
kbmonkeymore mense06:06
superflymorning kbmonkey06:14
kbmonkeyhello superfly!06:15
* nlsthzn waves06:27
* kbmonkey waves goodbye06:36
* kbmonkey waves goodbye06:36
kbmonkeyhave a good day all =D06:37
* nlsthzn waves07:41
SymmetriaHAHAHA we win!08:03
SymmetriaLOL 08:06
Kilosmorning superfly  and all ya others08:50
KilosMaaz, coffee on08:51
* Maaz starts grinding coffee08:51
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!08:55
superflyhiya Kilos08:55
KilosMaaz, ty08:55
MaazEnjoy Kilos08:55
=== wolf is now known as Guest59646
=== Guest59646 is now known as Wolfeyes
WolfeyesMaaz: coffee on11:55
* Maaz flips the salt-timer11:55
MaazCoffee's ready for Wolfeyes!11:59
superflyhi Wolfeyes12:08
Wolfeyesit be me superfly tried the sudo grub-update but still no maverick showing12:10
Wolfeyesbut quassel looks much like xchat12:10
Wolfeyesnow i gott go look the link nlsthzn send but need to do it via stick cause my modem in here12:11
nlsthznWolfeyes: it was just a lot of info on grub 2... not a quick fix I fear... and welcome to the big K :)12:12
* nlsthzn uninstalled quassel and installled Konversation :p12:12
Wolfeyeshehe. you just like playing nlsthzn12:13
Wolfeyeshave you looked at xchat12:13
superflyWolfeyes: type in "sudo os-prober" and tell me if it shows maverick12:14
nlsthzn:p hey, I have the present install since yetserday... AFAIK xchat uses gtk so I don't want to use it on K... feels dirty (have to use firefox... :p)12:14
superflynlsthzn: use Quassel for IRC12:15
nlsthznKonversation is solid for IRC12:15
superflyah, ok12:15
superflyit is12:15
superflyI used to use that before switching to Quassel12:16
nlsthzngot some stuff to watch :p bbl12:16
Wolfeyessudo: os-probe: command not found12:17
superflyag, os-prober12:17
superflyuse your tab-completion!12:17
Wolfeyeslol ok i try that12:17
Wolfeyesnope it only sees windows12:19
Wolfeyestyped it out. dunno what to tab complete on12:21
Wolfeyesit be me not the kid here12:21
superflyif you type in "os-pr" and press tab, it completes to "os-prober"12:22
superflyWolfeyes: yep, I know12:22
superflyWolfeyes: apparently some folks had success but running fsck on the other hard drive12:23
Wolfeyesonly one 500g sata with sata adapter12:23
Wolfeyesi move modem back to my pc12:25
superflyi.e. if you installed Natty on /dev/sdc1 and you installed maverick on /dev/sdb1, then you run sudo fsck /dev/sdb112:27
Kiloswhen i install kubuntu it gonna take a while to get used to it12:33
Kilosquassel looks good12:33
Kilosjust dont understand how ians grub sees xp and natty but not maverick12:36
Kilosi go look that link now12:36
Kilosthat kinda involved for me.12:45
Kiloswhat will happen if i boot from maverick cd and run aptitude install grub212:45
Kiloswill that crash natty and still not see maverick12:46
superflyKilos: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10233804&postcount=812:47
Kilosty superfly  i will go see12:48
Kilosis there a way i can see what partition maverick is in because i must run 12:51
Kilossudo fsck /dev/xxxx12:51
superflyKilos: type in "mount" and you should see "/dev/xxxx on / type ext4" somewhere... that's your natty drive13:12
Kilosnope. its on sda2 or sda 3 or sda4 i think but they dont show in mount13:16
Kilossee a /dev/sda7 on /boot type ext413:18
Kilosand /dev/sda5 on / type ext413:22
superflyKilos: do you see a "type ntfs" ?13:33
superflyor a type "vfat" ?13:33
Kilosnope i will try get it to a stick and paste it from here13:36
Kilosi cant even make a file on desktop sorry. this might take a while13:39
Kilosgnome way is right click create folder or file13:39
Kiloslots to learn13:40
superflyKilos: open your home directory13:40
superflyKilos: I think there's a folder icon next to your menu icon?13:41
Kiloseish now i even lost the bottom panel that kept hiding13:50
Kilosmaybe i wait till ian gets done with his kombi13:50
Kilossorry superfly 13:50
Kiloshead exploding here13:50
Kilospanel came back. yay13:51
Kilosyay again found more desktops13:53
Kiloscant find the stick yet13:53
superflyKilos: the stick?14:27
Kilosmass storage device14:28
Kilosflash disk14:28
Kilosmemory stick14:28
superflyoh right14:28
Kilosdaai ding man14:28
superflyI thought you were talking about something on your desktop!14:28
Kilosno. on ians i got the output of mount and wanted to paste it from here but cant find the stick to copy to14:29
Kiloswith gnome it shows on destop but i dont know where to look for it on kubuntu14:31
Kilosyay i think i got it14:34
Kilosthis is kinda like learning to walk again14:37
Kilosstill doesnt open anywhere so i can copy the file to it then bring here to paste to bin14:41
Kilosmaybe better if i move modem back to there and paste it in my channel14:42
Kilosthat way i get some quassel practise too14:43
Kilossee you all from there14:43
=== wolf is now known as Guest88229
=== Guest88229 is now known as wolfeyes
wolfeyeslo kbmonkey15:12
kbmonkeycan anybody recommend a MP3 player that runs Linux? I need to decide on one :)15:17
wolfeyesvlc plays everything15:17
wolfeyeseven .amr sound15:18
kbmonkeyI meant a portable MP# player soz :)15:18
wolfeyesoh sorry15:18
kbmonkeylike I used Rockbox on my old 4G iPod but I dont want an apple branded one this time15:18
wolfeyesive never even seen one15:18
kbmonkeyah okay then thx!15:20
wolfeyesmust be someone else here that knows15:21
kbmonkeySanDisk apparently works well15:22
kbmonkeyHaving someone bring one in from ths US so just want to make sure.. err it works okay cos ye15:23
wolfeyesMaaz: google linux mp3 player15:23
Maazwolfeyes: "Top 10 Linux MP3 Players ยป Lindesk" http://lindesk.com/2008/03/top-10-linux-mp3-players/ :: "Amarok | Rediscover music!" http://amarok.kde.org/ :: "Linux MP3 Player" http://www.linuxhotbox.com/mp3-player-linux.htm :: "mpg123, Fast MP3 Player for Linux and UNIX systems" http://www.mpg123.de/ :: "Using A Sandisk MP3 Player On A Linux Desktop | HowtoForge - Linux ..." http://www.howtoforge.com/sandisk_mp3_player_linux :: "How to Ch15:23
wolfeyeswow there are more than 1015:24
kbmonkeyoooh the sandisk fuze+ looks purrrty15:30
kbmonkeyLinux supported :)15:30
froztbytethe Sansa Fuze range is win15:42
superfly^^ what he said15:57
kbmonkeyIm won15:57
kbmonkeylaters :)15:58
mus000hi ubuntu peeps16:03
mus000i need some help16:03
mus000I have ubuntu 11.04 running on my laptop16:03
mus000and I can no longer log in to any session16:03
mus000it just freezes up, showing a blank screen16:03
mus000you can see more details of my dilemma at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176640516:05
superflymus000: when you hit gdm, can you press ctrl+alt+f1 and get to a terminal?16:08
mus000superfly: yes16:09
superflylook to see if you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file16:09
superflyif you do, rename it and then restart16:09
mus000hmmm google says I won'y16:09
mus000no xorg.conf16:10
mus000from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1766122 :16:10
mus000"X11 now autoconifgures itself and the Xorg.conf file is no longer used"16:10
superflymus000: yes, but X11 will still read from it if it exists16:20
superflymus000: what was the last thing you did before this started happening... it sounds like a package conflict or configuration issue16:20
mus000superfly: I can't remember. I think I was just typing in office16:21
superflydid you update your system?16:22
superflyanything that required sudo access?16:22
superflynot immediately before, but in the few hours before16:22
mus000superfly: nope, I just copied files to and from a flash16:23
superflywhen did you last switch your computer on?16:24
mus000superfly: around 2-ish to copy some files to a flash for annelet16:24
mus000worked fine then16:24
superflyyou must have done something to cause this16:24
superflythings don't just happen on their own... can you recall anything?16:24
superflyliterally *anything*16:25
mus000superfly: I installed some software earlier this week16:25
mus000superfly: it was wine. I re-installed wine16:26
superflymus000: do you have a ".unity" directory in your home directory?16:26
superflytry renaming that16:26
mus000superfly: will do16:27
mus000back in 2mins16:27
mus000superfly: how do I rename in a terminal?16:29
Kerberomv oldname newname16:30
mus000superfly: no .unity directory16:36
* superfly doesn't know Ubuntu from a bar of soap16:37
mus000superfly is still the best i know16:38
superflymus000: on the command line, type in "sudo adduser <new username>"16:38
superflythen "sudo passwd <new username>"16:39
superflythen see if you can log in as that new user16:39
mus000will do16:39
mus000superfly: same problem16:41
superflyso it's a system issue16:41
mus000i think so16:42
superflymus000: what graphics card do you have?16:50
mus000superfly: some on-board ati thing16:50
mus000but I'm using the generic driver16:50
superflyI dunno, you'll need a Gnome/Unity expert16:51
mus000superfly: probably16:52
Kilossuperfly, is the prob not because i made a boot sector in the seperate partition i made with natty17:10
Kilosum but windows is still on the first one too17:10
* Kilos scratches head17:10
Kilosmaybe i try lists and explain nicely what i have done.  might be someone done the same thing17:36
kbmonkeyokay :)17:40
Kilosi dont like bugging the fly all the time17:48
Kiloshe has already done lots for me17:48
Kiloslets have a cuppa17:50
KilosMaaz, koffie asseblief17:51
MaazEish Kilos  Die engelse het tot ons boeretroos oorgeneem. Vra asseblief in engels.17:51
KilosMaaz, coffee on17:51
* Maaz puts the kettle on17:51
superflyKilos: you are hilarious17:53
Kiloswhy superfly 17:54
superflyMaaz: koffie asseblief17:55
MaazEish superfly  Die engelse het tot ons boeretroos oorgeneem. Vra asseblief in engels.17:55
KilosWell, facts are facts17:55
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!17:55
KilosMaaz, dankie man17:56
MaazGroot plesier my vriend17:56
nuvolarihallo oom Kilos 17:59
nuvolarig'evening kbmonkey 17:59
Kilosnaand nuvolari  hoe gaan dit daar17:59
kbmonkeylol @ Maaz! =D18:00
kbmonkeyhello nuvolari 18:00
nuvolarigaan oraait dankie oom Kilos 18:15
Kiloslo kodez 19:31
Kilosyou winning?19:31
kodezhi Kilos, how are you? i have not yet managed to install it but am expecting him to come back to me any time as he had promised yesterday19:32
Kilosi am fine ty. you havent installed what?19:34
Kilosoh your modem?19:35
kodezkilos,: do you know someone who is good in postgresql?19:35
kodez+ php and javascript?19:35
Kilosno i dont. sorry but someone here will know19:36
Kilosif they can just getta break and/or stop lurking19:36
Kiloslast i remembered you were trying to get modem going19:37
kodezyes, i thought you were referring to installing the latest ubuntu and am still struggling with the modem. i have everything in place but am failing to understand why it's not working19:38
kbmonkeyhi kodez. I did some php but yonks ago, no postgresql tho19:40
kodezhi kbmonkey: i need a way to do a digital clock with the seconds changing like in a wrist watch19:43
Kiloswe have natty kubuntu installed and it saw a vodafone modem first time19:43
Kilosmaverick couldnt see the modem at all19:44
kbmonkeypersonally I'd go for html5 canvas for drawing clocks. not all browsers have that tho19:45
kbmonkeya clock would be client side, so javascript. 19:46
kodezdo you know how can i do it?19:47
kodezi'm more interested in the seconds part of the clock19:48
superflykodez: I've seen examples on the net - do a bit of googling20:01
kodezthanks superfly, i had already managed to get a link from kbmonkey20:02
kbmonkeythere's plenty tuts, just work through a few, you'l get a good idea from those20:04
kodezi am trying to get a terminal hardware to use, can anyone help about where i can buy them?21:14
Kilosnight all.  sleep warm21:15
kodeznoght kilos21:15
kodeznight kilos21:15
kbmonkeydon't know kodez. electronic hobby stores?21:19
superflyterminal hardware?21:20
kodezi want to use it for internet cafe, i am failing to get a shop that sells the hardware for terminal client21:21
kodezsuperfly: yes21:21
kbmonkeya dumb terminal21:21
superflyyou *might* find something like that at a PC supplier (rectron, axiz, etc)21:22
kbmonkeywell thats just a thin client, a PC without a drive21:22
kbmonkeyie boot off USB/CD/MMC and login to a server. your shell can emulate terminal modes if you want those21:23
kodezi don't know the nearest rectron or axis around pretoria but will try searching or contact them21:24
kodezkbmonkey, how will i connect 15 monitors, mouse and keyboards in the set up you proposed?21:25
kbmonkeyWould each client not connect to a controlling server via the network 21:26
kodezinstead of buying 15 boxes, i want to use terminals that will connect to a server(s)21:27
kodezi mean 15 pc boxes21:27
kbmonkeya dumb terminal is usually a pc without any fixed disks, as it just runs a shell and you login to a server as if you were sitting at that server :)21:27
kodezkbmonkey: i agree, what i need is the small pc boxes that are custom built without hard drives that will connect to the server21:29
kbmonkeyjust a screen and keyboard pretty much eh.21:30
kbmonkeymay not be feasible atm, but see this for interest: http://www.raspberrypi.org/21:30
kbmonkeyit is pretty much a thin client 21:31
kbmonkeybut not a commercial product you can buy just yet21:31
kbmonkeysorry didnt mean to throw in a useless link :p21:32
kodezno problem21:32
kbmonkeydell and hp have thin client ranges21:35
kbmonkeybut I cant seem to find if any local stores stock21:35
kbmonkeythey specialize in what you are asking :)21:36
superflythere are a number of shops that have thin clients... the checkers and pick n pay types - I wonder where they get them from21:47
kbmonkeysure you can order a bunch of customized boxes from rectron, may need an account with them to do so tho21:50
kodezi will try to check their contact details tomorrow and will take it from there21:51
superflywell, to order anything from rectron you'd need an account21:51
kodezdoes anyone know of a software to monitor an internet cafe?21:51
kbmonkeynot off hand but sourceforge might be a good place to start21:52
superflykodez: there was OutKafe a few years ago, but I don't think it was that great21:55
superflythere was something else I saw, but I can't remember the name... it was hosted on SF.net, so you'll probably find it21:56
kodezi failed to get outkafe21:56
nlsthznnight all22:00
kodeznight nlsthzn22:01
superflynight folks22:02
kodeznight superfly22:03
=== panfriedsidh is now known as panphried

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