
xnixanmorning bassem nlsthzn Miriup07:33
bassemxnixan, at time!07:34
nlsthznmorning xnixan, bassem...07:34
bassemnlsthzn, xnixan, morning07:35
nlsthznso whats news?07:35
xnixanbassem, nlsthzn :)07:39
bassemnlsthzn, I'm working on arm linux!07:40
xnixanbassem, cool07:40
bassemI'm facing many problem!!!07:40
nlsthznsounds fun07:41
bassemI have ssh but I don't have scp!!!07:41
xnixanbassem, how?07:41
xnixanbassem, what????07:41
bassemnlsthzn, yeah more fun than desktops07:41
xnixanbassem, did not get it!07:41
xnixanssh without scp????07:42
bassemxnixan, I can ssh to the machine, but I can't remote copy files via ssh!07:42
xnixanbassem, how come, it is the same package!07:43
bassemxnixan, nope! when you work on very small linux distros, it's not the same07:43
bassemxnixan, I use dropbear for ssh07:43
xnixanbassem, do you have an error message?07:44
bassemxnixan, yes! scp not found :-)07:44
xnixanbassem, lol07:44
xnixanbassem, why do not you download the source and compile it?07:45
bassemxnixan, I'm preparing the cross enviroument now07:45
xnixanbassem, sounds so much funny dealing with small things :)07:46
bassemxnixan, yeah07:47
xnixanbassem, kindly update me with what will happen :)07:47
bassemxnixan, I want to play with it more, but my boss urge me to finish it today07:48
xnixanbassem, you are the man :)07:48
bassemxnixan, you didn't ask me how I transfer files to it!07:48
xnixanbassem, telnet ?07:49
xnixanhe he he07:49
bassemand file server on my desk07:49
xnixanbassem, you are tricky :)07:49
bassemthanks god it has network interface07:50
bassemthe manual said that I can transfer files using minisom! but no luck!07:50
xnixanbassem, go for it, i will stop disturbing you, finish your work and make it a live, good luck :)07:51
bassemxnixan, thanks07:51
xnixanbassem, you are most welcome!07:51
MiriupMorning bassem. Just reading through your conversation.10:51
MiriupWhy not do:10:51
Miriupssh box "cat - > file" < file10:52
MiriupThat's essentially SCP.10:52
MiriupIf it doesn't work you must be missing some of the commands it is using on your phone.10:53
bassemhi Miriup11:42
bassemMiriup, it's a good idea, but I want to prepare a good enviroument for the developers!11:42
bassemMiriup, so mainly they will use WinSCP!!!11:42
MiriupWhat I meant is that SCP essentially sends commands to the other host.11:43
MiriupSo if it doesn't work, some of the commands are missing.11:43
MiriupSCP is not a protocol like SFTP.11:43
bassemMiriup, your command will read from standard input!!!11:47
bassemwhich is?11:47
MiriupWhich command?11:54
MiriupYou have to replace "box" with your host name, the "file" after the > with the filename on your ARM device and the "file" after < with the filename on the device from which you want to copy.11:55
MiriupThe standard input connected to "cat" is the one from sshd, which will be connected to the standard input of the ssh client.11:56
MiriupWill be right back. I need to test a few things on my X server.12:02
nlsthznnight all22:00

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