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broderhmm...is there a standard answer for what an app is supposed to do if it runs fullscreen (i.e. above the launcher and panel) and needs its menus?02:30
broderthis came up in bug 783006 about focuswriter02:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 783006 in natty-backports "A request for FocusWriter" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78300602:30
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cdbsSorry if I missed something, but is Unity 3.8.14 postponed?06:25
cdbs(no developer online to answer that right now :( )06:26
didrocksgood morning07:19
evaluateDoes the files in the "icon-theme-path" directory that I pass to app_indicator_new_with_path have to be in any hierarchy or something like that?07:20
evaluateI tried just putting a 'something.png' into a folder and then passing that folder to app_indicator_new_with_path, but it won't work.07:22
oSoMoNgood morning07:59
coz_oSoMoN,  certainly morning here   3:00 am08:00
oSoMoNcoz_: perfect time for hacking/designing I would say :)08:01
coz_oSoMoN,  i suppose ,  I am staying away from that for now,, i think I will stick with graphics :)08:02
coz_oSoMoN,  graphics take the same amount of energy ,, cant do both08:02
MacSlowgood morning folks08:08
oSoMoNhey MacSlow08:09
MacSlowhey oSoMoN08:09
Nafaihi guys08:13
MacSlowhey Nafai08:14
NafaiHey MacSlow.08:16
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didrocksoSoMoN: css file for the launcher? you can mix qml and css?10:35
oSoMoNdidrocks: not that I know of, but you can apply style to Qt widgets using CSS10:36
didrocksoSoMoN: oh ok, it's for the Qt Widgets then, thanks :)10:36
oSoMoNdidrocks: in Unity-2d, afaik it’s used only to style the quicklists10:37
didrocksoSoMoN: and quicklists aren't qml elements? it's Qt code?10:37
didrocksoSoMoN: I guess launcher/UnityApplications/, isn't it?10:38
oSoMoNdidrocks: yes10:38
didrocksthanks for confirming :)10:39
oSoMoNdidrocks: quicklists are not QML elements because you can create QML elements only inside the parent view, not outside of it10:39
oSoMoNdidrocks: that said, they are exposed in QML10:39
didrocksoSoMoN: oh ok, you can't create an extra X window outside of it?10:39
oSoMoNdidrocks: not directly from QML10:40
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didrockskaleo: small question, is there any intend to still backport current unity-2d to maverick?12:11
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hichamhi didrocks12:38
didrockshey hicham!13:12
didrocksgood morning :)13:12
hichamdidrocks: when will you start working on the gtk3 port ?13:13
didrockshicham: not sure, the work should be quite quick to do, but right now, we are focused on the natty SRU13:14
hichamdidrocks: natty SRU ?13:15
didrockshicham: stable release update13:15
hichamdidrocks: does that include fixing compiz crashing on enabling/disabling plugins ?13:16
didrockshicham: it's already done with latest version normally13:17
didrockswe don't have a crash anymore13:17
hichamdidrocks: latest unity version ?13:20
didrockshicham: right, 3.8.1213:20
didrocksisn't what you package?13:20
hichamdidrocks: that is the version I have13:21
hichamdidrocks: but I still have crashes13:22
kaleodidrocks: let me check (I don't think so)13:24
didrockshicham: did you report them with a backtrace?13:25
hichamdidrocks: not yet, I thought it is still a known issue13:26
hichamdidrocks: but I will13:26
didrockshicham: not for this one, please report it with a backtrace :-)13:27
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janimooSoMoN, hello. Which part of the Unity-2D codebase is involved in moving app icons on the launcher? I hit bug 768812 again13:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 768812 in unity-2d "[launcher] icons no longer active after an incomplete drag (no reliable way to reproduce yet)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76881213:43
oSoMoNjanimo: in the source tree, look for launcher/ListViewDragAndDrop.qml13:45
janimooSoMoN, thanks, looking.13:47
janimoI attahced with gdb and there are 12 threads, 11 of them waiting in the mail loop for events, and one in QTWTF::TCMalloc_PageHeap::scavengerThread13:48
oSoMoNjanimo: no idea what that would be, but if you can attach all the relevant output/information to the bug report, that will be super useful13:50
janimooSoMoN, gdb traces you mean? I can attach those13:50
janimooSoMoN, so the launcher supports drag and drop rearranging of the app launcher icons?13:51
janimoI can try reproducing the issue if so13:51
janimoso far I could only move them accidentally13:51
Mark__Tkenvandine: ping13:53
janimooSoMoN, btw that file mentions a workaround that should be dropped when Qt 4.7.2 is used .That is true for Natty now14:03
hichamhi DBO14:25
hichamDBO: what is the status in bamf about https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60696014:25
ubot5Gnome bug 606960 in gio "gio: Add extension point for informing parties of launched application data" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed]14:25
DBOwe are going to port to the gnome version of that patch this cycle14:26
hichamnice, because I am having some strange window matching14:26
hichammozilla apps for one14:27
hichammaybe it is caused by the absence of the gio module14:27
hichamthey are matched correctly in gnome-shell14:27
hichamDBO: you gonna also use gtk3/wnck3 ?14:28
DBOwhich distro are you on?14:29
hichamDBO: Fedora 1514:32
DBOhicham, yeah without the patch you lose considerable accuracy14:32
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saohi all. I'm currently playing around with the quicklist, which just works with a Launcher ;). I'm now asking myself if there is a way to add such a customized Quicklist with Unity.LauncherEntry to a Unity Lens? If yes is there a sample somewhere?17:12
Tatarushello in there. i want to report a bug17:13
Tataruswho can i report to?17:13
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mardykaleo: hi, I wrote a fix for bug 766776 (I suppose LP sent you the notification, but anyway...)17:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 766776 in unity-2d "double clicks should be disabled on bfb/Place launcher icon/double key press" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76677617:20
kaleomardy: awesome!17:22
mardykaleo: but as I wrote in the comment, I couldn't request a merge :-(17:23
kaleomardy: you can use the web interface to submit your merge request17:24
mardykaleo: ah. OK, I'll try17:24
kaleomardy: https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/unity-2d/treat-double-clicks-as-single there is a button "request a merge" in there somewhere :)17:24
mardykaleo: found, thanks17:25
kaleomardy: you can set a nice commit message for the merge in there17:25
kaleomardy: and add comments if there is anything you would like to point out (limitations, advice on testing, etc.)17:26
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lamalexjono, dude, have you ever tried to run guitarpro under wine or anything?20:01
lamalexso many tabs are in gp5 format which tuxguitar and all of those programs can't open20:01
lamalexjono, also i need to send you a picture of my new guitar...20:02
lamalexit's absurd20:02
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