTatsujln, linux-firmware-nonfree?06:04
Tatsujlnjust installed it , whats the next step06:05
GTRsdkdoes it work>06:05
GTRsdkTatsujln, if that doesn't work, you might have to check on the additional drivers (jockey-gtk) application06:08
Tatsujlnone sec , just fiddling around here.06:08
Tatsujlngotta reboot and see if this works06:19
Tatsujlnnope still no sound06:22
Tatsujlnjockey-gtk only gives me a gfx driver06:22
GTRsdkTatsujln, which version?06:22
Tatsujlnalsa-driver-1.0.24 and latest lubuntu06:23
Tatsujlngnome alsa mixer is empty06:23
GTRsdkTatsujln, which Ubuntu did it work in?06:23
Tatsujlnthe latest06:23
GTRsdkTatsujln, you have all updates aplied?06:23
GTRsdkand it is not muted?06:23
Tatsujlnwell i can't unmute it since alsamixer is empty06:24
Tatsujlntheres no sound option in the corner as usual either.06:24
bioterrorcould this be a case of alsaconf06:25
Tatsujlni'm new to linux so i'm at a dead end.06:31
GTRsdkTatsujln, is there anything preventing you from using Ubuntu?06:33
TatsujlnYes i hate it compared to Lubuntu :)06:33
GTRsdkTatsujln, reasons?06:33
Tatsujlntoo bloated , i only have a 32gb ssd06:34
Tatsujlni also prefer lubuntus classical style06:34
Tatsujlnanyways , i guess i'll have to do some google digging on how to solve this , thanks for the help though.06:35
jmarsdenTatsujln: Have you considered installing Ubuntu, then installing lubuntu-desktop, and removing the unwanted GNOME stuff?06:35
jmarsdenNot ideal, but if you know sound works for you in Ubuntu, it might be worth trying.06:35
GTRsdkjmarsden, which package in Ubuntu provides sound support that isn't in Lubuntu though?06:36
Tatsujlnah didn't notice that was possible , i'll have to check it out06:36
jmarsdenGTRsdk: I don't know, but for him something is different... if you want to help debug exactly what is responsible for the sound difference, go for it, I don't have the time available to do that I'm afraid :)06:37
GTRsdkjmarsden, I don't know programming :(06:37
Tatsujlnbefore when compiling it there was some path errors06:37
Tatsujlni don't think the issue is very complicated to solve for linux programmers but for me it is since i'm a linux n00b06:38
jmarsdenCompiling it?  You *compiled* Lubuntu??  Why not just use the pre-made ISO?06:38
Tatsujlni mean the sound driver06:38
jmarsdenAh, so for Ubuntu you had to manually compile a 3rd party driver?06:38
Tatsujlnit looks as if it doesn't find the folders it wants to find that are in ubuntu but that are different in lubuntu06:38
jmarsdenEarlier you said: <Tatsujln> The sound works directly on this motherboard when running ubuntu06:39
jmarsdenYou did not say you had to compile anything!06:39
Tatsujlnyup the sound works directly in ubuntu without me having to do anything but with lubuntu i have to try to compile alsa-driver-1.0.24-5.16rc14.tar.bz2 on my own06:40
GTRsdkTatsujln, ubuntu-bug?06:40
Tatsujlnand thats where the problem begins06:40
jmarsdenUm... OK... so what led you to try compiling stuff?  What made you pick that file to try to compile?  Do any of our Lubuntu wiki pages suggest doing that?06:41
Tatsujlnnope i can't find any lubuntu specific article so i have to check what the ubuntu people are doing to compile it06:42
Tatsujlnlike this dude for example06:42
Tatsujlnand some alc892 threads on the ubuntu forum06:42
jmarsdenThat article is not about Lubuntu.  Following random articles that you guess might sort of somehow help is probably a bad idea unless you are expert enough to know what will work the same in Lubuntu and what might need to be changed...06:43
Tatsujlntheres no alc892realtek package in synaptics so thats why i'm forced to try to compile it on my own06:43
Tatsujlni usually prefer to do everything through synaptics.06:43
jmarsdenRight, using existing official packages is much preferred.06:44
TatsujlnAnyways i'm gonna go this route then06:47
Tatsujln<jmarsden> Tatsujln: Have you considered installing Ubuntu, then installing lubuntu-desktop, and removing the unwanted GNOME stuff?06:47
Tatsujlnfor least headache:)06:47
jmarsdenTry it, it could work for you :)06:47
Tatsujlnso once i have ubuntu up and running again i just go into synaptics and install lubuntu-desktop which will make ubuntu look exactly like lubuntu?06:50
bioterrorit will install lubuntu packages06:51
GTRsdkTatsujln, it installs Lubuntu, so you can choose Lubuntu on the login screen06:51
john_ramboI am at the moment downloading lubuntu ...........before going for the installation I want find if there are any bad sectors on the disk ...Is there a way to do that in Live Cd Mode?06:57
GTRsdkjohn_rambo, bad sectors on the cd or hard drive?06:57
john_ramboGTRsdk, HDD06:57
bioterrorfsck /dev/sdX06:58
GTRsdkjmarsden, is it possible to check for bad sectors using a live cd?06:58
GTRsdkerr nvm06:58
bioterrorit will tell you if theres ones06:58
john_rambobioterror, Okay ....& what if I find any ...Can fsck fix them too?06:59
bioterroryes, it will walk to the store and buy you a new hdd ;)06:59
john_rambobioterror, oops ...07:00
jmarsdenYou should use the -c option to e2fsck to do a good check ... use it twice to do a non-destructive read/write test...07:00
bioterroryou can technically mark them as bad sectors, but they wont disappear07:00
jmarsdene2fsck -c /dev/WHATEVER will add the bad blocks to the bad block list...07:00
john_rambojmarsden, bioterror  Thanks07:01
bioterrorbut if you have them, get yourself a new hdd07:01
jmarsdenRight, no modern hard drive should have any bad blocks.07:02
bioterroron 1TB drive I had them worth of 160GB07:02
jmarsden:)  Maybe if installing Lubuntu on a 40 year old PDP-11 diskpack, or something, a few bad blocks would be tolerated :)07:02
john_rambobioterror, jmarsden This is an old PC I am trying to use mainly for downloading large files07:03
john_rambobioterror, jmarsden Celeron 2.13 .....Ram : 386 MB ...40GB HDD07:04
bioterrorcome visit my home07:04
jmarsdenjohn_rambo: Then you want a reliable hard disk (so you don't lose all the large files you download)... so if it has bad blocks... find a different hard drive :)07:04
bioterrori can give you couple of 128GB :D07:04
bioterrorand few 80 and smaller07:04
john_rambojmarsden, Yes ...that is why I am doing all these checks ......at least the bad sectors will be marked ..07:06
jmarsdenjohn_rambo: The problem with that is, that if a drive is already failing, it will probably get worse and worse as you use it... so you mark the bad sectors that are there *today*... and next week, some more go bad!07:07
john_rambojmarsden, bioterror  When this HDD goed bad completely I am going to install lubuntu on a USB Pen drive ........PC Peripherals is extremely costly here in India07:07
bioterrorremember to use non-journaling filesystem07:08
john_rambojmarsden, bioterror But I am really disappointed ......Why isnt there a 64 bit version ?07:08
GTRsdkjmarsden, made a 64 bit one, I think.07:08
jmarsdenBecause when I tried to make one it failed... there is an unofficial 64bit ISO already made by Kendall.07:09
jmarsdenBut is your Celeron with 385MB really fully 64bit capable??07:09
jmarsdenAnd what would the benefit of uysing a 64bit OS be, on that hardware??07:10
john_rambojmarsden, No ..64 bit for my main PC07:10
john_rambolubuntu.net doesnt mention any 64bit version07:10
jmarsdenIf it has more than 4GB RAM, so you need 64bit, you can use the unofficial ISO for that.  Otherwise, you can wait for me to find time to debug our ISO generator so 64bit ISOs that it makes actually work :)07:11
jmarsdenjohn_rambo: No, probably not.07:11
bioterrori would say07:11
bioterrorif you know the differences07:11
bioterrorand you really do something that requires 64bit system, why not07:11
bioterrorotherwise its all the same with pae-kernel07:12
john_rambobioterror, I use avidemux to encode files ..... 64 Bit help speed up the process07:12
jmarsdenIf you must, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GetLubuntu for links to the unofficial community 64bit ISO.07:14
john_rambojmarsden, Checking that link .....Dont get pissed off ...what does "unofficial" means here?07:16
GTRsdkjohn_rambo, it isn't an official iso07:16
GTRsdkit was made by someone other than the official builders07:16
bioterrorits not made by jmarsden ;)07:17
jmarsdenIt means it was made by a member of the user community, not by anyone who is 'officially' an Lubuntu developer :)07:17
bioterrorgreat contribution that is07:17
bioterrorall I can say07:17
GTRsdkjmarsden, I should learn programming and then become a developer07:18
mysteriousdarrenbioterror: hello@07:18
bioterrorhi darren07:18
jmarsdenGTRsdk: If that is what you want to do, do it :)07:18
bioterrorGTRsdk, great way to start is to join ubuntu beginners team07:18
mysteriousdarrendo it! and good luck!07:18
john_ramboGTRsdk, Good Luck  I can hope for a official 64 bit release now07:20
GTRsdkbioterror, I plan to join the ubuntu beginners team soon :)07:21
jmarsdenjohn_rambo: It is VERY likely there will be a 64bit release of Lubuntu 11.10 Oneiric in October...07:21
john_rambojmarsden, An official one?07:21
poltakIt's been confirmed07:21
john_rambopoltak, Thats Awesome News !!!!07:22
poltakThanks I could help, bro07:22
jmarsdenjohn_rambo: Yes.  Lubuntu will use Canonical build infrastructure for 11.10 and with that we will be more able to "do it right" and generate multiple ISOs.07:22
poltakYou should so totally make an ARM port07:22
GTRsdkjmarsden, what about a mac PPC iso?07:23
jmarsdenYou?  What is this "you"?  You want it, *you* start a port :)  We are a community; work together to get things done...07:23
poltakFfs, why you always do this to me, jmarsden?07:23
jmarsdenGTRsdk: I don't think the official Canonical builders support PPC at the moment, but if someone came along with the desire and skills to do it...07:24
bioterrortheres other ppc machines than capples!07:24
GTRsdkbioterror, really?07:24
bioterroramigaone and pegasosppc07:24
GTRsdkI should try to get enough skills so I can make an iso that works on an iBook G307:24
bioterroryou should trash G3 :D07:25
GTRsdkbioterror, yeah :(07:26
poltakPS3 is also PPC, isn't it?07:26
bioterrori threw my dual cpu G4s to recycling center07:26
poltakAnd it can (*could*) run linux07:26
bioterrorpoltak, cell is based on power if i remember right07:26
poltakYeah, thought so.07:26
Unit193bioterror: Yep07:26
bioterrorxbox360 is also ppc based07:27
poltakAnd the wii...07:27
bioterrori rmember they use G5 for sdk07:27
poltakSomething about consoles and ppc07:27
* mysteriousdarren is off to bed, early morning 07:27
poltakIt's only 4:30pm07:29
poltakYou freak07:29
bioterror4h30mins sleep behind07:29
bioterrorand im still lacking the first warm cup of stfu07:30
john_ramboMind wonders ...I wish there was adsl router with an inbuilt browser & torrent client .....a usb cable goes on to connect a USB DRIVE ...no need for PC ...Download Away07:31
john_ramboMy dream device07:31
GTRsdkjohn_rambo, you just plug a USB flash drive in, and it puts Lubuntu/Ubuntu on it?07:33
john_ramboGTRsdk, No ....there is no OS in the above fictional device .....other than the OS of the router07:34
john_ramboGTRsdk, Router directly connected to storage07:34
bioterrorjohn_rambo, with openwrt that should be possible07:39
john_rambobioterror, Googling that ....07:39
bioterrorbut then again those adsl routers does have so slow/lame cpu that torrent client will eat too much resources07:40
john_rambobioterror, Good ... taht something like openwrt but there is no way I can use my existing router for that kind of a setup ...I mean there is no scope to connect display07:43
john_rambobioterror, We need hardware as well07:44
Tatsujlnwhoever designed lubuntu-desktop for ubuntu is a goddamn genius:)07:46
Tatsujlnnow i got the look of lubuntu and sound:)07:46
jmarsdenGood :)07:46
john_ramboTatsujln, I did that too ...but the real Lubuntu is much lighter07:47
john_ramboTatsujln, If that is of any concern to you07:47
jmarsdenjohn_rambo: The issue for Tatsujln was that sound failed to work if he installs from the Lubuntu ISO, but works from the Ubuntu ISOs... so... I suggested the mix-and-match approach so get gets sound, and the desktop he likes :)07:48
Tatsujlnnot really but i will still try every new lubuntu release to see if they ever fix the sound issue but until then this will do fine.07:48
Tatsujlni got 8gig of ram but for me the strong point of lubuntu is the whole interface07:49
Tatsujlnubuntu gnome just doesn't feel as nice07:49
john_rambojmarsden, Oh .... Real good news then07:49
GTRsdkI like the Lubuntu interface also.. and Lubuntu works better with wine, I think07:50
Tatsujlnlubuntu just keeps it simple , thats how i like it:)07:51
john_rambojmarsden, But how is this possible ? Isnt Lubuntu  & Ubuntu the same ...leaving the desktop environment ?07:51
jmarsdenjohn_rambo: I don't know the details, I don't have time to troubleshoot that for Tatsujln, so I came up with an appropriate workaround for him instead.07:52
jmarsdenThe exact set of packages in the Lubuntu ISO is of course not the same as the set on the Ubuntu CD... but why that affects his sound, I do not know.07:52
jmarsdenActually, I don't really have the time to be here at the keyboard, I should go to bed... goodnight all :)07:53
john_rambojmarsden, Yes .. thats really strange ....07:53
john_rambojmarsden, Good Night07:53
GTRsdkjmarsden, good night07:53
TatsujlnThanks for the help jmars , good night:)07:53
john_rambobioterror, "remember to use non-journaling filesystem" ....Please suggest one ...download is almost complete08:39
bioterrorext2 for example08:41
john_rambobioterror, Okies08:42
bioterrorI mean for the usb08:42
bioterrorif you make pendrive, use non-journaling in it ;)08:42
bioterrorwith HDD use journaling filesystem ;)08:42
john_rambobioterror, No ...thsi is a 40 Gb PATA HDD08:42
bioterroryes, use ext4 with it08:44
michidutaThis is more of a general issue but thought I asked it here since I'm currently using Lubuntu09:44
michidutaMy L-Max 5K Serioux USB mouse does not work well with any ubuntu variant installed but works well in any ubuntu variant live09:45
michidutaAnyone know why?09:46
michidutaWhat it does is it focuses on whatever control/window/panel I click first and cannot click on anything else without first doing a right-click on the currently focused window.panel.etc09:47
michidutaDo I have to copy paste that into a terminal?09:49
michiduta/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ : No such file or directory09:51
michidutaAlso there is no xorg.conf in /etc/X11/ directory09:52
Kurdistanhey guys/girls how is the new lubuntu going?10:48
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poltakAny of you fellas use Windows?12:25
bioterrorall the time at work12:27
bioterrorI make my living with it12:27
poltakI got a funny joke for you then12:27
poltakGuess why it is called "Windows"?12:27
bioterrorgo ahead12:27
poltak(say why)12:27
poltakBecause you look out the window and there you see... Linux!!!12:28
poltakYou can also change the "Linux" to any other OS you use. (it's interchangeable)12:29
poltakAs in: Because you look out the window and there you see... Mac OS X!!!12:29
poltakMade it myself :)12:30
bioterrorI would hang myself if I look out from the window and I see FINDER12:30
bioterrorpoltak, http://ricecows.org/beachball.gif12:31
poltakFinder's an app, not an OS. It doesn't really work for my joke, bioterror.12:31
poltakBut can I ask, why do you hate Finder so?12:31
bioterrorbecouse it sucks12:31
poltakThat's like saying you hate Jews because they're black.12:32
poltakC'mon now12:32
bioterrorwhole file system is polluted with .DS_Store and _Directory12:32
bioterrorand if you have to deal with network drives, you will see: BEACHBALL.GIF!12:32
bioterrorand then again have you seen OS X's BSoD?12:32
poltakAh, I have the beachball as my linux pointer.12:32
poltakDoesn't OS X kernel panic the same as Linux?12:32
bioterrorhttp://www.wirelust.com/img/blog/20071031/osx_kernel_panic.jpg does that tell you much12:32
poltakOh yes, I've seen this.12:33
bioterrorI've seen alot with 10.3 and 10.412:33
bioterrorwhich I used to use12:33
jgouldI've seen that too...  I had it happen in 10.5, but I don't think I've ever seen it in 10.612:34
jgouldthe kernel will just eat 3/4ths of a GB of ram in 10.6...12:35
poltakWould you advise against buying a Macintosh?12:36
bioterrorOS X caches _eeeeverything_ ;)12:36
bioterrorI have a guy sitting next to me in here and he has iPad 212:36
bioterrorand I'm lulzing at him12:36
bioterrorquietly inside me12:36
bioterrorI work in a media corporation12:38
poltakErgh... I dislike iOS a lot...12:38
jgouldI've seen that too...  I had it happen in 10.5, but I don't think I've ever seen it happen in 1.612:38
jgouldpoltak: if you are going to put Ubuntu (or a derivitve) on it, yes12:39
poltakjgould: I'm talking about OS X12:39
bioterrorthis corporation has different kind of divisions from tv/radio channels to book publications, game developing12:39
bioterrorand I see Mac's and I see a reason to use them12:39
jgouldMy MacBook Pro 8,1 (Brand new as of Febuarary) to forever for me to get to work right under Ubuntu12:40
jgouldif you are going to run the Mac OS, sure12:40
poltakI've been planning to build a hackintosh (not really for any purpose, other than I have a bit of spare cash around)12:40
bioterrorjgould, yeah, if you buy mac, stick with OS X12:40
bioterrorpoltak, you're breaking EULA12:40
jgouldHackintoshes are a PITA to confugre12:40
poltakI meant macintosh12:40
bioterroryou just said you're going to make a criminal act12:40
poltakWill I get fined for this?12:41
jgouldMy next machine is probably going to be a Lemur series from System7612:41
jgouldYou could, poltak12:41
bioterrorpoltak, this channel also gets logged12:41
poltak... oh shit. My gran's gonna kill me if I get in more trouble12:42
poltakThat's none of your business, mister12:42
bioterrorare mac's now using broadcom as wireless chipset?12:43
jgouldWhy asume I'm a mister?12:43
bioterrorbefore they had Atheros12:43
poltakBecause women aren't on the internet, other than facebook12:43
jgouldThis thing has a BCM4331 chipset12:43
* jgould disagrees with that statemnt12:43
bioterrorjgould, not good :G12:43
jgouldI'm using a USB 802.11N adaptor in the mean time12:43
jgouldthat's the only thing I don't have working in some capacity..12:44
poltakI'm gonna skip town12:44
jgouldMy trackpad is still hyper sensitive... meaning I can only use gnome...12:44
bioterrorjgould, and then there's this drive blessing and other kind of stuff12:44
jgouldI use rEFIt on this machine to handle that.  This one dual boots MacOS and Ubuntu 11.04.  My Mac Mini acts as a headless server with only 10.04LTS on it12:45
bioterrorI love how Apple did that "we dont make xserves any more, buy macminis" :D12:46
jgouldNo where near the same...  I need to get more hard drive space to add to the server...  Don't have the money right now though12:46
jgouldMac Mini's and the Mac Pro are the two 'server' machines12:47
jgouldI'd go with the Pro if I were buying one to run OS X server on.  Dunno why I would though,  the P4 in teh kitchen does everthing that a Pro would for a lot less money12:47
bioterrorhttp://s3.amazonaws.com/satisfaction-production/s3_images/405670/rackmacmini.jpg ^__^12:48
bioterrorsoooo professional12:48
jgould(at least in our home network (and it could probably handle a small workgroup as well without giving too much fuss...))12:48
jgouldactually, I don't think that looks all that bad... My issue with running the Mini as a server in any capacity is that they are limited in upgradablilty...12:50
bioterroror as in business use they should have redundant power intake12:50
bioterrorit's a shame that they dropped their XServe line12:51
jgouldFrom what I heard they didn't make any money on them12:51
jgouldAlso, something intersting about the Mac OS, I added my NFS exports from my server and while I have write access to what I should have write access to in Ubunut, I don't have write access from within the Mac OS12:54
bioterrorjgould, sounds sad, but still there's business users, but ofcourse you can rip more money with iGadgets and other consumer stuff14:01
jmarsden<jgould> Why asume I'm a mister?      Answer: Because your Real Name field is set to Joshua Gould, and not many girls are named Joshua.14:34
jgouldjmarsden: that doesn't necessarly mean anything...14:50
jmarsdenjgould: since it matches your bick, it is a fairly good indicator...14:51
jgouldI'm just trying to prove a point,  you shouldn't assume14:52
SpaceBackHi !14:52
jmarsdenI'm just answering your question :)14:53
jgouldI know14:53
jgouldI'm also in a goofy mood and half asleep14:53
bioterrorjmarsden, what if she's a U2 fan and likes name Joshua!14:53
bioterrorand thinks Bono is Gold14:53
SpaceBack i nees some help setting up my printer on lubuntu 11.04.It's the samsung 2010.I tryed using the ppd file from openprinting that worked on ubuntu,but i just can get it right.Do someone know how to do this?14:54
jmarsdenbioterror: I didn't say it was a perfect or 100% reliable indicator ...14:54
bioterrorjmarsden, I offerend another point of view ;)14:55
bioterrorshould not be any different from ubuntu14:55
bioterrorsame gnome-printing-software there is14:55
SpaceBackyeah but it's still not working14:56
SpaceBacki even update cups,but still no result14:56
SpaceBackanyone ?14:59
bioterrorI'm about to leave work14:59
bioterrorotherwise I would like to help and assist14:59
SpaceBackok no problem14:59
SpaceBackit's a storm coming up,so i will leave for sometime :D15:00
jmarsdenI'm doing tech support for work as I type... not really available, sorry...15:00
bioterrormaybe later ;)15:00
SpaceBackok :_15:01
jgouldGah... Stupid trackpad15:03
john_ramboPC boots from the Lubuntu CD ..... but when I select an item & press Enter Keyboard Hangs .....It stays like that15:45
jgraterowhat is the system monitor for Lubuntu?15:51
Onionsit is custom made, by the guy who made lxde15:52
Onionsyou are welcome15:53
jgraterovia terminal, right?15:53
Onionsthere is a frontend15:54
Onionsit appears in the menu as system monitor15:54
jgrateroI've found it15:54
jgraterothanks again15:54
Onions(mine is in spanish, it says "administrador de tareas", it should be task manager, i guess)15:54
Onionsah, ok15:55
SpaceBackHi !16:00
SpaceBacki have problems setting up my printer(samsung ml 2010),i tryed it with the ppd file from openprinting that worked in ubuntu,kubuntu and mepis.But it just wont work.16:02
SpaceBackit's lubuntu 11/0416:03
SpaceBacksomeone ?16:07
jgrateroQuestion: when you want to use root or administrator rights, would it be the same as in ubuntu, gksu nautilus (in lubuntu, gksu pcmanfm)?16:13
hilkhfHow can I make Lubuntu on a Persistence USB flashdrive?16:13
jgraterothis is for ubuntu, but I guess is useful as well https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick16:15
SpaceBackcan someone help me with my printer problem ?16:15
jgraterowhen you plug the printer, is not recognized by the system?16:17
SpaceBackno i even tryed it with the ppd file from openprinting16:17
SpaceBackbut its still not working16:18
jgrateroyou mean ppa?16:18
SpaceBackyeah,thats the file :D16:18
SpaceBackno its still ppd16:20
hilkhfCan anyone watch videos (like Youtube) using Lubuntu?16:20
SpaceBackyes,just install flash plugin with synaptic16:21
jgraterospaceback, check this out16:25
SpaceBackjgratero thx,but i cant find the 4500 printer on the list16:27
jgraterolet me check16:28
SpaceBacki;m trying the splix driver now16:32
jgrateroCan't find anything... Anyway, that post points to a solution without the driver16:37
SpaceBackjgratero i did it !! :D i just used the splix driver from openprinting and just added my printer using cups :DDD16:39
SpaceBackthx :D just one more question16:40
SpaceBackhow to install skype because i couldnt do it with the deb package from skype.com16:41
SpaceBackand how to see if my video card is on16:41
jgraterowhat skype deb did you use?16:42
SpaceBackubuntu 10.04+16:44
tenachSpaceBack: It should work; I just installed it (again) yesterday from their website.  Make sure you're grabbing the correct one (32bit vs. 64bit) for your machine.16:44
SpaceBacki will try it again in a few seconds,because i;m install libreoffice know i i will let you know16:45
SpaceBackhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z_usl6i9IY&feature=share :D16:47
SpaceBackchrome says(again) that the package that i'm downloading can harm my comp.16:53
SpaceBackits the skype ubuntu 10.04+ 32 deb package16:53
tenachSpaceBack: That is a pretty normal thing for Chromium to caution about.16:58
tenachSpaceBack: It should give you an option to continue with the download - it is a safe application.16:58
=== guillermo_ is now known as Onionhead
SpaceBacktenach i had a feeling that chromium wasn't really downloading the file,because it just stoped the download after just a few seconds but showed me that it downloaded correctly.I installed firefox and downloaded the file and installed it.Everthing went just fine17:03
OnionheadHi, could someone recomend me a screenshot program for lubuntu?17:03
bioterrorOnionhead, press print screen17:03
OnionheadI need to take screenshots of a single program, not the whole desktop17:03
bioterrorit will pop up into your ~/17:03
bioterrorscrot should be installed17:03
bioterrorman scrot17:03
tenachSpaceBack: That is quite odd.17:05
Onionheadif I press print screen, i get the screenshot of the whole area, i only need to get a screen shot of a single program17:05
Onionheadhi bioterror , yesterday the install went fine, it was the ram after all. One of the modules was loose17:06
bioterrorI read17:06
SpaceBacktenach after i installed skype i had to change skype.desktop file in usr/share/applications so that it starts with this command LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype17:06
SpaceBackbut now i cant start skype from the menu,but when i enter the command in terminal it starts normaly17:07
ubuntu_I can't connect using wireless with Lubuntu17:07
ubuntu_Any idea how to fix it?17:08
SpaceBacktenach this is the file i edited [Desktop Entry] Name=Skype Comment=Skype Internet Telephony Exec=LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype Icon=skype.png Terminal=0 Type=Application Encoding=UTF-8 Categories=Network;Application;17:08
ubuntu_I'm running Lubuntu on  a Live Persistent USB17:08
ubuntu_flash drive17:08
bioterrorubuntu_, can you see your wlan0 wit ifconfig -command?17:10
ubuntu_How do I execute the command?17:11
ubuntu_I know I use Terminal17:11
ubuntu_But I don't know the syntax17:11
SpaceBackopen the terminal and just copy/paste17:11
Onionheadi will use the xfce screenshot tool17:12
ubuntu_This is what I entered-    wlan0 wit ifconfig -command17:12
ubuntu_nothing happens.17:12
SpaceBackifconfig wlan017:13
ubuntu_Results- wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found17:14
bioterrorwhat kind of wlan you have?17:15
bioterrorusb? inside your computer?17:15
ubuntu_No idea17:16
ubuntu_I'm running Lubuntu on a persistent USB flashdrive17:16
SpaceBackubuntu_ first suso apt-get install hwinfo17:16
SpaceBackthen in terminal just thip hwinfo17:16
SpaceBackand find your wlan17:17
ubuntu_No command "thip"17:18
SpaceBackthip means write17:18
SpaceBackjust write hwinfo17:18
ubuntu_You mean just put hwinfo into Terminal?17:18
bioterrortype means write ;)17:18
bioterrorubuntu_, da17:19
ubuntu_Ok....got the results17:19
ubuntu_No what?17:19
ubuntu_Whoops.....Now what?17:20
SpaceBacknow find your wlan card and copy the result17:20
ubuntu_I think this is it...17:26
ubuntu_29: PCI 500.0: 0280 Network controller17:26
ubuntu_  [Created at pci.318]17:26
ubuntu_  Unique ID: Ddhb.i2DS1IpFAv817:26
ubuntu_  Parent ID: CvwD.4SqtE6Cw8IA17:26
ubuntu_  SysFS ID: /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.0/0000:05:00.017:26
ubuntu_  SysFS BusID: 0000:05:00.017:26
ubuntu_  Hardware Class: network17:26
ubuntu_  Model: "Broadcom BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN"17:26
ubuntu_  Vendor: pci 0x14e4 "Broadcom"17:26
ubuntu_  Device: pci 0x4311 "BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN"17:26
ubuntu_  SubVendor: pci 0x14e4 "Broadcom"17:26
ubuntu_  SubDevice: pci 0x046517:26
ubuntu_  Revision: 0x0117:26
ubuntu_  Memory Range: 0xc0300000-0xc0303fff (rw,non-prefetchable)17:26
ubuntu_  IRQ: 17 (2593 events)17:26
ubuntu_  Module Alias: "pci:v000014E4d00004311sv000014E4sd00000465bc02sc80i00"17:26
ubuntu_  Driver Info #0:17:26
ubuntu_    Driver Status: ssb is not active17:26
ubuntu_    Driver Activation Cmd: "modprobe ssb"17:26
ubuntu_  Driver Info #1:17:26
ubuntu_    Driver Status: wl is active17:26
ubuntu_    Driver Activation Cmd: "modprobe wl"17:26
ubuntu_  Config Status: cfg=new, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown17:26
jgraterouse pastebin17:26
ubuntu_  Attached to: #14 (PCI bridge)17:26
SpaceBackyeah now ask bioterror for more details :D17:26
ubuntu_What now?17:32
SpaceBackjgratero what is the meaning of this http://pastebin.com/UpGxaxs017:36
jgraterolet me check17:36
SpaceBacki cant start skype after i edited the launcher in usr/share/applications17:37
jgraterois this what happens when you try to run skype?17:37
SpaceBackyes from terminal with this command17:38
SpaceBackLD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype17:38
jgraterodid you backup the previous launcher?17:38
SpaceBackno because i just edited one line17:39
SpaceBackjgratero here is the file http://pastebin.com/T9TgiFzC17:40
jgraterowhat number is the edited line?17:41
SpaceBackwhat do you mean with nubmer17:42
SpaceBacki used nano to edit the file17:42
jgraterowhat part of this text is the one you edited17:42
SpaceBackthe one that starts with Exec17:43
SpaceBackthat should be the line that starts the application17:45
jgraterogive me a moment17:52
jgraterooffice duty :-P17:53
SpaceBackjgratero no problem i found a solution,look at this image http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-wX5Byim-XEk/TbQNvn6es5I/AAAAAAAABDo/Epp65-cJ_TM/s400/skype.png17:54
SpaceBacki just rewrote it and it works now :D17:54
SpaceBackthe important thing is to add the last line :D StartupNotify=true :D17:56
SpaceBackjgratero thank you for the help,i will visit this chat more often now :D17:57
SpaceBacksee ya17:57
jgraterosee ya dude17:59
bioterrorkids kids kids18:19
bioterrornext time: !paste | nick18:20
SpaceBackHi,i just came again to give this tip18:22
* bioterror is all ears18:22
bioterrorand eyes!18:22
SpaceBackafter i installed my video card i destroyed my plymouth18:23
bioterrorplymouth makes me sad18:23
SpaceBackso i found this tutorial http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/18:23
SpaceBackand it works great now18:23
SpaceBacki used the 1366x768 resolutin like in the tutorial18:24
bioterrortelevision resolution18:24
SpaceBackyeah i anted to try 1920x1080 but it works great now so i dont want to change it18:26
SpaceBacki changed now to 1920x1440 and it still works great18:30
soapee01howdy, runing natty lubuntu. Trying to get gnome nanny to run, but it won't start (nanny-admin-console).  getting GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL errors in .xsession-errors, and lot's of ENOENT (No such file or directory) in strace. I think a gnome package might not be listed as a dependency, but not being a gnome guy, not sure which one.  Any advice on where to look further?19:02
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=== palhmbs is now known as palhmbs_
Unit193Howdy tenach20:34
tenachhallo Unit19320:36
SpaceBacklubuntu is great !!!! :D20:49
MrChrisDruifHow can I easily start a terminal command? gtk-redshift -l 52:4.5 is the command21:33
MrChrisDruifYes, gtk-redshift is installed21:33
MrChrisDruifAnyone? ;) Don't worry, I don't bite21:37
ThraspicI have a mystery to solve.  I'm trying to figure out how to reload the lxpanel config file, just so changes to the config file ('panel') will be updated, similar to "REload COnfig Files" in Openbox.  Stopping and starting lxde with the kill command is not what I'm looking for.  Any suggestions?22:39
ThraspicI will pay $75 US dollars for an answer.  I won't pay it but that doesn't mean you can't issue me and bill and then sue when I don't pay.22:48
Thraspic*the bill.  I hate mistyping 'jokes'22:48
KM0201especially one that isn't even funny22:53
* Thraspic refers you to quotes around 'joke'22:58
* Thraspic explodes22:58
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