
stewartfor bugs,  what thing (permission, or role or whatever) do you need to be able to properly target bugs to series and not just nominate them for it?00:27
maxbstewart: Driver, I think00:34
stewartmaxb, thanks! i tihnk that's it.... was comparing two projects and trying to work out what the heck was diffreent for me00:35
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bdrung_comment 250 in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/403135 is SPAM08:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 403135 in wine1.2 (Ubuntu) "Notification area icon wrongly rendered/uses bg_color as a background (multiple apps)" [Low,Triaged]08:18
=== danilos changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: danilos | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
danilosbdrung_, thanks for the report, removed08:29
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akoskmhi! I got a rejection message from launchpad with text like File <UPLOADED_FILE> already exists in <LOCATION>, etc. The first step of the solution says that I have to download the original tarbal from the pointed location. The problem is that I already deleted that package because it failed to build. However I still can't upload my source because its get rejected with the message.09:24
glenhow can i remove spam post from ticket? https://bugs.launchpad.net/eventum/+bug/706385 - "edgar david caamal wrote 3 hours ago:"09:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 706385 in Eventum "Stored XSS issue and REQUEST_URI XSS" [High,New]09:29
glenubot5: no it's Eventum bug, not Ubuntu :P09:30
ubot5glen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:30
danilosglen, you report it eg. here09:33
danilosglen, I'll remove it09:33
danilosglen, that's comment #15?09:34
danilosglen, done09:34
danilosglen, fwiw, when nobody responds here, you can also file a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad09:34
danilosakoskm, you'll have to up the version number even if a package failed to build previously09:35
danilosakoskm, see also https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors09:35
wgrantakoskm: If it's the orig.tar.gz it's complaining about, you will have to download the old one or change the version number. If you deleted it less than a week ago, you should be able to find it by searching for Superseded packages.09:37
akoskmdanilos, wgrant : thanks10:23
glendanilos: i'll keep retrying if nobody answers :)10:32
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quupI can't post to launchpad15:54
quupwill pastebin the error15:54
quupthat's what happens when I click post15:55
quupI'd appreciate it if someone could post this message: http://pastebin.com/0qxsmifC   to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/756560?comments=all15:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 756560 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Screen redraw issues when using Anki" [Undecided,New]15:56
quupcan't be bothered with this anymore sadly, have stuff to do15:56
verterokI keep getting a "timeout error" while trying to change a bug from public to private16:36
verterokthe bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/78758116:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 787581 in Ubuntu One Client "error synchronizing temporary files" [Undecided,New]16:36
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* pmjdebruijn is wondering if the ppa upload broke?17:37
bigjoolsgpg key error from dput?17:38
pmjdebruijngeneral error general error general error17:38
pmjdebruijnsomething about passive ftp17:38
pmjdebruijnand a "must be signed"17:38
hannes|Is it possible to download a zip file of the current git master in launchpad?17:38
bigjoolsyour upload will work, I need to get the FTP service restarted17:38
* pmjdebruijn standingby17:39
bigjoolsdon't wait for anything, ignore the error17:39
hannes|ah ok would need to use bazaar17:39
pmjdebruijnit didn't fail?17:39
bigjoolsno, as I said17:39
bigjoolsbut badly phrased :)17:39
pmjdebruijnbigjools: ok I see now, I got the e-mail17:42
BabyGeekhi !17:55
BabyGeeki've a problem with my launchpad karma, I participate actively in answers but my karma does not increase, why ?17:56
akoskmhi! can I request the deletion of a source archive? It's already uploaded to launchpad but I want to replace it.18:44
maxbakoskm: Increase the version and upload again, no need to delete18:57
maxb(If you want to change the content of a file without changing the version number at all, then no - Launchpad is specifically designed to disallow that operation)18:57
akoskmmaxb: I see, the problem is that this package is a java binding for Qt 4.7.2, so I just can't increase the version number to 4.7.318:59
maxbWhat are you actually trying to change?19:00
akoskmI have to change the version of the source archive, now the archive what I'm trying to upload is named like libqtjambi_4.7.2.orig.tar.gz19:01
akoskmand I'm using libqtjambi (4.7.2-0ubuntu8) in the debian/changelog file19:02
akoskmI incremented this number (from 7 to 8), but the source a. remained the same19:02
akoskmas expected, because those numbers aren't in the name of the source archive19:03
akoskmI tried to add 4.7.2~ppa0-0ubuntu8 but debuild warned me that 4.7.2-0ubuntu7 have newer files, this is also more-less expected19:05
maxbOK, but there can only ever be one upstream 4.7.2, so why is the file changing at all?19:05
akoskmbecause I made a misstake, there is some gentoo specific part in a file what I forgot to comment out...19:06
maxbOh, are you upstream for this package, as well?19:07
maxbIn that case, I would recommend that you consider calling it 4.7.2a or
maxbIt may not look quite as nice, but better a slightly unusual version number than the confusion of two different tarballs existing both calling themselves the same19:09
akoskmmaxb: indeed, it will be just 4.7.2a then19:14
DarxusIt's freaking awesome that imports have an "import now" button.20:00
micahgakoskm: you can add stuff to the upstream version as well like 4.7.2a~akoskm in case upstream releases a 4.7.2a, if that helps any20:01
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akoskmmicahg: OFC, thanks for suggesting21:16
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BabyGeeki've a problem with my launchpad karma, I participate actively in answers but my karma does not increase, why ?21:19
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