
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
=== doko_ is now known as doko
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
cp1The calendar appears to have multiple meetings scheduled at the same time coming up. Has anyone been working on resolving it?16:10
JFocp1, what calendar are you referring to?16:28
=== jj-afk is now known as jjohansen
smosercp1, JFo probably http://www.ubuntu-news.org/calendars/fridge/16:58
smoserwhich, does in fact show overlaping meetings16:58
charlie-tcabut it does depend on where the meeting is held, too.16:59
cp1It is supposed to be in UTC time, so it shouldn't matter where you are.  I have it available via my google cal and it adjusts to EST.17:01
JFocp1, oh right, not all of those meetings are held in this chanel17:02
JFointeresting that the app review board meeting is scheduled to be at 5 though17:03
smbJust minor nitpick that the headline says fridge calendar is used for #ubuntu-meeting... :-P17:03
cp1I sent an email to the two people running the conflicting meetings.17:03
* JFo goeas away17:03
smbBut we are invading server-team meeting17:03
cp1Yes we invaded, or they haven't started yet...17:03
smbThey try :)17:04
robbiewget out17:04
charlie-tcaAlso, sometimes the meeting times get confused and come out wrong17:04
* hallyn holds off on hitting the trigger17:04
Davieyhallyn, just shoot them all.17:04
hallynare we good to go, or should another meeting take precedence?17:04
MootBotMeeting started at 11:05. The chair is hallyn.17:05
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:05
hallynoh no, my clipboard isn't working, this is gonna be a slow one17:05
SpamapSalready on oneiric? ;)17:05
robbiewoh man...don't get me started17:05
Davieyoneiric is rocking.17:06
hallyn[TOPIC] Review ACTION items from previous meeting17:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION items from previous meeting17:06
hallynno items?17:06
Davieydon't think there was17:06
hallyn[TOPIC] Oneiric Development17:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Oneiric Development17:06
DavieyReview blueprints!17:07
DavieyThanks everyone who filed their blueprints already.17:07
DavieyThis Thursday is feature definition freeze17:07
DavieyThis means that they should all be squared away by then.17:07
DavieyWe really, really need peer reviews17:07
RoAkSoAxmine are waiting review17:07
Daviey(open to everyone in ~ubuntu-server)17:07
DavieyRoAkSoAx, I thought i sent you a mail asking some questions yesterday? :)17:08
* SpamapS needs to finish boot-experience spec.. :-P17:08
zuli would like some reviews as well17:08
RoAkSoAxDaviey: uhmmmmmmm I didn't receive anything17:08
DavieyBlueprints are the most important outcome of this week, really.17:08
hallyn[ACTION] All: spec peer reviews17:08
MootBotACTION received:  All: spec peer reviews17:08
RoAkSoAxDaviey: maybe you forgot to clic send :D17:09
* Daviey checks17:09
robbiewI got iut17:09
hallynDaviey: for the meeting notes, what's that link again to get the list of server specs?17:09
DavieyRoAkSoAx, Subject: Infrastructure power management (server-o-infra-power) ?17:09
smoserwhat does "spec peer reviews" mean ?17:10
Davieyanyway, we'll take that out of band.17:10
robbiewhallyn:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-o?searchtext=server-o17:10
smoserwhere would i do such a thing ?17:10
robbiewsort by spec name17:10
Davieysmoser, Question the implementation, and direction.17:10
* Daviey will send a post to ubuntu-server ml today with further details.17:10
smoserin the whiteboard ?17:10
Davieysmoser, on the whiteboard.17:10
smoserwhat a messy place for such a thing. I have no suggestion for anything better.17:10
smoserbut conversations there are just about impssible to follow.17:11
robbiewfwiw,  all approved blueprints can be found here: http://blueprints.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+specs?role=assignee17:11
RoAkSoAxDaviey: no nothign... didn't receive anything.. that bluprint is being driven by Arnaud from Eaton btw17:11
hallyn[LINK] http://blueprints.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+specs?role=assignee17:11
MootBotLINK received:  http://blueprints.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+specs?role=assignee17:11
hallyn[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-o?searchtext=server-o17:11
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-o?searchtext=server-o17:11
RoAkSoAxDaviey: cause it is not powernap :), but rather NUT17:11
DavieyRoAkSoAx, Yeah, i was asking input - i'll send it again.17:11
RoAkSoAxDaviey: cool ;)17:12
DavieyThat is all from me..17:12
hallyn[TOPIC] Ubuntu Server Team Events17:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Ubuntu Server Team Events17:12
hallynanything new coming up?17:13
hallyni intend to be at first part of plumber's for security mini-conf17:13
DavieyNothing exciting comes to mind... i think we are all still resting.17:13
Davieyhallyn, Oh - interesting.. we all look forward to the blog post covering that.17:13
hallynmoving on, then17:13
hallyn[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)17:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)17:14
hallynhggdh: around?17:14
hallynok, moving on17:15
hallyn[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)17:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)17:15
hallynsmb: hey17:15
smbJust one reminder about my asking about iscsitarget to be only userspace dkms for oneiric.17:15
smbI think it should be ok as it is imo not required for installation or boot17:16
hallynany questions for smb?17:16
* smb wonders whether he got moderated out of server-ml17:16
Davieysmb, no - i waved you through17:16
smbDaviey, Ta. :)17:17
hallynok, moving on then17:17
smb(actually meant still stuck in the moderation queue)17:17
smbok with me17:17
hallynDaviey: want an action to push that through? :)17:17
hallyn[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community17:17
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community17:18
Davieyhallyn / smb: i passed your message through the queue when you sent it.17:18
cp1I wanted to ask about how we might do a better job with security updates.  For example the last exim update was kind of slow compared to Debian, and if I had known about it earlier I could have helped patch it and get it out sooner. In that case some people at exim.org knew about the issue about a month ahead of time.  So how can we improve issues like that?17:18
smbDaviey, Understood that. Just thought my initial question was not put the right way17:19
hallyndoes the security team have a list of pending security updates, for volunteers to look through?17:19
hallynjdstrand: ^17:19
Davieynon embargoed ones, i guess.17:20
DavieyI don't know that you can split bugs by server, and security in launchpad easily.17:20
keeshallyn: yes: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/main.html17:20
hallyn[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/main.html17:20
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/main.html17:20
dholbachDaviey, package sets!17:20
hallynkees: thanks17:20
jdstrandhallyn: yes, it is incorporated into the sponsoring list and patch piloting. that said, we will be offering up 10-15 packages a month for people to contribue to, as part of the security-o-community bp17:20
keeshallyn: and if you want to watch specific package, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/17:21
ScottKIf you are aware of an embargoed issue and have a patch, you can file a private security bug with it so the security team can get a running start at it.17:21
ScottKcp1: ^^^17:21
jdstrandhallyn: this is of course all in addition to what kees just mentioned17:21
ScottKI've done this a number of times and it's worked out nicely.17:21
hallynjdstrand: ScottK: dholbach: thanks :)17:21
hallyncp1: maybe you can convert that to an rss feed :)17:22
cp1My problem is I wasn't aware of it early enough.17:22
keescp1: if you want to watch exim4 specifically, this works: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/exim4.html17:23
hallynRight, whatever form the list takes - or if you watch one of the many CVE lists - you do simply need to watch it or have a running search for exim17:23
cp1CVE tagging isn't always helpful, for example mhonarc has some issues now and the bug in lauchpad doesn't have the CVE's associated with it.17:23
hallynjust have a cronjob scrape it daily and check for diffs...17:23
hallynSo we need to do a better job with taggin?17:24
Davieyyah.. more stuff to do :)17:24
hallyncp1: let's discuss anything further in #ubuntu-hardened17:25
hallynmoving on,17:25
hallyn[TOPIC] Open Discussion17:25
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion17:25
DavieyBlueprints, Blueprints and Blueprints17:25
* RoAkSoAx hates university's wifi network :)17:26
hallynI'm hoping to fill in the packaging requests for all spice related packages before i slip away17:26
ttxRoAkSoAx: switch :)17:26
SpamapShallyn: do not go quietly into the night17:26
RoAkSoAxttx: can't... I'm gonna be here for the rest of the day17:26
ScottKhallyn: You know what packaging requests get you, right?17:26
ScottKhallyn: With a packaging request and a package you've created then you'll get a package.17:26
hallynScottK: not sure i follow17:27
Daviey1. Packaging Request17:27
Daviey2. Package17:27
Daviey3 Profit!17:27
RoAkSoAxDaviey: 3. Upload17:28
DavieyWe've solved it.17:28
RoAkSoAx4. Profit17:28
hallynyeah, i did them out of order...17:28
hallyndat be how i roll17:28
DavieyThanks for the meeting hallyn .17:28
hallyn[TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time17:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Announce next meeting date and time17:28
SpamapSOne more topic.. any pies in the face planned for UDS-P ?17:28
hallynTuesday, May 31st 2011 16:00 UTC17:29
ScottKhallyn: Just filing package requests almost never results in an actual package being created.17:29
zulSpamapS:  yeah thats what motivates me ;)17:29
hallynScottK: i just want the permission to upload them to universe :)17:29
hallynScottK: you're just telling me i need to do the packaging, right?17:29
ScottKhallyn: No packaging bug is needed for that.17:29
SpamapShallyn: quick end it before it grows another head!17:29
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:29.17:29
hallynScottK: yup, thanks17:29
hallynthanks all, see ya17:30
SpamapShallyn: ty!17:30
ScottKThere is no requirement in Ubuntu for such things.17:30
ScottKNo requirement in Debian either, but Lintian tells fibs about that.17:30
hallynScottK: lemme move to #ubuntu-server and inquire further17:30
MootBotMeeting started at 12:00. The chair is bjf.18:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:00
bjf## This is the Ubuntu Kernel Team weekly status meeting.18:00
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:00
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty18:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty18:00
bjf# Meeting Etiquette18:00
bjf# NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input.18:00
bjf#       'o/' indicates you have something you'd like to add (wait until you are recognized)18:00
bjf[TOPIC] Release Metrics (JFo)18:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Release Metrics (JFo)18:00
JFoRelease Meeting Bugs (0 bugs, 18 Blueprints)18:00
JFo==== Release Milestoned Bugs (24 across all packages) ====18:00
JFo * 0 linux kernel bugs ()18:00
JFo * 0 linux-ti-omap4 bugs ()18:00
JFo * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap4 bug ()18:00
JFo==== Release Targeted Bugs (171 across all packages) ====18:00
JFo * 21 linux kernel bugs ()18:00
JFo * 6 linux-ti-omap4 bugs ()18:00
JFo * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap4 bug ()18:00
JFo==== Milestoned Features ====18:00
JFo * 1 blueprint (Including HWE Blueprints)18:00
JFo==== Natty Updates Bugs ====18:00
JFo * 28 Linux Bugs ()18:00
JFo==== Maverick Updates Bugs ====18:00
JFo * 5 Linux Bugs (no change)18:01
JFo==== Lucid Updates Bugs ====18:01
JFo * 17 Linux Bugs (up 1)18:01
JFo==== Bugs with Patches Attached:90 (up 3) ====18:01
JFo * [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.has_patch=on | Bugs with Patches]]18:01
JFo * [[http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/csv-stats/bugs-with-patches/linux/ | Breakdown by status]]18:01
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: Oneiric Bug Handling (JFo)18:01
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-kernel-o-bug-handling18:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: Oneiric Bug Handling (JFo)18:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-kernel-o-bug-handling18:01
JFoAll alpha 1 items are in progress:18:01
JFo[jeremyfoshee] work with SRU team and KRM to develop/define process for addressing development kernel bugs.: INPROGRESS18:01
JFo * started this conversation with an e-mail.18:01
JFo[jeremyfoshee] Generate specific hotlist for devel bugs focus: INPROGRESS18:01
JFo * will initially use the same requirements as the 'by team' hotlist, but focused on Oneiric18:01
JFo * copied the hotlist script and currently working through changes18:01
JFo[jeremyfoshee] drive new state bugs to 0 and maintain 0 new status bugs daily: INPROGRESS18:01
JFo * 8 current oneiric bugs. All have been initially triaged and are now going through deeper analysis18:01
JFo * so far this has helped me determine what skills I'd like to further develop18:01
JFo[jeremyfoshee] identify which scripts we no longer run which we should port forward (with the aim of 0 New bugs): INPROGRESS18:01
JFo * Brad's confirmed script is doing a great job currently of identifying what bugs are complete18:01
JFo   enough to be set confirmed18:02
JFo * Started the discussion on this in e-mail. Will follow up with some thoughts as soon as I have had the time18:02
JFo   to evaluate the responses and chatted with Pete (he's been quite busy lately :))18:02
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: Oneiric Config Review (ogasawara)18:02
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-kernel-o-config-review18:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: Oneiric Config Review (ogasawara)18:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-kernel-o-config-review18:02
ogasawaraWe just need to schedule a follow on config review session to look at jj's config comparisons.  I suggest we do this at the Rally.  I'm continuing to work through some of the config options noted from UDS, none of which are critical for the Alpha-1 release.18:02
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: Oneiric Delta Review (ogasawara)18:03
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-kernel-o-ubuntu-delta-review18:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: Oneiric Delta Review (ogasawara)18:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-kernel-o-ubuntu-delta-review18:03
ogasawaraapw, bjf, jjohansen, kees, lag, manjo, mpoirier, ralveti, rtg: you have Alpha-1 work items to review your set of Ubuntu patches.  Please take a moment to review or postpone till Alpha-2. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Specs/KernelOneiricUbuntuDeltaReview for your specific set of patches.18:03
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: Oneiric Server Requirements (smb)18:03
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-kernel-o-server-requirements18:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: Oneiric Server Requirements (smb)18:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-kernel-o-server-requirements18:03
smbAll good (nothing started)18:03
bjf[TOPIC] Status: General Oneiric (ogasawara)18:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: General Oneiric (ogasawara)18:04
ogasawaraWe've uploaded the 2.6.39-3.9 kernel which is based on upstream v2.6.39 final.  I intend to keep us on v2.6.39 final for our Alpha-1 release on Thurs June 2.18:04
bjf[TOPIC] Status: Stable Kernel Team (sconklin / bjf)18:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Stable Kernel Team (sconklin / bjf)18:04
sconklin|| All kernel packages in -proposed have had verification complete and will be published when Certification and18:04
sconklin|| QA are complete (Not all series receive Certification). The Stable team will prepare new kernel packages this18:04
sconklin|| week to begin a new cycle.18:04
sconklin|| As decided at UDS, the stable kernel cadence will change to a three week cycle, in order to allow time to18:04
sconklin|| properly prepare the kernel packages18:04
bjf[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Hardy (sconklin / bjf)18:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Hardy (sconklin / bjf)18:05
sconklinOh, forgot to mention that we Have Herton helping us now (YAY)18:05
sconklin|| Package                                    || Upd/Sec              || Proposed             ||  TiP || Verified ||18:05
sconklin||                                            ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||18:05
sconklin|| lucid    linux-ec2                         || 2.6.32-314.27        || 2.6.32-316.31        ||    8 ||        8 ||18:05
sconklin|| ---      linux-ports-meta                  ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||18:05
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta-lts-backport-maverick  ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||18:05
sconklin|| ---      linux-lts-backport-maverick       || 2.6.35-25.44~lucid1  || 2.6.35-28.50~lucid1  ||   13 ||       13 ||18:05
sconklin|| ---      linux-backports-modules-2.6.32    || 2.6.32-31.31         || 2.6.32-32.32         ||    0 ||        0 ||18:05
sconklin|| ---      linux-firmware                    || 1.34.7               || 1.34.10              ||    0 ||        0 ||18:05
sconklin|| ---      linux                             || 2.6.32-31.61         || 2.6.32-32.62         ||    4 ||        4 ||18:05
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta                        ||         ||         ||    1 ||        0 ||18:05
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta-ec2                    ||        ||        ||    0 ||        0 ||18:05
sconklin||                                            ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||18:05
sconklin|| maverick linux-ports-meta                  ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||18:05
sconklin|| ---      linux-backports-modules-2.6.35    || 2.6.35-28.20         || 2.6.35-29.21         ||    0 ||        0 ||18:05
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta                        ||         ||         ||    0 ||        0 ||18:05
sconklin|| ---      linux-firmware                    || 1.38.6               || 1.38.8               ||    1 ||        0 ||18:05
sconklin|| ---      linux                             || 2.6.35-28.50         || 2.6.35-29.51         ||   11 ||        9 ||18:06
sconklin||                                            ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||18:06
sconklin|| natty    linux-ti-omap4                    ||                      || 2.6.38-1209.13       ||   10 ||       10 ||18:06
sconklin|| ---      linux-backports-modules-2.6.38    ||                      || 2.6.38-9.3           ||    0 ||        0 ||18:06
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta-ti-omap4               ||                      ||        ||    0 ||        0 ||18:06
sconklin|| ---      linux-meta                        ||                      ||          ||    0 ||        0 ||18:06
sconklin|| ---      linux                             ||                      || 2.6.38-9.43          ||    9 ||        9 ||18:06
sconklin||                                            ||                      ||                      ||      ||          ||18:06
smbMaverick proposed fails to boot on ec2. Currently investigating.18:06
bjfsmb go18:06
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo)18:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo)18:07
JFoIncoming Bugs18:07
JFo 9 Oneiric Bugs ()18:07
JFo 1207 Natty Bugs (up 273)18:07
JFo 1142 Maverick Bugs (up 13)18:07
JFo 1029 Lucid Bugs (up 7)18:07
JFoCurrent regression stats (broken down by release):18:07
JFo==== regression-update ====18:07
JFo  * 1 natty bug ()18:07
JFo  * 42 maverick bugs (up 1)18:07
JFo  * 74 lucid bugs (no change)18:07
JFo  * 4 karmic bugs (no change)18:07
JFo  * 0 hardy bugs (no change)18:07
JFo==== regression-release ====18:07
JFo  * 458 natty bugs (down 26)18:07
JFo  * 244 maverick bugs (up 2)18:07
JFo  * 222 lucid bugs (up 4)18:07
JFo  * 37 karmic bugs (down 1)18:07
JFo  * 2 hardy bugs (no change)18:07
JFo==== regression-proposed ====18:07
JFo  * 1 natty bugs (up 1)18:07
JFo  * 2 maverick bugs (no change)18:07
JFo  * 0 lucid bugs (no change)18:07
JFo  * 0 karmic bugs (no change)18:07
bjfprobably don't need to be tracking the karmic bugs :-)18:08
JFothanks bjftrue18:08
bjf[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)18:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)18:08
bjfsorry for the long, drawn out meeting, the one right after UDS is usually brutal18:09
kamal:-)  thanks bjf18:09
bjfthanks everyone18:09
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:09.18:09
JFobjf, thank you sir18:09
smbthanks bjf18:09
keesogasawara: thanks, I'll get nx-emu done today18:45
ogasawarakees: no hurry18:45
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=== stalcup is now known as vorian

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