
hypatiahehe i'm not sure that was the intended effect00:41
elkyLooking at the context, it was poorly worded but in response to someone pretty much abusing the existance of -offtopic as an alternative support channel.00:50
LjLi wonder though what was wrong with the previous unwritten policy of just telling them "look, you should probably try asking that question in #ubuntu, asking here is likely to get no responses or playful responses"00:55
LjL(in all fairness the topic doesn't tell them they *can't* ask things that resemble support questions, but everyone seems to have interpreted it that way)00:56
tsimpsonI think, as the topic says, people should use common sense. if something is obviously better off asked in #ubuntu, you should direct them there00:57
LjLagreed. well then i'll use my common sense of, when someone says "no support here! go to #ubuntu and begone" to point out that that's not the case ;)00:58
LjLbecause seriously it's like a bandwagon. there are questions that #ubuntu 99.99% WON'T answer, and that users who were lucky enough to find #ubuntu-offtopic would find an answer for there00:59
LjLbut now, every time the "no support" thing is spelled out more vehemently by whoever is trying to enforce it00:59
LjLi don't call that common sense01:00
tsimpsonthat policy isn't "no support in #ubuntu-offtopic", it just says that if the conversation it turning into a support discussion, you should probably move it to one of the support channels01:01
tsimpsonI think that leaves room for interpretation and our beloved common sense01:02
LjLtsimpson: yes, but what i'm saying is that most people (most ops included) seem to actually interpret it as an actual "no support in #ubuntu-offtopic" policy. i'm glad you confirm it's not, though.01:03
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (qwerty1234 appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)01:27
CoreyWhy did we have idoru pulled out of #ubuntu again?01:30
LjLCorey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCCouncil/TeamReports/11/April01:31
rww01:08 < NictraSavios> My full project is this. Take BT, restore it to a fully Functional desktop, Upgrade it to 10.10, then merge it into Linux Mint 1102:11
rwwIt's like some sort of ridiculous amalgamation of unsupported!02:12
Flannelrww: 10.10 is supported still!02:12
persiaWhat's "BT" in this context?02:12
rwwBacktrack Linux02:13
FlannelBacktrack, I imagine02:13
persiaOh my.02:14
rwwand now a Crunchbang user wandered in! (but appears to be okay with leaving, unlike Mr Savios, who is in my mental list of problem users for some reason anyway)02:15
hypatiarww: that sounds like the worst idea ever02:15
rwwoh, and the BT+Mint+whatever user is running as root.02:15
hypatiathe BT one02:15
hypatiahaha of course, BT is always root02:15
hypatiait's also.... not intended as a regular-use desktop, at all02:16
rwwIndeed. bazhang used to point this out to people who use it as such, but nobody listens ;(02:17
rww!away > necromancer`zzz02:17
* hypatia sighs02:17
rwwhrm, I don't see anything in bantracker about that user. maybe I'm getting them mixed up with someone else.02:19
rwwhypatia: the most facepalmy part of the whole root thing is that #backtrack-linux is +b *!*root*@*02:20
rwwoh for crying out loud, they came back with an attitude.02:30
rww@random ban quiet icecream02:30
rwwthanks ubottu, you're a trooper02:31
hypatiarww: the #backtrack-linux thing is hilarious02:32
* rww notes comment on BT #4037302:35
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (ekwqewhjk appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)02:38
* rww considers setting #ubuntu +r for a day or so02:39
Flannelrww: subtract five from that!02:41
Jordan_USet +r for negative 4 days?02:56
FlannelJordan_U: 'r' - 5 = 'm'03:40
Jordan_UFlannel: You and your non type safe languages.03:41
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:53
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:53
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:53
rwwLjL: ^ well I guess that fixes some of the banforwards I incorrectly removed >.>05:54
Tm_Tgood morning05:57
rww!away > mactimes_afk06:11
Jordan_UCould someone help ease tentions in #ubuntu-offtopic?07:41
Jordan_UWell, that was easier than I expected it to be :)07:45
Jordan_UOr not...07:51
Jordan_UI suspect that PseudoGou may be a troll.08:11
FlannelThey're out of -ot08:11
FlannelOh, and in #u08:11
Jordan_UI think they're trying to start a confrontation with me.08:11
Jordan_UAnd I clearly am too tired to even keep nicks straight right now. I've confused viks and virion more than five times already :(08:12
ikoniahello necreo12:51
LjLnecreo: anything you need?12:58
* arvut Noisa - Consience <-youtube it! =) bye!15:07
sorenjpds: Why so negative?15:31
highvoltageomg soren is a bot.15:32
soren"is a bot" is not a known command.15:32
IdleOne/msg soren Hello15:33
IdleOne/msg soren password iownyou15:33
jpdsIdleOne: http://i.imgur.com/Ov5XP.png15:35
IdleOnehe looks sad15:35
IdleOnethink he needs a hug15:35
sorenjpds: heh :)15:35
sdhasuhey there pretty mama16:26
sdhasuam i as studly as the statue of david?16:26
IdleOneyou're back16:27
IdleOnesdhasu: is this annoying behaviour going to continue indefinitely?16:27
sdhasuanswer me16:27
sdhasuam i as studly as the statue of david or what?16:27
IdleOneI'll take that as a yes.16:28
sdhasuu look like the girl that could use 2 boyfriends?16:28
* genii-around makes more coffee18:32
rwwthey're back.18:53
IdleOnelet them come clarify the crappy attitude in here.18:55
highvoltagerww: poltergeist reference there? :)18:56
rwwhighvoltage: no, actually ;P19:07
LjLptime had just come from ##linux after being banned there for trolling19:10
rwwalso #freenode19:10
PiciYeah, also shares the same host as the bunch of bots that joined freenode.19:11
CoreyWas 11.04 a hairier release than most?19:32
ikoniascrappy release19:33
IdleOneThe barber sold the shop to a landscaper...19:33
IdleOnebut keep in mind that non-lts are testbeds IMHO of course19:34
CoreyIdleOne: Granted, but that's a bit harder to sell to the average desktop user. :-)19:34
CoreyThe Lucid LTS has been irritating me.19:34
IdleOneisn't it though19:34
PiciUnity went over about a poorly as many of us had suspected.19:35
CoreyI've tripped over a few bugs marked WONTFIX.19:36
CoreyThey all more or less come back to upstart. :-/19:37
ikoniaCorey: the whole bug process with ubuntu is a massive failure19:39
PiciWell, I wouldn't go that far, but its rather messy.19:40
ikoniaevery bug is "need more info" "won't fix" or "fixed in next release"19:40
macowe were at 96,600-something bugs yesterday. wonder how many today!19:40
CoreyThree releases in a row of having dist-upgrade eat my netbook, I threw Debian onto the stupid thing and forgot about it.19:40
ikoniathe bug squad appear to be finding reasons to pass it back to the user19:40
Picidist-upgrade isn't the right way to upgrade...19:40
ikoniaand the whole idea of no package maintainers isn't working19:40
macoikonia: nuh uh! there are 57,000 that still havent gotten out of New state!19:41
ikoniamaco: please excuse my numbers being off19:41
CoreyPici: My apologies.  Clicking the giant "NEW DISTRO, CLICK HERE TO INSTALL IT" button in the GUI.19:42
PiciCorey: Okay :).  Sorry, the dist-upgrade thing is one of my pet peeves.19:42
macois that still update-manager?19:42
ikoniaPici: and mine19:42
macoor did it gert moved to somewhere in USC?19:42
IdleOneUSC doesn't do updates19:43
IdleOnethat I know of19:43
macook. i thought UM was going away at some point just like everything else19:43
IdleOneI rarely use it though19:43
PiciIt was a bit weird with me when I tried to install a .deb package that I got externally.19:43
IdleOneI find it slow and cumbersome19:43
ikoniaPici: I've found it with rsa signed packages a little slugish19:44
ikoniadsa signed ones....no problem19:44
LjLPici: tbh dist-upgrade worked fine for me the times i tried it (or rather, it told me what was wrong and i could fix it just fine), while do-release-upgrade was often a failure20:27
LjLof course you do need to know what you're doing a bit, if you have non-standard repos enabled20:28
rwwI'm missing scrollback, aren't I.20:28
LjLrww: http://pastebin.com/TPR49HQE20:29
rwwI maintain that it is ridiculous that Debian does dist-upgrade and it works fine and everyone is happy, and Ubuntu comes along and needs a silly python script to do upgrades.20:30
rww!away > Soup|away20:31
LjLmy Debian install is like 10 years old, i can't honestly said dist-upgrade *never* gave me problems, but apparently they were all solvable20:37
highvoltagerww: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH-B6A04iK0 (that's what "they're back" usually reminds me of :p)20:46
LjL!petition is <reply> We appreciate your effort to bring issues you find important to attention; however, this channel's policy is to keep it strictly about Ubuntu technical support. You may try #ubuntu-offtopic instead (but try at least to partecipate in any conversation that ensues), or other venues.20:49
ubottuI'll remember that, LjL20:49
genii-aroundI wonder if the petition to have Shockwave for Linux ever amounted to anything.20:52
Tm_Tubottu: !petition s/partecipate/participate/20:54
Tm_Thmh, I fail20:54
oCean!petition is s/partecipate/participate/20:55
ubottuBut petition already means something else!20:55
oCeanme too20:55
rww!petition =~ s/partecipate/participate/20:55
ubottuI'll remember that rww20:55
oCeanI'll remember that rww20:56
rwwI'm very memorable.20:56
LjLoh really it's participate? i'd never have imagined.20:58
Corey!pwreset is <reply> Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword21:01
ubottuI'll remember that, Corey21:01
Corey!password was too general.21:01
ubottuCorey: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:01
CoreyError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:01
rwwError: I am only LjL, please don't think I'm intelligant :)21:03
PiciWe still have !password though21:03
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords21:04
LjLi'd keep both21:05
genii-aroundWhy "whats the root password? See !sudo" instead of "see !root" ?21:05
LjLthose two are also a fair bit redundant tbh21:06
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:08
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:08
CoreyLjL: They are a bit, but !password is a catchall, and pwreset is specific.21:38
LjLthat's why i said keep both. i was talking about sudo and root now though21:38
CoreyTm_T: But I needed his patches!21:40
Tm_TCorey: I wanted the patches for only me21:40
rwwI just had another bad rww idea.22:17
rwwTake the "5 a day" bug concept, apply it to channel bans. Review 5 random bans from the banlist per day.22:17
Picioh dear22:18
rwwwhich in my case means ./printdb.pl | grep -vi floodbot | shuf | head -n 522:18
IdleOneoh, it is what i thought22:19
Piciits in coreutils22:19
IdleOnego on..22:20
Piciand you should have it installed already22:20
rwwThe author was my professor once :(22:20
PiciPaul Eggert?22:20
IdleOneI had just never seen that command before22:20
PiciTheres a bunch of neat stuff hidden in coreutils22:21
rwwPici: you know, now that I think about it: banlist pruning is good, handling other ops' bans is good, why is my bad idea bad :(22:25
PiciThe nick 'Younder' sounds familiar for some reason.22:30
rwwsounds like sounder, shut it down!22:30
LjLsounds like i want to ban him already22:31
rwwalso, you banned them in 2010 for rm -rf22:31
PiciI think the 'racist' remarks in -ot probably should stop22:40
* rww puts away the animated .gifs22:41
Picirww: If that is a reaction to my 'oh dear' about your idea above, I was just joking.23:00
rwwit wasn't ;P23:01
Picirww: er, okay then.23:01
rwwI had a worse idea to complement the above idea, though23:01
rwwRandomly pick 10 bans per day, put them on a site and only give the link to ops, have ops vote on whether to remove them or not :323:02
IdleOnelike a game?23:03
PiciIf only we could get that integrated into the trivia bot... or the wolfbot for those other people.23:04
LjL.unban fujisan23:04
IdleOnecan we make side bets on who will reset the ban also?23:04
rwwIdleOne: A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.23:08
IdleOneI beg to differ, votes can be made for which -b would most annoy $op23:09
IdleOneand then we can all sit back and watch $op loose his/her mind23:09
IdleOnebad idea23:09
mneptoki'm trying to loose my mind, but trepanning yourself is easier said than done.23:10
persiaYou just need a good head clamp.23:16
mneptokpersia: i will not ask you again. please stop channeling my wife.23:41

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