
roastedI love this fricken laptop00:00
roastedit can gimp without crapping itself. go intel atom.00:00
xrdodrxI want to get an amd fusion netbook00:01
roastedare they out now?00:02
roastedI read the new chromebooks coming out ina month will have dual core atoms. I'm tempted, but I'm not sure a final-product "Cr-48" will warrant the 350 dollar drop for a dual core atom00:02
bin_bashcp: cannot stat `/Music/': No such file or directory00:03
bin_bashwhat does this mean00:03
charlie-tcausually means you missed something in the directory, because /Music isn't found00:04
charlie-tcashould it be /home/Music?00:04
bin_bashit's there when i do ls00:04
bin_bashand then this00:04
charlie-tcayou trying to copy the whole directory?00:05
charlie-tcait needs cp -r /Music/ to copy everything in it00:05
charlie-tcano problem00:07
charlie-tcaI usually forget the -r, and fight with it for a while trying all kinds of things before I remember00:07
bin_bashi was like "wtf now it's saying it doesnt exist"00:07
bin_bashthen it's like "omitting"00:08
number9Hey on a fresh install of 11.4 with some updates and a few programs, if I open thunar and click my home directory it gives me an error: "Failed to open directory: "user"; Error stating file '/home/user/.gvfs': Transport endpoint is not connected"01:12
number9In bash I can list the contents of my home directory, but get the same error if I try to cd or ls ~/.gvfs01:12
number9Any ideas?01:12
number9any one there?01:22
xrdodrxChanging my cursor theme in main menu > settings manager > mouse leads to some strange effects. For example, the new cursor only takes effect in firefox and goes back to the default theme if I hover over a panel or the desktop. anyone know what could cause thsi?02:59
bin_bashxrdodrx, maybe it's not a omplete theme03:18
charlie-tcaxrdodrx: it is caused by a problem in xfce desktop, IIRC03:22
charlie-tcaThey are aware of it.03:22
roastedthoughts @ theme? Do elementary icons work on a darker theme?04:13
KM0201anybody know how i would go about setting up a "reverse remote connection" with a windows user? it's easy to do w/ Linux.04:13
Guest8231bin_bash, hello, man, that's the pic of what's happening after dropping out of session and hot laptop after a few hours of normal work. http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/imag001436.php - what i promised yesterday04:19
Guest8231sorry for quality.04:20
Guest8231what that things does mean?04:21
bin_bashthat looks like a kernel panic to me04:22
Guest8231what can i do to make it not happen again? mb install new kernel?04:22
Guest8231latest vanilla04:23
bin_bashtbh i don04:23
bin_bashdon't know wnough04:23
bin_bashwhich kernel are you running04:23
Guest8231default after installation - 2.6.38-804:23
bin_bashhmmm yeah unfortunately I can't help you04:24
bin_bashi'm sorry :(04:24
Guest8231it's ok :-)04:24
Guest8231i'll test new kernel.04:25
=== Soup|away is now known as Soupermanito
Soupermanitook, totem has awful subtitle support05:22
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philippeHi all13:52
philippeI can't use xubuntu 11.04 because of a refresh rate problem13:52
philippeScrolling on firefox is really jerky13:53
philippeDoes anyone know if this is a video driver issue?13:53
Murray_BHi! I just tried out ubuntu 11.04 live-cd and really liked the panel applet which presents the application-menu and the window-titlebar in one thing. Is this available at xubuntu for the xfce-panel, too?15:00
Cube``Murray_B: sure15:01
Cube``Murray_B: got a screenshot?15:01
charlie-tcathat is part of unity and ayatana's work15:01
Cube``charlie-tca: dude, i have it right now15:02
charlie-tcaIt still is not part of Xubuntu15:02
Cube``you can put it together from 2-3 parta15:02
Cube``charlie-tca: it's *availiable* though, which is what Murray_B was asking for15:02
Murray_BCube``: Of this panel in xfce? No.15:02
charlie-tcaXfce does not include it. If you add it and have problems, you are on your own15:02
Murray_Bcharlie-tca: :-( Okay, thank you. I think, I'll live with plain xfce. But that one looks really interesting.15:03
charlie-tcaThat's why you have choices. Ubuntu is definitely a different choice at this point15:04
Murray_BCube``: Hm, which parts would I need for it?15:04
charlie-tcaI know some are also running unity in xfce, that doesn't make it work right either.15:04
Cube``charlie-tca: ok, let's make sure we're talking about the same thing. is he talking about gnome-shell?15:04
charlie-tcano, gnome-shell is not on the live cd15:04
charlie-tcaHe is talking the menu in the panel15:04
charlie-tcaUbuntu moved the menu from the windows to the panel, and you only get a menu for the active window15:05
charlie-tcaSeparation of Ubuntu and Xubuntu widened in 11.04. It will grow bigger in Oneiric due to gtk3 and gnome315:07
sanchoHello,  I have a problem getting the electricsheep screensaver to work in xubuntu natty 64.  It doesn't show up in the list of screensavers, but works if I type electricsheep in the terminal.  Is there anyone here who could help me out?15:47
charlie-tcaSince it is an addon, you could create a menu entry for it by adding it to ~/.local/share/applications15:52
charlie-tcaI don't think it can be added to xscreensaver itself, though15:52
sanchoHmmm, could I use gnome-screensaver instead of xscreensaver in xfde then?15:53
charlie-tcayes, you can15:54
sanchoOk, I'll give that a try.  sudo apt-get install gnome-screensaver and sudo apt-get remove xscreensaver?15:54
roastedWhat's up with XFCE not auto mounting my drive? If I reboot, it auto mounts. But I rebooted 4 minutes ago and the 2nd time I plug in my external Nautilus wont auto mount it.15:55
sanchoSorry, still a bit of a n00b15:55
charlie-tcasancho: yes15:55
sanchothanx guys15:55
roastedUnder thunar it says "daemon is inhibited"15:55
charlie-tcanautilus is not part of xfce15:55
charlie-tcaI am not sure why it would not automount more than once, unless it forgets to unmount it15:56
charlie-tcaperhaps there is a ghost left in /dev15:56
roastedthunar and nautilus do it16:00
roastedbut I found this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160456316:00
charlie-tcaroasted: try unmounting it using eject mountpoint16:00
roastedI have ubuntu w/ xfce installed, not "xubuntu"16:00
roastedI cannot unmount if it doesn't mount ;)16:00
roastedbut it seems to work now after the killall command in that thread16:00
charlie-tcayou plug it the first time after a boot and it doesn't mount?16:00
roastedafter a boot, yes16:01
roasted2nd time after a boot, no16:01
roastedsome users were saying udisks may need reinstalled16:01
roastedI didnt do that yet, I just did the killall udisks and it works now. I'll keep an eye on it and see what happens and reinstall udisks if need be.16:01
Soupermanitowhere is the trash:/// folder located?16:10
Soupermanitooh :) thanks16:11
Soupermanito:D im doing xubuntu help on #ubuntu-es16:13
drcSoupermanito: Then it would be ~/local/basura ;)16:17
Soupermanitono, its Trash16:18
Soupermanitoor in any case it would be "papelera"16:19
drcTrue, but in my defense, it's been more than 20 years since I've used any spanish16:21
drcI did well to remember "basura"16:21
Soupermanito:D yes you did!16:21
drcWhich brings up a point, when one localizes xubuntu (or any distro), are things like "trash" localized, or just the menus?16:23
drcAn/or: are the menu(s) localized and the file(s)/folders themselves English?16:25
charlie-tcaI don't know if the folders are localized16:28
charlie-tcaI think they retain the english names, but am not sure16:28
Soupermanitoi dont understand16:29
Soupermanitoi use spañish localization16:29
charlie-tcaThe menus should all be in the language chosen, so spanish would mean all menus in Spanish16:29
SoupermanitoI have >lugares >papelera >escritorio16:29
charlie-tcaSoupermanito: are your folders in English or Spanish?16:29
charlie-tcaSpanish, then16:29
Soupermanitoalso folders are16:30
Soupermanito>Música >Imágenes >Vídeos16:30
Soupermanitothats how it comes16:30
charlie-tcadrc: translations should then be complete, menus, help, folders, everything16:30
Soupermanito:) it is16:30
Soupermanitoi usually end the localization for non standard programs16:31
Soupermanitoalso libreoffice has an awful language support, which is sad16:31
charlie-tcaYes, language translations for that are behind16:31
jewardSo I just installed xubuntu luicid on my netbook.  I can forward X11 from our jump box, but nothing further in...  I am able to do this further in forwarding on an iPad?  Something is more picky on xubuntu.  Can anyone helpo me figure this out?16:32
jewardI've looked ast ssh_config aned sshd_config, but so far, no luck.16:33
jewardX11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.16:33
jewardxterm Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:12.016:33
jewardThe .Xauthority file looks fine...16:34
Soupermanitosorry, i have no idea about what you are talking about16:34
charlie-tcaSounds like vnc, but I don't know enough to help with it16:35
jewardMaybe an X11 room.16:35
Soupermanitocharlie-tca, help does NOT come on spañish16:35
charlie-tcaIt is supposed to. That would mean we did not get it translated for the final release16:35
Soupermanitoim using 10.0416:36
charlie-tcaThat explains it. We did not even get the documentation for it done until last cycle16:36
Soupermanito:) oh16:36
Soupermanitoi have all running so smoothly here i dont even want to move on16:37
charlie-tcaNo need to then.16:37
Soupermanito:D thats why i wanted to try on vboxes so i would not mess whit grub :) but will also use another drive i have around that i dont use16:38
charlie-tcaI do use VirtualBox to test. I also have a couple of spare machines here.16:38
Soupermanitoi only have a pII whit 128mb ram spare machine XD16:39
Soupermanitowhat does xubuntu uses when prnt-scrn is pressed, and how can i change it?17:14
charlie-tcaSettings -> Keyboard -> shortcuts17:15
Soupermanito:) great, will try to change it to scrot17:15
Soupermanito:( still no luck17:20
Soupermanitopressing prnt-screen while a menu is expanded results in nothing17:20
Soupermanitoi can't help people to do stuff if i can't show them where the options are located17:22
drcSoupermanito: Use Screenshot (in Accessories), set the delay to what you want and then open the menus?17:22
Soupermanitoi can do that whit scrot17:23
Soupermanitobut thats really silly17:24
drcOK, then use scrot, I was assuming that scrot didn't work either.17:24
Soupermanitoif i bind scrot to prnt-scrn and press it while a menu is expanded it doesnt work either17:24
drcSoupermanito: Looks like open the menus overides most things (ALT-F2 doesn't work either)17:26
drcIt may be "silly" but it looks like it works as *designed* :)17:28
drcor is at least consistent.17:29
bin_bashwhats the name of the libre office pkg17:31
charlie-tcaYou are welcome17:31
Soupermanitodrc, yes, i saw that, i couldnt alt-f4 either17:34
LamusjHellooo! xD18:42
Soupermanitohi people, my friend lamusj installed xubuntu 11.04 a few days ago, and today he nothed that empathy-logger is consumming a hella lot of his ram18:42
Soupermanitoso he wanted to know why and how to fix ti18:43
aberhowso, is there a reason i can't get three montors to work with nvidia and Xinerama?18:43
charlie-tcaUse pidgin instead of empathy18:43
aberhowthe same xorg works fine with rhel18:43
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead18:43
Soupermanitoaberhow, nvidia has its own multimonitor support, i've heard is pretty good18:43
charlie-tcaDid you create the xorg.conf in /etc/X11 ?18:44
aberhowyes, i used the nvidia-settings tool to create the xorg.conf in /etc/X1118:44
Lamusjempathy-logger I used 89% of the cpu :/18:44
charlie-tcaIs the xorg exactly the same as the one from rhel?18:45
aberhowwhere is the bugtracker, i'm pretty sure i'm doing it right and this is a bug18:45
aberhowno, not EXACTLY the same, but pretty close18:45
charlie-tcaThen it can't work exactly the same18:45
aberhowthat xorg.conf was also generated with the nvidia-settings tool18:45
aberhowsure it can18:45
charlie-tcaokay, you win18:45
aberhowsame driver same hardware18:46
charlie-tcadifferent settings18:46
aberhowok, where's that bugtracker18:48
charlie-tcaaberhow: open a terminal, file a bug using      ubuntu-bug xorg18:48
charlie-tcainclude the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file18:48
charlie-tcaLamusj: is it possible to turn the logger itself off?18:49
Lamusjyes, with top in the terminal could!18:51
charlie-tcaDoes that help?18:52
charlie-tcaI don't use empathy, but perhaps there is a way to start it without the logger. You could check      empathy --help     in a terminal for options18:53
charlie-tcaIf there is, just copy the /usr/share/applications/empathy file to ~/.local/share/applications and modify the exec=    to start empathy without logger18:54
Lamusjcharlie-tca, ok!18:56
SoupermanitoXD he has a hard time reading english so im translating him on a private channel18:59
charlie-tcaThanks. That is a really good thing to do18:59
charlie-tcaThe ~/.local/share/applications files overrides the /usr/share/applications so you don't get two menu entries19:00
SoupermanitoI didn't knew that19:00
charlie-tcaThat's why I said just copy the file19:00
Lamusjcharlie-tca,  thanks for the help! xD19:08
charlie-tcaLamusj: you are welcome19:08
LamusjI'll be in this channel more often xD charlie-tca19:08
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:10
charlie-tcaThat does help whether or not windows got involved19:11
jozefkdoes this means I need to be in some group or it means I need to umount the device? http://bit.ly/lJ87op   Disk inside DVD-Rom is not empty by the way19:17
Soupermanitojozefk, you using brasero?19:18
charlie-tcano, it just means close the window and right click the disk to click unmount19:18
jozefkxfburn is that19:19
charlie-tcaIf you don't have the disc icon, open a terminal and type      eject19:19
jozefkbrasero is smart enough to handle that19:19
jozefkbut I have xfburn right now19:19
Soupermanitoi don't know i had that exact problem whit brasero the other day19:19
drcOk, that was *relatively* painless...adding "GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=TRUE" to /etc/default/grub and running "update-grub" afterwards will set my last grub menu selection as the default on the next boot?19:20
charlie-tcaI have never seen it with xfburn19:20
jozefkeject will really eject the Rom. it will not umount only19:20
charlie-tcaeject should unmount before ejecting19:20
jozefkdid you ever try eject?19:20
charlie-tcayes, which is why I said try it19:20
jozefkhow do you stop him?19:20
charlie-tcastop the eject?19:21
jozefkstop to open the DVD rom19:21
charlie-tcayou mean it is spinning?19:21
Soupermanitoeject is probably the very first terminal order i have ever used19:21
charlie-tcaI open task manager and tell it to kill cdrom19:21
jozefkwell, every time before if I type eject in terminal the CD/DVD in Rom goes out of it. door is opening and I have to remove it19:22
jozefkno question asked :)19:22
charlie-tcaThat is what I expect to happen19:22
jozefkthen how can I burn on it?19:23
jozefkif I put it back what's the difference?19:23
jozefkor how can I blank it19:23
charlie-tcaIt said try again. If it is a blank, close the drive and it should be good, unless you got a bad disc, which happens sometimes19:23
charlie-tcaIs that a cd-r or cd-rw ?19:24
jozefkfirst. I guess xfburn is not smart enough to blank it automatically19:24
jozefkand it's not blank right now19:24
jozefkas I mentioned already19:24
charlie-tcamost burn applications will not blank automatically19:24
jozefkbrasero and k3b will do it :)19:24
jozefkit will ask you and do it19:24
charlie-tcabut if it recognize it as a -rw, it should blank it19:25
jozefkit should? that's good. just to umount it first :)19:25
charlie-tcaMaybe xfburn is not that advanced yet. It is pretty new19:25
jozefkright click in Thunar is giving only one option: Eject Volume19:26
jozefkno Umount19:26
charlie-tcaThe message was "Please unmount the disc" . it is not umounting because it is not mounting the disc.19:27
jozefkthat's it. I typed Eject and door opened and I close it again :)19:27
jozefkand same message from xfburn19:28
jozefkshall I umount it with sudo umount /dev/sr0?19:28
charlie-tcayou can try to19:29
charlie-tcaIt is possible that xfburn just won't work for the dvd-rw, and you will need to use brasero or k3b19:29
jozefkok that worked. sudo umount /dev/sr019:30
jozefkxfburn is not complaining anymore. at list not yet :))19:30
jozefkI didn't blank the disk first. just did burn image. xfburn didn't asked me anything at all :))) it just blank it and start burning lol which is cool but I expected to ask me like k3b do and brasero as well19:32
charlie-tcaxfburn probably thinks you were smart enough to know the disc you put in needed to be reformated19:33
jozefkso it's smart enough to blank it but not smart enough to umount it19:33
Soupermanitothats linux fou you19:34
jozefkwell I am :)) I check first what is on the disk. then decided to overwrite19:34
jozefkalready finish19:34
jozefkit seems it's fine. ok not a big deal to umount it manually with sudo19:35
Soupermanito:P you could create a launcher whit that option XD19:36
charlie-tcaGlad you got it to work :-)19:36
Soupermanitogksu umount -f /dev/sr019:36
jozefklauncher? come on :))19:37
jozefkterminal is always open19:38
jozefkwhat image/photo manager you are using?19:38
charlie-tcaI don't use any, myself19:40
Soupermanitoirfanview trough wine19:40
jozefkforget about wine. I don't use it and don't want to use it19:41
Soupermanitogpicview is pretty good19:41
jozefkshotwell, f-spot also19:41
jozefkand there was one more, can't remember the name19:42
jozefkthe default I see, is Risretto or something like that.19:42
Soupermanitoristretto is really, really, not for me19:49
Soupermanitoi mean, its the dafault viewer and it can't even change the desktop walpaper? come one19:49
charlie-tcaum, viewer, right, not modifier application, right?19:51
jozefkristretto can change the wallpaper19:52
charlie-tcait does one thing, and it does it quite well, view19:52
charlie-tcaEven better was feh, if I recall correctly19:52
charlie-tcaIt could display png thumbnails on the desktop19:53
jozefkcharlie-tca, my favorite is gwenview. but it's KDE. I didn't use it long time. actually I use it for couple of days these days, coz I used KDE for a while.19:53
Sysigwenview can't ever roll around directory19:54
Sysiwhen you're at the and, you're at the end19:54
charlie-tcafeh displays images, and uses very few resources to do it19:54
jozefkbut there are many other managers. good ones. in linux. like digikam for example. also KDE :) even those I mentioned already are fine. anyway ristretto works fine with Right click > open with Gimp :))19:54
Sysii like ristretto19:55
charlie-tcaI would like it better if I could remember it19:55
jozefksave a  copy of the image is also fine feature19:56
Soupermanitowhen i tried lubuntu it came whit gpicview, which is pretty good to do simple transformation tasks19:59
Soupermanitolike rotate or change format19:59
jozefkI have never tried that feh. will see on google19:59
jozefkristretto can also rotate20:00
jozefkno crop no anything else it seems20:00
jozefkit can save as png. didn't try tif or something. jpg works of course20:04
tomekhhi. where xfce-4.8 is keeping cache of background images (wallpapers)?20:08
jozefkthis is my xubuntu :) http://bit.ly/mlI9Yo  click on image to zoom it a little bit20:09
jozefktomekh, ~/.thumbnails20:13
charlie-tcaThat's a temporary holding area for thumbnails. Looking for the location20:13
BigBigAl1979Good afternoon, does any one know how to create a black png file for use with the ffmpeg codec?20:15
jozefkblack png file? gimp would be the first thing I would try :)20:17
BigBigAl1979Thank you!:)20:18
BigBigAl1979Please may I ask how I can turn two png files, one black and one white in to a strobing ffmpeg video file?20:22
Soupermanitoi thin you can use gimp for that20:23
Soupermanitoask goodle20:23
jozefksee in ffmpeg channel if exist20:24
jozefkif ffmpeg can do it20:24
jozefkif not then yes gimp what else20:24
BigBigAl1979Thank you for your help:)20:25
jozefkBigBigAl1979, did you try kdenlive?20:26
BigBigAl1979not yet, thank you for your suggestion:)20:27
jozefkI guess you have xfce but kdenline is really great app20:27
jozefkit's of course kde :))20:27
inspiron1525Hi, I'm new in the chat and my english is not soo good.20:28
inspiron1525I have a problem with xubuntu 1120:29
charlie-tcainspiron1525: Ask your question, all on one line if possible. If anyone knows the answer, they will try to help you.20:30
inspiron1525The audio is not work any more but I don't now why20:31
=== Soupermanito is now known as Soup|away
inspiron1525I'm Italian20:31
charlie-tcaIt just died?20:34
charlie-tcaor it quit working when you upgraded, or it quit when you installed Xubuntu 11.04?20:34
inspiron1525Yes, to day I have listing the music but now no work20:35
charlie-tcaAnybody good with audio issues? Sound quit while listening to music...20:35
inspiron1525and watch movies the movies play but no audio20:37
charlie-tcaThe best I can do is tell you to install pavucontrol20:38
charlie-tcaand make sure nothing is muted20:38
preecherthats what i had to do20:40
inspiron1525No, there is on every things20:41
inspiron1525I try to install pavucontrol20:41
Soup|awayinspiron1525, try to run alsa force-unload & alsa force-reload20:42
inspiron1525Yes, work again - Thank you!20:47
bin_bash__I uninstalled pulseaudio lol20:48
Soup|awayno problem inspiron1525 :) glad it worked20:48
inspiron1525thank you and Good night to all20:50
Soup|away:) bonna notte :D20:50
=== Soup|away is now known as Soupermanito
drcWell, that was a bit more painful...gpartd resized partitions correctly, Kubuntu installed to the correct partition correctly, grub2 found the correct booting data and worked correctly...but I could not for the life of me get grub2 to default to the correct partition.  I finally re-installed grub2 and all was automagically correct.  Go figure.21:12
drcSo now as soon as the Xubuntu team gets their daily builds up, testing can begin.21:13
drcAnd I can commence to break things :)21:14
Sysii have two useless netbooks now..21:15
charlie-tcaCombine them and make one useless netbook out of them?21:16
drcInstall Ubuntu/Unity and Gnome3/Shell and let them fight it out?21:16
Sysii have gnome3 on other one21:17
drcShell Wars!21:17
Sysii think other one has two small screen21:17
drcSysi: Yes but that's Fedora )iirc), so that doesn't count21:17
Sysignome3 broke unicode on xfce-terminal on ubuntu21:19
Sysievery BT gui failed on *buntu too21:20
Sysii think i'm putting kde-netbook there, i *could* try kubuntu because with that ican get the globalmenu21:26
LamusjHi, anyone knows if there is a ppa for xfce 4.8 on ubuntu 11.04 ?22:55
pleia2xfce 4.8 comes with 11.04 by default22:55
pleia2no need for a ppa22:55
Lamusjpleia2, yes, but I have installed xfce on ubuntu 11.0422:56
pleia2I guess I don't understand your question22:57
pleia2if you install the xfce4 package, you get xfce 4.8 on 11.0422:57
LamusjUmmm! ok! ppa not find a xfce 4.8 for U-11.04: / in case future updates!22:59
DarkEraI believe xfce isn't that fast with updates. 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 for example took almost a year.... if i'm not mistaken23:17
ronsonolDefault behavior of alt-space is to bring up a menu on the left side of a window.  I'd like it to do a backspace.  Anyone know what I need to change?23:17
ronsonol(I just got a new keyboard with a small backspace button that's driving me insane).23:18
drcDarkEra: http://wiki.xfce.org/releng/4.10/roadmap23:19
MK``I just upgraded to 11.04 but I receive this error: http://pastebin.com/EvTESBC823:21
DarkEradrc: thanks23:21
aberhowahh, fixed my triple monitor Xinerama problem finally, turns out logging into the xfce session worked, moved the panels to the proper monitor, log back out and into the xubuntu session and everything is fine. weird23:44

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