
orangeninjaWhat happining everybody?01:06
GTswaggerorangeninja: electricus: wrst: Juzzy-: cyberanger: chris4585: orias: pace_t_zulu: Dan9186: Svpernova09: pleia2: ping01:16
GTswaggerSorry to ping everybody, but I desperately need Ubuntu speakers to fill the UbuCon out at the SouthEast LinuxFest.01:16
GTswaggerDue to unforseen circumstances, if I can't fill it out we'll have to partially or completely pull the plug.01:16
GTswaggerSELF 2011 is June 10th-12th in Spartanburg, SC.  There is an UbuCon on Fri the 10th and Sun the 12th.01:17
GTswaggerAnybody game to speak?01:17
orangeninjaI don't think anyone else is here at the moment GTswagger01:19
GTswaggerorangeninja:  I'll wait. :)01:21
wrstGTswagger: cyberanger i think generally attends01:40
GTswaggerwrst:  thanks I'll wait for him to pop back in the channel01:42
wrstcool GTswagger01:44
orangeninjawrst or GTswagger : is the only way to clear out old kernals to delete from synaptic package manager? I thought there was a console command that did this too...01:49
* GTswagger confesses guiltily to using Arch Linux and Gentoo.01:50
orangeninjawell, I might be using those one day too... But i figure i'll be on ubuntu for a while longer.01:52
oriasor if you know which one you want gone: sudo apt-get remove --purge 2.6.2x-xx-*02:02
cyberangerwrst: only the first year, at clemson, last year conflicted with family trip, but that family trip and fosscon had great timing, end of trip was delayed, was in one of my hometowns, Rochester, NY, it worked02:06
cyberangerGTswagger: we won't hold arch or gentoo against you (heck, I think some of us have switched away from ubuntu ourselves, or at least broadened our horizions)02:08
cyberangerwhat exactly is needed?02:08
GTswaggercyberanger:  *buntu talks02:08
GTswaggerfor UbuCon02:08
cyberangerI couldn't give you the kind of confirmation you'd need for that, the cost shot up when it moved from clemson to spartanburg02:10
cyberangerincreased amount of gas, hotel fees, less campsites nearby02:10
cyberangerif I managed to go, I wouldn't know until 24-48 hours before, or so02:10
cyberangerGTswagger: I can pass the word to 6 lugs, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Cookeville, Nashville, Memphis & Asheville, NC, if you'd like02:13
cyberangerit's not exactly what you had in mind, but it's what I can offer now, I know Asheville has had people attend before, and some of the TN ones always metion SELF02:14
cyberangerhow short are you?02:14
cyberangerGTswagger: how many ubucon speakers are you short?02:15
wrstGTswagger: I'm guilty of using arch also, and ubuntu but am really liking arch02:20
chris4585did someone say arch?02:21
GTswaggercyberanger:  I've already spammed all the SE LUGs about SELF, so I'd rather avoid spamming them again if I can help it.02:24
GTswaggercyberanger:  extremely short02:24
cyberangerchris4585: a few02:24
GTswaggercyberanger:  We'd need over a dozen speakers easy to fill out the scheduled time on both days.02:24
cyberangerGTswagger: any deadline?02:25
GTswaggerwrst:  I cam to Arch from Gentoo after Gentoo's mass desktop developer exodus.   Gentoo still makes an uber elite server ... but there's just not enough manpower on the desktop side anymore.  Miro didn't make it into portage for 5 years.  That's insanity.02:25
GTswaggercyberanger:  no firm deadline, but the sooner the better02:25
wrstGTswagger: I just am not so wildabout unity and really like gnome 3 so that's a large reason I'm using Arch moreandmore02:26
GTswaggerwrst:  I <3 me some KDE 4.   But honestly I spend most of my time in KDE in yakuake and Opera.02:28
orangeninjastill on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS .....02:28
cyberangerGTswagger: I'm concerned by the time I could actually confirm things, I'd be giving you 3-5 days notice, if I'm lucky02:28
GTswaggerI do have some Ubuntu LTS servers though, mainly because they have a long support cycle and Zimbra supports them.02:28
GTswaggercyberanger:  Let's see how things fill up and I'll get back to you02:28
GTswaggercan you email me at speakers@southeastlinuxfest.org so I don't forget?02:29
cyberangersure, I'm seeing if you emailed the lugs I listed too02:30
cyberangersome of them never bring up self (at least until afterwards)02:31
cyberangeralso, you might want to consider shooting our mailing list on it, 15% of our members are IRC, 10% right now (roughly)02:31
orangeninjaGTswagger: I got your email on NLUG list May 1902:33
cyberangernlug is the only one I recall seeing02:33
orangeninjaIm in the channel now, kinda dead but I'll throw it in there...02:33
cyberangerand they had a fair sized group go last year, if I recall02:34
cyberangerGTswagger: just took a quick look, unlikely I will be going unless work sends me there or something like that, something to cut costs02:46
cyberangerI'll see what other way I might be able to help this issue02:48
orangeninjahey vychune02:56
vychunelong time no see02:57
orangeninjaI know...02:58
GTswaggercyberanger:  k, thnx03:00
vychunehows everybody doing?03:01
orangeninjapretty good.03:03
vychuneim now a mint user03:04
vychunemom loves it03:05
vychunei like it03:05
vychuneany web devs here03:39
cyberangerGTswagger: I see some lugs in smaller cities (however one is just as big as the two cities an hour away) were missed, I'll cross post from your ALE post, get them in the loop too04:49
cyberangerGTswagger: were you at SELF or Atlanta Linux Fest in 2009?04:55
GTswaggercyberanger:  I'm SELF's speaker coordinator.  And I was also at ALF.06:44
pace_t_zuluGTswagger: what kind of speakers are you looking for?15:57
GTswaggerpace_t_zulu:  anything *buntu18:57
oriasanybody have tips on manually updating your kernel version?21:49
wrstorias: when you say manually updating how manual do you mean?21:51
oriasterminal or synaptic21:51
wrstok so don't mean like compiling then :)21:51
wrstorias:  i'm betting there is a PPA?21:51
wrstorias: what exactly are you wanting?21:52
oriasprobably, but what kind of issues seem common?21:52
wrstorias: i have no clue, do you use any non open source drivers?21:53
wrstI guess the big question is why do you want to update?21:53
orias im on 2.6.32, .35 is out21:53
wrstorias: what version of ubuntu ?21:53
orias.39 is soon21:53
oriasa heavily modified version of mint21:53
oriasbased off 10.421:53
oriasI dont want to have to reset up everything21:54
chris4585orias, biggest issue is a driver or something doesn't yet work on a newer kernel, and to fix that just use your older kernel, if you didn't uninstall it21:54
chris4585if thats what you mean21:55
wrstorias: i don't really see any advantage to worrying about it if all is working well21:55
wrstsounds like a good way to have problems that you don't know :)21:55
wrstbut there are ppa's out there i believe21:55
wrsti would probably just upgrade from 10.0421:56
chris4585I'm on .38 using 11.0421:56
wrsti'm on .38 on 11.04 and on arch  also21:56
chris4585speaking of which, I believe sometime I'll join you wrst on arch21:56
oriasif i have to do a dist upgrade i may as well redo evereything from scratch and just go to debian or arch :p21:57
wrstchris4585: my notebook is about to burn so I'm going to get one set up just as I want21:57
wrstorias: not really i don't know about mint but ubuntu upgrades rather nicely21:58
oriasits supposed to :D21:59
wrstI've never had much issue other than with 9.10, and well I had nothing but trouble with it21:59
wrstthey have debs for them... not for sure I would go that route, even have .39 and .40 available22:06
oriaswell there's a long weekend coming up22:11
wrstgo out orias, cook a hot dog play some ball breathe some fresh air ;)22:12
wrstorias: i don't know if that is the ubuntu kernel or just the vanilla kernel either22:12
oriasi was looking at fdisk, i still have my old windows recovery partition lying around, I think ill just blow that out and shrink some things and drive something else in there22:14
oriasso... arch or debian?22:17
wrstorias: what do you want?22:20
wrstyou want up to date software or stability or somewhere in the middle?22:20
oriasa system i can build up, learn from and relatively up to date22:21
wrstif you want latest and greatest arch is great for that, stability can't beat debian, I think ubuntu really gives you best of both worlds22:21
wrstorias: i think arch or debian either can give you that, I like arch because its very... chris4585 is this the right term its fairly vanillay linux?22:21
oriasvanilla is good, its a good base to build upon22:22
wrstbut its not gentoo you aren't compiling junk all the time or anything but nothing much configures itself like ubuntu22:22
wrstit will also make you really appreciate ubuntu22:22
chris4585wrst, its uh, very easy to customize and bleeding edge22:27
pace_t_zulusudo rm -rf /bin/laden22:58
pace_t_zulu^ made me laugh22:58
wrstpace_t_zulu: :)23:16
pace_t_zuluwrst: it's the '/bin' part that clinches it for me23:18
pace_t_zuluGTswagger: i could talk about using ubuntu to screen movies for monkeys ;)23:19
wrstpace_t_zulu: how are things going?23:19
pace_t_zuluwrst: good ... i am working on a bug for this OsiriX software i use alot23:19
pace_t_zuluwrst: i've actually got a patch for it ... trying to convince the head honcho to commit it23:19
wrsthmm hope that is a good thing23:20
wrstoh that is good23:20
pace_t_zuluwrst: the guy is trying to fix the bug himself - but i'm not certain he is able to reproduce it on his end ... he closed my original filing as 'Works for me'23:20
pace_t_zuluand a commit he made in the last few hours is actually quite a step backward23:21
pace_t_zuluhe calls malloc twice ... the first time he requests 1.5x the memory he needs allocated ... the second time with the correct amount of memory needed ...23:21
pace_t_zuluthe problem is not with malloc23:22
pace_t_zuluand that commit did not fix the problem whatsoever ... though my patch does23:22
pace_t_zuluwrst: ^ that's my patch23:23
wrstpace_t_zulu: all Greek to me23:24
pace_t_zulumy patch drops a for-loop ... which has very positive effects on performance23:24
pace_t_zuluand all that code is wrapped in a for-loop anyway23:24
pace_t_zuluwrst: Objective-C ;)23:24
* wrst is not so cool as to be called a programmer :)23:24
* pace_t_zulu looks forward to moving past the programmer job title23:25
=== Juzzy is now known as Juzzy-

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