
jjohansenhggdh: confirmed00:13
hggdhjjohansen: should I open a bug for that?00:15
jjohansenhggdh: no not yet, I'll poke at it or at the least poke smb when he comes on00:16
hggdhjjohansen: thank you00:17
broderso now that i've grabbed the stacktrace, is there anything i can do to help with the debugging of bug 784335?00:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 784335 in linux "Heavy network utilization with r8169 leads to kernel panic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78433500:30
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
jj-afkback on later00:33
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bAdGigabitDose the current kernel support packet injection?04:37
bAdGigabitmore specific. Will it support it for the ath9k drivers?04:37
bAdGigabitsorry, did anyone reply?04:49
bAdGigabitsorry, i kewp getting disconneted05:05
bAdGigabitany awnsers that i missed?05:05
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
=== smb` is now known as smb
* apw yawns08:28
jk-hey apw & smb08:30
apwmoin jk-08:30
smbmorning jk- 08:31
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
eagles0513875morning apw :D 09:04
valoriehi all, since I upgraded to 11.04, my mic jack no longer works09:06
valorieI searched the bugs, but didn't find anyone else reporting this09:06
valoriewhat do i need to do to report a useful bug?09:06
apweagles0513875, hi09:08
eagles0513875how goes it apw09:08
apwvalorie, thinking09:08
valorieeagles0513875 suggested I ask here09:09
apwsmb, can you remember what we file sound bugs against, alsa something something09:09
eagles0513875apw: it was my suggestion to have her ask here as we thought it might be a kernel issue09:09
eagles0513875me im kinda having a similar issue with usb webcam with mic and pulse audio09:09
valoriemic doesn't work either, but it never has09:09
smbapw, Something like that... could it be alsa-driver or so?09:09
valorieI think09:09
apwvery likely a kernel issue, and reporting it against the right package is the key09:10
apwand before my first coffee i can't think what its called09:10
eagles0513875apw: should we have her try the proposed 38-9 kernel09:10
valorieI'll be around for another hour or so09:10
awilkinsvalorie, Do you know what sound hardware you're using?09:10
* valorie serves coffee around the chan09:10
apwawilkins, i was just going to mention your fix09:10
* awilkins grins09:11
eagles0513875im wondering if his fix woudl apply to usb webcams that have mics then again im not sure what that fix is 09:11
valorienot off the top of my head09:11
awilkinsProbably not to a USB webcam with integrated mic09:11
valoriewhat's the command to find out?09:11
eagles0513875valorie: a simple lspci should tell ya 09:11
eagles0513875mines a Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)09:11
eagles0513875 09:11
eagles0513875valorie: lspci on command line and find the line that says audio :D09:11
eagles0513875i think before it worked with my other motherboard which had a realtek audio chipset this has an intel one : (09:12
apwvalorie, i think its "ubuntu-bug audio"09:12
valorie00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)09:12
* apw thinks people have been chanigng things on us09:12
valorie01:05.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RS780 Azalia controller09:12
awilkinsIntel HDA... so that might be affected by that fix09:12
awilkinsIntel HDA is an abstraction for a bunch of different chipsets from what I can gather09:13
apwawilkins, your change was to the codec side wasn't it ?  remember which one?09:13
awilkinsvalorie, Do us a   `dmesg | grep hda`09:13
awilkinsAnd tell us what the line with hda_codec says09:13
eagles0513875valorie: did you check ur settings in the bios09:14
eagles0513875if you dont have it set to use hd you need to 09:14
valorieno line with hda_codec09:15
valoriehow do I check the setting in the bios?09:15
valorieI've done that before, but years ago09:16
awilkinsvalorie, You'd have to play that by ear - reboot, watch your power up messages for the key for "setup", and hunt around in your menus09:16
eagles0513875ya 09:16
awilkinsBIOS setup usually requires you to make an affirmative choice to save settings also09:16
eagles0513875i checked my bios and i dont have any settings in mine 09:17
eagles0513875this is hopefully a temp motherboard i have 09:17
eagles0513875till i rma my higher end motherboard09:17
awilkinsBut there are too many nonstandard variants for us to walk you through it, probably in the "PCI devices" area09:17
eagles0513875actually im thinking my issue is more with skype itself09:17
valoriewell, this is my laptop/work/main computer09:17
eagles0513875cuz i use mumble 09:17
eagles0513875and my mic works just fine :( 09:17
valorieoh weird09:18
eagles0513875i know 09:18
valoriewell, skype used to work09:18
eagles0513875i know 09:18
valorienow the mic doesn't09:18
eagles0513875valorie: sme issue09:18
valoriebut I don't remember if that was a different lappy or this one09:18
eagles0513875apw: who would we need to contact to report this as skype is in the ubuntu partner repo09:18
valorieBUT: soundrecorder doesn't work either09:18
valorieeagles0513875: HA!09:18
valorielike Microsoft will care09:18
eagles0513875the funny thing09:18
eagles0513875the older static libs on the skype site work just fine 09:19
eagles0513875even the version in 10.10 worked09:19
* eagles0513875 needs to develop an alternative to skype before it gets destroyed09:19
awilkinsSkype works just fine on pulse now09:19
valorieskype hasn't worked for me for at least the last 3 versions of kubuntu09:19
eagles0513875awilkins: i have no mic input 09:19
valoriebut I've not had a problems with the headphones for a long, long time09:19
eagles0513875it works fine but no mic09:19
eagles0513875awilkins: how did you manage to get it to work09:20
valoriejack worked until upgrade, and then it didn't09:20
awilkinseagles0513875, Neither did I - previously suffered from #593018, then from #77696409:20
eagles0513875skype says to go into the pulseaudio settings and i have no idea where those are09:21
valorieveromix will do it09:21
awilkinsvalorie, I had the same thing - but before I had to flip-flop the input selector to get the mic working, but then it stopped09:21
eagles0513875awilkins: its saying i have to use the local mixer to adjust settings but kmix doesnt have my cam mic listed09:21
valorieor pavucontrol09:21
valorieeagles0513875: does alsamixer have it listed?09:22
awilkinseagles0513875, Well, it sounds like the driver for your cam mic isn't working, or isn't present09:22
eagles0513875in kmix my logitech quick cam is listed09:22
awilkinsvalorie, Since your hardware previously worked, more chance of working out what's wrong09:22
eagles0513875skype is bugged 09:24
eagles0513875i installed pavucontrol and mic is picking up sound there 09:24
eagles0513875skype for some reason isnt09:24
awilkinsWhich version of Skype? I'm presuming latest09:25
awilkinsSpecifically, I have 2.2 beta and it works fine with GNOME / Pulseaudio.09:25
awilkinsIf you can record sound from your mic, eagles0513875, it's not really a kernel problem, and I would suggest you'd have more luck in a channel devoted to userland software.09:26
eagles0513875awilkins: version of skype taht is in the partner repo09:26
awilkinseagles0513875, AFAIK that's the same as the one straight from the skype website. Mine says in it's "About" box09:27
eagles0513875might uninstall it 09:27
eagles0513875and use the static package from the site09:28
valorieyay, you got your sound working though!09:29
awilkinseagles0513875, Try cleaning out it's settings first, move the ~/.Skype folder out of the way, start it up, and try a test call09:29
valorieI don't have time to restart tonight, but tomorrow when I start up, I'll look in the bios and see if I find anything suspicious09:29
awilkinsvalorie, The other tool I found useful was  http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/HDA_Analyzer09:30
awilkinsvalorie, That lets you mess directly with the codec parameters09:30
awilkinsvalorie, In my case, my mic input pin was not set up right - it needed it's VREF setting to be 80, but the driver wasn't initializing it correctly09:31
awilkinsSee : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/linux/+bug/77696409:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 776964 in linux "p5n32e-plus HDA Nvidia AD1988B microphone input not working" [Low,In progress]09:31
eagles0513875awilkins: still nothing 09:32
eagles0513875i dont have time to hack at this right now09:32
awilkinsvalorie, We've not really discovered what your sound hardware is yet - HDA Intel hides a bunch of implementations and your dmesg didn't tell us what it was either09:32
awilkinsThat tool will probably be more informative, at least09:33
valorieany way to dig deeper?09:33
valorieoh, hda analyzer09:33
valoriewhich is a script to run09:33
awilkinsYes, you have to run it as root09:33
* eagles0513875 wants my original motherboard back so badly09:33
awilkinssudo python run.py09:33
valorienot sure I can make heads or tails of it09:33
eagles0513875my original motherboard works so much better then this one 09:33
eagles0513875would probably require a linux reinstall though :( 09:34
valorieI'm a writer, not a devel09:34
awilkinsvalorie, It just gives you direct access to all those little switches that you see in a recording studio09:34
awilkinsvalorie, Instead of one big volume knob09:34
eagles0513875awilkins: usually i stick with the nvidia nforce chipsets 09:35
eagles0513875those have realtek which i have never had any issues with 09:35
eagles0513875not to mention i can use fully my 5.1 atm down to 2.1 with this motherboard09:35
awilkinseagles0513875, I have an nforce, but my sound is an Analog Devices09:35
eagles0513875would love to take advantage of the spdif the other motherboard has09:36
awilkinsvalorie, If you have HDAAnalyzer running, what's the name on the first AUD_OUT device?09:39
apwawilkins, this thing should be packaged and installed by default09:41
awilkinsapw, The HDAAnalyzer thing downloads components of itself, but I suppose you could install the bootstrap script. I would guess that09:42
apwi think i would be happier if someone packaged the bits09:42
apwas its a bit scarey to download some random stuff and run it as root09:42
awilkinsI would guess that HDA Intel is probably responsible for quite a few bugs because of the myriad of implementations09:42
awilkinsBut the actual implementation inside seems to hide well09:43
awilkinslspci for me does not reflect that the codec is an AD1988B, neither does HDAAnalyzer either, to be true09:44
awilkinsApart from some of the node names09:44
diwicfor HDAanalyzer, just download snd-hda-tools from ppa:diwic/ppa and run "sudo hda_analyzer"09:44
awilkinsdmesg reports it, but valorie doesn't seem to have that so maybe there is an inconsistent level of logging in the various codec implementations in the drivers09:45
valorieoh, rather that wgetting it?09:45
valorieI was opening the /proc/asound/card0/ and looking at it09:45
diwicvalorie, yeah, I packaged it and a few other hda tools up09:45
diwic(i e if you were asking me)09:45
awilkinsvalorie, The first line of /proc/asound/card0/codec#0 seems to be the information we seek09:46
awilkinsAt least, in my case09:46
valorieCodec: IDT 92HD71B7X09:47
awilkinsOn the plus side, that's marvellously specific09:47
awilkinsOn the downside, it's not the thing we have recently fixed09:47
valoriesnd-tools is installing09:48
awilkinsSo it worked in Maverick but not Natty?09:48
valorieok, what do you need from that analyzer?09:48
awilkinsvalorie, I can't think of anything specific... but what you can do is try to find your Mic input pin09:49
awilkinsSo you should have a bunch of PIN nodes09:49
valoriein node editor, or text dump?09:49
awilkinsNode editor09:49
awilkinsOn the left in the tree there are a bunch of PIN nodes09:49
awilkinsIf you look in the Config default section on the right, you will see some description of each node09:50
awilkinsFind the one your Mic is plugged into09:50
valoriePress Detect09:50
valorieHeadphone Drive09:50
valoriefirst pin09:50
awilkinsI found the "Jack color" and "Jack location" bits helpful locating it09:50
valoriemic jack is pink!09:51
awilkinse.g. mine is PIN 0x17  Jack type : Mic  Jack location : Ext Jack location2 : Rear09:51
awilkinsThat's the one09:51
awilkinsWhat's it's Wiget control section say?09:51
valorieboxes are all unchecked09:52
valorieVREF HIZ below that09:52
awilkinsOk, check "IN" and change the VREF to 8009:52
valorieI think that's the jack for an external mic09:53
awilkinsNow open Sound recorder or something with a VU meter (  `pavumeter --record` ) and try it out09:53
valorielet me get one09:53
valorieor I guess I can use my headphones09:53
awilkinsAh, what' the input for the Mic you are actually using09:53
awilkinsThat one was probably not initialized if you weren't using it on purpose09:53
awilkinsEsp. if it has "input sense"09:54
valorieI was trying to get the internal mic working09:54
awilkinsProbably another pin09:54
valoriePress Detect09:54
valoriebut it would be cool to get this one working too09:54
apwinternal mics are sometimes on the same plug as the external and connected when the jack is not09:55
awilkinsTrue, you might want to try that VU meter anyway09:55
valoriedid, and nothing09:55
valoriejust dead09:56
valorieok, another pin09:56
diwicvalorie, btw, regardless if you get somewhere or not, will you file a bug (unless you already did) for it, e g "using ubuntu-bug audio"?09:56
awilkinsPins are just the start, alas, the whole chain of things has to work.... I found the thing that draws an SVG diagram of your codec useful09:57
valorieJack connection: Fixed09:57
valorieJack type:       Mic09:57
diwicawilkins, codecgraph is also packaged in snd-hda-tools09:57
valorieJack location:   Ext09:57
valorieJack location2:  Top09:57
valorieJack connector:  Digital09:57
valorieJack color:      Black09:57
valorieNo presence09:57
valorieis another09:57
awilkinsAnd I was already reasonably familiar with the control set on my codec because I had to monkey around with the selectors to get it to work with Maverick09:57
valoriewell, I will file one, but I wanted decent details09:57
valorie"it doesn't work" isn't very helpful09:57
awilkinsvalorie, That one is probably an audio out09:57
valorieOutput Amplifier09:58
valorieyou're right09:58
awilkinsYou want ones that have the PIN cap "Input"09:58
diwicvalorie, that's great although "ubuntu-bug audio" will include some relevant files that can help us analyze the problem09:58
apwdiwic, do you use hda analyser ?09:58
diwicapw, sometimes, yes09:59
apwdiwic, next time we are in the same place, you have to show us how to interterpret its output09:59
valorieJack connection: Jack09:59
valorieJack type:       HP Out09:59
valorieJack location:   Ext09:59
valorieJack location2:  Front09:59
valorieJack connector:  1/809:59
awilkinsHeadphones out09:59
valorieJack color:      Green09:59
valorieis headphones09:59
valorieHeadphone Drive10:00
diwicapw, maybe it's time for another audio triaging session 10:00
valoriewidget control has nothing selected10:00
diwicapw, I saw JFo wanted more of that as well10:00
awilkinsvalorie, Paste the contents of your /proc/asound/card0/codec#0 file to the pastebin10:00
apwdiwic, yeah i'd like to listen in on one again, there is more tooling now than i remember10:00
diwicapw, we could do one hda driver specific 10:01
apwyeah, as that is our primary pain point10:01
awilkinsvalorie, I think node 0x18 is your baby10:01
awilkinsvalorie, Select node 0x18 and check the VREF value10:02
valorieJack connection: Fixed10:02
valorieJack type:       Mic10:02
valorieJack location:   Ext10:02
valorieJack location2:  Top10:02
valorieJack connector:  Digital10:02
valorieJack color:      Black10:02
valorieNo presence10:02
valoriethere is none10:02
valoriein is checked10:02
valoriebut no vref value10:02
awilkinsHmm, from this file, node 0x18 should be "Internal Mic Capture Volume"10:03
awilkinsBut no VREF10:03
valorieyes, that's the name10:03
valoriebut no vref10:03
diwicawilkins, digital mics usually don't have VREF_80 and that stuff because the connection between the dmic and the codec is digital10:03
valoriemaybe it never DID work10:03
valoriesec, gotta take the old dog outside10:04
awilkinsdiwic, Thanks... I'm just an amateur10:04
diwicawilkins, and we need more helpful amateurs :-) and help them become more qualified10:04
awilkinsGah, I had that codec grapher somewhere10:05
valorieblind, deaf, and when he's gotta go, he's gotta go10:06
apwdiwic, if you haven't met awilkins hes definatly a potential contributer on the debugging audio side10:06
diwicnice! 10:06
* diwic shakes hands with awilkins 10:07
* awilkins shakes hands back10:07
apwawilkins, meet diwic our sound expert10:07
diwicawilkins, the codecgraph utility is packaged and ready in the snd-hda-tools package in ppa:diwic/ppa 10:08
awilkinsdiwic, Yup, installed10:09
diwic(or ppa:diwic/maverick for 10.10)10:09
diwicawilkins, so what I would do in this case is to take the codec a ride through hda-emu and see if the automuting does what it should10:09
diwicauto-switching between int and ext mic10:10
diwicvalorie, when you posted that codec file, was anything plugged into the mic?10:10
diwicawilkins, potentially try a newer alsa-driver as well10:10
valorieI don't think so10:11
valorieI plugged in to test10:11
awilkinsI think the relevant nodes are ...  nodes   0x18 (the mic pin)  0x1c (audio selector)  and 0x12  (audio input)10:11
valorieand then just now, plugged in earphones to test10:11
valorieearphones are really why I'm here10:11
valorieas it is unknown whether or not the mic ever worked10:12
valorielaptop isn't that old, but10:12
valoriedon't know10:12
diwicawilkins, hmm, I /think/ it is 0x18 - 0x1d - 0x13 because that's stream 0, but better double-check in hda-emu10:12
valorieso the headphones textdump is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/61220910:13
awilkinsdiwic, What's the significance of dotty lines over solid ones - I was tending to follow solid ones when I was debugging my own issue10:13
diwicawilkins, dotty lines are generally unconnected but could potentially be connected if one changes that in the driver or hda-emu10:14
diwicawilkins, or in hda-analyzer I mean10:15
valorieand here is the codec#0 with definitely nothing plugged in: http://paste.ubuntu.com/61221010:15
diwicawilkins, ok so it is 0x18 - 0x1c - 0x12 actually10:16
diwicvalorie, you don't happen to have an ATI controller, do you? 10:17
diwicvalorie, you might be suffering from bug 741825 then 10:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 741825 in alsa-driver "ATI controllers [1002:4383] and [1002:4383] (rev 40): Intermittent record and jack sense failure" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74182510:17
diwicvalorie, and if so the recommended solution is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/InstallingLinuxAlsaDriverModules as we think this was finally fixed a few days ago 10:19
awilkinsIf your first one was plugged and your second one was not, then I would concur10:19
valorie01:05.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RS780 Azalia controller10:19
awilkinsBecause they are identical10:19
diwicapw, we should just see some more testing of this fix and then make it into a Natty SRU10:19
diwicapw, I think it needs two different commits to fix10:20
apwdiwic, big and ugly ?10:20
diwicapw, no, but potentially affecting a lot of machines, that's my only hesitation...but in this case I think it's worth it10:21
valorieok, installing10:21
valorieand for this, I will restart10:21
jussiI just had a major crash of the whole system, ended up with this: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/24/2011-05-24_11-37-17_362_Oulu.jpg10:25
jussiany help ?10:25
diwicapw, i e affecting all ATI HDA machines10:25
jussiis there anything else I can get now (after a restart) that would help diagnose this? 10:26
apwjussi, hmmm another cpuidle_idle_call explosion10:29
apwwhat kernel is that?10:29
jussijussi@squirrel:~$ uname -a10:29
jussiLinux squirrel 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:24 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:29
diwicok I'll be away for lunch for a while, see you later!10:31
jussiapw: Im aroundish with this PC for the next ~4 hours. If there is anything else you need, please ask. Ill go file a bug in the meantime. 10:32
eagles0513875jussi: did you have your whole system lock up on u and freeze nastily10:37
eagles0513875when you maximize konsole or certain other apps?10:38
jussieagles0513875: no. 10:38
eagles0513875ok just checking cuz that is a super  nasty bug which boils down to an nvidia driver issue10:38
jussieagles0513875: given I dont have nvidia...10:39
eagles0513875ahh 10:39
* eagles0513875 retreats to the amarok channel10:39
jussibug 78744210:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 787442 in linux "Complete machine crash (kernel panic?) " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78744210:40
jussiapw: ^^10:40
eagles0513875jussi: i was having those with atheros wifi card in my netbook10:42
valoriehere goes nothing, restarting.....10:42
eagles0513875gd luck valorie10:43
apwjussi, you had a photo, could you attach that pls10:43
jussiapw: its attached - first attachment.10:44
apwstupid launchpad, hiding the important one10:44
apwjussi, i've updated the subject.  if this is reproducible you could try the -propsoed kernel which as a heap of stable updates (-910:46
jussiapw: I havent managed to reproduce :/10:46
apwi think i've seen 3 reports of something ismilar, one was put in my hands at UDS, but nothing common about them10:47
eagles0513875apw: there was my issue with kernel panicing and my atheros wifi card which is fixed in proposed10:47
jussiapw: I had this bug earlier: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/775432 - I put it in someones hands at UDS. 10:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 775432 in linux "rtl8169 kernel panic" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:48
valoriethank you SO MUCH! 10:49
valorieI now have earphones again10:49
valorieif you give me that bug report, I'll comment on it if necessary10:49
apwjussi, that one is definatly different10:50
jussiapw: yeah. 10:50
jussiapw: it was your hands (and Leann's) that I put it into iirc10:50
jussiAnywya, If I manage to reproduce, Ill let you know. 10:51
apwjussi, quite likely :)  i had a lot of machines put in my hands over the week its hard to keep anything striaght10:51
jussiapw: :)10:51
smbjj-afk, hggdh FYI: I am able to reproduce the maverick ec2 fail locally. The "close blk" is normal though. It seems to be a very early lockup though. As I see 100% cpu usage but no dmesg output at all.10:51
awilkinsvalorie, bug 74182510:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 741825 in alsa-driver "ATI controllers [1002:4383] and [1002:4383] (rev 40): Intermittent record and jack sense failure" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74182510:53
valoriealso, my mic seems to work now11:01
valorieat least the volume meter is showing activity11:01
valorieand SKYPE WORKS TOO!11:04
valoriey'all are miracle workers11:04
apwvalorie, one of the many advantages of open source ... one can fix it11:05
valoriekub. packagers are working on some free alternatives11:06
valorieI hope we come up with something as good11:06
valorieor better11:06
eagles0513875awilkins: could ur fix possibly fix my issue with my webcam mic if it fixed it for valorie11:09
awilkinseagles0513875, An integrated webcam mic would be a USB driver problem11:13
awilkinseagles0513875, Mine didn't fix valories, she had a jack sensing issue, and my issue was a codec initialization issue11:14
eagles0513875ahh ok11:14
eagles0513875i guess ill have to take a look at the bios11:14
awilkinsvalorie has been fixed by another patch though11:14
eagles0513875ok 11:14
awilkinsI think if you can actually record sound from that mic it's not so much a kernel problem11:15
eagles0513875software as in skype issue 11:15
awilkinseagles0513875, Don't know - you might consider trying a GNOME session (or Unity) to see if it works there11:17
awilkinseagles0513875, I don't know enough about KDE / phonon / whatever to speculate11:17
eagles0513875ok no worries11:17
diwicwhat am I doing wrong if I try to boot from a live Natty USB stick and get the error "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"?12:37
diwicand dropped to a busybox shell12:38
diwicok; switched usb slot, that helped12:42
htorquehello everyone! are there known boot problems with oneiric and intel hd graphics? my boot 'fails' 4 out of 5 times (i can ssh into the machine).13:32
htorquei sometimes see the plymouth text theme (kms problem?), but most of the time it's just a black screen with a blinking cursor. not happening with nvidia on the same notebook.13:32
=== ihateyou1oo is now known as elmo
apwhtorque, nothing known, i use the kernel on my systems here and haven't seen that myself14:25
apwbut i am not using oneiric userspace with them14:26
htorqueapw, thanks. the only weird thing i noticed when ssh'd into the machine, was the short output of lsmod: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612274/14:27
apwhtorque, does lsmod complete ?14:27
htorquei got a new prompt, so i guess yes (i didn't check the return value)14:28
apwa prompt is enough for me14:29
apwso i'd say we're only half booted14:29
htorqueapw, would you say that looks like a kernel issue? i would then try to bisect14:32
apwvery hard to say, i would try with the last natty kerenl on your userspace14:33
apwand see if the problem is resolved, if so then kernel it is14:33
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htorqueapw, thanks, will do.14:33
dmarkeyhmm.. is there a known issue where xen network/block modules arent automatically modprobe'd14:35
dmarkeyin 11.0414:35
apwdmarkey, in the virtual kernel ?14:39
smbdmarkey, Hm, not really aware of that. Seemed to have worked for me at least...14:40
smb(virtual kernel)14:40
dmarkeyi'm using the pae kernel14:41
smbdmarkey, as domU (just to be sure)14:42
dmarkeyYes :)14:42
dmarkeyi'll install the virtual kerne14:42
htorqueapw: also happening with the natty kernel14:43
apwhtorque, and you didn't have this i assume on natty itself?  so that implies it is something else14:43
smbdmarkey, I have not tried generic-pae but at least with the virtual I don't remember any problems when starting an instance14:43
apwgiven you have almost nothing running/loaded, i am worried about upstart14:44
htorqueapw: no, natty was working fine14:44
htorqueapw: "init: udev-fallback-graphics main process (...) terminated with status 1" - could this be the cause?14:49
apwyep, that could easily be the cuase14:49
apwas things wait for that to complete before starting X14:50
htorquei just wonder why this doesn't happen with nouveau14:50
dmarkeysmb: do you have a installer initrd with the -virtual kernel14:50
apwhtorque, well that one only does something if the drm driver doesn't load14:51
apwso its possible its telling you that the drm driver didn't load14:51
apwand that behaves different for each14:51
apwnow why that has stopped working as normal is another question14:51
apwfrom your lsmod you also don't have much of anything else loaded, so it could be a udev issue14:52
smbdmarkey, not really. I sort of cheat and start of the cloud images (ripping the cloud out) most of the time.14:52
dmarkeyi see. is I assu,e its udev thats dropping the ball here?14:53
smbdmarkey, those would be at http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/ (but probably won't help you). Hm, a sec14:54
htorqueapw: "udevd: error binding udev control socket" sounds serious - had to use a camera to capture it, not sure if i get something similar in the nouveau case (it's just scrolling away too fast)14:57
dmarkeyhmm.. how are these bootstrapped?14:57
smbdmarkey, ah wait. At least for virtual those are built-in... I guess not for the other flavours. So you probably need to add them to /etc/modules14:58
dmarkeybut will that make it into the initrd?14:59
smbdmarkey, Right, modules, for generic-pae and built-in for virtual. Let me check...15:01
smbdmarkey, Maybe /etc/initramfs-tools/modules is better15:02
dmarkeybut the modules are in my initrd at the min.. the problem is they're not getting modprobed!15:02
smbdmarkey, At least the comment in initramfs-tools/modules says that they should get loaded if listed there15:03
dmarkeyah i see15:03
htorqueapw: it boots fine with natty's udev15:36
apwhtorque, sounds like the place to file a bug then15:36
apwcan you pasge the number here as well15:36
htorqueapw: yeah, thanks! will do.15:37
* ogasawara back in 2015:38
htorquehm, that's similar to the messages i see: bug 712026 -> comment #14 by smoser15:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 712026 in udev "cloud-init.conf never runs, instance not reachable via ssh" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71202615:39
apwhtorque, that is a very different bug, could you file a new one, and indicate in smosers one that there is a separate bug15:41
apwhtorque, is this a real machine or a VM for you15:46
htorqueapw: real machine15:46
htorqueapw: bug 787610 (sorry, took some time)16:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 787610 in udev "System fails to boot with Intel HD graphics" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78761016:09
hggdhsmb: ping -- maverick ec216:32
smbhggdh, pong, yes broken16:32
JFoquickest conversation ever16:32
hggdhsmb: will we regen the whole thing? In other words, should we keep on and test maverick on hardware?16:32
hggdhJFo: but I insist ;-)16:33
JFoheh, of course :)16:33
smbhggdh, I'd probably go on while I try to find what broke it16:35
hggdhsmb: roj16:35
smbhggdh, Maybe start with 32bit to see if it breaks real hw too16:35
hggdhsmb: heh. Nothing like beating on a piece of hot iron. Will do16:36
smbhggdh, I saw the same hang with the current master-next so at least not fixed in there. 16:37
hggdhthings get more exciting, I see16:37
smbhggdh, Now I am trying to bisect or make crash work for me...16:38
hertonsmb, ogasawara: bjf told me about Finalise() vim for kernel changelog, where it comes from?16:42
smbherton, IT some vim file magic16:42
hertonI was using dch on my test builds, but seems more practical to use this directly in vi16:42
ogasawaraherton: smb taught me that bit of magic16:43
smbThough it needed enabling tings sometimes. If it works for you there is even more magic that came from apw to make it a two keystroke16:43
ogasawarayah, I've got a vim shortcut for it16:43
smbherton, can send you the relevant vimrc thing16:44
hertonsmb: yes please do16:45
apwyeah i use a couple of bindings16:45
apwto those vim functions, which are only loaded when the file is called changelog16:46
smbherton, file is on the way16:52
hertonreceived here, thanks, will try it16:53
hertonwhere you define Finalise(), is it from some plugin like package?16:56
=== jj-afk is now known as jjohansen
hertonok seems to come from /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/ftplugin/debchangelog.vim, just wonder why it didn't find it17:00
smbherton, As I wrote there is also the plugin enable switch. I remember this had to be turned on at some point17:01
smbSo enable filetype plugins and the file must be named changelog17:01
smbotherwise it is not there17:02
hertonsmb: it is what filetype plugin on is supposed to do right? will figure this out later, lunch here, bbl17:07
ppisatidon't we have the meeting in an hour? i think i didn't see brad email17:08
JFoyep, we do17:09
apwsconklin, bjf, FYI the lts-backport-natty is now up to date, and should be included in the matrix17:09
bjfapw, thanks, we were talking about it just a little while ago17:09
apwi talked to cjw and we don't need to do anything other than get it copied to -proposed 17:09
apwno process is required.  so i've pulled it forward and uploaded it to ckt PPA, hopefully I did it right :)17:10
bjfppetraki, you are correct and i'd completely forgotten about it17:10
apwthe brnaches are all pushed into lucid repo as normal17:10
apwbranch and tag even17:10
bjfapw, i'll bet you didn't add a tracking bug :-)17:10
JFowe have a seeming conflict with some app dev board?17:10
JFobjf ^^17:10
ppetrakibjf, what am I right about? (happens alot)17:11
JFoat 5 in the -meeting room that is17:11
bjfJFo, looking17:11
JFobjf, I'm looking at http://www.ubuntu-news.org/calendars/fridge/17:11
JFojust FYI17:11
apwbjf, heh nope, though when i uploaded it i was building it to get it into universe for a MIR, which is not required, so i forgive me ... feel free to blow it up and replace it17:11
bjfapw, we appreciate any and all help, np17:12
smbbjf, sconklin Btw, I had been questioned about "when goes lucid from proposed to updates". As the calendar shows this week prep for next cycle I was not really able to answer. ;)17:12
apwyeah been wondering of those 'yellow' things had been updated since the 2w to 3w transition17:12
sconklinsmb: it is out of our hands.17:12
bjfsmb, basically, qa is behind schedule so we're not sure17:13
bjfppetraki, about the meeting17:13
smbAh. Somehow I had the illusion for lucid it was done.17:14
JFoppetraki, he meant that for ppisati 17:14
* JFo directs traffic17:15
bjfJFo, i see what you are talking about, any thoughts on who i talk to about it17:15
JFono idea17:15
ppetrakiI figured :)17:15
JFoone sec...17:15
bjfppetraki, sorrry for the noise :-)17:15
JFobjf, looks like allison17:15
JFoas per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Agenda17:15
bjfJFo, thanks, i'll ping her17:16
* JFo is fully caffeinated today. imagine what I coulod accomplish on Jolt Cola ;)17:16
JFoI still wouldn't be able to spell all of the time17:16
smbJFo, Imagine all the trippple keypressses. :)17:18
JFothen you could call me JittersFo17:19
smbJFo, Or "Zip" (If you ever played Fallout 3 ;))17:20
JFoheh, I do17:21
bjfJFo, they are moving, thanks for the heads up17:21
JFobjf, my pleasure17:21
bjfppisati, am going to be looking for you for ARM status from now on, you are on the agenda17:22
JFobe ready, we hate slow meetings ;-)17:22
bjfppisati, i can let it go this time, but be ready next time17:22
ppisatibjf: ack17:22
apwbjf, am i on the hook for anything today17:24
bjfapw, NO! but i can find something if you like :-)17:24
bjfapw, or if ogasawara would like me to17:24
apwheh, that'll be just fine, i assume its at now +00:3517:25
JFosmb, do I need an EC2 item vor my metrics in the meeting?17:25
bjf## Kernel team meeting in 34 minutes17:26
smbJFo, Hm do we do special metrics for any arm stuff?17:26
JFoI did have items for them in case they were needed17:27
bjfsmb, you are on the hook for one agenda item17:27
JFoI don't put them unless you guys tell me to17:27
smbJFo, Yeah, I am not sure (maybe yet) I need one... I'll come and whine whenever I find out I do17:28
JFosounds good17:28
JFoI'll leave it off for now17:28
smbbjf, Guess I should look at it then...17:28
bjfjfo, ogasawara, sconklin smb all have agenda items, just a heads-up17:28
JFoI'm ready17:53
apwsconklin, did i see you applied both vesafb patches?  i think i was expecting only the first to apply to older releases17:54
sconklinapw: well, I've deleted the email now, but I thought that the 0/0 listed all the series. Probably my mistake17:55
apwI am proposing the first patch for Oneiric, Natty, Maverick, and Lucid17:55
apwas a clear bug fix.  The second sounds like something we could apply in17:55
apwOneiric only and see what falls out.17:55
sconklinThey all applied. Whether that's correct or not is a reasonable question17:55
sconklinI'll redo it after the meeting17:55
apwsconklin, ack, the risk for the older releases is too high imo17:56
apwfor the small gain its likely to give17:56
sconklinapw: ack, I trust that judgement17:56
sconklinat least it's just a one patch reset unless something else has been pushed ;-)17:57
dmarkeyAnyway, i'm going to file a ticket for this xen-blkfront not being modprobe'd17:57
sconklinapw: all fixed, thanks for letting me know18:00
JFowow, my typing skills fail18:08
* ppisati -> gym18:09
jjohansenogasawara: agree with doing config review at the sprint, I don't think there are any critically big changes to come out of it18:10
ogasawarajjohansen: cool, I'll mark your work item as done then :)18:11
jjohansenhehe :)18:11
ogasawarajjohansen: and add an item to our agenda for the rally18:11
JFo<-need food, back soon18:14
=== hallyn is now known as hallyn_afk
jjohansenogasawara, apw, rtg: actually there was one config that I thought worth discussing now.  CONFIG_HZ18:40
jjohansenfor our i386 and ppc kernels it is 250, but for our amd64 kernels it is 100.  I think desktop should be 25018:40
apwjjohansen, ok whats your reasoning .... (i tend to agree but)18:40
ogasawarajjohansen: hrm, I thought bjf had sent a patch for that.18:41
jjohansenapw: well for desktop we would like a better latency, 250 is a nice compromise between 100 and 100018:41
bjfogasawara, no, i bumped the number of cpus18:41
ogasawaraah, I stand corrected18:41
jjohansenit also what we settled on for the i386 desktop18:41
apwjjohansen, i tend to agree its odd they are not consistant18:42
jjohansenapw: I don't have any figures, I could go and generate some, but that is one difference that really stood out18:42
apwi think we moved cause NO_HZ was supposed to make the number meaningless anyhow18:42
jjohansenapw: no NO_HZ is only for tickless sleep18:43
jjohansenapw: hrm, no I stand corrected, from the current Kconfig18:44
jjohansen         This option enables a tickless system: timer interrupts will18:44
jjohansen          only trigger on an as-needed basis both when the system is18:44
jjohansen          busy and when the system is idle.18:44
jjohansenso it for busy as well, now I don't remember that change happening18:45
apwwhich should mean a higer HZ is cheaper, but cking's number says not ... hrm18:45
apwi am inclined to agree that without numbers that they should be consistant, 250 desktop, 100 server18:45
apwand work from there18:45
jjohansenapw: I think we should add a work item to generate some numbers and review at the sprint18:46
apwjjohansen, ack, you got time to do the work, or should i finger cking as he is off :)18:46
jjohansenapw: since I brought it up, I'll take it as part of my prep for the config review18:47
JFoalso, it would be awesome if you guys could spare me some skills training at platform18:47
JFoI'm trying to narrow some stuff we could work on in a few blocks18:47
JFowill send e-mail once I have more written down18:48
JFogoing to see about getting some of graphics/sound/hardware enablement time as well18:48
bjfogasawara, should i pull the config review from the meeting agenda until post Rally ?19:02
ogasawarabjf: sure19:02
apwjjohansen, if you have time thats great else just assign it to [canonical-kernel-team] and it'll stay on my radar19:05
jjohansenapw: lets assign it to me for now and if I don't get to it with in the next week or two we will reevaluate19:06
apwjjohansen, works for me19:06
=== bjf changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Natty Kernel Version: 2.6.38 || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - May-31 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
* apw wanders off to get some dinner ... laters19:29
JFoogasawara, are you aware of a change like the one described in bug 787671 ?19:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 787671 in linux "Starting with 2.6.39, EBS volumes start at /dev/xvde" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78767119:38
JFoseems like something that should be easy to confirm if I had the requisite volumes :)19:38
JFoand where would I look to determine if there was a change? obviously git log would help, but anything  more than that?19:39
manjohow do I determine which upstream tree I cloned my tree from ? 19:39
manjothanks found it 19:40
JFowhat was it manjo 19:40
manjo.git/config has the info 19:40
JFocool, thanks19:41
* JFo grabs oneiric branch while he is thinking about it19:42
ogasawaraJFo: I'm not aware of changes, maybe smb or jjohansen could confirm?19:51
jjohansenJFo: I haven't follow the ebs volume changes to closely this last kernel, but there were xen patches that went into to 2.6.39, I have a look19:54
JFoyeah, I initially thought of smb, but after hours for him. :)19:54
JFok, thanks jjohansen 19:55
JFomy oneiric branch fetch is taking longer than I thought19:58
jjohansenJFo: so there is a patch that affects the xen-blkfront driver device id numbering, I haven't looked at it to much but I suspect it is the cause20:04
bjfkees, is there a way (other than uploading a package) to see if my upload rights have been granted in LP?20:04
JFojjohansen, ok, thanks20:04
keesbjf: that's an excellent question. I don't know where that information is held, actually. I'll see if cjwatson knows.20:05
keesbjf: looks like you still don't have it. who else on the team has those rights, just so I can compare?20:09
bjfogasawara, 20:09
bjfkees, ogasawara would have them20:09
keesall these irc nick vs LP nicks ;)20:10
keesyeah, I see her perms, so it looks like whoever needs to do that hasn't done it.20:10
bjfkees, thanks for checking20:11
=== hallyn_afk is now known as hallyn
keeshttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-uploaders/+members  is it just this list?20:11
keesbjf: who from the DMB is supposed to update that?20:12
bjfkees, that looks like the right list, i don't know who is supposed to update it20:12
kees(for reference, lp:~ubuntu-archive/ubuntu-archive-tools/trunk/ has edit_acl.py which I'm using as "./edit_acl.py query -p brad-figg" and "./edit_acl.py query -p leannogasawara")20:13
keesbjf: maco says she has added you now.20:15
keesand the edit_acl.py output seems to agree20:15
bjfkees, i just popped onto the list20:16
bjfkees, you want to remove me from ubuntu-drivers ?20:16
keesbjf: sure, let's try that again....20:16
keesbjf: okay, I've deactivated you there. can you still do bug task nominations?20:17
bjfkees, I'll give it a twirl and get back to you if i have any problems, thanks for the help20:18
keesbjf: okay, cool. thanks for testing! :)20:18
avinashhmHi friends , i am trying to compile ubuntu kernel .. got the sources via 'apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)' .. i don't want to use fakeroot to compile ... want to use general make with some configs .. was looking on info to build which config .. any pointers will help 20:25
bjfavinashhm, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel documents how we suggest you do it20:28
bjfavinashhm, if you want to find another way, google is your friend :-)20:29
hggdhsmb: maverick i386 is OK on KVM20:29
avinashhmbjf, sure ... ;-) .. i ll go over the link .. thanks buddy ..20:30
JFojjohansen, was the one you were thinking it was the "xen-blkfront: handle Xen major numbers other than XENVBD" one?20:41
avinashhmHi bjf , just curious ... i need only info abt the config used ... is it 'i386_defconfig' ? which is used for regular ubuntu ...(arch/x86/configs/i386_defconfig ?20:42
manjoogasawara, who is looking at Ubuntu delta this cycle ? 20:48
ogasawaramanjo: it's been farmed to different individuals20:49
ogasawaramanjo: anything in particular you're interested in?20:49
bjfavinashhm, cp /boot/config-`uname -r` /usr/src/linux/.config20:49
manjoogasawara, omnibook module needs a refresh its been oopsing since natty20:49
ogasawaramanjo: we've disabled it20:49
manjoogasawara, ok.. looks like the project is dead ... 20:50
ogasawaramanjo: discussed it at UDS and decided to turn it off and see who screams20:50
manjoogasawara, Satellite and Tecra and some HP users 20:50
manjoie tohsiba & HP 20:50
manjotoshiba rather 20:50
mjg59It's really not the right interface for any modern hardware20:51
manjosure its a crappy module 20:52
manjoogasawara, we introduced it in karmic coz some people requested it ... good to know we got rid of it 20:54
jjohansenJFo: yep20:56
JFocool, found it here https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/567891/20:56
JFono idea what all is going on, but I understand a large part of it20:56
JFogoing to look at it a bit tomorrow, my brain is almost fried for today20:57
avinashhmbjf, thanks very much20:58
bjfavinashhm, you may not want to actually copy it where i indicated, but it shows you where to find it20:58
avinashhmbjf, correct ... i downloaded src ~/git/ .. i ll copy to this root ..20:59
keeshmpf, how do I fix the "Author" when working on git patches?20:59
sforsheekees, git commit --author="..."21:01
ogasawarakees: git commit --author ?21:01
keeswhat if I'm working on a rebase?21:01
ogasawarakees: hrm, could you use rebase -i, mark the commit as an 'edit', and then use git commit --author ?21:03
keesah! good, yes21:04
keesogasawara: yes! it worked. :) git commit --amend --author ...; git rebase --continue sweet21:05
ogasawarakees: nice21:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
sconklinhttp://lwn.net/Articles/444336/ Interesting argument against prefetch21:15
* JFo takes notes21:16
JFostepping away for a bit. I need to run an errand21:20
* jjohansen steps away for some lunch21:22
* herton --> eod22:11
jjohansenhallyn: have you seen https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/5/24/50222:55
=== johanbr_ is now known as johanbr
hallynjjohansen: have you pursued it?23:05
jjohansenhallyn: just to the apparmor, first poke level, /me is planning to get back to it later tonight23:06
jjohansenI want to finish up with some other stuff first23:06
hallynjjohansen: ok, thanks23:06
hallyni dunno, but 'cred' is NULL at cap_capable() too.  THis looks like memory corruption23:08
jjohansenhallyn: yeah I wasn't sure what was going on there, I want to try replicating myself23:22
hallynthanks for the tip23:23

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