
Belial`does anyone have a problem with rekonq not blocking ads?00:00
medionpalI just installed kubuntu on my ubuntu 10.04 system and really like it. however when I go to firefox the fonts look so "pixelated", not so rounded as in gnome. it is tiring for the eyes, how can I change this00:05
medionpalhow can I get rid of the pixelated appearance in kde, in gnome on the same pc it looks nice00:17
Fluttershyyour font antialiasing is probably turned off00:19
medionpalno it is turned on... k3b looks relatively smooth though. firefox looks very pixelated.. gives me a headache00:22
medionpalhmmm turned on subpixel rendering, it looks better now00:23
CammyWhen I pulled my video card out and booted into Kubuntu with the internal VGA, although it still came up in the same resolution (1360x768) all the fonts were microscopic, and unreadable00:25
CammyAnd I don't think the font settings were any different00:25
medionpalmine were huge.. changed that00:28
medionpalthanks dudes00:29
ZeDingofinally got minecraft to run enough to give a crash report00:35
ZeDingoSIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0xb76f6416, pid=3325, tid=178869745600:35
ZeDingono idea what a sigsegv is, though00:35
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.01:23
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »01:23
Spaz_Dynamicdbus-daemon is suddenly using a lot of CPU, and I have no idea why?01:31
Spaz_Dynamicit also appears I am unable to launch konsole01:34
Spaz_Dynamicthough it is running according to system monitor01:34
=== nosrepa is now known as aperson
Tri-EdgeIs anyone having issues with CPU overheating in Kubuntu?01:44
Codenomicsi guess he is01:48
unhaoanyone knows a xxx passwords channel?01:51
genii-around!illegal | unhao01:52
ubottuunhao: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o01:52
Codenomicsok looks like mint has failed as my ftp server, lets see how kubuntu does01:54
CodenomicsOK so question... installed kubuntu is running very smoothly and I am happy so far... but during installation, it was the most unusable livecd I have ever seen!01:56
Codenomicsis this normal? or just something funky with my machine?01:56
Codenomicstook me almost an hour to install01:56
MK``It's just one of those installers01:58
Codenomicsthat is normal?01:59
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CodenomicsMK``: i just ran it on another machine, and it is nothing like it was before02:18
MK``Ah, might be the machine then02:21
Codenomicsboot time on this machine now is amazing02:23
preecherdont know how/why but on my end kubuntu runs & opens everything faster than ubuntu & even xubuntu plus its very nice on the eyes!!!02:25
Keshlpreecher: Simple. KDE is much epicier than a Garden Variety GNOME, and doesn't look like a Labrat (XFCE's logo) ;). Plus it has a dragon. Dragons make it epic automatically. <.<03:13
srladdDamned right. Dragons are always epic03:24
KeshlMe learning Linux when I was twelve, using Debian in a shell: Meh...03:25
KeshlMe, using Backtrack 2, which has dragons everywhere: I wanna learn Linux OwO!03:25
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Codenomicsquick question... what is the command to turn off x and just run the machine in CLI?05:20
Codenomicsok then05:27
lsvCodenomics: I really don't know but you could use " Ctrl + Alt + F[1-6] "05:28
lsvCodenomics: where F[1-6] is any of the F1, F2, ... , F6 keys05:29
Codenomicslsv: those will just kick me to another shell05:30
CodenomicsI want to kill x and save some power05:30
Codenomicsit is a makeshift server, doesnt really need x right now05:30
lsvCodenomics: how about " kill -9 $(pidof X) ", I think this will just kill X, not sure if it would break anything..05:34
lsvI would try it somewhere safe first05:34
lsvlet me try it on my laptop05:35
Codenomicsoh yeah... didint think of that05:37
Codenomicsdont seem safe for some reason though05:37
lsvCodenomics: that just restarted X05:37
lsvand you needed to be sudo05:37
Codenomicsmakes sense05:37
Codenomicsi will live lol05:37
lsvhaha, I will ask on the ubuntu channel05:38
Codenomicseventually I will figure it out, aint a server that is getting used that much so it aint really going to hurt anything05:38
yofelthe 'proper' way to shutdown X is 'sudo service kdm stop'05:39
lsvthat looks right, what if I'm using gnome?05:39
lsvjust change kdm to gnome?05:40
yofelthen gdm05:40
yofelto prevent it from starting at boot, in natty you can run 'echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/kdm.conf.override' I think05:40
lsvsome one in the ubuntu channel sugested " sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop "05:45
yofelthat's deprecated05:45
yofelit still works though05:45
lsvthey look similar05:46
yofelit's the sys-v-init way to stop it, but gdm is an upstart service now so it just works since upstart provides fallback links for this purpose05:47
yofelback in jaunty /etc/init.d/gdm stop was the right way to stop it05:47
lsvyofel: is there any way of making ubuntu boot to a terminal instead of X?05:54
yofelI'm not sure how that is done on the server system, but disabling the kdm service will prevent X from starting at least05:57
yofeltry 'echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/kdm.conf.override' - if it still starts rename the service to kdm.conf.disabled05:58
lsvI see, thank you very much05:59
KroftHello everyone.06:05
KroftI have a question.06:05
KroftIs there ANY way possible to get updates for Kubuntu 8.10?06:06
Fluttershynothing official06:08
KroftI cannot STAND the new distros. I have had nothing but issues with them,06:10
KroftIs Hardy still supported?06:10
KroftNvm, it's support ended this month... I should have installed it sooner.06:11
iliashi all. could u plz advise me how can i find if the system (10.04) didected my winmodem?06:28
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NishaKittenguys does anyone happen to know if konversation supports SASL?06:51
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akishi all. could plz advise me how can i check if the system (10.04) has detected my plug-on motherboard winmodem?08:15
ikoniatry to configure the modem08:16
ikoniawinmodems are never good though08:16
akis@ikonia. i know that winmodems aren't friendly to linux, but i am wondering if the system detected automaticaly. how can i check it? how can i configure it? what is the procedure?08:22
tsimpson!modem | akis08:26
ubottuakis: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up08:26
akis@ubottu. i want to setup a fax, if possible.08:27
ecinxI havent been able to use my kubuntu box for over a month it broke when i tried to upgrade to natty when it was released.. windows 7 works on this computer though.. and right now im on a live cd of fedora.08:28
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grhi all. how can i unistall firefox from my system 10.04?09:56
jussigr: open system -> kapackagekit. (software management) -> search for firefox -> click it -> click remove.09:58
jussigr: or alternately, open konsole and type: sudo apt-get remove firefox09:59
gris this procedure enough for a fully complete remove? do i have manually to remove any directory from my /home? is it the same procedure the appropriate to remove opera too?10:00
Belialgr, replace remove with purge if you want a complete removal, from memory, firefox settings live in ~/.mozilla10:05
grok. thanks. can i do the same with opera?10:18
Peace-hi XVampireX10:22
bios__help my10:33
Peace-bios__: hi10:33
Peace-bios__: russian?10:33
bios__Ua or rus lenguage10:33
Peace-!ru | bios__10:34
ubottubios__: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:34
bios__Peace no not ubuntu, in kubuntu10:34
bios__no ubuntu10:35
Tm_TKubuntu is Ubuntu (:10:35
Peace-bios__: so...what's your problem with kubuntu ?10:36
bios__Yes, but I question applies only to kubuntu I have problems with the picture.10:37
bios__у мене полоски на екрані, скажіть куди мені завантажити малюнок із зображенням робочого столу?10:38
bios__I have bars on the screen, tell me where to download the picture with the image of your desktop?10:38
bios__understand what I write, whether the translator translates very badly translated?10:39
coder27Hello. My display goes into suspend state after some time of idle. How to disable it? I've switched off screensaver, display power options, but it continues switching off.10:59
amichairI've just run the upgrade from maverick to natty, and got an error at the end. The apt.log file's last lines say an error with flash plugin - but how can I tell if there is anything else that was supposed to run after it? cleanup? finish upgrade? any way to resume it?11:50
amichairhow do I recover the upgrade to a consistent state?11:51
Peace-amichair: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:52
amichairPeace-: there's a segmentation fault followed by a dpkg error processing nspluginwrapper --configure (and cascading errors follow)11:54
Peace-ok wait a second11:54
Peace-amichair: sudo apt-get -f install11:55
Peace-amichair: sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get -f install11:55
amichairPeace-: same result11:55
Peace-amichair: sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get -f install11:55
amichairthe first half gives the same error11:55
Peace-amichair: paste the error11:56
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:56
amichairPeace-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612684/11:57
Peace-sudo apt-get remove nspluginwrapper  flashplugin-installer  flashplugin-nonfree11:58
amichairok, that seemed to work11:59
amichairnow reinstall the installer?11:59
Peace-amichair: sudo apt-get -f install11:59
amichairnothing to do (and 1 not upgraded) and a whole much that are no longer required11:59
Peace-amichair: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:00
amichairyelp has been kept back, nothing else to do12:00
Peace-well it should be fixed12:01
Peace-try to install   nspluginwrapper12:01
Peace-then for flash12:01
amichairdoes that mean the whole installation+configuration went ok except that single flash hickup?12:01
amichairhiccup, that is12:01
amichairI think :-)12:02
amichairok, installing just flashplugin-installer (wrapper is a dependency) - same error12:03
amichairPeace-: should I do the autoremove and reboot first? is everything else ok?12:03
amichairwhat else does the installer do? apt-get dist-upgrade and autoremove and that's it? or does it do other stuff too?12:03
amichairPeace-: thanks in any case, I'll try rebooting and hope for the best12:12
amichairbtw there is bug #780678, seems like it's it (not fixed yet)12:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 780678 in nspluginwrapper (Ubuntu) "Attempting to upgrade nspluginwrapper via apt-get fails with "error exit status 139" and a Segmentation fault" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78067812:13
Peace-amichair: wait12:14
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:15
amichairPeace-: hehe, missed by a second - but I'm back after restart, so the upgrade didn't completely break :-)12:18
Peace-amichair: well12:20
Peace-it's luck12:20
amichairupgrading ubuntu always is :-P12:20
Peace-amichair: the next time you have to redo what you did to upgrade12:21
Peace-to be sure12:21
amichairwhat do you mean?12:21
Peace-amichair: what did you do to upgradE?12:21
amichairclicked it from kpk12:21
amichairI recall it being non-reentrant (i.e., if it fails, you can't start it over)12:21
Peace-sudo do-release-upgrade12:22
amichairno new release found (it already changed the current release)12:22
Peace-dpkg -s kubuntu-desktop12:22
amichairPackage `kubuntu-desktop' is not installed and no info is available.12:23
Peace-dpkg -s konsole12:26
BajKany idea why POlicykit does not remember ANY authorization in Natty anmore?12:27
BajKFor example: In KPackagekit I install a package, enter my password and tick "Remember authorization", then I recognize I forgot something and install another packge: ANd it asks for a package AGAIN12:27
BajKfor a password12:27
BajKand also it asks when upgrading packages12:27
Peace-BajK: it depends from time12:28
Peace-if you wait too much it's normal it asks for passwrod12:28
BajKI know but it is instantly12:28
amichairPeace-: konsole installed ok, 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu112:28
BajKright afterthe installation si done I install another one12:28
BajKbam, password again12:28
Peace-BajK: it's not normal then12:29
BajKthis behavior is new in Natty, reproducible on all my machines. Maverick at least remembered that12:29
Peace-BajK: fresh installation ?12:29
Peace-BajK: fresh user?12:29
BajKon all three PCs12:29
BajKPeace-: on my machine, yes12:29
BajKon the others not12:29
BajKbut it shows that behavior on all machines12:29
Peace-nope man you did something of worng to your system12:29
Peace-lsb_release -a12:29
BajKOn my machine: Complete fresh install. Formatted / and /home and installed Kubuntu using a 64 bit iso12:30
BajKOn notebok: Formatted / and installed it there12:30
BajKON mom's pc: Formatted / and installed it there12:30
Peace-lsb_release -a12:30
Peace-lsb_release -a12:30
BajKNo LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 11.04 Release: 11.04 Codename: natty12:30
Peace-BajK: sudo adduser $USER admin12:31
BajKI am already member of the group admin12:31
Peace-BajK: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:32
BajKthat would install dragonplayer (which sucks), plasma-widget-facebook (I HATE FACEBOOK), pulseaudio-module-bluetooth (which I dont have), smbclient (which I dont use) so I dont see a point in that12:32
Peace-BajK: ok , solve your problem byt yourself12:33
juhdeI can't get my wifi going, It works fine during the installation process, but once I reboot it's gone. HP laptop, maybe I need to modprob but I can't remember which modual to install. Any ideas?12:33
Peace-juhde: lspci | grep -i Network12:33
BajKPeace-: and any idea how I can cnfigure Policykit? So that I can grant me rights to update packages without password?12:33
Peace-BajK: on settings of kpakcagekit12:33
Peace-BajK: but i don't trust you , the system has been messed up12:34
Peace-if you have that problem12:34
BajKin the settings of kpackagekit? o.O12:34
BajKif you call a frresh install "messed up", okay..12:34
BajKI told them, the Kubuntu installer sucks, but they didnt believe me..^^12:35
Peace-BajK: fresh installation with fresh users can not be messed up12:35
Peace-BajK: nope kubuntu isntaller works fine12:35
BajKbut it is in the category "Usability #FAIL"12:35
juhdePeace: outputs (standard input) :/12:35
Peace-BajK: ok12:35
BajKit is a fresh installation, with a fresh root partition and fresh home partition and a fresh user. the only things that are from my old system are the folders Pictures, Music, Video etc which I symlinked from the old partition12:36
Peace-juhde: ??12:36
BajKand I added some extra software such as virtualbox, chromium and stuff like that12:36
juhdePeace: sorry, I miss read, always copy and past12:36
juhde2:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)12:36
Peace-ok you have a broadcm12:36
Peace-juhde: lsmod | grep b4312:36
Peace-BajK: well i did the fresh installation , and i can install like before. this mean it's your settings fault12:38
BajKas I said: i did not change any crucial settings beside background picture :D12:38
juhdePeace: no returns12:38
Peace-juhde: ok12:38
BajKand there is no good documentation for policykit either12:38
Peace-juhde: your card can work12:41
juhdePeace: I know it can, it worked during install lol12:41
Peace-juhde: jockey-kde12:42
Peace-run it12:42
juhdePeace: driver installation failed12:43
Peace-juhde: ok ...12:43
Peace-juhde: could you install these ?12:43
amichairPeace-: is there anything I need to do to complete (or redo?) natty upgrade?12:44
Peace-!upgrade | amichair12:44
ubottuamichair: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:44
Peace-juhde: i guess if you have a ethernet it should be sudo apt-get install  b43-fwcutter bcmwl-kernel-source12:47
juhdei'm on ethernet now12:47
juhdelooks like most of those pack are already installed12:48
amichairPeace-: I didn't find anything in the docs about completing a failed upgrade12:48
James147amichair: if the sources now point to the natty repos just do "sudo apt-get upgrade &&& sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"12:48
James147amichair: if they still point to maverick then rerun the upgrader12:49
Peace-juhde: you did this ?    sudo apt-get install  b43-fwcutter bcmwl-kernel-source12:49
amichairPeace-: and once that completes ok (other than the flash thing),  the system is in an equivalent state to if the upgrader completed successfully in the first place?12:49
juhdejust did12:49
Peace-juhde: ok , try again with jockey-kde12:50
amichairPeace-: well apt-get autoremove too, but other than that?12:50
juhdePeace: failed again12:50
James147amichair: ^^ and that :) apt-get  [auto]clean   can also be done but that dosnt matter12:50
Peace-amichair: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep natty12:51
Peace-amichair: if you can see natty you can do like James147 said12:51
Peace-amichair: if not you have a problem12:51
amichairyes, it's on natty12:51
Peace-amichair: ok just do like James147 said12:52
Peace-flash can be installed in a manual way12:52
Peace-like i did12:52
amichairto recap: upgrade process got near the end, then failed with error because of flash plugin wrapper thing. I uninstalled it, did a update&dist-upgrade&autoremove, and rebooted. Anything else needs to be done for a prestine state?12:53
BajKPeace-: I have found the reason12:54
amichairand as for Peace- 's previous question, kubuntu-desktop package appears to NOT be installed. Is this a new Natty thing?12:54
BajKthere is no such value "auth_admin_keep" it's "auth_admin_keep_always"12:54
Peace-amichair: nope12:54
juhdePeace-: don't know if you saw, but it failed to install, again.12:54
James147amichair: you should install kubuntu-desktop is it isent12:54
Peace-!broadcom | juhde12:55
ubottujuhde: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:55
juhdePeace-: dunno if this matters or not, but it works perfectly on the 64bit install.......12:55
amichairJames147, Peace-: is that proof that the upgrade did not, in fact, complete ok, and there might be other stuff missing?12:55
Peace-juhde: threre are 2 driver , open + firmware , ndiswarpper closed12:55
Peace-juhde: you should use open+firmware12:55
Peace-juhde: firware muyst be extracted or your card doesn't work12:56
amichairwhy would it not upgrade kubuntu-desktop, and also not report an error, and also not keep the previous version?12:56
James147amichair: also you apt-get autoclean to crear up some space (removed unneeded .deb archives)12:56
Peace-juhde: basically i guess you need to extract the firwmare12:56
amichairJames147: yeah, I'll do that when the dust settles12:56
James147amichair: kubuntu-desktop should pull in anything you might be missing (except stuff you manually installed)12:56
amichairJames147: what about non-kde packages? can they be missing too?12:57
James147amichair: if you manually installed them then its unlikly... and not much to worry about, just reinstall when you find they are missing12:57
amichairit kind of sucks that a single error during upgrade causes the whole thing to break - it could continue trying (or give an option to), and at the end show which packages failed (only one non-critical one, in my case)12:58
juhdePeace-: who do I write so I can say "Why work during install but now work after??" lol12:58
juhdeeek *no12:58
Peace-juhde: i can't figure out12:58
Peace-there are a lots of maybe12:58
James147amichair: I think its a little more complicated then that12:59
juhdePeace-: just doesn't make sense, 64bit install, works like a charm, during 32bit installation process, works like a charm,12:59
Peace-juhde: if a wifi card doesn't work = driver issue13:00
Peace-driver issue ==> lsmod | grep NAMEOFDRIVER13:00
juhdePeace-: But it DOES work, I sat there and watched it download updates during my installation process....13:00
Peace-if it is loaded and it doesn't work ===> or the driver deosn't fit or you are missing firmware13:00
amichairJames147: not in this case, I think (and likely many others). A bug in one package with no critical dependencies, if at all, doesn't have to abort the upgrade (which leavse the system in a far worse unstable half-upgraded state)13:01
Peace-i have to go now13:01
amichairPeace-: thanks for your help :-)13:01
juhdethanks Peace-13:02
ubottuCurrent stable releases of Ubuntu use OpenOffice.org, and do not have supported packaging for LibreOffice. Ubuntu developers are working on packaging for Ubuntu Natty and backports for 10.10 and 10.04. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/032298.html for more information on progress and an unstable, unsupported PPA.13:10
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amichair^^ that seems to be out of date, no?13:19
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amichairwhat is the default natty desktop theme? oxygen?13:25
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BluesKajhey folks14:05
amichairhey BluesKaj14:05
BluesKajhi amichair14:06
amichairhow do I apply the default kubuntu colors and themes?14:06
BluesKajami open sustem settings/application appearance / choes the defaults for each category14:09
BluesKajsame goes for worskpace appearance14:10
amichairthe desktop theme doesn't seem to change when pressing defaults (no matter what's selected)14:11
amichairwhich should be the default (natty)?14:12
BluesKajamichair, dunno ,maybe www.kde-look.org will tell you14:15
Masanielloi have a problem with samba14:27
* genii-around sips his coffee and awaits more details of this vague problem14:28
chuckfgenii-around: keep waiting as I don't think Masaniello got the subtle clue14:31
Masanielloi can't share the ntfs partition in the network14:33
Masanielloi install ntfs - 3g14:34
BluesKajMasaniello, on the same drive ?14:35
Masanielloit is an intern hard drive14:36
Masaniello/dev/sdb1 ntfs14:37
Masanielloata maxtor14:37
BluesKajMasaniello, sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /dev/sdb1 /mnt14:38
Masanielloit is automatically mont when kubuntu starts14:39
amichairMasaniello: Is your problem with ntfs or with samba? Those are two different things.14:42
Masanielloonly with nfts partition14:43
Masanielloi can't open the files in network14:43
amichairMasaniello: can you access the files locally (from the same computer)?14:43
Masanielloi can14:43
BluesKajMasaniello, mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdb114:43
amichairMasaniello: are both computers running kubuntu?14:44
Masaniellokubuntu is running14:44
BluesKajMasaniello, that last command gives you read & write permissions14:44
amichairMasaniello: can you access the shares locally but through samba?14:44
Masaniellofrancesco@francesco-Kubuntu:~$ mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdb114:45
Masaniellomount is possible only for root14:45
BluesKajmas then use sudo14:46
amichairit sounds to me like he has problems with the samba client, not with ntfs mounting - is this correct?14:47
Masanielloyes it's correct14:48
amichairMasaniello: on the same pc with the shares, if you open dolphin and go to smb:/ you can see the shared folders (down the workgroup tree)?14:49
Masanielloi can access in the network only to my home but itìs impossible to access to other drive14:49
amichairMasaniello: so you want to share two different folders (home and one on a different drive), but only one works? I'm not sure I understand what the problem is exactly14:50
Masaniellono i can't access from the same pc14:51
Masanielloit wants the username and password14:51
Masanielloyes amichair the problem is this14:52
nbndsis there an icon set which looks like kde 3?14:53
Masaniellohome works perfectly14:53
Masaniellontfs doesn't work14:53
BluesKajnbnds, look in www.kde-look.org14:53
nbndsty, BluesKaj14:53
BluesKajsamba isn't reqiured for mounting a ntfs partition, afaik14:54
BluesKajMasaniello, what does root in dolphin do when you open media ?14:55
BluesKajMasaniello, open dolphin choose root . then the media icon14:57
amichairMasaniello: can you access the share in dolphin without samba (just on the local disk) ok? the problem is just when you try accessing the same share through smb:/ ? and then it does show up, but ask for a password? is this the problem?14:58
MasanielloBlueskay: i just try to open with root this but i have the same problem14:58
BluesKajamichair, yeah methinks14:58
amichairok, then it sounds to me unrelated to ntfs or to mounting, just samba permissions14:59
BluesKajMasaniello, is the data there encrypted ?14:59
amichairMasaniello: is the samba share configured to support anonymous/guest users?14:59
MasanielloAmichair: in the same pc it wants the password but in the network it is impossible to access14:59
BluesKajjust permissions14:59
Masaniellopermission and username15:00
amichairMasaniello: ah, ok. and both are problems, or is the password supposed to be there in your scenario?15:00
MasanielloblueskaY:encrypted?i don't know?15:01
amichairMasaniello: so over the network you don't see the share at all over samba? does the host show up at all?15:01
BluesKajgenii-around, any ideas about this ?15:01
amichairMasaniello: also, do you have a firewall setup on either machine? and can you access the share over network when using the ip address instead of host name?15:02
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Most likely the mount options15:02
Masanielloi must install samba 4?15:02
Masanielloi have not a firewall15:02
genii-aroundWork needs me a lot this morning, apologies15:02
BluesKajok genii-around , work is first :)15:03
Masanielloyes i can access from the macbook to the kubuntu only usyng ip adress15:04
amichairMasaniello: macbook? you said earlier you're working with client and server both running kubuntu15:05
Masaniellothe share is between macbook and kubuntu15:06
Masaniellontfs drive is on kubuntu15:07
Masaniellofrom macbook i can't access to ntfs drive15:07
Masaniellobut i can access to home15:07
amichairMasaniello: ok, and everything works ok with ip address, so the only problem now is resolving the host name?15:07
amichairMasaniello: when you say "the home", you mean the kubuntu user's home folder?15:08
amichairMasaniello: sorry for all the questions, I'm finding it hard to understand what exactly the symptoms are15:08
Masaniellono problem15:08
Masaniellosorry for my english15:08
Masaniellowith ip adress works only home floder15:09
amichairand with host name nothing works?15:10
iomarigreetings, when booting 11.04, the last startup process says  "Starting configure network device     [OK]" then if just freezes. This also happens on kubuntu 11.04.15:10
Masaniellowith host name doesn't work15:10
amichairMasaniello: to fix hostname issue, you might need to install winbind and add "wins" to the "hosts" line in /etc/nsswitch.conf (maybe just before dns, but I'm not sure)15:11
iomaris /then if/then it15:11
Masanielloi try now15:12
Masanielloi had just installed winbind15:12
Masaniellowinbind is installed15:12
amichairMasaniello: as for the other issue: can you access the other share (a folder on an ntfs partition, if I understood) locally in dolphin? can you access it locally via smb? what exactly does and doesn't work with it?15:13
MasanielloIn the share samba i added the ntfs partition and i give the allowed to write and read but doesn't work15:15
amichairMasaniello: can you try sharing just a folder under the partition, instead of the root of the partition?15:17
amichairMasaniello: by the way, if you upgraded to natty (11.04), you can install kdenetwork-filesharing and use right-click properties to configure samba sharing easily, or so I hear15:17
BluesKajMasaniello, is windows on the ntfs partition or is it just data storage ?15:17
amichair(I'm just trying kdenetwork-filesharing myself)15:17
Masanielloit is a data storage15:18
Masaniellowith kdenetwork filesharing i try but it is impossible to change the permission of write or read15:19
amichairI just found out my natty upgrade from a couple hours ago killed my samba service too :-(15:19
amichairMasaniello: try sharing a folder under the partition root, if I remember correctly you can only share a folder15:20
amichairnot the partition root itself15:20
Masanielloyes..i can share only a folder home15:21
amichairMasaniello: what is the exact path you're trying to share?15:22
amichairMasaniello: ok, try sharing a folder under that, for example /media/volume/somefolder (whichever you have there)15:24
Masanielloone moment15:24
amichairMasaniello: so that's the other problem, but it's not specific to you. It's just not possible to share a device's root, only the folders under it.15:26
amichairMasaniello: did we cover everything? is there any problem left?15:27
Masaniellodo you can help me with print15:27
Masanielloi have the same problem15:27
amichairMasaniello: I don't have much experience with printing configurations... maybe BluesKaj can help you there :-)15:28
Masaniellostop for today15:28
Masanielloàthnak you very much15:28
Masaniellociao ciao a tutti15:28
Masanielloby by15:28
amichairMasaniello: good luck!15:28
BluesKaj!cookie | amichair15:28
ubottuamichair: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!15:28
amichairBluesKaj: right back at'cha :-)15:29
BluesKajI'm still trying to get my head around how he could share a folder under root but couldn't access the rrot partition :)15:31
amichairit's an inherent limitation, afaik, only actual folders can be shared15:32
arvedhi, asking again, anyone got an idea: i upgraded to natty and now i can not access the Network from KDE applications, wireshark does not show a single packet15:33
hateballIf I boot my laptop on battery rather than AC, I get no sound. "sudo alsa reload" does nothing, I have to reboot with AC plugged in for sound to work again15:42
hateballafter that I can pull the plug and audio will still work15:42
hateballI cant see any settings for powersaving that should affect audio15:42
iliashi all. i want to use "apt-get autoremove" command to remove some packaged that are not required after i remove opera, but the system cannot execute the command asking me if i am root. what should i do to proceed with tis removal?16:00
amichairilias: to run commands as root, prepend 'sudo ' (with space) before the command you want to run16:00
amichairilias: it will ask you for your password (not anyone can run commands as root...) and then run the command as root16:01
amichairilias: so in your case, "sudo apt-get autoremove"16:01
iliasok. thanks for advise. already done succesfully.16:02
iliasdoes the command sudo apt-get purge "package" removes absolutely everything or still there are left files?16:04
amichairilias: it should remove everything used exclusively by that package, but if there are libraries it depends on that are used by other packages too, they should stay behind16:04
BluesKajpurge removes the package and it's config files , remove just deltes the package but leaves the config files behind which are reimplemented if you reinstall the package at a later date16:06
BluesKajconfig files == settings16:07
iliasits logical other libraries used by other packaged to stay behind. that is clear.is manually remove from /home enough to delete package's preferences?16:07
hateballPurge only removes systemwide settings, e.g in /etc, not the ~/.whatever16:07
amichairilias: some packages (mostly user apps) store preferences in user's home folder, but other packages have system-wide configurations (e.g. in /etc)16:08
iliasmozilla and opera prefer only /home or they store also in other dirs too?16:10
BluesKajI installed a small utility to save my alsamixer settings , but my memory now fails me ... not the alsactl store command16:13
amichairilias: I don't know for sure. FF definitely stores per-user data in the home folder (~/.mozilla), but there are some files in /usr/share too - I don't know if they also contain default preferences or such (but are unlikely ever modified)16:13
iliasthanks for advises16:19
amichairilias: cheers16:19
grawchodose anyone know when will KDE 4.7 beta be available for debian intallation or what ppa is it linked to ?16:22
iliasthere are 2 dirs of firefox in /etc and /usr/share but they must came with kubuntu because the creation date is the same with all the other system date and the almost empty (only one file is in them)16:22
grawchoit's allready out for  open-Suse and Gentoo16:22
Krepta3kI need help... anyone here on ubuntu forums at all?16:22
grawchoi want my 4.7 beta on kubuntu?16:23
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up16:26
Krepta3kcool bot16:27
Krepta3kPlease help.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10860701#post1086070116:27
iliasis there any application in kubuntu 10.04 to help me explore the hardware of my system?16:28
yofelgrawcho: 4.7 beta will be delayed in kubuntu, various reasons16:28
grawchoyofel: 10x16:28
=== dasnk95 is now known as damastaf
amichairilias: kinfocenter?16:28
grawchoi'll wait reluctantly :(16:28
suncitud valaki esetleg magyarul? :)16:29
guest_Krepta3k: the live cd password is blank imo16:29
iliasi cannot find it in system menu16:30
Krepta3kso, I type "blank" and it will run GParted?16:30
sunciDo yout speak hungaryan anybudy?16:30
amichairilias: I have it there, don't remember if I installed it or it's there by default (I thought it was default)16:30
guest_Krepta3k: blank means nothing to type16:30
Krepta3kno, sorry sunci16:30
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál16:30
Krepta3kguest_ that doesn't work, obviously I've tried that.16:31
sunciubottu thank you :)16:31
ubottusunci: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:31
sunciuuuup sorry :P16:31
yofelKrepta3k: live cd password is 'ubuntu'16:31
Krepta3kThanks! :)16:31
iliasmust be there by default but it is not in my menu and as far i can remember i didn't erase it usinf menu editor16:32
Krepta3kdangit, it didn't work, said it was wrong password16:32
Krepta3kI typed ubuntu, it won't take.16:32
=== Wojtulas_ is now known as Wojtulas
Krepta3kI just wish I had a power supply to run the xp disk externally and boot my linux HD.  It's got the tools I need, that work properly.  For some reason this Live CD is being stupid. :(16:34
yofelwhy do you need the password again?16:34
BluesKajkre try kubuntu16:34
Krepta3kI'm trying to clean/fix my xp hd, with a live cd of kubuntu 10.1016:34
Krepta3kAnd GParted just won't run without the right password, and nothing I put in is right.16:35
amichairI thought in the livecd there is no password necessary16:35
BluesKajgparted livecd ?16:35
guest_that's what I said ^^16:35
Krepta3kgparted installed after running kubuntu 10.10 live cd16:35
BluesKajno Krepta3k you can16:36
Krepta3kI know, it shouldn't need one, but for some reason it won't run without it16:36
yofelusually it shouldn't ask for one, right, can you open konsole and run 'kdesudo gparted' from there?16:36
amichairyofel: isn't it gksudo?16:37
BluesKajkdesudo on kubuntu16:37
guest_amichair: this is kubuntu16:37
jcgshi :) does anyone know how to burn a dvd from an mp4 file?16:38
Krepta3kno kdesudo installed... installing kdesudo16:38
amichairbut gparted is gtk and needs gksudo, no? I thought only qt/kde apps use kdesudo16:38
yofelKrepta3k: are you in gnome or kde?16:38
amichairif he was using qparted, that would be another story :-)16:38
Krepta3kkde 416:38
yofelamichair: it's just sudo with a GUI, doesn't really matter which one you use16:38
iliasamichair: could u plz help me to find kinfocenter?16:38
Krepta3kOh, it's installed, just mistyped.  It's running16:38
Krepta3kThank You!!! :)16:39
amichairyofel: they use different keyrings, and some other stuff might differ - though if it works, it works16:39
* BluesKaj thinks the gparted live cd is best , the OS live cd is ok but it's somewhat confusing16:39
amichairor maybe I'm wrong16:39
yofeldunno, I never noticed a difference at least16:39
axtraHey everyone16:39
axtraAnybody able to help me with a WiFi problem?16:40
amichairilias: you can try 'sudo apt-get install kinfocenter'16:40
yofelilias: maybe it's not installed, check it in kpackagekit (system settings -> add/remove software)16:40
iliasi ll try sudo apt-get install kinfocenter16:40
axtraI can connect to the wireless at my house, which is a WPA network, but I'm at my friend's house, and i can't connect to their network - which is a WEP network16:41
axtraI'm using the wired connection at the moment16:41
guest_yofel: did you just said 4.7 B1 delayed to when?16:41
iliasfor some reason it wasn't installed. i installed it and now is in system menu.16:42
yofelnot sure till when, we didn't even started with it yet since we need to finish other things first. And since the release layout changed it'll be a bit more work than usual. (Nothing you'll  notice later though)16:42
axtraAnybody able to help?16:43
guest_yofel: thanks.  Does neon has something to try?16:43
Peace-axtra: ?16:43
axtraAh, thanks Peace, you joined after I posted my question16:44
axtraI can connect to the wireless at my house, which is a WPA network, but I'm at my friend's house, and i can't connect to their network - which is a WEP network16:44
axtraI'm using the wired connection at the moment16:44
yofelguest_: neon has current kde trunk, which is currently pretty much 4.7b1, so feel free to try it16:44
Peace-axtra: sudo apt-get install wicd-kde16:44
Peace-axtra: use that16:44
guest_yofel: great ty16:44
axtraOkay, let16:44
axtras try that16:44
axtraPeace: Thank you :)16:45
Peace-axtra: workde?16:46
axtraPeace: does it matter that it said "Starting Network Connection manager wicd [Fail]"?16:46
axtraDo I need to restart first?16:47
Peace-axtra: mmm16:47
Peace-fail :)16:48
axtraUnpacking wicd-kde (from .../wicd-kde_0.2.1-4_i386.deb) ...16:48
axtraProcessing triggers for man-db ...16:48
axtraProcessing triggers for ureadahead ...16:48
axtraureadahead will be reprofiled on next reboot16:48
axtraSetting up python-wicd (1.7.0+ds1-6) ...16:48
FloodBotK1axtra: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:48
axtraSetting up wicd-daemon (1.7.0+ds1-6) ...16:48
axtraoops, my bad for flooding16:49
iliasamichair: i am looking through kinfocenter if system detects my modem. where should be?16:49
ArchangelSe7enthats one hyper bot16:49
amichairilias: I don't know... maybe under Device Viewer?16:50
axtraOkay, going to try a reboot16:50
iliasok. its ok. i 'll search.16:53
axtraOkay, so Wicd installed16:56
axtraStill can't seem to connect16:56
axtraGot an error with Connection failed: Bad password16:56
axtraI've connected to the network before using Wicd in a BT5 livecd, but I can't seem to connect this way16:56
BluesKajexta , which wifi chip ?17:03
axtraIt's a Ralink 2860 card17:06
BluesKajaxtra, that's on a laptop ?17:08
Grue_OK... so I am noticing that kubuntu is not going very smoothly on my laptop17:11
Grue_going in and out of hibernation/suspension is locking things up pretty bad17:11
Grue_anyone else have these issues?17:12
ogzyhi, i am using 10.04 planning to upgrade to 11.04, any known problems about the upgrade procedure or any review that 11.04 is buggy a lot?17:22
BluesKajogzy, laptop or pc?17:24
BluesKajaxtra, same question17:25
ogzyBluesKaj: pc17:26
BluesKajogzy, so you doing a clean install from media ?17:26
amichairogzy: I did an upgrade earlier today, and the flashplugin and its nspluginwrapper crashed and prevented installation from completing successfully17:28
amichairogzy: I don't know if it's a common thing or not...17:28
ogzyamichair: it is not listed as a well-known bug indeed17:28
BluesKajok nm17:29
amichairogzy: also got all sorts of warnings on libreoffice (in maverick it's in a ppa, in natty in the repos - you might need to uninstall the ppa version before upgrade if u have it)17:29
amichairogzy: but all in all, upgrade was ok17:30
ogzyamichair: ok so flashplugin should be removed, i am not using ppa version by the way, was reading here also BluesKaj: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NattyNarwhal/ReleaseNotes17:30
ogzyamichair: so you upgrade to first 10.10 and then to 11.04?17:30
amichairogzy: make sure nspluginwrapper is removed to, since it's the one that segfaulted during upgrade17:31
amichairogzy: I was already on 10.10, and upgraded to 11.0417:31
ogzyamichair: ok i will keep it in mind17:31
BluesKajthat's why I asked about the clean install17:31
ogzyBluesKaj: i already had 10.04 why should i do a clean install if it is possible to dist-upgrade?17:32
amichairBluesKaj: good question, though I understood "upgrade procedure" to mean it's not a clean install17:32
BluesKaj10.04 to 11.04 is a long upgrade , you need to go to 10.10 in between as amichair  mentioned17:33
ogzyBluesKaj: ok i will first upgrade to 10.10 adn then to 11.0417:34
BluesKajogzy, it's do-release-upgrade not dist-upgrade now17:34
ogzyBluesKaj: yes i know i read the upgrade procedure from the wiki17:35
BluesKajogzy, which graphics card in case there are some issues there?17:36
ogzyBluesKaj: i have nvidia17:36
BluesKajpci or integrated?17:36
amichairogzy: oh, I remembered another thing - when I upgraded my netbook a while back, desktop effects stopped working (and still don't - on intel chipset)17:36
amichairI have nvidia 9300 and no problems on desktop17:37
ogzyBluesKaj: pci17:37
amichairogzy: importantly, make a backup of ur data etc., just in case something goes wrong it might be faster to just do a clean install and migrate data/settings - just a thought17:38
BluesKajok , ogzy you should be ok17:38
BluesKajyeah, I agree , I would back up my data to available media and do a clean install , ogzy17:43
=== tchangang is now known as TTA
o0lilith0okubuntu rocks?17:52
o0lilith0owhich is better kubuntu or haiku17:54
TTAi try to copy the main file of my python interpreter in /usr/local/bin but it does not work, the reason is that i am not autorise to do that, what can i do to avoid that or what is the others possibilities?17:55
o0lilith0oAre you "root"?17:56
o0lilith0oor su17:56
akishi all. does any one has any idea why my internet browser (chrome or ff or opera) cannot load properly, fast or not at all every page wich is related with google? for example it very difficult to load www.ggogle.com, google maps, blogspot pages and many certain other that have any relation with google. my bandwith is very fast and i can download with 1,5mb/s speed. if i choose as default search engine yahoo or bing there is no problem. they can find in18:03
akismilliseconds everything i ask for. but google cannot. the browser stops. 3 days ago in the same machine i was running xp and opera 11.11 and everythin was absoletely ok and i had a very very fast browsing. browsing is also very fast for pages without any googel lniks or other relation.18:03
FloodBotK1akis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:03
o0lilith0oWhy does kubuntu 11.04 take a million years to load in qemu?18:04
Tm_To0lilith0o: without more details it's quite impossible to say18:05
TTAi try to copy the main file of my python interpreter in /usr/local/bin but it does not work, the reason is that i am not autorise to do that, what can i do to avoid that or what is the others possibilities?18:07
o0lilith0oTTA: it sounds to my unexperienced brain like you just need to root/su18:09
Tm_To0lilith0o: watch your attitude18:09
o0lilith0oI'm really not experienced with *nix18:10
Tm_TTTA: try copying on commandline with sudo18:10
TTAi am root, did i tell you18:10
TTATm_T> how?18:11
Tm_TTTA: if you are not authorised to copy, you are not doing the copying as root18:11
o0lilith0oOk, I've made it to the text mode screen "Welcome to Ubuntu 11.04 (GNU/Linux 2.6.38-8-generic i686)18:11
o0lilith0oEven tho I'm using the kubuntu.iso18:11
Tm_TTTA: "sudo cp /patch/to/source.file /path/to/destination"18:12
TTAok let us assume that i am not root how can i do to be it?18:12
Tm_TTTA: in Kubuntu, sudo in command line18:12
Tm_T!sudo > TTA18:12
ubottuTTA, please see my private message18:12
Tm_T!cli | TTA18:13
ubottuTTA: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro18:13
o0lilith0owhy isnt there a woman command?18:13
o0lilith0ooh, there is, "bitchx" ....18:14
o0lilith0ois it ok to say the name of the irc proggy im connected to this room using?18:14
Tm_To0lilith0o: enough, if you don't have support question or are answering for one then stay quiet18:14
Tm_T!offtopic | o0lilith0o18:15
ubottuo0lilith0o: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!18:15
o0lilith0ook, but my last question is pertinent(sp?)18:15
o0lilith0oand i am actually looking for help18:15
Tm_TI understand, but you are causing unnecessary and unhelpful noise too, try keep that in minimum18:16
o0lilith0oI booted the latest release kubuntu .iso in qemu(win32 on XP) and just now it made it to where I think it should have started x but it did not18:16
o0lilith0oso I managed to get to bash(?) and typed startx18:16
o0lilith0oit says the xauthority is missing and so far ive got x(I guess?) with just a mouse cursor18:17
Tm_Tdid you check the integrity of the .iso ?18:17
o0lilith0oany idea why this is not just booting live like it should(or even install I have a disk for qemu to use)18:18
o0lilith0ono, crc or whatever?18:18
Tm_TI think md5 sums are available for the images somewhere18:18
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:18
o0lilith0o          md5sum_in_Windows18:19
o0lilith0ooh oops18:19
FloodBotK1o0lilith0o: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:19
preecheri somehow deleted my firefox icon last night & whatever i did also removed firefox from my "internet" menu & placed it under "lost & found"--i've figured out how to get my icon back but i need help in getting firefox listed back in my "internet" menu---many thanks in advance18:21
BluesKajpreecher, have you tried reinstalling?18:23
preecherBluesKaj  umm no--i'll try that now thx18:24
TTATm_T: it does not work, the terminal is not reconizing the command about patch/etc..18:24
o0lilith0oThe md5 sum for my kubuntu.iso and the reported md5 from kubuntu.org are the same18:26
o0lilith0ostill, it didn't live boot correctly in qemu 0.9.0 win3218:26
ScorpKinghi guys. anyone using 10.10 here?18:26
BluesKajScorpKing, I'm not right now , but I did :)18:28
preecherBluesKaj  it gives me the option to remove in kpackage--if i remove it will i have to go to the mozilla page to download & install?18:28
BluesKajno reinstall option ?18:28
ScorpKingBluesKaj: hehe.. i'm looking for the md5sum of /usr/bin/sudo on 10.1018:28
preecherBluesKaj no18:28
BluesKajjust remove will still save the conf file so if you install again all the settings should be retained, preecher18:29
preecherBluesKaj--kk doing now---many thx18:30
BluesKajinstall from kpackagekit or apt , preecher , no need to go to mozilla18:30
preecherlol your not gonna believe this---uninstalled --then installed it again --and it placed it back in the "lost & found" section---but no worries it works & i plece in a qwick launcer & panel anyway--just knowing it wasnt/isntin internet menu was eating at me18:35
BluesKajpreecher, just right click on it in the lost and found, add to panel18:36
preecherBluesKaj just done --again thx18:36
o0lilith0oAnyone with Qemu experience wanna private msg me?18:36
BluesKajo0lilith0o, don't expect exclusive support here18:38
BluesKaj!pm | o0lilith0o18:38
ubottuo0lilith0o: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:38
BluesKajand the reverse is true as well18:38
o0lilith0oOh, I just didn't want to flood the channel.18:39
PiciUse a pastebin if you need to share output from a command or similar.18:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:40
o0lilith0oI verified my kubuntu iso with md5, it's good. I'm using Qemu 0.9.0 for win32; on XP. The command line I use to start Qemu is: qemu.exe -L . -m 256 -hda disk.img -soundhw all -localtime -M pc -cdrom kubuntu.iso -boot d18:40
BluesKajo0lilith0o, altho i don't know of many who use qemu , so it may be a while18:40
o0lilith0oThat command line works for everything(ubuntu, haiku, xp).18:40
o0lilith0oThe problem I had was I got to the point where X would start and it refused to. I dropped into the shell and typed "startx", which worked, but X started with no window manager(I got just a mouse cursor) and it reported that xauth was missing.18:42
ScorpKingo0lilith0o: what is the problem with qemu?18:42
ScorpKingoh nvm.18:42
o0lilith0oI don't think it's a problem with Qemu(Its working for other OS runs)18:42
o0lilith0oI'm wondering, sort of, if Kubuntu just doesn't want to be run inside Qemu.18:43
ScorpKingo0lilith0o: you need more ram that 25618:43
o0lilith0oI'll try that.18:44
o0lilith0oWell, I might as well just burn Kubuntu to a cd...18:49
TTAyou becoming clever, great!18:51
natman2hello, looking for help with my audio in Kubuntu, the settings in in Phonon are all screwed up19:02
preecherhow to check how much ram im using19:06
BluesKajnatman2, what settings exactly , pulseaudio , backend ?19:06
BluesKajpreecher, type free in a terminal19:07
natman2hi /BluesKaj yesterday i booted up and amaraok was giving terrible ( like full of static ) audio, i went to have alook in sys settings and under audio and Phonon - Device preference there is just "dummy" which gives no output when i press test19:08
preecherBluesKaj thx im jus curious as how much im using--kubu runs faster than ubu & xubu & i dont understaand how19:08
natman2BluesKaj: othere than updates i did not mess with anything19:08
BluesKajnatman2, open alsamixer in a terminal , see what audio driver is listed at the top right19:09
BluesKajerr left rather19:09
natman2BluesKaj: HDA intel19:10
BluesKajok preecher  look in the kmenu apps /system for system monitor19:11
BluesKajnatman2, is pulseaudio installed ?19:11
delacusing dolphin to connect to server via ssh. Every time I open a file, I'm asked for password. Any way to manage with one per session?19:12
natman2BluesKaj: kpackage kit says it is, like i say sound was perfect yesterday, all of a sudden its not19:12
natman2delac:  did you check the box that says remeber password?19:13
delacnatman2: no, because I dont wnat it to remember it longer than fo one session19:13
BluesKajnatman2, have you updated/upgraded since your system audio was working19:13
delacnatman2: or does that apply only for the session?19:13
natman2BluesKaj: i think i took an update yesterday not sure tbh19:14
natman2delac: in my experience  yes, ticking the box is for that one session19:14
delacnatman2: oh, going to try then19:14
BluesKajdelac, yeah , install sshfs19:15
BluesKaj!info sshfs19:15
delacnatman2: it whips out the kdewallet, so I dont think it is only for the session19:15
ubottusshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2-1build1 (natty), package size 39 kB, installed size 140 kB19:15
natman2delac: ok im not much help in that case, sorry19:16
BluesKaj!no password19:16
delacBluesKaj: you think installing sshfs would help? I mean, Nautilus doesn't need it to work as I descriped.19:18
BluesKajdelac, I use sshfs and it lasts for the whole session ...i have since installed nfs whioch allows automounting at boot , but that's a bit more involved19:19
delacBluesKaj: do you know what dolphin uses in absence of sshfs? Or what nautilus uses?19:20
BluesKajdelac, smb client or samba19:21
BluesKajcheck this  delac http://linuxwave.blogspot.com/2007/07/ssh-without-password.html19:21
delacBluesKaj: smb or samba for ssh connections? is that even possible?19:23
natman2BluesKaj:  anyidea what i should ?19:23
delacBluesKaj: oh, and I dont want to generate ssh key. I just want dolphin to remember the password for a session19:25
BluesKajdelac,  the only thing I can suggest is to minimize the remote folder, for the session19:27
BluesKajthen it's available when you need it19:28
delacBluesKaj: minimize?19:28
BluesKajare you using dolphin or nautilus or what ?19:29
delacBluesKaj: nautilus works fine. I'm trying to make dolphin work too.19:29
BluesKajthen open dolphin network "add network folder"...it dowesn't mattr which method you choose you still need a username and pw , ssh or ftp or web19:31
delacBluesKaj: yes, that is what I did. But after the initial login, it asks the password for every file I open in gedit or whatever. Also it asks it if I try to reopen the file.19:32
BluesKajdelac, add the foldrs or the dir to places in dolphin or nautilus19:34
delacBluesKaj: well, it seems to have stopped doing that. dont know what I did but now it doesn't ask the password anymore.19:36
BluesKajdelac, add it to places19:37
delacBluesKaj: I did try the remember password check, but didn't give password for the wallet. And then restarted dolphin...19:37
BluesKajand it will last for the session , I think :)19:37
delacBluesKaj: well it seems to do it already19:37
BluesKajyeah well pwds last for 10 mins or so by default19:38
delacBluesKaj: and andding to places would extend that?19:38
BluesKajyes , it should las tfor the whole session19:39
delacBluesKaj: gotta remember that. thanks19:40
natman2BluesKaj:  any idea how to get my sound back?19:41
delacbut now I got another problem with dolphin and gedit. for some reason dolphin doesnt give gedit the proper file but a copy in /var/tmp/kdecache-USER/krun/. Any remedy for that?19:42
delacnatman2: what kind of problem you have with the sounds?19:46
natman2i have none19:46
BluesKajnatman2, yeah purge pulseaudo . then setup alsamixer , your settings may have changed with the recent upgrade19:46
natman2BluesKaj: how do i do that?19:46
BluesKajdelac, yeah use kate if you want to be inkubuntu. don't mix n match19:47
delacBluesKaj: but I want to mix :)19:48
delacBluesKaj: I have other problems with Kate that I dont have in Gedit19:48
BluesKajnatman2, open kpackagekit  search for pulseaudio . if you have the "remove completely..." option, use that19:49
BluesKajdelac, ok , do a little reading on running kde on ubuntu and vice versa19:50
MaximLevitskyThat brings me the memories when I hated pulseaudio19:50
MaximLevitskycat ~/bin/helpers/murder | pastebinit19:50
natman2BluesKaj: all i have is "remove" is that the same?19:50
delacBluesKaj: can you recommend some specific text?19:50
BluesKajsudo apt-get purge pulseaudio , in the terminal , natman219:51
natman2BluesKaj: ok afterwards?19:51
BluesKajdelac, then use nano in the terminal if you have text editor problems19:52
delacBluesKaj: I think that might just mean more troubles... :)19:53
BluesKajnatman2,  in the terminal type ' alsamixer ', make sure the Master, PCM,  Line & CD are all unmuted ,by using the "M" key'  then turn those controls up to the max.19:54
BluesKajnatman2, navigate with arrow keys19:54
natman2BluesKaj: they are all on max and unmuted19:55
delacnatman2: oh, one good thing to check too. Check that your speakers are connected. ;)19:55
BluesKajsorry delac , I'm not an editor expert , you'll have to figure it out , maybe the ppl at ubuntu can helpw ith gedit19:55
delacBluesKaj: np, I think I try #kde next.19:56
BluesKajnatman2, in the terminal speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -t wav19:56
MaximLevitskynatman2: if you didn't remove pulseaudio yet, could you open 'pavucontrol' and see what it says?19:57
natman2BluesKaj: sorry already removed19:57
natman2BluesKaj: atman@swan:~$ speaker-test -c2 -Default -t wav19:57
natman2Playback device is efault19:57
MaximLevitskynatman2: in that case open alsamixer19:57
MaximLevitskymax output channels19:58
natman2MaximLevitsky: they are all maxed19:58
MaximLevitskyif that doesn't work, then its kernel bug19:58
natman2BluesKaj: should re install pulseaudio?19:58
MaximLevitskyit doesn't matter19:58
BluesKajnatman2, was ther any sound at all ?19:58
natman2BluesKaj: nothing19:58
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:59
MaximLevitskynatman2: then you should report that to alsa-devel mailling list19:59
BluesKajnatman2, check that site19:59
MaximLevitskyIn a nutshell, Linux lacks generic HDA driver, thus for each laptop, a custom 'driver' is created20:00
MaximLevitskythe core is common of course20:01
MaximLevitskybut for each laptop there is custom set of mappings that locate output channels various mute knobs, etc20:01
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Linkmasteror not :l20:45
mime1111hello. when i install some packages via synaptic i get that error in gnome   404 Not Found20:47
mime1111Err http://es.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/universe sensors-applet 2.2.1-1ubuntu420:47
mime1111  404 Not Found20:47
ubottuError: Gnome bug 404 could not be found20:47
Picimime1111: Jaunty is no longer supported.20:48
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.20:48
mime1111ok thnx20:48
Picimime1111: you may be able to upgrade to a supported release, see the second link here:20:49
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:49
BluesKajPici, he told me he wasn't allowed20:49
PiciBluesKaj: Ah.20:49
BluesKajhe's been trolling here withe same questions for 2 days20:50
BluesKajodd , he didn't thank me yesterday when I suggested he upgrade :)20:50
AxtraHey guys, I can't seem to connect to WiFi - I could straight after reinstalling Kubuntu, but not any more21:09
AxtraI installed Wicd-Kde at the suggestion of someone in here, but that only made it worse21:09
delacnow I got quite reverse problem compared to the earlier one: how do I disconnect ssh connection started with Dolphin?21:12
BluesKajAxtra, in the terminal sudo lspci -Q , find the wlan0 or wifi controller21:16
Axtra_Okay, trying that now21:17
Axtra_Thanks for the help, by the way - I've been banging my head against a wall all day21:17
BluesKajdelac, close dolphin21:18
BluesKajAxtra_, what did you find ?21:22
Axtra_Running the command right now21:23
Axtra_What do you want me to post?21:23
delacBluesKaj: huh, this time it did work... O_o The connection did close. But the session doesn't. It doesn't ask the password when I reconnect...21:23
BluesKajjust need to know the wifi chip /module21:23
Axtra_I can't figure out from this which is the wifi chip/module21:25
BluesKajok pastebin the output , Axtra_21:25
BluesKajAxtra_, something with wlan021:26
Axtra_I don't see anything with wlan021:26
BluesKajanything with ethernet?21:26
Axtra_The first line is 00:00:0 Class 0600: Device 8086:27ac (rev03)21:28
Axtra_The rest are all variations on that21:28
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:28
Axtra_From iwconfig: http://paste.ubuntu.com/61294421:29
BluesKajAxtra_, try this, sudo lshw -C network21:30
Axtra_From sudo lshw -C network: http://paste.ubuntu.com/61294721:31
Axtra_And this is from sudo lspci -Q: http://paste.ubuntu.com/61294921:34
BluesKajAxtra_, Wireless interface RT2860 Ralink ... that one is a problem aleight and I haven't seen any fixes for it ...remember the Wireless interface RT2860 Ralink for future reference and searches21:35
Axtra_So, any suggestions?21:35
Axtra_Any ideas why it would connect before but not now?21:35
BluesKajAxtra_, check this out,  http://linuxpc.info/node/9921:40
Axtra_Sweet, thanks21:40
BluesKajAxtra_, I hope it works for you21:40
Axtra_Can you recommend a fairly easy to use editor to edit that with/21:40
Axtra_BluesKaj, and I just stick the lines on the end?21:42
BluesKajAxtra_, yes21:42
Axtra_BluesKaj, Could you explain what doing that does?21:43
Linkmasterlcb: heya, get back in the -offtopic channel21:44
BluesKajAxtra_, it's blacklisting drivers that interfere , and for some reason get loaded in kernel modules ..it's like a filter ,,the right one should work after rebooting21:44
Axtra_BluesKaj, Okay, so the drivers don't get loaded at all?21:45
lcbHi Linkmaster :)21:45
BluesKajnot the ones ion the blacklist21:45
Axtra_Ah, okay - so how does it solve the wireless problem?21:46
BluesKajthe network manager will load the right driver at reboot , it should work ...I have the rt2870 an had to black list the rt2800 from loading21:48
Axtra_Ah, okay21:49
Axtra_Also, I installed Wicd-KDE, but I still have network manager21:50
Axtra_How can I install that?21:50
BluesKajAxtra_, remove wicd , it's buggy on natty...it doesn't work for ralink21:51
Axtra_How can I get rid of it?21:52
BluesKajAxtra_, in kpackagekit21:54
Axtra_BluesKaj, do I just stick that in the command line?21:55
BluesKajsudo apt-get remove wicd-kde wicd21:55
amichairwhere can I find the setting that makes the panel non-transparent?21:56
BluesKajamichair, system settings/ workspce appearance / get new themes etc22:04
amichairBluesKaj: I only see an option to pick and choose themes, not to change anything22:05
amichairthere used to be a simple configuration option that says whether the panel is transparent or not...22:05
amichairmaybe it is no longer configurable?22:05
amichairit makes it unusable with many wallpapers though (e.g. the default kubuntu wallpaper, when the panel is at the top of the screen - way too dark)22:06
BluesKajwel, amichair , keep looking22:06
amichairBluesKaj: :-)22:07
amichairthe magic lamp effect is also broken in natty when the panel is on top - half the window goes up, the other half goes down :-P22:07
BluesKajmagic lamp ? no idea what that is22:10
lcbamichair: did you pay the electrical bill for magic lamp not working?22:10
amichairone of the kubuntu desktop effects of minimizing/maximizing windows22:10
lcbamichair: j/k look on bottom of the dialog. you have options to install new backgrounds.22:11
BluesKajamichair, boo hoo :)22:11
amichairI think it's the effect used in mac osx22:11
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amichairlcb: I know how to switch wallpapers, but I'd rather be able to show basically any photo (or a slideshow, for that matter) without the image interfering with the panel (and by extension, my work)22:12
lcbamichair: plus, on system settings input in the search dialog " effects "22:12
lcbamichair: you have in there a bunch of configurable options22:12
BluesKajlater ..i have stuff to do22:12
amichairBluesKaj: see ya22:12
amichairlcb: I know that too, but the effect I was using for the past few months just got broken in my update to natty earlier today22:13
soeeanyone managed to run Radiotray on Kubuntu 11.04 with KDE 4.6.2 ?22:13
lcbamichair: :( try dpkg-reconfigure that_package22:14
amichairlcb: I'm pretty sure it's a bug - the effect works, but calculates the movement coordinates wrong22:14
lcbamichair: if is a package... if not... probably removing it with synaptics and installing it, in case is listed there22:15
lcbsynaptic, i mean22:15
amichairbut no biggie - I've got more serious (broken) things to fix22:15
lcbamichair: don't do sudo apt-get --purge remove kubuntu, while fixing it :P22:16
lcbwhat's the name of suspected effect you believe is causing your problems?22:16
amichairlcb: it's not causing me problems, it's just got a bug :-) it's the magic lamp effect, when the panel is on the top of the screen22:17
lcbamichair: i'm going to try reproducing what you have22:17
amichairlcb: ok, just move the panel to the top and enable the magic lamp22:17
amichairlcb: better yet, first enable the effect with the panel on bottom to see how it should look22:18
amichairthe notice how it behaves when the panel is above22:18
lcbamichair: wait... it needs to install a lot of compiz and compiz fusion22:22
lcbi don't have my kubuntu virtual machine available now22:23
lcbamichair: i thought it would be possible to install magic lamp as a widget...  i don't see it anywhere in the repos22:26
amichairlcb: it's available by default in any kubuntu installation in system settings -> desktop effects -> all effects -> magic lamp22:31
lcbhmm let me see22:32
lcbamichair: you are right. activated. now?22:34
amichairclick on one of the tasks in the panel to see how it should look22:34
amichairthen move the panel to the top of the screen, and see how it looks22:35
amichairbtw, you're on natty, yes?22:35
lcbamichair: so far no glitches22:35
lcbamichair: whole panel??22:35
lcbamichair:  i have a bottom and a top one already22:36
lcbi like that effect btw22:36
amichairlcb: oh... well is there any way you can get the task manager to be on the top panel? or move both panels somewhere else?22:36
lcbamichair: yes, 11.0422:36
lcbamichair: yes, i can open one on the top. wait22:37
natman2I am having a problem with my audio, all system sounds are fine but music from amarok sounds terrible - very rough/static22:37
lcbamichair: works good22:38
lcbamichair:  did you check the spacers and probably any "hidden" items in there?!22:39
amichairlcb: you don't see part of the window being minimized to the top of the screen, while the bottom half is being minimized to the bottom (where the panel would be if it were there)?22:39
amichairlook carefully at the animation as you click the task button several times22:40
lcbi think i understand  what you mean. maybe... try increasing or reducing panel's height22:41
lcbamichair: here is doing what (i believe) it's supposed to do22:42
lcbamichair:  ahh wait.... on the bottom one it opens or minimizes the window as a funil; on the top one it does as kind of flopping22:43
lcbi mean, folding, if you understand22:43
lcbso, different behavior on top or bottom. however i think if we change the height that might change too22:44
lcbyeap.. try changing the height of the top panel.22:45
amichairyes, the folding is actually the top two cornders moving to the top panel, and the bottom two corners moving to the (would-be) bottom panel, so the whole thing looks twisted. Compare this to the normal behavior when the panel is on the bottom, and it's perfectly clear that it is minimized to the right location.22:46
lcbmeganerd: if you have the tasks on top of each other you'll get what you have now. if you have the tasks side by side that is not happening22:47
amichairlcb: hehe, if you put your task panel on the side of the screen it really goes wacko22:47
natman2I am having a problem with my audio, all system sounds are fine but music from amarok sounds terrible - very rough/static22:48
lcbthis effect is behaving differently, dependig of screen resolutions and sktopizes of whatever we have on the des22:48
lcbthis effect is behaving differently, dependig of screen resolutions and sizes of whatever we have on the desktop22:48
amichairnatman2: that depends on what band you're listening too22:49
amichairnatman2: (just kidding! :-) )22:49
natman2amichair:  :)22:49
lcbamichair: i'm relieved now. i thought i would need to install a lot of compiz here. i don't want to22:49
amichairI haven't used compiz since edgy or feisty or whenever they integrated desktop effects into kdm22:50
amichairalthough I do miss the flame window-destroying effect22:50
lcbwe have enough effects with Kubuntu, as is22:50
lcbenough ---- plenty (some ppl like a lot of effects)22:51
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lcbnatman2: check levels. probably something is too high22:54
natman2lcb: nahh did alsamixer and everything is down to 60ish % still terrible sound22:56
natman2it was all fine two days ago22:56
natman2lcb: any ideas?23:01
lcbnatman2: if you say that's only happening with amarok.... it is only an amarok issue. probably reconfiguring it or reinstalling it.23:03
lcbnatman2: try the old trick ' sudo dpkg-rconfigure amarok '23:04
lcbnatman2: try the old trick ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure amarok '23:04
lcbthen check the configurations in it.23:05
natman2lcb: did that, still terrible audio23:06
natman2lcb: there is one thing, inside system settings and multimedia-audio i no longer see digital audio as a settings, its all analouge , there was digital there before23:07
lcbnatman2: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure amarok-common && sudo dpkg-reconfigure amarok-utils23:10
natman2lcb: no change, i dont think its an amarok only issue, that missing digital setting in the sound settings seems odd23:13
lcbnatman2: "Replay Gain Mode" : Off23:14
natman2lcb: where is that?23:14
lcbUnder Settings, nat23:15
natman2lcb: no change23:15
lcbnatman2: under "Tools", "Equalizer Off (to start...23:16
natman2lcb: its off23:16
lcbnatman2: in other words, turn everything to defaults or off23:16
natman2lcb: ya its all done, still the same i really dont think its an amarok thing23:18
lcbnatman2: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --purge amarok && sudo apt-get install amarok && sudo apt-get check && sudo apt-get -f install23:18
lcbnatman2: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --purge remove amarok && sudo apt-get install amarok && sudo apt-get check && sudo apt-get -f install23:18
lcbnatman2: mine is working fine. of course it might be different hardware and probably many apps interfering with it are installed (or not)23:19
natman2lcb: all done, still the same23:21
natman2lcb: its not amaroks fault23:22
lcbnatman2:  out of ideas. i'm just an user like you. sorry buddy23:23
axtraHey guys, anybody know a good compiler for Ruby?23:23
natman2lcb:  thanks for the help, Does anyone else know about audio issues in Kubuntu?23:23
natman2 Does anyone else know about audio issues in Kubuntu?23:24
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gdx_Hello guys i've got problem with saving&watching AV stream from rtsp camera so far i figured out this pipeline but i have no idea how to write proper one.           gst-launch-0.10 rtspsrc location=rtsp:// latency=90 name=s ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! tee name=videoout ! queue ! matroskamux ! filesink location=sampel.mkv videoout. ! queue ! decodebin ! autovideosink s. ! rtpvorbisdepay ! vorbisdec ! audioconvert ! alsasink23:38

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