
DarkwingDuckHows life?00:11
kdubpretty good, yourself?00:12
DarkwingDuckCan't complain.00:14
DarkwingDuckThings are leveling out nicly.00:14
kdubyeah, thats a good word to describe my situation i'd think00:15
kdubprobably past due for another SD ubuntu-hour00:15
DarkwingDuckI have Natty CDs too.00:16
DarkwingDuckWe need to put one together.00:16
DarkwingDuckYou guys did it downtown last time right?00:16
kdubla jolla, specifically that shopping center by utc00:41
* kdub feels the need for community leadership guidance on ubuntu hours... pleia2 jono :D00:41
kdubwe've only been getting a paltry amount of new peeps each time00:42
nhainesThat's as big as they get.00:44
kdubin ubuntu-mi, we'd get a fair amount more, can't put my finger on why00:46
kdubi think the 'hook' for coming needs to be stronger00:46
kdublike 'come on down and chat about ubuntu' isn't particularly strong. thats what we're doing here, without having to go down to starbucks :P00:47
akkWhat was the hook in mi?00:47
kdubbeer :)00:48
kdubthat and, it tended to be a broader topics we'd get into. like tech-holy-war discussions, side projects, startups00:49
akkThat's true of the UHs here too.00:51
akk"Come hang out with ubuntu people in person and talk about whatever, which will likely include ubuntu."00:51
akkMuch like IRC!00:52
kdubi just feel like there's a moderately small tweak to the structure that could be made, that would attract a lot more people00:52
kdubi just don't know what that is yet :P00:52
crashsystemshello world02:48
pleia2kdub: not much leadership guidance needed for ubuntu hours, they aren't meant to be huge affairs really, just being available and approachable17:20
kdubyeah, still would be nice to draw a bigger crowd in though :P17:23
nhainesRather than trying to make an Ubuntu Hour what it wasn't designed to be, perhaps you could organize a different kind of event that would attract more people?17:25
kdubyeah, thats what i'm thinking17:26
nhaineskdub: oh.  I was confused because what you said was that you wanted community leadership guidance in order to make Ubuntu Hours bigger.17:27
MarkDudekdub, We have had a really good turnout when we showed Creative Commons movies17:35
kdubhmm, thats not a bad idea.  need a different venue for that i think17:36
MarkDudeGood Copy Bad Copy is a movie that explains a bit of background for some17:36
MarkDudeAnd makes it easier to understand FOSS in general17:37
MarkDudeWe have a coffee shop that has TVs on the wall- they allow us to plug in computers for showing movies- and also playing a few games17:38
MarkDudepromoting Stellarium also works17:38
MarkDudeGood luck with it17:38
pleia2kdub: hackerspaces tend to be good venues17:43
kdubi like that idea17:44
kdubwe don't have any hackerspaces as far as i know, but we do have coffeeshops17:44
pleia2and back in philly we had team members who would offer up space where they worked for installfests, but we were fortunate to have a lot of people working at places with big conference rooms that they let a bunch of strange people in to after hours :)17:44
pleia2kdub: san diego?17:44
akkDon't most people in hackerspaces already know about linux and ubuntu?17:45
pleia2akk: it's just a venue that tends to be free17:45
nhainesakk: presumably he's either looking for venue options, or looking for people who already know about Linux and Ubuntu.17:45
kdubpleia2: yep17:45
pleia2the hackerspace people can come too if they want :) but most of the people who came to our noisebridge installfest had never been there before17:46
pleia2kdub: http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/San_Diego17:46
kdubnucleon is new, when i moved here there weren't any17:46
pleia2yeah, they are popping up like crazy17:47
kdubmaybe i'll head down and check them out today17:47
kdubthat at least sounds like a plan, looks like a place worth checking out at any rate17:48
kdubits always been tricky finding a useful thing to do for the community17:55
kdubcrud, that space all the way out in santee :P18:02
MarkDudekdub, Im telling ya- the coffee shop is a good ally- we can even get mail there- they just gave us the ok to have booze there after hours18:18
MarkDudeA backup might be finding someone with a 27"+ monitor or maybe a projector18:19
MarkDudeAlso- having a laptop or 2 with a few kids games is something to let folks know ahead of time- more people come if they know their kids are considered18:20
kdubsounds like you'd have to have a pretty solid connection with the coffeehouse owner18:22
MarkDudekdub, it developed over time18:36
MarkDudeOwners are REALLY open to welcoming groups18:36
kdubyeah, we've been bouncing around between starbucks, maybe picking one smaller place would be something to work towards18:36
MarkDudeCoffee shops have sloooow times-18:36
MarkDudeEven Starbucks nearby said we could use their place18:36
MarkDudethe trick is using the times they have free18:37
MarkDudehttps://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/event.php?eid=193922473965531 VJ Um Amel will be doing a show in SoCal18:58
MarkDudeShe combines data and computer KungFu to make some cool visuals. I saw her at TEDxHayward19:00
MarkDudeHer visualization of what the world said using social media on the day Mubarak left is great19:02
nhainesOoh, Fedora 15 just released.21:54
MarkDudeakk, I tagged your plants on FB I have a hummingbird plant for you- it is just starting to bloom. The little start is chocolate mint- you still want them?22:01
MarkDudeIt's name is Verne- unfortunately people did NOT vote for the other proposed name *Beefy Miracle*- it could have been epic22:02
MarkDudehttp://blogs.fedoraproject.org/wp/fifthpillar/2011/04/13/verne-rly/ my post regarding the name shame.22:03
akkMarkDude: Cool! will look when I get home, don't have FB set up on this work machine.22:05
MarkDudeAnyone else want any plant starts- let me know. I have some rosemary, oregano, and thyme drying - I am making Italian spices- I can give some.22:05
akkMarkDude: Don't bother holding the choc mint for me ... I don't seem to do well with it.22:05
MarkDudeSince it weighs so little- I am even willing to send to you folks in SoCal22:05
MarkDudeakk, I found the trick is making sure it has moisture crystals22:09
* MarkDude too had it die year after year22:10
MarkDudeThe crystals help regulate the water22:10
=== rbarot__ is now known as rbarot_
akkInteresting, I'll try some!22:16
akkHow often do you water, in summer when it's hot?22:16
* akk prefers not to water more often than twice a week, but maybe that's unrealistic22:17
Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/ApprovalApplication2011 edited23:15
philipballewEureka anything we can do to help with this?23:29
Eurekaphilipballew: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:29
philipballewoh.. thats right23:30
pleia2philipballew: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2011-May/001691.html23:30
pleia2has all the details about reapproval :)23:30

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