
tjaaltonbryce: hey, you could run bugbot to close all the lrm-2.6.24 bugs, since hardy desktop is EOL'd08:42
tjaaltonor the arsenal scripts, whatever they are called :)08:43
brycetjaalton, sure08:44
brycewill do tomorrow08:44
tjaaltonbryce: great. another thing, the versions-current.html -page needs oneiric :)08:45
brycetjaalton, ok, I'll update that too08:46
tjaaltonhmm pixman still not synced08:47
tjaaltonah, it is08:47
tjaaltonof course, i was looking at the natty column duh08:48
tjaaltonI'll see which drivers could be dropped from *-all08:48
tjaaltonlooks like at least old tridents are better off with vesa, since the native driver is trying to use 24bit depth with 8x608:49
tjaaltoni think people with a laptop that has a 460MHz celeron have bigger problems :)08:51
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brycetjaalton, tis up:  http://bryceharrington.org/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/versions-current.html09:10
janimoAre there any x86/amd64 specific bits that are hardcoded and run on every X start? I am wondering if there are things to omit in an ARM specific config to improve startup speed and maybe footprint09:11
tjaaltonbryce: ooh, thanks09:14
gordhi all, just wondering if you guys have heard of lots of graphical glitches happening with the intel HD 3000 chipset on 11.04 09:47
RAOFjanimo: Mainly driver probing stuff in xf86Config, but there's already an ARM #ifdef there to make those platforms work (since X is pretty wedded to the idea that probeable graphics cards exist only on a PCI bus).10:03
janimoRAOF, so nothing to make ARM start faster than it does now without losing generality and cleanliness10:05
janimowe just probably need to not ship x86 specific video drivers on our ARM images10:06
jcristauajax removed a bunch of sleeps on the startup path a few years ago, there shouldn't be much of that left10:07
janimoany of the new (KMS and related) things baked in? ARM hw unfortunately have only proprietary drivers ATM which probably don't use this yet10:11
jcristauwhere are you seeing it take time?10:13
jcristauand no, none of the kms stuff is in the server itself10:13
janimojcristau, not seeing it taking time, just asking around to see if there are known issues and to see if it is worth looking into further10:37
janimoas part of generally making arm boot faster10:37
Sarvattricotz: sorry about that man, looks like the upload didn't go through last night and I just noticed14:34
Sarvattricotz: it's uploaded now14:34
ricotzSarvatt, no problem :-), thanks14:38
Sarvattuploaded it to xorg-edgers btw14:43
Sarvattand https://launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/nvidia14:43
ricotzi found it :P, hopefully it wont break gnome-shell14:44
mgariepyhello, last week i opened 2 bugs concerning xorg on intel hardware on natty. those are lp #785368 and #785280 which make LTSP not usable with natty.15:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 785368 in mesa (Ubuntu) "dri not working with ltsp on natty (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78536815:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 785280 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "transparency not working with intel driver and LTSP (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78528015:15
tjaaltonmgariepy: run 'ubuntu-bug 785368' from a ltsp session to attach logs to the bug15:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 785368 in mesa (Ubuntu) "dri not working with ltsp on natty (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78536815:16
tjaaltonthe other bug depends on the first bug..15:16
tjaaltonso i'd probably dupe them15:16
mgariepytjaalton, ok i will do this right now you should have the trace in half an hour :) thanks15:17
jcristaui thought dri2 had a LocalClient check15:18
tjaaltonmgariepy: is the laptop a standalone installation?15:23
mgariepyi booted the laptop as a thin client15:25
tjaaltonright, so it's the same bug15:25
mgariepyi also have natty on the laptop and it works fine15:25
tjaaltonwhich confirms it15:26
tjaaltonso i duped the other bug15:27
mgariepyi'm updating my chroot i'll have the trace soon :)15:28
mgariepyubuntu-bug 78536815:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 785368 in mesa (Ubuntu) "dri not working with ltsp on natty (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 784)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78536815:28
mgariepytjaalton, ubuntu-bug 785368 doesn't work.15:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 785368 in mesa (Ubuntu) "dri not working with ltsp on natty (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 784)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78536815:39
mgariepyit says Error : invalid PID15:40
tjaaltonok, so, apport-collect 785368 might be better?15:42
tjaaltonhmm, wonder how many times I've told the wrong thing15:42
mgariepytjaalton, it's done, if you need more information, just tell me. :)15:47
tjaaltonmgariepy: yeah, please attach /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:54
tjaaltonwonder why apport-collect didnt'15:54
mgariepytjaalton, xorg runs on the thin client :)15:57
tjaaltonand the problem is there15:57
tjaaltonwhere did you run this?15:57
mgariepyon the applications server15:57
mgariepyit was working fine on maverick15:58
tjaaltonright, so I said run it from the session15:58
tjaaltonmight just be something that ltsp fails to set up in natty15:59
mgariepymaybe 16:02
tjaaltondinner ->16:02
mgariepyi also tried a maverick thin client and a natty appserv and compiz/3d is still not working.16:02
mgariepythe transparency problem is not present tho.16:03
mgariepyhave a nice dinner :)16:03
tjaaltonso please ask the ltsp devs too16:04
tjaaltongone for real ->16:04
mgariepytjaalton, i'm a ltsp dev.16:05
ricotzSarvatt, 275.09 runs without issues :-)16:05
Sarvatti'm worried about agp 6xxx+ cards16:08
Sarvattthose report the pci id of the pcie to agp bridge chip on the card instead of the actual GPU and aren't in the modalias list in the README.txt..16:09
Sarvatterr pci id list that we make the modalias list from I mean16:09
ricotzhmm, i see16:11
Sarvattcontinuing the list here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-s3virge/+bug/78762016:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 787620 in xserver-xorg-video-s3virge (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-video-s3virge 1:1.10.4-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New]16:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 787624 in xserver-xorg-video-s3 (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-video-s3 1:0.6.3-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New]16:29
Sarvattsiliconmotion needs a merge for 01_siliconmotion_rotate_option_disables_randr.diff, other patch is upstream16:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 787626 in xserver-xorg-video-rendition (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-video-rendition 1:4.2.4-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New]16:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 787630 in xserver-xorg-video-qxl (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-video-qxl 0.0.13-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New]16:39
tjaaltonSarvatt: yeah I got accepted to the sponsors team, so I can unsub it when confirming the bug16:40
tjaaltonon it now16:41
Sarvattwe had so much delta from xserver 1.916:41
tjaaltonSarvatt: guess that's all for now?16:54
Sarvattgot distracted with that compiz bug16:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 787639 in xserver-xorg-video-i740 (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-video-i740 1:1.3.2-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New]16:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 787640 in xserver-xorg-video-i128 (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-video-i128 1:1.3.4-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New]16:58
tjaaltonooh build logs too17:00
tjaaltonmgariepy: from the client xserver POV dri2 should work, so I'm pretty sure it's the ltsp setup that's broken17:01
Sarvattyeah thats why its taking so long for each17:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 787644 in xserver-xorg-video-chips (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-video-chips 1:1.2.4-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New]17:01
mgariepytjaalton, from the client i can run glxgears without any issue but from the applications server it doesn't work17:02
tjaaltonmgariepy: uh, so why didn't the bug say anything about it?17:02
tjaaltonall this time I thought it was the _client_ not working17:03
mgariepy6) when connected via ssh on the same computer, running the same command works.17:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 787649 in xserver-xorg-video-ark (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-video-ark 1:0.7.3-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New]17:04
tjaaltonmgariepy: so you're remotely trying to open windows on the client screens?17:04
mgariepythat's more or less how ltsp works.17:04
tjaaltoni thought they just netboot the chroot17:05
tjaaltonoh well17:05
mgariepyi'm able to open a session on the applications server and show it on the thin client but when dri try to render through the network it fails to connect. 17:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 787651 in xserver-xorg-video-apm (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-video-apm 1:1.2.3-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New]17:06
tjaaltonmgariepy: maybe I could try to reproduce it.. but not today17:07
jcristaulooks like i can reproduce the DRI2Connect BadRequest here17:07
tjaaltonah :)17:08
jcristau($work uses ltsp, on squeeze i think)17:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 787653 in xserver-xorg-input-mouse (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-input-mouse 1:1.7.0-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New]17:09
Sarvatthrm we're dropping keyboard aren't we? so no point syncing it?17:10
Sarvatttjaalton: yeah I'm done for now, thanks a ton for all the help on those17:10
tjaaltonSarvatt: -acecad, -aiptek?-)17:12
Sarvattoh how did I miss those17:12
tjaaltondid you use versions-current.html?17:13
Sarvattyep was just going up the list, i've got 10 things going on at once verifying the deltas building and requesting a sync at the same time17:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 787658 in xserver-xorg-input-acecad (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-input-acecad 1:1.5.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New]17:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 787663 in xserver-xorg-input-aiptek (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-input-aiptek 1:1.4.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New]17:18
Sarvatttjaalton: forgot another, last one I promise :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-vesa/+bug/78767317:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 787673 in xserver-xorg-video-vesa (Ubuntu) "Sync xserver-xorg-video-vesa 1:2.3.0-5 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New]17:41
Sarvattso which PPA  should we should use for lucid sandybridge backports? new one under ubuntu-x-swat?18:13
Sarvatta little too invasive for x-updates IMO18:14
Sarvattand do we want whats in natty backported, or more current stuff?18:17
Sarvattit'd be funny to have the lucid sandybridge support better off than natty :)18:17
Sarvattbryce, tjaalton: would one of you guys mind creating a new PPA in the ubuntu-x-swat namespace for this sandybridge backport stuff, something like X Backports18:29
bryceSarvatt, sure18:29
bryceSarvatt, although, could there be any potential value in just putting it into ubuntu-backports rather than a ppa?18:30
brycewell, we planned to do a backports ppa and a staging area for the lts18:34
Sarvattbryce: yeah I just want to do libdrm, x-x-v-intel, mesa for now, maybe it would make sense to have this separate18:35
bryceah, like a trial run for our official lts backport ppa?18:36
bryceSarvatt, how long does this ppa need to exist?  I'm wondering if we can make one ppa and then transition it into the lts backports ppa, or if it does in fact need to be separate?18:38
tjaaltonwe need a staging area anyway18:39
tjaaltoni guess the packaging changes might take a couple of revisions to mature18:39
bryceok, here is https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-backports18:40
bryceI'll work on a description to help distinguish it from x-updates18:40
achianghello, is this the appropriate channel for gdm questions?18:44
tjaalton#ubuntu-desktop is better18:45
Sarvattso backport from natty then right?18:50
Sarvattdoing libdrm now18:52
bryceI've drafted a description for the ppa - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-backports18:53
tjaaltonSarvatt: yeah, i'd say keep the moving parts to minimum at least for now18:53
bryceSarvatt, tjaalton, please read it over and make sure it jives with what you guys are having in mind18:53
Sarvattoneiric -> lucid will be fun with multiarch18:53
brycejives? jibes?18:53
Sarvattwe should be sure to version this stuff lower than natty18:56
bryceanyway, I'll leave the ppa in your guys' capable hands from here on out, but let me know if you need any help18:56
Sarvattlooks good to me!18:56
tjaaltondid we decide not to do major xserver updates in the backports?18:56
bryceyeah, you'll want to come up with a versioning pattern18:56
Sarvatt~backport1 ?18:57
tjaaltonwas about to suggest that :)18:58
Sarvatti'd rather skip the server but then we have nouveau :)18:58
tjaaltondoes it dpend on a newer xserver?18:59
brycemightn't you need it for input driver updates?19:00
Sarvattyep all the time19:00
Sarvattoh boy, good point :)19:00
brycewell, you guys can play it by ear19:01
tjaaltonthis deserves a wikipage to hash out the policy for these19:02
bryceif you do come up with some good policies, make sure to add to the description19:02
Sarvattso maybe a different PPA would be better for the sandybridge only stuff, we're going to break people horribly while we transition if they keep using it19:02
tjaaltonyeah, it could be a throwaway ppa, and used for testing how this all works19:03
brycetjaalton, btw I'm down to just wordsmithing of the arsenal script to close out the lrm-2.4.24 bugs; this is what I've got drafted currently:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/612395/19:04
tjaaltonand once we have some first hand exp with it we can start making something more official19:04
Sarvatthttps://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/backport-testing throwaway PPA19:04
brycesounds good19:04
brycethanks for doing it on xorg-edgers; that'll help minimize confusion later19:05
brycetjaalton, I'm wondering about dropping the third paragraph, although without it I feel like people are being told to GTFO19:05
tjaaltonbryce: well, maybe point out that the issue is possibly fixed on a newer release19:09
bryceah true19:09
Sarvattlibdrm is turning out to be a pretty big diff, forgot it was multiarched19:26
Sarvatthttp://sarvatt.com/downloads/libdrm_2.4.23-1ubuntu6~backport1.debdiff hope I'm not missing anything there :)19:54
Sarvattxutils-dev should really be in lucid-backports20:05
jcristaubackports are teh pain :)20:05
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Sarvattany opinions on what I should do with xutils-dev? ~backport1 doesn't really work with that versioning21:35
Sarvatt1:7.6+3 > 1:7.6+3~backport121:36
Sarvattah i'm changing every package anyway, not a big deal fixing the xutils-dev build deps for anything needing +3 specifically21:37
jcristaumake the build deps 1:7.6+3~ in trunk if you want?21:38
mgariepytjaalton, i added a patch for mesa to LP: #785368, and the transparency problem in from LP: #785280  still present22:34
mgariepyi'll be back in ~15hours 22:34
tjaaltonmgariepy: nice22:36
mgariepyyeah :)22:41
mgariepydo you have any idea what is the problem for the transparency ?22:41
tjaaltonworks fine on my 96522:42
mgariepyif i install maverick package for xserver-xorg-video-intel on natty it works22:42
mgariepyit works on a desktop but not on ltsp22:43
mgariepyanyway thanks for your help today :)22:43
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