
=== Mos_ is now known as Moszor
Matic`MakovecRight, in here you've got...what?  NWNDE.iso?00:00
sudokilldoes anyone know if there's an "about:buildconfig" (firefox) type thing for chromium?00:00
CyborgSmurfMatic`Makovec: yeah, sorry about that00:00
Philosoraptoredbian: just enabled resize and move in ccsm and it works now thanks for your help!00:00
servanhi! i have a problem with my touchscreen. it accepts inputs with my finger but after i release my finger from the screen the cursor jumps to the upper left corner of the screen. is there any solution for that?00:01
emapsudokill: here you have em all about:about00:01
edbianPhilosoraptor, You figured it out! :D00:01
EldaPerfect thank you!00:01
sudokillemap cheers for that00:01
CyborgSmurfMatic`Makovec: btw I changed the name of directory (easier without the spaces and length)00:01
EldaIt now works as it should only requiring me to activate the wireless switch (fn + f2)00:01
roastedif I install ubuntu, can I uninstall unity? I'm trying to save space as I'm installing it to a 4gb flash drive, and I'd like to install an alternative minimal desktop interface for the very few times I need to manage it via gui00:01
emapsudokill: welcome00:02
cusithThe laptop has an Intel i7 820qm processor 6GB RAM, ATI 4870m gpu, Dell 1520 wireless card.  Installing from USB flash card. Installation goes smoothly until the step where it allows you to install internet updates and third party mp3 software. It's the step just before it lets you select the HDD you wish to install to. I have tried connecting to my network with both ehternet and wifi, but00:02
cusithafter I click "next" nothing happens. The mouse cursor does an infinite loading symbol.00:02
* Elda is Chii00:02
emapcusith: oh a dell, love em00:02
emapcusith: ok , what system are you on now?00:02
Matic`MakovecCyborgSmurf, argh. Would you please answer my question? You're currently inside /home/cyborgsmurf/Desktop/NWNDE where you have NWNDE.iso?00:02
jack_^So i have a machine using the newest nvidia binary drivers. I have a second card that requires the OLDER nvidia drivers. is there a way to make these 2 cards work together to get dual screen?00:02
cusithA desktop separate from the Alienware.00:03
Philosoraptoredbian: just now whenever i make a change in compiz the top bar in unity gets messed up and all i can see is black with white lines though everything else works00:03
Kevin`ubuntu natty isn't loading my disk driver on boot, older versions did. console output: http://kwzs.be/~kevin/xen-natty-boot.txt00:03
emapcusith: yes i meant operating system sorry00:03
CyborgSmurfMatic`Makovec: yeah, but when I typed the command I was in my home directory? (sorry, Im a newbie)00:03
Kevin`also the installer didn't load the network driver, although it found the disk00:03
ry_/msg nickserv RyanGreene freenoderyan!100:03
rww!identify | ry_00:03
ubottury_: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.00:03
Matic`MakovecCyborgSmurf, no need to apologise for anything. I only need your answers.00:03
cusithWindows 7.00:03
m1dn1ghteliam: I am able to mount the share from within the server, yes.00:04
Kevin`windows 7?00:04
sudokillemap, ah no buildconfig tho00:04
emapcusith: ok, are you able to use the live session?00:04
Matic`MakovecCyborgSmurf, so let's do it like this: mkdir iso; sudo mount -o loop NWNDE.iso iso/00:04
emapsudokill: no, hardly some informations at about:version00:04
Philosoraptoredbian: like the icons are still there if i click the top left i get the app launcher thing just the graphics are screwy is there a command to restart it so i dont have to restart my comp every time?00:04
Matic`MakovecWhat happens with this, CyborgSmurf ?00:04
Eldaedbian it all works well!   Thanks again for the help xD00:04
cusithI'm sorry, what do you mean by live session?00:04
eliamm1dn1ght, ok, at least that is working...00:05
sudokillemap, i wanted to double check the cflags were used when i compiled it00:05
emapcusith: when you load it up you re given the choice to "try ubuntu without modifying your pc" (or something like that) can you do it?00:05
eliamany nfs server logs?00:05
sudokillemap, dont matter tho00:05
cusithI will try.00:05
Kevin`any ideas? this should be a very simple thing to work around at least, if not fix the actual bug00:05
emapsudokill: sorry im not that informed, only thing i was able to share was that , not really that informed about chromium00:06
CyborgSmurfMatic`Makovec: it got mounted as a CD on my desktop00:06
Matic`MakovecCyborgSmurf, now...isn't that just what you wanted?00:06
emapcusith: are you able to do it right now?00:07
m1dn1ghteliam: "sudo mount -t nfs4 -o proto=tcp,port=2049 /home/m1dn1ght/mnttest/" is the command I run from the server to mount the share (where the ip address is the addy of the same machine I'm on) - strangely, when I changed that ip address to or localhost - it wouldn't mount00:07
Matic`MakovecCyborgSmurf, I take it you can browse it now00:07
CyborgSmurfMatic`Makovec: Yes, thanks00:07
cusithYes, It is loading off the USB as I type.00:07
emapcusith: perfect00:07
cusithemap: And is running fine.00:07
emapcusith: are you on live right now'00:07
CyborgSmurfMatic`Makovec: Do I need to type this everytime I want to play the game without a CD?00:07
Matic`MakovecCyborgSmurf, well you can have it permanently mounted00:08
Matic`MakovecOr you can just copy it's contents to harddrive00:08
cusithemap: I'm sorry, I do not know what "live" is.00:09
emapcusith: live = try ubuntu without installing00:09
CyborgSmurfMatic`Makovec: okey, thanks for helping me00:09
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cusithemap: Yes, it is running the os.00:09
emapcusith: please lets try and stress it a bit, are you able to open firefox?00:10
eliamm1dn1ght, and do you have a firewall on that host?00:10
Guest77370I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my Dell Latitude D630 laptop for the first time and I can't get the wireless internet to work.  Me = LinuxNoob00:10
cusithemap: Yes.00:10
roastedif I install ubuntu, can I uninstall unity? I'm trying to save space as I'm installing it to a 4gb flash drive, and I'd like to install an alternative minimal desktop interface for the very few times I need to manage it via gui00:10
=== Guest77370 is now known as Chiawalla
emapcusith: please see if under "more applications --> installed applications" you have something named "install ubuntu"00:11
Chiawallado I need like a driver or something?00:11
emaproasted: yes you can00:11
cusithemap: I do./00:11
Chiawallaor should the wireless just work?00:11
roastedemap, will ubuntu crap itself if I do?00:11
emapcusith: please start it and see if the install process hangs00:11
emaproasted: not supposed to, whats your graphic card?00:11
benccwhat's the difference between "hostname" and "hostname -fqdn"?00:11
benccwhich one I set when installing ubuntu?00:12
m1dn1ghteliam: Nope - only whatever comes as default in 10.04 server edition.  Haven't installed any additional firewall packages.  Like I said before though, I haven't opened any specific port for nfs00:12
roastedemap, I'm not sure. It's an onboard one and its in mid-install right now00:12
emaproasted: do you even know the brand? intel ati nvidia?00:12
roastedemap, I'm not sure. It's an optiplex 330. onboard, so I asume intel.00:13
cusithemap: Okay, I'm at the "Preparing to install Ubuntu" window. I selected "download updates while installing" and "install third party software". I then selected "Forward". As of now the mouse cursor is looping the loading animation.00:13
eliamm1dn1ght, you could try telnet'ing from the client to the server on that port to check traffic can get through...00:13
emaproasted: wow all dell users tonight, im in heaven, yes it should be an intel gma , not sure if the 330 uses arrandale ones or sandy bridge, in that case ubuntu is supposed to work with or without unity, to remove unity you can simply remove anything which has such name from synaptic then choose "ubuntu classic" on login and ubuntu will start without unity00:14
roastedemap, this thing is a pentium dual core, so its a tad bit older.00:14
emapcusith: you should try without downloading updates and 3rd party software and see if it works, if it still doesnt we ll try with an alternate install00:14
m1dn1ghteliam: which port?00:15
emaproasted: fantastic, just have to hope that your video card is supported, please give me a second to look your computer up00:15
aroonihow do i switch to a virtual desktop using the keyboard.  (ubuntu 10.04)00:15
eliamm1dn1ght, 2049 at a guess00:15
roastedemap, I just dont want ubuntu to crap itself if I remove unity. I'm quite happy with xfce or some other minimal gui00:15
emaproasted: they will all work with all intel integrated cards, you may have problems using 3d with the newest ones (sandy bridge) and some other old gma which werent directly manufactured by intel, im just checking if the old one is your case, but it appears not to be that00:16
emaproasted: i actually used ubuntu without unity on an intel gma hd and it all worked perfectly00:17
roastedemap, so if I apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and apt-get remove unity, it'll be fine and won't chit itself?00:17
cusithemap: It looks as though it is hanging still.00:17
eliamm1dn1ght, also, try... rpcinfo -u nfs00:17
emaproasted: no it wont, as far as i can tell (experience) xfce wont give you issues with any intel card00:17
eliamm1dn1ght, sorry, make that rpcinfo -t nfs00:18
emapcusith: one alternative is try with an ubuntu alternate install, less resources consuming and supposed to work most of the times, do you feel like trying it?00:18
cusithemap: I looked into trying it, but I could not get it to work off of a USB stick. The DVD drive on the laptop is dead. Is there another installation method or a way to make the alternate installation USB compatible?00:19
emapcusith: please give me a second00:19
campeehow do you boot ubuntu 11.04 into "safe mode" or even into a command prompt? I have no grub menu00:20
rwwcampee: hold down shift key at boot to get grub menu00:20
campeethanks rww00:21
emapcusith: whats the problem with alternate on usb?00:21
eliamm1dn1ght, also, rpcinfo -p might shed some light.00:21
eliamm1dn1ght, that's if nfsv4 uses portmap....00:21
ccchi all00:22
ccci have ubuntu 11.04, but i have a problem with skype and webcam00:23
cusithemap: I configure the USB with the alternate installation ISO with the program "Universal USB Installer" as per the Ubuntu website's instructions. When the boot screen for the Ubuntu options come up, I select "install" and nothing happens, except the laptop makes a beeping sound.00:23
benccwhat is the difference between hostname and the FQDN hostname?00:23
emapcusith: does this laptop actually have an operating system?00:23
brochow do i access the tools to prevent my computer/ubuntu from automatically shutting down after a few minutes without using it?00:24
sudokillbroc it shouldnt do that00:24
cusithemap: Yes, I am planning on running Windows 7 on one 500GB hard drive and Ubuntu on a second HHD.00:24
m1dn1ghteliam: that returns "program 100003 version 2 ready and waiting" (and version 3, 4)00:24
sudokillbroc do u mean monitor turns off?00:24
emapcusith: second internal?00:24
m1dn1ghteliam: I can't telnet in at that port00:24
brocno, everythign shuts down00:24
cusithemap: Yes.00:25
brocor hibernates, not sure00:25
sudokillas in powers off instantly, or shuts down properly?00:25
eliamm1dn1ght what about rpcinfo -p
nerdshellwhat's the difference between init 0 and shutdown ?00:25
broci think it shuts down properly..00:25
sudokillbroc r u on battery00:25
antikoabroc sounds like an overheat00:25
ccci have ubuntu 11.04, but i have a problem with skype and webcam: with a comand PRELOAD ecc. tha webcam go, but only if i run the comand on the shell. i modified the skype button on unity withthe comand but skype don't go00:25
brocno my laptop is continuously plugged in00:25
emapcusith: what build you downloaded? 32 or 64 bit one?00:25
sudokillidk then look in power options00:25
cusithemap: 64bit.00:25
brocwhere are the power options on ubuntu?00:26
sudokillsystem settings i think cant remmber00:26
emapcusith: do you feel like trying a 32bit one? perhaps there are some issues with just that build00:26
sudokillin the main option screen00:26
brock found it, thanks sudokill00:26
nerdshellwhat's the difference between init 0 and shutdown ?00:27
sudokillbroc look for something like suspend after x time or turn off hdds after x time whatever00:27
cusithemap: Is Ubuntu 32 bit capable of taking advantage of all 6GB of my RAM?00:28
scott-ianLaunchpad team for those who use Gnome 3 in Ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-users00:28
sudokillcusith no00:28
brocya found it, thanks sudokill00:28
sudokillu need 64 bit00:28
sudokillbroc n00:28
emapcusith: yes if you use a pae kernel it should be capable00:28
m1dn1ghteliam: That returns: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612095/ (nfs is on port 2049)00:28
sudokillcusith u might as well use 64 bit00:29
cusithemap: Where can I get this kernal and how do I install it00:29
sudokillusing custom kernel etc is worse00:29
emapcusith: its possible to install it from synaptic00:29
Lunixiaanyone else experiencing the the restricted drivers00:29
Lunixiaactive but not currently in use?00:29
emapLunixia: yes00:29
nerdshellin manpages there are always numbers between () after command names, what do they refer to ?00:30
EldaYep Lunixia , what pc and driver are you referring to?00:30
Lunixianvidia drivers00:30
AxtraDoes anybody know how to edit GRUB's config file?00:30
EldaHpmh, couldn't tell you atm :x00:30
cusithsudokill:Do you know of any reason the 64 bit variant of Ubuntu would hang on install? If not I don't have many other options, than to use a different kernal.00:31
emapAxtra: please take a look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:31
sudokillcusith bad image burn? doubt it but could be idk00:31
sudokillpae is slightly slower00:31
AxtraThank you00:31
emapAxtra: welcome00:31
sudokillcusith where does it hang?00:32
sudokillas its installing00:32
nerdshellin manpages there are always numbers between () after command names, what do they refer to ?00:32
woodworksnerdshell: i believe they refer to the page number of the man pages,,,,00:32
emapnerdshell: please make an example00:32
cusithsudokill: At the "Preparing to install Ubuntu" window. After I select "forward".00:32
sudokillhave u tried the alternative iso?00:32
eliamm1dn1ght, that should all be working, sorry.  What's your mount command again?00:33
EldaWhy is it that it mentions that the 32bit version of Ubuntu is preferred to the 64 bit?00:33
cusithsudokill: Cannot get it to run from USB drive, I select install ubuntu, and all the computer does is beep.00:33
EldaCompatability issues?00:33
xrdodrxElda, pretty much yeah00:33
nerdshellemap: man shutdown  ---> line 24 :  runlevel (7)00:33
nerdshellwoodworks: what do you mean ?00:33
cusithemap: Thank you for your input.00:34
EldaAh; I see.  Oh well, I'll just stick with x64 unless things get too irritating but it's been pretty decent so far.00:34
emapnerdshell: lots of explanations here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53899100:34
sudokillcusith, i have no idea why it just beeps00:34
emapcusith: welcome, good luck00:34
sudokillcould be anything00:34
GhostFreemanHow do I make a network bridge in 11.0400:34
m1dn1ghteliam: "sudo mount -t nfs4 -o proto=tcp,port=2049 /home/m1dn1ght/Kaylee" is the command I'm running on the client00:34
sudokillcusith, when it hangs, try deleting all partitions (if ur installing to whole drive) first from livecd00:35
GhostFreemanis there a way I can make a network bridge from a device plugged into eth0 into my wlan000:36
sudokillcusith, when it hangs, try deleting all partitions (if ur installing to whole drive) first from livecd00:36
eliamm1dn1ght, does "sudo mount /home/m1dn1ght/Kaylee" do anything? (without the nfs4 stuff)00:37
cusithsudokill: Okay.00:37
cusithsudokill: I'll try.00:37
sudokillcusith, ok, why cant u install from cd?00:37
sudokillu on netbook?00:38
nerdshellemap: that helped, thanks ;)00:38
emapnerdshell: please also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_page00:38
emapnerdshell: welcome00:38
m1dn1ghteliam: hangs the same way00:38
cusithsudokill: DVD drive is dead.00:38
sudokillah ok00:38
socommHow do I change the default run level?00:39
eliamm1dn1ght, I'm guessing you restarted the server after adding the exports "or ran 'sudo exportfs -ra' "00:39
PiecesI've been using a vpn that I setup in the connection manager.  It disconnects sometimes and doesn't reconnect.  Is there a way to set it up to reconnect when it gets disconnected?00:40
macosocomm:  what are you actually trying to do? changing the runlevel would either make it shutdown, go to single user mode, or reboot, because all other runlevels are the same00:40
m1dn1ghteliam: yah - I did.  Am I right in thinking the IP in the server's exports file should be the client's IP?00:40
=== surge is now known as surgeterrix
socommOrdinarily it's /etc/inittab00:40
cusithsudokill: I tried to format the drive I want to install to with the disk utility tool, but I get the error "Error creating filesystem" Under details it says, "Daemon is inhibited"00:40
solovoyanyone that uses deadbeef ?00:40
macosocomm: we don't use init00:40
socommmaco: no .......00:40
emapPieces: tried to check "connect automatically"?00:40
socommmaco: what do you use?00:40
macosocomm: in debian land, runlevels 2-5 are identical. ubuntu uses upstart00:41
eliamm1dn1ght, from that howto, it's the whole subnet.00:41
macosocomm: the default runlevel is 200:41
socommmaco: got you, i'll start there00:41
sudokillcusith, is this booting fro the usb livcd?00:41
cusithsudokill: YEs.00:41
macosocomm: if you just sant to disable the graphical login, you can edit the gdm.conf file in /etc/init/00:41
m1dn1ghteliam: Is that the router's ip ?  i.e.  Tried that too00:42
sudokilltry rebooting and try again00:42
sudokillill have a look for you00:42
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eliamm1dn1ght, but from the man /etc/exports the client should work.  try
socommmaco: thats exactly what I want to do , thanks for the pointers00:42
Andy50anyone installed natty on a system using a lsi megaraid 9240? Install sees my 12TB raid5 fine, but after reboot I get "error out of disk grub rescue"00:44
Trfsrfrdual monitors go back to mirror screen after screensaver. how do I keep this from happening?00:44
m1dn1ghteliam: changed the ip address to in /etc/exports and restarted the nfs server - no change though - client still hangs00:44
foxhoundzWhy Ubuntu why! 11.04 is ...so buggy :(00:45
eliamm1dn1ght, have you got the /24 in there?  pastebin your /etc/exports00:45
foxhoundzI've stuck with you since dapper...but now...time to call it off. I'm sorry :'(...I'm leaving you for SuSE T_T00:45
ChiawallaI just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my Dell Latitude D630 laptop for the first time and I can't get the wireless internet to work.  Me = LinuxNoob00:46
Chiawallawhat do I do?00:46
foxhoundzcheck for additional drivers00:46
m1dn1ghteliam: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612099/00:46
foxhoundzsee if you can get proprietary drivers (if available)00:46
ChiawallaI did00:46
Chiawallahow do I get a proprietary driver00:46
szalm1dn1ght: IP addresses ending in .0 and .255 are not normally actually useable, since they usually are the "network" and "broadcast" addresses00:46
Chiawalla<====Ultra-noob for linux00:47
macoChiawalla: check out the Hardware Driver Manager. should be in the System menu I think. if you cant find it, alt+f2 and type "jockey"00:47
macoChiawalla: it does require that you be on a wired connection at the time though00:47
m1dn1ghtszal: until a couple of minutes ago the IP address in /etc/exports was the addy of the client also (i.e.
m1dn1ghtszal: just changed to at suggestion00:48
eliamm1dn1ght, silly question but do you have a /export folder on the server?00:48
bdelin88I am not getting much help on the #suse channel... can anyone help me with this server problem: I have set my Listening port for apache2 in listen.conf to port 1080 and removed the entry for port 80.  I have also forwarded it in the router.  Why is this not working??00:48
Successneed help00:48
SuspiRi4hi ppl...sorry i just started using ubuntu and i got this error while upgrading.. E:Encountered a section with no package:header, E:Problem with mergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/itit archive.itubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty _main_i18n_Translation-it,00:48
Successubuntu slowly failing00:48
SuccessI plugged in a wireless keyboard to laptop now built in doesn't work00:48
m1dn1ghteliam: Yep - and that is what was mounted on the server when I attempted to do it from the same machine00:48
SuspiRi4sorry for borign u ppl but i dont what it means and what i do have to o00:48
Successsound doesn't work00:49
Successand natty won't install00:49
\rainman\bdelin88: have you restarted the daemon ?00:49
bdelin88yes :(00:49
Chiawallamaco - I loaded the "Additional Drivers" window and it says there is a Broadcom STA Wireless driver, which it also says is activated and currently in use00:49
Successcan someone help me please00:50
eliamm1dn1ght, nfs exports also understands machine names, could try client machine name instead of ip? clutching at straws here though! :-/00:50
SuspiRi4i need help please00:50
emapsuccess: with?00:50
Successwill natty have better control over drivers too?00:50
SuccessI have 2 problems now00:51
Successim running 10.1000:51
m1dn1ghteliam: Sorry - not familiar with machine name?  Is that like the hostname of the other machine (I have tried that too if that's the case :))00:51
eliamm1dn1ght, yes, hostname00:51
eliamm1dn1ght, darn it!00:51
SuccessI have to use an external keyboard ( built in one isn't working, its os problem )00:51
Successand sound isn't working00:51
Successim laptop00:51
Successbut im installing 11.04 ( only if it doesn't take to long, I have very limited internet connectivity time )00:52
szal.oO( since when do bots have laptop problems? :o )00:52
emapsuccess: supposed to00:53
ChiawallaI just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my Dell Latitude D630 laptop for the first time and I can't get the wireless internet to work.  Me = LinuxNoob . I loaded the "Additional Drivers" window and it says there is a Broadcom STA Wireless driver, which it also says is activated and currently in use00:53
Chiawallacan anyone help pleeease?00:53
Successsupposed to what00:54
SchighSchaghHey. I'm trying to get a computer to load GDM properly on startup even if it doesn't have a monitor attached so that I can VNC into the computer. The computer is 10.10 AMD6400:54
SuccessChaiwalla: there should be a wireless button on the front, press it :)00:54
Successeither that or goto wireless settings and connect00:54
melow01Hi, I'm on Ubuntu Lucid and I'm about to load a different wi-fi driver but my current wifi is working. is there a way to backup my current driver so that I can revert to it later if I hose the wifi?00:55
Successcan someone fix my sound00:55
Successand maybe my keyboard00:55
melow01(whoa, i chimed in at the right time... i see wifi issues above)00:56
Gskellighow exactly does rc.local work, can I just type commands in there and save it or...?00:56
melow01Chiawalla, have you checked 'ifconfig' to see if you're getting an ip address? (this would be done at the command line)00:56
Ender2070when I installed ubuntu, it destroyed the data on the file server on my closet00:57
SchighSchaghHey. I'm trying to get a computer to load GDM properly on startup even if it doesn't have a monitor attached so that I can VNC into the computer. The computer is 10.10 AMD64. Does anybody know how to do this?00:57
Gskelligi would also like to know that SchighSchagh00:57
Successsomeone help fast00:58
KuwangerIs there a simple way to find out what and how much memory is being used in VRAM?00:58
Ender2070why are all my icons on the left00:58
melow01Chiawalla, if you're comfortable with the command line, I've been poking around on this page to get info about my WiFi card: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide/Commands00:58
SuspiRi4nobody wants to help  me?00:59
Ender2070i have to move my mouse 4 screens to launch a program00:59
Successcan someone help me withsound00:59
melow01Chiawalla, there should be a way to solve your problem in the Ubuntu GUI, I'm just not familiar with that method. Maybe someone else here could chime in.00:59
Successmy sound don't work ubuntu 10 10 laptop00:59
Successsnap g2g in a sec00:59
SchighSchaghHey. I'm trying to get a computer to load GDM properly on startup even if it doesn't have a monitor attached so that I can VNC into the computer. The computer is 10.10 AMD64. Does anybody know how to do this?01:01
AxtraI love coming onto IRCs like this one01:01
AxtraThe people in this channel are lovely and incredibly helpful01:02
Gskelligthey usually are axtra01:02
AxtraBut there are always people in other channels who are utter bastards01:02
m1dn1ghteliam: Well thanks for all the help my friend.  I appreciate it.  I think I may have to call it a night on this irritating problem and come at it with a fresh head tomorrow.01:02
Gskelligits particularly busy right now01:02
AaronDCampbellWhere is a good place to get modern laptops with hardware that is supported by Ubuntu?01:02
GskelligAaronDCampbell, most hardware is supported, I would pick a laptop you want then check to make sure its supported by ubuntu01:02
Gskelligbefore you buy01:02
AaronDCampbellI know Dell has a few, but they seem to be all their older junk01:02
Gskelligoh by "supported" you mean comes preinstalled?01:03
AaronDCampbellGskellig: Is there a place to check by make/model or do you have to check each piece of hardware01:03
eliamm1dn1ght, no problem.  I've just tried installing nfs on my box, locally it works fine.  Just setting up a quick virtual machine to connect to it to see if I get the same problems.  I'd also try disabling all firewalls too, just in case...01:03
Gskelligthere probably is01:03
AaronDCampbellGskellig: No, I just meant one where someone else has already checked everything :)01:03
Gskelligi don't know specefically01:03
AxtraI was wondering if anybody knew where I can find a guide on getting KDE Ubuntu on an eeePC 90101:04
Gskelligi found a laptop i wanted, and googled "ubuntu on asus ul30vt" and found there were a few issues that were pretty easy to fix01:04
m1dn1ghteliam: Well, I'll stick around for a while longer - just watching a video in another screen :)01:04
m1dn1ghtAaronDCampbell: http://www.techdrivein.com/2010/09/7-providers-of-pre-installed-linux.html01:04
AaronDCampbellGskellig: I'll try that route instead.01:04
m1dn1ghtAaronDCampbell: I've heard good things about System7601:04
AaronDCampbellThanks m1dn1ght ...I'll check that link too01:04
GskelligAaronDCampbell, i'm sure there is a collection of that information somewhere.01:04
Gskelligsystem76 comes with ubuntu, they are a *little* pricy imo but they are a small company, i've heard great things as well01:05
_TristanHow can I set up a RAID 1 using my root drive, an identical drive (empty), and a gui?01:05
g3ist89AaronDCampbell: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/hi91f/does_anyone_use_a_system76_laptop/01:05
AaronDCampbellg3ist89: Thanks.01:06
_Tristan(I'll give you $20 over paypal if you answer my question)01:07
m1dn1ghtAaronDCampbell: Like others - I'd say it's just as worthwhile finding models you like and then checking compatibility also - might be cheaper01:07
melow01I'm trying to update my broadcom driver and the broadcom website says there is a newer version. how do i check the repositories to see if its available through apt-get?01:08
Gskellighow exactly does rc.local work, can I just type commands in there and save it or...?01:10
_Tristanagain, $20 to the person who helps me set up a raid 101:10
Gskellig_Tristan, whats exactly your issue?01:11
szal_Tristan: strengthen your Google-fu and save your money ^^01:11
uragano2Hello! i wrote a script that must be runned as last at startup, so i read on google the steps but it works only same times. can anybody helps?01:11
_TristanI've got lots of money and I've been working on this for three days with little sleep. My issue is that I have two drives, I'm running on one of them, and I need it mirrored to the second.01:12
_Tristanand I'd like it to be with a gui.01:12
Gskellignot sure if thats possible01:12
Gskelligyou might need to back everything up and start over01:12
Gskelligor at the least make an image01:12
Gskelligbut i'm no expert01:12
azurepalm_Tristan, you can try: http://clonezilla.org/01:13
Gskellighave you seen this thread _Tristan? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40846101:13
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azurepalmassuming you can have the other drive hooked up to the same PC, it should be relatively simple01:15
jon8what will tell me in ubuntu what hard drive manufacture and model number?01:15
jon8for the hard drive i have install01:15
Gskellighow exactly does rc.local work, can I just type commands in there and save it or...?01:16
szaljon8: e.g. w/ "smartctl --all /dev/sdX" (replace X w/ the respective letter for the drive)01:17
gamingdroidI had an accident and I think I deleted my files with a rm -r command. I don't see the files in trash, is there a way to recover?01:18
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uragano2Hello! i wrote a script that must be runned as last at startup, so i read on google the steps but it works only same times. can anybody helps?01:19
IdleOne!undelete | gamingdroid01:20
ubottugamingdroid: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel01:20
gamingdroidIdleOne: thanks! I just found a backup of the VM containing Ubuntu. Teaches me a lesson to ues a off-site source code version control in the future.01:23
rrykuaI have a computer at the office that has Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 installed. Sometimes I use this computer remotely (RDP or SSH) and need to reboot into different operating system. To switch from Linux to Windows I just run "sudo reboot" an Windows will load automatically as it's selected as default in grub. However changing back is difficult. The easiest option so far that I have found is to install ext3/ext4 driver and modify gru01:23
IdleOnerrykua: your message got cut off at driver and modify gr01:24
number9Hey on a fresh install of xubuntu 11.4 with some updates and a few programs, if I open thunar and click my home directory it gives me an error: "Failed to open directory: "user"; Error stating file '/home/user/.gvfs': Transport endpoint is not connected"01:24
number9In bash I can list the contents of my home directory, but get the same error if I try to cd or ls ~/.gvfs01:25
number9Any ideas?01:25
sudokillIdleOne he meant grub01:25
sudokilli think01:25
rrykuaIdleOne: Thanks for telling. Here is the rest: and modify grub configuration from Windows. Is there an easier way?01:25
crunchbang_noobi need your help01:25
sudokillwith what01:25
crunchbang_noobhow do i install devede in crunchbang01:26
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition01:26
IdleOneask in #crunchbang01:26
rrykuaAlso as far as I remember Ubuntu is using newer version of ext filesystem by default that is not supported by any existing driver for Windows. :(01:26
crunchbang_noobit already took me more than 6 hour how01:26
sudokillcrunchbang_noob, well i hope it works better than in arch01:26
crunchbang_noobill check that out01:26
rrykuaWould be nice to have an option in Windows: "Reboot into Ubuntu" and in Ubuntu: "Reboot into Windows".01:27
szalsudokill: from your perspective or from his? ;)01:27
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qwerty1234[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   qwerty1234 roaming YankDownUnder TecnicoDPC roasted Evanescence polardroid crunchbang_noob kwood Lenin_Cat number9 jakemp sardonyx yigal sudokill bigeye ext01:27
Gskelligholy crap lol01:27
sudokillrrykua, easybcd has an option but i dont think u can use it wiht linux01:28
sudokillrrykua, it has a program to select what os to reboot into01:28
rrykuasudokill: thanks for that... i will look into it01:29
szalthe KDE shutdown dialog has that too, but I guess that won't help on the console01:29
szalbut that shows that it's possible01:29
crunchbang_noobsudo kill noby in #crunchbang is answering my question01:29
necromancerhow do you get to mysql CLI in ubuntu 10? when i type `mysql` it activates `/etc/init.d/mysql`01:29
szal!patience | crunchbang_noob01:29
crunchbang_noobi really need devede01:29
ubottucrunchbang_noob: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:29
crunchbang_noobpatience is a virtue01:30
szalLjL: too late :P01:30
YankDownUndercrunchbang_noob, DeeVeeDee?01:30
sudokillcrunchbang, sorry ive never used crunchbang01:30
sudokillso idk01:30
necromanceropenbox is nice though ;)01:30
sudokillshame there arent many good alternatives to devede its good01:30
necromancerjust in general01:30
LjLszal: not really, no, i know what i'm doing :)01:31
crunchbang_noobok thats ok sudokill01:32
necromanceri have mysql installed but i can't access it =\01:32
olskolircis there a web flash or java link to this channel somewhere?01:35
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.01:35
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash01:36
roastedQuestion - when you install Ubuntu from the alternate CD and set up a raid array, do the disks fully sync during the installation or do they do that job after the installation completes?01:36
cfeddeIt starts doing "raid stuff" as soon as it is set up.01:37
bluenailHey I'm trying to get my Xubuntu to have the OPTION of running Unity like stock Ubuntu for demonstration purposes.  I did an apt-get install unity but when I log in to "Ubuntu" session, no window manager starts. Ideas?01:39
edbianbluenail, switch to tty1, kill Xorg, run unity, switch to tty7, look at tty1 for errors01:40
edbianbluenail, That's what I would do01:40
b44How to list a file in a directory which has not a specific size ???01:41
bluenailedbian, run unity from tty1 or from session manager or from failsafe?01:41
edbianbluenail, Run it from tty101:41
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edbianbluenail, I didn't even mention failsafe01:42
szalrrykua: http://askubuntu.com/questions/42390/one-click-shutdown-ubuntu-and-load-into-alternative-bootup01:42
ssfdre38you should have the floodBots fix to have a delay on the invite to this channel01:42
bluenailedbian well, that is how I usually test window managers from command line, so I was unsure, it has been a LONG time since I've played with X much, so I didn't even know you could launch it from a tty without an X session running.01:43
bluenailedbian thanks, bbl (or not if I get any error messages I can make head or tail of!)01:43
edbianbluenail, I think it will start an xserver01:43
qinb44: ls -lh (Can you reformulate question?)01:43
edbianoh nm, bye01:43
eliamm1dn1ght, fixed! :-)01:44
geeksmithedbian: i think you just put "unity" into .xinitrc and run startx01:44
eliamm1dn1ght, got the same behaviour, until I fixed the /etc/hosts.allow file on the server01:45
b44qin: wanted to know which file in a directory has not the size 56. Solved it by sorting ;)01:45
eliamm1dn1ght, add "ALL: ALL" to your /etc/hosts.allow.  You might want to check who this allows in the man page, for security, but see if that works first! :-)01:46
pjHey, I'm having trouble re-installing a package.  Apparently it wants to run a post-removal script that errors out because it has already removed a file required by the script.  I need to tell dpkg to go ahead and forcibly remove the package anyways so I can turn around and install it again.  How do I do that?01:46
macopj:  double-check "man dpkg" but i think its --force-remove01:47
slgmaanyone else greatly disapointed in natty01:48
john_rambo Hi I am trying to install Ubuntu minimal to a Physical HDD which is connected to my PC using IDE cable ....How to add the HDD to VM?01:48
eliamm1dn1ght, I'm off for a well deserved cup of tea but let me know if it works...01:48
taglassslgma: !ot01:48
john_ramboI mean Virtual Machine01:48
slgmaunity looks like windows 7 with down syndrome, the overlay scrollbars are a joke.....and it messed up my video drivers so they wont work on my led tv anymore01:48
slgmaonly does 1024x768 instead of 1920x108001:48
macoslgma: could you stay away from the comparisons to disabilities please?01:48
pjmaco: no --force-remove, but I may just try --force-all, heh01:49
slgmaanyone else experience any nvidia driver issues when upgrading to natty?01:49
geeksmithpj: if dpkg won't do it, you can edit the post-removal script to comment the line that removes the file01:49
slgmanot to mention half my friends had to mount their hdd manually to fix the upgrade01:49
dibsdoes anyone else have redraw issues on natty with amd? have to resize an app to get current draw of it?01:49
slgmasince it made their computers unbootable01:49
cheezitpj: have you tried just touch'ing the file so it is there for the script?01:50
pjcheezit: I think it wants to actually execute the file01:50
pjhang on, I'll pastebin the error01:50
pjmaco geeksmith cheezit: http://pastebin.com/rgCwiF1m01:51
pie_im on 11.04, how can i increase  my resolution past the maximum in the gui configuration program?01:51
eliamslgma, all good here.01:51
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slgmaanyone use nvidia drivers on an LED tv01:51
slgmawith a vga cable01:51
slgmaworked flawlessly on 10.1001:52
pie_It suddenly got smaller this boot01:52
slgmaat 1920x1080, now it only does 1024x768 and acts like it doesnt do a higher resolution than that01:52
pie_except idk my native resolution01:52
cheezitpj: have you tried downloading the deb and forcing a reinstall?01:52
pjcheezit: yes, I get the same errors when I try to reinstall01:53
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pjcheezit: I'll show you that as well01:53
AMDphreakVGA is standard. If the driver works with VGA's output requirements and the TV's VGA adapter works with the input requirements it should work.01:53
geeksmithpj: if you don't want to edit the prerm script, you could try "ln -s /bin/true /usr/local/Brother/sane/setupSaneScan2"01:53
AMDphreakAlthough that's no comprehensive analysis.01:53
m1dn1ghteliam: trying that now01:53
eliamslgma, binary drivers often have issues between releases.  If you look at BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia, it says about removing xserver-xorg-video-nouveau.  Are you actually using the nvidia drivers?01:54
dibsman natty is so close to putting me off ubuntu, I loved natty but it's so damn buggy01:54
pjgeeksmith: good idea, I'll give that a try01:54
whitedaslgma - I am using a widescreen monitor an Natty upgrade has made my  main drive unbootable -  is there a website or forum article showing how to fix?01:54
pie_I had it working fine before, my resolution was the same size as now, i disassembled/reassembled everything(unplugged and such, didnt actually disassemble my computer)when moving my computer to a different room and i had  a much higher resolution01:55
pjgeeksmith: that worked, thanks, now to see if my problem is actually fixed, heh01:55
pie_suddenly its back to this small one of 1024x768 and wont allow me togo higher01:55
szalwhiteda: what has the one (widescreen) to do w/ the other (boot issue)?01:55
Guest26028XChat-GNOME 0.26.1 >> “Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once.” :D01:56
taglasswhiteda: You'll get much farther by being less vague.01:56
edbianIs there a way to re-arrange the icons in the unity bar??01:56
taglassedbian: grab the iocon, drag it out, drag it to new position01:57
edbiantaglass, Ahhhh, clever01:57
NictraSaviosAlright. At work, i use backtrack. for Personal, i use Ubuntu. They are both Ubuntu in nature, and the question i am asking could be also asked as "how do i do this with Xubuntu and Ubuntu" so this suuport channel IS the place to ask it. What I want to do, is take backtrack, and Build it back into Ubuntu, With all the tools still there.01:57
pie_anyone? :(01:57
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
NictraSaviosIn short, how do i merge 2 ubuntu bassed distros.01:57
ion-can i restrict a repo to only look at specific packages?01:57
ion-i only want a specific package from a different repo and i dont want it to update other packages from that repo01:57
r3xerver irc.ir4dex.net01:57
edbianion-, Look at synaptic01:58
ion-edbian: this is on server deploys01:58
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ion-edbian: no gui, noninteractive01:58
pjyes, it's all good, thanks everyone for the help.  I think I can blame Brother for not packaging their scanner driver properly, heh.01:59
NictraSaviosoops, internet went donw01:59
edbianNictraSavios, it's still up01:59
* eliam checks the status of the internet.01:59
NictraSaviosMy connection to it did >.<01:59
whitedaok - I saw slgma comments above about unbootable disk and comment about widescreen - I have both - on my dual boot dell the windows partition on sda is now unmountible according to windows and the natty upgrade on sdb is mot functional either  All after upgrading to Natty01:59
edbianNictraSavios, You're using it to talk to us02:00
edbianNictraSavios, :P02:00
NictraSaviosAnyway, any awnser to my query. Sorry the typing is sloppy. I'm rather rushed currently.02:00
eliamNictraSavios, I'd just install the *buntu you want and then install all the packages you want.  Apt is pretty good like that.02:01
NictraSaviosIts not that simple02:01
eliamNictraSavios, why not?02:01
pretendoomg grub wont install to /dev/sda wtf02:01
NictraSaviosBacktracks kernel is optomised for the tools. Its also very stripped down. Only the root user, creating another user is difficult. Its ment to be run, used, logged off.02:02
NictraSaviosThe configuration needs to be restored.02:02
whitedaanyway just realized I'm in the wrong place - my upgrade was Kubuntu - I'll look there for help - thanks02:02
mark_y_markHello, I have a problem with a fresh install, can I ask for help here?02:03
NictraSaviosSo copy /etc? anyway. I'm also askin in their irc, what they did to it so i can reverse it.02:03
xanguabacktrack is not supproted here NictraSavios , try #backtrack-linux02:03
NictraSaviosBut i need general Ubuntu support.02:03
NictraSaviosWhat im asking in a GENERAL Ubuntu question, could be asked between any 2 distros02:03
NictraSaviosHow do i merge 2 Ubuntu bassed distros.02:03
ViN86bo ringer here02:03
ViN86wrong channel :o02:04
geeksmithpj: glad it worked!02:04
taglassNictraSavios: That's not really and enduser support question.  You might have etter luck on the developer mailing lists.02:04
eliamNictraSavios, and you should probably define what you mean by *merge*.  Like I said, if you installed the ubuntu you wanted, you can install all the tools via apt.02:05
NictraSaviosBut what about the configuation. Like th fact that on one, gdm dosent start on load. and the internet isnt connected automaticly02:06
NictraSaviosThe network manager isnt even installed.02:06
NictraSaviosCould i copy the /etc from 10.04 (what its bassed on) and install the packages from it, would that work?02:06
eliamNictraSavios, so uninstall it?  And setup the init.d however you want it.  The good thing about Linux is you can configure it anyway you like!02:06
NictraSaviosI dont know how to work Init.d, Only init experance i have it with rc.conf under Arch Linux02:07
pretendoi cant get grub to even wrok in ubuntu wow02:07
jeffxjust finished installing 11.04.  Unity is ggoing to take some getting used to.02:07
eliamNictraSavios, I'm still a bit confused about the aim though?  Take BT and make it more user friendly?02:08
NictraSaviosAny good documentation you recomend?02:08
cheezitNictraSavios: why would you mess with BackTrack? it works perfectly02:08
NictraSaviosMy full project is this. Take BT, restore it to a fully Functional desktop, Upgrade it to 10.10, then merge it into Linux Mint 1102:08
eliamNictraSavios, man update-rc.d02:08
NictraSavioscheezit, Because i have to use it as a desktop. Its annoying have 2 distros. One for work, One for personal.02:09
NictraSavioscheezit, create a non root user, try and use it to watch a movie, graphical login. Try it, its not easy.02:10
cheezitNictraSavios: useradd02:10
NictraSaviosBacktrack linux forums is helping me get it back to functional. One of the devs gave me a change log.02:10
cheezitNictraSavios: change xinit to gdm or similar02:11
xanguaNictraSavios: good for you, and again this is not the backtrack channel02:11
NictraSavioscheezit, nah, bro, of course. Now what groups, what main group, setup gdm, oh did i mention the logout applet fails to load? The config cdosent work. They are all Ubuntu Questions02:11
NictraSaviosGod dangit, read what i said please? after i have it useable, it is for all intensive purposes, 10.04 LTS.02:11
cusithCan anyone please help me find a copy of the netboot version of Ubuntu 11.04?02:12
crunchbang_noobeveryone i need your help correct me  if i am wrong did02:12
NictraSaviosSo then it falls into this channel02:12
crunchbang_noobi add sources to my sources.list like this02:12
crunchbang_noob#deb frp://ftp.debian-multimedia.org squeeze manin non-free02:12
crunchbang_noobdid i do it ryt?02:12
mark_y_markdoes anyone have any problems printing after a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04?02:12
rwwNictraSavios: No, it isn't, and no, it doesn't. #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official derivatives, not Backtrack or Mint.02:12
NictraSaviosLet me get to the heart of what Im asking without all the backround annoyance.02:12
rwwcrunchbang_noob: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?02:12
eliamNictraSavios, I'd install 10.04 LTS + the extra packages you want, if you want a decent desktop with some security tools.02:13
NictraSaviosIt will be, for all intesive purposes. Since the config and package list will be identacle. even the branding.02:13
mark_y_markUbuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal02:13
eliamNictraSavios, or something newer02:13
NictraSaviosWhen im done, there will be no differance between what i have, and 10.04. So this is the place to ask it.02:13
rwwNictraSavios: No, it isn't. Also, it's "intents and purposes"02:13
m1dn1ghteliam: Hey dude - I got it working - thanks for all your help!!02:13
crunchbang_noobi feel like i dont really belong here02:13
rwwcrunchbang_noob: then ask in the Crunchbang channel. #ubuntu is for Ubuntu and official derivatives.02:13
eliamm1dn1ght, :-)02:13
taglassNictraSavios: minor correction  "intents and purposes"02:13
NictraSaviosIntensive purposes. * I'm typing fast because i want this conversation to be short.02:14
crunchbang_noobi did but nobodies answering02:14
tjiggi_foNictraSavios, then just install 10.04 and stop being annoying02:14
KM0201crunchbang_noob: you don't, thats why.. :)02:14
m1dn1ghteliam: Really appreciate all the help - but I really now must sleep :)  thanks again02:14
eliamm1dn1ght, no worries.  Like I said, double check the security on that hosts thing as I'm not sure who you've *allowed*02:14
crunchbang_noobahehehe this is ubuntus room lol02:14
KM0201crunchbang_noob: they have a forum.02:14
NictraSaviosI cant. Then i will not be able to do any work on it.02:14
m1dn1ghteliam: Yeah - will do - good to know what the root of the problem is at any rate02:14
crunchbang_noobanyway thank you guys02:14
NictraSaviosYour asking pointless information. What you asking me is regardless because im asking about stuff AFTER that.02:14
cheezitNictraSavios: if adding users and groups from the command line presents problems, you have bitten off more than you can chew02:14
geeksmithcusith: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/02:16
pie_How can I increase my screen resolution past what is in the configuration program?02:16
pie_I'm using 11.0402:16
KM0201pie_: whats your graphics device?02:16
pie_Im not suuuure...02:16
cusithgeeksmith: Thanks!02:16
pie_How would I look?02:16
KM0201pie_: lspci in a terminal should show it.02:17
=== necromancer is now known as necromancer`zzz
itaylor57KM0201: o/02:17
KM0201itaylor57: o/02:17
pie_00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)02:17
pie_MY current limit is 1024x768 but I had it larger last boot02:17
KM0201pie_: i seem to recall reading some issues w/ that chipset..02:17
KM0201!res | pie_02:17
ubottupie_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:17
pie_I think my system hung with a black screen and sound was looping.02:17
pie_That happend a few times before actually.02:18
pie_Not regularly though.02:18
NavionSo, what's the answer about slow ripping? Seems like a 48:1 CD drive should run pretty fast. No conversion involved. It's 44.1 Ksps-16 bit CD to a 44.1 Ksps-16 bit .wav file. But it's very slow.02:18
pie_Ok thanks I'll try that02:18
=== necromancer`zzz is now known as necromancer
=== necromancer is now known as necromancer`zzz
pie_would there be any drawbacks to xrandr --newmode or --addmode if the mode doesnt exist?02:26
* pie_ doesnt know what it means for a mode to exist.02:26
julian_cPossible damage to the display...?02:26
eliampie_, or maybe the video card?02:27
pie_I want my large resolution back! >.<02:27
NictraSaviosI have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I have some packages that I installed from unsupported Repos. When i Upgrade, Will it remove these packages.02:27
eliampie_, doubt it though.  Probably just a fuzzy screen and a horrid noise.02:27
pie_Its LCD btw.02:27
eliamNictraSavios, My upgrade automatically deselected all the unsupported stuff and marked it as something like '*disabled during upgrade*'02:28
EagleScreeni have my home folder ecrypted, I removed the Ubuntu installation from what I did the encryption, but i have the passphrase, can I recover the files from other Linux installation?02:28
NictraSaviosThank you (to all those who here here 20 minutes ago... was that sooo hard? Seriously?)02:29
eliamNictraSavios, ?02:29
pie_eliam, I just reinstalled from a CD instead of upgrading02:29
NictraSaviosNevermind. Just unsupported support channel, who tries to find ways of getting out of helping people.02:29
pie_and I had a low resolution then IDK what happened and I had a high resolution for one boot, now its back to low.02:30
pie_so should I try addmode or newmodE?02:30
eliampie_, like someone else kind of suggested, I'd check the video driver support.  Check there's nothing funny with the kernel drivers for that hardware.02:30
eliamNictraSavios, Is this just random trolling?02:31
EagleScreencan I recover my files in my case?02:31
rwwNictraSavios: You have been told, repeatedly, that Ubuntu is not for unofficial derivatives. Go find somewhere else to ignore the rules of.02:31
pie_Ok, BTW dude@dude:~$ xrandr02:31
pie_Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 8192 x 819202:31
rntzDoes anyone know how to grab the kernel config from a running ubuntu livecd?02:31
pie_Theres that maximum sooo...02:31
rntza la cat /proc/config.gz on a gentoo livecd?02:31
pie_Oh by the way I'm using the "Ubuntu Classic(no effects)" setup not the Unity stuff.02:32
surrentinohi there, i need help. I downloaded the iso file of ubuntu and then i burn it on a cd.. What i have to do now?02:33
sudokillput the disk in02:33
pie_put it in your computer, reboot.02:33
julian_cIf necessary, press the key to give you a boot menu (usually F12, sometimes ESC).02:33
sudokillboot from the disc a baby can do it02:34
surrentinosorry i miss something, when i press F9 to start from internal cd/dvd device, after 5 seconds keeps start windows vista02:35
eliamrntz, /boot/config-*02:35
=== scarface` is now known as scarface
zacharyalexsternOh man, gwibber takes maybe 1/3 of a second to change "columns" even with NO ACCOUNTS CONFIGURED. That's hilarious.02:36
rntzeliam: thank you02:36
eliamrntz, no probs.02:36
surrentinohow can i solve my problem?02:36
katsrchow do i fix the fullscreen bug with adobe flash?02:36
taglasssurrentino: roughly how many files are on the disc you burned.  You didn't just burn the iso as a file onto the disc did you?02:37
pcgeek32147dose any1 if theres anything like netmeeting 4 ubuntu besides vnc02:37
surrentinoyes i do.. now i should know what you're talking about...02:37
eliampcgeek32147, sharing the screen or teleconferencing (ala skype)?02:38
ekwqewhjk[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   ekwqewhjk biella EagleScreen JeanLuc45678998 guampa rvb katsrc cprofitt jaminja Roasted_ Dice-Man Auriel Neo_Kipling Chaser_ pcgeek32147 debsan BrerTortoise st02:38
ekwqewhjk[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   vitor-br Momoka jeffx Naenyn ganadist C-S-B jtobey polifasio_ bobthemilkman edbian SaintHoseph xangua ccb_ ouyes madLyfe crhan octillion Cain pOpOtyTO mitchda 02:38
ekwqewhjk[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   crunchbang_noob Lenin_Cat jakemp sardonyx bigeye extor multipass julian_c MrNaz JasonO codeshah Ahadiel mark_y_mark zacharyalexstern Phong_ olskolirc dangergrr02:38
ekwqewhjk[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JUNE 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   therap1st arooni soapie cfchris6 omry rcmaehl r3m crus m4v 16SAAGXHO something_here cdavis grawcho_ jack_^ NeoBlaster iam126 eliam Drule awolfson abountu himce02:38
rwwSpam, please ignore ^02:39
zacharyalexsternSo . . . I don't need to set up SASL?02:39
macozacharyalexstern: correct02:39
frackleare you sure?02:39
rwwYou can if you want, but no ;P02:39
fracklegod, that shit is annoying02:39
zacharyalexsternfrackle, Not as annoying as trying to use gwibber.02:39
rwwzacharyalexstern: hehe02:40
rcmaehlmy eyes02:40
rwwgwibber's a little infamous for resource usage02:40
tsimpsonerm, language...02:40
zacharyalexsternrww,  do you work for rww?02:40
rcmaehlgwibber <- my eyes they burn02:40
rwwzacharyalexstern: no02:40
zacharyalexsternI don't care about how much resources it uses, if it were actualy fast.02:40
zacharyalexsternBut it's slow as molasses.02:40
paperboyhi. I have just installed ubuntu and on loading ti says something about unity not supporting my hardware and my desktop looks like windows 3.1 .. what happened to the nice graphics.. this never use to happen.  Im on vbox but i had karma on vbox and it worked pefectly.02:40
ouyeswhy this spam keep flooding the channel?02:40
rwwouyes: because some silly people enjoy seeing the reaction they get from it. hint hint ;)02:41
zacharyalexsternMy laptop is Quad Core with 16gb RAM, I have plenty of spare cycles/memory. Gwibber can have 4 f*****g GB of ram if it would just work properly.02:41
=== Bat-Shua is now known as Batshua
pcgeek32147elima: screen sharing02:42
zacharyalexsternIn Ubuntu, if I want to create a vimrc file for my user, do I just copy /etc/vim/vimrc to ~username/.vimrc?02:42
SnakkahHi everyone. I have a question for you all. Has anyone done an Ubuntu 11.04 minimal install with Gnome 3 successfully? If so, are you experiencing any problems or is everything running overall smoothly?02:42
rwwSnakkah: GNOME 3 isn't officially supported on 11.04. There's a PPA for it, but it's not stable or recommended by us.02:43
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.02:43
pcgeek32147elima: screen sharing02:43
Snakkahrww, do you have any idea if it WILL be officially supported in the future?02:43
rwwSnakkah: I think the plan is to have it in 11.10.02:44
l1nuxmandoesn't linux automatically create a home directory for a new added user? i.e. with 'useradd joe'02:45
macol1nuxman: i think adduser does it02:46
macol1nuxman: not useradd02:46
rwwl1nuxman: depends which tool you use. You should probably be using adduser instead of useradd, as useradd's manpage says.02:46
eliampcgeek32147, I recently tried wiggio.com.  Web based and seems to work for that.02:46
eliampcgeek32147, other users were on various os's and nobody had any issues.02:46
rwwpcgeek32147: If I could help, I would have. Please don't PM me :)02:46
roastedQuestion - I have a raid1 array via software raid with MDADM in Ubuntu 11.04. I just powered the system off and unplugged 1 of the 2 drives and powered up and the drive did NOT mount. is this normal? I thought the other drive should carry on.02:46
macol1nuxman: reason to want a user without a home dir:  system accounts not human accounts   (if you're about to ask why the other exists)02:47
nit-witmaco, I think your correct i thought thay meant if they add a user.;)02:47
mactimesDoes anybody know if KDE has any sort of application like gnome-keyring?  I used to have my private key password saved on gnome-keyring, but couldn't do the same with KDE wallet thing.02:47
l1nuxmanoh ok thanks02:47
xanguamactimes: kwallet¿02:47
macomactimes: kwallet is the thing, but i dont think there's a plugin for it to do ssh key passphrases yet02:47
mactimesxangua, Yeah.  That won't do.02:47
macomactimes: ssh-add on the command line can unlock a key for the session though02:47
pcgeek32147eliam can i pm u plz02:47
Logan_!pm | pcgeek3214702:48
ubottupcgeek32147: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:48
mactimesmaco, Humm. Thanks.02:48
cusithI am trying to netboot Ubuntu to a pc on my network. The pc acting as server is a Windows 7 machine running Tftpd32. I get an error on the pc I am netbooting: PXE-T01:File not found, PXE-E3B: TFTP Error - File not found...02:48
paperboyhi. I have just installed ubuntu and on loading ti says something about unity not supporting my hardware and my desktop looks like windows 3.1 .. what happened to the nice graphics.. this never use to happen.  Im on vbox but i had karma on vbox and it worked pefectly.02:49
mactimesmaco, Just tried that.  Worked like a charm.  Thank you very much for the prompt and precise reply. ;-)02:50
webgh0stIs it a bug that metacity and gnome power manager use 100% cpu, I can kill them and all is well02:50
tensorpuddingpaperboy: natty in virtualbox?02:51
tensorpuddingpaperboy: you need the guest additions, and they don't support the version of X.org in natty02:51
jgouldwebgh0st: I've been bitten by that bug...02:51
nit-witpaperboy, have you updated, and upgraded the install and added the guest additions. Vbox uses it's own drivers.02:51
Guest62225i want to change back to windows02:51
webgh0stIt only happens when I wake up from sleep/hibernation02:51
paperboyoh no02:51
FloodBot1paperboy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:52
tensorpuddingpaperboy: i.e. it doesn't work for 11.04 and VirtualBox yet, due to version mismatch02:52
Guest62225i have a windows 7 cd but my pc wont recognize it02:52
nit-witGuest62225, do you need to remove linux and get your MS boot back?02:52
Guest62225yes so i can boot from the windows 7 install cd?02:52
Guest62225cuz its not regonizing it02:52
pcgeek32147hay nit wit02:52
tony_what is the sorce to upgrade to to ubuntu 11.0402:53
Blue1Guest62225: sounds more like a bios issue02:53
nit-witpcgeek32147, hey.;)02:53
Guest62225when i installed ubuntu it removed some FAT stuff02:53
webgh0stGuest62225 try hitting f12 or an f key to enter the boot options menu, or change the bios to boot form cd02:53
Guest62225is that it?02:53
Guest62225i did02:53
Guest62225fat files02:53
eliamGuest62225, if the win7 dvd is bootable then the state of the harddrive shouldn't matter.02:54
cusithCan anyone help me resolve the error I am getting whilst trying to netboot Ubuntu 11.04?02:54
Guest62225i just booted from a laptop02:54
sabgenton    /usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-sofiasip  has G72902:54
Guest62225so it is bootable02:54
nit-wittony_, the source?02:54
sabgentonis this for reall?02:54
Guest62225to be sure, i did that02:54
sabgentonIt costs usually02:54
roastedQuestion - I have a raid1 array via software raid with MDADM in Ubuntu 11.04. I just powered the system off and unplugged 1 of the 2 drives and powered up and the drive did NOT mount. is this normal? I thought the other drive should carry on.02:54
sabgentonbest voip codec02:55
pcgeek32147nit-wit: i still need help lol02:55
renosiselda, remember I was here yesterday, asking about my antiquated software that had the old antiquated file browser that didn't allow double clicking? And you showed me a screenshot to verify the file browser? What was the name of that obsolete system?02:55
sabgentonhow do I hunt down  codecs02:55
nit-witpcgeek32147, whats up?02:55
eliamroasted, thought raid1 was a copy?  should have worked without 1 drive.02:56
renosisedbian, I meant...  remember I was here yesterday, asking about my antiquated software that had the old antiquated file browser that didn't allow double clicking? And you showed me a screenshot to verify the file browser? What was the name of that obsolete system?02:56
pcgeek32147still cant upgrade02:56
webgh0steliam raid1 is a mirror yep02:56
roastedeliam, I dont know man. I'm using raid1, and 1 drive wont work.02:57
orbital_Hi folks, can anyone help me set up my broadcom wireless card with 11.04?02:57
eliamroasted, doesn't sound right.  Sure it's raid1?!02:57
webgh0stroasted raid1 is simply a mirror array02:57
roastedeliam, md0: active raid1 sda1 (0) sdb1 (1).02:57
roastedwebgh0st, right, but this guide said test your array, power off, unplug 1 drive, power up, you should be still working.02:57
roastedwebgh0st, yet mine didnt. it just said "could not mount /media/NAS" when Itried each drive independently02:58
zen_monkeywhat's the best driver to use with a TNT2?02:58
orbital_I followed both sets of instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43 and still can't get it working.02:58
nit-wit! pm | tony_03:00
ubottutony_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:00
edbianorbital_, what card do you have?03:01
orbital_PCI ID: 14e4:432503:01
KB1PKLAre the repositories for ubuntu-server the same as the main ubuntu version?03:01
orbital_It worked with some haggling under 10.04.03:01
edbianorbital_, bcm43xx   ??  what are x and y ?03:01
edbianorbital_, I am very confident we can get it working.  Are you online some other way?03:02
orbital_My lappy is online, and I have a usb key to shift packages across.03:02
edbianorbital_, I was looking for something like BCM4306 or BCM431103:02
orbital_According to the chart on http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#Known_PCI_devices, it's supposed to be BCM4306, but that's not what comes up under lspci.03:03
eliamroasted, sorry, I'd only be guessing.  I gave up on raid when I realised my hardware was fake raid.  Is the drive manually mountable?03:03
edbianorbital_, what does it say under lspci ??03:04
roastedeliam, I just realized Ihad the wrong port disabled with my sata ports in bios03:04
orbital_Yeah, lspci says BCM43xG03:04
roastedeliam, crap. didnt matter. it still failed to mount03:04
roastedignore what I just said03:04
edbianorbital_, You should probably do this:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43%20-%20No%20Internet%20access03:04
edbianorbital_, That is some error.  In case it wasn't obvious03:05
edbianorbital_, If you can get online all you have to do is 2 things.  sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer and sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter03:06
edbianorbital_, If it really is a BCM4306 is will work03:06
edbianorbital_, Heck, most of the BCM43XX things work with this method03:06
orbital_I did both the STA and B43 instructions and I didn't get anything.03:06
edbianorbital_, firmware-b43-installer places firmware in /lib/firmware/b4303:06
edbianorbital_, Ok, wanna double check everything is correct?03:06
orbital_I can't even see an 'enable wireless' thingy in the tab03:07
edbianorbital_, Ok, do you have a /lib/firmware/b43 folder?03:07
ubottunouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default since Ubuntu 10.04. Currently, 3D rendering is only partially supported. More information can be found at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | See !nvidia for the closed-source Nvidia driver.03:07
orbital_lemme check, sec03:07
edbianorbital_, sure03:07
orbital_yes, I have a b43 folder, and a b43legacy folder03:08
edbianorbital_, what is in b43  ??03:08
edbianorbital_, just tell me 'stuff' or 'no stuff'03:08
orbital_lol bash wont let me cd into it03:08
edbianorbital_, ummm... very strange.  What is it saying?03:08
sabgentonany one know how to list codecs03:09
sabgentontheres a command03:09
orbital_permission denied03:09
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto03:09
escottorbital_, its probably owned by root sudo -i03:09
nit-witsabgenton, do you mean the resticted extras for install.03:09
edbianorbital_, sudo -i   then cd into it03:09
sabgentonI'm not shure if its to do with sofia sip or system codecs03:09
edbianorbital_, It's a very good sign that the folder is there at all03:09
escottsabgenton, list codecs in what applicaiton03:09
edbianorbital_, Did you already follow the guide I linked once?03:10
orbital_well I've been screwing around with this off and on for about a week03:10
sabgentonwell I don't know where it pulls codecs from03:10
orbital_yes, I've followed the guide through03:10
sabgentonnit-wit: basicly I want to see what codecs empathy is using03:10
sabgentonor can use03:10
orbital_b43 has stuff in it03:11
edbianorbital_, sudo modprobe b4303:11
sabgentonI found  a comand I could grep from but forget what it was03:11
sabgentonlost the google03:11
edbianorbital_, that should turn it on.  I'm a little worried that lspci lists it as bcm43xG or whatever03:11
orbital_no result?  just goes to the next line03:11
Guest39440how did u lose03:11
edbianorbital_, Look at the tab03:11
orbital_still doesnt even list wireless as an option03:12
edbianorbital_, No result means that the module was inserted and is working for some hardware03:12
Kevin`_how do I get the grub menu on ubuntu 10.10?03:12
edbianorbital_, sudo iwlist scan03:12
edbianorbital_, That's the command to list wireless networks03:12
Jordan_UKevin`_: Hold shift during boot.03:12
edbianKevin`_, Press shift during boot03:12
sabgentonnit-wit: ah gst-inspect-0.10 | grep bla03:12
sabgentonnit-wit: hmm wait I think that was video all allong03:12
orbital_lo/eth0 interface doesn't support scanning03:12
sabgentonI want audio03:12
paperboyHow do i go about switching to classic desktop view ?03:12
orbital_I feel like I may have altered some settings I wasn't supposed to03:13
Jordan_U!classic | paperboy03:13
ubottupaperboy: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.03:13
webgh0stedbian ive always used iwlist wlan0 scan whats the difference?03:13
roastedQuestion - I have a raid1 array via software raid with MDADM in Ubuntu 11.04. I just powered the system off and unplugged 1 of the 2 drives and powered up and the drive did NOT mount. is this normal? I thought the other drive should carry on.03:13
orbital_I think I may have deleted wlan003:13
edbianwebgh0st, that tells it only to scan with wlan003:14
webgh0stoh ok03:14
edbianorbital_, from /etc/init.d/networking??03:14
edbianwebgh0st, sure03:14
edbianorbital_, we like, need that03:14
edbianorbital_, :)  Do you remember where you deleted it from?03:14
escottroasted, yes, it will often refuse to mount without the --degraded option03:14
nit-witpaperboy, at the login window choose your name then in the dropdown below is a desktop choice03:14
orbital_lol  nope, didn't go that deep into the rabbit hole03:14
roastedescott, what would happen if one of my drives died right now? Would the other still continue to run?03:15
orbital_any deletions were through the administration menu03:15
edbianorbital_, nope to what question?  I asked a couple03:15
edbianorbital_, What administration menu?  the little icon in the panel??03:15
orbital_system: administration: network tools?03:15
orbital_or edit connections03:16
orbital_one of the two03:16
escottroasted, you can mount degraded but it is configured to refuse to do so, to make sure you are aware you are running in degraded mode03:16
paperboyI dont get any dropdown menu.. only asks for password and thats all03:16
escottroasted, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootDegradedRaid and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdadm/+bug/214054 probably some others, the first is the most informative03:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 214054 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "degraded raid partitions will not mount at boot time (dup-of: 120375)" [Undecided,New]03:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 120375 in mdadm (Ubuntu Hardy) "cannot boot raid1 with only one disk" [Medium,Fix released]03:16
roastedescott, I understand. But I'm speaking from the already-booted-up standpoint. If I have a drive die right now across my raid1 array... do I lose the entire mount? Or would it continue to work on the still running drive?03:17
nit-witpaperboy, is there a panel on the botton?03:17
pmp6nlHello, does anyone know what the current kernel version is in Natty?03:17
orbital_just saying that when I did the scan all I saw was lo and eth003:17
escottroasted, it can work as raid1 degraded, and you can add another drive at a later point with mdadm and it will copy the missing data over to the mirror03:17
roastedescott, that would go through the sync process again, correct?03:17
paperboyjust shows my name and password field and also i can choose OTHER03:18
escottroasted, yes03:18
edbianorbital_, I'm not sure.  my /etc/network/interface does not have a wlan0 entry.  The edit connections things just lists networks not the actual device.  mmm, maybe we just need to restart03:18
orbital_ok, I'll restart it03:18
webgh0stpmp6nl 2.6.38-803:18
nit-wit2.6.38-9 on mine03:18
roastedescott, appreciate your info. I was really worried because the ubuntu guide I read said to test the array by unplugging a drive and powering up. so when it didn't work I was like, what the?03:18
paperboyi see it03:18
pmp6nlnit-wit thanks!03:18
edbianorbital_, talk to me when you get back so I know you're back03:18
pmp6nl<webgh0st> thanks03:18
nit-witpmp6nl, your welcome.03:18
orbital_edbian, we're back up03:19
edbianorbital_, you already restarted?  That was fast03:19
orbital_its a fresh install, nothing on it03:19
escottroasted, right i understand why they advise that, but its not particularly helpful without walking someone through the whole degraded mount/reassemble process03:19
edbianorbital_, what is the output of sudo ifconfig -a   ?  it should list all network interfaces, we're looking for wlan003:19
roastedescott, the same guide has commands to stopping, starting, removing, and adding drives to the array. it sounds very informative, I just had no clue it would refuse to mount degraded arrays. whcih si smart in my opinion, I just wish I had known03:20
orbital_edbian, no entry for wlan003:20
orbital_only lo and eth003:20
escottroasted, the main concern is you don't want someone booting degraded raid for months and not realizing that one of the drives died, because it transparently falls over to the backup03:20
=== coilbucker1 is now known as coilbucker
edbianorbital_, ok, hang on.  I have to research.  Can you pastebin the output of dmesg  ??03:20
escottroasted, so right now its rather obnoxiously "loud" about the failure03:21
roastedescott, that's perfectly fine - as long as the wya its booting up (failing with only 1 drive) is normal.03:21
webgh0stmy wireless was eth0 in arch linux I never knew if that was right or not03:21
orbital_edbian, with a little copy paste action, yes03:21
orbital_edbian, 2 mins03:22
roastedescott, which, now that I know why, it makes sense and I prefer to keep it that wya03:22
edbianorbital_, k03:22
edbianorbital_, lshw  -C network   would be great to see as well :)03:23
orbital_edbian, I'll do both03:23
Andy50ok just loaded natty on a lsi megaraid 12TB raid 5, when it boots I get "error out of disk, no suitable mode found, no video mode activated" If I just wait it boots on up...should I worry about those?03:23
edbianorbital_, Ok.  I'm on the edge of my seat! :P03:23
webgh0stAnyone think more customization options are coming for the unity dock?03:24
orbital_edbian, glad you're having fun!  I just want my internets!  lol03:25
escottAndy50, those sound like completely different issues. the last two are from the bootloader?/plymouth?s attempts to identify the appropriate screen resolution. maybe the first has something to do with the raid5 and the size of the disks?03:26
Jordan_UAndy50: The "out of disk" means that with a future update booting could fail entirely as you have a buggy BIOS which can't properly handle large disks.03:26
cegopei need s lil of help :P03:26
Jordan_UAndy50: To work around your BIOS's limitation create a small /boot/ partition near the beginning of the drive.03:27
Andy50it has 5 3TB drives03:27
edbianorbital_, well?03:27
cegopesomeone knows how i can change click fomat for 24h to 12h ?03:27
Andy50they are all connected to the raid card03:27
paperboyI dont understand.. the i select Ubuntu classic no effects .. it loads with nice black skinnning .. and then a minute after it disappears and its naked again03:28
webgh0stAndy50 thats a lot of storage :)03:28
orbital_edbian, http://pastebin.com/CpFww84y03:28
Andy50yep, updating the old server that was only 4.5tb and is now 4.5 years old03:28
orbital_edbian, and http://pastebin.com/ntKkcjj503:28
webgh0stcegope just click the time in the panel then select clock03:29
webgh0stcegope it will say 12 hour format or 2403:29
cegopewebgh0st yup i try this but didnt work03:29
cegopesame with sudo gedit /usr/share/i18n/locales/es_XX03:30
escottpaperboy, it could be a bad gnome-session. you might try to remove your custom gnome-session from .config, or create a new user and see if things work for that test user03:30
cegopen replace but nothing :(03:30
paperboyhow do i get to those files?03:30
okapihi all, anyone can help to how to install rt3070 driver in ubuntu?03:30
renosisedbian, what was the name of that file browser you told me that software I was using was using? You know, the antiquated one where you can't double click folders to open them?03:31
webgh0stcegope when you selected time and date setting did you hit the unlock button?03:31
pcgeek32147help me i keep getting a error when i try 2 upgrade 2 10.1003:31
cegopewebgh0st, yes i do but nothing i dunno whats happen03:31
nit-witpcgeek32147, what are you upgarding to maverick from03:32
escottpaperboy, ctrl-alt-f1, then login, then type cd .config; ls; it will list all the folders in the .config directory you could try to rm -rf gnome-session03:32
nit-witpacgeewhat are or is the error03:32
edbianrenosis, It is the old gtk file chooser dialog03:32
VustomI want to install ESET on Ubuntu but when I try to install it, it gives me an error, on the ESET Support site it says to type "sudo mkdir /usr/lib/gconv sudo ln –s `sudo find / | grep UTF-16.so` /usr/lib/gconv/UTF-16.so" into the terminal but I get this error.. "ln: target `/usr/lib/gconv/UTF-16.so' is not a directory"03:33
Jordan_UAndy50: Did you see my messages?03:33
escottpaperboy, but if you have a customized session you really like that command may destroy it03:33
renosisok thanks03:33
pcgeek32147heres the error http://img6.imageshack.us/i/screenshotttj.png/03:34
nit-witpcgeek32147, what are or is the error?03:34
webgh0steset with linux? I was told a firewall is enough is that wrong?03:34
edbianorbital_, Mmmmm, I'm stumped and trying03:34
orbital_edbian, I appreciate it!03:34
j3rothwebgh0st, yeah you really dont need ESET03:35
webgh0stdidnt think so03:35
Andy50woo getting almost 10mb/s dl 11.04 server from GT03:35
orbital_edbian, I had a fair bit of trouble with this when I first switched from XP to 10.04 as well, but I completely forget how I got it working.03:35
houaha_can i have help with an error?03:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:35
eliamnit-wit, pcgeek32147 something about error marking the upgrade and held packages, from the pic...03:35
edbianorbital_, This is strange.  Never heard of this card.  I'm afraid I'm out of time as well :(03:35
nit-witpcgeek32147, open synaptic-custom filters then click on broken packages fix any broken.03:35
orbital_edbian, Ok, thanks so much for trying.03:36
edbianorbital_, Try searching bcm43xG on google.  I'm not sure if it really is a card or if it is just a bug that is printing it that way and many people have been fooled03:36
edbianorbital_, Sorry I coudln't help more!!!03:36
orbital_edbian, Will do, and who knows, I might be back.03:36
houaha_i cant fit my error on one line03:37
webgh0sti just dropped my droid x in the toilet, great03:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:37
eliamhouaha_, pastebin03:37
pcpowerwebgh0st: you win03:37
Andy50•webgh0st• get some rice!03:37
pcpowernow buy a real phone03:37
cegopehave fun bye !03:37
webgh0stI got insurance not worried03:37
webgh0stjst sucks!03:38
pcgeek32147i'll try03:38
houaha_what does this error mean  http://paste.ubuntu.com/612130/03:38
webgh0stwhats a real phone? i want the nexus but its not available on verizon03:38
paperboyescott: there is no gnome-session in there03:38
escottpaperboy, is this an upgraded system or a fresh install03:38
webgh0stmy phone makes phone calls i thought it was real03:39
escottpaperboy, and was unity working?03:39
paperboyit is a fresh install03:39
webgh0stpcpower whats a phone you would suggest?03:39
paperboyand unity does work but i dont like it03:39
paperboyi want it classic03:40
renosisedbian, thanks again03:40
eliamwebgh0st, Motorola DynaTAC 8000X.  That's a real phone.03:40
nit-witwebgh0st, how about a wter proof one.;)03:40
eliamwebgh0st, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:DynaTAC8000X.jpg03:40
Andy50anyone used the usb installer?03:40
webgh0steliam is that the old huge phone?03:41
eliamwebgh0st, ;-) indeed03:41
pcpowerwebgh0st: sharp 007sh, and it's waterproof03:41
webgh0steliam lol nice03:41
j3rothAndy50, I have used it before, but imho nothing beats the CD for reliability.03:41
webgh0stpcpower thats not available on verizon03:41
Phrogz_Setting up a new ubuntu server.  apt-get install ruby1.9 says it's already installed, but I can't see it with `which ruby` or `locate ruby`. Where is it?03:41
eliamwebgh0st, probably doubles as a portable microwave oven.03:41
Andy50about to try it...Im out of cds and dont want to waste a dvd03:42
webgh0stim not paying the cancellation fee its ridiculous03:42
Logan_!es | wescx00503:42
ubottuwescx005: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:42
webgh0stelaim lol i wouldnt doubt it03:42
pcpowerwebgh0st: nothing good is available anywhere in the US.03:42
escottpaperboy, i always worry that some kind of configuration you might have done to the desktop in unity might prevent classic from working. there are a number of folders in $HOME that contain configuration information including .compiz .compiz-1 .gconf .gconfd .config etc. if you want a fresh start you could remove all those and see if the problems go away03:42
wescx005oh no habla espanol03:42
webgh0stpcpower whats wrong with the nexus s? I like them03:42
wescx005i didnt do to well in highschool spanish03:42
Logan_!ot | webgh0st03:42
ubottuwebgh0st: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:42
pcgeek32147nit-wit: it says theres none03:42
escottPhrogz_, which ruby1.903:43
pcpowerwebgh0st: no physical input mainly, and no 4g03:43
j3rothjoin #ubuntu-offtopic03:43
webgh0stthe new one is 4g03:43
wescx005what up.03:43
pcpowerwell the new one is, yea03:43
houaha_what does this error mean? http://paste.ubuntu.com/612130/03:43
nit-witpcgeek32147, run a regualr sudo apt-get update from the terminal and pastebin the whole thing.03:43
pcpowerforgot about that03:43
Phrogz_escott: As I said, it returned nothing. However, apt-get remove ruby1.9 and then apt-get install ruby1.9 fixed it.03:43
pcpowerbut it's only sprint right?03:44
wescx005anybody here install 11.04 then roll back to 10.10 ?03:44
webgh0styeah i think so, maybe any gsm network03:44
wescx00511.04 was alittle quirky...03:44
webgh0stim not a fan of the unity in 11.0403:44
Phrogz_escott: I owe you an apology, You're right, it's ruby1.903:44
wescx005some of the games i played on 10.10 didnt work either...03:44
nit-witwescx005, do you need a support question answered?03:44
escottPhrogz_, there may be a way with apt-alternates or whatever to make the symlink from /usr/bin/ruby or you could make it yourself03:45
nit-witpcgeek32147, I am hoping to see any broken packages mentioned .03:45
webgh0sti just wish you could customize the unity dock more in 11.0403:45
Phrogz_escott: I'm good now, thanks.03:45
webgh0stI would like more options than a backlight, and changing the size, we should at least be able to change its location, macs dock is there i dont want mine there03:46
wescx005nit-wit in that case yes...how do you list channels on a server (mirc)03:46
wescx005its been a long time since i used irc03:46
wescx005 ./?03:46
nit-witwescx005, I haven't a clue.;)03:46
j3rothwescx005, just run the command "/join #ubuntu-offtopic"03:47
j3rothwithout the quotes03:47
rwwXATT: English here, please.03:47
wescx005got it...but how do i list the channels ?03:47
houaha_what does this error mean? http://paste.ubuntu.com/612130/03:47
Guest83144anyone know a good java IRC channel?03:47
taglasswescx005: /msg alis help03:48
skelhouaha_: it can't process the kexec-tools package03:49
Eustachewhat up fools03:50
houaha_skel: how do i get it to03:50
wescx005few clouds and the moon last time i checked03:50
skelhouaha_: it depends on your situation. have you hand modified your sources at all? what version are you running?03:52
skelhouaha_: is this during an upgrade?03:52
nit-witwescx005, what are you connecting to freenode with?03:52
EustacheMan I don't know what world your living on but here, the screams of a crumbling socieaty is whats up03:52
wescx005XChat-GNOME 0.26.103:52
houaha_skel: i am trying to get to use make, i downlaoded and extracted the linux kernel03:53
webgh0sti like centerim03:53
pcgeek32147nit-wit http://pastebin.com/9Wpn52BU03:53
wescx005Eustache...to much drama03:53
houaha_skel: it is a fresh install03:53
nit-witwescx005, right click-server-list of channels on mine,n not sure if it's the same version03:53
wescx005thats what im talking about !!!03:54
wescx005thx nit wit03:54
nit-witwescx005, no problem.03:54
skelhouaha_: are you trying to create a custom kernel?03:54
skelhouaha_: http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu03:55
nit-witpcgeek32147, no errors that is about mt=y limit, all I can really do is hunt down errors.03:55
Jordan_U!ot | Eustache03:55
ubottuEustache: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:55
__yhvh__how can I launch gnome terminal on my second monitor?03:55
afeijohow to install ff 4 replacing my current nightly version? x6403:56
dyxinhey guys, so im new to linux and im trying to install Rift and DDO, every thing was goin good and had both game patchers downloading, then i tried to move the windows and they disappeared ?03:56
nit-witafeijo, which ubuntu distro now are you running?03:56
pcgeek32147= ;\03:57
__yhvh__gnome-terminal --geometry?03:57
skel__yhvh__: is your second monitor mirrored / cloned or an extension of the first?03:58
DinVitaminHow do I use apt to install all of the dependencies of any given package?03:59
webgh0stit should automatically03:59
nit-witafeijo, sisnce your using a ppa alraedy try this one. http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/firefox-36-stable-ubuntu-repository-ppa.html03:59
__yhvh__separate X, xcinerama or whaever its called03:59
escottDinVitamin, it does so automatically apt-get install whatever03:59
skel__yhvh__: then I'd try setting your display first. export DISPLAY=0:0.1 or something04:00
skel__yhvh__: then executing gnome-terminal04:00
__yhvh__skel: in bash.rc?04:00
DinVitaminescott: Hmm. I'm trying to install a library for vlc (libvlc2) and it says I need dependency A, then I try to install that, and it says I need Dependency B, then I try to install that and it turns out that it is already there04:00
DinVitaminBut apt claims it's not there04:00
skel__yhvh__: unless you always want it to go there, no, I'd create a separate script that uses args04:00
skel__yhvh__: so you could do like gt 1   or gt 204:01
skel__yhvh__: depending on the display you wanted04:01
escottDinVitamin, it may need a particular version use dpkg -l to see what version you have04:01
pcgeek32147nit-wit i've had this prob 4 a week :(04:02
Jordan_UDinVitamin: What version of Ubuntu are you using? Are you using any PPAs or other third party repositories?04:02
rob_pDinVitamin: libvlc2 is old. The one in the official repos is libvlc5.04:03
DinVitaminrob_p: Hmm... Well I'm trying to compile VLC and it worked, but it refuses to decode h264 which it obviously is able to04:03
DinVitaminrob_p: And I figured it may be a library issue04:04
=== clay_ is now known as ClayG
rob_pDinVitamin: Why compile VLC?  Why not just sudo apt-get install vlc and save yourself the trouble?04:05
carnage1my yellowtooth feels weird04:06
AMDphreakEustache, is that you?04:06
nit-witcarnage1, sudo apt remove with pliers.;)04:07
DinVitaminrob_p: I have to be able to run it as root04:10
DinVitaminrob_p: That's the entire idea. It's a shame I had to compile the whole thing just for that. It must run as root in order to interface with a mission-critical program04:11
brandenburgnew to Ubuntu [as of yesterday] wireless doesnt work on my HP dv2000, wondering what USB wireless adapters would be compatable?04:13
DinVitaminbrandenburg: Good luck. I had the same problem04:13
rob_pDinVitamin: That sounds strange but, ok.  So I'm assuming that VLC checks to make sure it's *not* running as root if you try to launch it with elevated privs?04:14
DinVitaminbrandenburg: I ended up getting one of those thingies that is wifi but connects with ethernet04:14
tensorpuddingbrandenburg: what chipset04:14
DinVitaminrob_p: Yes, it runs fine as root, but I'm having what seems to be a codec issue04:14
DinVitaminIs there a all inclusive codec package I can install04:14
__yhvh__gnome-terminal --display=0:0.1 "Failed to parse arguments: Cannot open display: 0:0.1"04:14
carnage1never install codec pack04:15
brandenburghow do i check the chipset?04:15
KM0201does anyone know how to set up a "reverse vnc connection" with a Windows user?  I can do this between two linux boxes w/o issue04:15
brandenburgtensorpudding: how do i figure out what chipset i have?04:16
GhostFreemanQuestion: How do I bridge an internet connection from my Wifi to my Ethernet jack in 11.0404:16
Trfsrfr        why does dual-monitor go back to mirror screens after screensaver?04:16
DinVitaminrob_p: Nevermind, I just had to install ffmpeg04:16
tensorpuddingbrandenburg: if you open a terminal and run lspci, it should show up04:16
rob_pDinVitamin: VLC is pretty comprehensive out-of-the-box but I haven't used it for quite some time.  I imagine there are plugins to extend it's capability for less popular requirements. But most common capabilities are already included.04:16
* carnage1 installs vlc in root04:17
tensorpuddingbrandenburg: should be a line with Broadcom or Intel on it04:17
__yhvh__with xinerama it seems you can't refer to screens like "0:0.0"04:18
Trfsrfr why does dual-monitor go back to mirror screens after screensaver?04:19
brandenburgtensorpudding: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)04:19
KM0201brandenburg: pretty sure there's a bug that keeps that device from working.. there's a workaround though, if you have wired internet access for a few minutes.04:20
brandenburgKM0201: yes that is what im using at the moment04:20
KM0201brandenburg: hold on, lemme see if i can find it, i just saw it the other day04:21
tensorpuddingbrandenburg: i thought that card was supported by the broadcom 43x driver04:21
tensorpuddingbrandenburg: i have a 432204:21
KM0201tensorpudding: there's an issue specific to the 4311... it's not working w/ natty.. there's a bug report on it.04:21
GhostFreemanHow do I ask the bot for help04:22
KM0201!msgthebot | GhostFreeman04:23
ubottuGhostFreeman: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".04:23
GhostFreemanwell that didn't help answer my question, but thanks anyways04:24
orbital_I've about had it with my Broadcom wireless card.  Best of luck tensorpudding!04:24
KM0201GhostFreeman: did you read it... type this.. "/msg ubottu ubottu" w/o quotes, and watch what happens04:24
tensorpuddingi've not had the scantest bit of problems with mine, once i installed the STA driver04:24
GhostFreemanoh ok04:25
orbital_I did STA and B43, neither works for me.04:25
KM0201tensorpudding: again, its specific to the 4311....04:25
tensorpuddingi know04:25
tensorpuddingthat was directed at orbital04:25
KM0201man i saw that bug report yesterday, i just can't remember it.04:25
=== clay_ is now known as ClayG
carnage1which ibm thinkpad has firewire?04:26
lfaraoneMy keyboard lacks a windows key or page-up / page-down. Is there a way to map Ctrl+Up or something to PageUp?04:26
KM0201brandenburg: you can try the b43 driver, but i don't think you'll ahve much luck w/ it either04:27
Jordan_UAndy50: Did you see my messages about likely boot failures in the future due to that "out of disk" error?04:27
GhostFreemanHow can I share my Wifi internet connection with a device plugged into my eth004:28
Loshki!ics | GhostFreeman04:29
ubottuGhostFreeman: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing04:29
GhostFreemanThank you04:30
manager2привет всем04:30
Loshki!ru | manager204:30
ubottumanager2: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke04:30
=== administrator is now known as Guest20771
brandenburgKM0201:  when i first started up on Ubuntu the 'additional drivers' got me "broadcom STA wireless driver" but to no avail i guess04:31
KM0201brandenburg: yeah, you need to install the b43 driver...04:32
KM0201!b43 | brandenburg04:32
KM0201!broadcom | brandenburg04:32
ubottubrandenburg: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:32
KM0201the instructions are there ^04:32
aroonihow do i switch to a virtual desktop using the keyboard.  (ubuntu 10.04)04:33
The_ExplorerSo odd question: Is there such a thing where i can have one computer query another for an apt, and have it cross compile a compatable pack04:33
solovoyhi, anyone uses quod libet ?04:33
pksadiqControl + shift + left/right keys to change desktop , I think04:34
brandenburgKM0201:  thanks Im following that link04:35
aroonipksadiq, i want to skip to say... desktop 3 from desktop 104:35
brandenburgpksadiq:  ctrl + alt + left/right/up/down to change the 'workspaces' in Ubuntu04:36
FatsDTI accidently delete some files installed by the slapd package (stuff in /etc/ldap/schema).  How do I get those files back?04:36
escottFatsDT, force a reinstall of the package. also consider using etckeeper04:37
FatsDTescott: how do I do that?04:37
nit-witarooni, herer is a unity liknk that might help.04:37
nit-wit* gf2112 has quit (Quit: Quit)04:37
pksadiqSorry, it's alt not shift, I don't know much04:38
arooninit-wit, i have ubuntu 10.0404:38
FatsDTarooni: I think the default is control-alt-left control-alt-right04:40
FatsDTfor switching virtual desktops04:40
arooniFatsDT, it is; i just want to switch faster04:40
Loshkiarooni: gnome keyboard shortcuts must be documented somewhere....04:41
nit-witarooni, well maybe this will help.;)    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts04:41
Loshkinit-wit: thank you04:41
nit-witno prob04:42
nit-witarooni, I don't see any virtual info there, but seems closer.04:42
=== e is now known as Guest63644
FatsDTI just tried to reinstall slapd with "apt-get --reinstall install slapd" to recover my lost /etc/ldap/schema/* files.  They didn't come back.  Do I have to manually extract them from the .deb and copy them?04:44
rob_pFatsDT: Try, "sudo apt-get --purge remove slapd" and then, "sudo apt-get install slapd"  Might save you some time.04:47
carnage1my slapd just exploded04:47
rob_pcarnage1: Thanks for your useless additions!04:48
=== Chiliblue_ is now known as Chiliblue
FatsDTis it just me, or is slapd the worst?04:48
cbxyh#join #ubuntu-cn04:49
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cbxyh#join #ubuntu-cn04:50
FatsDTrob_p: Thank you. That's what i was looking for.04:50
rwwcbxyh: try /join #ubuntu-cn04:50
rob_pFatsDT: welcome04:50
=== Guest33557 is now known as Avasz
=== Soup|away is now known as Soupermanito
Avaszhi! isnt there network places in xubuntu?04:51
Magnussonanyone running natty on nvidia and getting the "input signal out of range" during boot and shutdown? or able to help with it04:51
webgh0stmine did that when my refresh rate was out of whack04:52
Avaszsmb://network also doesn seem to work04:52
carnage1corpis christi pirillo04:55
Magnussonwebgh0st>how did you fix it?04:56
Magnussoni suspect mine is refresh rate related as well04:56
con-manwhat is the command I type to make dvds play04:57
con-manits a console command04:57
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:57
webgh0stMagnusson it was last year I have no idea04:57
con-manafter installing ubuntu fresh04:57
con-mannono i04:57
con-manits a single line I have to type04:57
con-manI cannot remember04:58
Magnussonwebgh0st>oh well drat =\04:58
con-manfound it04:58
con-man"sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh"04:58
glphvgacsxterm Xt error: cann't open display04:59
glphvgacscan someone help please?04:59
webgh0stcss isnt that just the encryption key? wodim creates .iso04:59
con-manwho knows05:00
con-manit work05:00
con-manI am now watching Alien05:00
beumacNew to linux...just downloaded xchat, how the heck do I install it?05:00
con-manwinrar is me05:00
con-man"sudo apt-get install xchat"05:00
rob_pglphvgacs: You're trying to forward X over ssh, I'm guessing...05:01
Soupermanitobeumac, go to the appcenter and search for it to install, no need to download anything else05:02
beumacMe? I'm just trying to install xchat, first I've really used Linux.05:02
beumacI did search it05:02
beumacSearch only provided me with plugins for pidgeon05:02
Soupermanitommm weird, go to a terminal and write sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xchat05:03
rezaHey I'm trying to play a 1080p movie on mmplayer but sometimes the video lags, causing the audio to be out of sync. There are recommendation to use the cache command or autosync command but where do i put these?05:04
beumacThanks =)05:04
celthunderreza: on the command line05:04
rezacelthunder: i do that but it doesn't give me anyconfirmation05:04
celthunderreza: you can also use + and \ i believe to set audio timing05:04
glphvgacsrob_p: no05:05
celthunderthe + is right maybe it's - as well for audio timing but that's doing it by 100ms seconds05:05
rob_pbeumac: xchat is usually installed by default.05:05
glphvgacsrob_p: local05:05
rob_pglphvgacs: Oh, ok.  Well I've seed that error in conjunction with X over ssh sessions.05:05
con-man!botabuse | ubuttu05:06
ubottuubuttu: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".05:06
con-man!botabuse | ubottu05:06
ubottucon-man: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".05:06
con-man!botabuse | ubottu05:06
rob_pbeumac: Are you sure you don't already have it installed?05:06
Soupermanitocon-man, stop it05:06
rezacelthunder: thanks for the plus and minus tip but it doesn't seem to have an effect. When i try to put mplayer -cache 8192 it outputs [reza@myhost ~]$ mplayer -cache 819205:09
rezaMPlayer SVN-r33159-4.5.2 (C) 2000-2011 MPlayer Team05:09
reza162 audio & 359 video codecs05:09
rezaUsage:   mplayer [options] [url|path/]filename05:09
reza and then options i can use for mplayer. Does this mean the command went through?05:09
FloodBot1reza: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:09
celthunderit means add a filename to the end05:12
celthunderthe filename isn't optional05:12
brandenburgKM0201:  i fear the worst, i followed the link but "FATAL: Module w1 not found" doesnt sound so great;      my interpretation my internal wireless card has "died"05:12
KM0201brandenburg: i dunno, i doubt it "died"05:13
rob_pbrandenburg: No.  It just means the kernel module you tried to load doesn't exist.05:13
KM0201brandenburg: are you sure its a 4311, and not a 4311-lphy or something like that?05:13
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Narcarsisscan i get a hand with a shell script? http://pastebin.com/mwbaXVXk getting line 11 `fi'05:16
shuraneso if I can't login to my user account, what does that mean? I can login to another account I set up on my ubuntu install (10.04)05:16
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brandenburgKM0201:   well, after 'lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4'  : 'Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN [14e4:4311] (rev 01)' is what is returned, so unless there is some other way to determine a different version. . .05:17
brandenburgrob_p: i just reloaded the synaptic packages, and all are already installed, or at least thats what the terminal said05:18
kk_waiting eagerly for the 11.10 alpha05:19
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slashrootwhere can i find info about FAMILIAR LINUX05:23
rob_pbrandenburg: Well, your system didn't find that kernel module so it complained. Whatever the reason it's not there, I don't know.  But you were worried that your wireless interface had, "died" and I was only letting you know that the error you saw was not trying to tell you that! :)05:23
Logan_Slasher`: /join #familiar05:23
FloodBot1Logan_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:24
Logan_Thanks FloodBot1. :P05:24
=== jep200404 is now known as jep200404_zzzz
skuzzelI'm trying to have my 1 tb hard drive set up so that I can run ubuntu from it like a live CD but I can also use it to swap and store files, what is the best way to do this?05:25
genewitchskuzzel: what05:26
skuzzelI guess a better question would be, I have my external hard drive set up like a USB ubuntu install stick, can I boot to this ubuntu version and then put files onto my external hard drive?05:26
genewitchskuzzel: you mean how do you install ubuntu?05:26
asoltyshi, upgraded to 11.04 just now.  xorg is taking 50% cpu and there's a noticeable display delay whenever i do anything.  e.g. letters take a second to show up after i type them.  how do i start troubleshooting this?05:26
genewitchskuzzel: unetbootin can reserve space for ubuntu filesystem05:27
celthunderskuzzel: ? how did you mount the drive?05:27
Blue1asoltys: fresh install or upgrade?05:27
asoltysBlue1: upgrade05:27
skuzzelcelthunder: I'm not sure that I really did mount the drive05:27
skuzzelit's just saying that it's reserved space05:27
Blue1asoltys: ahh.  upgrades can sometimes be problematic.05:28
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skuzzelis unetbootin like a partitioner?05:28
rob_pbrandenburg: Are you following the info listed here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:28
asoltysBlue1: had to boot into recovery mode with disabled graphics to download proprietary ati drivers before even being able to boot.  tried unity but noticed slowness, so am in class mode now, but it's slow too.05:28
Blue1asoltys: you can try renaming /etc/X11/xorg.conf - and reboot or restart gdm05:29
asoltysBlue1: will give that atry, thanks05:29
Blue1asoltys: that may/may not work - but it's worth a shot...05:29
skuzzelI geuss I have another question, if I install ubuntu to an external hard drive will that significantly limit it's ability to function as an accessible hard drive in mac/windows?05:30
Blue1asoltys: remember rename mv   -- don't just delete it.05:30
Blue1skuzzel: windows does NOT see any linux partitions at all05:30
skuzzelBlue1: yeah your right, I would have to partition the hard drive for sure, I wonder if that's worth it05:31
Blue1skuzzel: i have a bootable linux (with x) on a usb flash drive - works great05:32
skuzzelBlue1: me too, I'm on it right now05:32
Blue1skuzzel: linux2go!05:32
Magnussonskuzzel>there are programs for windows that will let you see linux partitions, or at least i used to have one05:32
anthony_devis there any good and stable chm readers ?05:32
skuzzelproblem being that I can't boot up with it, and then remove files from the internal hard drives on to my external one05:32
brandenburgrob_p:  yes that is the link i was following05:32
Blue1Magnusson: yeah I seem to remember away to get an ext2 partition in windows - but gosh Ive forgotten how to do that, honestly05:33
skuzzelI want to have my external hard drive set up so I can plug it in, boot to ubuntu like a live desk, back up files, run bios, and then maybe install linux all at the same time05:33
MagnussonBlue1>nod, i was wandering through some old windows folders and wondered "what the heck is this" and turns out it was the program to access , i believe it was ext2 partitions05:34
Blue1skuzzel: sure you can05:34
skuzzelBlue1: the problem I'm having is that backing up files part05:34
skuzzelBlue1: IO05:34
Blue1skuzzel: no different then using a livecd05:34
Blue1skuzzel: I have backup/restore scripts on my site, if that would help05:34
skuzzelBlue1: I'm using it right now, but it wont seem to recognize the extra space on my external hardrive05:34
Blue1skuzzel: is the device mounted? (external drive?)05:35
skuzzelBlue1: yes, but it's just calling it system reserved05:35
Blue1skuzzel: private message ok?05:35
skuzzelBlue1: ok05:36
hmchinh1986help me, please. I can't mount to my HDD05:36
hmchinh1986Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb3,05:36
hmchinh1986       missing codepage or helper program, or other error05:36
hmchinh1986       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try05:36
hmchinh1986       dmesg | tail  or so05:36
FloodBot1hmchinh1986: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:36
brandenburgrob_p:  also I should make you aware that my wireless card was 'having issues' prior to Ubuntu install.  im running an hp:dv2000, had the MB replaced by HP [faulty; were under a law suit] and the wireless card was intermittent at the time but wasnt covered and was expensive so i opted to deal with intermittent.  I installed Ubuntu because Windows Vista had a Windows Virus.05:38
Name141Is it possible to use the AMD64bit disk to Install the Wubi 64bit version when you have Windows XP 32bit ? Or do I need to get the 32bit version ?05:39
Jordan_U!pastebin | hmchinh198605:39
ubottuhmchinh1986: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:39
Jordan_Uhmchinh1986: Can you use http://paste.ubuntu.com to give us a link to the output of "sudo blkid"?05:40
Jordan_UName141: Yes, you can install 64 bit Ubuntu using Wubi on a 32 bit Windows system.05:40
Name141Jordan_U: Will it be almost as fast as the real install ?05:41
Jordan_UName141: Disk IO will be slightly slower, everything else should be exactly the same speed.05:41
hmchinh1986http://paste.ubuntu.com/612150/ -> help me, please05:41
Evanescencehow to list out services that startup with system ?05:42
Jordan_UName141: Why do you want to go with Wubi rather than a normal dual boot install?05:42
Name141Jordan_U: I don't want to mess with redoing the disk partitions when if I want to get rid of Ubuntu05:42
Jordan_U!helpme | hmchinh198605:42
ubottuhmchinh1986: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude05:42
hmchinh1986http://paste.ubuntu.com/612150/ ->ireally need this !05:44
Name141Jordan_U: I mainly just want to play around, make sure all the RAM works.. so on.  Since it's a new build05:44
bdelin88I have somewhat successfully changed my http apache2 port from 80 to 3080.  However, it requires me to type in: domainname.com:3080 in order to work, typing the domain name in defaults to port 8000.05:44
Blue1Magnusson: thanks05:45
Jordan_Uhmchinh1986: Stop with the "I need this".05:45
Jordan_Uhmchinh1986: Can you use http://paste.ubuntu.com to give us a link to the output of "sudo blkid"?05:45
istokEvanescence, you could use a program called sysvconfig - sudo apt-get install sysvconfig <- it is a text-based application that allows you to configure which services are started at boot time for each runlevel05:47
Evanescenceistok: good, that's it,05:47
hmchinh1986http://paste.ubuntu.com/612152/ -> thanks Jordan_U05:47
Evanescenceistok: thanks05:47
istokEvanescence, alternatively, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootServices05:47
Jordan_Uhmchinh1986: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo fsck /dev/sdb3"?05:48
Evanescenceistok: weird, can not search sysvconfig through: apt-cache search sysvconfig05:49
istokEvanescence, have you allowed for backports?05:49
Evanescenceistok: what is that ? backports05:49
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging05:50
sabgentonhey is sun/oracal java installed buy default?05:50
Avaszis this bug in NM that doesnt show mulotiple networks with same essid?05:50
Evanescenceistok: a package source ? what is it ?05:50
istokEvanescence, it doesn't seem it would help anyway, I just did a search and it isn't in my repos either05:51
jiltdilclicking to change desktop background is not opening,peasse tell how to fix this?05:51
hmchinh1986http://paste.ubuntu.com/612153/ -> thanks05:51
Evanescenceistok: i see05:51
Al_nz1how do I start sshd server?05:51
Avaszmy Network manager doesnt show three networks with same essid.. instead shows only one.05:51
Jordan_UAvasz: I think that's as intended. If you want to list all BSSIDs then use "iwlist scan".05:51
sabgentondoes ubuntu have java installed perriod?05:51
AvaszJordan_U, then how do i connect? through CLI?05:52
Evanescenceistok: enable it in update-config , right /05:52
Avaszisnt there any other way to make NM show all of them?05:52
Jordan_UAvasz: There may be. Why do you need to select a particular one?05:52
jiltdilAl_nz1:/etc/init.d/sshd restart05:52
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Al_nz1jiltdil: no such file or directory05:53
AvaszJordan_U, because they are hotspots and only one is assigned to me.05:53
TheBagger?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 005:53
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, DON'T click on suspicious links, and type « /msg ubottu exploit » if you want more information.05:53
Avaszand that particular one is not shown.05:53
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istokEvanescence, it's in your sources.list - sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list05:53
jiltdilAl_nz1:ok try this /etc/init.d/ssh05:53
Jordan_Ujiltdil: Al_nz1: sudo service ssh restart05:53
Evanescenceistok: then uncomment which entry ?05:54
istokbut you don't have to enable backports if you don't need them, though, generally, it's a good idea if you want a complete repo05:54
hmchinh1986Jordan_U: help me05:54
=== Guest43725 is now known as ^
Avaszmaybe i should stick with wicd. :(05:54
jiltdilJordan_U:is it ok /etc/init.d/ssh05:54
Al_nz1jiltdil: shift: 28: cant shift that many05:54
istokEvanescence, it seems sysvconfig is outdated anyway, it was in dapper and hardy05:54
istokhas since been removed/replaced05:54
Jordan_Uhmchinh1986: Did fsck complete yet?05:55
Al_nz1ok if I do '/etc/init.d/ssh' I get Useage: start|stop|reload etc etc etc05:55
jiltdilAl_nz1: ok sudo service ssh restart05:55
jiltdilAl_nz1:ok choose which one you want stsrt status stop05:56
Jordan_Uhmchinh1986: There was no more output after that?05:56
Al_nz1jiltdil: ok. it could not load two rsa keys but appears to restart05:56
Al_nz1i am after sshd tho?05:56
Evanescenceistok: Oops, anyway, I found BUM, even though it is GUI interface05:56
Magnussonis it possible to add an external script to  your .bashrc profile?05:56
istokEvanescence, yes, i was going to suggest using that, although, rcconf is below that info, on the site i posted05:57
hmchinh1986Jordan_U: yes05:57
Magnussonjiltdil>can you point me in a direction to learn how?05:57
Evanescenceistok: yeah, I like ncurses version ,05:57
hmchinh1986I have to waitting?05:57
Jordan_Uhmchinh1986: Let it run for a few minutes, untill it brings you back to a prompt. Do *not* try to interrupt it.05:57
Al_nz1jiltdil: any ideas?05:58
istokit has both GUI and CLI05:58
jiltdilAl_nz1: two rsa key?05:58
jiltdilAl_z1: have you installesd openssh-server05:58
hmchinh1986OK, thank you verry much05:58
Al_nz1yes, says latest version05:59
KillerSlothI'm trying to set up my machine to work with android rom's. used wubi to install an old 10.10 netbook boot i had. anyone know where I *should* go to get it set up right? google is giving me old information that I cant use (froyo <.<)05:59
jiltdilAl_z1:did u tried sudo service ssh start or  /etc/init.d/ssh options06:00
jiltdilAl_z1: use /etc/init.d/ssh options with sudo06:01
Shaba1hello folks. I have wubi install on this windows 7 laptop06:01
brokenlinuxnit-wit: hey i was able to get back online; i removed teh CMOS battery for 5 minutes and when i popped it back in, my system recognized my usb key06:02
Al_nz1jiltdil: why am I issuing commands to ssh when I want to start sshd?06:02
Shaba1its a celeron 1200 mhz running windows 7 premiun 64 bit06:02
Shaba1I want to upgrade to natty narwhal 11.0106:02
brokenlinuxfrom there, i upgraded 11.04 to 11.04 and was able to recover my home folder and just had to install ALL SOFTWARE packages again, but hey, better than losing data06:02
nit-witbrokendatapoint, cool i wondered about that when you asked.;)06:03
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Avaszdoes alacarte work in editing xubuntu menus properly?06:03
nit-witbrokenlinux, cool i wondered about that when you asked.;) sorry brokendatapoint06:03
jiltdilAl_nz1:because this i sthe command and the ssh"d" means dameon06:03
xpurpleReallocated_Event_Count = 196 on one of my drives.  How bad is this?06:04
brokenlinuxwas weird...i contacted the manufacture asking if they knew what had caused that (since it all began with a suspend event) and they just offered "i doubt it will happen again" ಠ_ಠ06:04
jiltdilbrokenlinux: how didi you make this ಠ_ಠ06:05
Al_nz1jiltdil: i see. so how do I get sshd to start?06:05
Refaelhas anybody ascertained how a small business can setup a personal IRC Server or Channel?06:06
jiltdilAl_mz1: i told you already06:06
celthunderRefael: i've done it06:06
Al_nz1jiltdil: was that the '/etc/init.d/ssh start' ?06:06
brokenlinuxjiltdil: google look of disapproval, copypasta06:06
MODspartanbrokenlinux: how did u make that face lOL06:06
=== Explodingpiglets is now known as Exploding|zzzzzz
rob_pAl_nz1: I think the confusion you are having is that openssh-server's init script is called, "ssh" instead of something to signify it as the server init script.06:06
Refaelcelthunder: is a personal Server necessary?06:06
celthunderRefael: channel just make one up reg it with chanserv and setup jirc or whatever on your site06:06
celthunderRefael: depends06:06
celthunderRefael: theres advantages and disadvantages06:07
jiltdilAl_nz1:yes also you can use sudo  service ssh restart06:07
Refaelcelthunder: PM?06:07
Al_nz1rob_p: ok. so is there a way to check the service is running?06:07
celthunderRefael: ok06:07
jiltdilAl_nz1: ststus06:08
jiltdilsorry status06:08
rob_pAl_nz1: Yes.06:08
rob_pAl_nz1: status ssh06:08
rob_pAl_nz1: You can run, "status ssh" and if it is running, it will say so and give you the PID.06:09
slashroothow do you share the network over bluetooth06:09
rob_pAl_nz1: Or you can check to see if port 22 is bound to the sshd process by doing, "sudo netstat -lpnt"06:10
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Andy50Jordan_U : I did...I ended up making a 16gb virtual disk and the other 12tb as another vd06:12
Andy50just finished reinstalling and don't get any errors now06:12
Jordan_UAndy50: Good to hear :)06:13
Shaba2Ok back06:13
olskolirchow do i restore panels?  I installed natty ubuntu and all i have is a desktop wallpaper and a shell06:13
Shaba2should I uninstall wubi06:13
slashrootdoes anyone know how to share the network over bluetooth?06:13
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Shaba2or is there some way of installing over the present installation06:13
olskolirchttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup slashroot06:15
slashrootI mean, I want to recieve a network connection via bluetooth dongle06:17
slashrootbut not too sur ehow06:17
slashrooton my pocket pc06:17
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PseudoGouWhere is .config stored -- how can I retrieve it if it is stored in the kernel?06:18
Al_nz1rob_p look like it might be 44306:18
Al_nz1the port06:18
Al_nz1show how do I midify the connection string:  user:pass@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx <- where does port go?06:19
KillerSlothwhen i type "curl http://android.git.kernel.org/repo > ~/bin/repo" i just get "bash: /bin/repo: Is a directory"... why?06:20
Cube``im wondering how i can get a one line cli output of the NetworkManager status without a 1 sec load time like cnetworkmanager06:21
Andy50is webmin still good?06:21
PseudoGouI want to recompile ther kernel but I want the default .config that Ubuntu loads06:22
PseudoGouIt should be stored in the kernel somewhere06:22
PseudoGouI forget how to get it06:22
dangergrrl> can not open a directory for output06:22
Al_nz1rob_p: I think i have got rsa keys as only way to authenticate?06:22
Al_nz1need to edit a file or something06:22
hmchinh1986Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612161/ -> out put here, thanks06:23
Al_nz1rob_p: to allow password06:23
Al_nz1any ideas?06:23
albertolempirahey guys, I deleted the files and folders of an application (Frostwire) on my filesystem and when I try to install it again i get this http://pastebin.com/vgUGnd6a saying that the new version is not co-installable with the old one. I've tried using apt-get to remove it and it says that Virtual Packages cannot be removed. any idea? thanks06:23
Shaba2did anyone see my question?06:23
dangergrrlPseudoGou: if you get the ubuntu kernel source package it should come with a .config file06:23
Jordan_Uhmchinh1986: Answer yes to any question unless there is an ominous warning to go along with it.06:24
hmchinh1986ok, thank06:24
Jordan_Uhmchinh1986: You're welcome.06:24
PseudoGoudangergrrl: That is irelevant.06:24
hmchinh1986Recreate journal<y>? -> yes/no06:24
=== Cesar_Smith is now known as Grupo_Smith
dangergrrlyou can also get it from /proc/kconfig06:25
PseudoGoudangergrrk - that is the one that Ubuntu compiled with during installation?06:25
Jordan_Uhmchinh1986: Yes.06:26
PseudoGouso just cat /proc/kconfig > .config ?06:26
Jordan_Uhmchinh1986: And if you want me to see messages from you include my nick in them. Otherwise they're not highlighted in my client.06:26
=== Grupo_Smith is now known as Cesar_Smith
dangergrrlPseudoGou: sorry, that's not where it is after all06:27
PseudoGouAlso - I have no file called /proc/kconfig06:27
dangergrrli'm sure it used to be there :)06:27
PseudoGouDo you know what I'm refering to?  In make config there is an option to store the .config in the kernel...  There's a way to retrieve it...  That's what I'm trying to find out06:28
dangergrrlif you get the ubuntu kernel source package for the kernel you are running it will have a config file, sorry06:28
dangergrrli know06:28
churlyHey guys, no luck on LXDE channels:  anyone know how I can reload lxpanel and/or its config file via a command?06:28
PseudoGouYea, but that .config is defaulted06:28
TinoDidriksenHow can I create a DVD that Ubuntu mounts with the files as executable? Currently, all files are 0400 where I need at least 0500 so people can run stuff from it. (a DVD made with mkisofs -udf works as expected on Win/OS X, just not Ubuntu)06:28
tippeneinany ideas on the best way to schedule local recordings for a radio station?06:28
dangergrrli could swear it was /proc/kconfig but i don't have one either06:28
PseudoGouI want the .config that Ubuntu used during installation, it should be stored in the kernel06:28
tippeneinas far as program to use and whether or not cron is capable06:28
albertolempiraIs there a kind of "registry" like in windows in which i can delete entries for a specific application?06:30
pythonirc101does anyone know if this works with ubuntu: http://www.logitech.com/en-us/gaming/headsets/devices/7248 ?06:30
PseudoGoualbertolempira: no.06:30
albertolempiraPseudiGou: alright, then. What can I do if the system "thinks" there's an app installed that is not really installed? Is there something I can do?06:31
albertolempiraPseudoGou, a config file or something that i can edit06:32
PseudoGoualbertolempira: What do you mean "thinks"?06:32
PseudoGouTo delete an app:  sudo apt-get remove appname06:32
PseudoGouOr if it was a .deb file, "dpkg --uninstall packagename06:32
PseudoGouOr something like that06:32
dangergrrlPseudoGou: aha06:33
dangergrrlls /boot06:33
PseudoGoudangergrrl, thanks!!!  It is there06:34
dangergrrli knew it was somewhere06:34
PseudoGouI hope that's the correct one06:34
dangergrrlthat should correspond to the kernel of the same name06:34
PseudoGouLet me see what it says in menuconfig regardign where it stores this...06:35
albertolempiraPseudoGou, I'm trying to install Frostwire after mistakenly erased its folders and files in my filesystem, but the software center tells me that the version i'm trying to install is not co-installable with the one that is "installed".06:35
dangergrrl\i swear it used to be in /proc too06:35
PseudoGoualbertolempira: Then tell aptitude to force06:35
PseudoGouLet me check the syntax06:36
albertolempiraPseudoGou, to force installation you mean?06:36
dangergrrli've been trying to install the maemo devkit for 2 days now...06:36
PseudoGouFirst try a purge06:36
PseudoGousudo apt-get install --purge packagename06:36
dangergrrldownloading 400mb of packages at modem speed is pain06:36
PseudoGouscratch that06:37
PseudoGousudo apt-get purge packagename06:37
albertolempiraPseudoGou, ok i get it let me try it06:37
dangergrrlPseudoGou: sorry it's not in /proc where i remembered it, google thinks i dreamed up the whole kconfig thing :(06:38
PseudoGoudangergrrl: I'm checking menuconfig I will tell you06:38
PseudoGoualbertolempira: Then install with sudo apt-get install --force-yes packagename06:38
PseudoGoudangergrrl: ah make menuconfig says "using defaults found in /boot/config-2.6.38-8-generic" so that might not be it..  checking...06:40
hooniNowaday I am studing ubunt...06:40
hooniIn a study time I have question what is..06:40
albertolempiraPseudoGou, i get the same error http://pastebin.com/UQMp7FSP06:40
hooniIn root, there have .config/Trolltech.conf06:41
dangergrrlwierd, all i found was _A_ rejecting a patch to put .config in procfs06:41
churlyHey guys, no luck on LXDE channels:  anyone know how I can reload lxpanel and/or its config file via a command, just a refresh command, not a kill/restart??06:42
hooniIn google searching I couldn't find answer..06:42
dangergrrlyou need make-kpkg, PseudoGou06:42
PseudoGouThis information can be extracted from the kernel06:42
PseudoGouimage file with the script scripts/extract-ikconfig and used as06:42
PseudoGouinput to rebuild the current kernel or to build another kernel.06:42
PseudoGouIt can also be extracted from a running kernel by reading06:42
PseudoGou/proc/config.gz if enabled (below).06:42
FloodBot1PseudoGou: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:42
dangergrrlaha, it's just not enabled on default ubuntu (or sabayon) kernels06:43
PseudoGoualbertolempira: I'm stumped.  Let me see what I can find.06:43
dangergrrl(i'm running both right now)06:43
PseudoGoudangergrrl: Is it not?  Let me try the script06:43
PseudoGouAlso what is this sabayon kernel?  What does it add?06:44
MODspartanhave any of you guys gotten Unity to work on vmware?06:44
dangergrrlno, i have no /proc/config.gz on either06:44
dangergrrlsabayon is just another linux distro :)06:44
PseudoGouMODspartan: Try Virtualbox instead, it's got better 3d support.06:44
albertolempiraPseudoGou, ok thanks! I'm looking for a solution too, that's why i think it might be some sort of config file06:44
dangergrrlUnity works under virtualbox with the 3d acceleration06:44
MODspartanawww thanks guys06:45
dangergrrlMODspartan: i'm seeing it right now with virtualbox06:45
PseudoGouUnfortunaely Virtualbox' floppy support is broken last time I checked06:45
PseudoGouNot that anyone uses floppy drives anymore besides me06:45
MODspartanwell i havent used a floppy for like06:45
MODspartanso i dont think thats a problem for me hah06:45
dangergrrli haven't seen a floppy drive in years06:45
MODspartani got a whole bunch06:45
YankDownUnderI transformed a hard drive to a floppy drive this morning (hehehehhehehe - the beauty of oxy-acetylene torches!)06:46
YankDownUnderIt *was* an SATA laptop hard drive...06:47
pythonirc101if i have two gigabit ports, can i dedicate one to a virtual machine. Has someone here done this?06:47
icerootpythonirc101: sure06:47
pythonirc101iceroot: how does one do this?06:47
icerootpythonirc101: depending what you are using, kvm, xen, vbox, vmware06:48
pythonirc101I wouldnt even mind running apache on one ethernet port and everything else on the other in the same os, instead of virtualizing06:48
icerootpythonirc101: just use a brdiged network and use eth1 for this. for further informations see #vbox06:48
PseudoGoualbertolempira: What happens if you type "dpkg --remove frostwire"?06:49
albertolempiraPseudoGou, dpkg: warning: there's no installed package matching frostwire06:50
Karhutonis it correct that by default all locale env variables are en_US and only lc_messages is en_US.UTF-8 ?06:52
Karhuton(natty narwhal)06:52
DracofodderI was trying to fix a "fuzzy" sound while listening to music, and I totally wrecked my sound (was trying to compile latest Realtek driver)  what is the easiest way to get back to having at least some sound again?  I've gone through and checked reinstall for all the alsa packages I had showing as installed. but that doesnt seem to work.06:52
PseudoGoualbertolempira: Download the .deb manually from the repository for the OLD version you deleted, dpkg -i packagename, and then uninstall it properly06:53
DracofodderI am still on Ubuntu 10.1006:53
PseudoGouSo get the i386 version06:53
PseudoGoureinstall it with dpkg06:53
PseudoGouuninstall with dpkg, and then apt-get install the 64 bit06:53
dangergrrlKarhuton: looks like it06:53
dangergrrlno idea why it isn't "C"06:53
iXutawhy does WINE change the start path of terminal, file manager, others? how to fix it?06:53
hmchinh1986i can't change owner group, Chown -R hmchinh1986 /media/58401577-8ad7-4c07-b644-ae83db2b792706:54
Karhutondangergrrl: upgrade or regular fresh install?06:54
Karhuton(installed with normal english language)06:54
albertolempiraPseudoGou, I finally did it!, it happens that the actual name of the old "package" was frostwire:i386 so I just did dpkg --remove as you told me with "frostwire:i386" and it removed it, then i tried to install it from the ppa and it worked! Thanks a lot for your help!06:55
PseudoGoualbertolempira: You're welcome!!  Good luck and G-D bless!06:55
dangergrrlKarhuton: fress install06:55
dangergrrlKarhuton: i could swear P1003.1 says LANG="C" should be default but i was wrong 10 minutes ago, so...06:56
albertolempiraPseudoGou, you too!06:57
MoMohow do i connect my wifi and wired network at the same time?  i want to forward the traffic from my wired through to my wireless06:57
dangergrrlyou will need to enable routing to do that06:58
Blue1MoMo: do you have a wireless router?06:58
dangergrrlthink it is a sysctl06:58
Karhutondangergrrl: thanks, will overwrite using bashrc then. (this breaks terminals with utf8)06:59
ShabaHello can anyone help me to upgrade a wubi 10.10 installation to 11.04?06:59
MoMoblue1: yes?06:59
Blue1MoMo: depending on the router, you would connect an ethernet cord from the router to your say desktop, and then use the network manager on your laptop to connect to your network -07:01
PseudoGoudangergrrl: You're right, it does not come by default embedded in the kernel.  Looks like I'll have to do some guesswork.07:01
MoMoblue1: -- do you know what i should google for? i'm picking up what your putting down, but not to sure what to google for a tutorial07:01
PseudoGoudangergrrl: "extract-ikconfig: Cannot find kernel config."07:01
Blue1MoMo: basic router networking?07:02
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Blue1momo: a good first place, would be the site for the manufacturer of your router - or if you have a manual for that, rtfm07:03
kinesiswhen i try to login to my Ubuntu desktop as my primary user it glitches, screen goes black, and X restarts.. bringing me back to the same login screen. I briefly see console messages about something called Pageant. Can anyone explain this behavior? I added a separate account, and it works fine now, but I can't get into my primary account07:03
dangergrrlMoMo the document  you are loocing for will tell you to either do a sysctl or echo 1> /sys/somepath/enable_routing or similar07:03
hmchinh1986 Operation not permitted , please help me07:04
MoModangergrrl, roger that -- thanks! =D07:04
Blue1kinesis: I sorta had something like that - has to do with display resolution07:04
dangergrrlMoMo: sorry i don't remember more details07:04
iXutaWINE changes it from /home/myname to /home/myname/.wine/drive_c. Where has this path stored?07:04
dangergrrlbut i know routing is disabled by default and you have to enable it07:05
PseudoGoukinesis: Did this start happening after you installed nVidia drivers?07:05
kinesisi am not using nvidia07:05
kinesisi am using an older laptop07:05
dangergrrlyou could try 'linux enable routing' to google07:05
PseudoGoukinesis: There is a thread about this in the forum.  Check there.07:05
Blue1kinesis: something like this?  http://pkill-9.com/getting-ubuntu-10-04-video-to-work-with-an-intel-82815-chipset/07:05
kinesis2Ci had to make a suid shell to become root for now07:05
MoMono worries -- just not sure what to google for -- i'll let you know if i have some issues07:06
kinesisits a pentium III lptop07:06
kinesisold junker07:06
kinesisbut it works07:06
kinesisi also found getting wifi to work was a hckjob, i had to mv wpa_supplicant to wpa_supplicant.old07:07
Blue1kinesis: i used an old compaq deskpro -- about 10 years old07:07
kinesisit kept trying to spawn it, disconnecting my wireless07:07
dangergrrlMoMo: i only know because i used an old pentium pro with my dsl modem in dumb mode because i was getting table overflows on the embedded device when using bittorrent, bittorrent is not very nat friendly07:07
MoModangergrrl, -- i'm finding a thing that says to do the following commands brctl addbr br0, brctl addif br0 eth0, brctl addif br0 wlan007:07
Blue1kinesis: is that on 10.10 or 11.04?07:07
Blue1kinesis: sadly no experience with 11.0407:08
dangergrrli hate to be dumb07:08
Blue1dangergrrl: the only dumb question is the one not asked07:08
dangergrrlbut how do i disable the damn screen lock in ubuntu?07:08
dangergrrli turned it off it the power settings07:09
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Icornpad2dangergrrl, try screensaver07:09
Blue1dangergrrl: System/Preferences/Screensaver07:09
dangergrrland unity totally hides wherever i would look to disable it07:09
dangergrrli have no System, it's Unity :)07:09
dangergrrlBlue1: that's where i would think to look too07:10
Blue1i broke unity off the livecd in 5 min w/o trying - so I never went further07:10
Icornpad2just winkey and start typing screen..07:10
dangergrrli'm glad it's a vm07:10
kinesisubuntu has bugs heh07:11
dangergrrli would kill my computer if i used unity all the time07:11
kinesisit runs better than slackware though..07:11
Blue1kinesis: indeed07:11
kinesison this P307:11
kinesisit utilizes my graphics hardware07:11
kinesisbut slackware was better all around07:11
Blue1kinesis: i might switch to debian rsn (real soon now)07:12
kinesisi am a dedicated Slackware fan07:12
fratzbcmorning! i have removed landscape-client and landscape-common but still see the canonical stats when logging in, how can I remove this (my /etc/motd resets as well when relogging...)07:12
Blue1kinesis: is that debian or redhat based?07:12
kinesisslackware is getting better, has a package system now07:12
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kinesisNeither, Slack came out before debian07:12
kinesisits one of the original distro's07:12
PseudoGouWhat does slack use, Yast?07:13
plustaxwhat is the terminal command to see what harddrives ubuntu can recognize as working or plugged in?07:13
Blue1kinesis: rpm?07:13
kinesisit uses .txz07:13
kinesis.txz/.tgz and pkginstall07:13
MoMomy wireless is up through wicd -- but how do i bring up my eth0 on dhcp? ... if i use wicd to connect to wired, it disconnects my wireless07:13
Blue1kinesis: I have only used SuSE and Ubuntu --07:13
kinesisi like slack cuz its simple to set up the way you like it07:13
kinesismore customizable07:13
PseudoGouI wouldn't trade .deb for anything07:14
Blue1MoMo: yes that is quite normal - one of the other, but not both (mutally exclusive)07:14
dangergrrlslackware is a SLS derivative isn't it?07:14
agrundnerplustax: try sudo fdisk -l07:14
PseudoGouplustax: I imagine fdisk can do that07:14
PseudoGoufdisk -l didn't do it for me07:14
dangergrrlkinesis: you know?  my first linux was SLS 1.007:14
PseudoGouYou have to run fdisk as superuser07:14
YankDownUnderSlackware is NO derivative. It's the ORIGINAL aside from just "source"07:14
PseudoGousudo fdisk -l07:14
kinesisSlackware is a free and open source Linux-based operating system. It was one of the earliest operating systems to be built on top of the Linux kernel and is the oldest currently being maintained.[1] Slackware was created by Patrick Volkerding of Slackware Linux, Inc. in 1993. The current stable version is 13.37, released on April 27, 2011.07:14
Blue1kinesis: is the mac os based on bsd?07:15
Icornpad2plustax, just type mount07:15
PseudoGouI use Debian derivatives, the package system is unsurpassed by anything else07:15
MoMoblue1: hmmm then how do i forward my wired out onto my wireless network?07:15
kinesisbluebomber: OS X is next step, with some proprietary BSD code no?07:15
PseudoGouWhen Debian is ahead, I download Debian (rare), when Ubuntu is ahead, I download Kubuntu07:15
kinesisas in, it's BSD but not public BSD code.. apple bought it07:16
Icornpad2plustax, it will show all your mounted devices07:16
Blue1MoMo: maybe I am not understanding what you are trying to do.  wired and wireless are 2 different animals07:16
kinesislike BSD/OS or BSDi.. tht was private BSD UNIX07:16
kinesisFreeBSD was what Berkeley licensed for GNU07:16
Blue1kinesis: I had been told it was a bsd derivitive07:16
kinesisyeah slackware is SLS derivative07:16
dangergrrlYankDownUnder: wikipedia and slackware both say i am right slackware was based on SLS07:17
kinesisYes Mac OS X is proprietary BSD07:17
plustaxthank you Icornpad207:17
dangergrrldebian ahead?07:17
kinesisBErkeley UNIX isn't 100% free. some versions were made GNU or public, some were private07:17
Blue1kinesis: okay thanks07:17
kinesisApple bought a private license07:18
dangergrrldebian is several years behind current on like every package known :)07:18
syrinx_#! ftw07:18
Icornpad2MoMo, just plug your wireless router into your wired router - like me!!07:18
dangergrrlbsd license says you can make binary only derivatives07:18
PseudoGoudangergrrl: A while back they were ahead when like Ubuntu was stuck on 9.10 they had a stable release 6.0 with newer packages07:18
dangergrrlso does MIT license07:18
PseudoGoudangergrrl: It is rare, but it does happen.07:18
Blue1kinesis: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9a/Gldt1009.svg07:18
dangergrrlhonestly for my boot os i stick to gentoo derivatives07:19
dangergrrlbut the maemo sdk wants ubuntu07:19
dangergrrlor debian07:19
PseudoGouBacktrack is Slackware I think07:19
agrundnerPseudoGou: it's ubuntu07:19
PseudoGouIs it?  Interesting.07:19
Blue1ahh SuSE is an sls deriv.  didn't know.07:20
PseudoGouSuSe is german garbage07:20
dangergrrlSuSE is SLS derived???07:20
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:20
Blue1PseudoGou: I got my teeth on SuSE07:20
kinesisdo they still use sls linux07:20
PseudoGouBlue1: What does that mean?07:20
dangergrrlkinesis: no, SLS has been dead for a decade or more07:21
jussiBlue1: PseudoGou dangergrrl; please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic07:21
Blue1PseudoGou: my first experience with linux, was SuSE07:21
Blue1jussi: agree thanks07:21
PseudoGoujussi: OK07:21
kinesisso yeah my love for slackware will never die07:23
kinesisREdhat is good too07:23
kinesisget my RHCA , etc07:23
elkykinesis, this seems to be offtopic chatter. #ubuntu-offtopic is a more appropriate place.07:25
Icornpad2I have to run debian every once in a while, or i feel like i am abandoning my beginning roots.07:28
Dracofodderhow do I re-install my sound ? ubuntu 10.10 was trying to fix a fuzzy sound by installing latest realtex driver and it completely broke everything.07:30
Demorionhello all07:31
Icornpad2Dracofodder, what is realtex, is that a type of soundcard driver?07:31
Shabahello demonicact07:31
Shabasorry Demorion07:31
PseudoGouDracofodder: See the sticky Alsa thread on the Ubuntu forums07:32
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gh0stapp that cracks .zip passwords. is there one?07:33
YankDownUndergh0st, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-crack-zip-files-password.html07:34
Demorionany one install gnome shell on ubuntu ?07:34
agrundnerDemorion: thinking about doing it?07:35
Jordan_U!gnome3 | Demorion07:35
ubottuDemorion: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.07:35
agrundnerDemorion: all you need - watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haCHS2LUH9Q07:36
Demorionok thx07:36
Demorionfor all07:36
plustaxMy friend is having an issue. He'll be on in a moment but ill start us off. His harddrive seems to be working mechanically. Spinning, etc. But Ubuntu or windows wont recognize his drive. I had him fdisk -l and mount and there is no recognition. I eliminated the possibility of a bad IDE cable as well as driver issues in windows. What can we do to get his drive working and recognized? It has gigs of his life work worth of project files and MUST b07:40
plustaxe recovered. (he's a musician)07:40
Icornpad2where o where did the xorg.conf go?07:40
Demoriongo to sleep07:43
PseudoGouplustax: Did he run fdisk -l as superuser?07:43
PseudoGousudo fdisk -l07:43
plustaxPseudoGou, he did indeed.07:43
plustaxdidnt recognize his drive07:43
plustaxit recognized his other drives.07:43
PseudoGouplustax: Then this is not a Linux problem07:44
codeminerHello everyone. I've recently installed 11.04 and my volume is really low. This has never happened to me before. Any thoughts?07:44
PseudoGouDoes it show up in the BIOS POST?07:44
plustaxPseudoGou, doesnt show up in the BIOS post07:44
PseudoGoucodeminer: Look for a "PCM" slider and turn it up07:44
Demorionalsamixer and get up buttons07:45
lapionHello I have been trying to to install ubuntu on a hdd containing 3 partitions, one of which contains the installation media07:45
Icornpad2codeminer, hit the winkey, and start typing sound..  you should see sound as a choice07:45
hmchinh1986Let me offer sincere thanks I jordan_u, thank you verry much07:46
codeminerPseudoGou PCM is already at 100%. My volume is usually too loud even at 20% on this laptop.07:46
PseudoGouThe winkey actually does something in Ubuntu?07:46
Jordan_Uhmchinh1986: You're welcome.07:46
PseudoGouNothing in Kubuntu07:46
lapionupon reaching the partitioner the system tells me that I can install as long as I do not make any changes to any partitions , since the partitions are pre-created I go on only to find out the installer still wants to modify the partition07:46
FishFaceplustax: If all else fails, maybe you can check channel ##hardware07:46
Icornpad2PseudoGou, it brings up zeitguest, or however it is spelled07:47
lapionwhat am I to do what am I to do07:47
Icornpad2kind of like gnome-do07:47
PseudoGouIcornpad2: It does nothing for me07:47
PseudoGouIcornpad2: But I use KDE07:48
Icornpad2In 11.0407:48
codeminerI read that some people had this issue with another kernel version. They recommended opening alsa-base and adding: options snd-hda-intel model=3stack07:48
PseudoGouIcornpad2: I got 11.0407:48
agrundnerplustax: have you tried the live cd route to see if it recognizes it?07:48
BeumacNew to linux...sudo apt-get isn't finding the software I just downloaded.07:48
PseudoGouIcornpad2: Kubuntu07:48
Jordan_Ulapion: If you use the "toram" kernel parameter then you can unomount the partition containing the installation media and ubiquity should stop complaining (and if you do want to do any partitioning, including wiping out the partition with installation media, you can).07:48
istokBeumac, did it install once downloaded?07:49
Icornpad2boo, kubuntu07:49
agrundnerBeumac: double-click it07:49
BeumacWhen I double click it, it just opens the archive manager.07:49
agrundnerBeumac: so it's not a .deb?07:49
CoreySounds like a tar.gz07:50
CoreyBeumac: Giant step back.  What software did you just download? :-)07:50
BeumacI downloaded the .deb .tgz and .rpm07:50
BeumacBecause I wasn't sure which one I should download.07:50
agrundnerBeumac: :D07:50
Demorionrun terminal and go to folder when is this packet and write sudo dpkg -i name..deb07:50
CoreyBeumac: "It's so nice you grabbed it twice?"07:50
plustaxhow much is it usually to take a harddrive that a computer wont recognize to a computer shop and have them recover the data?07:50
CoreyEr, thrice.07:50
Coreyplustax: Depends on how hosed the drive is.07:51
lapionJordan_U, the partitioner of the installer said I should be able to.07:51
BeumacCorey,  hah ;p07:51
plustaxit seems to be running mechanically.07:51
plustaxBut the computer wont recognize it.07:51
Coreyplustax: In BIOS?07:51
agrundnerBeumac: easiest would be to double-click the .deb07:51
Jordan_Ulapion: What is the exact message you are reffering to from the installer (or, could you post a screenshot)?07:51
agrundnerBeumac: software center should open up for you07:52
Jordan_U!screenshot | lapion07:52
ubottulapion: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.07:52
Beumaclol agrundner, I use it a lot for work and my phone.07:52
Beumacwhich one is the correct one to install with?07:52
plustaxcorey wont recognize it in bios07:52
agrundnerBeumac: the one with the .deb extension07:52
Coreyplustax: Oof.07:52
Coreyplustax: How much is your data worth to you? :-)07:52
plustaxwell this is for my friend.07:53
plustaxBut a ton. Years worth of cubase band project files.07:53
Coreyplustax: How much is the data worth to your friend?07:53
Coreyplustax: Expect roughtly $2K USD.07:53
CoreyRoughly, even.07:53
CoreyTalk to ontrack or some other data recovery specialist.  Computer repair shop can only make it worse at this point.07:53
plustaxholy fuck. he's screwed.07:53
CoreyFirstly, please mind the language.07:53
plustaxeh. sorry.07:54
Coreyplustax: Secondly, if his data was THAT valuable he'd have backed it up.07:54
Icornpad2plustax, i bet he backs up from now on out07:54
viriondrivesavers will get the data.. but they are insanely expensive07:54
CoreyIt's a good thing you've got a robust backup policy in place and can restore from backups though!  A lot of people with insufficient experience and bad administrative habits would not be in such a good position.07:54
plustaxhe didnt back up. He's flipping out right now.07:54
Corey^ my snarky answer to such situations07:54
Coreyplustax: Then with all due respect, he's learned a very expensive lesson.07:54
CoreyAll drives fail, it's just a question of when.07:54
virionwhat type of RAID was it?07:55
Coreyvirion: No RAID at all it seems.07:55
plustaxdang. He's going to cry when I tell him this.07:55
virionouch yeah he's screwed.. drivesavers07:55
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PseudoGouKSnapshot won't run while KDESUDO is running, is there a way around this?07:55
Coreyvirion: But RAID isn't a backup.07:55
codeminerSo does anyone know a way I can  have Ubuntu boost my volume? At 100% PCM says the dB Gain evens out to 0.0007:55
virionof course07:55
BeumacCrap, internet crapped out! So which install file is the correct one? tgz deb or rpm07:55
plustaxthere has GOT to be a way to get this working. It spins and whirrs like a working drive.07:55
CoreyBeumac: deb07:55
virionbut even in a RAID 5 if 2 drives fail if you have the right controller you can get the Failed RAID back online07:56
CoreyBeumac: rpm is great if you're on CentOS, RHEL, or Fedora.07:56
Coreyvirion: Yeah, RAID50 here.07:56
virionLSI controllers are the best for recovering multi drive failures07:56
Coreyvirion: But again, all data I *really* care about is staged off to other places.07:56
BeumacThanks core_07:56
virionalso reading the controller logs will tell you which drive failed first.. that way you know the order to reseat07:56
REK_007How to a I add latest memtest on BURG ? am using ubuntu 11.0407:56
agrundnerBeumac: be sure also that the file is made for your 32 or 64bit processor07:57
PseudoGouREK_007: Can't u just replace the ISO?07:57
BeumacAye, I did =)07:57
REK_007PseudoGou: How do i do that ?07:57
PseudoGouREK_007: What is BURG first of all?07:57
virioncorey that is the best way.. daily incremental tape backups offsite07:57
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plustaxno idea virion07:57
plustaxwindows or linux doesnt recognize the drive but it makes noise and seems to be working fine mechanically.07:57
Coreyvirion: Nah, tape is unwieldly, and you have to pay a service to manage it.07:58
REK_007PseudoGou: its an extended GRUB with logos for the OS07:58
virionit is unwieldy but it is much cheaper than say an EMC drive07:58
PseudoGouCool, I'll hve to check it out07:58
Jordan_UREK_007: BURG is not supported here, and GRUB2 has theming capabilities (though admitedly not all of the theming features BURG has).07:58
Coreyvirion: Right, but this is for my personal gear.07:58
PseudoGouREK_007: Back to the topic, I imagine memtest is contained in an ISO somewhere07:58
PseudoGouCheck your grub config file for that location07:58
PseudoGouLet mee see if I can find it07:58
FishFaceplustax: It might be whirring. I'd change the power supply connection. Or the whole power supply if you can. Rare the 12 volt power lead is the only one to go. I'm out of ideas after that.07:59
kLownCan someone glance at my /etc/fstab and explain to me why the last mount wont auto mount, but it will mount manually?  http://pastebin.com/hWS3nE7L07:59
PseudoGouREK_007: /boot/memtest86+.bin07:59
plustaxFishFace, okay07:59
REK_007Jordan_U: I know I just wanted to know how do i update the memtest i will add memtest to it by myself07:59
PseudoGouSo just download the new memtest07:59
PseudoGouand replace that file with the new one07:59
PseudoGouRename it to the exact same name, it should work07:59
PseudoGouBut back it up in case it doesn't07:59
virioni have a question if anyone can help.. i'm completely new to linux.. have been using kubuntu for the last few months.. during the upgrade to 11.04 my system failed.. decided to just install ubuntu.. working great for the first day.. though listen music player would freeze a lot.. now listen won't even open.. i've removed and reinstalled and it still won't open.. anyone have any advice?08:00
REK_007PseudoGou: thanks will check it08:00
Coreyvirion: Could strace it while opening, see where it dies.08:00
Coreyvirion: Probably easier to check the logs though.08:00
virionhow would i do that?08:00
PseudoGouvirion: Maybe you rcomputer is in disrepair08:01
virionseriously though.. linux has been turning me off.. i've gotten kernal panick too many times, freezing, and a multitude of other issues..08:02
Demorionim tired08:02
PseudoGouvirion: So go back to Windows XP - this is not meant to be derogatory - but if you're not willing to put a little effort into it, then WinXP is more for you.08:02
virioni am willing08:02
Demorionim going to sleep08:02
PseudoGouDemorion: 'night08:02
virionit's still been turning me off to it though..08:02
virionand i'd rather go back to windows HPC server08:03
psycho_oreosand being vague isn't going to help either08:03
virionor server 2008 r208:03
EncRyptOvirion, if u havent put alot of files on it then reinstall it08:03
lemraishguys, i've installed fedora, then restored ubuntu grub, but when i run sudo grub-update, it still doesn't see fedora. what do i do in this case?08:03
virionreinstall isn't going to help me find the problem08:03
EncRyptOvirion, google is your friend08:03
vikscan any body tell how to include slash in sed command.......m trying to copy some path to some other file..but it exclude the slash08:04
virionand i've used google. sadly when i had kubuntu i would follow threads that said to use certain commands that when i ran them in terminal didn't do anything08:04
psycho_oreosyou pretty much just stated kernel panics without giving any specific information. That's as useful as saying windows crashed on me and I'm sick of it08:04
vikscan any body tell how to include slash in sed command.......m trying to copy some path to some other file..but it exclude the slash08:04
virioni said other reasons such as programs not launching, system freezing08:04
EncRyptOcheck the ubuntu forums08:04
Jordan_Uvirion: sed 's#/some/path/#g#'08:04
virioni got the kernal panick while installing debian08:04
PseudoGouvirion: There's something wrong with your computer08:05
virionnothing wrong with the system08:05
Jordan_Uvirion: Sorry, it's late :) make that: sed 's#/some/path/#/something/else#g'08:05
PseudoGouvirion: How do you know?08:05
EncRyptOits just the what music player?08:05
psycho_oreosvirion, again.. what programs? or are you just randomly trolling?08:05
virionthis system has had VMware running fine and server 2008 r2 running fine08:05
virioni'm not fucking trolling08:05
virionlisten music player... just won't open08:05
Jordan_U!language | virion08:06
ubottuvirion: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:06
EncRyptOvirion, try to update it from the command line08:06
vikscan any body tell how to include slash in sed command.......m trying to copy some path to some other file..but it exclude the slash08:06
Jordan_Uviks: sed 's#/some/path/#/something/else#g'08:06
virioni've removed and reinstalled through command line.. how would i update it?08:06
virioni don't know much command line in linux08:06
psycho_oreoshave you tried to use other alternative programs if listen music player does not work?08:06
virionyes.. other programs open..08:06
dr_Willisremove and reinstall is windows thinking. that wouldent clean out the users configs either.08:06
dr_Willisif its a user config  issue..08:07
Jordan_Uvirion: Can you pastebin the output of "listen" from the terminal?08:07
EncRyptOsudo apt-get update08:07
virionhow do i run a program through terminal?08:07
virionwhat is the command for that/08:07
Jordan_U!terminal | virion08:07
ubottuvirion: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:07
EncRyptOjust try that update itll update your packages08:07
dr_Willistype its nam,e virion08:07
Jordan_Uvirion: The command to run listen is literally "listen".08:07
virionalright i've done that08:07
viksJordan_U: what exactly the command08:08
lemraishguys, i've installed fedora, then restored ubuntu grub, but when i run sudo grub-update, it still doesn't see fedora. what do i do in this case? anybody, please?08:08
EncRyptOsometimes its sudo ./program08:08
psycho_oreosvirion, so you pretty much stereotyped other program(s) not working when its only listen music player program that fails to run. Then kernel panics, what kernel panics? didn't you say it was when it was installing debian? how is debian related to ubuntu?08:08
Jordan_Uviks: The command to run listen is literally "listen".08:08
EncRyptO./program is the program to run08:08
Jordan_Uvirion: Sorry, I keep getting your nick mixed up with viks' .08:08
jibgilmonis there anyone here who could help answer a question about tri-booting?08:08
virionvirion@virion:~$ sudo ./listen08:08
virion[sudo] password for virion:08:08
virionsudo: ./listen: command not found08:08
virionvirion@virion:~$ ^C08:08
FloodBot1virion: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:08
viriondon't flood?08:09
dr_Willisjibgilmon:  ask the question and see.  the grub2 docs arew worth reading also08:09
EncRyptOthen just listen08:09
psycho_oreosyou pasted more than 3 lines within a few seconds08:09
dr_Willisits not ./listen   its  listen08:09
EncRyptOor maby add a capital L08:09
dr_Willisbash basics.08:09
silveringhi guys, is it safe to install gnome 3 on ubuntu 9.04 ?08:09
virioni've done listen as well.. but you won't want me to paste what it says08:09
_Ray_Hi :) Where does one find a "package control file", if I wanted to manually edit it to apply a patch? The file is apparently broken.08:09
Jordan_Uvirion: *never* run a command using sudo unless you're absolutely sure that the command is supposed to be run as root. (Just seeing a permissions error is *not* enough to know that).08:09
EncRyptOsilvering, yeah08:09
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:10
Jordan_Uviks: *never* run a command using sudo unless you're absolutely sure that the command is supposed to be run as root. (Just seeing a permissions error is *not* enough to know that).08:10
psycho_oreosit is _not_ ./listen unless your working directory is exactly the same place where listen binary resides08:10
silveringEncRyptO and it wont wreck my system ot installed apps?08:10
jibgilmonWell, I originally had Windows 7 (upgraded from vista), and then I installed ubuntu from wubi. I now want to add xp as a third option, but I didn't do it in order from oldest to newest. Where should I start?08:10
* Jordan_U should go to sleep with all the mistakes he is making...08:10
PseudoGouJordan_U: Nonsense.08:10
EncRyptOvirion, no08:10
tdnIs anyone else using iwlagn driver for wifi? Do you experience bad performance when transferring large amounts of data?08:10
EncRyptOsilvering, no08:10
virionno what? encrypto?08:10
EncRyptOsorry wrong perso08:10
npmapI have one question: WHY does upgrading REMOVE ALL contents of /var/lib/lxc?!?!?!08:11
silveringEncRyptO one last question, after i install it, will it replace my current gnome 2.26 or they will be installed side by side?08:11
psycho_oreos!caps| npmap08:11
ubottunpmap: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:11
viksJordan_U : my question is , m trying to copy one path to other file but it is not shoing me slash (/) ...like /var/www it is showing me varwww08:11
SmokeyDhey everyone, is it possible to specify commandline arguments in .desktop files (like in ~/.config/autostart). Like "~/bin/somecommand somearg1 somearg2" on the Exec= line?08:11
npmapI'm sorry, I just lost a lot of work.08:11
EncRyptOsilvering, are you installing it from the gnome site?08:12
icerootSmokeyD: for what?08:12
virionanyways.. that's what happens when i open the program through terminal08:12
psycho_oreosnpmap, probably some applications that needed to be upgraded conflicted with original programs or it could be the way the package is made08:12
silveringEncRyptO i didnt deside yet, but tell me how and what can i expect :)08:12
SmokeyDiceroot, I have a script that takes commandline arguments. I want to put two different .desktop files in ~/.config/autostart, where the exec line contains this script, and for each desktop file a different argument08:13
npmapThat package is a piece of junk, imo. It should never-ever-ever-ever delete /var/lib/lxc/*.08:13
EncRyptOsilvering, look for the update at the gnome site and they can tell you more08:13
silveringEncRyptO thanks for now :)08:13
EncRyptOsilvering, it wont erase your files though08:13
psycho_oreosnpmap, is the fs that /var or /var/lib sitting on ext3?08:14
npmapIt's on ext4.08:14
Jordan_Uvirion: Try running this command in the terminal "mv ~/.config/listen/ ~/.config/listen-bak/" then try opening listen again. (That command will rename the directory containing listen's configuration file, causing it to create a new one).08:14
virionwill do08:14
virionit worked08:15
virionwhy did that work?  what command is it?08:15
fusiontorchis there any way to make ubuntu's password sessions last longer? typing in my password every three minutes is seriously getting old.08:15
silveringEncRyptO im wondering how to install it side by side with my current gnome from repos08:15
npmappsycho_oreos: What would you suggest I use for recovery? I never had to recover files until now from an ext*.08:15
virionjordan.. where is the best place to learn linux from the beginning.. i feel like i pick up pieces without really understanding08:16
_Ray_Hi :) Where does one find a "package control file", if I wanted to manually edit it to apply a patch? The file is apparently broken.08:16
psycho_oreosnpmap, I was about to suggest testdisk had the filesystem was ext3, but testdisk might support ext408:16
Refaelcelthunder: did you get messages?08:16
Coreyfusiontorch: passwd_timeout in sudoers.08:16
Jordan_Uvirion: It worked because listen's configuration file had some type of problem, and as I explained renaming the directory containing listen's configuration will cause listen to create a new configuration directory with default settings.08:16
EncRyptOsilvering, you know the command line? just wondering08:16
virionthat makes sense08:17
psycho_oreosnpmap, rather photorec, not testkdisk08:17
iceroot_Ray_: in the source-packe  debian/control08:17
npmappsycho_oreos: How about http://extundelete.sourceforge.net/ , extundelete?08:17
thrilloniumsome of you that know a good game on linux ubuntu??08:17
Jordan_Uvirion: Which means that you have probably lost any settings you changed in listen (though the old configuration file still exists, to get your settings back you'd need to discover what exactly is wrong with it that is causing listen to fail).08:18
psycho_oreosnpmap, I've never tried that tool but you can give it a try I suppose08:18
thegoodcushionthrillonium: SuperTux08:18
silveringEncRyptO just the basics.. i tryed to add the repo with 'sudo apt-add-repository ppa:gnome-team/gnome3' but it didnt work, and i think that command is not implemented in that version of ubuntu, but i may be wrong (wondering)08:18
thrilloniumthegoodcushion: i'll try that. ty (:08:18
virionthe settings are no big deal.. but i would like to know what caused them to go wrong so i could avoid that in the future08:18
EncRyptOsudo apt-get -s install gnome3       try that its a simulation of download not a download08:18
EncRyptOsilvering,  it wont install it but itll run a simulation of the install see if its there08:19
silveringCouldn't find the package gnome308:19
fusiontorchCorey: Thanks.08:20
tripelbcan I "name" a terminal session so that I can tell which is which from the panel??08:20
virionwell thanks for your help jordan.. sorry for the language and breaking the rules from the beginning.. didn't mean to..08:20
EncRyptOsilvering, go to the website gnome.org08:20
EncRyptOsilvering, if its not in the repos08:20
_Ray_iceroot: What is the "source-packe"?08:20
silveringEncRyptO my browser dimms when i click on download08:20
silveringi dunno why08:21
EncRyptOubuntu 10.10 has it08:21
* bob3291 waves08:21
_Ray_(iceroot: The package itself is haskell-platform, currently broken in natty. I couldn't find a .deb of it in my system.)08:21
EncRyptOsilvering, from the site?08:21
silveringEncRyptO yea08:21
thegoodcushionis it possible to have both gnome 2 and 3 installed simultaneously?08:21
iceroot_Ray_: packages.ubuntu.com for the source-package08:21
_Ray_Ah, ok :) Thanks!08:21
silveringthegoodcushion exactly, thats my question too ;)08:21
iceroot_Ray_: or "sudo apt-get source haskell-plattform08:21
EncRyptOgo to the ubuntu software center under applications08:22
silveringjust a sec08:22
EncRyptOsilvering, type in gnome3 ....just a test on the repos in 9.408:22
thrilloniumthegoodcushion: about supertux....... i don'tthink its a game for me, but ty (:08:22
_Ray_iceroot: And then I suppose there's a way to tell apt to use _that_ package file?08:22
EncRyptOsilvering, but does it download from the site....it should08:23
iceroot_Ray_: dpkg -i localpackage.deb08:23
_Ray_Awesome :)08:23
iceroot_Ray_: apt-get is only reading repositorys08:23
silveringEncRyptO when i click the download button my Opera dimms and almost crashes08:23
Pete_is there a way to upgrade from 32 bit ubuntu to 64 bit???08:23
ElementCrackerhey any one here know how to configure LIRC or how to use irrecord ?08:23
EncRyptOare u wireless?08:24
icerootPete_: no08:24
silveringno, cable08:24
EncRyptOtry to run an update on your OS first08:24
icerootPete_: you have to reinstall to change the architecture08:24
thegoodcushionPete_: nope08:24
Pete_ok may i ask what the difference is between the 2? Is the 64 bit faster?08:25
silveringEncRyptO i have another problem from yesterday.. i canceled instalation of some software through apt (dont remember what) and after that, whenever i try to install something.. it installed it but give back an error for some ttf dejavu extra shits08:25
Dracofodderok, totally wrecked my sound, tried to compile an updated alsa driver, and have just gone through the steps on the ubuntu forum sticky for sound issues.  Still no joy.  I am thinking  re-install of whole system as these steps are difficult at best.  Seriously, there is nothing simpler than re-compiling????08:25
thegoodcushionPete_: the big thing is 32-bit can only address 3.2 gig of RAM08:25
Pete_ahhhhhh ok08:26
icerootsilvering: 1. watch your language, 2. "sudo dpkg --configure -a"08:27
silveringiceroot thanks and sorry08:27
EncRyptOthen go to the command line to search for the software     sudo find / -iname *softwarename*08:27
silveringiceroot it gives back the same error with ttf dejavu extra and mplayer included now08:28
npmappsycho_oreos: It's gone. It's gone for good.08:29
npmapI just ran it and said it didn't find anything at all.08:29
psycho_oreosnpmap, chances are that it might be overwritten as when the files were set to be deleted the pointers are removed. Though you maybe able to recover it with some file carving utilities08:31
silveringSetting up ttf-dejavu-extra (2.28-1) ...08:33
silveringE: /var/lib/defoma/locked exists.08:33
silveringE: Another defoma process seems running, or you aren't root.08:33
silveringand then:08:34
silveringdpkg: error processing ttf-dejavu-extra (--configure):08:34
silvering subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 108:34
EncRyptOsilvering, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/08:34
Dracofodderis there a way I can force a reinstall of the whole system via synaptic? or do I need to download the dvd and start and install from disk.08:34
silveringEncRyptO thanks ill check it now08:34
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dr_Willisreinstall every single package? why do you think you need to do that dracofodder?08:35
silveringEncRyptO it gives back the same error08:35
Dracofodderdr_Willis: I have reached my witts end on fixing this alsa sound issue, and I know it found the correct hardware and installed the correct drivers when I first created the system08:35
dr_Willisyu could try purgeing/reinstalling the alsa packages I guess. its also posible oher fix's you have tried have broken things worse.  I rarely have sound issues. so cant advise more08:36
Dracofodderdr_Willis:  and if the forum sitcky is the best thing around for fixing said soundissues, then I am very broken right now.08:36
dr_Willismay be better to just do a reinstall.08:37
dr_Willisnot reinstall every package.. a clean install08:37
npmappsycho_oreos: Thanks, I guess I will just switch to something else.08:37
harovali1hi , I'd like kernel messages not to display on the console , how can I do that in Ubuntu 10.04 ?08:37
dr_Willisharovali1:  theres a /etc/sysctrl.conf file i think that can tweak that.08:38
silveringit says that mplayer is not installes so not removed,  but its installed, i used it yesterday08:38
dr_Willisi cant double check the filename rignht now08:38
Dracofodderdr_Willis: thanks. will think about this, and look again with a clear head in the morning. I just realized I've been fighting with this for four hours and am probably not thinking clearly.08:38
DracofodderI wil never ever ever try to fix a nagging system problem after 11pm again.08:39
harovali1dr_Willis: thanks08:40
sara2010dr_Willis,   hi08:40
EncRyptOsilvering, did you do the search i posted? if not search for the package, first cd out of all directorys, then sudo find / -iname *package*08:40
kissapoikahello, I really need some help. someone I know has issues with ubuntu and internet connection; they live in area with pretty slow/bad internet, and connecting to anything often time-outs. on updates, on pidgin...etc. is there a way to "bypass" timeouts?08:40
silveringEncRyptO i dont remember the name of the package08:41
silveringand i tryed synaptic too08:41
silveringit gives back this:08:41
silveringops.. i closed it08:41
silveringwell, basicly it says unmet dependencies08:41
sara2010i have problem with scanner . its not working with sane ..........08:41
j_dalmondguys, i'm running ubuntu 11.04, installed fedora, restored ubuntu grub, then ran sudo update-grub, but it's doesn't show fedora. any ideas?08:41
silveringand it will leave mplayer and ttf-dejavu unconfigured08:41
dr_Willisj_dalmond:  add fedora by hand to the /etc/grub.d/40_custome file (or whaever name it is)08:42
EncRyptOsilvering, did you use the command line to install the package?08:42
silveringyes.. and i cancel it in the first one second after i press yes08:43
silveringcause i saw that it will install around 150 mbs08:43
j_dalmonddr_Willis, thanks so lot. -)08:43
silveringEncRyptO can i paste you on prv the error?08:44
sara2010dr_Willis,   i have problem with scanner . its not working with sane ..........08:44
EncRyptOsilvering, if so then go check your bash history.   go to your home directory..     ls -al     then   cat .bash_history08:44
dr_Willissara2010:  you did check  the sane homepage to se if its supported?08:45
Gskellighow exactly does rc.local work, can I just type commands in there and save it or...?08:45
EncRyptOsilvering, that has all your commands including the package names08:45
dr_WillisGskellig:  its a script so basically yes.08:46
tsimpsonGskellig: it's just a shell script that is run after all the other boot-up scripts08:46
EncRyptOsilvering, look for your pkg there08:46
silveringEncRyptO thanks, just a sec08:46
dr_Willismake sure commands in rc.local dont 'take over' the shell. run them via command &  if not sure.08:46
j_dalmonddr_Willis, can i ask one more complicated question?08:47
sara2010dr_Willis,  let me check there08:47
dr_Willisgo for it.. thats the point of the channel.08:47
j_dalmonddr_Willis guys, one more question, after a few hours of work in 11.04 i drop out of session and get this - http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/imag001436.php - it's impossible to make screenshot, so i made a pic. is it a kernel panic and if yes, will installing latest vanilla kernel help me?08:47
silveringEncRyptO im looking at it, but i cant find what im searching08:48
j_dalmondand laptop is very hot also during this08:48
dr_Willistry the latest kernel and see 008:48
EncRyptOsilvering the command is         cat .bash_history08:48
j_dalmonddr_Willis, thanks. i'll try it.08:49
EncRyptOsilvering, look for the command you did to install it from the command line08:49
silveringno no, im looking in bash history right now, but the command is not there08:49
EncRyptOsilvering,  then you should remember the package08:49
silveringevery command for install in the bash history was successfull08:49
EncRyptOok...but you want the package name right?08:49
silveringno actually08:49
silveringi want to fix that mplayer and ttf-dejavu error08:50
Shaba1Hello once again08:50
silveringbut dont know how08:50
EncRyptOok so you know the name08:50
Shaba1Can anyone reccomended a resource for upgrading wubi08:50
nit-witShaba1, not rcommended08:50
EncRyptOwhat you can do if stnd error says its not installed its not installed check08:50
silveringEncRyptO it says that mplayer is not installed so not removed, but mplayer is installed08:51
silveringi checked08:51
dr_Willishow did you install mplayer?08:51
silveringfive minutes ago i watched video clip on mplayer08:51
silveringwith aptitude08:51
=== zamba_ is now known as zamba
dr_Willistry removing it with aptitude perhaps08:51
silveringi tryed08:52
silveringsame error every time08:52
silveringsame error in synaptic too08:52
EncRyptOwhat the error?08:52
EncRyptOnot installed?08:52
EncRyptOcan you find the package?08:52
dr_Willispastebin the exact error messages perhaps.08:52
EncRyptOif not then dont worry about it.....because it says not installed08:53
silveringjust a sec08:53
silveringand it gives this thing with ttf-dejavu everytime i install apps with aptitude08:55
FeyisayoHello everyone. I have Natty installed alongside Windows on my laptop. Yesterday, while using Natty, I forced down my laptop by holding down the power button. Unfortunately, I now can't boot to Natty. What I see is a Grub commandline. I have tried booting from a live USB but that just hangs after showing the copyright information. Can anyone help me?08:55
EncRyptOsilvering,  sudo find / -iname *mplayer*08:55
silveringalright, mplayer is no longer installed, i just checked, thats getting weird and weird08:56
sara2010dr_Willis,   i have send you msg .08:56
dr_Willisbest to talk in channel sara201008:56
silveringEncRyptO the find command return only this: /usr/share/mplayer08:56
nit-witFeyisayo, does alongside mean a wubi install?08:56
sara20108, 12, 16 bit works all modes. If you can only scan half of the page, use the PS2Dfw2.usb firmware and rename it to PS2Dfw.usb. In that case, you may also need backend 1.0-73 or later.08:56
Feyisayonit-wit, yes08:56
sara2010i did it but its not working08:57
yang_Excuse me,I'm new to this system,can you give me some advice08:57
nit-witFeyisayo, always mention that, so you get the MS menu but text when you choose the ubuntu menu choice08:57
hmchinh1986what's this key on keyboard: KV_S_YUAN=0x0101 thanks08:58
EncRyptOFeyisayo, load a live ubuntu cd, then connect to net,,, then in the command line run   sudo update-grub08:58
nit-witEncRyptO, it is a wubi install.08:58
Feyisayonit-wit, Yes I get a menu choice of Windows or Ubuntu. I choose Ubuntu and I get a Grub commandline08:58
EncRyptOFeyisayo, then you'll see on the output...it will list all your OS and update grub08:59
silveringdr_Willis http://pastebin.com/H902G2FS08:59
EncRyptOsilvering, then that is where your mplayer is go to that directory09:00
dr_Willisi cant see web sites right now. On my cell phone irc client.09:00
FeyisayoEncRyptO, my laptop does not have a working CD drive. So what I use is a live USB but I can't seem to boot from it. I just hangs after the copyright information is displayed09:00
nit-witFeyisayo, take a look at this thread and post as well, if you need to, thr OP and another wubi guru lurk daily. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163919809:00
silveringEncRyptO dont understand you (my english is not that good), whats the solution?09:00
Feyisayonit-wit, I will right away09:00
EncRyptOFeyisayo, get a usb external cd drive or go to another computer to make a bootable usb09:01
nit-witFeyisayo, cool for straight help thats the thread and place.09:01
FeyisayoEncRyptO, I have a live USB but it won't boot09:02
nit-witEncRyptO, so your saying you can fix a wubi?09:02
ghostnik11hi, wanted to know the what is the best email client on ubuntu to use with gmail that will allow me to see labels and folders that i have already marked in gmail on web browser09:02
dr_Williswont boot, or fails to boot to the desktop. You may need to use the nomodeset option to get it working right on some systems09:02
EncRyptOok go to unetbootin site and there you can make a bootable usb for any OS09:03
liminalI have turned off quiet splash for the grub2 bootloader in 11.04  - but I do not still the full text from the bootload there is still a purple screen and any text that does appear is delayed09:03
dr_Willispendrivelinux website also has some tools that make bootable usb disks.09:03
lapionJordan_U, what was the url to t again ?09:03
dr_Willisliminal try the 'text' option perhaps?09:03
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* bob3291 eats the awesome sauce 09:04
bob3291you want some!?09:05
lapion!ubottu pastebin09:05
dr_WillisTheres no charge for awsome.09:05
bob3291but for the sauce there is! :P09:06
ikoniano thanks, I wouldn't mind if we could keep the random comments out of the support channel though please09:06
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:06
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EncRyptOFeyisayo, if needed go to this site and uninstall ubuntu then reinstall it because its probally easier for you09:07
EncRyptOFeyisayo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wubi09:07
EncRyptOIts got a tutorial on how to uninstall ubuntu then reinstall.......you got to have ubuntu!!!!!09:08
FeyisayoEncRyptO, I am trying to avoid that option as I have a lot of stuff on my Ubuntu. I was hoping for a way to fix it.09:09
dr_Williswhen in doubt make backups09:09
EncRyptOFeyisayo, ok then get a live usb cd drive or go to unetbootin and create the live usb.....itll work... i did it before on computer with 3OS09:11
Feyisayonit-wit, thanks for the article. It assumes that one can boot from a live CD/USB but I have not been able to do so. I created the live USB with the usb-creator tool that comes with Natty's ISO. After the copyright information, nothing happened09:12
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dr_WillisFeyisayo:  you may still need the nomodeset option. also the usb dreator tool in ubuntu has been a little quirky at times. I tend to use tools at the pendrivcelinux site.09:13
liminaldr_Willis,  im not aware of a text option09:14
FeyisayoEncRyptO, maybe I should try creating the live USB using UNetbootin and see if it will boot09:14
Feyisayodr_Willis, I'll try that too. Thanks a lot09:15
dr_Willisreplacve 'quiet solash' with 'text' = no plymouth or no gdm starting at bootup09:15
EncRyptOFeyisayo, connect to net with live cd or usb then sudo update-grub     about unetbootin its easy they have instructions and the distros you choose already09:15
Name141Is VLC about the best "GOM Player" alternative , along with (s)mplayer ?09:15
dr_WillisIve neer even heard fof a GOM player.. :)09:16
FeyisayoEncRyptO, will do. Thank you for your help09:16
liminaldr_Willis, the grub2 output is text by default.. the quiet splash command just covers it up09:16
liminal11.04 is doing somthing funky tho.. try it09:16
lapionJordan_U, check out: http://imagebin.org/154767 http://imagebin.org/154768 http://imagebin.org/15476909:16
dr_Willisand the text option will let it show....09:16
liminalwhat is the text option?09:17
dr_Willisby disablin plymouth totally09:17
liminalwhere do you put it.. ive never heard of it09:17
Feyisayonit-wit, I'm going to try creating a live USB with another utility (UNetbootin) and see how it goes. Thanks for your help.09:17
dr_Willisgrub kernel option... replace 'quiet splash' with 'text'09:17
lapionor anyone else interested in problems with installer..09:17
EncRyptOFeyisayo, ok09:17
Cube``how do i know which cpu governing software i got?=09:18
liminaldr_Willis, opkay ill give it a go09:18
Cube``liminal: no dont replace it, just append text09:18
dr_Williskeeping splash and text.. is sort of like gibveing oposite options. :)09:19
dr_Willisedit the grub line at boot time to use 'text' for a one time text only boot. for trouble shooting - is what i often do09:19
lapiondr_Willis, sometimes it can be handy to use nosplash as well.09:20
lapionas some systems hang upon loading splash09:21
dr_Willistext is npsplash+ basically :)  it just stops gdm also09:21
vibhavHI dr_Willis09:21
Cube``lapion: gah what does splash do anyways besides adding bloat?09:22
dr_Willistext = the old style console boot runlevel many other disrtos use.09:22
dr_Williswe all know that plymouth adds valueable extras to the os.... jut not sure what.. :)09:22
Cube``how do i know which cpu governing software i got?09:22
dr_Williswe cant be scareing people with  boot messages :)09:23
Cube``dr_Willis: yeah i heard that one too, but neither do i know what it supposedly helps ;)09:23
dr_Willisi always disable plymouth09:23
dr_Willis bbl09:23
lapionCube``, do you have a pentium 4 or similiarly aged processor ?09:24
Bakerconspiracyanyone else still sticking with 10.10?09:24
Cube``lapion: no, modern netbook, asus eee 1000he09:25
Cube``DrColossus: how do i disable it!09:25
Cube``just by removing it?09:25
tippeneini still have 10.1009:25
thunderstPlease help.I am running ubuntu 10.10 alongside windows 7. I am getting two versions of ubuntu when my computer starts.xHow do i remove the old one?09:25
tippeneinthat guy is using 10.10 too09:25
Bakerconspiracyits probably just two kernels thunderst09:26
Cube``thunderst: you sure its no the the kernel?09:26
tippeneinget ubuntu tweak09:26
Cube``Bakerconspiracy: word bro09:26
Bakerconspiracydon't understand the 'unity' bit yet09:26
liminaldr_Willis the text command means that the grub loads the text console09:26
ikoniaubuntu tweak is not supported09:26
liminalnot the gui console.09:26
ikoniathere is no need for ubuntu tweak at all09:26
thunderstm........ what's a kernel??09:26
tippeneinit's an easy way for people to clean stuff like that if you don't know wtf you're doing09:27
ghostnik11how do you make thunderbird come up in desktopbar like replace evolution so when you go to mail pic on top bar and select mail you go to thunderbird09:27
Bakerconspiracyno njot you thuderst09:27
Bakerconspiracyno I get that09:27
ikonialiminal: stop that now09:27
ikonialiminal: do not call names, help people, or don't speak09:27
BakerconspiracyI think the simplicity makes things more complicated09:27
ikoniathunderst: a read on tldp.org as an introduction to Linux may help09:27
liminalikonia, fair enbough09:27
ikoniaCube``: please don't, we don't need that sort of input09:28
thunderstikonia: thanks09:29
lapionCube``, some atoms do not have clock switching..09:29
denebhi. unfortunately when i was blanking a dvd-rw on "brasero", it cut the electricity. Now the dvd-rw disc shows 0 bytes capacity, 0 bytes free :/ how could i solve this issue? thanks!09:29
Bakerconspiracysometimes you can ruin a RW disk09:29
Bakerconspiracyhave you tried to erase it again deneb09:29
denebBakerconspiracy: yes but it gives an error...09:30
BakerconspiracyI'm not sure if disks have headers09:30
Bakerconspiracythe same way a HD does09:30
Bakerconspiracybut if you screwed up a read/write on one of those09:30
Cube``lapion: well i know i can switch between 1ght, 1,33 or 1,6. how can i change the voltage?09:30
denebBakerconspiracy: even now i think is not mount it at all....although i have inserted into drive09:30
Bakerconspiracyyea man.09:31
Bakerconspiracyprobably going to have to get another DVD09:31
Cube``deneb: you are aware that you#you're talking about 12ct or something?09:31
eristikophilesnow i want to turn off that stupid graphical bootup09:31
eristikophilesgoogling tells me to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst09:31
eristikophilesbut there's no such file!09:31
Cube``eristikophiles: /boot/grub/grub.cfg is what you're looking for bra09:32
ShishKababI have a lot of e-mail (around 10,000 messages) and because Thunderbird slowed down a lot, I switched to KMail. Now KMail is slowly eating my e-mails (there is still a hint that the e-mail was there, but all data is removed). Is there any program I can for example install on our homeserver that stores my mail in a robust database (like MySQL or PostgreSQL) in a way I can still access it from my mail client?09:32
eristikophilesah ok09:32
thunderstI am having two versions of ubuntu.The new one came after updating.anyway to remove the old one??09:32
Cube``ShishKabab: emacs09:32
Bakerconspiracyuse evolution with pop309:32
lapionCube``, switch the voltage as far as I know that is relegated to the bios, unless things have really changes and voltages are settable on the fly09:32
denebCube``: what's 12ct?09:32
Bakerconspiracydeneb 12 cents09:32
Bakerconspiracybut I'm guessing you don't have easy access to another DVD  do you09:33
ShishKababCube``: Huh? A text editor?09:33
denebBakerconspiracy: i know :P i have to go to central now to buy another09:33
Cube``Bakerconspiracy: i was gonna troll him with a link to "money" on wikipedia but you sdcrewed it up :(09:33
* vibhav wants a cookie09:33
Bakerconspiracycube'' lol09:33
Cube``ShishKabab: emacs is an operating system. i dont know where you got the text editor part from09:33
ninaalleesss goed mensjes09:33
Bakerconspiracymy b09:33
Cube``oh well yes it also does edit text files of course09:33
eristikophilesi just ran grub-mkconfig but it just automatically does stuff09:34
ninawaarom praat iedereen engels? ik versta er niks van09:34
ShishKababCube``: Hehe :)09:34
eristikophilesprobably generated the exact same file i already had09:34
ninakunnen jullie ook nederlands09:34
Cube``eristikophiles: whats what its for09:34
eristikophilesthe file says not to edit it manually09:34
Cube``ShishKabab: waddabout mutt=?09:34
Cube``mutt is great shit09:34
Bakerconspiracydeneb you should order a ton online if you can09:34
ninaweet je ik verveel me dood09:34
lapionCube``, emacs is an interface...afaik emacs doesn't boot before any kernel..09:34
ninalinda waar blijf je09:34
Cube``deneb: yeah, or at lesat in 50 packs, dont buy them one by one09:34
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xxxxxlindaxxxhaihey nina09:35
ninaik kan geen engels kunnen jullie ook nederlands praten?09:35
lapionik wel nina09:35
Name141How do you install Flash on the AMD 64bit?09:35
xxxxxlindaxxxhaihoi lapion09:35
xxxxxlindaxxxhaiheb jij ook ubunto??? op je computer09:35
Cube``lapion: i didnt see the need to be that specific, but you sir are correct09:35
FloodBot1xxxxxlindaxxxhai: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:35
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash09:35
ninawie ikke?09:35
thunderstPlease help. When my computer starts,I am getting two versions of ubuntu.The new came after updating.09:35
xxxxxlindaxxxhaidit is leuk09:35
lapionCube``, look in the mirror and see the siz09:35
ShishKababnina, xxxxxlindaxxxhai: Ga iemand anders irriteren, a.u.b. And speak English ;)09:35
denebCube``: Bakerconspiracy  , guyes the problem is at blanking....what if it brokes all my 50 dics?09:35
Bakerconspiracythunderst that is just the older kernel09:35
Cube``lapion: siz?09:36
dr_Willisthunderst:  if yoi have more then 1 kernel. it shows hem all in grub menu09:36
ninawij zitten nu op school en zitten te kllote09:36
wkHi there, I installed iptables but it was not added to the services (service ip09:36
Bakerconspiracydeneb its most likely because you cut the power09:36
* vibhav is ready to help others!09:36
lapionyes Cube`` six09:36
ninajebem ti mater09:36
thunderstBakerconspiracy: anyway to remove it??09:36
dr_Willis!firewall | wk09:36
ubottuwk: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME)  and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.09:36
xxxxxlindaxxxhaiWe are netherland you know, englisch is not so easy and we are not irritant09:36
wkdr_Willis: I need iptables for openvpn to work.09:36
lapionCube``, the roman numerals09:36
Cube``lapion: siz != six09:36
ninanu praat ik niet nl maar ........... gaa ik jou niet vertelle09:36
wkOh thank you.09:36
dr_Williswk iptables is built in allreqady i thought.,09:36
Cube``lapion: that would be VI09:37
ninadit is leuk09:37
dr_Willisits the command used to manage the firewall featrures09:37
lapionyes Cube`` vi09:37
ninaom mensen te irriteren vooral die ene mongool09:37
Bakerconspiracythunderst : RW disks have a life span of about 30-40 rewrites, its probably not your disk drive that is broken09:37
denebBakerconspiracy: i'm not really sure about this....cause it looks like it had stopped the blaking somewhere09:37
xxxxxlindaxxxhaiwe are sitting on a stoel on school09:37
Bakerconspiracythunderst : it is probably just that one DVD09:37
wkdr_Willis: However, it isn't listed as a service, which is required for openvpn to work, how do i do that?09:37
eristikophilesCube``- so it looks like grub.cfg is not to be toyed with. not to mention googling tells me to unset "quiet" and "splash" options.. but .. how?09:37
Cube``lapion: OMIDOG! its a roman numeral as well as an ancient text editor!09:37
ninai kan geen engels09:37
xxxxxlindaxxxhaii can no englisch09:37
xxxxxlindaxxxhaiis het nina09:37
Bakerconspiracythunderst if you can put another CD in the drive and it will read it, it definitely is not you DVD drive09:38
dr_Williswk i never noticed an iptables service.  check the service command. it could be part of some other named servivce09:38
ninaheeeey mongooltje zeg is ff wa09:38
Cube``eristikophiles: i toy with whatever i want, and you should too. in fact i did that change just yesterday. idk how i would have done it by using some external commands/textfiles that would just end up editing that part of the file anyways09:38
ShishKababCube``: I was hoping for someting for something that would keep my mail on the server in a real DB and that I could acces through IMAP so I can still enjoy the comforts of a windowed program.09:38
xxxxxlindaxxxhaifuck you jij lelijke bosaap09:38
wkdr_Willis: I can't just "add" something to services?09:38
=== vooze_ is now known as vooze
xxxxxlindaxxxhaiwij hebben het progamma ubunto is school09:38
thunderstBakersconspiracy: ..............k09:38
eristikophilesCube``- yeah i tend to too but in this case it looks too much like code to want to mess with it much09:38
ninafuck jou gaa leven zoeken en niet op di saaie kut ding09:38
xxxxxlindaxxxhainee nina dit is leuk09:39
xxxxxlindaxxxhaijwz man09:39
eristikophileswhere exactly is that setting? i'll fix it if i can find it09:39
ninamensen ga wat beters doen09:39
dr_Williswk ive never heard of anyone needing to add any service named iptables befor.09:39
vibhav!language | nina09:39
ubottunina: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:39
xxxxxlindaxxxhaihuh i dont understand you, youre englisch xnina09:39
ninawa ik kan geen engels09:39
wkdr_Willis: It is installed and up and running, but it seems like openvpn requires it to be run as a service?09:39
lapioncube I like my editors EviL as in vi vi vi09:39
xxxxxlindaxxxhaiim christina argulara09:39
dr_Willis!info vigor09:39
ubottuvigor (source: vigor): nvi with the evil paperclip. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.016-15 (natty), package size 266 kB, installed size 680 kB09:39
eristikophilesaaah i figured out what to do instead09:39
xxxxxlindaxxxhaiim obama09:39
Cube``lapion: i swear by sed to edit my files09:39
eristikophilesyou edit /etc/defaults/grub09:40
wkdr_Willis: Iptables is running, but whenever I try to start openvpn I get: iptables service not started because of error (SVC_RUN_EXCEPT)09:40
ninapraat ff nederlands dan ik je ook verstaan en meedoen09:40
eristikophilesand then run grub-update09:40
eristikophilesand it will autogen that file again with your new settings09:40
lapionCube``, I still prefer 66609:40
schnufflewk: you ned to add a rule for the openvpn port 119409:40
majid651651HELLO >:(09:40
ninaik vind het niet lief dat ik niks mag wete09:40
FloodBot1majid651651: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:40
dr_Williswk could be that error message is missleading. I dont do vpns09:40
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN09:40
Cube``lapion: but is that free software!?09:40
lapionnina, wat is het probleem09:40
wkschnuffle: OpenVPN isn't being blocked. The firewall is allowing everything at the moment.09:40
Cube``[3~xxxxlindaxxxhai: you are this far from a ban: |<->|09:41
wkschnuffle: To me it seems like openvpn won't start because iptables isn't running as a service09:41
xxxlindaxxxhaicube is dont understand you09:41
eristikophilesCube``- did you hear me?09:41
eristikophileser, notice? lol09:41
xxxlindaxxxhainina is eruit gestuurd09:41
majid651651i m new in Lunix world09:41
thegoodcushionlet them talk in Dutch09:41
Cube``eristikophiles: no sorry, all the spammers got me. repeat please09:41
schnufflewk: There's no iptable service and openvpn doen't need it09:41
eristikophilesmajid651651- very new. it's called *linux*09:42
xxxlindaxxxhaija let us talk in dutch,09:42
eristikophilesCube``- you edit /etc/defaults/grub09:42
lapionxxxlindaxxxhai, je bent |<->| afstand verwijderd van verbanning van deze channel..09:42
ShishKababIt's moments like this that make me ashamed of being Dutch....09:42
Cube``eristikophiles: GNU/Linux09:42
xxxlindaxxxhaiik word gebannen ofzo waarom09:42
ninahallo gaa ons niet verbannen09:42
wkschnuffle: Oh I see. Do you mind telling me how I add that openvpn rule? :)09:42
ninaof wie daan ook09:42
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.09:42
eristikophilesthere's a line with quiet and splash as options. you delete them leaving empty ""09:42
eristikophilesand then run sudo update-grub09:42
eristikophilesand it does so09:43
ninaook geen duits dat kan ik ook niet09:43
xxxlindaxxxhaiwat? pleas talk dutch of whatever, doe dan ok normala man klojo's09:43
Cube``eristikophiles: o lol, i dont have /etc/defaults/grub09:43
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl09:43
DJones!nl > xxxlindaxxxhai09:43
ubottuxxxlindaxxxhai, please see my private message09:43
eristikophileswhat version you running?09:43
ikoniaxxxlindaxxxhai: this channel is for English language only09:43
ikoniaDJones: thank you09:43
eristikophilesme too09:43
eristikophilesare you sure you don't have one?09:44
ninazeg dan op zn minst wat het onderwerp is09:44
Cube``im xubuntu thought. 09:44
eristikophilesit's /etc/default/grub09:44
Cube``but i fail to see how this would make any difference09:44
schnufflewk: check http://www.linuxhorizon.ro/openvpn-brief.html09:44
Cube``yeye i figured09:44
Cube``but its still not there09:44
wkschnuffle: Thank you.09:44
dr_WillisCube``:  its /etc/default  not /etc/defaults09:44
dr_Willisi think.09:44
ninahaaaalooooo waar gaat het over?09:44
xxxlindaxxxhaienglisch is stom09:44
Cube``yes thank you dr09:44
eristikophilesdr_Willis- yeah i just realized and said that09:44
Cube``i realized that09:44
schnufflewk: mot important activate ip_forward09:45
eristikophilesthat's strange though. not sure what's up with not having one09:45
schnuffle!nl | nina09:45
ubottunina: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl09:45
majid651651i m using back track 409:45
majid651651to crack some wirless networks09:45
majid651651is Linux is more power than windows ?09:45
ninawwaaar kun je die ondersteuning vinden09:45
Cube``eristikophiles: where you from?09:45
dr_Willismajid651651:  yes.. now do you have a ubuntu related question?09:46
Cube``maybe it depends on your geographical location09:46
ninai am from nederland09:46
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl09:46
eristikophilesi live in NJ09:46
eristikophilesi've moved around a lot though09:46
wkschnuffle: How do I do that?09:46
Cube``majid651651: i crack wireless networks, so i guess im better than you, because wirless networks just arent the thing anymore, barely any network has wirs nowadays09:46
eristikophilesmajid651651- *nix has *way* better memory allocation than windows, for one thing. 'more powerful' .. yeah, it is.09:46
menguhi all.09:47
wkschnuffle: openvpn still won't start though.. Error:  iptables service not started because of error (SVC_RUN_EXCEPT).09:47
eristikophilesanyway Cube`` i doubt that location matters for this file09:47
=== phrozen is now known as phrozen_
mengui have done a "du -h" and this is the output. http://pastie.org/private/2aswwabhpopn7xjqwhk9ha is it possible to merge /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdb1 ?09:47
menguthough i really don't know what is filling up the /dev/sda209:47
Cube``eristikophiles: i see you fail to see my sarcarm :D09:47
dr_Willismerge mengu ?09:48
schnufflewk: sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward  and to add it permanently edit /etc/yctl.conf and add a line: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 109:48
mengudr_Willis: removing /dev/sdb1 and transfering its space to /dev/sda209:48
tsimpson"sudo echo" does not work, you need to use tee09:48
xxxlindaxxxhaiwaar kan ik nederlandse ubunto vinden09:49
dr_Willismengu  you dont mer 2 differnt hard drives09:49
eristikophilesCube``- oh, yeah i guess so. lol09:49
Shaba1i guess I will just uninstall and then reinstall with 11.04 cd iso and take my chances09:49
eristikophilesShaba1- why don't you use the updater?09:50
eristikophileskpackagekit should let you do it09:50
eristikophilesor whatever gnome has09:50
BKTech86when I return from suspend, I can't start new processes (for example if i try to start chromium it says "Starting Chromium.." and then it just closes09:51
schnufflewk: have you read http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html#quick already? It' a good starting point09:51
BKTech86and when I boot up, half the time it does this thing where I have to login at a prompt and wait like a minute for ubuntu to start up .. it's so annoying! please help09:52
wkschnuffle: Yes, yes I did, opevpn is installed on my server and the adminpanel is working, it's just the VPN service that won't start because of Iptables.09:52
schnufflewk: how do you come to that conclusion?09:52
wkWell, that's what the error message is saying.09:53
schnufflewk: paste that error message09:53
wkError:  iptables service not started because of error (SVC_RUN_EXCEPT)09:53
BKTech86nobody knows how to fix these problems?09:53
BKTech86is natty stable?09:53
ikoniaBKTech86: explain the problem a bit more please09:53
wkiptables is installed and running, BUT when i try : service iptables start i get  iptables: unrecognized service09:54
eristikophilesBKTech86- i had some bugs like that when i upgraded too09:54
ikoniaBKTech86: yes, natty is classed as stable09:54
eristikophilesbut they went away09:54
Bakerconspiracyyea BKTech8609:54
eristikophileshonestly not sure how. i tinker with the system when it's not working right until it works again. half the time i can't tell you how i did it later.09:54
BKTech86ikonia: i dont know what else to say.  after i've suspended I turn the computer back on and i can use any programs that are open but i can't start new ones because they just fail to open09:54
eristikophilesactually half the issues i was having went away after i booted into windows then into kubuntu again09:54
schnufflewk: did you try: sudo /etc/init.d/iptables restart09:54
ikoniaBKTech86: suspend can be quite buggy in Linux in general09:55
wk sudo: /etc/init.d/iptables: command not found09:55
Bakerconspiracydo programs get put onto some stack in mem when a computer goes into suspend?09:55
Bakerconspiracyanyone know09:55
Bakerconspiracystack frames w/ pid or something09:55
ikoniaBKTech86: they get swapped out to disk09:55
BKTech86ikonia: it used to work fine on my laptop when i was using 10.04 LTS 32-bit but when i switched to 64-bit it's not working anymore09:55
eristikophilesi don't really use suspend so *shrug*09:55
Bakerconspiracyinto swap09:56
ikoniaBakerconspiracy: they get swapped out to disk09:56
ikoniaBKTech86: I can understand that09:56
ikoniaBakerconspiracy: yes09:56
Bakerconspiracyikonia do you know what data structure09:56
Bakerconspiracyjust like state id09:56
BKTech86ikonia: in that case, is it likely it will be functional if i go to natty 32-bit?09:56
ikoniaBKTech86: no promises, suspend depends on many component09:57
BKTech86ikonia: what about the hanging at bootup?09:57
ikoniaBakerconspiracy: it's a simple dump file as I recall09:57
ikoniaBKTech86: what hanging at boot09:57
michidutaMy L-Max 5K Serioux USB mouse does not work well with any ubuntu variant installed but works well in any ubuntu variant live09:57
BKTech86ikonia: instead of going straight into ubuntu it loads up a black screen with prompt asking for login: -- so i login and wait like a minute before ubuntu magically starts09:57
michidutaWhat it does is it focuses on whatever control/window/panel I click first and cannot click on anything else without first doing a right-click on the currently focused window/panel/etc09:57
michidutaAnyone know why?09:58
elfrannesed 's/WorkedHours=$WorkedHours/WorkedHours=$newWorkedHours/g' $logfile09:58
BKTech86ikonia: it's at least a full minute09:58
Bakerconspiracyyo bktech86 when you come back from suspend does it stall up when you open other programs09:58
Bakerconspiracyor not do anything09:58
ikoniaBKTech86: if you don't login, does it start X on it's own ?09:58
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: it stalls, saying Starting [program name]... then just stop09:58
PhilixHow do you set the default network interface on ubuntu? like if i want to use eth1 as default instead of eth0?09:58
BKTech86ikonia: i never waited that long without logging in, I don't know09:58
ikoniaBKTech86: try it09:58
BKTech86ikonia: i guess it probably would since sometimes it doesnt do that at all09:58
philluminatiWhere would one of root's environmental variables getting set? It's the http_proxy variable and I need to unset it by default so I can run the additional drivers gui under gksu09:59
Bakerconspiracybktech86 since you are having problems with starting x09:59
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: maybe i misunderstood your question.  Yes I noticed sometimes if i keep opening programs after returning from suspend09:59
Bakerconspiracyi bet its something to do with that09:59
ikoniaBKTech86: check it09:59
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: the whole system can freeze09:59
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: so what are you suggesting?10:00
Bakerconspiracymaybe X is having a bit of trouble loading up10:00
Bakerconspiracywhat is your ram an cpu speed again10:00
Bakerconspiracyits getting hung up on something10:00
Bakerconspiracyikonia is that agreeable ?10:01
Bakerconspiracylike permissions escalation or something10:01
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: its a Toshiba Qosmio x505-88510:01
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: i5 cpu -- 2g ram i think10:01
Bakerconspiracyyea says 4 gb ram10:02
Bakerconspiracyits all new hardware10:02
Bakerconspiracyone sec10:02
tdnIs anyone else using iwlagn driver for wifi? Do you experience bad performance when transferring large amounts of data?10:03
ikoniaBakerconspiracy: I suspect it could be many things, hence why I'd like him to try it without logging in10:03
WujkuPomoże ktoś w rejestracji konta?10:03
schnuffle!pl | Wujku10:04
ubottuWujku: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.10:04
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BKTech86ikonia: i will try it and report back10:06
BKTech86ikonia: thank you !10:06
Bakerconspiracywhen you come back10:06
BakerconspiracyI want you to look at some logs10:06
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: i have to read something before i reboot10:07
Bakerconspiracyfor sure10:07
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: i'll check them now though10:07
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: what logs10:07
Bakerconspiracy/var/log$ cat /var/log/Xorg.* | egrep -e error10:08
BakerconspiracyI want to see everything that doesnt load properly10:08
Bakerconspiracycan't figure out how to write it for xorg10:08
Bakerconspiracydoes anyone else know how to write that10:08
Bakerconspiracyto see what didn't load properly in xorg logs?10:09
llutzBakerconspiracy: grep -r EE /var/log/Xorg*10:09
Bakerconspiracysorry bktech8610:09
Bakerconspiracyguess I can't help w/ this one10:10
BakerconspiracyGL man10:10
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: why?10:10
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BakerconspiracyI can't figure out what command would easily make visible what didn't load with X1110:10
Bakerconspiracylike input devices10:10
Bakerconspiracyand other media10:11
Bakerconspiracymaybe that's the hang up10:11
Bakerconspiracycould be the vid card10:11
Bakerconspiracythat's what I'm thinking10:11
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: personally i think it has to do with the 64-bit OS10:11
BakerconspiracyI'm on a 64 bit10:11
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: i think it's a ram problem10:11
BakerconspiracyI get hung up from suspend because of my mouse sometimes10:11
Bakerconspiracyon 10.1010:11
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: i was telling ikonia that when i switched from 32bit lucid to 64 bit i got this problem10:11
Bakerconspiracyit would't be a ram problem then right?10:12
Bakerconspiracydriver problem10:12
Bakerconspiracythat happens from suspend10:12
Bakerconspiracyyea gonna be tough10:13
elfrannei want to update a value in a file with sed in a script , i have done this : sed 's/CurrentStatus=\$CurrentStatus/CurrentStatus=\$newstatus/g' $logfile     but apparently there is something wrong10:13
[deXter]Hi all, my fan's been going on most of the time in Natty on my Dell m102z AMD Fusion based netbook. This isn't the case in Win7 where the fan turns on only once in a while. Any idea how I could tweak the fan settings and/or find out what's wrong? Thanks.10:13
michidutaMy L-Max 5K Serioux USB mouse does not work well with any buntu variant installed but works well in any buntu variant live10:14
michidutaWhat it does is it focuses on whatever control/window/panel I click first and cannot click on anything else without first doing a right-click on the currently focused window/panel/etc10:14
michidutaAnyone know why?10:14
FloodBot1michiduta: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:14
Bakerconspiracybktech86 did you try that command I gave?10:14
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: i thought it was no good.  ill try it now10:15
Bakerconspiracycat /var/log/Xorg.* | egrep -e error10:15
Bakerconspiracyits no good because it doesn't say anything about the device10:15
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: the response is "(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown." - 5 times10:16
Bakerconspiracyyea so 5 times it failed to load something10:16
xharxhow can I define different wallpapers for each desktop?10:16
Bakerconspiracyhold on let me think of a better way to do this10:16
Bakerconspiracycat /var/log/Xorg.* | egrep -e failed10:17
Bakerconspiracytry it with just failed10:17
coz_xharx,  are you running compiz?10:18
xharxxubuntu, btw10:19
coz_xharx,  ok10:19
coz_xharx,  not sure then,, unless xfce has a settings for this,,10:19
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: ok10:19
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: http://pastie.org/private/5ibzqeitqjccitmnypmujg10:20
coz_xharx,  have you checked with the xfce people?  in #xfce channel ?10:21
apple_catHi, I am getting really high packet loss with my atheros wireless card (> 20%). I just upgraded to 11.04 and now the ath9k module is being used, whereas before I was using the ath5k module. Could anyone help me out with this?10:21
xharxjust doing10:21
coz_xharx,   or in #xubuntu channel10:21
Bakerconspiracyah  yes10:21
xharxyeah, thx10:21
kodapawinXperts 1010:22
Bakerconspiracyyour computer is a beast10:23
=== denny- is now known as denny
Bakerconspiracy Qosmio x505-Q88510:23
BakerconspiracyBKTech86 hey you got any 3rd party drivers running10:24
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: i think so --10:24
BakerconspiracyBKTech86 it seems like you are using a vesa driver for a pretty crazy video card10:25
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: ok i'm clueless :p10:25
Bakerconspiracylol its cool10:25
BKTech86These package contains Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver10:25
BKTech863D-accelerated proprietary graphics driver for NVIDIA cards.10:25
Bakerconspiracygoto system -> administration -> additional drivers10:25
BKTech86those 210:25
Bakerconspiracyand that graphics driver is enabled?10:26
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: i don't have a thing called "additional drivers" in the admin menui10:26
Bakerconspiracyoh yea10:26
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: yes, if i disable it, my screen gets all big res and stuff -- and suspend REALLY doesnt work :p10:26
dr_Willisjust run jockey-gtk10:26
Bakerconspiracyyou're on 1110:26
dr_Williseasier then looking for a menu item10:26
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: i'm in lucid 64-bit10:26
Bakerconspiracyyou need 10.0410:28
eristikophilesthat qosmio thing is ridiculous.10:28
eristikophilesreminds me of my brother's alienware (or any alienware i guess)10:28
eristikophilesin terms of its insanity10:28
eristikophiles9.something lbs!10:29
Bakerconspiracybktech86 you need 10.04 for the support?10:29
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: no10:29
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: i just didn't upgrade to natty10:29
BKTech86eristikophiles: i just flew to dublin and they told me my bag couldn't be over 10kg lol.  so i packed my laptop and a few shirts lol10:30
Bakerconspiracyalright give me one last quick go10:30
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: you may have as many gos as you'd like10:30
GhostFreemanWhat are my options for DLNA Sharing in Ubuntu?10:30
dr_WillisGhostFreeman:  theres a few dnla servers, meditomb has a nice gui. ushare (i think) is another no gui however10:31
dr_Willis!info ushare10:31
ubottuushare (source: ushare): lightweight UPnP A/V Media Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1a-0ubuntu5 (natty), package size 50 kB, installed size 232 kB10:32
GhostFreemanwell i'm all about gui so i'll try Meditomb10:32
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dr_WillisGhostFreeman:  xbmc and boxee can do it also i think10:32
eristikophilesBKTech86- that's funny :)10:32
eristikophilesi think my backpack is well over 10kg10:32
GhostFreemanI had Rygel installed but none of my devices picked up on Rygel so i'm going to switch. Thanks10:32
eristikophileswith just the random crap i keep in it10:32
MeglaWushare has a web-ui for adding new shares and refreshing10:33
BKTech86eristikophiles: yeah .. 10kg is surprisingly little10:33
MeglaWa bit basic but works.10:33
Refaelhas anybody ascertained the way to fetch a channel server in freenode?10:33
dr_Willisrefael 'fetch a chanel server' means.. err.. very little to me..10:34
eristikophileshad to check. that's 22lbs.. but still, not all that much10:34
eristikophilesi know it weighs more than a 20lbs bar weight would10:34
erixHi all10:34
erixI trying to give permission to folder with ACL10:34
Refaeldr_Willis: similar when a person registers a #channel_name, how does the person discern the Server_name?10:35
erixsetfacl -M g:1000:r index.txt10:35
erixI tried to do smthing but it gives an error10:35
=== LostCause is now known as devilscleaning
erixNo such a file or directory10:35
MeglaWRefael: how about #help on freenode?10:35
dr_Willisif you mean a list of freenode servers.. the web site has a list of them.  i recall somew command /links ? used agres ago to see what servers where  on the network]10:36
box_ salam la roooma10:36
orgthingyhello, my mouse stopped 'moving' atm10:36
orgthingyhow can I 'refresh' my mouse @ the screen?10:36
box_tu parle francaise10:36
BKTech86box_: il y a #symfony-fr10:36
Bakerconspiracybktech hablas espanol?10:39
[deXter]Hi all, installed the fglrx drivers as prompted by Natty and now my whole screen is flickering constantly. Any ideas other than uninstalling fglrx?10:40
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: si porque10:40
BakerconspiracyBKTech86 pense que hable10:40
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: con bastante anos en el internet se habla todo los idiomas hehe10:41
Bakerconspiracyestas en europa?10:42
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: ahorita si10:42
BKTech86Bakerconspiracy: y tu?10:42
szal!es | BKTech86, Bakerconspiracy10:43
ubottuBKTech86, Bakerconspiracy: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.10:43
BakerconspiracyI gotta run10:43
Bakerconspiracybut catch ya later10:43
BKTech86yep thanks for help10:43
FloodBot1Bakerconspiracy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:43
kkkkkhi, i have a problem with eog 2.32.1 - after compilation when i run it and open some file it crushes in../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/____longjmp_chk.S:112 no such file ?? any sugestions what maybe wrong?10:44
beesterwhen upgrading to 11.04 I did not accept the microdoft agreement to install their fonts and web eula stuff. Dose any one know what the consequences are of that.10:45
dr_Willisthey dident get nstallled beester  - i belive10:45
Prometheshi, in 11.4 i cannot reorder open windows on gnome panel, how to enable this? Anyone?10:46
DJonesbeester: I would think it will just not install the mstcorefonts package which will stop you getting any MS fonts10:47
beesterhow crucial are they to making things work on my linux. when installing linux I really don't want anything to do with microdoft10:47
tsimpsonkkkkk: it crashed deep in internals, report it to the developers10:47
dr_Willisthen dont use them. browsers will use alternativ4es10:47
beesterok thanks10:48
kkkkktsimpson, i'm trying to talk with them on irc but no responce ... but thanks anyway,10:49
kkkkkas i'm here: does anybody know some app that would need some optymalisation in speed or ram usage?10:50
SyriaI need an app to record my desktop and zoom on some places. thnx in advance10:51
DJones!screencast | Syria There's a few apps to record your desktop listed in this link, I've not used them, but if you have a look at them one might be suitable10:52
ubottuSyria There's a few apps to record your desktop listed in this link, I've not used them, but if you have a look at them one might be suitable: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.10:52
ollie66problem with configuring or disabling suhosin on ubuntu 10.04 64-bit, any suggestions?10:52
DeepcoldbizCould not initialize the package information10:52
DeepcoldbizAn unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.10:52
DeepcoldbizPlease report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:10:53
Deepcoldbiz'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu.cs.uaf.edu_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-amd64_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'10:53
FloodBot1Deepcoldbiz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:53
Deepcoldbizsb report this bug for me, i have to install it again10:53
Deepcoldbizi can't find where to report this bug in a short time10:53
Deepcoldbizsb cp it and report it for me, thanks10:53
BlackDalekHow can I tell if DMA is turned on or off for my DVD drive?10:56
ollie66The right parameters are set, configuration is read (and reported in php), but parameters are completely ignored10:56
ubottudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hardware transfer data faster, and is supported by most systems since 2002. For more information see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA10:56
BlackDalekdr_Willis, I just came here from that page. And that page doesn't tell me how to find out if it is on or off - only how to enable it... but the instructions provided do not seem to apply to my system.10:58
dr_Willishdparm command can show. but i was thinking its automatically on for most hds these days10:59
dr_Willishdparm is a little bit 'old skool' these days also10:59
ollie66how disable suhosin (or enable the use of parameters like whitelist) on 10.04 64-bit?11:00
baijupatteraar1s, yeah come on11:00
ar1sI've got a problem : I'd like to upgrade my 8.10 server to something newer, but do-release-upgrade fails because 9.04 is not supported anymore too (and not in repositories). Is there a migration path between 8.10 and 11.04 or 10.10 ?11:01
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:01
qdbhello. how to manually run window that says "your language is not installed completely" ?11:02
baijupatteraar1s, see this http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/upgrade11:02
=== pagz_ is now known as ffd
ar1sapplied procedure, fails with "Extracting the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server."11:03
BlackDalekdr_Willis, sudo hdparm /dev/sr0 does not output anything mentioning using_dma or anything else pertaining to dma... does this mean DMA is off?11:03
baijupatteraar1s, I dont think direct way for 8.10 to 11.0411:03
baijupatteraar1s, I dont think a direct way for 8.10 to 11.0411:04
xmazHello is there a way i can put all files from one folder to another including subfolders?11:04
TakeGood day11:04
BeumacNew to linux...All of my hdd's are NTFS format. Is there any reason that 3 out of 5 NTFS drives would show up but the other 2 are missing?11:04
TakeI've ran into an issue with preseeding and ubiquity and it seems that I'm not alone11:05
baijupatteraBeumac, may be if any encrypted drives in it11:05
TakeIt seems that d-i preseed/late_command isn't never executed, any ideas?11:05
ar1sbaijupattera, passing by 9.04 is not a big problem, but seems like the upgrade path to 9.04 is broken11:05
BeumacI don't think they are encrypted...or at least I didn't do it!11:06
BlackDalekAnyone.....  sudo hdparm /dev/sr0 does not output anything mentioning using_dma or anything else pertaining to dma... does this mean DMA is off?11:06
baijupatteraar1s, it might not supported11:06
sunseayou can tru it11:06
ar1shmm, I guess my only option is a cold reinstall11:07
BlackDalekI a, trying to troubleshoot choppy DVD playback here.... Can anyone help?.....  sudo hdparm /dev/sr0 does not output anything mentioning using_dma or anything else pertaining to dma... does this mean DMA is off?11:08
SikSilly question, I have a Spanish keyboard but I want an easy way to type Japanese characters without having to go to the character map (not to mention kanji is impossible to type otherwise). Any suggestions? (and I tried SCIM before, the result was a disaster as it broke Gnome's log-in screen -_-')11:08
xmazHello is there a way i can put all files from one folder to another including subfolders?11:09
BlackDalekhow do I tell is DMA is on or off for my DVD drive?11:09
baijupatteraar1s, u may get answer from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades11:09
Sidewinder1xmaz, Just drag and drop in any file mgr. program.11:10
coz_BlackDalek,   check here although I think it is an older post    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA   let me find another more current one11:10
ar1sbaijupattera, i'll check out, thanks for your feedback11:11
REK_007can anyone tell me IRC where i can get support for burg?11:11
coz_REK_007,   burg?11:11
* xmaz slaps Sidewinder1 the FUCK OUT!!!11:11
xmazi am using a console11:11
FloodBot1xmaz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:11
REK_007coz_: Its an extended GRUB211:12
coz_REK_007,  ah  ok11:12
Sidewinder1xmax, Then type man cp11:12
coz_REK_007,  you might want to go to #grub  channel as well11:12
baijupattera! burg11:12
baijupatteraubottu said dont know "burg"11:13
ubottubaijupattera: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:13
BeumacSo no one knows why I have 2 NTFS drives that aren't showing up? I know this isn't a hardware issue.11:13
BeumacOr has a possible reason that is =p11:13
baijupatteraBeumac, where did u check it? by gparted?11:15
elfrannesed 's/= .*//' is not supposed to delete what comes after = ?11:15
qdbhello. how to manually run window that says "your language is not installed completely" ?11:15
quiescenselfranne: sort of11:15
Beumacbaijupattera, well, I'm new to Linux I did look at fdisk...but it's not listed as one of my drives on ubuntu either.11:15
BlackDalekcoz_, yeah - that page is no help at all. the "Enabling DMA with `hdparm`" section doesn't work and the "ATAPI DVD drives" section makes statements that are completely wrong for my system configuration11:16
elfrannequiescens but it does not ...11:16
coz_BlackDalek,  yeah I was afraid of that11:16
baijupatteraBeumac, r u sure it not encrypted?11:16
qdbhow to echo "123\n123" >1.txt so that \n is new line?11:16
coz_BlackDalek,  I am sure someone here has experience with it however,, if no one at this time does ,, also log into the ## linux channel,, they may have someone there that knows11:16
BeumacOne is my Windows OS the other one is just storage...I didn't encrypt them or do anything extra I didn't do to my other 3 drives.11:16
quiescenselfranne: delete anything after a = and a space, including the equals and space11:17
baijupatteraqdb, run 'language support' and install the desired languages11:17
qdbthank you, baijupattera11:17
qdbbaijupattera, they are already installed i think11:17
fxmzai nallo11:18
qdbhello. how to echo "123\n123" >1.txt so that \n is new line?11:18
elfrannequiescens, got any idea to just delete = and what comes after ?11:18
quiescensqdb: echo -e11:18
baijupatteraqdb, it installs only the english by default,regional u may need to do11:18
quiescenselfranne: you have to get rid of the space11:18
qdbbaijupattera, i have selected rusaaian on installation11:18
qdbquiescens, thank you11:19
BlackDalekI am trying to troubleshoot choppy DVD playback - does anyone know how I can verify if DMA is turned on or off for my DVD drive? ...and PLEASE DO NOT post a link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA - that page is no help at all.11:19
SikDoes anybody know how to install support for typing Japanese with a non-Jap keyboard? (ideally avoiding SCIM, it gave me trouble last time I tried)11:19
elfrannequiescens, oh i did not even noticed that i had a spece -_- ... thx a lot mate11:19
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:20
dr_Willisdd the dvd to an iso file.. check the transfer speeds.11:20
dr_Willisoh wait the default dd dosent give that info. :()11:20
dr_Williscopy all the files from dvd to a directory, watch transfer speeds.11:21
LinSkyrateanyone strugles to install Ubuntu through bootcamp on a MacMini Latest11:21
frostschutzSik: Install language support for Japanese (ibus-anthy)11:21
dr_WillisDMA as far as i know is always defaulted to being ON.11:21
qdbbaijupattera, russian is already installed, but after restart of OS after some time appears a window that gives ability to install remaining language packages, if i close it, how to run it?11:21
dr_Willisat least in newer disrtos11:21
baijupatteraqdb, if it says does not installed it completely,run it once again and install it11:21
Sikfrostschutz: is that all? Also, if Gnome's log-in screen breaks (it did with SCIM before), what should I do? :P11:21
Beumacbaijupattera, how would I find the drives if they were encrypted?11:22
frostschutzSik: ubuntu should set up everything for you if you go through the language configuration screen (not sure where that is hidden nowadays though)11:22
qdbbaijupattera, to run it once again i need to restart or relogin, or know out from system monitor its name, from startup applications i have not found it11:22
SikI mean, last time I tried installing SCIM and next time I booted Gnome wouldn't let me log in11:22
baijupatteraqdb, I said to take the "language support" from menu and do11:23
SikI want to know what to do if something like that happens again >_>11:23
qdbbaijupattera, language support opens other window11:23
frostschutzSik: well, if that happens you might just go down to the regular text console and uninstall it. never had that issue though11:23
baijupatteraqdb,u see the options there11:23
Sidewinder1Beumac, If they are usb or esata drives, you might try booting into Windows and "Safely Remove Hardware" than see if Ubuntu lists them.11:23
SikEr OK... It was SCIM anyways not just Anthy so maybe I have luck this time :/ (it was 32-bit Ubuntu and CPU turned out to be 64-bit so I just "fixed" it by upgrading to 64-bit Ubuntu and ditching the old install)11:24
frostschutzSik: ibus is the scim replacement so to speak. I switched from scim to ibus myself recently because scim refused to work with firefox411:24
BeumacHmmm, they are sata drives...if I do that in windows will they pop back up the next time I boot up windows?11:24
Beumacor wait...11:24
BlackDalekdr_Willis, I am running 10.04 Lucid on this laptop. so I assumed that DMA was on, but since DVD playback is acting choppy.... I wanted to check that DMA is actually on.11:24
baijupatteraqdb, there r opptions as install/remove packages and "apply system wide like that11:24
Sidewinder1Beumac, They are externals, right?11:25
BeumacThey are NOT external11:25
dr_Willischeck the dvd transfer speeds. and the info in that drive management tools perhaps.11:25
Sidewinder1Beumac, Then disregard my previous.11:25
dr_Willisi forget its exaxct names11:25
Beumachaha yeah, I figured11:25
SikSo now that ibus is installed, what?11:25
BlackDalekdr_Willis, what should I expect to see when copying dvd?11:26
BeumacI don't understand why these two drives won't pop up in ubuntu =( So weird, is there a way to view the ntfs config or something?11:26
dr_Willisblackdalek - no idea - i rarely even use optical disks these days11:27
baijupatteraBeumac, did u try in nautlilus under file system?11:27
BeumacI don't even know what that is =p11:27
bob3291hello people! got a quesiton... when im on this site and watch embedded from youtube, they lag like crazy, but when i watch them on youtube they are fine! :s11:28
Beumacit's the file manager lol11:28
bob3291anyone esle had that  ?11:28
BeumacYeah, that's where I checked other than fdisk...they just aren't there.11:29
BlackDalekdr_Willis, well... it transfers at around 950K/sec if that helps at all11:30
dr_Willisthat seems slow to me. less then 1mb/sec. ]11:30
Sidewinder1Beumac, Try System-->Administration--> Gparted and see if they are listed there.11:30
pranay_09hi, i have a beetle usb modem which works fine in windows but i cant use it to connect to net in ubuntu, do i need to download any driver11:31
dr_Willisdial up modem? DSL modem?11:31
pranay_09Dial up11:31
BeumacHmmm Sidewinder1 there is no gparted under system>administration11:32
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up11:32
Beumacwait, I do see them in the disk utility Sidewinder111:32
SikScrew that ibus working :D あなたはクールです!11:33
Sidewinder1Beumac, Then try System-->Administration-->Dish Utility.11:33
SikSee ya11:33
BeumacYeah, Sidewinder1 They are listed!11:33
pranay_09thanks :)11:33
BeumacHow do I make them work Sidewinder111:34
Sidewinder1Beumac, What file format are they?11:34
Beumacit says unknown11:35
SyriaPlease tell me what is the option record 3d in istanbul recorder used for.11:36
Sidewinder1Beumac, You could always use Windows to copy all of the data from them and then, using a partitioning tool and reformat them to ext3 or ext4, CAUTION, reformatting will destroy ALL data on those drives.11:37
Beumaclol I'm not sure I have 1.5 tb of disk space free to do that atm11:38
SakaraGot a Ubuntu 11.04 machine that authenticating against a server running ldap kerberos. A user I can login to the workstation who is part of the admin group is unable to perform sudo commands. I've no idea why.11:38
Sidewinder1Beumac, What I can't figure is the "Unknown"?11:38
SakaraCan anyone suggest where I might start to look?11:39
BeumacYeah! The assessments from the SMART data all say "good" or "n/a"11:39
Sidewinder1Beumac, Can't fathom why Nautilus doesn't see them.11:41
facelessloserhi anyone know of any good ubuntu/linux podcast to listen to11:41
Sidewinder1Beumac, In Nautilus, did you click "view" then "side pane"?11:42
BeumacSidewinder1,  side pane is checked, yes.11:42
baijupatterafacelessloser, http://ubuntupodcast.net/11:43
facelessloserthanks baijupattera11:43
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Sidewinder1Beumac, Only other thing: open a terminal and type sudo fdisk -l     That's a lower case L...11:43
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BeumacOkay, I've done that.11:45
BeumacLooks like they are all listed.11:45
qdbbaijupattera, apply system wide does not open that window but requests password11:46
Sidewinder1Beumac, If they also do not show up in "Places", than I'm lost...Sorry11:46
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baijupatteraqdp: u should be the administrator to do that11:47
BeumacNope, Sidewinder1 they don't show up there either =(11:47
baijupatterafacelessloser, and this too http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/11:47
Sidewinder1Beumac, Sorry...:-( Maybe a little later, ask again here; the guys you're lookin' for is dr_Willis or ActionParsnip.11:48
Beumacthanks for trying Sidewinder1! I still learned a couple things haha =)11:49
Sidewinder1Beumac, That's important, too...11:49
BeumacI wouldn't be so heart broken if I at least had my music haha11:50
usr13Sidewinder1: what is Beumac looking for?11:51
usr13Beumac: What are you trying to do?11:51
BeumacI have 2 NTFS drives that won't show up in Ubuntu...11:51
Sidewinder1usr13, His system is not seeing an internal NTFS part.11:51
BeumacThey show up under disk utility11:52
Beumacand when performing sudo fdisk -l11:52
Sidewinder1!NTFS | Beumac11:52
ubottuBeumac: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE11:52
usr13Beumac: sudo fdisk -l  | pastebinit    #Send resulting URL.11:52
Beumacsend resting url?11:53
szalBeumac: clean your glasses ;)11:54
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:54
usr13Beumac: Issue command:  sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit11:54
BeumacFor some reason xchat screws up a bit graphically...11:54
usr13Beumac: And send us the resulting URL11:54
Beumacsometimes the words are off and or the end is cut off =/11:54
Sidewinder1send us = list it here...11:55
BeumacNot sure why that is haha, I haven't had to install any drivers yet though. Was surprised at that one.11:55
usr13Beumac: Between fdisk -l  and Pastebinit is the pipe command |  On my keyboard, it is the key above enter which also has \  but  uppercase gives you |  (The pipe command)11:55
usr13Beumac: But you can just cut and paste it:  sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit11:56
Beumacsorry had to install pastebinit11:56
usr13Beumac: Looks like you have 5 NTFS partitions:  sda1 sdb1 sdc1 sd31 sdd1  Which one do you need?11:58
djxcqtionhey there11:58
Beumacsda1 and...hmmm not sure which tb drive it is hah11:59
adam61hey, i just deselected an option in compiz config settings, it was the unity one, i thought it would just delete the settings but it removed my whole desktop. can someone please help me get it back? thanks11:59
usr13You can manually mount them.  Example:11:59
djxcqtionJust got Ubuntu 11.04 and it freezes when it loads up.Is it my graphics card?Is there any way around this?11:59
usr13sudo mkdir /mnt/sda1 ; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda111:59
usr13And then take your file manager to /mnt/sda112:00
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usr13Or just:  ls /mnt/sda112:00
mathews_djxcqtion, how u reach there,upgrade?12:00
djxcqtionWell I first tired through upgrade12:01
djxcqtionthen installed through USB12:01
djxcqtionit gives me the same problem matthews12:01
mathews_djxcqtion, could u reach the desktop?12:01
DocPlatypusanyone here familiar with the game Those Funny Funguloids? Will it work at all on an Intel GMA 3150?12:01
djxcqtionI get the start screen it starts flickering12:01
adam61does anyone know how to open compiz config settings manager from terminal?12:01
usr13Beumac: You should probably look to see if any of these partitions are already mounted.  To do that use the mount command.  If you issue the mount command without arguments, it will show all mounted partitions.12:02
djxcqtionwell yes..but I couldnt do anything cause it just kept flickering matthews12:02
mathews_adam61, install it from software center first12:02
usr13Beumac: But the system will tell you if it is already mounted (when you try to mount it again).12:03
kamelot314adam61: once installed, type CCSM in terminal;12:03
paul_j/ cyLEDGE12:04
adam61mathews_, ok thanks. i do have it installed already, but i need to reinstall eh? k12:04
usr13You should tell us something a bit more informative than aye or Hmm   ;)12:04
Beumacusr13, I copy pasted the command you sent it didn't seem to work12:04
adam61kamelot314: ok thanks. gonna reinstall then i'll do that12:04
mathews_adam61, do what kamelot314 said12:04
Beumacor at least they aren't showing up in nautilus still12:04
usr13Beumac: Did it give you an error?12:04
djxcqtionhey mathews_ : any solution?12:04
Beumacjust went back to the prompt12:05
usr13  ls /mnt/sda1 | pastebinit12:05
mathews_djxcqtion, I think it related to the integrity of ur iso file.did u check the md5 of it?12:05
usr13Beumac: And send resulting URL.12:05
adam61mathews_, how do i open software center? i only have access to terminal and xchat cause i had hotkeys for them12:05
BeumacYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.12:06
usr13mount | pastebinit12:06
mathews_djxcqtion, yeah,right click on the iso file and select the md5 sum and compare it with the one provided in the downloading page12:06
vilinyHello, i had some problems and uncertainties with mysql and phpmyadmin earlier so i did a purge removal of both. Now i installed mysql again and im really confused as to how i can set up my user on it. It lets me in as my username (viliny) without a password but nothing else. And trying to se my password im getting no luck... whats the syntax here?12:06
djxcqtionmathews_: md5? I downladed it from the Ubuntu site12:06
kamelot314adam61: /usr/sbin/synaptic ==> must to be root12:06
Beumacusr13, http://paste.ubuntu.com/612236/12:07
djxcqtionok wil =l do12:07
adam61kamelot314: thanks12:07
mathews_adam61, did u type CCSM in terminal12:07
djxcqtioni downl;oed it from the Ubuntu Website mathews12:08
adam61mathews_, ya i tried that first but it said command not found12:08
djxcqtionI am on a windows  machine now..I use a Intel 865G chipset12:08
djxcqtionis it compitable12:08
mathews_djxcqtion, but for clearing the doubt just check it,and make a start up disk by running the live cd of the same12:08
usr13Beumac: It appears you have that second one mounted. /dev/sdb1 is mounted on mount point /media/Big Daddy12:09
kamelot314adam61: type : sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager12:09
BeumacBig daddy was already showing up12:09
Diverdudeis there a way i can to make ubuntu tile all windows so that they are standing next to each other?12:10
BeumacI need the 500gb and the 1tb named "holdsalot"12:10
usr13Beumac: Have you looked at /media/Big Daddy to see if anything there is what you need?12:10
adam61kamelot314: ok great thanks. that sounds better than synaptic since there are so many packages there12:10
BeumacWell, Bigdaddy actually shows up in places12:10
djxcqtionwill do mathews_12:10
Diverdudein windows i can press the taskbar and press eg. tile vertically or tile horizontally12:10
usr13Beumac: Ok, let's go back to trying to mount sda112:10
Beumacand really isn't much more than a windows backup file haha12:10
kamelot314adam61: in Synaptic, juste type Compiz in the search box and they show you the pakage to install12:10
usr13Beumac: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1   #Tell me what that does or says back to you.12:11
adam61kamelot314: ok i have it installed, how do i open it?12:11
mathews_djxcqtion, one mnt pls, was it ok when u ran the live cd12:11
kamelot314adam61: Type CCSM in terminal, it should work now12:12
Beumacjust a prompt12:12
qdbis there /etc/ppp/resolv.conf by default in ubuntu 11.04 ?12:12
Beumacwell first it said only root12:12
Beumacbut then I added sudo ;p12:12
usr13Beumac: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1   #Tell me what that does or says back to you.12:12
mathews_kamelot314, CCSM not working says error12:12
kamelot314adam61: You don't have the menu bar on top window?12:12
usr13Yea, my mistake12:12
usr13... I'm only humna...12:12
kamelot314mathews_ : did you try in low case?12:13
adam61kamelot314: no, i don't. it said command not found again; i didn't think it'd be different cause i had it installed before12:13
ubottupksadiq: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:13
mathews_kamelot314, ok,let me....12:13
usr13Beumac: Did that do anything?12:13
BeumacNot that I can see =(12:14
BeumacJust came back to the prompt, nothing in nautilus12:14
mathews_kamelot314, yeah it came12:14
pksadiqAdam can you login to X? Ie you get the GUI?12:14
Beumacplaces or the media folder12:14
kamelot314mathews_ :P Sorry my mistake!12:14
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usr13Beumac: ls /mnt/sda1 | pastebinit12:15
mathews_kamelot314, its ok12:15
adam61pksadiq, not quite sure what X is.. when i login, it looks the same except the launcher and the menu bar don't come up12:15
usr13Beumac: Anything there?12:15
mathews_adam61, did u see what kamelot314 said,use the lower case as ccsm12:15
adam61mathews_, oh ok thanks, i hadn't seen that. i'll give it a try12:15
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Diverdudein windows i can press the taskbar and press eg. tile vertically or tile horizontally12:16
kamelot314adam61: i suggest also to install compiz_fusion12:16
Beumacs: command not found12:16
BeumacYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.12:16
Diverdudeis there a way i can to make ubuntu tile all windows so that they are standing next to each other?12:16
djxcqtionmathwes_ : The MD5 sums are the same12:17
usr13Beumac: Let's try another one:12:17
usr13sudo mkdir /mnt/sde1 ; mount /dev/sde1 /mnt/sde112:17
usr13sudo mkdir /mnt/sde1 ; sudo mount /dev/sde1 /mnt/sde112:17
djxcqtionthats the MD5 sums12:17
adam61mathews_, kamelot314: lower case worked! but when i click on unity again, it gives me a conflicts warning; should i "ignore" or "resolve"?12:17
usr13... forgot sudo on the first one.12:17
djxcqtionmathews_ : To answer your earlier question I ran it through USB installation and the same problem occurs12:18
djxcqtionIm trying it on USB right now12:18
djxcqtionit seems to be flickering12:18
usr13Beumac: Anything there?12:19
BeumacWait which one?12:19
Beumacoh nm12:19
mathews_djxcqtion, I was asking on live session means before the installation12:19
kamelot314adam61: Unity?12:19
BeumacMount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.12:19
adam61kamelot314: ya, it says "Some edge and key bindings of Plugin Ubuntu Unity Plugin conflict with other plugins. Do you want to resolve these conflicts?"12:20
adam61i'm thinking ignore..12:20
Beumacoh thats the 250 gig thats actually what ubuntu is installed on usr1312:20
djxcqtionYeah the start up screen comes up.and then it reaches the desktop screen and then starts flickering.12:20
mathews_adam61, I dont know what to do....lol12:20
adam61mathews_, haha np12:21
BeumacI need sda1 and either sdb1 or sdb12:21
usr13Beumac: Oh yea, I missed that.  sde1 is already mounted on /host So look there and see.  ls /host | pastebinit12:21
kamelot314Adam61: Same since i'm not using Ubuntu.. but try to fix it ... click yes12:21
djxcqtionIm perplexed cause I used Ubuntu 10.04 and the problem didnt occur12:21
mathews_djxcqtion, then it is graphics issue12:21
djxcqtionis it because of Unity or because of my graphics card?12:21
usr13Beumac: Or point your file manager to /mnt/sde112:21
usr13Beumac: No, not /mnt/sde1    /host12:21
djxcqtionI use an Intel 82865G chipset12:22
adam61kamelot314: ok i'll go for it12:22
mathews_djxcqtion, run the "additional drives" from menu and see any driver required to12:22
djxcqtionis that an issue>12:22
usr13Beumac: Your mount ponit for /dev/sde1 is /host12:22
mathews_djxcqtion, "additional drivers"\\12:22
mathews_djxcqtion, "additional drivers" I meant12:22
usr13Beumac: So what was that?12:23
[deXter]Hi all, how can I disable compiz in Natty?12:23
Sidewinder1Beumac, You're using wubi, aren't you?12:23
MoopzHey. I have a problem. After I had a projector plugged into my laptop, I can suddenly only do 1680 x 1050 instead of 1920 x 1080. How do I fix this?12:23
djxcqtionok im I would admit I dont know what you are talking about12:23
djxcqtionhow do i check addition drivers>12:23
usr13http://paste.ubuntu.com/612240/  was the output of what?12:23
usr13Beumac: Oh, so you have a wubi install?12:23
Sidewinder1Beumac, Did you install ubuntu from within the Windows environment?12:23
djxcqtionim using Wubi btw12:23
BeumacYes, I did12:23
mathews_djxcqtion, click the menu button and type additional drivers12:24
usr13I seee.....12:24
adam61kamelot314: i think i set the first setting properly, but not quite sure what this means: "The new value for the key binding for the action Key to put keyboard-focus on launcher in plugin Ubuntu Unity Plugin conflicts with the action Show Main Menu of the Gnome Compatibility plugin.Do you wish to disable Show Main Menu in the Gnome Compatibility plugin?"12:24
Sidewinder1Beumac, WOW! That explaines alot!12:24
sattu94where is this exactly mounted so that i can access it through terminal ? --> smb://windows_shared_server/shared_folder/12:24
BeumacWas unable to figure out how to add the boot manager to my usb stick ;p12:24
BeumacThat a bad thing?12:24
mathews_djxcqtion, in the search box or see in the system settings by clicking on shut down applet on top right end12:24
usr13Sidewinder1: Your turn again.  I don't know much about wubi12:24
djxcqtionon my Ubuntu desktop ??12:25
Beumacwth is wubi? ;p12:25
MoopzHey. I have a problem. After I had a projector plugged into my laptop, I can suddenly only do 1680 x 1050 instead of 1920 x 1080. How do I fix this?12:25
Beumacoh nm12:25
kamelot314adam61: what was your problem at the beginning?12:25
Sidewinder1usr13, Beumac Me neither, besides I think I have to go to work, :-(12:25
szal!repeat | Moopz12:25
ubottuMoopz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:25
Beumacit's the win installer12:25
Beumacyou think? lol go to work Sidewinder1 !12:25
vilinyCan someone help me with msyql?12:26
mathews_djxcqtion, it works if u can reach the desktop,otherwise dont know what to do12:26
usr13Beumac: So, what is your situation exactly?  Can't you just boot to MS Windows and find / negotiate your files in the NTFS partitions?12:26
Sidewinder1!wubi | Beumac12:26
ubottuBeumac: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe12:26
BeumacYea, I googled it Sidewinder1 =p12:26
djxcqtionwell i guess im going to have to go back to 10.1012:27
adam61kamelot314: it just said there were compatibility issues in switching back to unity, and should i ignore or resolve them. i clicked resolve and the first was about flip left disable or something. the second i think i should disable it because the "Key to put keyboard-focus on launcher in plugin..." is probably a replacement for the "main menu" am i right?12:27
thegoodcushionIs it possible to change my launchpad password?12:27
Sidewinder1IMHO, with all due respect to the developere, it's a mess...12:27
Beumacmy situation is pretty much all my media is on the tb drive and my music is on the 500gb drive12:27
usr13Beumac: I do not recommend wubi  I recommend a real linux install.12:27
kamelot314adam61: yep do it12:27
BeumacWell...Then I guess I need to figure out how to install ubuntu from my usb drive12:27
sattu94where are samba file shares mounted ?12:27
usr13Beumac: So what do you want to do with it?12:27
BeumacI was unable to figure out how to get the boot manager on it12:28
adriantr KJJH12:28
mathews_djxcqtion, pls see any threads related to this www.askubuntu.com or ubuntu launchpad12:28
FloodBot1adriantr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:28
djxcqtionusr13 im using WUbi as well and seem to have problems with installation12:28
BeumacWhat do I want to do with ubuntu? Switch to using it more and get to know linux ;p12:28
adam61kamelot314: ok great, everything's back! thank you very much!12:28
kamelot314adam61: no problem!12:28
BeumacI would like to only be using windows for gaming really12:28
djxcqtionthanks mathew_12:29
usr13Beumac: Do you have some hard drive space you can spare for the Ubuntu install?12:29
kamelot314Beaumac: Nope i do12:29
adam61mathews_, thanks to you too12:29
Beumacwell, the one I installed ubuntu on can be formatted as well as the 120 gig12:29
ePaxWhat kind of backup can i use in ubuntu-server that supports extended attributes from win? Rsync can not handle it.12:29
Beumacnot really using those two drives at this time12:30
Fudgehi how can one submit apps into ubuntu repo, mangler12:30
usr13how about sdb1?12:30
usr13Beumac: how much of sdb1 is used?12:30
BeumacI use a usb stick with "yumi" to multi boot a ton of different things12:30
qdbhello. is there /etc/ppp/resolv.conf by default in ubuntu 11.04 ?12:30
Beumacthe first 3 drives are pretty much full12:30
MoopzSo what should I do, if not repeat my question until someone answers?12:30
mathews_djxcqtion, come back here after some time may some handy will be here to help u12:30
usr13qdb: /etc/resolv.conf12:30
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Beumaclike 150 gigs free on both tb drives12:31
qdbhello. is there /etc/ppp/resolv.conf by default in ubuntu 11.04 ? please run "ls /etc/ppp/" and look...12:31
usr13Beumac: You could allocate 50 or 60G for linux on one of them.12:31
andygraybealwhat type of Ubuntu 10.04 has a recovery console, is it all of them?  or is it only desktop?12:31
usr13Beumac: Right?12:31
llutz_qdb: it is (10.10)12:31
BeumacI wouldn't mind giving the current drive everything it has for linux12:32
qdbllutz_ thank you . but i want to know about 11 0412:32
Beumacor even the 120 gig12:32
usr13Beumac: Which is the current drive?12:32
Beumacdoesn't matter.12:32
usr13Beumac: sda ?12:32
qdbllutz_ i have written into it, have not looked before that, nor backed up12:33
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MoopzI have a problem. After I had a projector plugged into my laptop, I can suddenly only do 1680 x 1050 instead of 1920 x 1080. How do I fix this?12:33
hungryhubbyi want to share files with other ubuntu users12:33
Beumacusr13,  sde12:33
usr13looks like the wubi is on sdg1 ? I don't know but just seeing  "/dev/sdg1 on /media/MULTIBOOT type vfat"12:34
usr13ls /media/MULTIBOOT | pastebinit12:34
mathews_hungryhubby, see the "users and groups"12:35
BeumacI'm sorry I meant sde1, g1 maybe because wubi partitioned it or something?12:35
usr13Beumac: It is really up to  you.  But I would suggest you pick a place and just install.  Pick which ever drive you want and do a real linux install on it, tell the installer to install grub on the primary drive (which is sda) and it will give you option to boot MS Windows or Ubuntu.12:36
marekw2143hello, uname -a gives following output: Linux marek-ThinkPad-R61e 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux. Do then when I would like to develop simple kernel modules (implemented as char devices) is it enough to install linux-source-2.6.38 package and build those sources to link them to the moudle I'd like to develop?12:36
Beumack, I couldn't figure out how to install grub =p12:37
lolcatWhat is the webstuff called? The GTK+ thing where programs can be showed on webpages?12:38
hungryhubbyover the network i mean i dont have other users on my  network i have standalone desktop12:38
usr13marekw2143: I think what you need is build-essential12:38
Beumacusr13, It was wanting me to boot to ms dos or something weird so I just used the windows installer haha12:38
mathews_hungryhubby, see this http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Managing_Ubuntu_Linux_Users_and_Groups12:39
usr13Beumac: Oh, I see.12:39
marekw2143usr13: what would it give to me?12:40
usr13Beumac: Well, there is supposed to be a way to go into wubi and tell it to just install the real deal.  But I don't know anything about it.  You can look around and see.12:40
hungryhubbyi want to connect to other users like you over internet i mean not on local lan12:41
Beumacokay thanks usr1312:41
usr13marekw2143: apt-cache search build-essential12:41
usr13marekw2143: apt-cache showpkg build-essential12:41
marekw2143usr13: I have build-essential installe12:42
usr13marekw2143: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/build-essential12:42
marekw2143usr13: *installed12:42
marekw2143generally I've installed package linux-source-2.6.38, and now compiling it12:43
marekw2143and  my question is, is whether configuration of kernel downloaded with package linux-source-2.6.38 the same as configuration of kernel that is used by default by ubuntu 11.04?12:44
brett_if i bought a new computer, what is the best way to clone the contents of the old hard drive? I don't want to have all of the programs I previously installed as well as all of my settings without doing any installs. I am picturing using a boot disk probably and installing both hard drives. Any thoughts?12:45
xmazBrett_: use acronis :P12:45
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mithranhi all,  want to setup a virtual machine environment on ubuntu server, but have no idea how to start, can someone point me in the right direction?>12:46
mithranwhat is zen?12:46
zcat[1]apparently nothing ;)12:47
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frostschutzbrett_: you don't want?12:47
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mithranzcat[1], can you please tell me how to start?12:47
frostschutzbrett_: if both computers are running independently and have network, you can dd over ssh12:47
qdbbaijupattera , ok , language support automatically opens that window, if there is internet12:47
Guest7428let's go12:48
zcat[1]mithran:  perhaps you mean xen?12:48
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen12:48
usr13marekw2143: Where did you download linux-source-2.6.38 from?12:48
zcat[1]personally I'm a big fan of virtualbox-ose12:48
marekw2143usr13: I did it by: sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.3812:49
zcat[1]I know I should learn other technologies though12:49
MahmoodHey Everyone :) How Is It Going?12:49
usr13marekw2143: Do you have linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic  installed?12:50
marekw2143usr13: yes12:50
usr13marekw2143: apt-cache search 2.6.38-812:51
usr13marekw2143: apt-cache search 2.6.3812:51
mithranzcat[1], ya i like that too..but ive been meaning to try this hypervisor and virtual machine environments for a while(to see the alternatives to ESX)12:51
marekw2143usr13: results for apt-cache search 2.6.38-8: http://pastebin.com/92QjmM5g12:52
usr13marekw2143: See if there is a difference.12:52
marekw2143usr13: ok12:52
usr13marekw2143: So if you have linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic installed, and build-essential  you should be good to go.12:53
marekw2143usr13: it's difference between two searches: http://pastebin.com/mQ8yjkJW12:54
NyberMi1Hello, im trying to completely remove mysql-server from my box to try and trigger the fresh install dialogue where i can set up passwords and users again12:55
NyberMi1tried everything i know but the installation still seems to retain old user and whatnot12:55
NyberMi1any ideas?12:55
NyberMi1my mysql installation is really screwed at the moment12:55
sabgentondoes ubuntu have some sort of  java installed by default?12:56
usr13marekw2143: apt-cache show linux-source-2.6.3812:56
NyberMi1apt-get --purge remove mysql-server doesn't seem to do the trick nor does using synaptics to manually select all mysql packages12:56
sabgentoncan't see java anyware12:56
sabgentoncurrent release12:56
marekw2143usr13: http://pastebin.com/PVQF9GXU12:57
LunganWhy doesn't the built in VPN connection work in Ubuntu? Get Service failed to start12:57
usr13marekw2143: "If you are simply trying to build third-party modules for your kernel, you do not want this package. Install the appropriate linux-headers package instead."12:58
Chicaneinokcjoin #rubylearning.org12:58
NyberMi1_so nobody can help me with mysql?12:58
marekw2143usr13: ok, but I have troubles when compiling using linux headers12:58
usr13marekw2143: So if you have linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic installed, and build-essential  you should be good to go.12:58
usr13marekw2143: I thought you installed it via the package manager.  Right?12:59
marekw2143usr13: yes12:59
usr13marekw2143: Oh, ok..  Well what trouble are you having?12:59
marekw2143usr13: In file included from /lib/modules/2.6.38-8-generic/build/include/linux/kernel.h:13:0,12:59
marekw2143                 from chr_driver.c:9:12:59
marekw2143/lib/modules/2.6.38-8-generic/build/include/linux/linkage.h:5:25: fatal error: asm/linkage.h: No such file or directory12:59
marekw2143sorry for that paste13:00
usr13marekw2143: locate linkage.h13:00
jgouldMy grub.cfg calls an image file to use as a background for the grub menu.  if I rename the file that is called when grub loads, what happens?13:00
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sudokilljgould, try it and see13:02
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sudokilljgould, i doubt itl stop u from booting13:02
jgouldI didn't think it would, I just wanted a second opnion.  I'll BRB.  (Hopefully nothing bad happens)13:03
Avaszis there some bug in lucid's wicd?13:03
marekw2143usr13: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.38-8/include/linux13:03
sudokilljgould, or just replace the image with another one with same name13:03
DevilSolutionguys whats the command to create a user please?13:03
DevilSolutionname password?13:04
AvaszDevilSolution, adduser13:04
DevilSolutionk ty13:04
usr13marekw2143: You may need to edit the make file13:04
DevilSolutionwould it need to be sudo useradd name password?13:04
llutz_DevilSolution: sudo adduser <newusername>                    and follow the questions13:05
usr13marekw2143: At what point are you encountering the error "fatal error: asm/linkage.h: No such file or directory"13:05
DevilSolutionllutz ty bro13:05
marekw2143usr13: my Makefile: http://pastebin.com/jnbB2e3U13:05
marekw2143usr13: this is output of calling make: http://pastebin.com/SH5Y3s3p13:06
jgouldI really wonder why my theme in Gnome keeps changing... Now it's light.  I perfer it to be dark...13:06
NyberMi1Hello, im trying to completely remove mysql-server from my box to try and trigger the fresh install dialogue where i can set up passwords and users again13:07
liminalhow do you activate Application Panel Indicators?13:07
marekw2143usr13: and this is source file of chr_driver.c: http://pastebin.com/g5gvUTaB - i's from some internet utorial13:07
usr13marekw2143: ... and this is in compiling what package?13:08
quiescensNyberMi1: you can most likely sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-(whatever version it is)13:08
marekw2143usr13: I simply typed: make13:08
cipherssonI think I broke my x server. I plunged in another screen then went to nvidia settings and added the screen then hit Ctrl Alt  backspace and got http://www.flickr.com/photos/8010717@N02/5754710412/ tried startx, sudo startx, sudo apt-get --reinstall install xserver-xorg and tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but to know avail.13:08
marekw2143usr13: as I understand, the error happens while trying to compile chr_device.c13:08
NyberMi1quiescens: that did the trick, i wish i could give you a hug right now. Been losing hairs here :p13:10
Avaszwhy doesnt wicd show mac address of ap nowadays? how to make wicd show it?13:11
surrentinohi there i have a question, i've already installed ubuntu on my laptop but now i need to erase totally windows vista from it... what should i do??13:13
usr13marekw2143: Well, looks to me like the fatal error is that it can't find linkage.h  "fatal error: asm/linkage.h: No such file or directory"13:13
sudokillsurrentino delete the windows partitions13:13
Avaszsurrentino, why dont you format the partition?13:13
usr13at least, not where it thinks it is.13:13
surrentinocause i don't know how to do it.. windows vista block me everytime i tried13:13
Avaszsurrentino, were you trying to format from vista?13:14
llutz_surrentino: from ubuntu13:14
sudokilldo it from linux, or livecd13:14
marekw2143usr13: yes, so it's a bug in ubuntu package?13:14
usr13marekw2143: I dono13:14
surrentinosomeone can tell me how to remove correctly windows vista partition?13:15
Avaszsurrentino, best method for you is install gparted.13:15
Avaszfind out the partiion in which vista has been installed13:15
sudokillsurrentino, go into the livecd, go to gparted and choose the windows partitions and choose delete then click aply13:15
Avaszand format it.13:15
usr13surrentino: Why do you want to remove it?  What is  your end goal?13:16
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liminalhow do you activate Application Panel Indicators?13:16
liminali have downloaded one for the battery13:17
liminalhow do I activate it#:?13:17
surrentinomy end goal? lol i would like to remove vista completely cause i want to give all my free space to ubuntu13:17
surrentinoit does not work very well with a full hd13:17
surrentinohard drive13:17
sudokillsurrentino have u just installed ubuntu literally?13:18
surrentinoyes i do13:18
sudokillwhy not just reinstall with erase entire disk13:18
usr13surrentino: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit  #Send resulting URL, let us see.13:19
usr13liminal: service13:19
marekw2143usr13: in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic/include there's no asm directory at all, only asm-generic which is symlink to /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.38-8/include/asm-generic13:19
surrentinousr13 may i pm u? i'm a newbie and i need a little bit more help13:19
usr13marekw2143: You could just do another symlink to where it thinks it is.13:20
marekw2143usr13: I added symlink ln -s asm-generic asm13:20
usr13marekw2143: I dono, it should work.  You may need to use full path.13:21
usr13surrentino: Yes.13:21
alienkid10I'm going to install 11.04 on an external HDD anything I need to know? Also how will I tell Ubuntu to put the boot loader on sdb NOT sda?13:21
mrwarmthalienkid10, when you partition the drive there's a dropdown box where you can select where the boot loader will be installed to13:22
NyberMi1quiescens: thanks man :)13:22
alienkid10mrwarmth: in Gparted? OR in the installer?13:23
NyberMi1mysql, phpmyadmin and everything is in order again. The rage i felt on the side of my dome is subduing slowly and it feel great13:23
hulowaAnyone can shed the light on playing embeded quicktime media web contents on ubuntu?13:23
mrwarmthalienkid10, the ubuntu installer when you select the manual partition method13:24
Refaelhulowa: ubuntu-restricted-extras13:24
alienkid10OK. Anything else I need to know? Will I be able to see boot msgs this way? I know I tryed once before and couldn't13:24
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alienkid10mrwarmth: OK. Anything else I need to know? Will I be able to see boot msgs this way? I know I tryed once before and couldn't13:28
MarconMgood monirng13:28
flo1hello, why does brasero not recognize 800 MB CD-Rs in 11.04? (As it did not in 10.11)13:29
hulowarefael: Thanks pal, I will try it now and report.13:29
lolcatflo1: So nothing has changed?13:29
marekw2143how o check my processor architecture?13:29
lolcatmarekw2143: cat /proc/cpuinfo13:29
Avaszhelp needed with wicd.13:30
kkkkkhi,  i have some problem when using pprof  - it doesnt use symbols but i have installed them (package ...-gdb).  I know that they are ok because it worked with massif13:30
flo1lolcat, yep, exactly.13:30
marekw2143lolcat: but how to detect whether it's ia64, x86, blackfin or something like that?13:30
lolcatflo1: Perhaps it is not a planned feature?13:30
Avaszi want wicd to show mac address inst5ead of channel numbers like in previous versions.13:30
flo1don't know. did it ever recognize and burn 800 MB?13:31
DevilSolutionlolcat, your hot13:31
lolcatmarekw2143: Copy model name and google?13:31
DevilSolutionlolcat, how do we make babies on ubuntu?13:31
lolcatDevilSolution: I belive that is offtopic here13:31
DevilSolutionlolcat, my bad :(13:32
Avaszheh. :D13:32
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aeon-ltdno one got problems?13:37
safferlihiya folks13:37
marekw2143usr13: I just used another Makefile as defined here: http://tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/x181.html and it compiles simple hello-1.c example: http://tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/x121.html13:37
marekw2143usr13: thanks for help :)13:38
safferliI have a question: since 11.04, external applications open links passed to firefox in the same active window, no longer in a new tab (for instance gajim IM, or gnome-terminal "open link"). Where can I set it back to the 10.10 preferences?13:38
CN_Zh_USERMany English songs are beautiful.Although I can‘t understand what it means...13:38
AmishDoes anyone have a problem with Firefox not displaying the correct font in Facebook?13:39
kkkkkdoes anybody knows where debug symbols are in ubuntu? for example if i install abc-gdb then where i can find them??13:41
pinoy83Hi, can you help me setting up openLDAP on ubuntu 10.10. i'm currently following https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html but i'm stuck at the point loading the frontend module. i'm getting " ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)13:41
CN_Zh_USERtype sudo abc-gdb ,and....13:42
ActionParsnipCN_Zh_USER: may want to use gksudo if launching from Alt=F213:42
CN_Zh_USERWhat's meaning?13:44
kkkkkCN_Zh_USER, unfortunetly it doesn't work... i mispelled  a meant  abc-dbg13:44
CN_Zh_USERMy English is very bad..13:44
kkkkkit dosn't find such program13:44
aeon-ltdkkkkk: whereis abc-dbg13:44
crashanddieHi, I have a USB headset and the regular jack output on my laptop, is it possible to output sound to both devices simultaneously? (Both work independently when I select them)13:45
kkkkkwhereis doesn't find it13:45
kkkkkmy program is eog   and i installed eog, eog-dbg, eog-dev ...13:45
aeon-ltdkkkkk: did you compile this?13:45
aeon-ltdkkkkk: whereis eog-dbg - have you tried that?13:46
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kkkkkwhen i compile this it causes some problem when trying to open some file  . some error with __longjmp  etc13:46
vish!debugging | kkkkk13:46
ubottukkkkk: For help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures13:46
kkkkkexactly this i tried (whereis eog-dbg) and nothing was foudn13:47
kkkkkok  i will have a look   thx13:47
Picikkkkk: eog-dbg installs /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/eog13:47
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kkkkkPici, you are great!!  that's it!!13:48
kkkkkthx a lot!!13:48
Amishdo you know how to display correct font in Facebook?13:48
kkkkkthx again all!!13:48
aeon-ltdAmish: it won't unless you have that font, or if you overrid it using browser settings or something that can manage css on pages13:49
Amish@aeon-ltd I do have the font13:49
Amishit is Lucida Grande, I think13:49
aeon-ltdAmish: got a screenshot?13:50
Amish@aeon-ltd here it is:13:52
Amish@aeon-ltd http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4953678/Screenshot.png13:52
IdleOneHow do I get apt-get or aptitude to automatically install recommends? I tried sudo aptitude -r upgrade but that didn't install the recommends13:54
xmazHow can i know if my ubuntu needs any updates?13:55
ActionParsnipIdleOne: sudo apt-get --install-suggests install packagename13:55
gabehello guys, I upgraded my 10.10 desktop to 11.04 and it was a disaster so I decided to use 10.04 LTS but my wireless connection keeps dropping every 5 minutes... any ideas why this happens?13:55
balagexphi pls help13:55
DirtyDawgsystem > Administration > update manager > check13:55
aeon-ltdAmish: its taiking a while would you mind uploading to http://imageshack.us/13:55
DirtyDawgxmaz: ^13:55
ActionParsnipbalagexp: ask away13:55
IdleOneActionParsnip: that works for when I select the package to install but I mean when running upgrade I want it to install the recommends also13:55
ActionParsnipIdleOne: sudo apt-get --install-suggests -y upgrade13:56
balagexpon my tower comp ubuntu cant conect to internet13:56
balagexpno icon13:56
ActionParsnipIdleOne: and so on, same deal13:56
balagexpto connect13:56
IdleOneActionParsnip: thanks I'll give that a shot13:56
Amish@aeon-ltd alright, dropbox didn;t work?13:56
balagexpwith livecd work13:56
ActionParsnipbalagexp: ease up on the enter key dude13:56
aeon-ltdAmish: no13:57
gabeanyone able to help me please?13:57
ActionParsnipbalagexp: if you press aLT+F2 and run: nm-applet   does it run?13:57
Amish@aeon-ltd http://img11.yfrog.com/img11/9599/screenshottq.png13:57
balagexpwait a sec13:57
Amish@aeon-ltd try again: http://yfrog.com/0bscreenshottqp13:57
ActionParsnipAmish: if you drop the @ symbol, the highlighting will work13:58
balagexplibraries load error13:58
aeon-ltdAmish: the first didn't seem so odd13:58
ActionParsnip@amish see how this doesn't highlight you13:58
kkkkki'm stil having problem - how to merge this eog from /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/ with pprof ?? this file there isn't executable...13:58
balagexpcannot open shader objec file13:58
AmishActionParsnip alright13:58
balagexpno such ile or direcory13:58
ActionParsnipbalagexp: install libnss3 package and you will have the file13:58
aeon-ltdAmish: the font doesn't seem odd at all13:59
balagexpamm i need internet to do this13:59
balagexpor not ?13:59
Amishaeon-ltd try going to Facebook on PC or Mac13:59
Amishaeon-ltd then you'll notice it13:59
ActionParsnipbalagexp: you may be able to use the liveCD to install from, or use a different system to grab the deb from http://packages.ubuntu.com  you can alternatively use a wired connection and connect easily using command line13:59
balagexpbaah already installed13:59
ActionParsnipbalagexp: reinstall the package, may help14:00
aeon-ltdAmish: yeah i see, its noticeably thinner14:00
AvaszActionParsnip, hi, are you experienced with wicd?14:00
Amishaeon-ltd I got the font, just wondering why it;s not making a difference14:00
ActionParsnipAvasz: yes14:00
Amishaeon-ltd I'm on Natty14:01
aeon-ltdAmish: though i'm on a linux distro too :), have you got msttcorefonts?14:01
AvaszActionParsnip, in the newer versions of wicd, i cant see the mac address of the aps instead i see the channel number.. can i make it show the mac addressses?14:01
balagexpreinstalled but same error :S restart14:01
Amish@aeon-ltd yeah, got it through the software center, does that make a difference14:01
balagexpresarted same error14:01
ActionParsnipAvasz: not sure, never used it in that way, you can use arp to show mac addresses14:01
aeon-ltdAmish: should, what browser are you using?14:02
Amishaeon-ltd preinstalled Firefox 4 doesnt work, Chrome doesnt either14:02
Amishaeon-ltd does the Lucida font have to be a specific type?14:03
AvaszActionParsnip, and.. there is one problem. suppose i was connected to essid "a" and later disconnected and tried to connect to essid "b". it shows, a: putting interfaces up, a: obtaining i address. but afte it connects, it shows b: connected at xx.xx.xx14:03
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aeon-ltdAmish: maybe though, are you overriding any font settings at all?14:03
szalAmish: looks like a Lucida font in your screenshot; what's it supposed to look like?  (don't have a FB account)14:04
ActionParsnipAvasz: uncheck the autoconnect box14:04
balagexpActionParsnip: same error14:04
AvaszActionParsnip, they are unchecked. it doesnt connect to essid "a" but only shows a: obtaining ip address.14:04
Amishaeon-ltd firefox is set to allow sites to choose14:04
ActionParsnipbalagexp: are there any bugs for this?14:04
Avaszthought it finally connects to b.14:04
Amishaeon-ltd doesnt work in Chrome either so...14:04
Avaszi get confused lot of times due to this14:04
lambda_xany idea why 11.04 after upgrade does not play videos in vlc / totem? (screen is black), I have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed (Ive tried to reinstall it and clean vlc configuration, none of it help)14:05
balagexpööö no? :D14:05
ActionParsniplambda_x: try setting a different video output method14:05
aeon-ltdAmish: how about your desktop settings? gnome-appearence-manager (or whatever its called now)14:05
szalAmish: did you restart the browser after installing MS fonts? -- and counter-check: can you select e.g. Arial as font in LibreOffice?14:05
BluesKajlambda_x, try VLC player14:05
bluebaronanyone know how to specify the recipient real name in an email header?14:06
szallambda_x: video files or DVD?14:06
Amishaeon-ltd szal which font setting?14:06
szalAmish: huh?14:06
Amishszal I restarted my pc many times14:06
Amishszal Arial is in Libreoffice, but Lucida isnt part of Microsoft fonts14:07
ActionParsnipbalagexp: could try wicd instead14:07
Amishszal I got Lucida seperately14:07
szalAmish: didn't say that Lucida was part of MS fonts, that's in xorg-x11-fonts or something14:07
lambda_xBluesKaj: VLC player and Totem behaves the same14:07
balagexpActionParnship i cant install the package what i need whitout internet. this is the greatest prob :D14:08
ActionParsnipbalagexp: is the system a laptop?14:08
balagexpno desktop14:08
Amishszal can we talk in different tab?14:08
lambda_xszal: random videos which I stream online14:08
ActionParsnipbalagexp: is the router nearby?14:08
szalAmish: why?14:08
ActionParsnipbalagexp: got an ethernet cable you can connect between?14:08
Amishszal so crowded14:09
balagexpethernet yes14:09
ActionParsnipbalagexp: use that, then run:  sudo dhclient3 eth0    and you will get a web connection and you can install from there14:09
balagexpconnect my laptop to the desktop? :DDD cool14:09
DevilSolutionwhy cant i upload pictures on ubuntu?14:10
ActionParsnipbalagexp: or grab the deb from the packages site14:10
Amishaeon-ltd do you know whats wrong?14:10
ActionParsnipDevilSolution: upload to where!?14:10
balagexpok thx i try this14:10
DevilSolutionActionParsnip, facebook14:10
ActionParsnipDevilSolution: missed that bit out, didn't you.....14:10
ActionParsnipDevilSolution: pleasae give FULL details in future, makes things a lot quicker14:11
DevilSolutionActionParsnip, alright chill out14:11
ActionParsnipDevilSolution: tried the simple uploader?14:11
DevilSolutionActionParsnip, yup14:11
* vibhav is ready to help other people!14:11
ActionParsnipDevilSolution: is that equally bad?14:11
* vibhav IS READY TO HELP OTHERS!14:11
ActionParsnipDevilSolution: what apps / browsers have you tried?14:12
lambda_xok solved, I had contrast set to 0, dont really know why..14:12
Amishvibhav help me!14:12
szalvibhav: don't offer help, just give help if you see something you think you can give a hand with..  and DON'T SHOUT!14:12
DevilSolutionActionParsnip, just chrome but firefox always seems to crash my system14:12
vibhavAmish,  What is your provlem14:12
vibhavszal, OK14:12
vibhavAmish,  What is your problem??14:12
AmishDevilSolution Chrome crashes if you have autocorrect as you type turned on14:12
ActionParsnipDevilSolution: can other users use the uploader ok?14:12
DevilSolutionActionParsnip, what do you means apps? ive just tried the facebook built in loader both normal and simple14:13
Amishvibhav facebook font doesnt display correctly even though I have the font14:13
DevilSolutionAmish, so turn auto correct of and uplaod it?14:13
ActionParsnipDevilSolution: i believe there are programs that can upload to the site. Not sure14:13
DevilSolutionActionParsnip, im the only user on the pc14:13
vibhavAmish,  can I get a screenshot of that??14:13
lalahey any one there14:13
AmishDevilSolution if will not cras if you turn it off14:13
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ActionParsnipDevilSolution: sure but that doesn't stop you having multiple users. Make a fresh user then try the uploader14:14
Amishvibhav http://yfrog.com/0bscreenshottqp14:14
DevilSolutionAmish, alright ill try it thanks, any idea where the option is?14:14
Guest63759he y u there14:14
AmishDevilSolution Preferences / Advanced14:14
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dwizzthi, noob question, what happens if i dd sda to sdb1 considering that sdb is bigger in size than sda (like sda=30gb and sdb=40gb), what happens to the remaining 10gb of sdb? will it still be usable?14:14
AmishDevilSolution "Check spelling as I type"14:15
DevilSolutionAmish, ty bro14:15
vibhavAmish, What is wrong in the font?14:15
Amishvibhav oh boy...14:15
vibhavAmish, It seems right to me...14:15
vibhavAmish, What is the problem then?14:15
Amishvibhav it's really thick14:15
Amishvibhav check it against your pc or mac14:15
vibhavAmish, Ohhh.......14:16
vibhavdwizzt, yes?14:16
dwizzthi, noob question, what happens if i dd sda to sdb considering that sdb is bigger in size than sda (like sda=30gb and sdb=40gb), what happens to the remaining 10gb of sdb? will it still be usable?14:16
ActionParsnipdwizzt: sda to sdb1? you'll want to use the partions on sda (sda1) to partitions on sdb14:16
ActionParsnipdwizzt: you can also use partimage to go from smaller partitions to larger ones14:17
dwizztActionParsnip, i wanna clone sda to sdb14:17
ActionParsnipdwizzt: I suggest you use partimage14:17
dwizztis it more noob-friendly?14:17
vibhavdwizzit ActionParsnip  is right , use Partimage14:17
vibhavdiwizzit cant you use right click --> copy?14:18
eljakhello, i have a machine where i have vt technology enabled but cpuinfo doesn't show any related flag, how can i fix this?14:18
vibhavAmish, What font is needed?14:19
Amishvibhav Lucida Grande14:19
Laurencebhow do i add to the default path?14:19
dwizztvibhav, haven't tried yet, but my research points me to cloning, which I believe is much easier. :)14:19
crashanddieeljak, do you see the vmx flag?14:19
vibhavdwizzt, oh...14:19
vibhavAmish, Did you try a restart??14:20
belieljak: grep [v]mx  /proc/cpuinfo14:20
Amishvibhav yeah, is it my font rendering settings?14:20
dwizztwill it still be the same if i copy -> paste from drive1 to drive2?14:21
vibhavAmish, Could be...14:21
balagexpactionparnship: i cant install... newer version installed, this is a debian bug :S:S.S:14:21
Amishvibhav what should it be set to14:21
vibhavAmish, Did you change it?14:22
eljakcrashanddie, no it doesn't show14:22
Amishvibhav I mean the system ones14:22
eljakcrashanddie, and no svm also14:22
vibhavAmish, ummm..14:23
Amishvibhav the ubuntu appearance panel14:23
balagexpvan itt valami magyar???14:23
vibhavAmish,  try a change...14:23
Amishvibhav the thing is, other sites are fine14:23
belieljak: did you enable vmx support in bios?14:24
vibhavAmish,  must be prob with Fb then14:24
Amishvibhav whats wrong, works on my pc and mac14:24
LinSkyrateProblem: MacMini up and running and all, but the display is garbled,, also installed Ubuntu desktop on my Ubuntu server but no X up and running.14:24
vibhavAmish,  lemme see14:24
prezeshello. Can somebody tell me please how to change resolution during boot in text mode - ubu 10.10?14:24
vibhavLinSkyrate, try "startx"14:25
LinSkyrateMacMini=Ubuntu via Bootcamp14:25
balagexphelp4 pls!14:25
balagexphelp pls!14:25
LinSkyratestartx fram blind or from ssh?14:25
ChipFrideprezes: only for boot?14:25
vibhavbalagexp, yes?14:25
DirtyDawgbalagexp: state your problem14:25
prezesyes please14:25
AmishLinSkyrate I used Disk Utility to partition Macintosh HD and it installed fine14:25
balagexpi cant connect to the internet14:25
sagacibalagexp: ethernet or wifi14:25
DirtyDawgyou using telepathy now?14:25
balagexpnm-applet says a ile missing called libnss3.so14:25
balagexpnm-applet says a ile missing called libnssutil3.so14:26
eljakbeli, i don't have vmx settings i only have vt technology and xd technology and they are both enabled14:26
szal"a ile"?14:26
balagexpany ideas?14:26
sagacibalagexp: mines under /usr/lib14:26
balagexpcan u send the file14:26
ChipFrideprezes: and after the boot ?14:26
candreabalagexp, sudo apt-get install libnss314:27
nibbler_i'm writnig with tex kile, after conversion my < and > characters turn to the spanish head-over ? and ! - what could that be, and how would i fix this?14:27
Amishdoes anyone have problems with Facebook font?14:27
candreabalagexp, this should fix the problem14:27
belieljak: whats your cpu type? can you pls post the result of cat /proc/cpuinfo via nopaste14:27
balagexpi have no internet14:27
balagexpon my tower pc14:27
balagexpi tried to reinstall14:27
balagexpbut same error14:27
BluesKaj!alternate |balagexp14:28
ubottubalagexp: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal14:28
candreabalagexp, are you using natty?14:28
candreabalagexp, and do you have a pen drive or something?14:28
Amishbalagexp natty is weird14:28
balagexpi have14:28
dwizztany alternative to partimage, it says in its website that it doesnt support ext4..14:28
FloodBot1balagexp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:28
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.14:28
BluesKajbaggar11, you can use the alternate install ubuntu without an internet connection14:28
candreabalagexp, do you know if you're running amd64 or i386?14:29
dwizzt!alternate partimage14:29
vibhav!minimal |   vibhav14:29
ubottuvibhav, please see my private message14:29
BluesKajbalagexp, you can use the alternate install ubuntu without an internet connection14:29
candreabalagexp, you can download the package from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/amd64/libnss3/download14:29
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BluesKajsrry baggar1114:29
balagexpyes i download and move the deb file with pendrive but says: an other updated vers is installed14:30
eljakbeli, nopaste.info/b110c225b2.html14:30
Amishvibhav you still helping?14:30
candreabalagexp, when do you get this message? when you install the package or when you move it to/from your pen drive?14:31
balagexpno. i write to terminal nm-applet14:31
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mannyaxoany channel recomendation to get the password of wpa2? goo peopuse14:31
balagexpand drop out this14:31
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sabgentonhow do you apt-get update  but in software center?14:32
candreabalagexp, you have to download and install the package, then restart your pc and see if everything works14:32
belieljak: sudo modprobe kvm && sudo modprobe kvm-intel14:32
balagexpi make this 3 times!14:32
sabgentondoes it update automaticly ?14:32
balagexpdoes not works :(14:33
lokkerhello all forgive my english but i'm italian and i was looking for someone to give me a hand to understand how to use backtrack 4 to find password14:33
balagexpthis is a bug!14:33
belieljak: then verify for the vmx flag, if still not there...use dmesg for more information about the modprobes14:33
sagaci!backtrack > lokker14:34
ubottulokker, please see my private message14:34
balagexpi have the file! google drops debian forums and bugreports14:34
balagexpany ideas to fix it? :D14:34
Amishbalagexp Bing it14:34
Amishbalagexp sorry, was joking14:35
balagexpahh ok14:35
daedraobvious question: how do i launch unity on the ubuntu 11.04  livecd?14:35
ChipFride!backtrack > ChipFride14:35
ubottuChipFride, please see my private message14:35
DirtyDawghumor is frowned upon in freenode14:35
crashanddiein #ubuntu maybe14:35
crashanddie#maemo however thrives on humour14:36
eamonis wikipedia down or very slow for anyone else?14:36
balagexpaukey i reinstall this  mf14:36
dwizztthanks people :)14:36
lokkersomeone give me a hand with bactrack 4?14:37
crashanddielokker, this channel does not provide support for Backtrack.14:37
eamonlokker: not allowed ask about backtrack here14:37
IdleOnelokker: #backtrack-linux can help you14:37
tadohey. does anyone know how to edit the files & folders lens so that it doesn't only search in the home folder?14:37
Cube``what your favorite terminal and terminal font?14:37
pivettaI was wondering where do i have to setup my tablet, i've got to put a cap on the minimum sensivity or it remains often stuck and clicks in a weird way, but xorg.conf.d is empity and in xorg conf i can only find CorePointer and my keyboard as input device, any suggestion? (I want so bad a GUI for this)14:37
sagaciCube``: guake14:37
mannyaxocan someone help me to get wpa password with ubuntu'?14:37
daedrahmm.. has anyone here tried out Unity? I have the Ubuntu 11.04 LiveCD and no idea how to launch it.14:37
daedrahow do I launch it?14:38
=== NyberMi1__ is now known as NyberMi1
sagaciCube``: yeppers14:38
daedra I have the Ubuntu 11.04 LiveCD and no idea how to launch it.How do I launch it14:38
mannyaxocan someone help me to get wpa password with ubuntu'?14:38
davide_how can i format the windows vista partition of my laptop?14:38
pythonirc101has anyone run ubuntu on supermicro MBD-X9SCM-F-O? I'm just dreading it will croak since its a new MB. Any ideas if I should go ahead and buy it?14:39
Cube``sagaci: whats so great about it?14:39
kubu2daedra: it 's the default. if it didn't it's bec your card is not capable14:39
IdleOnedaedra: put it in the drive and reboot, need to make sure your bios are set to boot from CD14:39
sagaciCube``: it's a dropdown terminal so it's only there when you want it to be there14:39
davide_how can i format the windows vista partition of my laptop?14:39
pythonirc101is there an easy way to install ubuntu LTS using a flash drive image? How big an image do i need?14:39
DirtyDawgdavide_: download gparted14:39
IdleOnedavide_: with gparted14:39
pythonirc101I am not planning to get a CD drive for my machine as well14:39
djszapiWhere can I find the debian/rules file for the cups package ? http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/lucid/cups14:40
eljakthanks beli will try them14:40
Cube``sagaci: aah thats whats meant by dropdown14:40
IdleOne!usb | pythonirc10114:40
ubottupythonirc101: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:40
sagacipythonirc101: ummm, 1 gb stick14:40
Cube``sagaci: but i happen to work 90% of the time in a terminal14:40
HyperbyteHi. :)  Clean install of Edubuntu 11.04, and "apt-get" refuses to work with error "Encountered a section with no Package: header".  Any tips?14:41
pythonirc101any ideas about supermicro new motherboards?14:41
lokkerbacktrack linux non va14:41
djxcqtionhey folks14:42
djxcqtionIm back14:42
belidjxcqtion: shit happens ;)14:42
IdleOne!register | lokker you need to register before you can join that channel.14:42
ubottulokker you need to register before you can join that channel.: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:42
IdleOnebeli: please no cursing14:43
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:43
mithranhi all, can someone please suggest a really good looking and light rpm based distro?14:43
djxcqtionneed some help...I just intsalled Ubuntu 11.04 and my screen is freezing or flickering(both sometimes)14:43
beliIdleOne: please more humor14:43
djxcqtionis this bcause of my graphics card14:43
IdleOnesabgenton: use Update Manager from the System > Administration menu. I don't think software center does updating.14:44
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IdleOnebeli: please to follow channel rules about language. kthx :)14:44
djxcqtioni have an intel 82865G card14:44
beliIdleOne: common ;)14:44
djxcqtionanyone help! please..14:44
belidjxcqtion: unity has problems with 865G14:46
djxcqtionRight..is there anyway to work around this14:46
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spyzerhello everyone, is there anyway to resume an interrupted bzr checkout14:47
spyzerplease help14:47
djxcqtionor should I just wait till some updated version comes along beli..14:47
spyzeranybody please14:47
IdleOnespyzer: #bzr14:48
belidjxcqtion: boot into console and do updates there...i guess its fixed already14:48
djxcqtionbut i cant work anything since the screen is all haywire mate :)14:48
herby_traxI'm currently running Ubuntu 10.10. I presume its not supported anymore. Is that correct?14:49
belidjxcqtion: 865G will just work with unitys 2D features. 3d needs to be disabled14:49
IdleOneherby_trax: sure it is14:49
djxcqtionit just freezes and goes nuts..cant see anything...when I go to any function it keeps saying14:49
djxcqtionbeli pm?14:49
IdleOneherby_trax: I mean it is still supported14:49
belidjxcqtion: thats why you should boot into console mode14:49
herby_traxthx Idle.14:49
belidjxcqtion: no pm, go on here14:50
djxcqtioncan i pm beli?14:50
djxcqtionhow do i boot it into console mode mate14:50
belidjxcqtion: heared of google already? ;)14:50
djxcqtionok then..google it is..thanx for the help mate..14:51
belidjxcqtion: and try to install 2d version --> sudo apt-get install unity-2d14:51
djxcqtionthanx mate..14:52
djxcqtionwill try..and if I fail..will keep trying..14:52
herby_traxso there is there any issue in running 10.10 now? How long is it supported for?14:52
herby_trax10.10 just not getting as many updates as 11.04?14:52
moondogI have used the previous version of ubuntu... it was intuitive... this new version is totally not14:53
moondogwhere the heck is the control for the menu bar?14:54
moondogor the taskbar?14:54
voozeJust switched to gnome3.. after watching a few guides and figuring it all out, its really nice! ;) SUPER FAST14:54
herby_traxvooze: thanks for that tip. I've been thinking about trying gnome314:55
moondogI should switch to fluxbox14:55
sabgentonIdleOne: Click Add Source then close the Software Sources window. Ubuntu Software Center will then check your software sources for new updates.14:55
sabgentonautomatic only I think14:55
IdleOnesabgenton: that is a work around I suppose.14:55
=== Damianz_ is now known as Damianz
belimoondog: fluxbox is well done stuff :)14:56
Caboose885beli: moondog I love fluxbox. I'm using it as we speak :)14:57
nibbler_i'm writnig with tex kile, after conversion my < and > characters turn to the spanish head-over ? and ! - what could that be, and how would i fix this?14:57
sabgentonIdleOne: I still don't see a way to apt-get update in update manager14:58
djxcqtionhey beli : installed unity 2-d..how do i get out of console mode14:58
belidjxcqtion: read about   runlevels and init --> google again14:59
IdleOnesabgenton: if you are wanting to run update manually, open a terminal and type sudo apt-get update14:59
IdleOnesabgenton: to apply the updates you run sudo apt-get upgrade14:59
BluesKajsabgenton, apt-get update is done in the terminal , the update manager has update options you have to choose.15:00
sabgentonjust onedering if there was a direct equivalent for updating the package list15:01
sabgentongui equivalent15:01
djxcqtionbeli :just read the wiki article..it doesnt give me a specific command mate15:01
Caboose885ok guys quick question. I know 10.10 is no longer officially supported but I tried to move to 11.04 and it was to buggy. Should I go back to 10.04LTS?15:01
jtobey;;buy 70 btc at 7.14 USD Dwolla - or lower amount15:02
IdleOnesabgenton: when you first run the update manager it checks for updates auto, if there are any it will offer to install them15:02
JanMiddelkoopHi. :)  I've done a clean installation of Edubuntu 11.04 and get this: http://secondary.recreatie-zorg.nl/jan/aptget.png  I've Googled, and doing 'rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/*' doesn't seem to have a good effect, not does 'dkpg --configure -a'.15:02
sabgentonCaboose885: what when bad?15:02
JanMiddelkoopAny advice would be very welcome.15:02
Caboose885sabgenton: I have a dell duo and anytime I would unplug or plug in my computer to a power supply I would have a kernel panic15:02
sholdenHi everyone.  Has anyone had success connecting an ipad2?  I can import photos, but I cant seem to see music in banshee.15:02
Caboose885sabgenton: also egalax drivers don't work with 11.04 yet so the touchscreen didn't work properly15:02
Caboose885sabgenton: and the screen rotation was off15:03
roastedQuestion - if I set up a box with 1hdd to root and a pair of 500gb Software Raid 1 drives as /home, would /home be on the 500gb drives for any user I create?15:03
ActionParsnipJanMiddelkoop: http://pastebin.com/9zbcs7LF15:03
djxcqtionWow I still dont know how to get out of console mode :)15:03
ActionParsniproasted: yes15:03
sabgentonall works for you in 10.10?15:03
djxcqtioncan anyone help getting out of console mode in 11.04?15:04
IdleOnedjxcqtion: ctrl-alt-F7 should bring you back to GUI15:04
Caboose885sabgenton: yes sir.15:04
ActionParsnipdjxcqtion: CTRL+ALT+F715:04
BluesKajdjxcqtion, a tty ?  f7 to get back to the desktop15:04
sabgentoneven the ttouchscreen?15:04
sabgenton(just currious)15:04
Caboose885sabgenton: yes, single input. The egalax drivers don't even support multi-touch15:04
djxcqtionthanx idleone and actionparnish15:05
sholdenWhen I plugin my iPad I'm prompted to  open banshee, but then nothing shows up under devices.  I'm using 11.0415:05
djxcqtionthanx all15:05
JanMiddelkoopActionParsnip:  thanks for that. :)  Error persists though.15:05
ActionParsnipsholden: try other audio apps15:05
carpiif i wanted to install skype on natty, could someone please tell me what i should be searching for on aptitude? Im just looking for the phrase. thank you15:05
sabgentonCaboose885: ralink wifi freeze my laptop :(15:05
belidjxcqtion: in your care dont use the ctrl alt  shortcuts....you need to switch runlevels as i said...or just reboot ;)15:05
ActionParsnipJanMiddelkoop: can you pastebin the output of:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade15:05
Caboose885sabgenton: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165863515:06
Caboose885sabgenton: I was really just wondering if I should go back to 10.04 that way my system will still receive updates and fixes. Even though everything seems to work ok for the most part on 10.1015:06
voozeHow to install gnome tweak tool for gnome3??15:08
JanMiddelkoopActionParsnip:  hrm, looks like I can't get the errors to pastebin easily... or at least I don't know how.  But there's lots of "bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file" and "/usr/bin/lzma: Decoder error"15:08
ActionParsnipvooze: gnome3 isn't supported here15:08
ActionParsnipJanMiddelkoop: can you pastebin the text please15:08
djxcqtionOk its the same..Update: I am having a problem using 11.04.Apparently Unity doesnt support Intel 865G.Installed unity 2d in the console mode.15:09
JanMiddelkoopActionParsnip:  how do I get the output of the command, including the errors to pastebin?15:09
djxcqtionstill flickering and freezing15:09
djxcqtionits just kiing me15:09
JanMiddelkoopIt's too much to paste and when I pipe it, it excludes errors since they go to stderr not stdin15:09
voozeActionParsnip, why? I'm running it on ubuntu? perhaps other ubuntu users use gnome3?15:09
herby_traxCaboose885: I'm also wondering about changing from 10.10, even though I'm happy with it.15:09
ActionParsnipJanMiddelkoop: copy the text and go to http://pastebin.com and paste the text, when the page changes, copy the new address and paste here15:09
ActionParsnipvooze: because the desktop isn't in the repos15:10
ActionParsnipvooze: you are using a 3rd party DE so it is not possible to support here15:10
djxcqtionany solutions?15:10
djxcqtionor im just gonna hop back i think :(15:10
beliJanMiddelkoop: use     command 2>&1 1> ./textfile.txt15:10
Caboose885heby_trax: I'm happy with it but if I'm not going to recieve any security fixes and kernel fixes then I might just move back to 10.0415:10
djxcqtionbeli my man..did what u asked me15:10
ActionParsnipvooze: try asking in #gnome15:11
BluesKajCaboose885, 10.10 will give you updates and fixes as you call it but only for 18mos or so15:11
djxcqtionstill same problem..do i have to remove 3d15:11
Caboose885BluesKaj: oh I'm not moving then :D I will try moving when 11.10 comes out15:11
ActionParsnipdjxcqtion: could try the xorg edgers ppa, it may make things work or it may give you no desktop15:11
BluesKajCaboose885, sounds like a good idea :)15:12
JanMiddelkoopbeli:  thanks, noted.  Very useful.  :-)15:12
magn3tsHow is it possible that Ubuntu/Empathy can ship with a bug that makes it impossible to update the saved password for an account?15:12
magn3tsIt's sa bit of a nightmare when they're generated 2-auth credentials.15:12
JanMiddelkoopActionParsnip:  here's the output:  http://pastebin.com/eAkSyNxB15:12
beliJanMiddelkoop: read more about output redirection using bash --> http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-3.html15:12
herby_traxBluesKaj: thanks15:12
JanMiddelkoopBookmarked. :)15:12
Woozie404Hello is it possible to encrypt partitions with data on them?15:13
=== root is now known as Guest98248
Caboose885vooze: you might also be able to find answers for your problem is #ubuntuforums15:13
Caboose885Woozie404: yes, truecrypt is a good solution for an existing system15:14
ActionParsnipGuest98248: running an irc client as root is not a good idea at all15:14
Guest98248hey are there any ubuntu tutorial books?15:14
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/15:14
DJones!encrypt | Woozie40415:14
ubottuWoozie404: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory15:14
Guest98248ok , thanks15:15
ChipFride!cryptsetup | Woozie40415:15
Guest98248i understand15:15
ActionParsnipJanMiddelkoop: have you tried switching to a different server in software centre?15:15
Woozie404DJones,  not private directory. I need to encrypt a data partition with some data on it, that i cannot move15:15
ravanhi all, I have created an DSA key via "ssh-keygen -t dsa" command. But I'm unable to find the command to sign a given text/file. Can anyone tell me the command for that?15:15
ravanRSA has "openssl rsautl" but there isn't a similiar one for dsa signing!15:15
Guest98248i don't have any nsis skills ,,can any one help me with backtrack4 ?15:16
JanMiddelkoopActionParsnip:  will try.15:16
Guest98248how to use this?15:16
Caboose885Guest98248: there are lots of tutorials online. what exactly are you trying to do with it?15:16
Guest98248umm..trying to crack user ac passwrd ;P15:17
Guest98248on os win715:17
DirtyDawgGuest98248: there is a #backtrack-linux channel15:17
ano_15642Hello all, i need some advice on partitioning : what importance does the mount point have ?15:17
Caboose885Guest98248: Backtrack5 has luanched and I would suggest asking in the #backtrack-linux channel15:17
carpiis there any way to install skype using aptitude?15:17
ano_15642should i change something there ?15:17
DirtyDawgtype /j #backtrack-linux15:17
djxcqtionWow nothing seems to work..Its just frustating...I think im just gonna go back to 10.1015:18
djxcqtionI mean I cant believe an issue this small..takes like a lifetime to fix15:18
MonkeyDustdjxcqtion: use ubuntu classic, not unity15:18
ActionParsnipcarpi: if you enable the partner repo, I believe it is in there15:18
carpiActionParsnip: can i enable the partner repo in synaptic?15:19
djxcqtionMonkey: I dont seem to even get that option when I run through my USB15:19
djxcqtionit just directly goes to this frozen screen15:19
DirtyDawgdjxcqtion: its at the login screen, menu at the bottom15:19
Guest98248hey any one please help me ,, iam trying to crack windows7 password ?15:19
ActionParsnipcarpi: not sure, I know you can do it in software centre.15:19
ActionParsnipcarpi: the skype site has debs you can download and install easily15:20
Caboose885djxcqtion: you will have to logout to change sessions15:20
MonkeyDustdjxcqtion: choose 'install ubuntu', not 'try ubuntu'15:20
djxcqtionwill try with all the flickering and freezing...15:20
carpiActionParsnip: thank you. i will check it15:20
djxcqtionOh ok Monkeydusy15:20
HarithHello, I installed ubuntu server 11.04, now when it comes to configure the interfaces, ifconfig shows me only loopback interface, eth0 is not there15:20
djxcqtionseems like a better option15:20
ano_15642any hints about the "mount point" importance ?15:20
djxcqtionthen i choose Ubuntu Classic eh?15:21
prashant_123456hi all15:21
herby_traxyeah djx....15:21
bbigrasMy Ubuntu server just shut down while I was trying to run some java code. Where should I look to see if it was a kernel panic? I don't see anything in kern.log.15:21
prashant_123456openbox not working for me any ideas15:21
ActionParsnipHarith: you can add the config for the network devices in /etc/network/interfaces15:21
ActionParsnipHarith: you will need to restart the network service after you edit the file15:22
surrentinomy laptop does not recharge the battery when i run ubuntu, no problems with windows vista... why??15:22
prashant_123456BluesKaj, hi15:22
ActionParsnipHarith: will help: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/15:22
Caboose885surrentino: you sure its just not a application bug and the laptop is really recharging?15:22
BluesKajhi prashant_12345615:22
prashant_123456BluesKaj, i m not able to use openbox in ubuntu 11.04 ?15:22
HarithActionParsnip, actually, I did, but when i give it ifup eth0, following message shown: eth0: error fetching interface information: Device not found15:22
surrentinoOS continues to tell me that i have 14% yet15:22
ActionParsnipHarith: if you run:  sudo dhclient3 eth0     does it collect DHCP?15:23
surrentinomy laptop does not recharge the battery when i run ubuntu, no problems with windows vista... why??15:24
HarithActionParsnip, no, it seems that eth0 is not even recognized or something15:24
=== Jareth_ is now known as Jareth
Caboose885surrentino: does ubuntu recognize that the laptop is plugged in?15:24
BluesKajprashant_123456, sorry, I know nothing about openbox , never tried it .15:25
prashant_123456BluesKaj, ok15:25
HarithActionParsnip, and when I lunch /etc/network/interfaces , eth0 is correctly configured15:26
Caboose885prashant_123456: have you tried Fluxbox? Its based of openbox so it might be similar15:26
surrentinocaboose885: yes it does15:26
prashant_123456Caboose885, how to do that15:26
HarithActionParsnip, but when executing "ifconfig", only loopback interface is shown15:26
Caboose885prashant_123456: in synaptic you can install it15:27
ano_15642someone know what should i select as "mount point" first for SWAP and then for ext4 ?15:27
ActionParsnipHarith: I suggest you run:   sudo lshw -C network    and use the product line to find guides15:27
prashant_123456Caboose885, ok15:27
Caboose885surrentino: is there an option in your bios to change the AC adaptor settings?15:27
Caboose885prashant_123456: I use fluxbox so I might be able to help more with it than openbox. ;)15:27
gbjkHi. I'm suffering form this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/37311115:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 373111 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Keyboard 'Custom Shortcut' does not retain environment" [Low,Triaged]15:27
surrentinoi should look but i really don't think so15:27
prashant_123456Caboose885, thanks verymuch15:27
gbjkI previously solved it using xbindkeys.15:27
thegoodcushionIs there a canonical (pardon the pun) list of what hardware is known to be compatible with Ubuntu?15:28
gbjkThat worked fine, but now in 11.04 natty it doesn't solve the issue.15:28
prashant_123456Caboose885, actually i m looking for a great desktop management15:28
gbjkI can say that at some point it did, but I don't know what sequence of events caused that.15:28
surrentinoCaboose885: if i'll find something in BIOS what i should do there?15:28
djxcqtioncrissng my fingers,,,disk partioning happening :)15:28
asabdoI from Egypt15:28
Caboose885prashant_123456: I'm really happy with it. I configured it to my liking and it really didn't take long15:28
prashant_123456Caboose885, ok great15:29
Caboose885surrentino: just make sure its set to charge. I know my laptop has an option where it ignore being plugged in (I don't know why anyone would do that)15:29
prashant_123456Caboose885, should i log off and log on to take effect15:29
gbjkHmmph. Solution was to kill off all xbindkeys, and start a new one. :o(15:29
gbjkOh well.15:29
Caboose885prashant_123456: you might want to look at configuring fluxbox first15:29
Caboose885prashant_123456: are you on a laptop or desktop?15:30
prashant_123456Caboose885, on desktop15:30
surrentinocaboose885: ok but, why that option should not work anymore? it works with vista, and i'm so tired about open it when i need to charge my battery15:30
Caboose885ok so no wireless?15:30
roastedQuestion - with GAdmin Samba, is there a reason to put users under the "access denied" section? I would think if they weren't listed under access allowed they would by default be denied...15:30
prashant_123456Caboose885, just installed15:30
Caboose885surrentino: Windows somehow can modify the BIOS. I can change settings in my BIOS from Windows. Like media keys and wireless.15:31
surrentinocaboose885: wow..15:32
Caboose885prashant_123456: go ahead and open the file ~/fluxbox/startup15:32
Caboose885surrentino: what brand is your laptop?15:32
surrentinoCaboose885: HP Pavilion dv5 1205el15:32
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ActionParsniproasted: test access. I like to screw mine does with access allowed and access denied lists15:33
prashant_123456Caboose885, dont know where it is installed15:33
roastedActionParsnip, do you by chance use gadmin for your samba needs?15:33
Caboose885surrentino: what version of Ubuntu?15:33
ActionParsniproasted: no, i use smb.conf so I can configure it via ssh15:34
Caboose885prashant_123456: in nautilus you will need to push Control + H to show hidden fils15:34
roastedActionParsnip, I see. HAve you ever used anything else, such as a web based frontend for it? Or always ssh/smb.conf?15:34
ActionParsniproasted: I suggest you add: root bin daemon nobody    to the denied list, for security15:34
ActionParsniproasted: no, never had to, the file is insanely simple15:34
roastedActionParsnip, I agree. I'm just trying to figure out a way to remotely handle the system. I didn't think about ssh, as I could forward that outside the router for external access.15:35
ActionParsniproasted: plus its secure :)15:35
JanMiddelkoopActionParsnip:  I switched to the US server, but the result is the same.  I do see 'nl.archive.ubuntu.com' changed to 'us.archive...etc', so the change did happen.15:35
surrentinoCaboose885: the last one15:36
roastedActionParsnip, the one thing I like about gadmin is any changes I make I can see the config file in another tab. It's not a bad way to learn the ins and outs of the real smb.conf15:36
Refael_am attempting to convert to a static IP address, & am curious if router should be altered then modem, or modem & then router?15:36
ActionParsniproasted: add   http://paste.ubuntu.com/612299/   to the file, restart smbd  and you have a share15:36
Caboose885surrentino: 10.10? or latest 11.04?15:36
csgeekI seemed to have borked up my postgresql installation.  I tried removing it and reinstalling it but its not recreating the /etc/postgresql and data.  Any suggestions?15:36
thegoodcushion_Is it possible to edit the GRUB boot menu from within GRUB itself?15:36
JanMiddelkoopIf anyone has any tips about why apt-get doesn't work on a clean install of Edubuntu, I'd be very happy to receive them.  http://pastebin.com/eAkSyNxB15:36
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csgeekthegoodcushion: just hit e to edi t15:37
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: yes, you can press E on the line and you can edit it15:37
Caboose885surrentino: did you previously ever have ubuntu installed on your laptop before 11.04?15:37
roastedActionParsnip, its funny how much info is in the smb.conf. IT looks huge and confusing when nearly 90% of it is just tips and advice.15:37
csgeekthegoodcushion: keep it mind it won't be permenant, you still have to make the changes once you're in the OS15:37
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: I want to delete a couple of options and make another one the default15:37
ActionParsniproasted: yeah a few files are like that15:37
beliJanMiddelkoop: broken mirror, broken network setup15:38
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: if you uninstall the kernels you don't need, the grub menu will get cleaned up15:38
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: I don't think this is what I want.  How do I manually edit the boot options?  I've uninstalled debian from a partition but it's still in the boot menu15:38
thegoodcushionalso, I want Windows to be the default now, not Ubuntu15:38
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: then you need to run:  sudo update-grub    and it should be ok15:38
herby_traxRefael_: If you are referring to a static Ip that you have arranged with your ISP, the modem will get that automatcially15:39
thegoodcushionHow do I make Windows the default one?15:39
book1where is #ubuntu-ru channel?  it's not in the roomlist15:39
Refael_herby_trax: is such necessarily setup with a provider?15:39
JanMiddelkoopbeli:  explain.  I tried both NL and US servers, so broken mirror seems unlikely?  You did give me an idea to check proxy logs though, this could shed some light.  Although it shouldn't be blocking anything.15:40
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Refael_herby_trax: can it not be manually configured?15:40
herby_traxstatic IP may refer to your computer having a set IP address on your network.15:40
JanMiddelkoopI dunno what else could be broken about network setup?  It uses only HTTP, right?15:40
herby_traxthat is one you configure15:40
Caboose885thegoodcushion: you can install a tool via synaptic called "Startup-manager"15:40
thegoodcushionCaboose885: thx15:40
tamale_Hi all.. when I login to 'ubuntu' in 11.04, I get my background but no unity launcher or panel. Help please!15:40
thegoodcushionnow, how do I change my login keyring to match my Login password?15:41
Refael_it is a DSL Gateway15:41
surrentinoCaboose885: no, never15:41
JanMiddelkoopbeli:  sorry if the 'explain' sounded a bit harsh by the way, I didn't mean it that way... came out wrong.15:41
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: http://saji89.wordpress.com/2010/02/01/how-to-make-windows-the-defaultfirst-entry-in-your-grub2-menu/15:41
beli JanMiddelkoop proxy? ok thats the fault then...15:41
Caboose885surrentino: ah that makes it more difficult. I had power issues with my computer on 11.04 and I ended up going back to 10.1015:41
beliJanMiddelkoop: try to see what you really get if you fetch the packages...use netcat15:42
JanMiddelkoopbeli:  I did configure it properly though I believe.15:42
JanMiddelkoopI can wget fine15:42
herby_traxRefael_: If you want to give your computer an IP address, you can do it on the computer. You just need to make sure it is on your modem's network15:42
djxcqtionok now i get a message saying that i dont have the hardware to use Unity15:42
Caboose885thegoodcushion: I had a login keyring and I ended up deleting it because it was annoying. I have a user password and thats good enough for me15:42
thegoodcushionhow do you delete it?15:42
djxcqtionHow do i choose Ubuntu Classic from the login screen15:42
beliJanMiddelkoop: wget a file.bz2   and then do  command line "file file.bz2"15:42
ActionParsnipdjxcqtion: you need 3d accelleration for Unity15:43
book1upgrading to natty failed on udisks package install. but it boots normal. how can i reupgrade it?15:43
Caboose885thegoodcushion: brb switching to gnome15:43
Refael_herby_trax: am in need to alter the LAN address was the suspicion in creating a Static IP15:43
ActionParsnipdjxcqtion: click name, at the bottom of the screen select gnome classic, then login15:43
djxcqtionaction : will try :)15:44
tamale_Hi all.. when I login to 'ubuntu' in 11.04, I get my background but no unity launcher or panel, or any error messages.  Classic mode, however works fine. Help please!15:44
herby_traxRefael_: If your modem's address is, then you can give your computer an IP address of to .25415:44
JanMiddelkoopbeli:  do you have a full URL for file.bz2?15:44
herby_traxRefael_: you assign your computer's Ip address on the computer network settings.15:44
book1upgrading to natty hangs on udisks package install. but it boots normal. how can i reupgrade 10.10 to 11.04?15:45
djxcqtionAction : this would be at the login screen right15:45
Caboose885thegoodcushion: It should be (under GNOME at least) System-->Preferences-->Passwords and Encryption keys15:45
ActionParsniptamale_: do you have 3D accelleration setup?15:45
beliJanMiddelkoop: and post me this: grep -i proxy  /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/*; env|grep -i prox15:45
djxcqtionthere seems to be a white bar with the Time and Universal Prefrences15:45
pythonirc101how can i chop a wav file into 1 second pieces in ubuntu?15:45
djxcqtionand a shutdown15:45
ActionParsnipbook1: sudo apt-get -f install15:45
Caboose885thegoodcushion: you do know the passwords to connect back to the networks correct?15:46
JanMiddelkoopbeli:  you rock.15:46
JanMiddelkoopbeli:  Packages.bz2: HTML document text15:46
ActionParsnippythonirc101i know of mp3split but don't know abouut WAVs15:46
tamale_ActionParsnip: Yes, compiz is working.15:46
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thegoodcushionCaboose885: Oh I still want it to be automatic15:46
Refael_herby_trax: what is the Subnet & Gateway reference with setting up a static IP address?15:46
beliJanMiddelkoop: you are getting headers but faulty data....and you get that from your proxy15:46
JanMiddelkoopThat answers everything for me. :)  It's a proxy blacklist message.15:46
ActionParsniptamale_: then in ccsm enable the unity plugin15:46
tamale_ActionParsnip: and it looks like if I launch 'unity' manually, it mostly works.  the question is what makes it launch unity automatically by logging in? that appears to not be happning.15:47
JanMiddelkoopNext question is why this is blacklisted, but that I can figure out.15:47
Caboose885thegoodcushion: it will be if you remove the "Passwords:login"15:47
thegoodcushionCaboose885: okay, will try that15:47
pythonirc101ActionParsnip: can mp3split chop an mp3 into 1 second chunks?15:47
JanMiddelkoopbeli:  you sir, have a new fan as of today.  Thank you. :)  And thanks to ActionParsnip as well! :-)15:47
herby_traxRefael_: Gateway is modem address, subnet can be
beliJanMiddelkoop: yw15:47
Caboose885thegoodcushion: but you will have to re-enter your passwords to the network once you delete the keys15:47
book1ActionParsnip: thanx maestro15:47
ActionParsnipJanMiddelkoop: np man :)15:47
ActionParsnippythonirc101: yes15:47
thegoodcushionCaboose885: right, well that's not what I want15:48
ActionParsnippythonirc101: I believe there is a gui for it too, I've always used the command line15:48
thegoodcushionCaboose885: What I did was that I changed my user account password just to keep it dynamic, and now I get an extra dialog telling me my login keyring password is different15:48
djxcqtionActinParnish: Even Ubuntu Classic seem to be flickering...Weird :(15:48
herby_traxRefael_: for computer IP address, I'd recommend something like .25 or higher, to prevent IP address conflicts15:48
Caboose885thegoodcushion: oh, right click on the Passwords:login folder and click change. It will prompt you for a new password :)15:49
pythonirc101ActionParsnip: what command should i use to chop it in 1second chunks?15:49
djxcqtionUbuntu Classic with no effects?15:49
ActionParsnip!info mp3split-gtk15:49
ubottuPackage mp3split-gtk does not exist in natty15:49
Caboose885djxcqtion: do you have compiz settings manager installed?15:50
ActionParsnip!info mp3splt-gtk15:50
ubottump3splt-gtk (source: mp3splt-gtk): GTK interface to split MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files without reencoding. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.6-1.2 (natty), package size 84 kB, installed size 256 kB15:50
ActionParsnippythonirc101: install mp3splt-gtk15:51
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djxcqtionI dont think so Caboose88515:51
Refael_herby_trax:  if the address es, can it be altered to
ActionParsnippythonirc101: http://tuxtweaks.com/2008/10/split-mp3-files-with-mp3splt/   may help at CLI15:51
Refael_herby_trax: it is meant, can the address with the modem be altered from 0.1 to 1.815:52
herby_traxRefael_: no, only the last number can change, and i'd recommend >2515:52
pythonirc101ActionParsnip: I just need the command that splits a mp3 into 1 second chunk...already installed mp3splt15:52
djxcqtionhey thanx ActionParsnip15:53
djxcqtionIt seems a little more stable15:53
djxcqtionIm gonna start from here15:53
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: Is it easy for me to change the items that are listed on the grub menu?  See, I want my Mum to be able to make sense of it15:53
Caboose885djxcqtion: its in synaptic or you can install it terminal by typing :sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager15:53
duryhi there channel :)15:53
Refael_herby_trax: is the Gateway the modem IP address. or is the Subnet rather the modem IP?15:53
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: I mean, change the text that is displayed15:54
djxcqtionok Caboose885..:)15:54
djxcqtionWhat does it do though mate>15:54
Caboose885allows you to control compiz (the effects) on your computer15:54
herby_traxRefael_:  Gateway is the modem IP address15:55
djxcqtionthanx mate15:55
thegoodcushionCaboose885: that worked perfectly15:55
durywhen I boot the IDE hd it says: error: no such partition. grub rescue> _   how can I solve that?15:55
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: my grub knowledge is minimal, If you use the guide I gave it will put windows at the top15:55
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: I worked out from the guide how it works15:56
belicu folks15:56
Refael_herby_trax: is static routing the same as setting a static IP address?15:56
ActionParsnipdury: boot to liveCD and reinstall grub to the drive15:56
lifeforce4I have apache2 running on my local system for development. I wanted to close the port so no one could access it from any system besides my localhost. Is there an easy way to do this?15:56
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: cool :)15:56
herby_traxRefael_: nope, leave the routing to auto15:56
thegoodcushionActionParsnip: I'm getting rid of the stupid things like memtest15:56
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: if you uninstall memtest it will remove it15:57
thegoodcushionin my experience if your ram isn't working the thing won't boot that far anyway15:57
ActionParsnipthegoodcushion: it's on the liveCD too ;)15:57
Refael_herby_trax: in a separate modem/router configuration, where is the static IP configured?15:57
Caboose885thegoodcushion: you can make custom menu entries under the /etc/grub.d/ directory15:58
Caboose885thegoodcushion: it even has an empty 40_custom file waiting for you ;)15:58
thegoodcushionCaboose885: Yes, I can15:58
duryActionParsnip: when I boot the liveCD there is not option for that..15:58
ActionParsnipdury: when you see the stickman screen, press SPACE and you will15:58
herby_traxRefael_: Modems usually give out IP addresses using DHCP. For static IP's you can set them on each computer instead.15:59
duryActionParsnip: stickman screen what's that?15:59
ActionParsnipdury: with the keyboard and little man at the bottom16:00
ActionParsnipdury: keyboard input = human interaction, is what it means16:00
ActionParsnipdury: not seen this: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Fjw6yl1x3Zc/TVUlk_57J_I/AAAAAAAAAEg/cljA9QoAW7o/s1600/boot.png16:00
duryActionParsnip: see what I can do... hang on16:00
Refael_herby_trax: it gives error in router config that the WAN & LAN are the same, & to proof them16:01
djxcqtionhey Caboose885 successfully insattled Compiz..Thanks :)..now any reccommeded effects to take out mate?16:01
duryActionParsnip: ok I know what you mean...one minute please16:01
djxcqtionany reccomeded settings?16:01
vibhavdury,  what is the prob??16:01
Caboose885djxcqtion: you looking for flashy or plain? ;)16:02
herby_traxRefael_: leave WAN to auto, LAN is what we were dealing with here16:02
Caboose885Hi qwertyuio16:02
durya sec16:02
qwertyuioany scripting GURU in here? ;)16:02
djxcqtionveru very plain mate..just want use it16:02
ActionParsnip!anyone | qwertyuio16:02
ubottuqwertyuio: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:02
icerootqwertyuio: #bash (and use real questions instead of "anyone")16:02
herby_traxRefael_: Setup computer's static LAN IP on the computer network settings not the modem config16:03
djxcqtionbasic would be the best..i seem to have no 3d accelarator16:03
djxcqtionI have an intel 865g so unity no supporetd16:03
Caboose885djxcqtion: well I think the standard setup is pretty plain. I really like Wobbly Windows but that might be to flashy for your taste16:03
djxcqtionalready disables16:04
Refaelherby_trax: resolved it, gracias16:04
Caboose885you can change the window animations under Animations16:04
herby_traxRefael: well done.16:04
Caboose885or if you want to disable all desktop effects you can turn them off under System-->Preferences-->Appearence-->Visual Effects16:05
djxcqtionwill do that mate16:05
ampharosI'm trying to install Xubuntu through Wubi on this machine. When I reboot into the installer, the installer seems to take forever on Verification - more details reports a ValueError on the current arch: what do I do?16:05
djxcqtionIs there anyway to go back to an earlier version from here Caboose16:05
djxcqtioncause this is clearly not working for me16:06
ampharosA shame, as I'm getting full colour Plymouth at a crisp, proper resolution.16:06
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Caboose885djxcqtion: it seems the only way to "roll back" is to clean install an older version16:06
tamale_ActionParsnip: Thanks, that did the trick. Looks like I won't be able to use unity however.  Having one monitor on top of another kills unity's usability completely.16:06
tamale_ActionParsnip: Are you aware of a way to use the unity launcher with the standard gnome panels?16:07
Caboose885thegoodcushion: what I did to customize grub and save time was copy the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file into the 40_custom file and made the changes from that.16:07
Caboose885thegoodcushion: then run sudo update-grub and you should be good to go16:07
djxcqtionWhat do u reccomend : Ubuntu 11.04 without unity (using claasic without effects) and it being buggy OR Ubuntu 10.10(which ran perfectly?16:07
bob3291hello, ima noob and dont hate me for it!16:07
ActionParsniptamale_: not sure, i believe if you log into classic desktop then run:  compiz --replace     you may get luck16:08
ActionParsnipbob3291: if you have a question, ask it16:08
tamale_ActionParsnip: Actually, I just logged into ubuntu classic and ran 'unity-2d-launcher'16:08
Caboose885djxcqtion: I run 10.10 because 11.04 was to buggy for me as well16:08
bob3291can provide me with some information regarding installing files with .tar.gz extension?! thanks16:08
tamale_ActionParsnip: looks almost perfect.. except that launches the panel as well which I didn't want.16:08
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ampharosAnybody know why I'm not progressing in the installer? The GTK frontend has had an exception for me16:08
ActionParsnipbob3291: there are compressed files16:09
ActionParsniptamale_: you can remove one panel, you must have a panel, or you can edit gconf so it doesn't keep gnome-panel running16:09
genii-around!tar | bob329116:09
ubottubob3291: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression16:09
ActionParsnipbob3291: what is the file for?16:09
djxcqtionI just did some minor partioning? Will taht effect anything when I roll back or unisntall?16:10
xannijoin #bitcoin-otc16:11
Caboose885djxcqtion: I would tell Ubuntu to manually define the partitions. That way you can tell it to install to just the current 11.04 partition16:11
Caboose885djxcqtion: it will formate everything on there so back up your files :)16:11
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tamale_ActionParsnip: I do want my gnome panel though.. I just want the unity 'launcher' when I press super key16:12
LinSkyratequestion? does anyone know howto fix the display error after installing ubuntu on a mac via bootcamp16:12
djxcqtionI never really used 11.0416:12
Refaelherby_trax: in network connections, what should be entered for DNS Servers?16:12
john_ramboBooted from live lubuntu cd .....want to install it .....but when I select any menu item & press enter keyboard hangs16:12
djxcqtionI was using ti on Wubi16:12
bob3291_sorry my internet decided not to work16:12
tamale_ActionParsnip: However, I don't want the list of icons16:12
LinSkyrateall is upp and running, but the display are garble16:12
herby_traxRefael: DNS servers you get from your ISP16:12
Caboose885djxcqtion: oh. Well I'm guessing if you just remove the existing wubi install and install the older version it should work just fine16:13
ActionParsniptamale_: then set something else as therequired component in gconf-editor (I believe that keeps it running)16:13
mus000_Hi friendly Ubuntu peeps, I have a problem:16:13
ActionParsniptamale_: just remove the window list from the gnome-panel and you shouldbe ok16:13
mus000_I have 11.04 on my laptop, but I cannot log in to any session except a terminal from GDM16:13
Refaelherby_trax: can multiple configurations be honored? similar to use a custom config specific times, then return to the "auto etho"?16:14
mus000_I have no idea what's wrong. More info is at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176640516:14
mus000_If anyone has any suggestions, it would be really appreciated16:14
champhi can any body guide to install mac theme on ubuntu 11.04?16:14
bob3291_ubottu,  the link you provided me with only states what they are. very helpful but not what i am looking for. thanks anyway16:15
ubottubob3291_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:15
mus000_champ: Google "Mac4Lin" (without the quotes), but it only workds for "classic"16:15
herby_traxRefael: All you'd be changing is the IP address I guess. I don't see the need to change anything else.16:15
duryActionParsnip: press space... I got Try ubuntu without installing. Install Ubuntu. Check disc for defects. Test memory. Boot from first harddisk. F1 Help F2 Language F3 Keymap F4 Modes F5 Accessibility F6 Other Options16:15
ActionParsnipchamp: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/make-ubuntu-look-like-mac-osx-in.html16:15
herby_traxRefael: I guess you could. I have a program that requires no static IP so I have to turn off static IP to use that.16:16
Caboose885champ: Mac4Lin is probably the best one out there16:16
ActionParsnipdury: adds more options, good stuff huh :)16:16
mus000_anyone with help? I've tried Googling my problem, but found no solutions16:17
Refaelherby_trax: though there is space for multiple configurations in the Network Connections window. Wherein is 1 honored & the other disabled?16:17
carpiActionParsnip: done :). i set up repo in synaptic and installed using aptitude16:17
carpiActionParsnip: thanks agian16:17
ActionParsnipchamp: grab the maverick one16:17
edbianmus000_, I just got here.  What is your problem?16:17
ampharosanybody know about the xubuntu installer crashing pre-install?16:17
ActionParsnipcarpi: np man16:17
ampharosIt's crashed on verifying16:17
duryActionParsnip: add more options. It's not an option16:18
mus000_edbian: I cannot log in to any session from GDM (except recovery console)16:18
champActionParsnip:is it stable ?.16:18
ActionParsnipampharos: try upgrading ubiquity then installing16:18
mus000_more is at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176640516:18
ActionParsnipchamp: sure16:18
edbianmus000_, Can you log into tty1  ?16:18
herby_traxRefael: not sure16:18
duryActionParsnip: what you mean16:18
mus000_edbian: but I need my laptop soon which is why I came here instead of waiting for an answer there16:18
champActionParsnip:what is the its file size ?16:18
mus000_edbian: I am not sure what tty1 is16:18
ActionParsnipdury: you can do a memtest there. Is that not what you want?16:18
edbianmus000_, press ctrl + alt + F1 to go to tty1, press ctrl + alt + F7 to go back to the gui16:19
ampharosActionParsnip: I'm using Wubi, no dice16:19
ampharosIt's a Python ValueError about arch16:19
mus000_edbian: how do I go to tty1?16:19
DrShoggothif you are using wubi, you deserve whatever problems you have16:19
edbianmus000_, press ctrl + alt + F116:19
edbianmus000_, hahahah16:19
ampharosI don't want to commit to ubuntu on that PC16:19
bob3291_could anyone provide me with information on how to install .tar.gz files16:19
duryActionParsnip: when I boot the IDE hd it says: error: no such partition. grub rescue> _16:19
mus000_edbian: OK, I'm back at the login screen16:19
mus000_edbian: what now?16:20
DrShoggothampharos, you can boot an ubuntu disk to do a memtest16:20
ampharosthe CD drive is slow and it has low ram16:20
edbianmus000_, switch to tty1 and try to log in there16:20
mus000_it worked fine16:20
ActionParsnipdury: ahhh ok then you want to try ubuntu so you get the desktop, you can then chroot to the installed OS and manipulate grub16:20
edbianmus000_, when you log in at gdm what errors do you get?16:20
mus000_edbian: and back at GDM it tells me that I am logged in16:20
ampharosit's happened a different PC with the same variant of onboard GFX16:20
ActionParsnipdury: also, all drives are IDE, I am imagining you mean PATA16:20
mus000_edbian: no errors, simply a blank screen16:20
ampharosso this is not specific to my PC16:20
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ampharosi also don't want to burn a disc, and partition: I just need to test out an installed environment without partitioning: and this is what wubi should be letting me do16:21
edbianmus000_, wait.  You mentioned that gdm says you're already logged in implying it would not let you log in.  Was the blank screen happening before you logged into tty1  ??16:21
duryActionParsnip: not all drives are IDE there is sata too16:21
duryActionParsnip: in IDE is ubuntu in sata win716:22
ActionParsnipdury: IDE means "integrated drive electronics", if you look at the drive, the SATA drive has an IDE16:22
Caboose885ampharos: Do you have a USB thumbdrive? You could try it that way. Or Virtualbox16:22
mus000_edbian: Let me rephrase: If I type in my password at the GDM, it just goes to a blank screen and I need to do a hard shut down16:22
ampharosit doesn't boot from USb and virtualbox is brutally slow16:22
mus000_edbian: But if I cntrl+alt+f1, then I can log in using my username and password16:22
ActionParsnipdury: old drives back in the day didn't have IDEs, all the intelligence was on the controller, when new drives with IDEs came out they were called IDE and itstuck16:22
Caboose885ampharos: how old is the computer16:23
ampharosI want to run a fully installed, not live xubuntu environment on bare metal16:23
edbianmus000_, ok, good.  Have you changed anything that started this problem?  Switched graphics drivers or anything like that?16:23
Caboose885ampharos: hmmm. Do you have a spare HD you could swap in it? :D16:23
ActionParsnipampharos: do you have a floppy drive?16:23
Refaelherby_trax: the router returns a different MAC address than "ifconfig"16:23
mus000_edbian: nope16:23
ampharosno floppies, no spare HD, just a slow CD drive and windows16:23
thegoodcushionI had debian and Ubuntu installed side by side.  I've deleted the debian partition and now it's free space.  Can I expand the ubuntu partition to use the spare space?  Will it just work?16:23
duryActionParsnip: so try without installing first... it's all right?16:24
ActionParsnipampharos: bah, there is a floppy image to boot usb16:24
champActionParsnip:what is the its file size ?16:24
ActionParsnipdury: yes then you can mess with the installed OS16:24
Caboose885ampharos: hmmm tricky situation16:24
edbianmus000_, restart the machine, switch to tty1, look at the output of dmesg, switch back to tty7 (the gui) try to log in, switch back to tty1, run dmesg again and look at the difference.16:24
ampharosfuck it close window baww.16:24
mus000_edbian: will do, back in 2 mins16:24
ActionParsnipchamp: file size of what?16:25
edbianmus000_, Make sense?  dmesg is a generic log.  Problems are almost always posted there16:25
BluesKajthegoodcushion, yes , use a live cd partitoner like gparted to resize the partition16:25
LinSkyratequestion? does anyone know howto fix the display error after installing ubuntu on a mac via bootcamp16:25
mus000_edbian: If i just need to type in dmesg, I think i will be fine16:25
thegoodcushionBluesKaj: right.  I can't do it from within Ubuntu while it's running on that partition?16:25
ampharosand like I said I don't want to install onto an actual partition: wubi is the way to go fow16:25
ampharosand i want wubi to work16:25
LinSkyrateseems like a normal prob, but does not find solution16:25
Caboose885ampharos: Are you sure that its not listing your thumbdrive under the hard drives of the BIOS?16:25
edbianmus000_, that's why we're logging in at the gui, to get some errors in dmesg that can show us some clues16:25
BluesKajthegoodcushion, no, you can't resize a mounted partition16:26
edbianmus000_, If that doesn't make sense ask now16:26
ampharosCaboose885: I actually do want to install to the HD, just not as a partition, but loopback disk image16:26
Caboose885ampharos: I had a laptop from 2001 that listed a thumbdrive as a hard drive so thats how I had to boot it16:26
LinSkyratehow do i scroll upp in irssi?16:26
ampharosLinSkyrate: page up16:26
ActionParsnipampharos: install magicdisk and download the ubuntu ISO, MD5 test it then mount the ISO in windows and install it that way16:26
ActionParsnipLinSkyrate: pg up16:27
LinSkyratewith mac?16:27
somesecretpeterIs irssi the terminal irc client of choice for most of you?16:27
Caboose885ampharos: I know but if you can boot off the thumbdrive then you could install xubuntu to the thumbdrive16:27
ampharosI have a CD drive, it's just slow16:27
ActionParsnipLinSkyrate: should be that same16:27
FiVeSeVeNBonjour ici :)16:27
LinSkyrateehm no page up here.. lol16:27
BluesKajmounted= partiton/device that is being used. thegoodcushion16:27
tarvidWhere is "Places" configured? I now have 3 entries to my NAS server, two of them work, I want to remove the broken one and one of the duplicates.16:27
ampharosand don't want to waste bandwidth slash disc16:27
thegoodcushionBluesKaj: gotcha16:27
FiVeSeVeNil est géant votre serveur !!16:27
ActionParsnipLinSkyrate: no page up in mac, wow thats crazy16:27
LinSkyrateahh FN+arrov16:27
Caboose885ampharos: are you running windows xp?16:27
Caboose885ampharos: system specs?16:28
FiVeSeVeNhello :)16:28
ActionParsniptarvid: open nautilus and you should be able to rightclick them and remove them16:28
LinSkyrateback to my origin prob... display garble with Ubuntu installed on a Mac Mini.. anyone know the solution?16:28
BluesKajthegoodcushion, burn a gparted livecd and use that ...it's handy to have around as well16:28
ampharosPentium 4 Celeron, 2.4 ghz, 256 MB RAM, IDE HD, 75 GB, and Intel Extreme Graphics 82845GVSR16:28
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ActionParsnipLinSkyrate: try the boot option: nomodeset16:28
FiVeSeVeN1715 users !!!16:28
mus000_edbian: I ran dmesg, then went back to the gui, tried to login and it froze. Then I made a hard shutdown, and did the same16:28
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mus000_edbian: dmesg says the same16:29
ActionParsnipampharos: those intel chips are a pain16:29
FiVeSeVeNwhat ?16:29
edbianmus000_, Everytime you reboot dmesg is wiped.  Can you not switch to tty1 while the GUI is frozen?16:29
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mus000_doesn't work16:29
mus000_edbian: doesn't work16:29
aprilushow to enter grub when boot?16:29
ampharosi'm getting fine graphics though, crisp and full colour plymouth, so I'm not complaining. but the siltuation has nothing to do with gfx16:29
bastidrazoraprilus: hold shift after POST16:30
FiVeSeVeNquelqu'un peut me dire c'est quoi ce serveur qui est énorme???????16:30
edbianmus000_, I was afraid of that.  I think something is wrong with the data on the hdd that the system needs to read while it is loading the gui.  I suggest you check the hdd using tty116:30
aprilusbastidrazor: thanks, I'll try16:30
Caboose885ampharos: what exactly happens when you try and install it via wubi?16:30
ampharosI can boot up to the installer, just that it stalls the ubiquity crashes with a ValueError16:31
Caboose885FiVeSeVeN: yes?16:31
ampharosthe gtk frontend still works, just it stalls doing nothing16:31
FiVeSeVeNyou speak french?16:31
Caboose885FiVeSeVeN: no, sorry16:31
mus000_edbian: how should I do that?16:31
tarvidActionParsnip, thanks16:31
FiVeSeVeNno problem :(16:31
FiVeSeVeNthank you16:31
edbianmus000_, Looking it up. hang on16:31
mus000_edbian: thanks, a google search isn't helping me much, I'm afraid16:31
FiVeSeVeNthis server is american Caboose885?16:32
edbianmus000_, sudo shutdown -rF now       makes the system shutdown and reboot now, the F makes it check the hdd on the next boot.  Switch to tty1 and run that command16:32
Caboose885FiVeSeVeN: no, but the language for support is english. Just like the UbuntuForums16:32
ActionParsnipampharos: could grab the minimal ISO and you will install from the repos. This assumes your hardware works with the default drivers16:32
mus000_edbian: thanks, back in 2 mins16:32
FiVeSeVeNokay okay :)16:33
edbianmus000_, The disc check might take some time16:33
sipiorFiVeSeVeN: have a look in #ubuntu-fr for assistance in French.16:33
FiVeSeVeNoh merci16:33
ampharosI've said many times I don't want to commit to installing to a partition: I want to install into a removable loopback image16:33
Caboose885ampharos: I'm afraid your hardware just might not let you16:33
ampharosI've tried with simi;ar hardware and software, it just won't work16:34
ampharosI might have to run off of CD, and see if I can install16:34
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BluesKajampharos, then just use a live cd16:34
ampharosyeah will download16:34
Caboose885ampharos: good choice, If it doesn't work well you might want to try Lubuntu16:34
ampharosI'll come back with any questions.16:34
* Caboose885 sigh16:35
woodzyHow do i remove Gnome Games without removing Gnome Desktop ?16:36
djxcqtionhow do i unistall 11.04? If I install 10.10 again does it automatically delete 11.04?16:37
mus000_edbian: I ran the restart command twice, but saw no Check File System thingy that I see every 20 or so times I start up16:37
ActionParsnipwoodzy: sudo apt-get --purge remove gbrainy gnome-mahjong gnomine16:37
mus000_edbian: and I still can't log in16:37
Caboose885woodzy: in synaptic type "gnome-games"16:38
WolfkstaagSo I'm trying to enable Coolbits, but my card isn't showing up in Xorg.  Am I missing something?16:38
Caboose885and mark the pacage for removal16:38
edbianmus000_, Mmm hang on.16:38
djxcqtionUnintallation for 11.04?16:38
mus000_edbian: thanks!16:38
ActionParsnipdjxcqtion: you will need to delete the partitions currently holding Natty and install to the free space16:38
alvin_hello, can i use opendns here?16:38
champActionParsnip:what is the its file size of mac theme?16:38
darkstar49woodzy: apt-cache search gnames | grep gnome16:38
ActionParsnipdjxcqtion: be sure to backup anything you need16:38
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Caboose885djxcqtion: it will format 11.04 off the drive. just back it all up16:38
edbianmus000_, Thanks for your patience16:38
alvin_hello, can i use opendns here? i'm running xubuntu 11.0416:39
edbianmus000_, sudo touch /forcefsck     this creates a file in / that tells the system to check on boot.  Run the command and then reboot.  This one I have actually done before.  The shutdown command I think is only on fedora16:39
ActionParsnipchamp: let me see16:40
sipioralvin_: sure, why couldn't you?16:40
edbianalvin_, What do you mean 'here' ??16:40
ActionParsnipchamp: Length: 41991648 (40M) [application/x-gzip]16:40
mus000_edbian: thanks, back in 2mins16:40
alvin_i already added the dns server in the network config, but when i browse its always saying blocked by opendns16:40
edbianmus000_, sure16:41
WolfkstaagSo I'm trying to enable Coolbits, but my card isn't showing up in Xorg.  Am I missing something?16:41
champActionParsnip:how to install it anyway?. i just finished doenloading it.16:41
ActionParsnipWolfkstaag: you enable it in xorg.cof last time I tried16:41
ActionParsnipchamp: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/make-ubuntu-look-like-mac-osx-in.html   the page tells you16:42
lifeforce4Is there any simple way to close ports in ubuntu so only my local system can access them?16:42
alvin_edbian: sipior: here in xubuntu.. i already added the dns server in the network config, but when i browse its always saying blocked by opendns16:42
WolfkstaagActionParsnip: That's what I mean, though.  The only things showing in my Xorg.conf are my mouse and a random, basically blank entry.16:42
ActionParsnipchamp: you will need a switch on the install.sh file so it doesn't care you aren't using Maverick16:42
edbianalvin_, blocked BY opendns ??  That implies that the sites you're trying to view are not allowed by opendns16:43
ActionParsnipWolfkstaag: if you run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig     you will get one16:43
mus000_edbian: it's checking...16:43
nimbioticshello ya'll. Does anyone know of a system wide equalizer for ubuntu 11.04?? TIA!16:43
edbianmus000_, good16:43
edbianmus000_, Is it finding anything?16:43
mus000_edbian: not sure16:43
mus000_it finished, and i tried logging in16:44
mus000_same problem16:44
alvin_edbian: but why in windows i can browse for those sites?16:44
CharlieSuHi.  On my production servers I'd like for Users to be prompted to enter a description of what work they're performing upon SSHing in.  Ideally I'd log the message to the auth.log or something similar.  Anyone have experience doing something like this?  I'm trying to determine the best place to do this.  Should I specify a PROMPT_COMMAND in my authorized keys files?  Do I need to create a custom shell that invokes bash after16:44
edbianalvin_, I have no idea16:44
WolfkstaagActionParsnip: That looks better.  Thanks!16:44
ActionParsnipWolfkstaag: np :)16:44
alvin_edbian: have you tried this dns?16:44
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edbianalvin_, I use open dns all the time.  I doubt it is blocking sites for you.  I have never seen it block any site ever16:45
woodzythx everyone16:46
alvin_but why can't i?16:46
edbianalvin_, I suspect your ISP is not allowing you to use openDNS.  This is a GUESS16:46
ActionParsnipalvin_: try changing to oogle's16:46
thegoodcushionI have an Ubuntu partition after a debian partition.  I'm getting rid of debian.  I'm using a gparted live CD to resize the Ubuntu partition so that it takes up the space of the debian partition.  Gparted has warned me that moving the start sector of Ubuntu might cause it to fail to boot.  Should I be worried about this or should I go ahead?16:46
lifeforce4Is there an easy firewall app for 11.04? I'm running an httpd for testing and only want localhost to have access.16:47
BluesKajopen dns works ok if you're in the US , I found that it wasn't syncing with my IP address so I wasn't getting emails . altho the opendns settings trackers was enabled16:47
ActionParsniplifeforce4: try ufw or firestarter16:47
ActionParsnipI use dnsmasq to try and keep dns local, then use my ISPs16:47
BluesKajgoogle dns on the other hand works without any special settings ...it's much more reliable16:48
alvin_actionparsnip, what do u mean oogle's?16:48
ActionParsnipalvin_: was a typo, note the next line...16:48
bastidrazoralvin_: or
cannonballOf the two twitter apps I've tested (gtwitter and twitux, on 11.04), neither one can auth to twitter (one says access denied, the other says connection failed).  I can login to the web interface with the same username and password, so I know the password is correct.   Anybody using those apps?16:48
cannonballOr are they known to be not working?16:49
bastidrazoralvin_: using dnsmasq as ActionParsnip suggested is a great idea. it makes 2nd visits to webpages very fast.16:49
edbianmus000_, Check this out:  http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&source=hp&q=blank+screen+on+gdm+login&aq=f&aqi=g-v1&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=e4d813b43c7d221c16:49
BluesKajdnsmasq seems complicated ActionParsnip ...was considering it but the tutorial I was following lost me :)16:49
ActionParsnipcannonball: http://www.sizlopedia.com/2008/05/03/twitter-clients-for-ubuntu-linux/16:49
alvin_ahh, see where will i put those dns? in the automatic (address only)?16:49
edbianmus000_, I have to go.  That first thread seems very similar to our problem.16:49
cannonballActionParsnip: many thanks16:50
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: you just need to edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf  so it listens to  then set the interface to DHCP address only, then set the DNS to,
edbianmus000_, Also, boot a live CD and see if that freezes.  It will help determine if this is a hardware or software error16:50
mus000_edbian: thanks, I will check out the thread and get back to you16:50
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: editting a single text file, then using network manager to use as the first DNS, not hard at all16:51
mus000_edbian: give me about 5-10 mins16:51
bastidrazoralvin_: automatic (DHCP) addresses only ...will allow you to set DNS servers16:51
BluesKajActionParsnip, NM? ..i haven't used it since you showed me that /etc/network/interfaces could run the ethernet conn itself16:52
edbianmus000_, Gotta go!  Goodluck!16:53
mus000_edbian: thanks for the help so far, I really appreciate it!16:53
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: then define the dns in /etc/resolv.conf16:53
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: makes it even easier, add the top line:   nameserver
bastidrazorBluesKaj: /etc/resolv.conf is where it looks for dns servers or dnsmasq can look in another file if you specify it in the dnsmasq.conf.. since sometimes resolv.conf is overwritten.16:54
alvin_edbian: still doesn't work16:56
BluesKajbastidrazor,  the /etc/dnsmasq.conf here is blank  , so I can achieve the same effect if I setup /etc/resolve.conf as action mentioned ?16:57
Refaelherby_trax: so you were suggesting a static IPAddress needs to be obtained from the Internet Service Provider?17:01
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valleydaddy78hello all17:05
CharlieSuIs it possible to execute code in an authorized_keys file?17:06
CharlieSuIs it possible to log to the auth.log from a shell program?  How can I do this?17:11
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MrKeunerhello, one of my systems gets disconnected sporadically... I get this in syslog when it is disconnected: e1000e: eth0 NIC Link is Down Sometimes it comes back up by itself. Sometimes gets stuck in down, rendering the system disconnected... how can I track the problem?17:12
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BluesKajbastidrazor, I had to add the google dns IPs to the /etc/resolv.conf file . Does the router need it's dns set to auto or to the google dns IPs ?17:16
BluesKajbastidrazor, btw I added nameserver, as the top line in resolv.conf17:17
bastidrazorBluesKaj: the routers dns doesn't matter. i use my ISP's for the router and set resolv.conf as then my router as a fall back17:17
BluesKajbastidrazor, yeah i used n=both primary  and secondary  ns=ameservers in resolv.conf and
darkstar49mrkeuner: must be something wrong with network-manager17:19
BluesKajerr nameserver17:20
OverTheHillAndFai have put a image in /boot/grub and run update-grub. it says it finds the image. even though it does not appear when i boot17:20
zaloh, it's
OverTheHillAndFai have also tried to set the image with grub customizer.. no luck17:21
bastidrazorBluesKaj: dnsmasq.conf was empty?17:21
BluesKajbastidrazor, yup17:21
dexterjsmithI have a quick question.17:21
aimeehello i am seeking help for audio, it doesn't work...17:22
bastidrazorBluesKaj: then setting localhost as a nameserver isn't going to help.17:22
van7huI see a file with attribute "-r-sr-x---", what does "S" here stand for?17:22
BluesKajzal secondary google dns is
bastidrazorBluesKaj: do you want a copy of the current dnsmasq.conf i use?17:22
aimeeif anyone volunteers to pm me... just do it?17:22
BluesKajbastidrazor, ,well , do you think it'll help me17:22
poloni have prob with finch17:23
polondid it work with backtrack?17:23
bastidrazorBluesKaj: i'm not sure what your initial issues were.  for faster 2nd hit webpage viewing it will greatly increase the speeds.17:23
bastidrazorpolon: ask in #backtrack-linux17:24
hellocHello, do you know any c support irc channel ? thank you17:24
BluesKajbastidrazor, ok , pastebinit if you wish17:24
Picihelloc: ##c17:24
hellocPici: thanks17:24
bastidrazorBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/x0igpMCy17:24
polongreat :)17:25
BerenbetHey, I want to make a ε with a ˜ on it, how to do it?17:25
MrKeunerhello, one of my systems gets disconnected sporadically... I get this in syslog when it is disconnected: e1000e: eth0 NIC Link is Down Sometimes it comes back up by itself. Sometimes gets stuck in down, rendering the system disconnected... how can I track the problem?17:26
dexterjsmithDoes anyone know if Rhythmbox is still in development?17:26
bastidrazorBluesKaj: that is from my laptop. wlan0 settings may be irrelevent for you.17:27
Sc0oMrKeuner > The Linux kernel has bug for module e1000e17:27
Sc0owhatis MB ?17:27
CarlFKanyone know of packaged jsondiff ?  google shows me 1100 hits, but nothing from apt-file search jsondiff17:27
toddcdexterjsmith yes rhythm box is still being worked on and is a active project17:28
MrKeunerSc0o, Linux Kernel or Linux kernel version something?17:28
Sc0oMrKeuner > 2.4 above is not mistake me! ... I.. used ... Ubuntu 10.10 with kernel 2.6.35-2817:29
BluesKajbastidrazor, ok , I'll just sub eth0 for the wlan0 , correct?17:29
Sc0oMrKeuner > What is your motherboard ?17:30
MrKeunerSc0o, it is dell inspiron 530, don't know MoBo17:30
bastidrazorBluesKaj: not in all cases. look at what it is referring to.17:30
aimeeproblem: can't hear sound, the sound card is detected and i can change the settings in terminal's alsamixer, and paprefs doesn't help17:31
BerenbetHey, I want to make a «ε» with a «˜» over it, how to do it?17:31
aimeeif there is someone who would like to remote desktop assist me, that would be appreciated.17:31
ne7workhow to start SSH server on ubuntu?17:32
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PiciMrKeuner: There was a high-profile bug with the e1000e a few releases ago, but it should be fixed now.  See https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1138217:32
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 11382 in Network "e1000e: 2.6.27-rc1 corrupts EEPROM/NVM" [Normal,Closed: code_fix]17:32
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Sc0oMrKeuner > tried t oreload the module e1000e or see if it was loaded with # lsmod17:33
Soundeadhehe :X17:33
Sc0oPeople .. actuallu still have problems with the module e1000e intel17:34
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MrKeunerSc0o, where do i check how the module is loaded?17:34
MrKeuner/etc/modules ?17:34
lifeforce4ne7work: sshd runs be default, try running this to check. sudo ps -ef |grep ssh17:34
Sc0oMrKeuner > use command $ sudo lsmod for list loaded modules17:35
Sc0ofind for e1000 or e1000e17:35
MrKeunerSc0o, e1000e is loaded according to lsmod17:36
daveohi, running 10.10 when clicking on a minimize button on prog window, it closes the prog and i can't see in lower bar -- have i messed up some setting?17:36
MrKeunerI haven't reloaded it, but this problem happens no matter how many times I reboot the system17:36
Sc0oAll > I managed to solve the problem by simply updanting the BIOS MB INTEL DP55SB but there are several ways to solve this ...17:36
SoundeadBerenbet: I would use an equation editor program.17:37
Sc0oMrKeuner > OK! ....17:37
BerenbetIt's a phonetic symbol XD17:37
Soundeadyes well equation editors have phonetic symbols17:37
Soundeadas variables17:37
MrKeunerPici, I read poroblme was with 2.6.27 which I do not recall if I ever used on this system... Currently the system has 10.04.2 on it with stock kernel17:38
djxcqtionWow I think i just messed up big time17:38
djxcqtionOK..I uninstalled Ubuntu 11.04...I deleted it from add/remove programmes from XP17:39
djxcqtionthe Grub remains and the partition remains17:39
djxcqtionI dont have the WIn Booter Cds as well..can anyone help?Will be grateful..17:40
Soundead:O I can't find it in windows 7 add/remove programs, don't know if i'd be able to uninstall17:40
Soundeadprobably use the cd17:41
Sc0oMrKeuner > In the shell checks if the tools is installed ethtool .. giving the commnad ehtt ... [PRESS TAB] check the list17:41
Sc0oWhat djxcqtion ?17:41
djxcqtion.I uninstalled Ubuntu 11.04...I deleted it from add/remove programmes from XP .. I dont have the WIn Booter Cds as well..can anyone help?Will be grateful17:41
djxcqtionI want to delete the partiotn17:42
MrKeunerSc0o, installed it17:42
djxcqtionparttion completely and the start screen17:42
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: you installed it from Wubi?17:42
djxcqtionInstalled it from USB..sorry17:42
djxcqtionwell it was a dual boot17:42
Refaelherby_trax: what is your Nick?17:42
Sc0oMrKeuner > q can do something else and give the command $ ifconfig and see if you have the inteface eth0!17:43
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: if you installed it from USB, then you can't remove it from add/remove programs in Windows XP, that doesn't make any sense17:43
MrKeunerSc0o, I do have eth0, it is currently connected to the internet through ethernet17:43
djxcqtionwell then it was WUBI..cause it was with Windows...I had a start screen which gave me the option of both17:43
djxcqtionI hope im gettng that rigth17:43
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: both wubi and dual boot give you the option during boot17:44
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: but wubi doesn't create a partition; once you remove it from windows all you have to do is restore the bootloader17:44
Sc0oMrKeuner > OK Go it! So ... what is happening right ?17:44
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: if you installed it from usb, then you had to partition space for it, and it was installed to its own place in the disk17:44
djxcqtiontensor : Im sorry im not comibg through clearly17:45
MrKeunerSc0o, ?17:45
djxcqtionyes tensor : i installed it through the USB..there was a partioned space given to it17:45
Sc0oMrKeuner > which was really the problem with your Dell :17:46
qwertyuiomy only user on ubuntu 11.04 can't mount USB drives. :( please help!17:46
alvin_hello, why can't i download torrent with my dns/17:46
MrKeunerSc0o, it is currently connected, but disconnects randomly17:46
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: then you should boot from USB, open the disk partition editor, and delete the ubuntu partition(s), then resize the windows one to fill the empty space, and then you must restore windows to the MBR17:46
MrKeunerSc0o, I'd like to fix that ptoblem17:46
Refaelhola, am curious if static or dynamic routing would cause a personal network to not be visual from outside the network17:47
djxcqtionI have already deleted Ubuntu through Add/Remove programmes..is that gonna be an issue?17:47
djxcqtionsorry im a real nOOb17:47
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: i have no idea what you actually removed17:47
Sc0oMrKeuner > use distro Ubuntu 10.04 ?17:48
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: there shouldn't be anything related to ubuntu in there17:48
MrKeunerSc0o, correct. 10.04.217:48
qwertyuiohow can I have user to have ROOT rights as of USB management on 11.04 ???17:48
tensorpuddingugh, why doen't ubottu have factoids for restoring the windows mbr..17:49
=== david is now known as Guest97268
Sc0oMrKeuner > ok! I will search here17:49
aLeSDhi all. someone could suggest me a good OCR ?17:49
djxcqtionwell i unistalled Ubuntu through the Add/Remove programmes...the partitions are empty..the start screen reamins17:49
Bwaahare you using wubi?17:49
djxcqtionthe main GRUB or wateva17:49
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: "the partitions are empty"17:49
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: what do you mean17:49
areayhi all.. i've configured my pulseaudio to send audio over the network to another machine which is hooked up to my speakers. no matter what media player i use i can't seek through the track, some players play the audio and it can be heard coming out of the speakers but the seeker stays stuck at 0:00 and is in most cases disabled.17:49
djxcqtionWell in Disk Mgmt17:50
djxcqtionit says the 13 GB alloted to Ubuntu before is blank17:50
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: oh, you deleted the partition then17:50
MrKeunerSc0o, do you think it might help to install linux-image-
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: well, you'll want to expand the windows one to fill the empty space17:50
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: you can only do that from the bootable usb though17:51
Sc0oMrKeuner > yes ... !17:51
djxcqtionany  recommadations on what to do17:51
* szal guesses this is outside of this channel's scope17:51
djxcqtionCan i replace it with Ubuntu 10.1017:51
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/nongeeks-guide-safely-uninstall-ubuntu-dualbooting-machine/17:51
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: you want to install a different version?17:51
djxcqtionYup 10.1017:52
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: you really ought to install 10.04 then17:52
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: because that one will have an upgrade path17:52
Sc0oMrKeuner > .... if for example .... an bugs in the kernel or some network packets!17:52
djxcqtionit was running fine with Meerkat17:52
Threadlessis there anyone here could assist with the problem during boot, when it displays "press s to skip mounting or M for manual recovery"  ?17:52
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: but no matter which version, your solution is just to go through the normal install process17:53
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: choose the empty space to be where the ubuntu partitions will be17:53
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: the rest will be taken care of17:53
Threadlessis there anyone here could assist with the problem during boot, when it displays "press s to skip mounting or M for manual recovery"  ?17:54
szal!repeat | Threadless17:54
ubottuThreadless: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:54
pythonirc101I'm running ubuntu inside vbox and using vlc to play a video. I've a logitech wireless headset and would like to be able to listen to the audio. How can I do this?17:54
churlyLXDE question Im having issues getting help with: If I was to manually alter the 'panel' config file for lxpanel (I know, not recommended) how can I reload it to update the settings  without shutting down and restarting lxpanel?17:54
Toph2Threadless,,, does this help?   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160931417:54
tensorpuddingpythonirc101: i think audio sharing might be available through guest additions?17:55
Threadlesstoph2: thanks, i'll have a look17:55
djxcqtionTHANKS tensorpudding...That was such an informative post17:55
djxcqtionI should have read it earlier17:55
djxcqtionthanks a lot mate17:55
pythonirc101tensorpudding: I do have guest additions installed17:56
pythonirc101but no output on my headset...in vlc, i dont see my headset listed either as audio output device17:57
pythonirc101what is a good command to list all audio devices in ubuntu17:57
sudokillpythonirc101,  is it usb17:57
tensorpuddingit should output to pulseaudio, you should see the configuration17:58
pythonirc101yes- usb17:58
sudokillpythonirc101,  if its usb u have to mount it in the virtualbox window17:58
sudokillbecause ur host uses it u have to tell vbox to use it instead17:58
pythonirc101when i try to click the usb device in vbox it says ubuntu does not recognize the usb wireless headset17:59
MathuinIt appears that eclipse does not consider ant1.8 to be ant 1.8 -- what do I have to do to convince it of this fact?17:59
sudokillpythonirc101,  im not sure if its compaable but it should be18:00
pythonirc101my vbox hanged18:00
sudokillpythonirc101,  playing with the usb can cause it to hang18:01
sudokillfor good18:01
thegoodcushionIn 11.04, how do I change the setting so that it doesn't ask me for a password right after the screensaver starts?18:01
sudokillpower options18:01
sudokilli think18:01
sudokillsystem settings screensaver- dont ask for password on resume18:02
pythonirc101Failed to attach usb device: Unknown device to the virtual machine ubuntu...?18:02
pythonirc101VBox:  Result Code:   E_INVALIDARG (0x80070057)18:02
MahmoodHey All18:02
sudokillpythonirc101,  sorry im not sure, you could try rebooting it and try again18:02
pythonirc101This is the complete error the vbox raises:    Component:   HostUSBDevice   Interface:   IHostUSBDevice {173b4b44-d268-4334-a00d-b6521c9a740a}   Callee:   IConsole {515e8e8d-f932-4d8e-9f32-79a52aead882}18:02
thegoodcushionsudokill: I'm not seeing it18:03
alvin_hi, why can't i enable my bluetooth?18:03
freshoneplease help me have just down loaded GTA san andreas iso file from the net i also have play on linux and wine softwares can anyone help me with the step by step installation process so that i can play the game on linux18:03
Coreyfreshone: "Not pirating it" is a good start.18:03
sudokillpythonirc101,  try in vbox options something in the usb settings18:03
CoreyPiracy is off topic / unsupported here, freshone.18:03
MathuinI had to deinstall eclipse to install ant1.8, but I need to use ant 1.8 *with* eclipse.  Help!18:04
freshoneoh i did not know downloading was illegal18:04
sudokillpythonirc101,  i thin ktheres an option to allow usb devices through18:04
sudokillfreshone it isnt illegal to download iso18:04
thegoodcushionfreshone: buy it on steam, it's cheap18:04
sudokillby the sounds of it u did18:04
sudokilldownload illegally18:04
MathuinBonus of buying it on Steam: the process of running Steam on Wine is well-documented.18:04
alvin_hi, why can't i enable my bluetooth? can anybody please help me?? :(18:04
pythonirc101sudokill: I do have usb passthru enabled18:05
freshonewhat is steam?18:05
pythonirc101it seems ubuntu doesnt like my logitech usb wireless headset?18:05
Corey!steam | freshone18:05
ubottufreshone: Steam can be run under Ubuntu by installing WINE and running the installer from http://www.steampowered.com/ as normal. Application support in WINE can be found in #winehq18:05
sudokillpythonirc101,  has that always been on?18:06
pythonirc101is there anything  i can do to make my wireless logitech headset work on ubuntu?18:06
sudokillpythonirc101,  no it seems a vbox problem not ubuntu18:06
pythonirc101i've always used the logitech on my windows host, never on ubuntu18:06
sudokillpythonirc101,  can i ask what the point of this is if ur running windows as well?18:06
sudokillr u new to ubuntu and find urself using it in the vm all the time?18:07
MrKeunerSc0o, all right I'll try 2.6.35 for a while to see if that also breaks the NIC18:07
pythonirc101sudokill: I use ubuntu, my boss uses windows . Sorry18:07
MrKeunerSc0o, thanks for your help18:07
Sc0oMrKeuner > OK! : )18:07
alvin_hello? please help me, i can't activate my wireless and bluetooth adapters...:(18:07
sm_hello, any idea where does Vinagre (the remote desktop viewer) saves the personal preferences settings18:07
sudokillpythonirc101,  try disabling the passthrough, and when u boot into ubuntu then manually select the headset from the vbox window18:08
MathuinGosh, I almost wish there was a take-a-number here for getting help. :-)18:08
pythonirc101sudokill: I know that vbox is exporting that usb port to ubuntu...how do i check what is going wrong?18:08
zauravI just installed Natty on my laptop and tried hooking it up to my external VGA monitor. While it detects it fine, something is wrong with it as it does not display properly (there's flickering through different colors). Where can I get started to fix this issue? Thanks in advance.18:08
sm_I want to find out where does it saves the hosts/ips of the previous hosts that i've connected to18:08
pythonirc101sudokill: I tried that first...didnt work18:08
OsmodivsWhat happen with NATTY? I mean, in 10.04 I was not able to use my Tablet-Pen, and now, after a fresh install of 11.04, I can finally use it, without installing any drivers or tweking Xorg18:08
freshonewhat does wine do? how is it different from play onlinux18:08
MathuinI'm looking for the trick required to install Eclipse with ant 1.8 -- if anyone knows, please let me know.18:08
Dr_Willisfreshone:  playonlinux uses wine.. its a front end to wine18:09
freshonewhat does this wine/ play onlinux do?18:09
zauravsm_: have you tried the ~/.vinagre directory (if there is one)18:09
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:09
FSXHi, Wine doesn't see any USB devices on Ubuntu 11.04. Someone know how to fix that?18:10
sudokillpythonirc101,  hmm im really not sure, sorry :( i havent used vbox in ages but i remmeber having problems with a flash drive once that i solved by playing with the passthrough etc18:10
Dr_WillisFSX:  what kind of usb device are you refering to?18:10
leaoHi, i downloaded kernel source code sample via terminal, but which IDE do i need to view the source code ?18:10
leaoim using 11.0418:11
FSXDr_Willis: USB sticks.18:11
leaolatest kernel bla bla18:11
Picileao: You can use anything that can view text to look at the source code, you don't need an IDE18:11
sm_zaurav, there is vinagre folder in .cache and .gconf/apps  and .local/share18:11
leaobut i wanna view it in eclipse18:11
sm_but doesnt look like it is there18:11
FSXDr_Willis: I haven't tried any other devies.18:11
leaothe problem is, eclipse doesnt recognise it18:12
Dr_WillisFSX:  if you mean flash drives. you can have wine apps access your normal linux mountpoints to get to the files on them.18:12
leaoit just behaves as if the text is plain text18:12
alvin_hello? please help me, i can't activate my wireless and bluetooth adapters...:(18:12
leaobut its mostly python, and i downloaded python plugin18:12
Picileao: It will need to support C18:12
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:12
FSXDr_Willis: Yes, that's what I meant. :) How to I give Wine access?18:12
leaocan you provide me an eclipse plugin link for C/C++18:13
leaothanks in advance18:13
Dr_WillisFSX:  wine uses some special letter like x: or z: to be the / of your system.. so z:/media/ or somtuing like that.18:13
Dr_WillisFSX:  run the winecfg tool and set it how you like18:13
leaook i found it Pici18:13
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FSXDr_Willis: Ok, thanks. I'll try that.18:14
thegoodcushionis it just me or are the ubuntu servers really slow for updating 11.04 right now?18:15
sudokillidk they were slow when 11.04 first came out18:16
sudokillthey still are?18:16
kindariin 11.04 How the heck do you see hidden files in nautilus?18:16
ziikutvHello, how can I change the location of the launcher?18:16
thegoodcushionsudokill: well I'm now getting 50 kbytes/second so maybe it was temporary18:16
djxcqtionthank you tensorpudding...wherever u are..U rock18:17
sudokillkindari, in options show hdden files18:17
kindarisudokill: nautilous no longer has an options menu :/18:17
sudokillkindari, edit-preferences-view show hidden files18:17
sudokilldoes it not?18:17
kindarior atleast I cant figure out how to see one.18:17
Mathuinkindari: it's in the very top bar.18:17
sudokillidk i use gnome 318:17
MathuinMouse up there and you'll see File Edit blah blah.18:18
sudokillkindari, ull find it18:18
Mathuin(if you're using Unity)18:18
MathuinMight also see it if you hold down alt, but no guarantees.18:18
kindariaha alt was the key, and it was indeed hidden in the top area. thanks.18:18
Mathuinno problem!18:18
Dr_Willisglobal menu syhows up when you mouse up to the top18:19
MathuinStill looking for help installing Eclipse with Ant 1.8 -- anyone do this?18:19
ziikutvHello, how can I change the location of the launcher?18:19
nsahoothe unity launcher is staying on top of all windows. Especially when java based application are open18:19
Dr_Willisziikutv:  short answer. You dont.18:19
rafaelkrl porra loca kkkkkkkkk18:19
Dr_Willisleft side launcher panel.. is pretty much stuck to the left. Ive not seen any tweaks to move it. (yet)18:20
ziikutvWhat font does ubuntu use.. it looks so nice and clean ..18:20
sudokillubuntu patched font18:20
Dr_Willisziikutv:  the 'ubuntu' font I think :)18:20
kindariNext question. How do I disable the search/shortcuts dropdown being opened when I press super?18:20
sudokilli use it in arch18:20
kindariTried going to keyboard shortcuts but theres nothing in there for that.18:20
ziikutvDr_Willis: Is it open source? If I want to use it on a website..18:20
sudokillit has tweaks for lcd monitors18:20
churlyLXDE question Im having issues getting help with: If I was to manually alter the 'panel' config file for lxpanel (I know, not recommended) how can I reload it to update the settings  without shutting down and restarting lxpanel?18:21
Dr_Willisziikutv:  it has its own site/license I belive.18:21
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/18:21
ziikutvYeah alright18:21
Dr_Willisthere ya go :)18:21
ziikutvThat font is different than what i see right here.18:21
sudokillziikutv, what distro do u wana use it on?18:22
ziikutvsudokill: Distro?18:22
sudokillor u just curious?18:22
ziikutvI want to use the font on a website I am working on18:22
skynet_userHi all - I've a hardy box with intermittent network connection problems.  I changed the nic, cable, switchport but no luck.  No disconnection reported in dmesg. Any ideas?18:22
hellocHi, I'm tring to join ##c++ but I can't write anything, is there something I need to do before being able to write?18:23
skynet_userI even went as far as changing the nic type...18:23
sudokillziikutv, if u google it u can download it somewhere18:23
ziikutvi installed ubuntu yesterday it updated.. but i never shut it down.. I booted to it today and its totally different with the launcher and everything.. I like the SNAP feature to split windows equally etc.. <3 Ubuntu18:23
ziikutvYeah I am aware of that; wasn't sure if it was legal.18:23
sudokillziikutv, it wont look exactly as clear as  ubuntus but similar18:24
sipior!register > helloc18:24
ubottuhelloc, please see my private message18:24
sudokillziikutv, I doubt it's illegal18:24
ziikutvsudokill: Its coz those LCD hacks that are in Ubuntu as some one mentioned above right18:24
churly'Not illegal!18:24
sudokillziikutv, yes, i mentioned it lol18:24
ziikutvsudokill: I don't think its illegal because well... Ubuntu itself is open source wouldn't make sense to have copyrighted fotn.18:25
sudokillwhen i installed arch i wanted the ubuntu fonts thats when i found out they were patched i didnt even know lol18:25
sipiorskynet_user: what are the symptoms of the intermittent failure?18:25
sudokillill find a link for u hang on18:25
sipiorskynet_user: also, is the problem recent?18:26
rwwziikutv: the license for the Ubuntu font family is at http://font.ubuntu.com/ufl/ubuntu-font-licence-1.0.txt18:26
sudokilli think thats it18:26
skynet_usersipior: I can ping the box fine from the same lan.  Then randomly like every 10-30s it just drops.  The box was installed yesterday by a vendor for a 3rd party app.  When it drops the box itself can't ping anything18:27
fellipehi everyone, how can I find Qt toolkit for ubuntu 10.04 64 bits? I'm trying to compile ophcrack but this package is absant18:27
ziikutvrww: Thanks.18:27
skynet_usersipior: however the cisco switch interface never goes down18:27
dwizzthi, i have to pc both have ubuntu 10.10 installed, how can i connect to pc2 from pc1 and access its shared folders?18:28
sipiorskynet_user: how long is the interruption?18:28
dwizzthi, i have two pc both have ubuntu 10.10 installed, how can i connect to pc2 from pc1 and access its shared folders?18:28
skynet_usersipior: again random between 10-60s18:28
CharlieSuHi.  I'd like to make a custom shell like this https://gist.github.com/989190 so that I can get the reason why people are logging in when they do.  Is there a way to something like this without having to do this?   If not, is there a way to tell /etc/passwd to try this and then /bin/bash if this file isn't present?18:28
alvin_hi, can somebody help please?:( i can't activate my wireless and bluetooth the [Fn]+F3 doesn't work18:28
Abnormalhello. how can I change preferred applications options in 11.04?18:29
sipiorskynet_user: any interesting log entries from the problem machine during an episode?18:29
Omegaziikutv: Something can be opensource and still be propietary ): You meant that Ubuntu is Free Software :)18:29
harpaldwizzt: use ssh to do that. you can get all files and folder from other machine18:29
alvin_hi, can somebody help please?:( i can't activate my wireless and bluetooth the [Fn]+F3 doesn't work18:29
MathuinAny Eclipse users here successfully using Ant 1.8 while installing both as packages?18:29
Mathuin(and if I'm getting annoying by asking, tell me and I'll come back later)18:30
skynet_usersipior: No -  dmesg, messages, kern.log not showing anything interesting18:30
Dr_Willisalvin_:  on one laptop i had. I had to turn it ON in windows.. then it worked in linux18:30
Dr_Willisalvin_:  i was just sure to never turn it off.18:30
sipiorskynet_user: and the interface remains configured during the episode, but can't even ping itself?18:30
Dr_WillisMathuin:  checn askubuntu.com perhaps18:30
sipiorskynet_user: does ifconfig report a great deal of dropped packets?18:30
sipiorskynet_user: also, could there be an ip address collision on the network?18:31
dwizztharpal, is there any way other than sshing? something like gui-based?18:31
hectorhola hay alquien que hable espanol18:31
alvin_ouch,,, later this afternoon it was working but now it doesn't.. i run rfkill list alvin@alvin:~$ rfkill list18:31
alvin_0: brcmwl-0: Wireless LAN18:31
alvin_Soft blocked: no18:31
alvin_Hard blocked: yes18:31
Pici!es | hector18:31
ubottuhector: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:31
FloodBot1alvin_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:31
Dr_Willisdwizzt:  sshfs makes it easy to access remote machines as if they were local directories..18:31
Dr_Willisdwizzt:  if you are usimng samba to share dirs. the file manager can access them.18:31
MathuinDr_Willis: I saw a thread on the normal forums on the topic and it basically said "don't do that".  I'll check askubuntu.com -- thanks!18:31
skynet_usersipior: ifconfig shows no errors.  No ip collision as I've used different IPs just in case.  Also checked arp on my switches - no issues18:32
dwizztDr_Willis, in Places > Network ?18:32
daniel__hey apple!18:32
Dr_Willisdwizzt:  yes. In there somewhere.18:32
alvin_gosh, there's so many hassle here in xubuntu... i thought i could hug this for years.. sighhh18:32
pickelsIs it possible to have a clean file for bash settings and than source it from the bashrc file? I don't like appending my personal stuff to the default bashrc.18:33
sipiorskynet_user: bizarre. default MTU?18:33
Dr_Willisdwizzt:  or enter the proper url path --> smb://servername/sharename  (or use ip#)18:33
daniel__alguém do brasil?18:33
Pici!br | daniel__18:33
ubottudaniel__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:33
skynet_usersipior: default at 150018:33
Dr_Willispickels:  check teh .bash* dirs. i think they do that for alias's allready18:33
daniel__algum brasileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiro?18:33
Dr_Willis.bash* files I mean. :)18:33
pickelsi'll check it out thanks Dr_Willis18:34
dwizztthere you go, thanks so much Dr_Willis...18:34
skynet_usersipior: on a whim going to boot to earlier kernel...18:34
harpaldwizzt: which desktop you using18:34
dwizztPlaces > Network doesnt show anything.18:34
dwizztharpal, ubuntu 10.1018:34
rwwdaniel__: /join #ubuntu-br for Brazil. FloodBot is not sentient.18:34
harpaldwizzt: use fish://another-machine-ipaddres18:35
Dr_Willisdwizzt:  check yoru workgroup. OR enter the full name by hand in the address bar. which is hidden by default, ctrl-l to show it18:35
Dr_Willisharpal:  that made the filemanager close here. :)18:35
harpaldwizzt: on your normal folder explorer go to file -> Connect to Server18:36
dwizztDr_Willis, when i clicked Workgroup it say "Unable to mount location"18:36
babarhaqcan some one point me to a tutorial for setting up wireless on 10.10 (command line)18:36
Dr_Willisdwizzt:  so.. try entering the proper server name..18:36
dwizztDr_Willis, i already did and it worked :)18:37
Dr_Willisbabarhaq:  ive seen guides on it.. but it was the archlinux wiki i followed once. :)18:37
Dr_Willisdwizzt:  now use the bookmark feature...18:37
Dr_Willisbrowsing samba/windows shares.. can be flakey18:38
Dr_Willisnight all.. bbl18:38
dwizztwow, that was very helpful, the bookmark feature. thanks Doc!18:38
dwizztoh.. he left :)18:38
dwizztthanks to harpal :)18:40
BluesKajbastidrazor, chromium loads much quicker now , even the refresh is fast18:40
bastidrazorBluesKaj: excellent. dnsmasq is great.18:41
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acjoventrying to set up a server with pubkey ssh auth and encrypted home dir, but ssh can't read key when dir is encrypted18:44
BluesKajbastidrazor, i use the resolv.conf to set the namservers and subbed eth0 in the dnsmasque where you had wlan0 and that's about it.18:44
skynet_usersipior: no joy same in previous kernel.  Stumped18:45
sliktsthis OS is a POS, it keeps crashing, freezing, glitching etc. for me18:45
sliktsever since 11.0418:45
acjovenam i asking for too much with both features?18:45
sliktsgreat f***** job Canonical18:45
Omega!language | slikts18:46
ubottuslikts: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:46
sudokillslikts, whats the matter?18:46
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slikts"what's the matter" - I just had everything freeze in a row18:47
sliktsI'm just trying to do my job18:47
slikts*freeze twice in a row18:47
sliktsby freeze I mean even the cursor doesn't move18:47
Coreyslikts: Please calm down. :-/18:47
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sliktsthat was this time, but other times I get freezes where the cursor does move18:47
sliktsthat is the most sever issue, but everything else regarding Xorg and compiz is behaving badly too18:48
OmegaAnd this wasn't a problem in the previous version?18:48
kesihi, I'm trying to get into the ubuntu package manager and the password I use for sudo isn't working18:49
sliktsgoing to standby causes my multi monitor settings to be reset or recovered18:49
kesierr synaptic package manager18:49
sliktsmeaning I need to close and open my laptop lid twice so the second monitor wold work18:49
Omegaslikts: are you using unity?18:49
sliktsOmega: 11.04 with Unity18:49
sliktsand when the multi monitor settings are reset, all the windows are pushed into the one monitor, sometimes out of view18:50
Omegaslikts: When compiz misbehaves, I find the easiest way to fix it is to kill it and launch unity again.18:50
sliktsOmega: no shit18:50
Corey!password | kesi18:50
ubottukesi: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords18:50
Coreyslikts: Again, watch your language please.18:50
sliktsfuck you18:50
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IdleOne!language | slikts18:50
ubottuslikts: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:50
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sudokillslikts, use windows18:51
sudokillslikts, not patient enough18:51
Picisudokill: Thats not helpful either. Please stop.18:51
OmegaHe left.18:51
sudokillwel hes not gona get anywhere talking like that is he18:52
nit-witkesi, does your password work when used in the terminal and/or logging in?18:52
acjoventrying to set up a server with pubkey ssh auth and encrypted home dir, but ssh can't read key when dir is encrypted18:52
acjovenam i asking for too much with both features?18:52
sliktsjust to clarify, I've been restarting compiz ALL DAY18:53
benccif my website is in "sub.example.com" inside /etc/hostname I need to have "sub" or "sub.example.com" ?18:54
Omegaacjoven: store the keys outside of $HOME and re-configure /etc/ssh/sshd_config18:54
rwwbencc: sub18:54
Omegaacjoven: for example add: AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/authorized_keys18:54
Omegaacjoven: and restart sshd18:54
matthias_what does it mean when i got a blue triangle in the upper left corner?18:55
ShiverQoShello all18:55
acjovenOmega: that's the ticket.  thanks a million18:55
ShiverQoSI need some help. Im using the Gnome gui but things are not right... can i just reinstall the whole gnome gui?18:56
nit-witmatthias_, have you messed with the monitor settings lately?18:56
ShiverQoS.... for instance, my backgrounds are not working18:57
Omegaacjoven: Ooh, I found a wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys#Troubleshooting18:57
_numbershow can i watch a bluray dvd in ubuntu if i have a bluray dvd player?18:59
acjovenOmega: hey, nice work, you were right on18:59
Omega!ot | msalinas19:02
ubottumsalinas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:02
LjLmsalinas: do you have a support question? (if not, please don't post random messages here)19:02
Omega< msalinas> mmm < msalinas> hahahahhaha < msalinas> jajajajaja19:02
OmegaThat's all you've been saying.19:03
msalinasno entiendo???????mmmmmm????19:03
LjL!es | msalinas19:03
ubottumsalinas: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:03
matthias_nit-wit: no. but it seems to have something to do with banshee19:04
msalinasy donde lo busco???19:04
matthias_the banshee symbol was glowing and when i clicked it, the triangle disappeared19:05
LjLmsalinas: pon aqui /join #ubuntu-es19:05
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Omega^|secretmeeting: Could you please stop the nickspam?19:06
grendal_primehey guys19:06
grendal_primeim using the gnome-openvpn nm plugin on a desktop and ...i add new vpns to this thing...they do not show in the dropdown so i cannot connect to them19:07
grendal_primeits wers19:07
grendal_primeweird that is19:07
grendal_primei have same packages installed on several other machines and it works fine..19:07
WhoAmIHeregrendal_prime: look for at #gnome19:07
grendal_primebut this one machine will not list more than ONE vpn entry19:07
ptimeubuntu sucks19:09
OmegaLjL: ^19:09
caeroehow do i add a clock to panel, only thing there is a network status, volume, and power button19:10
tjsoda141_ok where do I ask questions?19:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:13
BlouBloutjsoda141_: here?19:15
ziikutvIs there a shortcut to switch workplaces?19:15
BlouBlouctrl + alt + left/right/up/down19:15
BlouBlouziikutv: ^19:16
ziikutvBlouBlou: Thank you19:16
friedbricehello, I was wondering what prevent GNOME panels from getting minimized when the user calls "show the desktop"19:18
friedbricei want to give the same property to a few other windows19:18
Benkinoobyhi, my ubuntu 10.04 (fluxbox as gui) sometimes starts to access my hdd like mad and gets inresponsive. where i can find the couse for it. what are the first logs ti check?19:19
kleopatraHow can i upgrade my fglrx driver?19:19
prashant_123456hello all19:20
prashant_123456can anyone tell me how to set background to the body of email ?????????19:21
prashant_123456BluesKaj, hi19:21
Coreyprashant_123456: In a word? Don't.19:21
prashant_123456Corey, why ??19:22
djxcqtionhey I know this is not the right avenue to be asking this19:22
Coreyprashant_123456: That boosts the spam score of your email, it looks like crap, it doesn't render properly in many mail clients, it adds no useful content, it explodes the size of your messages...19:22
Coreyprashant_123456: Take your pick really. :-)19:22
djxcqtionBut since Unity is not comaptible to my chipset should I change over to Fedora 15?19:22
prashant_123456Corey, ok so u think its almost impossible19:23
Coreyprashant_123456: Of course it's not impossible, it's just a dumb idea.19:23
subanarkI just installed ubuntu, but I can't seem to boot my old OS. Is there some way to fix this?19:23
prashant_123456Corey, any way to do that19:23
djxcqtionBut since Unity is not comaptible to my chipset should I change over to Fedora 15?19:23
djxcqtionFedora vs Ubuntu?19:24
raoult1My Ubuntu 10.10 said  11.04 upgrade available. Should I upgrade ?19:24
Coreyraoult1: That's up to you.  Back up first.19:24
macodjxcqtion: you can use regular ol' gnome on ubuntu too, or install unity2d19:24
macodjxcqtion: the login screen lets you pick between classic gnome and unity19:24
djxcqtionwell classic Ubuntu seems to be giving me issues as well19:24
raoult1thx Corey I think I will update19:25
djxcqtionUbuntu 10.10 was excellent and ran well19:25
nit-witraoult1, burn a iso or load a usb and try it out you may need the disc for a tool.19:25
djxcqtionClassic seems to give problems on the Intel 82860G Card19:25
subanarkIt doesn't look like the file system is mounting either19:25
Benkinoobydjxcqtion, stay with 10.1019:26
djxcqtionwell im loooking to reinstall it Benkinooby..19:26
djxcqtionits just that Fedora has a new version out and it seems compitable..19:26
prashant_123456any channel to join motorola linux19:26
Piciprashant_123456: ##linux would be a good start19:27
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: you don't want to use 11.04, right?19:27
Benkinoobydjxcqtion, fedora has usually more bugs than ubuntu... but you can give it a shot ;) i usually install the minimal version of ubuntu, and then add what i need19:27
roger21hi, what is this "package not installed" stuff on the "personal file sharing preferences" window ?19:27
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roger21about "share files over the network"19:28
djxcqtionyup tensor..Thanks for the article btw..It was really informative19:28
Cporterhow do I make a image backup of an Ubuntu 10.04 machine?19:28
djxcqtionand useful..my PC is back to normal19:28
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: you probably want 10.04 then, because it's an LTS release19:28
raoult1nit-wit thx I will take the risk ;)19:29
djxcqtionwell look into it19:29
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: if you use 10.10, you don't have an upgrade path to newer versions19:29
djxcqtionthats right19:30
tensorpuddingdjxcqtion: newer versions are still going to use unity though19:30
MK``I have Maverick, but I am afraid stuff is going to break if I upgrade to Natty, is that common? I do not use a lot of stuff and I haven't really altered my system19:30
nit-witraoult1, cool just know that if you have to reload the grub2 bootloader that you only want to do it with a natty cd , per the grub developers19:30
djxcqtionyeah..but I thought the aim of getting to Ubuntu was to use my old system with it19:30
djxcqtionFast and light19:30
djxcqtionUnity just spoilt that19:30
MK``djxcqtion: that's why there's Xubuntu and Lubuntu :P19:31
CporterHow do I make an image backup of an Ubuntu 10.04 machine? It's for a school assignment and the book is useless.19:31
tensorpuddingMK``: upgrading to 11.04 has caused some people some problems, due to some bugs19:31
IdleOneCporter: look up clonezilla19:31
Cporterok. Thanks19:31
MK``tensorpudding: what kind? Will my installation break? Will I lose my files?19:32
opynerI upgraded to 11 and my mouse broke.19:32
tensorpuddingMK``: it doesn't cause you to lose files19:32
djxcqtionwell im definately been educted about various distros today19:32
tensorpuddingMK``: usually the problems are with graphics19:32
MK``I already have graphics problems with Maverick, i am hoping Natty will fix some of them :P19:32
ziikutvHow can I access my C drive of windows from Ubuntu?19:32
MK``ziikutv: should be listed in the Places menu19:33
ziikutvI clicked on Browse all local disks19:33
ziikutvit shwos all partitions19:33
ziikutvexcept C drive (where I installed ubuntu as a partition)19:34
dankingDoes anyone know how to input a Chinese full stop 。(U+3002 "Ideograpghic Full Stop") when using chinese tonepy SCIM?19:34
tensorpuddingziikutv: C:\ refers to a partition, not a disk, and you can't install ubuntu on an ntfs partition19:34
tjsoda141_I need to add a "boot option" from advice in launchpad, how and where do I add a boot option?19:34
CporterI have another question. I'm a gamer and want to make mods and games for Linux. I think it will help with the popularity of Linux alot to have good games for it. Whar distro would be best for FPS and MMO gaming?19:34
MK``Well, a "drive" is a physical disk, so your windows stuff will be on a partition on that drive.19:34
tensorpuddingziikutv: are you sure that your windows partition isn't listed?19:34
MK``If you installed Ubuntu over a partition with Windows on it, Windows is gone, unless you're referring to wubi19:34
ziikutvI shall take a screen shot19:35
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djxcqtionI do enjoy Ubuntu's support system...its fabulous...ur a click away from help :)19:35
ssfdre38how can i get my php irc bot to stay on when i close out the ssh19:35
ziikutvWhere is the applications menu I can't find "Take a snapshot"19:36
Cporteroops, wrong window19:36
ulluwhy dosent some installed application show up in app menu19:36
MK``well, going to try to upgeade now, wish me luck. ullu: may not have made a shortcut19:36
quinti accidentally ran apt-get remove openssh*19:36
quintnow my printer refuses to work19:37
MK``see if there is one in /usr/share/applications19:37
quintit doesn't appear anymore in my list of printers19:37
BlouBlouullu: It's a CLI app?19:37
ullui am in 11.04 and it is not shown in menu to add19:37
BlouBlouullu: I mean, command line interface app?19:37
IdleOneziikutv: you running 11.04? click on the Ubuntu logo (top left) and type screenshot in the search bar19:38
tensorpuddingullu: which applications are you not seeing?19:38
ulluI am new and i dont know how19:38
BlouBlouullu: If you installed a cli app, it won't be shown in desktop, because they only can be opened from a terminal19:38
quintOH i just figured it out, just had to reinstall cups19:38
MK``If I upgrade will it auto-update all my PPAs to check for the right distribution?19:38
tensorpuddingullu: you can see all applications by hitting the ubuntu button, going to more applications and checking out the Installed section19:39
BlouBlouMK``: Yes :)19:39
IdleOneMK``: no it won't19:39
BlouBlouIdleOne: depends which ones19:39
BlouBlouIdleOne: official ones yes19:39
tensorpuddingullu: you can bring up the menu by hitting the windows key, too19:39
MK``I mean PPAs I've added like LibreOffice and Fx4 (which will be redundant and I'll remove anyway)19:39
pythonirc101anyone using python here? am trying to plot 3d data in matplotlib http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/plot_directive/mpl_examples/mplot3d/lines3d_demo.py -- Get an error "Unknown projection 3d" -- anyone knows how to fix this? -- on other platforms, this example works19:39
IdleOneBlouBlou: there are official PPA's?19:39
ulluWhat is the cammand19:39
BlouBlouMK``: oh, no. But they're easy to change by software-sources19:39
tensorpuddingullu: holding windows key and hitting the a key brings up the applications menu19:40
BlouBlouIdleOne: my fault, I missread19:40
ulluThanks let me try19:40
slack-mCan anyone tell me why codeblocks is so popular? Cause from my experiences its not very useful, kdevelop and MSVS are WAY better IDE's than codeblocks. Am I missing something? I mean codeblocks can't even open a project based on a generic makefile. This isn't my first time using it either, the other times didnt fair much better.19:40
coz_slack-m,  no I have it installed,, kdevelop was far superior but  hey what do I know :)19:42
thegoodcushionOn 11.04, I typed sudo apt-get install nvidia-current before I realized that there was an icon to install restricted drivers.  Shall I just proceed with the command?19:42
slack-mcoz_, im coming to the same conclusion19:42
slack-mcoz_, ive just heard so many rave about codeblocks19:42
slack-mbut its junk imo19:42
BlouBlouthegoodcushion: there is no difference between them, if it works fine, all it's correct19:42
thegoodcushionok good19:43
coz_slack-m,  I understand..I just looked and apparently I un-installed it19:43
asuscan someone help me with banshee issue ?19:43
slack-mcoz_, lol, i dont need help really, I'm wondering why everyone loves it, if its near useless19:44
coz_slack-m,  understood19:44
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tensorpuddingslack-m: you can ruminate on it in the offtopic channel19:44
ziikutvhttp://yfrog.com/jbscreenshoteynp I do not see C Drive in that folder how come?19:45
celthunderslack-m: people love lot's of useless software19:45
tjsoda141_if I need to add a boot option . . do I add it in recovery mode of the boot?19:45
slack-mcelthunder, haha true19:45
orbital_Anyone know how to properly unload and blacklist a driver? Or straight up uninstall it?19:45
slack-morbital /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist19:46
peydudeanyone using kvm to host vhosts and using bridging to network19:46
orbital_I attemted modprobe -r b43, but the computer didn't like me19:46
slack-morbital_, make sure you blacklist b43 AND ssb19:46
orbital_also, I added b43 and b43 legacy to the blacklist file and it seems to still load b4319:46
calvind1i'm very new to ubuntu and trying to install off of a usb. i get to the install menu and press enter, and my computer just beeps and nothing happens19:46
orbital_slack-m, I need to blacklist ssb as well?19:47
peydudei have a simple bridge setup but just can't ping the host (and vice versa)19:47
calvind1anyone have any tips?19:47
genii-aroundtjsoda141_: If it's a boot option you want to be persistent over kernel upgrades, edit the /etc/default/grub file and do an sudo update-grub19:47
celthundercalvind1: which install menu19:47
slack-morbital_, yes19:47
agrundnerWebcam related question for you guys... The USB connected webcam works. The indicator light turns on and works with Cheese.19:47
agrundnerOdd thing: the light turns off when Cheese is launched and turns back on when I quit. Is this normal behavior?19:48
calvind1the first one, just the black and white installer boot menu19:48
ziikutvhttp://yfrog.com/jbscreenshoteynp I do not see C Drive in that folder how come?19:48
tjsoda141_genii-around: thanks19:48
celthunderpeydude: what's the network info19:48
genii-aroundtjsoda141_: You're welcome19:48
calvind1options are run ubuntu from this usb install on HD test memory, etc19:48
agrundnerIs there an easy way to mount and mount the webcam on 11.04?19:48
orbital_slack-m, rebooting, I really hope thats the final key to my puzzle!19:48
celthunderagrundner: since when do you mount webcams19:48
macoziikutv: perhaps its being called another name?  linux doesn't use the "C" naming19:49
agrundnerexcuse me: mount and unmount the webcam in 11.0419:49
slack-morbital_, it sounds like your blacklisting in the wrong place too19:49
slack-morbital_, pastebin your blacklist file19:49
agrundnerisn't it a USB mounted device?19:49
calvind1celthunder, its a new computer, just built19:49
agrundnercelthunder: what's the proper term?19:49
orbital_slack-m, etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf?19:49
peydudecelthunder: this is on ubuntu 11.04 (host and guest). the host has two NICs. I have a bridge (br0) on the second nic (eth1 <-> vnet0)19:49
slack-mpastebin that19:49
celthunderagrundner: idk but mount doesn't seem right...19:49
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orbital_slack-m, sec, little slow going from one to the other via usb key19:50
celthunderpeydude: ok does vnet0 get a valid ip on the same network / subnet as eth119:50
agrundnercelthunder: so is there a way to turn off the webcam while keeping it connected to the PC?19:50
asuscan ubuntu run gnome 3 ?19:50
slack-morbital_, ah19:50
celthunderagrundner: just stop using it? unload the kernel modules controlling it?19:50
peydudecelthunder: i have a static set (same subnet as my eth0 which works)19:50
agrundnercelthunder: not what I'm looking for.19:51
BlouBlouasus: yes, but it's not supported19:51
=== user__ is now known as quint
BlouBlou!gnome3 | asus19:51
ubottuasus: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.19:51
asusok, im using gnome 2 instead of unity19:51
quintok so.. yeah im still having issues, would someone tell me what packages are removed when you execute sudo apt-get remove openssh*19:52
GuiriHi. I just installed Ubuntu 10.10. The mouse works fine, as do my function keys like brightness and my num pad. However the qwerty part of my keyboard isn't recognized. It's really confusing.19:52
celthunderpeydude: ok can you try dhcp for a bit to see if the guest can grab dhcp make sure the bridge setp isn't faulty19:52
quintthat would really help me alot19:52
peydudecelthunder: also i don't have an ip on the bridge or eth1 (so they are transparent) just have an ip on the guest19:52
celthunderpeydude: also did you setup a route that's right?19:52
asusi dont like unity 319:52
calvind1if i cant get it to get past the install boot menu should i try rescue?19:52
orbital_slack-m, http://pastebin.com/XqzvgxgA19:52
celthunderasus: install whatever wm makes you happy19:52
peydudecelthunder: yep the route is correct. let me try dhcp and see if i have any luck. btw i switched to the virtio driver per the kvm networking page i found in the docs19:53
slack-morbital_, one min19:53
GuiriEssentially I cannot login b/c I cannot type in the password. I also tried plugging in a usb keyboard, which exhibits the same behavior (brightness works, qwerty doesn't)19:53
asuslets wait and see what ubuntu 11.10 uses19:53
BlouBlouasus: then try KDE or XFCE (xfce isn't as light as was years ago)19:54
celthunderGuiri: did you sellect some random keyboard layout that doesn't match your keyboard19:54
slack-mhey orbital_ well thats all correct19:54
slack-mis it still loading b43?19:54
celthunderasus: try xmonad19:54
slack-mand orbital_ what chipset is it?19:54
quintwould someone tell me what packages are removed when you execute sudo apt-get remove openssh*19:54
slack-mi have extensive experience with b4319:54
asusin fact, im ok with old gnome19:54
Guiricelthunder: No. Also, changing the layout doesn't enable the keyboard (for example from USA Mac to just USA).19:54
celthunderquint: openssh-server openssh-client most likely19:54
orbital_slack-m, I just checked lshw -class network, and it still seems to load the b43-pci-bridge driver19:54
quintyes, but it took lots of other stuff along with it19:55
orbital_slack-m, I have a BCM43xG19:55
agrundnerwell the webcam is shown as /dev/video0  <~ so is there a command to disable and reactivate via the terminal?19:55
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asusi just wanted to give a shot on gnome 319:55
BlouBlouasus: keep in mind that it won't be supported forever19:55
slack-morbital_, xG?19:55
quintnot sure why but im unable to print and i installed cups19:55
slack-morbital lspci says what?19:55
quintbefore running this command i was able to print19:55
BlouBlouquint: which printer? did you install everything you need?19:55
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asustrue BB19:55
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orbital_slack-m, lspci shows the driver as b43-pci-bridge19:55
celthunderquint: why would your printer use ssh19:55
asusill wait 11.1019:55
orbital_but I've installed ndiswrapper and trying to over ride it19:55
orbital_slack-m, and yes, xG19:56
quintit took a whole bunch of other packages that were unrelated19:56
Guiricelthunder: It works during yaboot just fine. I'm wondering if there's a way to troubleshoot before it gets to X, where it seems to not recognize the full keyboard?19:56
Guirior at least get access to apt-get19:56
quinti assumed it would be ok but it wasn't it even took open office :S19:56
orbital_slack-m, it was marketed as a microsoft mn-73019:56
asusmeanwhile im staying with ubuntu 11.04 and gnome 319:56
* BluesKaj wonders how removing openssh , can disconnect a printer19:56
celthunderquint: you did something besides removing openssh* then19:57
slack-morbital_, well, im unsure of what to tell you, i have a lot of experience with BCM4322 BCM4312 and another BCM43xx card, but not that one19:57
slack-mi havent even heard of that one19:57
celthunderBluesKaj: yeah i think he typed more than apt-get remove openssh* somewhere19:57
asusa question19:57
quintall i did was remove openssh* and it prompted me to remove a whole mess of other packages19:57
quintunrelated to openssh19:57
BlouBlouasus: ask it19:57
orbital_slack-m, All I need at this point is to remove b43/b43legacy, or anything else that would conflict with the driver I installed through ndiswrapper.19:58
asusi have an issue with banshee19:58
asuswhen i try to play a song19:58
quinti assumed it would be ok since i explicitly instructed openssh*19:58
slack-morbital_, i understand that, but your blacklist.conf looks proper19:58
slack-mso i dont know what to say19:58
asusnothing happens, until i read that importing media will work19:58
slack-morbital_, im a slackware user, i only have ubuntu on a server19:58
quintbut it proceeded to fully remove the other packages, i just need to know what ones were removed, where can i find a log?19:58
orbital_slacm-m, What if I manually deleted b43/b43legacy?19:58
BluesKajcelthunder, unless it's a networkprinter  setup visa ssh19:59
asusand yes it works but, i need to do it everytime !19:59
quintim running 10.0419:59
slack-morbital_, well it wouldnt load them then19:59
celthunderquint: /var/log/apt19:59
asusis there a "fix" to this issue ???19:59
slack-morbital_, not sure if you would have an adverse sideffect or not19:59
orbital_slack-m, LOL  Maybe I'll give that a shot.19:59
orbital_I'm on a fresh install, I'm not worried.19:59
quintYES. thank you celthunder, you are a life saver :P19:59
IzcRaZYHi, im running ubuntu 11.04, is their anyway inside ubuntu to downgrade?19:59
BlouBlou!downgrade | IzcRaZY19:59
ubottuIzcRaZY: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.19:59
orbital_slack-m, Anyway, thanks dude!20:00
slack-morbital_, anytime, sorry i couldnt be of more help20:00
quinti thank all of you who have given me input, i must go now20:00
celthunderIzcRaZY: why would you want to20:00
allu2Hello, any idea why gtalk voice is "clicking" on empathy?20:00
doxini'm trying to get my tv tuner card working with tvtime, and scanning works, but its not finding any channels. while plugging the cable in my tv works just fine, any ideas?20:00
IzcRaZYI have an old disk of ubuntu somewhere, is thier a way i can update that to like 10.04? instead of 11.04 (I hate 11.04)20:01
renschieWhy is sharing with Windows always so wonky?20:01
renschieIs it supposed to be on and off?  Or pretty solid?20:01
IzcRaZYcelthunder - i dont like 11.0420:01
calvind1if im using this box as a small business server to share word, and pages files, and photos, should i use basic ubunut or samba?20:02
BlouBlouthen reinstall the newest LTS version20:02
BlouBlouIzcRaZY: ^20:02
WhoAmIHerecalvind1: ubunut or samba? what the hell is that?20:02
IzcRaZYBlouBlou? LTS Version?20:02
carl_mauldin_whois carl_mauldin_20:03
asuswhy i need to import media, before playing music on Banshee ???20:03
carl_mauldin_Hee hee!20:03
calvind1sorry, i assumed you could figure out what i meant20:03
CporterOk, I downloaded clonezilla. How do I install and use it? I have been searching the website and it's not very helpful. I'm working with tight vnc on a remote machine.20:03
WhoAmIHerecalvind1: Ubuntu is not equals Samba... is like comparing an apple with a car20:03
BlouBlou!lts | IzcRaZY20:03
ubottuIzcRaZY: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)20:03
BlouBlouubottu died?20:04
ubottuBlouBlou: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:04
renschieIs Samba sharing based off of UDP traffic?20:04
calvind1well i am at the software selection screen of installing ubuntu server, an my options are basic ubuntu, openssh, lap, so on, and then samba file server20:04
WhoAmIHerecalvind1: Ubuntu has Samba, that means: you can use Samba for sharing within your Windows network20:04
calvind1thank you20:04
rwwBlouBlou: freenode's having lag issues20:05
renschieI am having trouble with Samba sharing with my windows 7 box, is it supposed to be slow and sometimes time out?20:05
CporterOk, I downloaded clonezilla. How do I install and use it? I have been searching the website and it's not very helpful. I'm working with tight vnc on a remote machine.20:06
IzcRaZYDoes anyone know where i can get ubuntu 10.04/10.10 version from? Im on ubuntu website but can't find it20:06
doxini've got this tv tuner: http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Zolid_Hybrid_TV_Tuner but its not finding any channels, altough im 99% sure it gets signal20:06
rwwIzcRaZY: Easiest link is probably http://releases.ubuntu.com/20:06
M0TRN_th1IzcRaZY, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/10.04/release/20:06
M0TRN_th1substitute 10.04 with 10.10 if ou want20:06
rwwM0TRN_th1: cdimage is for secondary images like DVDs, not normal CD ISOs20:07
BlouBlouM0TRN_th1, IzcRaZY Better to use 10.04, it will be update-able to 12.04 (both are LTS)20:07
M0TRN_th1BlouBlou, right20:07
M0TRN_th1sorry I always use the alternate cd20:07
IzcRaZYrww - so i can use a CD to put ubuntu on instead of a DVD?20:08
M0TRN_th1looks like cdimage doesn't even have that anymore just the DVD version20:08
M0TRN_th1IzcRaZY, the normal installer is CD size20:08
M0TRN_th1DVD is not needed..20:08
IzcRaZYI've always used USB or DVD20:09
BlouBlouIzcRaZY: DVD has more translation-packs...20:09
rwwIzcRaZY: correct20:09
Guiriis there a way to keep ubuntu from going to X? The keyboard only works when X loads and before that during boot is fine20:09
go876543hello/ i have one question - when i try to do this - http://itmages.ru/image/view/3673/a79304 . i cant press button "use unsafe storage". say me please - how can i fix it ?20:10
mongydo you have to use the ...+mac.iso image when installing ubuntu on a macbook pro?20:10
JinI have gwget and kget, is there any other better downloader for ubuntu instead of makin' me copying the download link and put it in the downloder app?20:11
icerootmongy: if it is an intel mac, use the normal cd, if it is a real mac, use the ppc version20:11
Jinsomething would be like internet download manager for example?20:11
GuiriThis is also interesting: Even the on-screen keyboard doesn't enter anything into the password field20:11
mongyiceroot, the ppc version is the +mac then?20:11
Jinand that can even enable me to download youtube videos in the same time20:11
icerootJin: have a look at "jdownloader"20:11
icerootmongy: never heard of a +mac verson20:11
iceroot!ppc | mongy20:12
ubottumongy: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ20:12
mongyiceroot, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/release/20:12
Jinthanks iceroot20:12
mongyiceroot, its an intel macbook pro 8.120:12
asusno fix on my banshee isuue ?20:13
icerootmongy: then the amd64 or i386 version is fine20:13
Jiniceroot, in that page, http://jdownloader.org/download/index do I choose ubuntu package?20:13
KindariHey guys, just installed ubuntu 11.04 and installed chrome right away. Setting as default doesnt seem to be working, any ideas? (cross posting to #chromium)20:13
DuartmaNhi, doesn unbuntu 32 bit suport 8gb ram?20:13
icerootJin: yes20:13
icerootDuartmaN: only the pae-kernel20:13
icerootDuartmaN: but because of pae is bad, use the amd64 version20:14
bob3291hello! i have a lexmark x1290 printer, scanner, coppier...i couldnt find any drivers for linux.... if i was to install wine, would the drivers work?!  just wondering20:14
MarkSSHow do I view a hidden process discovered by the unhide tool? I didn't see it list the name of the process.20:14
DuartmaNiceroot: you mean to download ubuntu 64bit amd64 version?20:14
voozeDuartmaN, why also use 32bit? 64 is just as stable20:14
mongyiceroot, so whats that amd64+mac.iso alla bout ?20:15
DuartmaNvooze: i have a sound card emu0404 pci, since five years that im trying to get it work on ubuntu and only get on ubuntu32 bit cant remember the version...20:16
DuartmaNsory bad english :)20:16
icerootDuartmaN: yes20:16
icerootmongy: i dont know20:16
bob3291hello! i have a lexmark x1290 printer, scanner, coppier...i couldnt find any drivers for linux.... if i was to install wine, would the drivers work?!  just wondering20:16
icerootbob3291: no20:16
BlouBloubob3291: install windows' drivers? it won't work20:17
BlouBloubob3291: 1 sec20:17
SlagDooMand via virtualbox?20:17
DuartmaNdont know if someone here also use emu 0404 pci sound card???20:17
JinI'm sorry iceroot, i'm not really expert in ubuntu, I'm new to it and I know it would be a very stupid question...20:17
SlagDooMyou can install drivers in virtualbox, can you?20:17
go876543when i try to do this - http://itmages.ru/image/view/3673/a79304 . i cant press button "use unsafe storage". say me please - how can i fix it ?20:17
Jinhere is the link https://launchpad.net/~jd-team/+archive/jdownloader/+packages20:17
mongyiceroot, hmm, ok thanks.20:17
Jinwhich one do I download?20:17
JinI choose natty because I'm 11.0420:18
Jinbut I see 4 files and I don't know which to download20:18
BlouBloubob3291: try << sudo apt-get install brother-cups-wrapper-extra >> (no quotes)20:18
icerootJin: sudo apt-get install jdownloader20:18
BlouBloubob3291: and try installing it again20:18
iceroot!repo | Jin20:18
ubottuJin: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories20:18
Jinoh yea, that's an easy one :D20:18
DuartmaNhum im gonna try the new ubuntu 64bit maybe my sound card will work :)20:18
bob3291thats all i wanted to find out! kind of a bumm... they dont make drivers for linux! :(20:18
bob3291oki will do see what happens20:18
agrundnercelthunder:  found the answer to my webcam on/off question http://forums.opensuse.org/get-help-here/laptop/430038-how-do-you-disable-webcam-dev-video0.html20:18
bob3291BlouBlou, E: Unable to locate package brother-cups20:19
penalvchbob3291: I would check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/LexmarkPrinters20:19
freeburnwhen i try to update i get held package error and broken packages, but if i switched mirror then no broken packages found20:19
agrundnercelthunder: like you said... disable/re-enable the module20:19
BlouBloubob3291: brother-cups-wrapper-extra20:19
andantinoDoes anyone else have trouble running the LXDE desktop on natty narwhal?20:19
JinI can't find jdownloader in apt20:20
renschieAnyone know the location of Dosbox.conf ?20:20
Jiniceroot, I did it and it says that it's unable to find it's dependencies and I tried apt-cache search jdownload and nothing was found... :S20:20
freeburnrenschie: try /etc20:20
renschiefreeburn, thank you20:21
woodtGreetings!  Anyone have any experience with Zebra barcode printers and CUPS?  I can't seem to get the Zebra to print in landscape mode.20:21
theborgergot a ? on bash history.  When i do !(word) where word is a command i ran. it is not working20:21
theborgeris !(word) not part of ubuntu?20:21
Jinand it's also unable to locate the package jdownloader20:21
go876543anybody know about my question about seahorse?20:21
renschiefreeburn, no luck, weird20:22
bob3291BlouBlou, its being done20:22
bob3291see what happens20:22
BluesKajtheborger, word is microsoft windows20:22
theborgerBluesKaj, you really have no idea what your doing huh?20:23
keg_buffer I/O error on device sr020:23
keg_all over my screen20:23
mongyiceroot, " This image is adjusted to work properly on Mac systems. "   well, whatever that means then....20:23
celthunder theborger bash is bash....20:23
BluesKajtheborger, the last time I used word it was on windows20:24
celthundertheborger: if a bash script works on one system it'll work on another20:24
celthunderBluesKaj: he means in scripting/programming i'm fairly sure20:24
Cporterwell, talk to you all later.20:24
theborgercelthunder, so then why does !?tar not find the tar command i ran?20:24
freeburnrenschie, then try locate dosbox.conf20:24
theborgercelthunder !-6 works20:24
BluesKajcelthunder, quit spoiling my fun :)20:24
renschiefreeburn, OK, thanks20:24
=== overclucker is now known as overcluck
go876543can anybody help me with seahorse?20:25
renschiefreeburn, no results20:25
Wolfsherzhi, i have got a problem with natty regarding catalyst drivers. it shows a mobility radeon 4200, but installed is a mobility radeon 5650. what can i do?20:25
theborgerBluesKaj, serious are you just being Crazy?  or did you fall on your head? Because it appers you have no idea what is going on20:26
Younderubuntu sucks20:26
YounderThough so20:26
BluesKajtheborger, that's ok insult me if you want .. sorry if my humour goes over your head20:26
funnylookinhatHow can I restart the sound daemon?  All of a sudden all of my music and notification sounds got garbled and distorted...20:26
freeburnrenschie: then try whereis dosbox.conf20:27
celthundertheborger: hmm i'm not big on bash scripting (don't even use bash as my shell) but is it something in .profile/.bashrc20:27
renschiefreeburn, ok20:27
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList20:27
theborgercelthunder, that is not a scrpt. it is part of bash20:27
celthundertheborger: good to know (like i said...don't even use bash)20:27
celthunderone minute i'll change m y shell see if it works for me20:28
theborgerBluesKaj, that  is not humour, were not in word or windows20:28
renschiefreeburn, found it under /usr/bin20:28
BluesKajtheborger, try ~/.bashrc in the run command ,alt+f220:28
freeburnwhen i try to update i get held package error and broken packages, but if i switched mirror then no broken packages found20:29
d1gitalI need to upgrade my Ubuntu server from Jaunty to Lucid.  Is this possible without a reinstall?20:29
celthunderdigital yes20:30
theborgerBlueskaj, i am sshed, that has nothing to do with it.  As i stated the other command like if i run  !-6 it runs the 6th command back i ran but if i do !?tar it should search and find the tar command i ran in histroy20:31
justcophi, i tried to upgrade from maverickk to natty last night but the installation faled part way thhrough, I now cannot get past "boot from (hd0,4) ext3, Starting up..." in the boot process, is there any way to get to a command line so i can repair?20:31
theborgerBluesKaj,  so this has noting to do with my profile20:31
ThinkT510d1gital: you'd need to upgrade to 9.10 first, then you can upgrade to 10.0420:31
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d1gitalThinkT510: thanks20:33
BluesKajtheborger, http://www.techrepublic.com/article/master-the-linux-bash-command-line-with-these-10-shortcuts/582731120:33
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theborgermust be an ubuntu thing works fine in fedora/slack/suse20:33
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theborgerBluesKaj, correct so maybe read that so you know how to use bash?20:33
ThinkT510!dash | theborger20:34
ubottutheborger: /bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash20:34
funnylookinhatWin: /sbin/alsa force-reload20:34
BluesKajI have some clues about bash , but i don;t use it much ...I'm not on the job so to speak , so I don't have much reason to use it , thebor20:35
benccconfig file should have 0644 or 0600 mode? for example /etc/nginx/nginx.conf20:35
benccit has 0644 but I don't understand why not 60020:35
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FoolsRunHi, is there a way (and maybe a link to a howto) to make a modem automatically pick up a blind-dial call from another modem directly connected?20:37
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LjLFoolsRun: automatically? i don't think so, i imagine you'd have to be able to create a ringtone for that to happen automatically20:38
woodtFoolsRun:  Google for AutoPPP.20:39
Zelozelosfor anyone who's interested, theres a petition to encourage netflix to support linux, please read it, sign it, pass it on      http://www.petitiononline.com/Linflix/petition.html20:40
LjLZelozelos: thanks, but i have to point out to you that "spam" is not allowed in this channel, so next time please use #ubuntu-offtopic for this kind of thing20:40
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BluesKajcelthunder, that borger charcter was in here a few weeks ago making fun of ubuntu vs redhat and slackware and all that was wrong with ubuntu , so i just took a couple of digs at him , when I saw who it was.20:41
andantinowhenever i run lxde in ubuntu i notice certan problems....like i cant alter my mouse speed in mouse and keyboard20:41
Zelozelossue LjL didnt think that was spam, its about ubuntu, its about an issue (not being able to play netflix) and its about support, getting as many of us to get them to help us do it20:41
FoolsRunwoodt: thanks. I guess I don't really know how the "host" modem would have any idea when to answer either, but I'll check out AutoPPP20:41
thegoodcushionOn 64-bit 11.04, I have done sudo apt-get install nvidia-current.  Now if I look at Additional Drivers, it says that the nvidia drivers are activated but not currently in use.  What do I do to ensure I have the proprietary drivers installed?20:41
andantinodoes anyone else have problems with lxde20:41
celthunderBluesKaj: ah cool i figured you were joking i saw a few of your comments earlier and you didn't seem to be a moron20:42
LjLZelozelos: well i put "spam" in quotes for those reasons, however it's still not appropriate here. no real harm done though!20:42
celthunderandantino: such as?20:42
andantinowell for one i cant change my mouse speed20:43
andantinoi can if i use terminal20:43
celthunderandantino: so add it to your .xinitrc20:43
BluesKajcelthunder, well, I've been called worse , so I'm used to it20:43
ThinkT510!dash | theborger20:43
ubottutheborger: /bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash20:43
celthunderBluesKaj: :) I'm often insulted for my views on how things should work...thank god it's linux and i can do my own thing and everyone else can do theres :)20:45
theborgerThinkT510, what ? this is not a script but thanks20:45
oCeantheborger: I might have missed part of your question/conversation, but ctrl-r can be used to search history for certain command20:45
BluesKajcelthunder, ditto :)20:46
EmuAlertIs there a significant difference between file systems on external drives? I'm thinking of formatting my external hard drive to NTFS; is that a bad idea?20:46
prezeshello everybody. I have question. Is that possible replace grafic logon screen by text mode in ubu 10.10?20:46
qinprezes: Yes20:47
prezescan u tell me please how?20:47
celthunderEmuAlert: depends on the size of files types of systmes needing to read it how much you care about speed vs reliability etc20:47
ThinkT510EmuAlert: what are you planning to use the drive for?20:47
theborgeroCean, yep and Ctrl+r works fine its just the !?(searchforword) that is not working  Also !-number works for running older commands but !(searchword) and !?(searchword) are not20:47
qinprezes: In gooting options you need to remove splash (kernel line) and update grub.20:48
qin!grub2 | prezes20:48
ubottuprezes: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:48
oCeantheborger: I've noticed that before, but never really tried to figure out why not20:48
theborgeroCean, also !?(searchforword) works fine in suse/fedora/etc also20:48
qin*booting options20:48
oCeantheborger: modified bash most likely20:49
theborgeroCean o ok so you have noticed it does not work,20:49
ThinkT510theborger: do they use bash or dash?20:49
oCeantheborger: yes20:49
theborgeroCean, this is just a basic ubuntu server install20:49
theborgerThinkT510, bash20:50
=== pillow is now known as maverickpi
fritsiehello world20:50
theborgerand sorry i left earler, hit the wrong button20:50
ThinkT510theborger: would that command work under dash too?20:50
genii-aroundprezes: If you actually want to remove the display manager, you can do that. But then you just get a text login, and would have to manually start any X session you wanted.20:50
EmuAlertThinkT510: Backups and storing big files. I want to be able to use it on Windows and store files >4GiB20:50
theborgerThinkT510, no idea i dont use dash or ever tired it20:51
ThinkT510EmuAlert: that is exactly what i use my external drive for, that is formatted in ntfs, works great20:51
celthunderThinkT510: if he has his login shell set to /bin/bash then why would it matter what sh is linked to20:51
EmuAlertThinkT510: Ah thanks. NTFS it is, then20:52
ThinkT510celthunder: ah i see, didn't know that20:52
celthunderEmuAlert: well by default ntfs is the only one i believe windows will read if you want to install other fs types though btrfs i hear is pretty good20:52
Zelozelosthis site is pretty informative    http://jacksonh.tumblr.com/post/965806498/how-to-watch-netflix-streaming-movies-on-linux-with    good links too20:54
bob3291one more thing, would anyone know why my screen goes black after about 5 minutes20:55
Zelozelosbob3291, screensaver or power settings or both20:55
bob3291dumb me, here is me looking for some fix when its this simple20:56
bob3291+1 Zelozelos20:56
Wellmany people here! yeah20:57
Wellhi bro!20:58
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mircosxI just installed Gnome3 and I've got a problem with video card20:58
Wellsomebody from brazil here? (;20:58
mircosxI've seen some depository for intel but I don't know how to use/install it20:59
oCeanWell, maybe in #ubuntu-br channel, this is for support only, chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic20:59
mircosxit doesn't appear anything in propretary drivers list20:59
BluesKaj!pt | Well20:59
ubottuWell: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:59
mircosxlspci output: Intel Corporation 82852/82855 GM/GME/PM/GMV21:00
linelevelHi guys! I have an NTFS partition of my internal hard drive that I use with Ubuntu. Right now, some files which I know I deleted show up in directory listings, and when I try to delete them again, I get an error saying they don't exist. I've tried restarting the computer. What else can I do?21:00
Wellokay !21:00
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Wellokay!! thanks!21:01
BluesKajlinelevel, if you installed ubuntu exclusively on that partition it is now formatted to ext4 , if not then you instlled ubuntu within windows with wubi21:02
butteruphi. i can't install wine1.3 along with lmms which depends on wine1.2 on natty. is there a workaround for this?21:02
linelevelBluesKaj: No... this is a data-only partition.21:02
BluesKajlinelevel, that sounds it could be a permissions setting that needs to be changed on the data files21:04
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samuelhello guys21:06
samuelis there any way of backing up the unity shell configuration?21:06
linelevelBluesKaj: No, the files *HAVE* been deleted (moved, actually), but they've recently reappeared in their old directory. The error I get when I try to re-delete them is that they don't exist, it's not a permissions issue (which is the first thing I checked for).21:06
samuelwhat files are used for keeping my favourites?21:06
cillinwhats the easiest way to get an DNS up and running for someone with little to no experience in doing so?21:06
ThinkT510!dns | cillin21:07
ubottucillin: To set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html21:07
celthundercillin: ndns or bind9? both are super easy21:09
cillinwent with the guide :) bind 9 that is21:09
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BluesKajlinelevel, do you use nautilus/places to access the files?21:10
linelevelBluesKaj: command line, but I checked Nautilus as well21:11
BluesKajlinelevel, if you feel brave you can rm -rf /path/to/file in the terminal ..dunno if that's possble with ntfs21:11
linelevelBluesKaj: I tried that before coming here.. that's where it gives me the error: rm: cannot remove `path/to/file': No such file or directory21:12
linelevelBluesKaj: for each path/to/file which shows up in the listing21:12
linelevelBluesKaj: Don't mean to be rude, but do you have any non-newb suggestions for me? This is a disk error, not human error, I promise you.21:12
howlymowlyhi poeple..  short question:  is there an easy way to dell aptitude or apt-get or dpkg or any of those tools to download a bunch of packages (one main app and its dependencies) to an usb-stick  and then transfer it to another computer and somehow install it there without having to install each package manually?21:13
LcawteHi, I'm having problems with my display... 1) My display keeps cutting off bits, almost if the display has gone diaginally left&down... 2) How do I get more resolutions because none of these seem right for my monitor... | Using nvidia built in chip I think21:13
ThinkT510linelevel: run the ntfs fsck equivilent (can't remember what it is, chkdisk?)21:14
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alexgalax22is there some way to make * wildcard random?21:14
kl_Anyone missing fullscreen controller for vlc too?21:14
linelevelThinkT510: Looking into that now, thanks.21:14
BlueEagleLcawte: Which resolution did you expect? If you do not know, how big is your monitor?21:14
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ThinkT510kl_: fullscreen controller?21:15
BlueEagleLcawte: Are the restricted drivers installed? If not, are they an option or are you a purist?21:15
guntbertalexgalax22: I don't understand your question. What do you want to do?21:15
LcawteBlueEagle: I don't know either of them, before I upgraded and did a fresh install, I had... /me goes to grep twitter21:15
cillina minor change in "/etc/bind/named.conf.options" is all i need to do in order to get a local name resolver???21:15
kl_ThinkT510: yes21:15
ThinkT510kl_: what do you mean?21:16
LcawteBlueEagle: the only one that comes up is the novuea 3d support, which litterally breaks my display, nothing shows past splash...21:16
dusfwhat is the slideshow viewer in ubuntu please?21:16
kl_ThinkT510: It is a small box where you you seek, pause, play etc when you are in fullscreen21:16
ksniI made a stupid mistake of encrypting my home directory when installing Ubuntu21:16
ThinkT510kl_: it auto hides at the bottom, move your mouse to see it21:17
nerdshellI just have noticed that my processor is 64bits compatible, is there a way to move from i686 to Ubuntu x86_64 without loosing my data ?21:17
meLonI can't seem to find a guide less that three years old on setting up encrypted wireless from cli/server.  Trying to get WPA2 TKIP connection.  The card itself is working.  I am able to scan.  wpa_supplicant is just ruining my life atm :P21:17
ksnistupid, because it seems Ubuntu didn't create the file for unwrapping the mount passphrase21:17
guntbertksni: did you record the passphrase (as suggested)?21:17
BluesKajhmm, never thought rm -rf /path/to/file as a newb command , but maybe it is to some , linelevel , what about just unmounting and remounting the partition ?21:17
kl_ThinkT510: Not there21:17
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ksniguntbert: if it really did suggest, then probably I did record it21:18
ksninow I just don't have any idea where21:18
BlueEagleLcawte: So you are at current not able to use your ubuntu installation?21:19
ThinkT510dusf: you could try libreoffice impress21:19
nerdshellI just have noticed that my processor is 64bits compatible, is there a way to move from i686 to Ubuntu x86_64 without loosing my data ?21:19
ksnianyway, when booting Ubuntu it still auto-mounts the directory, so it is recoverable somehow?21:19
LcawteBlueEagle: yes I can, I don't have that 3d driver installed... but I'm missing like the bottom and left bits of my screen21:19
SaschaLHi all, I want to make an exact server to server copy using rsync. Will that also copy the kernel?21:20
guntbertksni: so you have access to your data right now?21:20
BlueEagleLcawte: Can you run nvidia-settings21:20
LcawteBlueEagle: nope21:20
azoriushello, are anyone familiar with the GPL licence?21:20
ksniguntbert: if I boot into Ubuntu21:20
Danyk2099hi, anybody know of a DEB package that contains php 5.3.6?21:20
azoriusI have a gpl question and do not know where else to ask21:20
dusfThinkT510: ty21:21
BlueEagleLcawte: have you attempted to install nvidia-settings ?21:21
ksniis it possible to decrypt the filesystem?21:21
ThinkT510dusf: np, i've never tried it myself, hope it works for you21:21
guntbertksni: ok - good then you will be able to get the passphrase and record/store it in a safe place21:21
LcawteBlueEagle: yes, but my graphics thing only works with nvidia-96, which has broken dependancies it seems21:21
BlueEagleLcawte: Which chip are you running?21:21
LcawteBlueEagle: umm... its Geforce421:22
BluesKajnerdshell , back up your data to whatever media you have available , then reinstall the 64 bit version of ubuntu and copy the data back21:22
BlueEagleLcawte: Please run `lspci |grep nVidia`21:23
cillinis a "caching nameserver" sufficiant for ordinary home use or is there any advantages of running "primary nameserver"?21:23
ksniguntbert: is it possible to change the mount passphrase? and is there a reason for it being different from the login password?21:23
BlueEaglecillin: A caching nameserver is plenty.21:23
LcawteBlueEagle: long list of results, but I think the key ones are..21:23
LcawteBlueEagle: 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX - nForce GPU] (rev a3)21:24
BlueEaglethat should be the one, yes.21:24
LcawteBlueEagle: 00:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce2 IGP2 (rev a2)21:24
iridiumcaching nameserver should be enough21:24
ThinkT510cillin: more server related help can be found in #ubuntu-server21:24
guntbertksni: step 1) record the passphrase : ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase $HOME/wrapped-passphrase     2) store it in a safe place  3) read up http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7568/ about the why and how21:25
Danyk2099anybody here?21:25
cillinyes it works, first "dig" = 10 ms, second "dig" 0 ms responsetime, but is the database persistent? or wiped out on reboot?21:25
BluesKajLcawte, have you installed the recommended nvidia driver in admin/additional drivers ?21:26
Mrsome1I change the defalute folder for apache221:26
guntbertDanyk2099: many ...   Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:26
Mrsome1but I faced issues21:26
LcawteBluesKaj: I've already said to BlueEagle that the only one there is the stupid novuea 3d driver, which breaks more stuff (I can't get past splash with it installed)21:26
Mrsome1this is ther error "The requested URL / was not found on this server."21:26
woodtMrsome1:  Check the "DocumentRoot" directive in your Apache config.21:27
BluesKajLcawte, ok , bummer21:27
BluesKajLcawte, is your pc more tha 5yrs old , or brand new ?21:28
Mrsome1woodt: I changed to /var/http21:28
Mrsome1but not work any more21:28
LcawteBluesKaj: older I believe21:28
BluesKajLcawte, then try using the alternate install cd21:28
BluesKaj!alternate > Lcawte21:29
ubottuLcawte, please see my private message21:29
LcawteBluesKaj: can I do it via tasksel or somethin?21:29
BlueEagleLcawte: The best I come up with is http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=2341157 which may or may not help you.21:29
nerdshellBluesKaj: does the 64bits version worth it ?21:30
guntbert!tasksel | Lcawte be careful21:30
ubottuLcawte be careful: Tasksel is a Debian/Ubuntu tool that installs multiple related packages as a co-ordinated "task" onto your system, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel for more information. Use tasksel only to INSTALL tasks, not to remove them. It will remove every package listed within the removed task! see https://launchpad.net/bugs/57428721:30
karim_how are you21:31
woodtMrsome1: Just moving the files won't work.  You also have to change the "DocumentRoot" setting in your Apache configuration.21:31
woodtMrsome1:  What version of Ubuntu are you running?21:31
BlueEagle!hello | karim_21:31
BlueEaglehmm.. I was quite sure I had used that factoid before.21:32
ThinkT510BlueEagle: it got removed a while ago21:32
ThinkT510!brain | BlueEagle21:32
ubottuBlueEagle: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:32
BluesKajnerdshell, how much memory does your pc have ?21:32
BluesKajLcawte, not familiar with taskshell21:34
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:34
dusfcan one of you please right click a jpeg in ubuntu and tell me does it offer to open with something called 'photo viewer', or something similar?21:34
ThinkT510dusf: theres ristretto on xfce21:35
dusfThinkT510: it doesn't loop slideshow21:36
olskolirchow do I bring up grub2 for configurations please?21:36
dusfThinkT510: the photoviewer in ubuntu 10.10 whatever it was called did21:36
_Trollhow to compile ubuntu v 2 ?21:36
BlueEagledusf: I have Image viewer as default and options are Firefox, Gimp and Shotwell.21:36
dusfBlueEagle: possibly that...21:37
ActionParsnip_Troll: ubuntu v2 dosn't exist...21:37
_Trollare you sure?21:37
edbiandusf, I have f spot photo viewer, shotwell photo viewer, and the default image viewer21:37
_Trolli want to compile it21:37
plouffedusf, gthumbviewer has slideshow21:37
BlueEagleActionParsnip: Don't feed the troll.21:37
ActionParsnip_Troll: very sure21:37
BlueEagleActionParsnip: You should know better.21:37
_TrollBlueEagle: want some?21:37
dusfedbian, plouffe : do you know if any of those will resize a photo to fit screen and loop?21:37
_TrollI want to compile new kernel21:37
ActionParsnip!kernel | _Troll21:38
ubottu_Troll: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)21:38
_TrollI know what it is21:38
plouffedusf, yea , fits screen21:38
_Trollcan I compile it21:38
ActionParsnip_Troll: read the WHOLE factoid21:38
_Trollnew one with my patches21:38
_Trollyou read it!21:38
plouffedusf, and you can edit on the fly if you want to21:38
dusfplouffe: i think gthumb is image viewer?21:38
edbiandusf, image-viewer   Is it that hard to look this up yourself21:38
Corey_Troll: What's your actual question? :-)21:38
ActionParsnip_Troll: i know what it says, there is a link on how to compile it, which is what you said you wanted to do...21:38
dusfedbian: yes21:38
nit-witolskolirc, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Upgrading21:39
_TrollYou guys need my patches21:39
dusfedbian: i googled for the default image viewer on ubuntu, results weren't great21:39
edbiandusf, eye of gnome is image viewer21:39
plouffedusf, you can view and edit. crop, resize etc21:39
BlueEagleThank you.21:39
edbiandusf, It is the default21:39
ActionParsnipseemed genuine to me ;)21:39
go876543can anybody help me to change fonts in empathy the 'ubuntu" ?21:40
plouffedusf, it opens just as fast as any other viewer21:40
erichammondWhen the Update Manager starts an upgrade, it always gets stuck waiting for me to open the "Details" section, read the change log, and press "q".  Surely new users would have no idea it was waiting for that, so this is a bug.  What package or config setting did I add that is making it do this?21:40
rwwerichammond: sounds like apt-listchanges21:40
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ActionParsniperichammond: software-centre maybe21:41
LcawteBlueEagle: aha, got the screen res I had before.. I had to troll through my twitter to get it.. 1280x102421:42
djxcqtionwats up folks!21:42
erichammondrww: Thanks, apt-listchanges makes sense and I did add it.  I'll report this as new users could easily stumble into this if they click around installing insteresting looking packages.  I tend to prefer the command line but was trying out the Update Manager since it prompted me to upgrade.21:42
djxcqtionJust rolled back to 10.0421:42
genii-arounderichammond: In /etc/apt/listchanges.conf put: frontend=mail      and: confirm=021:42
djxcqtionis support extended to 10.04 btw?21:42
edbiandjxcqtion, Yes but only because 10.04 is LTS21:43
ThinkT510!10.04 | djxcqtion21:43
ubottudjxcqtion: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100421:43
rwwdjxcqtion: 10.04 is an LTS, so it's supported until April 2013 on desktops and April 2015 on servers.21:43
BlueEagleLcawte: So you're fixed or is 1280x1024 not the correct resolution either?21:43
djxcqtionthamks mate..but would people here be familiar with issues?21:43
erichammondgenii-around: Nice to know, but I still think this is a bug if simply installing apt-listchanges makes the update manager never upgrade without knowing an arcane series of keystrokes.21:43
edbiandjxcqtion, Better here than anywhere else21:44
LcawteBlueEagle: I can't get that resolution.. I now have the installer for the official Nvidia release of the right driver for me, but I don't know how to stop my x server so I can install it21:44
go876543can anybody help me with my question about empathy?21:44
djxcqtion:) true true..21:44
LcawteBlueEagle: any ideas how to stop it?21:45
BlueEagleLcawte: first I would advise you to check that irssi is installed and that you're able to connect here with it. Then you need to go to a text terminal using (don't do it yet) CTLR+ALT+F121:45
djxcqtionany recommadations on basic addons to 10.04? Articles are google are very vague...Must haves?Any info would ne wonderful mate :)21:45
BlueEagleLcawte: When you've done that start irssi and connect to irc.freenode.net and join this channel again and we'll take it from there. Please close any running applications in the X-server session before going to the text terminal.21:46
LcawteBlueEagle: ok, just installing it21:46
BluesKajLcawte, ctrl+alt+f1 , sudo service gdm stop , install the driver . sudo service gdm start , startx21:46
ActionParsnipdjxcqtion: sure, lucid support runs upuntil just after Natty dies21:46
BlueEagleBluesKaj: wouldn't startx be called by gdm?21:46
BluesKajBlueEagle, not always21:47
ActionParsnipdjxcqtion: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases21:47
BlueEagleBluesKaj: I learn something new every day. :)21:47
LcawteBlueEagle: hang on, if I am using irssi, how can I install the driver at the same time?21:47
IIAir_LeoIIi have edited my bash prompt colors but whe i rezize the window the color is gone how do i avoid this21:47
BluesKajBlueEagle, I've had to startx for some reason, dunno why21:47
djxcqtionthats encouaging..just a quick question..why would they extend LTS to 10.04 and not to 10.10 and 11.04..I belive 12.x is gonna be LTS...Why would they miss the ones in between? any specific reason?21:48
BlueEagleLcawte: you can run irssi in the text console. If you had been using xchat or some other IRC client then you would have had a challenge. :)21:48
BluesKajLcawte, hit f221:48
ActionParsnipIIAir_LeoII: if you then run:  source ~/.bashrc    does it return?21:48
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guntbertdjxcqtion: this is a "support only" channel, for software suggestions please try to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic21:48
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djxcqtioni can take that :)21:49
perlsyntaxanyone know what ubuntu supports truemobile 1150?21:49
IIAir_LeoIIyep but how i do keep it without having to use the command21:49
perlsyntaxhopee someone can help me21:49
Guest45056BluesKaj: I assume that'll work in the text console, does not work now..21:49
edbiandjxcqtion, There is a method to the madness:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases21:49
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: all the ubuntus are the same, just use a differnent DE/ WM / default app selection21:49
Gwaris there a way to exclude a certain extension from being previewed in nautilus? For example, I want it to preview all video files, but exclude ones with the .mp4 extension (for example)21:50
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know how to get a truemobiile pc card to work on ubuntu???21:50
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perlsyntaxonlyu that work with my wireless card was ubuntu 9.1021:50
perlsyntaxis that still supported?21:50
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network    do you see the product lie for the wireless device?21:50
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: Karmic support is dead21:51
butteruphi. i can't install wine1.3 (from wine ppa) along with lmms (from official repo) on natty as lmms depends on wine1.2. is there a solution for this?21:51
BluesKajGuest45056, strange ctrl+alt +f8 , not f7 , brings me back to the desktop21:51
perlsyntaxi don't think so21:51
perlsyntaxi see21:51
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsDell   may help21:51
engammalskoI can't open shell with ctrl+alt+t nor take a print screen with PrtSc button.21:51
edbianBluesKaj, what on tty7?21:51
engammalskoCan someone help me?21:51
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.21:52
edbianengammalsko, 11.04 ?21:52
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: seems to use the orinoco_cs driver module21:52
perlsyntaxit said it should work out of the box21:52
jaminjathere's also the chvt command from the tty - ie chvt 8. Just a thought21:52
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: can't connect to WPA though21:52
engammalskoedbian: Yes, I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04. I use the gnome theme, it works in Unity but not in gnome :/21:52
BluesKajedbian, just a red blinking dash  -21:52
Pici!9.10 | perlsyntax21:52
ubottuperlsyntax: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.21:52
perlsyntaxi don't have anything block it a open wireless network21:52
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: run:  dmesg | less    and read down, see what happens at boot21:53
ft_mnHi , through my host i have email adresess, so now i have mounted a file to my host ( mail.myhost.com), with the Roundcube Webmail so i can check my emails through there... Now what i wanna do is to make new emails but not through the panel my host provides but through an aplication.. is this possible somehow??21:53
edbianengammalsko, system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts.  Manually put the short cuts in that you want21:53
edbianBluesKaj, It's *red*   ?21:53
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engammalskoedbian: Yeah, but how do I make a print screen shortcut?21:53
perlsyntaxHow do i get the orinoco driver to work21:54
engammalskoedbian: Ok, I delete "run a terminal" and make a new then?21:54
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BluesKajedbian, kde here , but the factoid is the same for it21:54
engammalskoedbian: Ehrm, I can't delete it...21:55
perlsyntaxActionParsnip,How do i get that driver to work21:55
guntbertengammalsko: you *should* have one already - the <PrtScr> button21:55
edbianengammalsko, Yeah. Was there already one there for run terminal?  What is the keyboard shortcut for it?21:55
engammalskoguntbert: I have, but they are not working.21:55
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: load it with:  sudo modprobe orinoco_cs21:55
edbianBluesKaj, That's weird.21:55
engammalskoedbian: it's ctrl+alt+t21:55
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guntbertengammalsko: ah, sorry, I didn't follow21:55
engammalskoedbian: I have tried to change them too ofc.21:55
edbianengammalsko, It does not work?21:55
perlsyntaxi try that see if that helps21:55
engammalskoedbian: No.21:55
engammalskoedbian: Only in Unity.21:55
edbianengammalsko, Make a new one that opens firefox or something.  Make it's key binding something simple like ctrl + f   does that work?21:56
edbianDo any keyboard shortcuts work?21:56
engammalskoedbian: Yes it did work with firefox.21:57
ft_mnHi , through my host i have email adresess, so now i have mounted a file to my host ( mail.myhost.com), with the Roundcube Webmail so i can check my emails through there... Now what i wanna do is to make new emails but not through the panel my host provides but through an aplication.. is this possible somehow??21:57
edbianengammalsko, what is the command associated with ctrl + alt + t   ?21:57
engammalskoedbian: Open shell/bash/terminal.21:57
edbianengammalsko, Yes but what is the command. edit it and look at the command.  That's the 'name'21:58
engammalskoedbian: Yeah but I can't edit the default ones.21:58
Cody3290Anyone know a channel I can go for to get help with web hosting?21:59
perlsyntaxActionParsnip,The odd part it work on sabayonm but i give that command a shot21:59
engammalskoedbian: Therefor I can't see the command.21:59
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: sabayon is a different distro so will have different stuff compiled in21:59
edbianengammalsko, ahhh, yes I can see that21:59
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edbianengammalsko, Hang on a second21:59
engammalskoedbian: Ok, thanks.21:59
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Danyk2099Hi, does anybody know where I can find a  DEB package for php 5.3.6?22:01
M0TRN_th1Danyk2099, you won't find one that works with current Ubuntu/Apache22:02
cillinsome "Avahi" is complaining about fully qualified domain name, how can i change it to something else? like "homenet.org" or so22:03
guntbertDanyk2099: in any case (with words of caution) : https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/php5/+packages22:03
ThinkT510cillin: #ubuntu-server22:03
JoeR1Hey I know this is off topic but is it kosher for me to discuss Home Audio Equipment?22:03
rwwno, because it's offtopic22:03
JoeR1fair enough22:04
edbianI was just talking to somebody about keyboard shortcuts22:04
edbianwho was it?22:04
guntbertJoeR1: off topic is off topic - so why do ask?22:04
M0TRN_th1cillin, avahi is ever so annoying and ought to be disabled by default22:04
rwwedbian: engammalsko22:04
edbianengammalsko, I just checked.  My keyboard shortcuts work in both ubuntu classic and untiy22:04
edbianengammalsko, Did you say custom ones work?22:05
M0TRN_th1JoeR1, if audio home equipment has something to do with ubuntu then it's not offtopic22:05
engammalskoedbian: Yes, and almost all default.22:05
edbianengammalsko, do you have gnome-terminal installed?22:06
engammalskoedbian: But not the print screen nor the shell shortcut.22:06
edbianengammalsko, Try settings the default terminal and print screen utility in system - > preferred apps22:06
edbianI'm guessing now22:06
engammalskoedbian: I made a new, it works now :D22:06
edbianengammalsko, You made a custom call for ctrl + alt + T ??22:07
engammalskoedbian: Just type gnome-terminal as command, but I can't still use the default one.22:07
EnigmaticCoderis there a command line .odt (open office) editor, perhaps not showing special formatting?22:07
engammalskoedbian: Yes.22:07
edbianengammalsko, well, there ya go22:07
edbianengammalsko, I think the default apps are set wrong on your system22:07
crassany one have ideas on why screen won't allow my open the 41st window? I suspect its a resource limit somewhere, that I need to up22:07
engammalskoedbian: Is there a command for print screen? s22:07
edbianengammalsko, There must be but I don't know it.  Something to do with screenshot utility probably22:08
engammalskoedbian: Can I/you look it up somehow?22:08
tidbitzim wanting to change over to a linux distribution but i have data on a ext hdd that is ntfs22:08
edbianengammalsko, I'm trying to right now by looking at the launcher for screenshot utility in applications -> Accessories22:08
engammalskoedbian: Thanks alot : )22:08
tidbitzdoes linux handle ntfs or will i need to somehow move this data22:09
rwwtidbitz: Linux can read and write NTFS22:09
tidbitzo sweet22:09
engammalskotidbitz: It can handle it, download ntfs manager?22:09
tidbitzit will be read as easy as windows handles it22:09
edbianengammalsko, gnome-screenshot22:09
edbianengammalsko, sure22:09
edbianengammalsko, Glad I could help22:10
erichammondrww: Submitted bug #78780222:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787802 in apt-listchanges (Ubuntu) "Update Manager halts waiting for response to apt-listchanges hidden under Details" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78780222:10
JoeR1ok now on to ubuntu22:10
tidbitzwhich linux is most secure22:10
MathuinDoes anyone here have experience messing with /etc/apt/preferences ?22:10
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engammalskoedbian: Yeah, thanks : ) The commands was pretty obvious haha.22:10
MathuinI want some advice on how to fudge something.22:10
edbiantidbitz, They're all about the same.  Damn Secure Linux is probably the most secure22:10
edbianengammalsko, :)   Hard to guess though!22:10
go876543can anybody help me please with empathy fonts ?22:10
tidbitzok cause im having issues with network security with this windows 722:10
SamJ190494is this the right kinda place to throw up ideas?22:11
engammalskoedbian: Everything works now with the custom keys ^^22:11
JoeR1I installed "lips of suna" but I can't find it anywhere - Why I hat install scripts instead of compiling22:11
guntbertSamJ190494: no, this is the ubuntu support channel22:11
edbianengammalsko, Glad to hear it :)22:11
yigalHow do I stop network-manager from loading at boot?  I think I'm asking which init file do alter to stop this process?  thank you22:11
edbianSamJ190494, #ubuntu-offtopic22:11
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go876543help me please with empathy22:12
JoeR1crap, I feel stupid - I think I just figured out my problem22:13
Caboose885JoeR1: maybe this will help22:13
superjoeis it a bug that gnome terminal defaults to 80x22 in natty?22:13
JoeR1yep, I got it22:13
yigalI guess I need to look at upstart22:13
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JoeR1Caboose885 - I was being stupid, it says in the README that the game has to be launched in a terminal so of course I didn't find any shorcuts22:14
JoeR1I feel like an idiot22:14
Caboose885JoeR1: that was the next thing I was about to ask ;)22:15
Ellishow do i get a wireless modem working in 10.04?22:15
LcawteBlueEagle: right, I have the nvidia download installed... but I need you to have a look at my logs, because soemthing is broken22:15
LcawteBlueEagle: (ubuntu pastebin) 612458 ...22:16
YounderHI I'd like to smalltall22:17
gagehello all I am having problems in 10.10 with my Intel 82G33/G31 graphics chipset22:17
Younderwhat channel?22:17
Ellisim looking in the wireless connections list but i can only see my wifi networks wi cant see the cellulr networks22:17
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Caboose885Younder: are you wanting to small talk about ubuntu?22:18
LcawteBlueEagle: BluesKaj: see above, any ideas?22:18
ThinkT510Lcawte: look at line 13222:18
YounderCaboose885, yes22:18
gagehello all I am having problems in 10.10 with my Intel 82G33/G31 graphics chipset22:18
Caboose885Younder: #ubuntu-offtopic22:19
LcawteThinkT510: how'd I fix it?22:19
mehworkmy numpad stopped working, how do i turn it back on via ubuntu?22:19
Ellishow do i get a wireless modem working in 10.04?22:19
yigalSo no one knows how to disable network-manager from starting at boot22:19
Caboose885Younder: or maybe #ubuntu-brainstorm22:19
yigalI believe one just has to remove /etc/init.d/network-manager22:19
trond-yigal, that does not sound like a good idea.22:20
gagesorry 10.0422:20
gagehello all I am having problems in 10.04 with my Intel 82G33/G31 graphics chipset22:20
Caboose885yigal: can't you just disable the startup through GNOME?22:20
yigaltrond-: why not22:20
Caboose885yigal: Preferences-->Startup applications22:20
ThinkT510Lcawte: short story: you don't (it's the proprietry driver); why aren't you using the one that ubuntu recommends?22:20
yigalCaboose885: it's in there, great22:21
trond-yigal, because then you won't be able to start it at all I would believe. Follow Caboose885 suggestion. much more safe22:21
tripelbis there a way I can "name" a terminal window so I know what it is controlling, just in the panel, without opening it>>22:21
yigalCaboose885: hopefully that really does work22:21
yigaltrond-: that's not true22:21
yigaltrond-: the file I pointed to was just a symlink to an upstart event22:21
LcawteThinkT510: because 'Ubuntu' recommends some rubbish firmware version that doesn't get me anywhere... and Ubuntus archived version of the same driver appears to have broken dependancies or something22:21
cyborgsmurfI need help with flash, I cant write my login name at www.sharedtalk.com22:21
tripelbCan I hide the skype window I want to keep open so that it doesnt always show in the panel? (similar to transmission)22:22
Mrsome1Can I use mod_auth_mysql to check two tables users via SQL SELECT statement ?22:22
Mrsome1any advice?22:22
Caboose885cyborgsmurf: what browser are you using?22:22
trond-Mrsome1, that's probably a question for mysql channel.22:22
Mrsome1trond-: it is apache 222:23
yigalok well I'm going to reboot using Caboose885's suggestion hopefully no network-manager but really it's not so bad I'll just have to manually turn it off22:23
cyborgsmurfCaboose885: Firefox 422:23
yigalafter boot22:23
trond-Mrsome1, then maybe apache channel.22:23
Caboose885cyborgsmurf: have you tried FlashAid addon? https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/flash-aid/22:23
ThinkT510Lcawte: archived version? you shouldn't try to use older versions drivers on a newer ubuntu (or the other way around)22:23
cyborgsmurfCaboose885: yes Im using it right now22:24
Caboose885oh. Do you have adblock plus installed?22:24
aj00200is there a way to setup libnotify to show 2 or 3 notices at a time instead of just one? I tend to get a lot of them and there is often a back-log of notices that are too late to be useful22:24
cyborgsmurfCaboose885: Is it the browser in general?22:24
LcawteThinkT510: I meant in the package repos22:24
LcawteThinkT510: (for natty)22:25
Caboose885cyborgsmurf: I know alot of people complain about ubuntu + firefox+ flash not working22:25
Caboose885cyborgsmurf: you can try chrome and see if that works any better22:25
cyborgsmurfCaboose885: Guess you could figure why Im here :)22:25
ThinkT510Lcawte: and you installed the appropriate one for your card?22:25
Caboose885cyborgsmurf: but I thought maybe if you have adblock plus in firefox it might be accidently blocking the login screen22:25
cyborgsmurfCaboose885: hmm, thing is that I can type in Japanese, but not backspace what I type22:26
LcawteThinkT510: I can't install the appropriate one for my card from the package repos, but yes, I installed nvidias version of it (same version)22:26
JoeR1Caboose885, thats a good question - Firefox and Opera both run like pure distilled a$$ on my system, do have any recommendations for a resource friendly browser?22:27
ThinkT510Lcawte: the only thing i can think of suggesting is to add the nomodeset option to grub22:27
Caboose885cyborgsmurf: do you need to install a japanese language pack to ubuntu?22:27
meLonWhat's the -flag for screen that lets you name a screen session so that you can later 'screen -r NAME' ?22:28
Caboose885JoeR1: Chromium is a good browser at least in my experience with it22:28
LcawteThinkT510: I think, before I added the nvidia thing (and after removing the firmware), it looked ok, so I'm going to check...22:28
JoeR1Chromium, I though that was the OS22:28
niles|iPod_meLon: -S nane22:28
cyborgsmurfCaboose885: its already installed and works like a charm, but I cant type in english or with swedish layout22:28
meLonthanks niles|iPod_22:28
nimbioticshello ya'll. Does anyone know of a system wide equalizer for ubuntu 11.04?? TIA!22:28
JoeR1anyway you recommend google22:28
ThinkT510!info chromium-browser | JoeR122:28
ubottuJoeR1: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 11.0.696.68~r84545-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 15362 kB, installed size 52960 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all)22:28
bcessahi, just want to know if there's a way to know how many lines of text are an a dir recursively?22:29
Caboose885JoeR1: no chromium is not google. It is the parent to Chrome22:29
JoeR1Isn't chrome google?22:29
niles|iPod_i have a problem, when I boot my system it throws this: error: hd0 read error than drops me to grub rescue>22:29
Caboose885JoeR1: http://www.chromium.org/22:29
Caboose885JoeR1: chrome is google. Chromium is not22:29
Caboose885cyborgsmurf: honestly I don't know. I only need/use English on my computer :(22:30
JoeR1damn open source ambiguity22:30
Caboose885JoeR1: nah, google is just riding on the coat tails of opensource ;)22:30
cyborgsmurfCaboose885: Ive always had some trouble with this page specifically. Either cant type login name or I cant type in japanese while textchatting22:31
JoeR1oh well, I'll check it out22:31
niles|iPod_can anyone help me?22:32
ThinkT510!grub2 | niles|iPod_22:32
ubottuniles|iPod_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:32
JoeR1this is nice, after compiling the 13-ish packages needed to run Suna, linux informs me that my Geforce doesn't support OpenGL 3.222:32
cyborgsmurfCaboose885: Im using ubuntu 11.04 which I dont like as much as 10.04 (got it on my stationary PC)22:32
Caboose885cyborgsmurf: does the 10.04 computer work properly?22:33
cyborgsmurfCaboose885: Yeah but I cant type in japanese22:33
Caboose885cyborgsmurf: hmmm...22:34
JoeR1does anyone know of a list of OpenGL 3.2 compatible video cards?22:35
Picibcessa: I think something like this would work: find /path/ -type f -exec cat {} \; | wc -l22:35
ThinkT510JoeR1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Nvidia_graphics_processing_units22:36
Caboose885cyborgsmurf: do you change the input types throguh ibus?22:36
trond-bcessa, could you repeat your question?22:36
BoinQHey, does anyone know how to get those bots in IRC channels?22:36
Caboose885cyborgsmurf: http://www.localizingjapan.com/blog/2010/06/15/setting-up-japanese-input-on-ubuntu-linux-10-04-lts-lucid-lynx/22:36
cyborgsmurfCaboose885: I think its always tempting to try out the latest Ubuntu version, but it seems you always have to go through the same steps, Flash, codec, DVD support etc22:36
ThinkT510!bot | BoinQ22:36
ubottuBoinQ: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots22:36
frank1_can anyone help with a lynksis router?22:36
anythingisnt ubuntu slo22:37
edbiananything, It is fast22:37
cyborgsmurfCaboose885: hmm... I think I am22:37
anythinghow do you make it fast?22:37
BoinQah thanks ThinkT51022:37
edbiananything, It is already fast.22:37
Caboose885anything: did you install it or are you liveCD it?22:38
cyborgsmurfCaboose885: I love the easy change too comparing to XP22:38
bcessathnx :)22:38
anythingyeah i tried usng it and it uses a lot of processor power22:39
anythingor appears to22:39
edbiananything, How fast is your processor?22:39
Caboose885anything: LiveCD is very slow compared to a complete install22:39
anythingathlon 4000 single core22:39
Caboose885cyborgsmurf: lol22:39
anythingi have istalled it22:40
bencchow do I recursively change folder permission to 755 and files to 644?22:40
JoeR18 months ago I was proficient in terminal commands, one little break and I have to start all over again - I need a command to display connected devices - I'm looking for my video cards specifics22:40
Caboose885anything: how much ram do you have?22:40
anythingim using karmic koala22:40
anything1 gig22:40
anythingim using karmic koala 9.1022:41
bcessachmod -Rv 775 /file/to/base/folder22:41
edbianJoeR1, lspci22:41
edbianJoeR1, lshw22:41
mneptokbencc: chmod -R 644 /path && chmod -R -x+X /path22:41
JoeR1edbian, thanks22:41
Caboose885anything: I would recommend installing 10.04 and maybe jumping to Xubuntu22:42
anythingdo you reckon ubuntu is as fast as winxp?22:42
Caboose885anything: ubuntu is generally faster22:42
edbiananything, I reckon it is22:42
cyborgsmurfCaboose885: :), I didnt change to Ubuntu on my laptop by choice. I used my laptop for playing old games and such, but then I was looking up a picture for my friend and then BOOOM, VIRUS. I sat all night and then I made a backup thanks to linux liveCD, and here I am22:42
JoeR1no sh!t, I thought I was using a 6800 turns out its a 730022:42
anything10.04 will be faster than 9.10?22:42
edbiananything, They'll be about the same22:42
mneptokJoeR1: please watch the language22:42
Caboose885anything: 10.04 is still supported22:43
benccmneptok: this will change directories as well, wouldn't it?22:43
benccmneptok: and what does -x+X does?22:43
aroonihow can i find out the process id and process name of the output of this command: QUEUE=scraper RAILS_ENV=backend rake resque:work --trace ?22:43
mneptokbencc: it will recursively change everything to 644, then recursively set the executable bit on directories22:43
anything9.10 will be no slower than 10.04?22:43
edbiananything, They will be the same22:44
JoeR1By the way why the heck is there a new Ubuntu every 3 freakin months??? why do we need that many releases?22:44
anythinghmmm perhaps i should try another distro22:44
BoinQI have an other question about the bots in IRC, I'm hosting my own server, and i want bots in a channel on my server, how do i do this? :S22:44
Caboose885JoeR1: its 6 months22:44
cyborgsmurfCaboose885: what is XUbuntu?22:45
rwwJoeR1: every six months, and because that's one of the points of Ubuntu22:45
rww!botclone | BoinQ22:45
ubottuBoinQ: ubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html - to help out with ubottu development please join #ubuntu-bots-devel :)22:45
Caboose885cyborgsmurf: A different desktop enviroment of Ubuntu. Rather than using Gnome it uses XFCE22:45
ScuniziHow do I export my address book from Evolution ? say .. in a txt or csv format?22:45
BoinQthx rww22:45
JoeR1anything - if you need to go resource friendly I have had good luck with Xubuntu - plus it is so close to ubuntu anything you learned should transfer easily22:45
anythingis ubuntu really as fast as windowsxp22:46
JoeR1rww - and that point would be?22:46
Scunizianything: faster22:46
macoJoeR1: more up to date than debian22:46
philipballewanything faster usually22:46
macoanything: comparing to a new install of XP or onethat's seen a bit of use?22:46
edbiananything, faster22:46
philipballewanything 99.99999 percent of the time faster. way faster22:46
edbiananything, Install it and see for yourself22:47
JoeR1maco - just seems like they could do that without burning through every letter in the alphabet in 5 years22:47
macoanything:  new installs, XP is probably faster, but ubuntu will stay the same speed over time while XP slows down to crap22:47
macoJoeR1: 5 years = 10 letters. how big is your alphabet?22:47
JoeR1maco - I am clearly being facetious22:47
JoeR1maco - it is just difficult to convey sarcasm in text22:47
Caboose885JoeR1: sarcasm doesn't convey well over text ;)22:48
panphried 22:48
macoJoeR1: i would not object to a 1 year development cycle if i thought it would do anything for quality. unfortunately, i suspect there'd still be very few users willing to test before beta/rc/final, so i doubt itd really help much22:48
FoolishOwlFor a 64-bit version of Ubuntu, to run on an Intel i7, should I download the amd64 version of the distribution, or some other?22:49
macoFoolishOwl: amd6422:49
ScuniziFoolishOwl: yes22:49
benccmneptok: how does it know that -x+X works only on dir?22:49
JoeR1maco - consistency goes a long way, haveing to flip through pages of number specific packeages trying to find the one i need makes me pine for my Microsoft simplicity22:49
macoJoeR1: flip through pages?22:50
edbianFoolishOwl, amd64 is the official name of 64 bit arch.  It was created by AMD.  both intel and AMD are 'amd64'  It is confusing22:50
JoeR1maco - web pages22:50
macoJoeR1: why are you using web pages to get packages?22:50
JoeR1flip = browse, use you imagination a little?22:50
ShermanBoydin /etc/network/interfaces how do I set multiple dns servers?  Like this: "dns-nameservers"?22:50
JoeR1maco - not everything I need is canonical22:50
edbianJoeR1, It's not harder to learn.  It's just that you're not used to it.  In windows to find any software you need to get on the Internet or go to the store.  Is that easier to learn?22:51
anythingthankyou everyone22:51
edbianShermanBoyd, No.  One on each line22:51
Caboose885no problem anything. I hope you found everything you were looking for22:51
edbianShermanBoyd, And I'm pretty sure DNS servers don't go in /etc/network/interfaces22:51
macoJoeR1: given only up to.. i think 4... releases are ever supported on the desktop at a time, id find a download page that needs multiple pages to list all versions for ubuntu a bit odd22:51
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edbiananything, sure22:51
JoeR1edbian - i never said it was harder to learn but thanks for jumping to conclusions22:51
anythingso xubuntu is faster22:51
FoolishOwledbian, it is confusing. Branding mucks up things, sometimes.22:51
cillinisnt that resolv.conf?22:52
JoeR1anything - in my experience Xubuntu has been more resource friendly22:52
mosesanyway i can close vuze and reopen with out logging out?22:52
mosesits hidden22:52
ShermanBoydedbian: that sounds truthy, it's not in the interfaces man page22:52
edbianShermanBoyd, I think it goes in /etc/resolve.conf22:52
edbianmaco, thanks :P22:52
JoeR1anything - for example I am using 2.25 gig of ram and I could never hope to come anywhere near that in Xubuntu22:52
mneptokbencc: magic!22:53
edbianShermanBoyd, There is a caveat though if you're using dhcp22:53
FoolishOwlYou can list DNS servers in /etc/network/interfaces, but you don't22:53
JoeR1i run at about 200 meg in background22:53
picochuhi i am running unity in 11.04 i can't see the time/date indicator how can i get it back?22:53
Caboose885JoeR1: You could even get lighter than that with Fluxbox ;)22:53
ShermanBoydedbian:  that's generally where I do it, but I'm following a openstack install instruction that puts in interfaces22:53
macobencc: i think he means that the capitalisation means that the +X only applies to dirs, while -x does everything22:53
edbianShermanBoyd, Foolish owl mentioned it can go in there but should not.22:53
edbianI don't know why that's the case.  I've never seen it there22:54
JoeR1Caboose885, Oh i know I use to use a Box program (I forget the name) and I was sitting at 98 meg on startup22:54
aleprovenciohello everyone i'm having a hard time trying make gvim launch files in new tabs under Ubuntu 11.04. I've tried changing the exec line in /usr/share/applications/gvim.desktop to "Exec=gvim -p --remote-tab-silent %F" and that works as it should, except when i try to open gvim itself without specifying any files (from unity's dash or a launcher set) which fails. Can anyone please help me with this ?22:54
picochuhi can someone help me out with unity interface? where can i run the time/date indicator? it is not showing on my desktop22:54
Caboose885JoeR1: there is openbox, fluxbox, blackbox...and probably more...22:54
JoeR1openbox, thats it22:54
[reed]what's the package that contains the gpg keys for the various ubuntu repos?22:54
FoolishOwlNot shouldn't so much as usually doesn't.22:55
maco[reed]: ubuntu-keyring22:55
[reed]maco: thanks22:55
Caboose885picochu: was the time/date there before and now its disapeard?22:56
JoeR1gotta go, my ex is here and we are gonna go seeya all later22:56
picochuCaboose885: it never show in the first place. new install22:56
darkwoodwhy when i use apt-22:57
darkwoodwhy when i use apt-get purge apache2 i still have /etc/apache2 folder?22:57
edbiandarkwood, who where you use apt22:57
vachohow do I update / upgrade my ubuntu server??22:57
FoolishOwlAlso about installation media: to set up lvm, I should use the alternate install CD, not the LiveCD version, right?22:57
edbiandarkwood, Good question.  I don't know.  Is there anything in it?22:57
vachoI want to get the latest from LAMP too22:57
darkwoodedbian all is there22:58
darkwoodlike i didnt remove it all22:58
Caboose885picochu: have you updated your system?22:58
edbiandarkwood, mmmm....22:58
darkwoodstrange a?22:58
darkwoodmaybe bug?22:59
Caboose885picochu: try installing the gnome-time-admin packagage22:59
edbiandarkwood, http://help.lockergnome.com/linux/Bug-418605-purging-clean-apache2--ftopict435356.html  chris prillo22:59
edbiandarkwood, definitely a bug22:59
darkwoodand in /etc/init.d/apache is still there22:59
darkwoodlol :)22:59
edbiandarkwood, Just delete that stuff22:59
GuiriCan anyone help me get my keyboard working? I performed an apt-get upgrade on 10.10 and the keyboard doesn't work at GDM23:00
darkwoodwhich apache223:00
EmuAlertIs there any terminal command to pause the current thread?23:00
darkwoodkinda strange?23:00
YounderEmuAlert, Ctrl-c23:01
darkwoodalso, when the folder DATE is changed, when mv, remove...23:01
darkwoodcan folder date changed when edit file in folder?23:02
edbiandarkwood, I don't think the folder changes23:02
mneptokYounder: that hardly pauses.23:02
FoolishOwlEmuAlert, CTRL-Z will stop a job in the shell. You can then run it in the background with bg, or return it to the foreground with fg.23:03
Younderah the ancient ctrl-z routine. like in vi23:04
aleprovenciohello everyone i'm having a hard time trying make gvim launch files in new tabs under Ubuntu 11.04. I've tried changing the exec line in /usr/share/applications/gvim.desktop to "Exec=gvim -p --remote-tab-silent %F" and that works as it should, except when i try to open gvim itself without specifying any files (from unity's dash or a launcher set) which fails. Can anyone please help me with this ?23:05
benccmaco: thanks23:05
pietr101hello, i need some help with mdadm recovery23:05
FoolishOwlThe alternate install CD is needed to install with lvm?23:05
pietr101i acidentally rebooted pc withou saving config23:06
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benccwhen using "tar czvf myfile.tar.gz ../some/folder" inside the file I have folders "some/folder/files" why doesn't it just "folder/files" ?23:09
=== GeorgeForay is now known as GeorgeForay_
yigalI cannot find a way in Ubuntu to find my framebuffer resolutions as a package for lrmi is not available, and I cannot compile it.  Is there any way to obtain this information, with perhaps vbetool or some other way?23:11
=== GeorgeForay_ is now known as GeorgeForay
FoolishOwlTo set up logical volume management on a new install, should I use the Alternate Install CD?23:13
yigalall this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer has is how to disable framebuffer etc., but if one is trying to debug a driver that force freezes the system a framebuffer imo is the way to go.23:13
yigalFoolishOwl: I don't remember seeing LVM as an option, but I wasn't looking very hard23:13
ActionParsnipyigal: hwinfo should be able to23:13
andantinohi could someone help me to change my mouse speed settings permanently in Ubuntu.  I am using the LXDE desktop and the only way I can change it is with xset in the terminal.  But I have to do that each team I log in.23:13
trismbencc: try it with: tar czvf myfile.tar.gz -C ../some/ folder/;23:14
LjLhow do i enable and configure an IME in KDE?23:14
yigalActionParsnip: I'll check it out23:14
ActionParsnipandantino: add it to the startup23:14
macoLjL: use ibus. i think you have to log out after configuring it before it works though23:14
andantinohow do i do that23:15
LjLmaco: but how do i configure it? i have installed ibus-anthy but i don't know what from here23:15
CloroxHi everyone. I was hopeing if someone could point me in the right direction about my WMP54G wireless card. Im using 10.10 linux and it will not connect to my wireless.23:15
andantinojust add @xset m 5 523:15
=== Lenin_Cat is now known as ProlLenin
finalbloggerhi to all23:16
finalbloggerguys can anyone help me23:16
GuiriAnyone have any ideas on my keyboard issue above?23:16
ActionParsnipandantino: the only way I know how is to make a script, then make a .desktop file to run it in ~/.config/autostart23:16
finalbloggeri cant use my touchpad scrolling23:16
finalbloggerin ubuntu23:16
Caboose885finalblogger: two finger scrolling?23:17
macoLjL: use ibus-setup to configure it, and then add ibus-daemon to your session autostart23:17
finalbloggerwell its just normal scrilling via touchpad corners23:17
LjLmaco: ... ugh23:17
andantinoi am a newbie action so this is all greek to me23:17
ActionParsnipandantino: if there is a script which gets ran when LXDE or openbox runs, add it there23:17
finalbloggerwith ubuntu 11.0423:17
Caboose885finalblogger: hmmm...what kind of laptop?23:17
finalbloggersony vaio23:17
ActionParsnipfinalblogger: ease up on the enter key. Try not hitting enter after every other word23:18
=== ProlLenin is now known as Lenin_Cat
Caboose885finalblogger: maybe this thread will help. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156554823:18
finalbloggerthank you Caboose23:19
FoolishOwlyigal, I'm pretty sure LVM is available as an option on the Alternate Install CD.  It's funny -- LVM is the default on other distros I've tried.23:19
MK``I just upgraded but I got this error after I restarted23:21
EmuAlertHow do you use --exclude in rysnc? "--exclude /home/brian/.thumbnails" as a parameter doesn't seem to work; the .thumbnails folder is still copied23:21
Caboose885b0mbadil: hi23:23
quintdoes anyone else have poor download speeds when using transmission?23:25
Caboose885quint: it all depends on the torrent23:26
quintyeah but it seems to be all of my torrents have very poor connections23:26
Cube``hey guys23:26
quintthat cant be23:26
Cube``im using xubuntu23:26
Cube``how can i get that unity thingy23:26
quintsudo apt-get install unity23:26
ActionParsnipMK``: sudo apt-get --reinstall install xubuntu-desktop      should do it23:26
Cube``kk thx23:26
GuiriIs there a way to mount my HD from the ubuntu alternate? maybe I can fix the xorg so the keyboard works23:26
kerNULLI have installed a new SSL cert and reloaded apache, but the new cert does not load it still shows an old CN23:27
kerNULLany ideas23:27
ActionParsnipGuiri: afaik, you'll need the desktop23:27
Caboose885quint: do you have any download speed caps?23:27
quintno caps whatsoever23:27
Caboose885quint: have you tried another bittorrent client?23:27
ActionParsnipquint: max speed is always capped in some way ;)23:27
quintwith transmission?23:28
MK``ActionParsnip: actually refreshing my software sources fixed it. It removed all my PPAs though... didn't know it would do that23:28
Caboose885quint: no like another torrent program. Such as Vuze23:28
ActionParsnipquint: no, just the nature of network technologies23:28
quintyes i know, id prefer to keep it as lightweight as possible23:28
Caboose885quint: your ISP might be throttling you23:29
quintnope, just tried on a windows machine23:29
quintsame torrent23:29
quintbetter speeds23:29
quintusing uT23:30
ActionParsnipquint: try a different cliet23:30
quinti think its the client yeah23:30
quintOH uT has been ported to nix!!23:30
ActionParsnipits free to test :)23:30
quintsweeeeet deal23:30
MK``:o it has?23:30
ActionParsnipMK``: yes23:30
quintyes. webui only though23:30
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MK``Ooh. I use KTorrent23:30
ubottuNatty can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/natty/desktop/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/natty/server/ubuntu-11.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/23:30
MK``Transmission is an awful client23:31
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P23:31
quintuT has been the best client i've ever used23:31
ActionParsniptransmission kicks it here23:31
MK``KTorrent has all the features uT has23:31
DreamsofanEagleHey everyone, Question. Does anyone here have Natty and a mobile broadband modem?23:31
quinti think im gonna try out that port of uT23:32
MK``How do I change which splash screen shows when I boot up again? When I upgraded it defaulted my setting23:33
DreamsofanEagleAnyone at all?23:33
MK``Not me DreamsofanEagle23:33
Caboose885DreamsofanEagle: sorry, I don't23:34
GuiriActionParsnip: Once I boot the live cd is it possible to delete and roll back packages on my hd system?23:35
nit-witDreamsofanEagle, is it a card?23:35
ActionParsnipGuiri: if you can remove the current ones and grab debs for the older versions, you can23:36
DreamsofanEaglenit-wit,  I'm looking at getting one from Virgin Mobile, but want to make sure before I plop down money on it23:36
edbianGuiri, mount and chroot it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\23:36
edbianGuiri, sorry, typo with all those slashes23:36
nit-witDreamsofanEagle, take a look here, it may help. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/Hardware/3G23:37
Guiriedbian: can you explain the chroot process?23:37
edbianGuiri, chroot changes the / of your filesystem.  if you change it to the hdd's / instead of it being the live CD's root you can alter the packages on the install.  chroot /path/to/some/folder/23:38
nit-witDreamsofanEagle, hit ctrl-f then search with Virgin Mobile looks okay if that is the device23:38
DreamsofanEagleits an MC760 card23:38
Guiried1703: gotcha thanks23:38
DreamsofanEaglenit-wit, Thanks, according to the page, works right out of the box23:39
nit-witDreamsofanEagle, that is a 3g though isn't it?23:39
Guiried1703: the tough part will be figuring out which package broke my keyboard.23:39
GuiriI should probably roll back Xorg to what came with 10.10 b/c it worked then23:39
DreamsofanEaglenit-wit, Yes it is. and they have 3G coverage here23:40
nit-witDreamsofanEagle,  not the fastest but hey if it works.;)23:41
kyle1afternoon all23:41
andrew_46kyle1: morning :)23:42
DreamsofanEaglenit-wit, Right now I'm stuck using wifi, and they close at 923:42
DreamsofanEagleI'll take what I can get23:42
blkdghi, i am using ubuntu 10.10 64 bit + openconnect to connect to a VPN. i can connect to the vpn via a terminal or the Network Manager.  How do I then log in to my machine at work once my machine from home connects to the vpn23:42
IIAir_LeoIIHi is Glade only Gui designer here and QT4 would do same or is bad23:43
tensorpuddingIIAir_LeoII: Glade is the only GUI designer for GTK23:44
macoIIAir_LeoII: Glade is for GTK applications. Qt4 is different toolkit and has its own designer23:44
blkdgnetbeans IIAir_LeoII23:44
blkdgor vep + eclipse IIAir_LeoII23:44
blkdgor vep + eclipse IIAir_LeoII23:44
raoult1hum Ubuntu 11.04 look nice23:44
blkdgnetbeans IIAir_LeoII23:44
IIAir_LeoIIit will work with ruby as well23:45
tensorpuddingIIAir_LeoII: Ruby has GTK bindings23:45
macoIIAir_LeoII: if you're a programmer looking to pick up a new toolkit,   GTK is usually used with C, and Qt is usually used with C++, both can be used with Python, and there are Ruby bindings for GTK (but i find applications written with them can be a bit unstable, especially if threaded)23:45
tensorpuddingIIAir_LeoII: Glade uses Gtk.Builder, which Ruby probably supports23:45
IIAir_LeoIIDo netbeans also23:46
blkdgwhere can i ask vpn type questions?23:46
macoIIAir_LeoII: netbeans is for Java23:46
tensorpuddingIIAir_LeoII: Netbeans would only be for AWT or whatever Java uses23:46
macotensorpudding: AWT & Swing23:46
dusfedbian, BlueEagle: ty for your help earlier23:47
tensorpuddingIIAir_LeoII: ruby's gnome libraries have a Gtk::Builder which would be able to import UI definitions from Glade and instantiate them23:48
schnuffleIIAir_LeoII: there is gambas, sort of visual basic clone23:48
tensorpuddingIIAir_LeoII: Glade emits a special specification for the UI in the form of XML23:48
IIAir_LeoIIi would try23:48
MK``The Software center no longer shows my PPAs, how can I get it to show them again?23:49
tensorpuddingMK``: probably they were disabled by an upgrade, you can see them in the sources23:49
Bing0Hi.  Ubuntu 10.10 server... how can I tell with ifconfig if the connection is 1Gb or 100Mb?  Or is ifconfig the wrong command?  Thanks.23:49
MK``tensorpudding: I reinstalled one of them but it still doesn't show up. They are in sources, but I like having them in the center23:50
tensorpuddingBing0: it'll be whatever is supported by your hardware23:50
Bing0Well yeah.. but how can I tell if it is 1gb or not?23:50
tensorpuddingMK``: are they checked? do they load properly?23:50
MK``Yes tensorpudding23:50
Bing0tensorpudding, as in, its server, i can't see the connection's negotiation23:50
blkdghas anyone connected their ubuntu machine to a CISCO VPN / RDP using openconnect or anyconnect???23:51
MK``Apparently, removing the PPA from software sources and then re-adding them fixes this23:51
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tensorpuddingBing0: ifconfig wouldn't have information like that in any case23:51
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Bing0tensorpudding, do you know what cmd I can run(i have root so I can install other commands if needed)?  Thanks23:51
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Bing0tensorpudding, net-tools should do it :)23:52
tensorpuddingit's not like you'd get a gigabit speed for connections anyway23:52
Bing0tensorpudding, nevermind.23:52
blkdgthanks anyhow23:53
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