
GTswaggerbac: billfarrow: bladernr_: BugeyeD: coxn: holstein: IsharaComix: jack_: jack_^: jeffrash: lovelace: _marx_ mhall119: Nivex: ping00:43
GTswaggerSorry to ping everybody but I'm looking for people willing to give talks at UbuCon at the SouthEast LinuxFest.00:43
GTswaggerAnybody here game?00:43
bladernr_ummm... pong?00:43
bladernr_the what at the where?00:44
_marx_dang self00:44
GTswaggerThere's an UbuCon on Fri and Sun at the 2011 SouthEast LinuxFest.00:44
GTswaggerAnd due to some unforseen circumstances, at this time if I can't fill it we're pulling the plug.00:44
GTswaggerAnd I reallllllly don't want to do that this late.00:45
GTswaggerSELF 2011 is June 10th-12th.00:45
_marx_oh gee00:45
GTswaggerSo there's an UbuCon on Fri the 10th and Sun the 12th.00:45
* _marx_ checking calendar00:45
GTswaggerAnybody able to give a talk or recommend somebody who can?00:45
_marx_i made the first one, missed the second one00:45
bladernr_so how much of it IS filled?  And I really don't know if there's much I can talk about. :/00:46
bladernr_akgraner would be an excellent talk!  She should give and extended talk on not trolling that she gave at UDS :-)00:46
GTswaggerbladernr_:  Right now?  One Sunday talk.  But I just started looking.00:46
GTswaggerbladernr_:  akgraner cannot make it due to personal reasons.00:47
_marx_blown knee at least00:47
GTswaggerPretty much.00:47
jack_^GTswagger, is that the one in NC?00:47
jack_^eeh SC*00:47
bladernr_GTswagger:  ugh... this close to an event... that's not cool.00:47
GTswaggerbladernr_:  Sorry, it's beyond SELF's control.00:48
* _marx_ goes to ping tarvid in va00:48
bladernr_GTswagger:  oh no worries. I am just feeling your pain is all... I've been in similar situations before, so I completely sympathize00:48
_marx_bladernr_: aren't you a hardware tester?00:49
bladernr__marx_:  yeah... but I don't know that I could do any sort of interesting talk... maybe.00:49
bladernr_Oh... actually, maybe I do.00:49
jack_^you talking about pulling the plug on jus the ubucon?  i have a buddy who does a music production in linux talk. he switches it up between fedora and ubuntu. maybe he'd be game.00:50
bladernr_crud... GTswagger ping me tomorrow... I may actually have something useful.00:50
GTswaggerjack_^:  Yea, just the UbuCon ... and I'd love that talk.00:50
GTswagger<--- SELF's Speaker Coordinator00:50
jack_^yeah its pretty impressive. where is SELF? is it in SC again this year?00:50
GTswaggerSpartanburg, SC Marriott00:50
bladernr_We're doing something new for Oneiric that we really want to see take off: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFriendly00:51
bladernr_We == Canonical Hardware Certification00:51
jack_^GTswagger, do you frequent freenode? I'll give your irc nick so he can message you if interested.00:51
mhall119GTswagger: at this point I'm not sure if I'll be there, otherwise I'd say yes00:51
mhall119when is self?00:53
GTswaggerJune 10-12.00:53
GTswaggerjack_^:  I'm always in #southeastlinuxfest00:53
mhall119yeah, that's only like 2 days after school lets out00:53
bladernr_GTswagger:  because I'm too lazy to dig through the website right now, is there an attendance fee and do you know if they still have rooms at the venue?00:54
mhall119I still need to get new tires for my camper and get the A/C fixed before I do any traveling00:54
mhall119sorry GTswagger00:55
GTswaggerbladernr_:  SELF costs $0 to attend, there are still rooms but we've already expanded our block 4 times and the hotel is near capacity.00:55
bladernr_GTswagger:  heh... nice (that sounds like what happens at UDS)00:55
bladernr_GTswagger:  ok, like I said, ping me tomorrow afternoon some time.  I'll see what I can do, if you'd like a talk about Ubuntu Friendly.  It was just announced at UDS, so there is NOTHING in the way of info beyond the blueprints and brief wiki at the moment.00:56
* _marx_ starts plotting gta there but gta back...00:56
GTswaggerbladernr_:  Will do ... and don't feel shy about taking more than one slot.  :)00:57
bladernr_GTswagger:  meh... not sure I'd have anything more interesting to talk about (or even remotely close to as interesting).  Who cares about hardware certification? :/00:59
bladernr_GTswagger:  how long are the slots?00:59
GTswaggerOne hour.00:59
bladernr_GTswagger:  cool... You may also want to try pinging JFo I don't know if he ever comes in here, but he works on the kernel team and does some good talks as well.  He usually hangs out in #ubuntu-kernel and lives near Asheville, NC so it wouldn't be a stretch for him either.01:01
GTswaggerbladernr_:  I tried him first. :)01:03
GTswaggerHe won't be in town it would appear.01:03
bladernr_GTswagger:  ahhh... so we're all just the backup plan ?? :(01:03
bladernr_GTswagger:  ^^^ just kidding ;-)01:03
bladernr_Honestly, I am pretty sure I will still be in town.  I dont "think" I have anything pressing until the end of the month.  Anyway, I need to go eat dinner...01:04
BugeyeDGTswagger: i'm all booked through and past self (i'll be at self, just no time to prepare for a talk). i'm a do'er and not a talk'er anyway, and have stage fright - so we'd prolly have to pressure wash the stage afterward if i were to get up there in the first place ... :)12:25
BugeyeDunfortunate news, for sure. i've never been to an ubucon before, either. i haven't missed a self though.12:26
BugeyeDso thanks for what you do.12:26
=== jack_ is now known as jack_^
=== jack_^ is now known as percy
=== percy is now known as jack_^
GTswaggerBugeyeD:  I can provide a pressure washer ... no problem ... when can I pencil you in for?  :)18:58

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