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evaluateI would like to have more control over the bugs for my package and thus I have gone through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl and sent Jorge Castro a message on launchpad around 2 days ago. Any idea how long it'll take to get a response?06:52
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hggdhevaluate: should not be long. YOu can also pop in #ubuntu-community-team and ask him directly ;-)13:58
hggdhevaluate: I mean, his nick is on, I _think_ he is on13:58
evaluatenah, don't want to bug him, I was just curios how long this usually takes...13:59
hggdhno problems. jcastro is usually quite responsive to upstream requests14:01
paultagevaluate: what kind of control?14:10
evaluatepaultag, for example I can't set the importance of bugs or set them to 'Won't fix' or 'Triaged'...14:12
evaluatehggdh, I have to go in ~20 minutes, I'll ask him when I'm back.14:12
paultagevaluate: when you say "my package", does this mean an Ubuntu package that you uploaded?14:13
hggdhevaluate: np, welcome14:13
paultagor your own project on LP14:13
evaluatepaultag, I'm the developer of the program and I'm also the maintainer of it in Debian.14:13
paultagevaluate: so when you ask Jorge, you're asking to join bug control14:13
evaluatepaultag, that I did already.14:14
paultagevaluate: usually this has a process, but exceptions are made. He had to do the same for me and my debian packages14:14
paultagthen I ended up actually doing bug work14:14
hggdhpaultag: upstream maintainers have an expedited track14:15
paultaghggdh: aye14:15
evaluateBTW, is there something like 'Debian Maintainer' in Ubuntu, in the sense that I can get upload permissions for a specific package?14:16
hggdhevaluate: there is, but it will be a bit more involved14:16
paultagevaluate: yes but it's not used much14:16
paultagit's easier (honestly) to just do MOTU14:17
paultagevaluate: if you get your DDship, you can get MOTU14:17
evaluateWell, since I already package the program for Debian myself, and I also have a PPA which I actively maintain, I guessed it would be easier for everyone if I just upload them to ubuntu too.14:18
paultagevaluate: that's not the right process, use `requestsync'14:18
paultagevaluate: upload to debian, then request sync. this is after DIF14:18
evaluatepaultag, well, currently I'm very busy, not sure if I can get more involved with Debian atm, and my mentor said he will only advocate when he sees that I have more packages or that I'm more involved...14:18
paultagright now it should sync as it goes14:18
paultagdecoder: cool. Well, focus on debian side, ubuntu plays nice14:19
paultagdecoder: syncs are easy, you don't need upload rights for that14:19
evaluateBut syncs are also done manually by someone, right?14:20
paultagevaluate: not for the first few months14:20
hggdhonly later on14:20
evaluateBut the package needs to be changed in order to work properly in Ubuntu.14:20
evaluateI mean, it needs an extra dependency...14:20
paultagevaluate: then fix the debian directory14:21
paultagevaluate: you should know (being a package manatainer) that you can set extra deps based on dpkg --vendor14:21
paultagsorry, dpkg-vendor14:21
evaluatepaultag, well, I didn't know that, but I'll look into it.14:22
paultagevaluate: in the rules, check if vendor is ubuntu, if so set the extra dep, and add that to the control dep lines14:22
paultagevaluate: check fluxbox if you need an example14:22
evaluateSounds good.14:22
evaluatepaultag, will do. Thanks!14:22
paultagevaluate: rock on!14:22
evaluateok, have to go now. See you later and thanks for the help!14:26
guillemhsdoes it exist an apport-collect tutorial?15:57
charlie-tcaguillemhs: tutorial for using apport-collect or for how it collects the information?16:03
guillemhstutorial for using apport-collect16:03
charlie-tcajust type       apport-collect --help        in a terminal16:04
charlie-tcaIt is mainly a way to get the logs for a bug report, so the normal usage is     apport-collect BUGNUMBER16:05
guillemhsBUGNUMBER is the launchpad id?16:05
guillemhsit means that first i have to enter manually the bug title and the initial comment, no?16:05
charlie-tcaBUGNUMER is the launchpad bug report number, such as 72622916:06
charlie-tcafor bug 72622916:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 726229 in emerald (Ubuntu) "emerald crashed with SIGSEGV in decor_quads_to_property() (affects: 94) (dups: 10) (heat: 495)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72622916:06
JFoguillemhs, are you asking how to initially file a bug or add data?16:06
JFoapport collect is for adding data to an existing bug16:06
charlie-tcaIf you have to enter a bug title and comment, please use      ubuntu-bug PACKAGE     instead to file the report initially16:08
guillemhscan i add an apport-collect to a bug that it is not mine?16:10
guillemhsfor example, i am testing an specific package16:11
guillemhsthis paquet crashes16:11
guillemhsthis package crashes16:11
guillemhsthen i run ~# ubuntu-bug PACKAGE16:11
guillemhsthen i rum ~# apport-collect BUGNUMBER_from_the_PACKAGE no?16:12
guillemhsrun, sorry16:12
guillemhsis this the initial reporting procedure?16:14
guillemhs<charlie-tca> <JFo> hello?16:20
guillemhscharlie-tca JFo hello?16:21
JFoguillemhs, it will depend on the package and the maintainer's policies for adding data to a bug that isn't yours16:22
JFowhat package is it?16:22
guillemhsnow i was just asking because i was testing gwyddion16:23
guillemhsa then i try to use apport-collect to automate the reporting bug process16:23
micahgjibel: re bug 779174, I did an upgrade the way you suggested and did not have that issue, I have a new issue with ca-certificates-java in a chroot, also, I think it only affects people that previously upgraded16:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 779174 in openjdk-6 (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "package ca-certificates-java 20110426 failed to install/upgrade during upgrade to Oneiric: fix path to libnss3 for multiarch (affects: 26) (dups: 18) (heat: 182)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77917416:24
jibelmicahg, I just reproduced it in a VM before adding the comment to be sure.16:25
micahgjibel: weird16:25
jibelmicahg, indeed, and users are still reporting duplicates.16:25
micahgjibel: I get this when I try to build eclipse on oneiric: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612318/16:26
charlie-tcaguillemhs: to add to the already reported bug, use apport-collect BUGNUMBER, but you will have to be subscribed to the bug report16:26
charlie-tcaYou will not then add a comment or summary16:26
guillemhsok, i see16:26
JFowhat charlie-tca said :)16:27
charlie-tcaIt might decide not to allow you to add, in which case, you have to do it manually16:27
guillemhsand how can i do it manually?16:27
charlie-tcausing a comment to say you have the issues, then attaching the logs one at a time16:27
guillemhsok, but apport-collect selects the correct files and just shows the correct log lines16:32
guillemhshow can i do this manually?16:32
charlie-tcaguillemhs: right16:32
charlie-tcayou have to select the files yourself, according to what is already attached to the bug or what the triager requested16:33
charlie-tcaThey are in /var/log16:33
guillemhsah ok16:34
guillemhsi get it16:34
guillemhsi was thinking if apport-collect can be executed and collecting the most current information16:34
guillemhslog information and then in an automated way upload that info into launchpad16:35
JFothat is what it does, yes16:35
guillemhsok, thanks both of you16:47
JFomy pleasure guillemhs :)16:52
trinikronocharlie-tca: how do i get apport to save the log files again?16:58
trinikronowas it --save ?16:58
charlie-tcayw, guillemhs16:58
charlie-tcaapport should save the files automatically16:59
charlie-tcaor I don't understand the question, trinikrono16:59
guillemhsin which directory are those automatically saved files?16:59
trinikronoinstead of sending the bugreport to launchpad, i know there is option to save the files17:00
trinikronoi just cant remember =\17:00
charlie-tcaIt will automatically save them to /var/crash17:00
charlie-tcatrinikrono: you meaqn17:01
charlie-tcayou mean     apport-cli -p <package name> --save bug.crash17:01
trinikronoyes charlie-tca that is exactly what i mean17:07
trinikronoonly thing is it saves it to what ever folder you are in the terminal17:07
trinikronoi was trying out what is saved with different hooks17:08
charlie-tcagot it. Blame it on fatigue from UDS still interfering with my brain cells17:08
trinikronocharlie-tca: i made https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPlymouth can you please advise if i left out anything17:10
trinikronofirst time i did a debugging page17:10
charlie-tcaI am not an expert on such pages, but I will look at it17:10
trinikronoyou can do anything :D17:11
charlie-tcaThe file created by this command in a terminal : cat /boot/grub/menu.lst > menu.lst17:12
charlie-tcais invalid. under grub2, there is no menu.lst17:13
charlie-tca(we have had grub2 since karmic, I think)17:13
charlie-tca 2011-05-24  09:0317:14
charlie-tca charlie@wecan:  ~  $ cat /boot/grub/menu.lst > menu.lst17:14
charlie-tcacat: /boot/grub/menu.lst: No such file or directory17:14
braiamtrinikrono: it's /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:16
charlie-tcaWe should explain more detail how to use plymouth:debug for reporters. They have to know how to add it to boot options, or we will get back a lot of How do i's17:17
trinikronoi am trying to get help on that part of it17:18
charlie-tcaMaybe modify https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Freeze%20during%20boot%20or%20shutdown%20screen17:18
charlie-tcato fit it17:18
trinikronoi tried using plymouth:debug17:18
trinikronoand it does not show anything in the desktop17:18
charlie-tcaor copy https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Plymouth#Enabling%20Logging into the standard response17:20
trinikronothanks braiam :D17:20
charlie-tcaIt wo17:20
charlie-tcait won't display on the desktop, it will be:17:20
charlie-tcaOnce the system has booted, you can view all the Plymouth debug output in file var/log/plymouth-debug.log.17:20
charlie-tcaso look in /var/log/plymouth-debug.log after you boot with plymouth:debug17:21
trinikronocharlie-tca: put that in the debugging section17:21
charlie-tcano, in the standard response lines17:21
charlie-tcarather, Stock Reply17:22
charlie-tcaso when we ask the reporter to do it, we are telling them how to do it and where the log is17:22
trinikronoit will need to adjust somewhat17:22
charlie-tcaYup, it is a wiki, enclose the entire procedure in {{{ }}}17:23
trinikronothe stock reply i put was from a actual bug report17:23
trinikronoi was looking at a few of them17:23
charlie-tcaI will add it17:23
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trinikronothe apport hook does not collect the grub.cfg17:25
charlie-tcadone, looks good now17:31
charlie-tcaIf the hook obtained it, you wouldn't need it in debugging, would you?17:32
trinikronothe hook doesnt17:33
charlie-tcaThat is for the information that gets missed, normally, along with a bit of explanation about how to get the information developers need to work the bug17:33
charlie-tcaDo we have a standard response for debugging Plymouth?17:35
trinikronothats the thing17:36
trinikronothe wikipage still had uplash17:36
trinikronoso penguin told me to make the debugging page for it17:36
trinikrononow it looks better thanks charlie-tca17:36
trinikronoyou really are super lol17:36
charlie-tcaOkay, I will get it added to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses too17:38
charlie-tcaIt's easy to review pages, but much harder to create them17:39
trinikronofor me it was easy to make and hard to get reviewed17:42
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njinhello can someone look at bug 787055 thanks18:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 787055 in linux (Ubuntu) "Bridge network device showing lots of dropped packets (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78705518:41
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njinhello, does someone experiencing a disruptive oneiric update ? compiz segfault with error4 inlibunityshell19:27
Picinjin: Have you asked in #ubuntu+1?19:29
njinPici: thanks i'm going to ask19:30
evaluateHow can I set a bug as won't fix for natty and another state for oneiric?20:27
evaluateIIRC I've seen this done on other bugs, I just can't see how I would do it. It seems that 'Nominate for series' doesn't give me an option to set different states for different releases.20:29
micahgevaluate: only bug control can set won't fix (also, a task has to be added first)20:30
micahgevaluate: which bug?20:30
evaluatemicahg, I got accepted in bug-control but still I can't see a way to set different states for different releases. Bug #78224820:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 782248 in clipit (Ubuntu) "items do not fall into the menu (affects: 1) (heat: 283)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78224820:31
micahgevaluate: you can nominate a bug for a release which you did, you need either an ubuntu-driver or someone with upload rights to accept the nomination (like me)20:32
evaluateI see. And after the nomination is accepted, I can set the states?20:32
micahgevaluate: yes20:33
micahgevaluate: BTW, you don't have to explicitly open a task for a previous release unless you think other people want it/will do it later, I can just reject the natty task if you don't plan on fixing it20:34
evaluateI thought about setting it to 'Won't fix' on natty, to make it obvious that I wouldn't want to release a fix for it in natty since 1. there's a pretty easy workaround for it and 2. I have made modifications in the newer releases that will somewhat fix the situation for oneiric.20:36
micahgevaluate: k, tasks accepted, please add those comments when you won't fix it20:39
evaluateSure. Thanks!20:40
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