
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
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JontheEchidnagah, trying to build oneiric packages in a natty pbuilder :/04:32
JontheEchidnaherp derp04:32
JontheEchidnayay, chromium is fixed with the latest updates04:33
micahgJontheEchidna: what was broke?04:36
JontheEchidnamicahg: technically gdk-pixbuf was broke, causing chrome to be unable to load pixmaps leaving certain UI elements red04:38
JontheEchidna(in oneiric)04:38
micahgJontheEchidna: ah, ok, yeah, I had no icons until the last update :)04:39
JontheEchidnaI had no icons and redness at UDS04:39
JontheEchidnait's what I get for upgrading early, tho04:40
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eMyller'lo all05:16
apacheloggerScottK: how do indent two or four spaces without tab key though07:55
jussimorning all 08:00
jussiwhere in systemsettings was it that I can change the "raster" setting (have a PC here with superslow kde)08:03
Tm_Tjussi: system settings -> desktop effects -> third(?) tab08:05
didrocksgood morning08:28
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ScottKapachelogger: sapce bar10:08
apacheloggerScottK: madness10:19
debfxScottK: can you accept the kde related packages from NEW?10:32
ScottKdebfx: Maybe later today.  Not at the moment.10:38
* jussi zaps ScottK10:58
yofelapachelogger: use vim? :P11:29
ryrychapachelogger: I’ve sent you an email about this but the channel may be a quicker way to get the answer: how can I get an access to git repository?12:10
apacheloggerryrych: git clone git://anongit.kde.org/websites/phonon-kde-org12:11
apacheloggerryrych: oh, you mean commit access?12:12
ryrychapachelogger: yup, commit access12:14
ryrychor is it only for VIPs? :D12:14
apacheloggerryrych: https://identity.kde.org/ register there, upload your ssh key, and then there should be a button to request kde dev access somewhere12:18
apacheloggerif we are lucky the mighty kde sysadmins will grant you access12:18
ryrychapachelogger: ok, thanks12:35
txwikingerScottK: I found a KDE regression in natty14:01
shadeslayerScottK: ah ... 14:04
shadeslayerbtw the weird bug in rekonq where the links don't open from google.com don't open have been fixed in git, could someone do a SRU?14:05
Quintasantxwikinger: link to bug14:10
Quintasantxwikinger: did you get anyone else to confirm it?14:10
txwikingerYeah. is already in the KDE bug system14:11
txwikingerhowever, has gotten worse not better14:12
txwikingerkded4 spawns lots of defunc processes and ends up to totally freeze the computer14:12
shadeslayer^^ i've seen that bug on lp a couple of times14:15
Quintasantxwikinger: is there a patch for this?14:15
QuintasanPolicyKit should also pick the current user automatically when asking for password14:16
* Quintasan has to report that14:16
txwikingerQuintasan: I don't know14:34
Quintasanno good :S14:34
txwikingerI get lots of e-mails anout the bug, but I have never seen a solution14:34
QuintasanThat's the problem with community :P14:35
QuintasanEveryone is fast to complain but rarley someone bothers to do anything about it :P14:35
txwikingerWell.. not everybody has the information to fix everything14:36
txwikingerIf I need to fix all the bugs, I do not need a community14:36
txwikingerAnd furthermore, I did not complain, I just raised awareness about it14:37
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ryrychapachelogger: which file from .ssh/ I have to upload as a ssh key?16:42
yofelI would assume the pbulickey, id_XXX.pub16:45
ryrychyofel: ok, thanks :)16:46
apacheloggerryrych: ping16:48
ryrychapachelogger: pong16:48
apacheloggerryrych: by getting kde dev access you technically have commit/push access to all of KDE, I'd like to make sure that you are aware of the implications of that and thus not change stuff in repos other than the phonon website one, unless invited to do so etc.16:49
ryrychapachelogger: sure, I’m not a swine and won’t damage anythining :D16:52
* apachelogger sends mail to sysadmins to advocate account request16:53
ryrychapachelogger: sheytan can confirm that I am trustworthy :)16:53
Quintasanryrych: \o16:54
Quintasanryrych: apachelogger convinced you to do Phonon website? :O16:54
apacheloggerryrych: well, as I have not met sheytan in real life that does not help ^^16:54
QuintasanUDS-P shall be in Poland16:58
ryrychQuintasan: nope, I told sheytan I would do it16:58
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Quintasanryrych: oh, cool, having a new, shiny web page is a blog post material16:58
Quintasanapachelogger: ^16:58
ryrychapachelogger: I understand that there is risk that someone might be a vandal but you must put trust in me :D16:59
ryrychQuintasan: are you Polish? I saw somewhere one dude called quintisan or quintasa?17:01
Quintasanno siema17:01
ryrychQuintasan: no hej :D to było chyba na blipie17:01
QuintasanPolish people, Polish people everywhere17:02
ryrychQuintasan: jesteś devem?17:04
JontheEchidnaoh wow, chrome actually works with the menubar now17:16
JontheEchidnathis is interesting: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KDE+PO+Thumbnailer?content=14203617:17
apacheloggerit has a bug17:19
cpatrick08i was wondering when kde 4.7 beta 1 would be released for natty/oneiric17:31
JontheEchidnamight take a bit, there are significant distribution changes with the upstream source17:34
cpatrick08ok thanks17:36
JontheEchidnathe whole git migration made a lot of changes17:37
DarkwingDuckMorning guys17:51
yofel hey DarkwingDuck17:53
DarkwingDuckHows life yofel?17:57
yofelsitting on  the balcony enjoying the afternoon sun -> good :)17:58
DarkwingDuckyofel: epic. I'm finishing research for my second interview with canonical tomorrow17:59
yofelgreat :)17:59
DarkwingDuck:D I just hope Jono likes me a second time around18:00
DarkwingDuckjussi: ping18:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw, since you are down for the kcm-grub2 eval ... what we have in natty broke my config by messing up the `lsb-release` thus now my grub does not say Ubuntu anymore but lsb-release`19:45
apacheloggerproofing my point of having one do-it-all dangerous to meet the usecase of switch-me-default-booted-os19:45
JontheEchidnaI've changed my default grub entry in oneiric without problem19:49
apacheloggerperhaps fixed19:49
apacheloggerthe fact that it broke once does not make me overly confident though :P19:50
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QuintasanJontheEchidna, apachelogger: How about we put a notice on website that it (4.7 beta) might take a little longer than usually?20:08
apacheloggerQuintasan: seems like we are making an excuse for being slow -> bad public relations20:12
Quintasanwe will get bad PR for being slow without saying anything as well :P20:12
yofelwell, blame the alioth admins, but I think we can manage answering questions on IRC and identi.ca20:12
yofelbut I do wonder when we're going to start, maybe I'll build some things myself in a VM and update the dep-graph at least20:15
apacheloggerQuintasan: the vocal minority factor :P20:16
apacheloggerthere are a lot more people reading kubuntu.org than are complaining about no 4.7b120:16
Quintasanbambee: \o20:24
Quintasanwell. and see you :P20:24
* Quintasan goes to bed20:25
QuintasanGood night everyone20:25
bambeegood night ;)20:25
Quintasanapachelogger: >Add kamoso to DVD20:28
Quintasanapachelogger: and we have >Get kamoso on the CD20:28
QuintasanThe hell?20:28
apacheloggerQuintasan: *shrug*20:34
apacheloggerwhoever would I know20:34
apacheloggerQuintasan: where is that form?20:34
Quintasanour Todo derp20:34
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jussiDarkwingDuck: yes?20:36
DarkwingDuckjussi: Nevermind, pici fixed it.20:46
ScottKtxwikinger: Try the ntrack update in natty-proposed.21:25
txwikingerScottK: ntrack? what is that?21:26
ScottKIt's the networking thing that may be the source of your trouble.21:26
txwikingerhmm.. ScottKno package found21:29
yofelit's libntrack0 and others21:30
* yofel is off to bed, good night21:32
neversfelden8 yofel21:33
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txwikingerScottK: I installed it. I got one defunc process so far. I will monitor how it goes since it always takes a while.21:36
bambeewhat ? the apple logo is a tribute to alan turing ... wow... probably the only one thing well done by apple. o_O21:42
claydohgood evening my kind kubuntu kin!22:19
claydohand everyone else too22:30
* apachelogger giggles away22:32
claydohsure you have never been otherwise to me22:32
apacheloggermust be a bug lol :P22:33
claydohI should have sicked you on to the dude who thought kubuntuforums was blocking registrations of users of another distro lol22:37
claydohserious. The dude had cookies disabled in his browser actually, but he didn't go back and edit his post to clarify or apologize or whatever.22:42
* claydoh sighs22:43
* claydoh desires a smartphone, will give up cable tv for one, but the Mrs won't go for it22:44
* claydoh notes that said Mrs has her own smartphone22:44
* claydoh goes back to blogging about veromix, his new favorite thing of the moment22:45
apacheloggeryou should be careful with that22:46
apacheloggerpeople are interpreting all sorts of stuff into us talking about things22:46
apacheloggerand at uds the consensus was to continue deploying lord kmix22:46
claydohI am just bloggin on how to install and use it, thats it. I wasn't aware there was discussion on it22:48
claydohI didn't know veromix used drag-n-drop, for example22:48
apacheloggerbasically kmix is getting all sexied up + continuing PA enablement puts it almost on par with veromix + upstream has plans for a soundmenu implementation22:49
apacheloggerthen again I ignited that planning and failed to find someone to actually do it ^^22:49
claydohso it makes it easy for me to record something with Audacity with my usb headset22:49
claydohbut that's in the *future* :) or is something in 4.7beta........22:51
voriangah, merging does not like me :'(22:51
apacheloggerclaydoh: not 4.722:51
claydohAs I do not like pavucontrol as much, i shall instruct the huddled masses on the unknown joys  of veromix such as they are22:52
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shadeslayerJontheEchidna: quick poke ... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/muon/1.1.80-0ubuntu122:58
JontheEchidnaknown, working on it22:58
JontheEchidnawaiting on libqapt to clear new queue, actually22:58
shadeslayerah okay22:59
shadeslayerit's waiting on libqtzeigeist actually22:59
JontheEchidnayes, technically22:59
JontheEchidnabut I have an upload removing that22:59
JontheEchidnabut it will still have to wait for libqapt even after that22:59
shadeslayerah okay22:59
shadeslayernight then ;)23:00
JontheEchidnadon't worry, I'm on top of things ;-)23:00
shadeslayerhehe 23:00
* shadeslayer has a exam in 11 hours23:00
JontheEchidnafor a while yesterday I was trying to build it in a natty pbuilder :P23:00
JontheEchidnadidn't work out so well23:00
ScottKshadeslayer: When is that not true?23:00
shadeslayerScottK: will not be true after 10th23:00
shadeslayer10th June23:01
ScottKUntil it is again.23:01
shadeslayeruntil my next sem starts, yes 23:01
shadeslayerbye ...23:02
ryrychapachelogger: my account has been converted to a dev one but I cannot push my changes – I get the info that I have no write access to phonon website repo :(23:03
apacheloggerryrych: you need to push to a different url23:05
apachelogger git@git.kde.org:websites/phonon-kde-org23:06
ryrychapachelogger: I cloned the repo through ssh which has r+w access23:07
ryrychhm, but I am not sure – how can I look at my current repo config?23:08
apacheloggerare you sure? because I think cloning from git.kde.org is blocked23:08
apacheloggerless .git/config23:09
apacheloggeralso have a look at this http://community.kde.org/Sysadmin/GitKdeOrgManual#Let_Git_rewrite_URL_prefixes23:09
apacheloggertakes care of the url stuff for you23:09
ryrychapachelogger: I did this rewrite but now I have to change it manually (I think)23:10
apacheloggerjust clone from kde:websites/phonon-kde-org, then the alias should take care of appropriate url rewrite at push23:11
apacheloggeror change your .git/config manually to use kde: 23:12
apacheloggerI am off to bed23:12
ryrychapachelogger: me too; it turned out I don’t have permission to this repo – I’ll asked tomorrow23:27
Riddellrbelem: ping23:58

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