
TechnovikingRetweet please: http://twitter.com/#!/Technoviking/status/7283340745285222402:18
=== braiam_ is now known as braiam
jonokim0, hey07:16
jonomoved our call to 8.30am Pacific tomorrow morning (later today for you)07:16
jonowill call you then07:16
jonomeanwhile, bed for me07:17
jononight all!07:17
dholbachgood morning08:00
nigelbGood Morning dholbach!08:04
dholbachhi nigelb08:04
nigelbdholbach: I'm thinking of setting up a packaging challenge next week. I'm yet to poke stefanor though.08:04
nigelbHey ara :)08:05
* popey hugs dholbach 08:06
* dholbach hugs popey back08:06
aramorning nigelb08:10
dpmmorning all08:41
nigelbgood morning dpm08:41
dpmhey nigelb08:44
huatsmorning everyone09:08
dholbachkim0, do you know why your specs don't turn up on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/oneiric/canonical-community.html?09:22
=== daker_ is now known as daker
kim0dholbach: not really .. I asked pitti, said he'd look into it10:06
dholbachkim0, ok10:08
dpmdholbach, do you think you could put the update-packaging-guide on a +junk branch in LP? I'll try to get it to run on the d.u.c server, and having it in a branch is easier for me to 'bzr pull' the first revision and any subsequent changes10:32
dpmthe update-packaging-guide *script, I meant10:32
dpmand good morning as well :)10:32
dholbachdpm, sure, sorry just noticed your ping - I'll simplify it a little bit more too11:45
dpmno worries, thanks dholbach!11:46
dholbachdpm, can you check if "chdist" is installed on the machine?11:47
dholbach(devscripts package)11:47
dpmdholbach, devscripts is not installed11:52
dakerYOU SHOULD LISTEN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjYNko__m-012:15
dholbachdpm, ~dholbach/+junk/update-packaging-guide12:31
dpmdholbach, ok, cool, I'll have a look after lunch, thanks!12:31
dholbachdpm, if you run it with    OUTPUT_DIR=/srv/bla/something ./update-packaging-guide   you can pass it a new output_dir12:31
dholbach(so hopefully no need to change the code)12:32
cjohnstondo be do be do14:19
jcastrohey cjohnston14:43
cjohnstonhey dude.. When are you coming down14:44
jcastrobut we're booked looking for places the entire time14:44
nigelboh nice14:49
nigelbjcastro: all the packing's done?14:49
jcastronigelb: only going for a few days to find a permanent place and vacation14:55
nigelbjcastro: Ahh. Nice :)14:55
JFojcastro, enjoy the vacation :)15:08
jcastronot till tomorrow15:09
jcastrostuck here today, heh15:09
Technovikingmorning all15:46
Technovikingdholbach: would this be considered bitesize bugs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerUsers/Quicklists15:51
dholbachTechnoviking, I was trying to get people to say "here's Ubuntu bug 123456, to me it looks like it's easy to fix and if you need help, I'm available"15:53
ubot2Ubuntu bug 123456 in xine-lib "podcast crashes amarok" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12345615:53
dholbachubot2, that was just an example15:53
ubot2dholbach: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:53
dholbachI think I'd like to leave it to some developer to say "I looked at it and it looks like a simple issue to me"15:53
dholbachare those bugs all upstream bugs?15:54
macodholbach: if you just installed a clean ubuntu system and wanted to start packaging, what tools would you need? so far i've got build-essential, ubuntu-dev-tools (which will pull in pbuilder), quilt, debhelper, cmake, autoconf, and cdbs15:54
maco(i'm making a metapackage)15:54
dholbachlooks like somebody already put some effort into making sure it's not Ubuntu bugs15:54
maco(because i just did a clean install and found it painful and remembered all the times ive had to say "oh wait, install this thing too" when teaching someone)15:54
dholbachmaco, yours looks like a good list15:55
macou-d-t pulls in bzr too15:57
macooh, bzr-builddeb good idea15:58
jonokim0, are you good to chat in 30m?15:59
kim0jono: Yeah sure15:59
jonothanks kim015:59
jonokim0, in the meantime, can mark some of your actions/blueprints for Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 - dholbach can help with this16:00
jonoif you could do this before the call, this would really help16:00
kim0mm ok16:00
jonodholbach, could you have show kim0 how to do this?16:00
jonodpm, you around?16:00
jonothanks dholbach!16:00
dpmjono, yep16:00
dholbachkim0, have a look at the white board of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-developer-initiatives16:00
jonodpm, ok, will call in one sec16:01
* kim0 looking16:01
jcastrohow many betas this cycle?16:01
jcastro1 or 2?16:01
kim0dholbach: ok got it .. so just, Work items for oneiric-alpha-2:16:01
dholbachbasically it's just "Work items for <milestone>" (list from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric)16:01
kim0more magic text16:01
dholbachand leave all the rest for "Work items:"16:01
jcastroah I need to do this to mine too16:01
kim0dholbach: the ones without an alpha marker are ongoing or after alpha2, right ?16:02
dholbachbe careful - alpha-1 is next week :)16:02
kim0oh woot!16:02
kim0Natty feels like yesterday16:02
dpmkim0, this might help as well: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorkItemsHowto#Defining%20work%20items16:03
dholbachkim0, whatever is listed under "Work items" will be "until release"16:03
* kim0 hugs dholbach and dpm :)16:03
* dpm hugs back16:03
* dholbach hugs you all back16:03
jonokim0, will call in one sec16:33
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - have a great rest of yours!17:17
* dholbach hugs you all17:17
nigelbnight dholbach :)17:18
dholbachbye nigelb17:22
maconext Ubuntu Dev Week, we should have a session on getting familiar with gdb17:52
macoi'm not volunteering to run it, because i'd be one of the people listening & learning, but i'm sure there are people around here who could17:52
jonopopey, aorund?>18:03
jonopopey, around?18:03
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
macoon sunday, Pendulum and i went out to dinner, and she had her Ubuntu User shirt on, and a guy came up, put his fist on his chest, bowed, and said "much love for the distro"18:11
Picineat though :)18:11
Pendulumwe clapped for him18:15
Pendulumbecause I was unsure what else to do18:15
evaluatejcastro, ping?18:16
=== daker is now known as daker_
paultagevaluate: I'm sure he'll get back to your email :)18:19
evaluateI'm in no rush, was just curios if he got it (it happened to me before that people weren't getting my e-mails).18:20
jcastroevaluate: hi18:21
evaluatejcastro, hello. I've sent you an e-mail a couple of days ago about joining ubuntu bug control.18:22
* jcastro looks18:22
jcastrowhat's your email?18:22
evaluatejcastro, oss@rspwn.com18:22
* evaluate should've sent it through PM18:22
jcastroah cool, sorry it got sorted into the wrong folder18:23
jcastrowhat's your lp id?18:23
evaluatejcastro, shantzu18:23
jcastrook all set18:23
jcastrosorry about that!18:23
evaluateThank you very much!18:23
paultagevaluate: hehehe, that one bug on that package clippit is from one of the fluxbox developers18:25
paultagOh wait, that's not him18:25
paultagsame name, though18:25
evaluateHe's russian. I very much appreciate his bug reports, since they're pretty accurate usually, but I find it hard to understand his english at times...18:26
paultagevaluate: yeah, wrong guy18:26
paultaguses fluxbox, too, which is cool18:26
evaluatePersonally I didn't go much beyond gnome and kde. I've tried them pretty much all, but I always come back to gnome.18:28
evaluateCould be a bit faster on boot, but overall it's pretty good.18:28
paultagevaluate: fluxbox is a WM18:29
paultagevaluate: has nothing to do with GNOME or KDE :)18:29
paultagyou can run Fluxbox + GNOME (I do)18:30
evaluateohh, thought it was a complete DE18:30
paultagevaluate: no, it's in the package description :)18:30
paultagDescription: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager18:30
paultagpeople run it as a bare-bones DE because it's easy to do that with, but it's just a WM.18:31
evaluateI see. It looks decent in the screenshots.18:32
doctormoAlanBell: Hey there18:34
evaluateI would really love to see a decent designer do some open-source work. Most of the graphic packs for open-source programs look awful.18:35
paultagevaluate: what about Tango?18:38
paultagI love the way Tango looks18:38
evaluatepaultag, you mean http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Library ?18:39
paultagevaluate: yeah18:39
evaluateNot really my taste.18:39
paultagI don't think I've seen better icons around18:40
paultagnonfree or otherwise18:40
evaluateSome of them look good, but some look really outdated, like the volume or network icons.18:40
doctormoAlanBell: Can you send my mum two CDs for either 11.04 or 10.10?18:41
paultagevaluate: mm18:41
evaluateTastes differ, but I like shiny stuff, the Linux icons generally remind me of windows '95.18:41
paultagevaluate: I love matte, have you seen the KDE icons?18:41
paultagThose are shiny (and I usually switch them to Tango)18:41
AlanBelldoctormo: yes, 11.04 when they arrive18:41
doctormoI quite like the Ubuntu icon theme.18:41
paultagdoctormo: howareya?18:42
paultagdoctormo: I'm back in town (for good) on Thurs18:42
doctormoAlanBell: I'll ping you her address, someone came round and she showed it off to them and is now asking for CDs lol.18:42
doctormopaultag: Awesome, did you catch my LoCo email?18:42
TechnovikingI really like the faenza icon set, the square icons looks great in UNity18:42
paultagdoctormo: life's been crazy and I've filtered down about 90% of the mail that was not sent to me (and me alone) for a few weeks18:42
paultagdoctormo: what was the subject?18:43
paultagdoctormo: Ohh!! The one to -contacts?18:43
paultagYeah, I saw that one18:43
paultagI'm stoked it's getting re-engaged18:43
evaluatepaultag, yeah, kde generally has pretty good icons.18:43
doctormopaultag: YYYYYYYYYYeah, could you respond that'll be coming back to town to save us?18:44
doctormopaultag: Also, I did a design for a mail client where mail with your address in the to line was kept seperate from mailing list and cc/bcc mail. No one likes it :-)18:45
paultagdoctormo: I'll write a little something. I was trying to be a bit hands off while I was getting up-to-speed with the local dos-and-donts18:45
evaluateOS X is a pretty good example of how much eye-candy can do. As an OS it would be a no-no for me, but you can't say it looks bad.18:45
paultagdoctormo: I love that, I like to have different levels of how much I should care18:46
doctormopaultag: Don't support the Yankees, don't wear orange on St. Pantricks Day and do drop 'r' from your alphabet.18:46
paultagdoctormo: done, done and done18:46
doctormoevaluate: It looks like a toy, that's what some people say to me. They have 50s taste though.18:47
AlanBellLotus Notes has an indicator like that, tells you how direct the email was addresed to you18:47
evaluatedoctormo, doesn't look much like a toy to me: http://www.command-tab.com/images/photoshop/tiger_icons/preview.jpg18:48
paultagAlanBell: I love it. I hate having to sort through to find stuff that needs a response from me18:48
evaluateI'd rather say it looks 'contemporary'.18:48
doctormoevaluate: Do you appreciate gold, mahogany, green leather, suites and bowler hats?18:49
evaluateI'm a 90's kid though, so I don't really like the old-school stuff.18:49
doctormoI'd say it looks rather post-contemporary ;-)18:49
paultagevaluate: me too18:49
paultagI'm 22, I'm an '89 model18:50
evaluatedoctormo, not really. At least not yet. :-)18:50
AlanBelldoctormo: cool, got it, will dispatch 10.10 and 11.04 when they arrive18:50
doctormoAlanBell: Tah very much.18:50
paultagdoctormo: I love green leather to be fair18:50
paultagdoctormo: bumped the mail18:50
doctormopaultag: I'm fascinated by past styles, but I guess the bowler hat both gives that away and also makes me look like a twat sometimes.18:51
paultagdoctormo: like you care about that :)18:51
evaluatepaultag, I'm '86, but since it's a poor country here, I got in contact with computers pretty late.18:51
paultagevaluate: for sure18:51
doctormoevaluate: I'm an 84 model and I didn't get on a computer until 97 and didn't own one until 2001.18:52
* mhall119 has a sudden urge to tell you all to get off my lawn18:52
* nigelb feels like a kid now.18:53
paultagthe 90's were 20 years ago18:53
paultagiPods are 10 years old18:54
* Pici feels old, yet young18:54
paultagThe Matrix is 10 years old18:54
PiciThat scares me.18:54
paultagI can keep going18:54
evaluatedoctormo, I played my first games in 'playrooms' (not sure what they're called in eglish) in the mid 00's and had my first personal computer around 2000 too.18:54
paultagPici: :)18:54
mhall119paultag: xkcd already did18:54
paultagmhall119: Ah, right right. Forgot about that :)18:54
doctormopaultag: I don't care, normally. But I did care when Jono gave me quite the berating tone at Dallas over the suit. I guess it depends who you are.18:55
paultaga decade ago is not 1990's anymore18:55
paultagit's the new millenium18:55
PiciEspecially because the past 10 years have been a blur.18:55
paultagdoctormo: :)18:55
paultagPici: dude, for sure!18:55
jonodoctormo, I am sorry?18:55
jonodoctormo, I have never berated you over the suit18:56
doctormojono: It was hardly anything, and I don't think you meant it.18:56
paultagoh snap18:56
* paultag grabs popcorn18:56
PiciPerhaps jokingly? Internet sarcasm etc.18:56
paultagPici: doc-mo said at UDS Dallas18:56
jonodoctormo, it was a joke18:56
jonoyou know, no malice intended, just a funny statement18:57
jonoI think 'berating' is a fairly strong way of describing a joke :-)18:57
doctormoI think I'm starting to understand your humour Jono. ;-)18:57
paultagdoctormo: you spelled humor wrong18:57
paultagsee what I did there?18:57
doctormopaultag: Are you coming to take a look at the community lab when you get back in town?18:58
paultagdoctormo: YES!! I have some plans to build a top-secret project >:D18:58
mhall119humor == American jokes, humour == British jokes18:58
doctormoNot much for tea down here in southie, but a kettle can be aquired for the visit.18:58
jonodoctormo, I would hope so, it has been about three years since I have known you :-)18:58
paultagdoctormo: sure!18:58
Picigood humor = ice cream18:58
mhall119Pici: +10018:58
doctormojono: I think it look months of talking with Matt Lee before I finally got his humour, something to do with biritish ex-pats.18:59
doctormoPici: Ice cream is funny?18:59
Picidoctormo: It can be18:59
jonodoctormo, heh19:01
macoI've written up a survey to try to get metrics on what portion of users are having what types of problems, so we can get a broader view of issues (as opposed to the "everybody is hitting every bug ever" sort of viewpoint you get in support/bug-report context) and find where to focus19:45
macohggdh suggested i post it here to get feedback on running it as a community metrics initiative - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&authkey=COe2n9kC&formkey=dGRLSmxTQ05VYzh6NmdBN3BsakhpM3c6MQ#gid=019:45
macothere are two pages that only show up depending on your answers to earlier questions:  only those who report bugs get asked about how it went, and only those whose preferred language is not english are asked about translations (it would be ideal to get people to translate the survey into other languages as well)19:45
maco(opinions are being solicited here and in the QA channel)19:46
czajkowskiare the videos from keynotes up from UDS somewhere ?20:08
JFoczajkowski, yep20:09
JFolet me get you a link if I can find it20:09
JFoczajkowski, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjyNTCHVyxs20:09
JFothat is mark's keynote20:10
czajkowskiJFo: thanks20:10
JFomy pleasure20:10
jcastro"ubuntu developer channel" will always take you there on googles20:10
czajkowskiahh If I had a brain20:11
* AlanBell hands czajkowski a diploma20:13
JFoif she starts singing the song I am going to worry20:13
Davieyczajkowski is going sing?20:14
* Daviey tunes in20:14
czajkowskinah I've gotten my uncle to apply to canonical for work20:14
czajkowskiand I wanted to show him some of the video clips20:15
doctormoczajkowski: nepitism! ;-) *joking*20:15
czajkowskiI'll eventually convert all the family20:15
czajkowskidoctormo: only works if I work there and I don't20:15
doctormoczajkowski: Yes, your a member of ~not-canonical right? :-D20:15
czajkowskigrr why does my screen keep locking20:15
czajkowskiI've turned that off20:15
doctormoczajkowski: what did you think of the Queens visit last week?20:16
czajkowskifirst in 100 years in the republic20:16
AlanBellczajkowski: avoid confusion by joining https://launchpad.net/~not-canonical20:16
czajkowskinice to see change happening20:16
czajkowskishame there couldnt be the crowds that were allowed for O'Bama yesterday20:17
czajkowskibut security was too high20:17
AlanBellit was fun to see the different way Queeny and Phil dealt with the Guiness vs the O'Bamas20:17
czajkowskiI really want to lip read when he is about20:18
doctormoczajkowski: Yeah I heard the Cork speech, but I've heard good things from my other friends in the area.20:24
doctormoObama was here in Boston just last week, big crowds, lots of protesters.20:28
doctormoBasically there is a push from the feds to fingerprint anyone charged with any crime, even speeding crimes. As well as storing personal data, they'll also be handing the fingerprint data to boarder people to catch illegal immigrants.20:30
jcastrojono: I've rearranged my work items20:32
jcastrojono: I also added a few "milestone" WI's, basically I added a few WI to check on progress, etc.20:32
jonojcastro, cool20:32
jcastrojono: did you see pitti's mail? Basically he's resetting the line on thursday20:34
jcastroso last call for alcohol, etc.20:34
jonojcastro, I did20:34
JFolast call == worst part of the day20:41
czajkowskiJFo: surely it should be the best as it's the last20:44
czajkowskimeaning end of the day20:44
JFono, it means no more drinks20:44
JFoand that is just sad20:44
nigelbIs the LD call today or tomorrow?20:44
nigelbczajkowski: ^^20:44
hggdhfolks, I would like comments on https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&authkey=COe2n9kC&formkey=dGRLSmxTQ05VYzh6NmdBN3BsakhpM3c6MQ#gid=020:45
hggdhcan someone look at it and see if this might interest the community?20:45
nigelbI looked at it before beautification ;)20:45
czajkowskinigelb: 1st June is next one in my cal20:46
JFohggdh, I love it20:46
nigelbczajkowski: Thanks :) This means I can sleep "early" today :)20:46
JFoI almost want to take it20:46
JFobut I am restraining myself20:46
nigelbJFo: heh20:47
JFoand I love that you can check more than one version you are using20:47
nigelbJFo: well, share it then ;)20:47
hggdhJFo: go take it -- we need to find out issues before publicly posting it20:47
macohggdh: i suspect he went through but didnt click "submit"20:47
JFok, will do20:47
macothe spreadsheet doesnt add a row til you hit submit at the end20:48
macoim unsure about whether i should delete the existing entries from valorie, hggdh and others in the QA channel20:48
hggdhmaco: I think they are valid answers; they are certainly biased, but we can work it out on the analysis20:49
macoand everyone has a bias20:50
hggdhheh. I meant biased to more knowledge of Ubuntu20:50
macooh ok. well my bias would end up with me giving low ratings to things others might think are ok...because thats what happens when you read bug reports and hang around support venues20:51
hggdhI tried to unbias myself -- and gave my answers based on my usage, not my knowledge (or lack of said)20:52
macomy boyfriend says his perception of ubuntu development has changed since he started dating me20:52
macorelease week in particular...20:52
doctormomaco: What does his perception say now?20:53
macodoctormo: that we are not the well-oiled machine of precision he thought we were20:53
doctormomaco: "some self assembly required, ages 12 and up"20:54
nigelbjcastro: Hey, in the post-UDS survey, there was a question about summit.  Any chance we can get that data?20:54
doctormomaco: The thing about well oiled machines (apart from getting you dirty) is they only do one thing. Out community puts out software and plays in a band ;-)20:55
JFomy survey is complete20:55
JFoit is a bit long20:55
JFonot a criticism, just observing20:56
macoit was shorter and i asked in ops channel for first round of feedback and got told to add the translations and help/community and ease of use stuff so that itd have enough in there to avoid having lots of surveys from lots of teams20:57
JFoyeah, since my primary is English I didn't get the translations bit21:01
JFojust wondering if there were sections people could opt to skip21:01
JFofor my own personal thoughts mind you21:01
JFoI'll be putting out a few surveys this year21:01
JFojust a mechanism I want to look into21:02
hggdhthis could be done, but we need to know it was skipped -- so you can skip it during analysis21:02
jcastronigelb: yeah mail marianna for it21:03
nigelbjcastro: great, thanks!21:04
hggdhhum. Why not have a lot of tabs on firefox: I restart it, and it goes to 500M of resident memory usage21:05
hggdhbetter than the 1G it was using before restart but, still, a bit on the high side21:06
* JFo beats mozilla's brains out daily21:18
JFomy browser dies at least 3 times a day21:19
nigelbg'nite all!21:25
nigelb2 am. I'm early to bed today ;)21:25
jcastrojono: finishing up for the day21:56
jcastro<--- will be back on tuesday21:56
macoJFo: only a handful of the questions were required21:58
macoJFo:  the ones that determine whether you see bugs/translations, the one about which version of ubuntu, and the general-experience one are the only required ones i can think of21:58
macooh, help sources and bugs ones too apparently21:59
macodemographics, loco team, end part are 100% optional21:59
jonojcastro, have fun!22:01
doctormopopey or pleia2: do you know how to get the mount point for a given directory? (bash) say if I want to know what file system something is in?22:20
pleia2just typing "mount" will show you everything22:25
popeyYes. That.22:39
czajkowskipopey: daft question time.22:41
czajkowskipopey: I've screen saver set to not go into screen save mode for never when unpluged or plugged in22:42
czajkowskiyet still does22:42
popeythere are two screensaver settings22:42
czajkowskiany ideas do I have to change it in two places like my browser setting22:42
popeyone is a screensaver22:42
czajkowskisee knew it22:42
popeyone is gnome power manager22:42
popeyyou have to do both22:42
czajkowskiok done gnome power22:42
czajkowskiwhere do I find screen saver22:42
popeybfb -> type screensaver22:43
czajkowskiseems daft I've to do things twice in seperate places to do one thing22:43
czajkowskipopey: thank you22:49
czajkowskipopey: problem of me missing skype calls is now adverted from the mothership22:49
czajkowskione never wants to do that or the mobile goes, followed by a text followed by an email to make sure I'm alive22:51
AlanBellczajkowski: just wait till she pings you on IRC23:01
czajkowskieh never gonna happen23:04
czajkowskiI still get lectured over "black screen"23:05
doctormopleia2: I ended up using `df $HOME | grep -v File | perl -lne '@a=split(/\s+/); print $a[$#a]'`23:09
macohttp://is.gd/vnPvog <-- survey live now23:21
popeyIs it really wise for us to be running multiple surveys at once?23:23
popeyIsn't this going to cause confusion and dilute any possible evidence we gather?23:24
paultagmaco: I'm an edge case, but I responded :)23:24
paultagpopey: Yeah, I tend to agree23:25
macodo i delete tweet/dent and wait a week or something?23:25
paultagmaco: yeah23:25
paultagmaco: also, tweet / dent is not the best way to get people23:25
macoi was going to blog when i get home23:26
pleia2the advertising survey is open until the beginning of june, so maybe wait until after that?23:26
macoi just cant do that from work23:26
paultagmaco: it's voluntary response and technical users (a group that is a subsection of the intended target) will be reading your dents / tweets / blog23:26
paultagso the results will be skewed23:27
macopaultag: and ask loco teams to spread it to their groups23:27
paultagmaco: That'd be awesome23:27
macohggdh and i also talked about finding translators to make identical surveys in other languages23:27
maco(if any of you can translate, lemme know)23:29
paultagI can do German, but not as well as others here23:29
macoim not sure how to do it other than another survey from scratch23:29
paultagI think so too23:29
macowell if someone wants to just email me a list of translations, i'm fine with building a translated one, if they dont feel like doing it themselves23:30

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