
geoffrianhello chaps00:14
Unit193I just wanted to pint this bug #784020 to https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-desktop/msg03803.html (If you read her comment, you will see what I'm talking about)02:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 784020 in Xubuntu Website "download page lies about disk size requirements" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78402002:38
charlie-tcaIt already installs in 3GB without modifying anything. 02:40
charlie-tcaI have to try for 2GB yet, but that won't fix the installer, will it?02:41
charlie-tcaThe bug is because the installer insists that the install won't work in anything less then 4.4gb, which is wrong for anything except Ubuntu02:42
Unit193charlie-tca: jmarsden built the iso with that mod02:42
Unit193(If you want to read the whole thread)02:43
charlie-tcaI see that. But I used the natty final to install in less then 4gb02:43
charlie-tcaI just ignored the warning that said I needed 4.4GB02:43
charlie-tcaBut I will investigate further with a 4gb drive. That will be a better test02:44
Unit193https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-desktop/msg03786.html Says you can't ignore that... (I haven't tested that myself)02:45
Unit193charlie-tca: I'm not trying to put more work on you, I'm just linking both issues02:46
Unit193Not an easy way to do so anyway...02:48
charlie-tcaI am happy to have the reference. We might need it yet02:52
charlie-tcaSince I had a 40GB drive to work with, it might matter02:53
charlie-tcaBoth distros need to be able to use less than 4GB, so we will have to try and find a way. 02:54
pleia2Unit193: thanks for the update :)03:19
pleia2charlie-tca: can you create a separate bug for this? (it's a bit off-topic for the xubuntu-website bug)03:19
Unit193If I can help, I would like to (Not a programmer). I may give the ISO testing a shot...03:20
pleia2I don't think it's something that can be fixed for natty, but hopefully it can be looked into for the next release03:21
charlie-tcapleia2: yup, can do03:21
pleia2looks like Unit193 updated 18:38:06 < Unit193> I just wanted to pint this bug #784020 to https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-desktop/msg03803.html (If you read her comment, you will see what I'm 03:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 784020 in Xubuntu Website "download page lies about disk size requirements" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78402003:22
pleia2looks like looks like Unit193 updated #784020 for us with some details :)03:22
charlie-tcano problem. I can fix that too when I file the new bug03:23
* charlie-tca can't really see good enough tonight, will fix it tomorrow though03:23
* Unit193 Wasn't sure if that would count as a bug update...03:24
pleia2no rush, thanks!03:24
pleia2airplane wifi really is too slow for ssh, detatching03:24
charlie-tcaUnit193: it is fine. I will transfer the information to the new bug03:24
charlie-tcaEnjoy the flight03:24
pleia2thanks :)03:24
Unit193screen over country dial-up is a real killer...03:25
charlie-tcaUnit193: don't let me forget the bug now03:43
charlie-tcaGotta go for tonight.03:43
=== Soup|away is now known as Soupermanito
Unit193Linked to the bug at the same time in #lubuntu-offtopic (Doubles as -devel) and It's been updated: Bug #78402007:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 784020 in Xubuntu Website "ubiquity doubles stated filesystem size requirements" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78402007:03
mr_pouitmicahg: no, you don't step on my toes, feel free to request syncs (probably all panel plugins can be synced) :)10:07
mr_pouitmicahg: also, if you find some ubuntu delta, maybe I forgot to include it in debian, so feel free to ping me about that as well.10:09
charlie-tcaGood morning14:49
drcMorning...where's the coffee?14:56
charlie-tcaI got mine14:56
* charlie-tca puts a new pot of coffee on14:56
charlie-tcaSorry, drained the pot14:56
drcThat's all right...I'm really a tea drinker, but as long as it has caffine....14:59
charlie-tcaheh, no tea here14:59
charlie-tcabut I got a cookie for you14:59
* charlie-tca passes cookies around15:00
drcSorry, I had to change a config to accept cookies...ummmm15:06
charlie-tcaMaybe Soupermanito wants one too15:06
charlie-tcaWe passed a plate of cookies around, help yourself. They go good with the morning coffee15:08
Soupermanitohey charlie-tca :D good morning, yesterday i had General Information Sources class XD15:08
Soupermanitoso i had to go15:08
charlie-tcano problem15:08
drcSoupermanito: Which University?15:09
charlie-tcaI don't know if we can hold a meeting more than once a month on tuesday, maybe we can do it on Friday, though. 15:09
SoupermanitoUniversity of Buenos Aires, Argentina15:09
charlie-tcaminutes are out, by the way15:09
Soupermanitowill check15:09
Soupermanitoquestion, if i test a milestone, will you want a x86 or an x86_64 to be tested?15:10
drcSo that means that Soupermanito is officially on the hook for testing?15:10
Soupermanito:) i will try to do it yes, i hope my internets are whit me in this15:10
* drc notes that he waited until *after* the meeting to volunteer.15:10
* Soupermanito notes that he actually asked during the meet.15:11
drccharlie-tca: on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/Testers it asks you to add your info, but I have no idea how to add it, can't find the <add> button:)15:13
charlie-tcaSoupermanito: whichever one you are able to test. Not everyone can test both arches15:13
charlie-tcaIt is an edit of the wiki. Email it to me and I will add it. charlie AT ubuntu DOT com15:14
Soupermanitoanother thing i was thinking while walking yesterday is that when i installed 11.04 the other day and played an mp3, parole said me "no codecs" or something like that, and i was hoping it to be like the old releases that would instantly send me to download the proper codecs, but nothing hapened, i had to download them manually, which is rather obnoxious, even more if you are new to *buntu15:14
charlie-tcaI did not anything except VLC would automatically download the codecs15:15
charlie-tcaSoupermanito: my internet is a bit slow. It takes me about 6 hours to zsync the images now15:18
charlie-tcaand the dvd's I sync take between 4 and 6 hours additional15:18
Soupermanitowell my internets are also slow, it takes me about 2 hours to download 700mb, if lucky15:18
* charlie-tca tests Ubuntu alternate and desktop, Xubuntu alternate and desktop, ubuntustudio alternate dvd's, kubuntu desktop and alternate - both 32bit and 64bit15:19
charlie-tcaDownload the images over the weekend before release. Even if they are natty, they can be zsynced quickly15:20
Soupermanitothat did nothing15:20
charlie-tca!info zsync15:20
ubottuzsync (source: zsync): client-side implementation of the rsync algorithm. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-3ubuntu1 (natty), package size 98 kB, installed size 244 kB15:20
charlie-tcaThat is a bit faster than rsync now15:21
Soupermanitook installing15:21
charlie-tcaThis explains zsync - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ZsyncCdImage15:22
Soupermanito:D hey charlie-tca you are the xubuntu project leader? :D xubuntu is awesome15:23
charlie-tcayes, I am15:24
drccharlie-tca: Approximately how long does the short&long testing take (just for scheduling, mind you)?15:25
drccharlie-tca: email is sent15:25
charlie-tcashort is about 10 minutes, long can be anywhere between 10 minutes and 1 hour, depending on how many applications you run15:26
charlie-tcaI normally test one application each time I run the live desktop and one each install I do15:26
charlie-tcaThat way, I spend just a few minutes to test them, since the install will take up to an hour to complete15:27
charlie-tcaIf I seem short of time, I will run through a menu at a time, so one install will include all the applications in Accessories15:28
Soupermanitocharlie-tca, i have an old ide 4.3GB drive, will you like me to use it for testing? I ask because i saw you talking about limit sized during installs15:28
charlie-tcaWe are only testing the default installation stuff, so it isn't too bad15:28
charlie-tcaIt is not necessary. We try to test something like that for the final images only15:29
drcOK, what I think I'll  do, if it acceptable, is test/install one (live/alternate, 32/64) each day, that way I'll more than cover the spectrum each week?15:29
charlie-tcaThings change too much until then15:29
charlie-tcaThat would be great, drc15:29
charlie-tcaAnd keep in mind, part of testing is actually reporting bugs. 15:29
charlie-tcaI wait 24 hours to report them, normally. Many of the installer bugs get fixed within that time, so it save some work.15:30
charlie-tcaWe will also many days that the images are oversize and don't fit on a cd. That is expected too.15:31
drcThe site says to report daily testing to the mail list...is there a template for reporting?15:32
charlie-tcano, it needs updating. Mainly, we would like you to tell us here if anything fails15:39
drcOK, that's easy15:40
charlie-tcaAlso, persistent fails, like more than a couple of days, we will track carefully15:40
charlie-tcaJust slap me with a wet trout if I don't respond to you15:41
* davmor2 readies frozen trout by splashing it with water15:42
Soupermanitobooo xchat doenst have a /slap command15:42
* charlie-tca wasn't thinking of a frozen trout, fresh would be much better15:42
charlie-tcafrozen is like a hammer!15:43
micahgmr_pouit: thanks, I'll try to do a round of syncs tonight15:48
charlie-tcamicahg: thanks for helping out! It's good to see someone else helping mr_pouit.15:49
micahgcharlie-tca: happy to do it, maybe it'll fix some of my issues with xubuntu on oneiric as well15:49
davmor2charlie-tca: You're just no fun anymore :D15:50
charlie-tcaYou get hit with a frozen trout, you won't be much fun either ;-)15:50
drcdavmor2: you know how it is when someone gets promoted to management :)15:50
davmor2charlie-tca: haha15:51
davmor2drc: so true15:51
* charlie-tca thinks the block of ice might have something to do with it :-)15:53
davmor2charlie-tca: I can bake it solid if it's only the cold that puts you off ;)15:54
charlie-tcaI guess I would prefer the cold15:55
Soupermanitoyou can install *buntu to playstation 3 :O15:59
drcUsing zsync, will there be a problem if one is zsync'ing (is that a even a verb?) an iso every 4 days instead of daily?16:42
charlie-tcano, it just will take a lot longer16:42
charlie-tcasince the image can be changed completely within 4 days, it might be faster to download a new image16:43
Soupermanitoso adding a cron activity to run zsync is recomended?16:45
charlie-tcaI don't use cron for it16:58
micahgugh, xubuntu on oneiric pulls in unity now due to the gnome-session dep17:51
* drc get out the garlic, holy water and stakes17:54
charlie-tcatakes a while to get that straightened out17:54
charlie-tcawhy do we have a gnome-session dependency?17:56
micahgoh, haha, I don't think it's from xubuntu17:57
charlie-tcaThat's why I am waiting to upgrade17:58
micahgoh, yeah, I think there's a dependency chain, but it's long17:59
charlie-tcaprobably something to sort out around alpha2 if it is still there18:09
drcOK...off to re-partition this machine for a testing partition.  Haven't tried dual booting in years and years and years...and then it was not a pleasant task.  Back in a while, if it's successful, later if not.18:20
charlie-tcajust let it install grub to the sda, if you don't have windows. I don't really know if you do have windows18:27
* charlie-tca too late again18:30
Unit193charlie-tca: There has been major changes to the bug report...19:26
pleia2yeah :( since we didn't create a new one it's now marked as invalid for the website19:26
pleia2actually, just for ubiquity19:27
charlie-tcaIt is okay to have both packages in the same report, as long we do add both19:27
charlie-tcayes, it is invalid for upstream ubiquity19:27
pleia2it really should be made into a new bug if we want to file it though, the original bug is *just* a documentation one for the iste19:27
charlie-tcavalid for website and ubuntu ubiquity19:28
pleia2is the website still wrong?19:28
pleia2I think it's correct for natty19:28
charlie-tcaIt is correct for the wording on the cd19:28
pleia2we should probably drop the website from the bug then19:28
pleia2this is very confusing :)19:29
charlie-tcaWe can just sign the website task off as fix-released19:29
pleia2there :)19:30
Unit193jmarsden kinda took that over...19:30
charlie-tcayes he did19:31
Soupermanitooh wait not here19:46
=== Soupermanito is now known as Soup|away
=== Soup|away is now known as Soupermanito

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