=== prpplague^2 is now known as prpplague [09:39] morning [11:51] (gst-plugin-scanner:1303): GStreamer-WARNING **: Failed to load plugin '/usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgstffmpeg.so': /usr/lib/neon/vfp/libavformat.so.52: symbol __aeabi_d2lz, version LIBAVCODEC_52 not defined in file libavcodec.so.52 with link time reference [11:51] someone got such? [11:51] natty on panda [11:51] \o/ How did you generate that? [11:51] gst123 movie.divx.avi [11:58] bug 787486 [11:58] Launchpad bug 787486 in libav "/usr/lib/neon/vfp/libavformat.so.52: symbol __aeabi_d2lz, version LIBAVCODEC_52 not defined in file libavcodec.so.52 with link time reference" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/787486 [12:46] hey guys does anyone know how to get opengl running on a toshiba tegra 2 with ubuntu / xorg? === zyga is now known as zyga-afk [13:59] persia, how is your ac100 adventure going btw ? === prpplague is now known as prpplague^2 [15:13] I'm having trouble booting an OMAP4 panda board with 11.04 [15:14] can anyone help me? [15:15] nanomad: sure, post the question and hopefully someone will be able to answer it :-) [15:16] we zcat the headleass image to the sd [15:16] and we get no output from the serial console [15:16] the validation FS works fine though [15:19] nanomad: ubuntu does not use serial console too much [15:19] well, you should see initial bootloader messages [15:19] exactly [15:19] but we get nothing [15:19] once the kernel is up its all graphical [15:20] and no leds blinking [15:20] sounds like you messed up the SD somehow [15:20] we attach the serial cable first and then then we give power to the board [15:20] that's the third time i'm zeroing the SD [15:20] any suggestions? [15:20] how exactly did you write the image to it ? do you still have the cmdline in your history ? [15:20] yes [15:20] can you paste it here [15:21] zcat ubuntu-11.04-preinstalled-headless-armel+omap.img.gz > /dev/sdd [15:21] as root i assume [15:21] yes [15:21] and sdd is actually the right device ? [15:21] we tried also the dd way [15:21] of course, the validation FS from Texas boots fine [15:22] are you 100% sure sdd is your SD card ? [15:22] yes [15:22] (ouch) [15:22] if you re-plug the card after writing the image, does it get automounted ? [15:22] yes [15:23] weird [15:23] that indicates the filesystems are ok [15:23] i wouldnt know why it doesnt find the bootloader [15:29] i'm trying with dd again [15:31] nanomad: Reading the backscroll, it looks like you are using the omap image on a panda? You need the omap4 image. [15:32] GrueMaster, cool ! nice catch ! [15:32] hello [15:32] zcat ubuntu-11.04-preinstalled-headless-armel+omap.img.gz > /dev/sdd Should be ubuntu-11.04-preinstalled-headless-armel+omap4.img.gz [15:32] GrueMaster, and that *before* coffee ???!?!??!?!!! [15:32] someone could tell me if is possible to install adobeflash on ubuntu arm? [15:32] Well, I had my first sip seconds before responding. [15:33] sha__, if you find a binary for your architecture [15:33] usually the flash binaries are highly optimized for the HW [15:33] so an omap flash would have probs to run on tegra for example [15:33] toshiba ac100-10d :) [15:33] yeah, indeed, i thought so :) [15:34] where i could find that binary? [15:34] i think phh had a solution, someone talked about a libflashplayer.so recently [15:35] ogra_: i have the library for 32bit [15:35] but i think it doesn work [15:37] for 32bit ? [15:39] what do you mean by that [15:43] ogra_: not for ARM but for x86 (downloaded from adobe website) [15:44] :( [15:44] heh [15:44] GrueMaster: thanks, i definitely need more coffee [15:44] what do you plan to do with it on arm [15:44] nothing good :) im looking for an arm version of that lib [15:45] sha__: Let us know when you find one. :P [15:45] sha__: which one? [15:45] * nanomad is interested in flash for omap4 [15:45] gildean: libflashplayer.so [15:45] http://www.enst.fr/~husson/libflashplayer.so [15:46] that's the arm version i included in the modified rootfs for the ac100 [15:47] does it work on our boards? [15:48] gildean: but i can't see video right? [15:48] where is the right installation path? [15:49] sha__: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins [15:53] nanomad: it's originally from the atrix ROM [15:54] nanomad: firefox doenst recognize the plugin [15:54] so no idea on which machines it works [15:54] sha__: i think the path is /usr/lib/firefox/addons/plugins [15:55] no, it's /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/ [15:56] you will likely need the full nvidia xserver and GL setup [15:56] yeah, the overlay is needed [15:56] * ogra_ bets it is linked against them) [15:56] it surely is [15:57] so that one only works with the .32 and the l4t overlay [16:03] the roght folder is /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ [16:04] but it doesn't work for me [16:04] it's doesn't recognized [16:06] sha__, do yuo run a .32 kernel and the L4T overlay FS so you have EGL support ? [16:06] well, afaik atm the only way to have flash at least with the ac100 is to do as i did and have the l4t overlay and all that shit [16:07] i run .29 [16:08] Ok, we booted ubuntu correctly but the installer crashes near the end with DSPC timeout waiting for EVSYNC [16:09] It shouldn't crash. Try hitting enter. [16:09] That is a console message only. [16:09] yea, we discovered that 3 seconds after i posted [16:10] Ok. Happy hacking. :) [16:10] We should have that error fixed in an upcoming kernel update. [16:10] good [16:11] does the GPU work with 11.04 or we are missing the drivers? [16:11] I thought you wanted to run headless? [16:11] yup, while we wait for our brand new hdtv [16:12] If you want the GPU drivers, you should install the netbook image. It has an icon in unity to install them from ppa. [16:12] thanks === zyga-afk is now known as zyga [17:54] anyone using "claws mail"? [17:54] it seems to corrupt attachments on save [21:23] ogra_, It mostly works. There's still issues with the keymap, some complaints about where I stuck root (not mmkblk0p7), and it crashes at least once in a while. [21:37] crashes how? [21:43] marvin24, There seem to be main classes of kernel panic: when I use the wireless too much (e.g. download 1GB of data as several parallel streams), 2) Something random when I leave it alone too long, and 3) Something involving loss of access to MMC, which seems to happen randomly. [21:44] I'll turn these into bugs at some point, but I'm never comfortable reporting bugs on something I can't reproduce, and system setup is a time when I have little patience for reproduction (excepting when I'm trying to sort some specific feature for installers) [21:49] (note that the above is the result of playing with linux-ac100 on a Dynabook AZ, and does not reflect the results anyone might see in environments where the kernel and installation device are more closely aligned) [21:49] thanks persia [21:49] I cannot say much about 1) [21:50] but 2 und 3 looks like some random decision of the device to go to sleep [21:50] black screen, no chance to wake up [21:50] or mmc sleeping, and not recovering [21:50] Those aren't my symptoms though: I can always restore the screen by pressing the spacebar: I just am greeted with a kernel panic dump screen. [21:51] urh [21:51] I havn't seen any kernel panic for a long time [21:51] maybe you can make a photo for me if it's fatal [21:53] Now that the system is actually installed, it's been running more smoothly, but I'll admit that after spending time getting it installed, I've not been using it as much (although that's in part because I haven't been doing much computing away from my desk). [21:54] But sure, if I get another one, I'll capture the output before restarting the device. Is there enough information from the screen dump to understand, or does one also need to know how one got to that state? [21:55] problem is often that the useful info gets scrolled away [21:55] too many tasks [21:55] maybe you'll find something in the syslog [22:00] [16:38:18] i think phh had a solution, someone talked about a libflashplayer.so recently <--- motorola atrix [22:01] I don't see anything obvious (although wireless is fairly chatty). [22:02] phh, Does that contain a redistributable blob, or is it just an example of something that works? [22:02] persia: well it's the "full" libflashplayer.so [22:02] I don't know how much it is linked to nvidia stuff [22:02] i'd say it should be mostly independant [22:03] I was asking more about licensing than compatibility. I would be surprised to see Adobe prepare device-specific flash solutions. [22:08] To put that another way, if it's licensed for redistribution, I'll toss it in multiverse. If there is a known reliable download site, it should be easy to extend flashplugin-installer to pull from there. If it's not-for-distribution, that makes it trickier. [22:11] ah. [22:11] i'm quite sure i'm not even allowed to use it. [22:11] Ah. That was my fear. Oh well. [22:11] if they would like to distibute it, they would have put it on they main site (beta version) [22:13] marvin24, From what I understand, Adobe doesn't especially want to distribute it. I've seen device vendors stick it behind registration sites before, for download and device recovery. I keep hoping someone who does that fails to have the registration step. [22:14] I wonder if they ever make an arm plugin free for download [22:14] maybe platforms are too different (even more than on x86) [22:17] There are a few places that have free arm plugins working for download, and several people have reported that something downloaded for one device works on another (with the same instruction set: e.g. ARMv7a). The issue is more that the current download locations of which I am aware all require registration, which includes an assertion that one has the device in question, and I'm not going to put anything in flashplugin-installer that encourages [22:17] users to lie. [22:18] that's understandable [22:19] the whole proprietary stuff is just ... crap [22:24] I believe that free software is a better model, but complaining about stuff that doesn't work doesn't help: the better solution is to make something else work better (who uses Adobe's PDF readers for Linux these days?). [22:27] with a little luck, html5 will eat flash [22:28] I think even Adobe seems to accept that [22:29] the main problem is not proprietary flash, but proprietary video codecs [22:30] marvin24_DT: +1 [22:30] BTW, is there a good set of instructoins ATM on how to best setup natty on an ac100? [22:32] NCommander, I've just completed, and was planning to draft those. [22:32] Here's the precis: [22:32] NCommander: you can use my guide and just substitute the files with the .37 ones http://ac100.tunk.org/wiki/phh [22:32] gildean: how well does it work? [22:32] what, natty or my guide? [22:33] natty [22:33] Ugh. Now I can't find ogra's prebuilt files :( [22:33] i haven't tried the latest .37 or the rootfs with it [22:33] also, I don't have Android on my AC100 anymore, so no way to update to 2.2 [22:34] NCommander: no need, you just need to flash parts 2 and 4 [22:34] You don't need to run 2.2: I never launched Android on my Dynabook [22:34] https://launchpad.net/~ac100/+archive/ppa is a PPA with kernel/settings/etc. [22:34] and btw. my portal contains links for about everything you need here : http://ac100.tunk.org/ [22:34] http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/tegra/2.6.37/ has some binary files. [22:34] You need to get the nvflash utility from somewhere [22:34] I take it works reasonable well? [22:35] (nVidia isn't distributing it anymore). [22:35] th .37 prebuilt is here : http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/tegra/2.6.37/ [22:35] persia: that is also on my portal [22:35] gildean, Cool! [22:37] So what I did was 1) get the rootfs (non-SD), untar that to a freshly-formatted SD, 2) get the boot*SD.img, and nvflash it to partition 6, 3) insert the SD and boot, 4) use that target environment to hack around and build a system based on natty and the PPA. [22:37] persia: how well does it work? My ac100 has performacne issues ... [22:38] For the lazy, just untarring ubuntu-natty-netbook-2.6.37-1-ac100-rootfs.tgz onto a formatted partition on the MMC, adjusting /boot/bootimg.cfg, and running flash-kernel ought be the totality of the required hacking around. [22:39] NCommander, it works. Attempting to type '|' results in '9', and one of my '\' keys doesn't work, but that won't affect you (you are unlikely to have as many keys on your keyboard). [22:40] jpkeybd [22:40] ftw [22:40] jhobbs, This is a software package that intends to work around the kernel bug, or just agreement that more buttons makes a better keyboard? [22:41] agreement =) [22:54] gildean, Looking at http://salaliitto.com/~gildean/ac100/wiki/phh/ , I can't find a download link for nvflash. Am I blind, or is there another page I need? [22:55] persia: check the front page of http://ac100.tunk.org it's under downloads [22:56] from scoopr.fi? Excellent. Thanks! [22:56] but the link is also on the guide [22:57] so yeah, you were a bit blind ;D [22:58] Ah, "... and tools from nvidia ...". Yes, I'm blind.