
RoAkSoAxitnet7: `ping00:20
GTswaggerANTRat: bleeber: Bryanstein: chaynie: cjohnston: crashsystems: crashsystems1: culb: danstoner: dantalizing: dantalizing_: ejv: itnet7: jamalta: jcastro: jck77: jimmah: jtatum: katyl: libreloco: maxolasersquad: MichelleQ: munz: nigelb: powder: quintux: rmcbride: RoAkSoAx: shaneo: ShawnR: ubuntu-fl: zbrown: ping01:07
cjohnstonhuh what01:08
GTswaggerSorry to ping everybody, but I desperately need Ubuntu speakers for the UbuCon at the SouthEast LinuxFest.01:08
GTswagger<--- SELF's speaker coordinator01:08
cjohnstonget me up there01:08
mhall119cjohnston: there are roads01:08
GTswaggerDue to unforseen circumstances, I have to fill the entire UbuCon out our we'll have to pull the plug on part or all of it.01:09
mhall119he'll let you do it for free01:09
GTswaggerAnd I realllllly don't want to have to do that this late.01:09
cjohnstonmhall119 should drive me up there01:09
GTswaggerSELF 2011 is June 10th-12th ... and there is an UbuCon on Fri the 10th and Sun the 12th.01:09
rmcbrideGTswagger: I'll be in London during that period, and can't attenend01:10
rmcbrideattend, even01:10
GTswaggerrmcbride:  I'll forgive you if you can provide me alternates. :)01:11
cjohnstonGTswagger: do you know if anyone from Florida is attending?01:11
GTswaggercjohnston:  Statistically, absolutely.01:12
GTswaggerSpecifically ... not so much.01:12
cjohnstonI attended last year01:12
mhall119I attended a couple years ago01:12
mhall119not this year though01:12
cjohnstonIf I could afford to I would love to01:12
mhall119itnet7 or zoopster might go again01:12
MichelleQGTswagger: date?01:40
GTswaggerMichelleQ:  June 10th-12th.01:40
GTswaggerUbuCon is the 10th and 12th.01:40
GTswaggerMichelleQ:  That isn't, by chance, Michelle Qimo is it?01:41
MichelleQIt is01:41
GTswaggerNO WAY!01:41
MichelleQYes indeed01:41
MichelleQhow are ya?01:41
GTswaggerNot too bad... yourself?01:41
GTswagger<-- SELF's speaker coordinator 01:41
MichelleQGood!  Tired, busy, but good01:41
GTswaggerA pleasure having you speak at SELF '09 :)01:41
MichelleQThanks! :-)01:42
MichelleQI'm not sure how we could swing it this year - the kids' last day of school is the 9th. 01:42
MichelleQ*but* that being said, if there's anything at all I can do to help you out from this distance, I'll be happy to do so.  :)01:43
GTswaggerMichelleQ:  Speakers ... desperately need speakers.   If you know folks who are good enough to speak please have them email me ASAP 01:45
GTswaggerJust needs to be somewhat *buntu related01:45
MichelleQI'll definitely get mhall119 to pass it around, as will I.  I wish we could make it.  :-/01:45
GTswaggerYour sins are forgiven as long as you find me some speakers.  ;)01:47
* MichelleQ thinks, thinks, thinks01:49
GTswaggerMichelleQ:  I've already tried the low hanging fruit (akgraner pgraner JFo)01:50
MichelleQany travel accommodations?01:51
GTswaggerMichelleQ:  Negative, at this date we've already subdistributed what few comps we had.02:06
MichelleQgah, so you're really hard pressed.  Have you tried the NC/VA/SC/GA locos?02:07
mhall119GTswagger: I put the call for speakers out in Canonical's internal IRC server02:11
mhall119gave them your freenode nick02:11
GTswaggermhall119:  thanks much02:26
GTswaggerMichelleQ:  I've hopped into all their IRC channels, at least.   The forums for them look pretty quiet.02:26
cjohnstonGTswagger: does anyone not have a roommate and wouldnt mind sharing a room for cheap(free?)02:28
GTswaggercjohnston:  plausible but I wouldn't guarantee it... none off the top of my head02:29
cjohnstonif you could try to find out02:29
GTswaggerwill do02:30
* MichelleQ has no other brilliant ideas. :-?02:30
dantalizinggawd ... the SELF people spamming every communication channel in site gets annoying07:11
nigelbdantalizing: heh08:40
chaynieWhat's all the hoopla about SELF now?12:26
mhall119chaynie: zoopster: they're looking for speakers for their UbuCon13:17
RoAkSoAxitnet7: ping14:21
danstonerGTswagger: I just sent your request for speakers off to local Linux mailing list (Gainesville, FL area)14:40
chayniemhall119: Ahh, thanks for the info.15:29
chayniejamalta: ping15:29
chaynieDon't we have one of those fancy pants team meetings tonight?15:29
bpgoldsbGTswagger: You're looking for ubuntu presenters on waht exactly?15:30
bpgoldsb(I just showed up on someone else prodding me to ask)15:30
cjohnstonbpgoldsb: for SELF.16:18
bpgoldsbI was looking to see if there was a specific topic h wanted covered, etc16:27
bluebomber_usfWe have a meeting tonight?16:54
RoAkSoAxitnet7: ping ping ping ping ping16:59
jamaltachaynie: hey17:05
chayniejamalta: did you see the FB message I sent you?17:06
jamaltachaynie: yeah17:06
itnet7RoAkSoAx: LOL17:16
RoAkSoAxitnet7: hehe17:17
chayniebluebomber_usf: yeah, at 9pm17:17
chaynieitnet7: I'll lead the meeting if I make it back in time, but can you cover if I'm late?17:18
itnet7chaynie: sure17:18
* chaynie is non-deterministically late.17:19
bluebomber_usfSweet. I'll be there/here/in-channel18:16
schindlerany1 on?18:40
mhall119schindler: yup18:46
GTswaggerbpgoldsb:  anything *buntu19:00
GTswaggerfor the UbuCon at SELF19:00
bpgoldsbGTswagger: I emailed the address given earlier with some information19:20
GTswaggerbpgoldsb: thanks, replied19:40
bluebomber_usfHey, bluebomber, you look familiar.22:13
ShawnRhola peoples22:14
bluebomber_usfHello, gente.22:16
bluebomber_usfWhat's our agenda for tonight?22:16
ShawnRmy agenda is to try and figure out how to get gnome 2 on ubuntu 11.0422:40
ShawnRand moreso, how i'm going to adjust to the future22:40
bluebomber_usfDoesn't it come with that?22:42
bluebomber_usfCan you change your session when you login?22:43
ShawnRkind of22:45
ShawnRbut the classic login won't let me change wallpaper and it is very laggy on my laptop22:45
cjohnstonmhall119: will you be here for the meeting tonight?23:01

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