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churlyCan I add a program shortcut on the LXDE main menu that is not in a subcategory, just on the base menu?  Can this be done, by chance, by remove the "Categories=" line in the desktop file?  Or the "Type="? Or is there another trick?02:12
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bioterrorI could have earned $75 ;)05:18
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SpaceBackGreetings !05:59
kunguzHi, how to open package manager in lubuntu? I saw an update-manager...06:23
bioterrorfrom the menu06:24
kunguzbioterror: now, I saw it. Thank you.06:25
kunguzinstead of flash player plugin, will lightspark do the job also?06:26
bioterrorwe tend to use flashplayer-nonfree06:32
kunguzbioterror: thanks06:41
bioterrornp and laters ;)06:42
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SpaceBackHi !11:57
bioterrorSpaceBack, if you want to chat with us, #lubuntu-offtopic12:16
SpaceBackbioterror i just said hi )12:36
silverarrowis there any recommende email client like thunderbird for lubuntu?14:34
DooitzeCompaqIs thunderbird too heavy for your computer?14:36
silverarrowI haven't tried it yet, I shouldn't think so14:37
silverarrowI think Opera has one too14:38
DooitzeCompaqbesides Thunderbird there is Evolution14:38
DooitzeCompaqoh, I didn't know that14:38
SpaceBacksilverarrow there is Sylpheed14:38
silverarrowI have to google them14:39
silverarrow:- ) thanks14:39
silverarrowsylpheed might be the fastest then?14:41
SpaceBackdont really know,just try and see if you like it14:42
silverarrowI used to have outlook, but I don't use windows that much anymore14:42
silverarrowhotmail is so full of spam, and popups14:42
DooitzeCompaqso you wanted to find a good alternative14:43
silverarrowI shall go for sylpheed, and see how it works14:43
DooitzeCompaqI don't use hotmail anymore14:43
DooitzeCompaqI now use google mail or gmail14:43
silverarrowis it any better?14:43
SpaceBacki use hotmail,gmail,mail.com and its the same *hit,but i need a email adress,dont I :)14:45
silverarrowI got a bit conserned when youtube and google mail sort of merged14:45
silverarrowwe do14:46
silverarrowthere seem to be less commersials in gmail14:46
SpaceBackand i used yahoo but them number of spam messages were incredible14:46
silverarrowI get spam too in hotmail, but they mostly go in the junk folder14:47
DooitzeCompaqwhat you could do is first register a google account and afterwards a youtube one. Next you remove your google account and you can use your youtube account without Google account14:47
SpaceBackthe best of them for me is mail.com14:47
silverarrowI have grown to like lubuntu, so on this comptuer it probalby is a good idea to stay with the lightweigh stuff14:48
silverarrowI'm also trying to make puppylinux work14:49
SpaceBackpuppy is a great distro but i must say that i didnt expect that lubuntu is such a stable distro14:49
silverarrowThe only reason I still want ubuntu is because of Totem player14:49
SpaceBacki used most of my time slackware but i really could not any more get along with the package installation process14:50
silverarrowI see14:51
silverarrowI never tried slackware14:51
silverarrowmaybe I will though14:51
silverarrowI have used, puppy, lubuntu, ubuntu, fedora,14:51
SpaceBackslack is a very interesting distro14:51
SpaceBacki used from number 1 to 83 http://distrowatch.com/14:52
SpaceBack xD14:52
SpaceBacknot really14:52
SpaceBacki had to trash many many cd's14:53
silverarrowtrouble burning?14:53
SpaceBackno but i got a box where i can throw away my used cd's for linux14:54
SpaceBackthere are many distros14:54
silverarrowyes, I have no amition to try them all lol14:55
silverarrowbut some I will14:55
SpaceBackarch must be on your list14:55
SpaceBackits a great distro14:55
SpaceBackand slack and gentoo14:56
SpaceBackafter that you are really good linux user :D14:57
silverarrowsorry, I got  a phone call15:21
silverarrowwhy isn't Opera in package manager?16:06
leszeksilverarrow: it isn't free software16:06
silverarroware you shore?16:06
leszekits definitately closed source16:07
leszekI think you can find it in the ubuntu partner repository or just on opera.com. They have a ppa or something like that16:07
silverarrowit's free for download, and in Puppy linux it is found as a puplet16:07
leszekits freeware but not free software16:07
silverarrowI see16:07
leszekubuntu uses the partner repo for something like that16:08
silverarrowthanks, usefull to know these things ;- )16:08
leszek see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding Canonical Partner Repositories16:08
silverarrowwhen I download opera, I get  a warning "risk to system" or something like that16:12
silverarrowhow much am I likely to mess up if I mark off for natty-backports?16:13
leszeksilverarrow: its not recommened for the average user16:15
leszekits only useful if you know how to report and send a bug16:16
silverarrowI might not do it then16:16
silverarrowI think my old hard drive must have been full of errors16:16
silverarrowlubuntu runs like a dream now16:16
pmatulisstrange, lubuntu is using 466 out of 512 MB of memory when nothing is running.  normal?  doesn't seem very light to me17:41
DooitzeCompaqpmatulis, do you have a gpu which use shared memory?17:44
pmatulisDooitzeCompaq: this is a kvm guest with the cirrus emulated card17:45
DooitzeCompaqsounds strange17:46
pmatulisDooitzeCompaq: it's disappointing17:46
DooitzeCompaqTry virtualbox17:46
DooitzeCompaqI used lubuntu with less memory than 512MB17:47
DooitzeCompaqmaybe its a bug that it uses too much memory when running on a kvm host17:48
kill3 I use Lubuntu on laptop which has 256MB RAM17:48
DooitzeCompaqso I think its a bug pmutils, use virtualbox18:04
pmatulisDooitzeCompaq: alright18:15
DooitzeCompaqgood luck pmatulis18:15
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silverarrowhow do I install from root?20:03
silverarrowI am in termial window, and it asks for root command20:03
DooitzeCompaqsudo apt-get install [package]20:04
silverarrowhmm, terminal closed20:07
silverarrowI usued to be able to download Opera with out terminal20:07
silverarrowwhy do I get terminal and not package manager?20:14
silverarrowis it possible to download Opera from terminal?20:21
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Unit193silverarrow: You can install Opera from a repo (hosted on their server)20:22
silverarrowI have dowloaded directly from their site, but installation got a bit tricky with root commands20:23
bioterrorsudo dpkg -I opera.deb20:24
Unit193silverarrow: You should be able to do this: wget -O file http://deb.opera.com/archive.key && sudo apt-key add file && sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opera.list' && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install opera20:24
silverarrowyes something is happening20:26
Unit193bioterror: That was from the bonny events...20:27
silverarrowwhere did you find that Unit193?20:28
silverarrowworked like nothing else20:28
Unit193I just put it into one command: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/1520:28
silverarrowcool, I shall have to remember that20:29
silverarrowError in file "/usr/share/applications/gnumeric.desktop": "zz-application/zz-winassoc-xls" is an invalid MIME type ("zz-application" is an unregistered media type)20:29
silverarrowshould I worry about the last message there?20:29
silverarrowI shall have to go on Amazon and find a book on how to get to now Terminal window20:32
bioterror!cli | silverarrow20:32
ubot5silverarrow: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro20:32
silverarrowI got a lot of lib updates after the Opera installation, are they any good in Lubuntu?20:33
Unit193I wouldn't know, I don't use or plan to use Opera20:34
silverarrowyou are in firefox?20:35
silverarrowI tried midori, which was all right, exept for it kept crashing20:35
Unit193midori isn't bad...20:37
silverarrowmaybe I shall give midori a chance20:40
Unit193I'm told Arora is small (but it's QT)20:40
silverarrowQT ?20:42
leszekUnit193: arora is lightweight. Its written in qt4 but who cares ;)21:14
bioterrorUnit193, what's wrong with qt?21:15
Unit193leszek: I haven't use it much, but that will bring in a TON of depends21:15
leszekUnit193: why ?21:15
leszekDepends: libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6~), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1), libqt4-network (>= 4:4.5.3), libqt4-script (>= 4:4.5.3), libqt4-sql (>= 4:4.5.3), libqtcore4 (>= 4:4.7.0~beta1), libqtgui4 (>= 4:4.6.1), libqtwebkit4, libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1)21:16
leszekthat are the dependencies. I think this aren't so much21:16
Unit193Hmmm... 37 MB isn't all that much (I must have already got half of them)21:17
semitonesdoes lubuntu use pulseaudio?22:33
bioterrorjust alsa22:34
semitoneswould it make sense to install pulseaudio on a 10yr old lubuntu laptop so I could stream music to it from a different computer?22:34
bioterrorhttp://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Player_Daemon_Wiki ?22:35
semitonesI kind of wanted the laptop to be more of a thin client22:36
semitonesand all of the music would be played from youtube or mp3, but transmitted through LAN to the laptop (and thus the speakers)22:37
bioterrorinstall mpd client to your laptop and mpd to your mp3 storage computer22:38
semitonesis mpd easy to control?22:40
semitoneslike could I play a song in rhythmbox or similar, and have it play on the laptop?22:40
bioterrorlook that url I pasted ~10mins ago22:42
semitonesi've been reading it, and it looks like pulseaudio is better22:47
semitoneshow difficult would it be to use pulse instead of alsa?22:47
Rave1Hi   what are you supposed to use as a user name and password for the live  CD   lubuntu  10.0423:27
GTRsdkHow do I test RAM easily?23:49
Rave1GTRsdk,      mem test23:50
Rave1it is a part of most live CDs23:51
GTRsdkRave1, is it possible by just using the menu on the GRUB bootloader?23:59

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