
AlanBellmaco: for the Ubuntu was installed question can you add "by someone else" "already when I bought the computer"09:20
macoAlanBell: think its a bit late :-/ >500 answers now13:14
AlanBellcan't you add answers as it goes along?13:15
macoAlanBell: could, but stats would get weird13:42
AlanBellawesome that you are getting loads of answers13:43
macobtw, on screen keyboard is the most common accessibility tool used by respondents so far13:43
macodespite being hidden :P13:43
AlanBellyeah, TheMuso is going to unbreak that13:44
AlanBellit is not hidden in the upstream, it is an ubuntu patch that deliberately breaks it13:44
macoyeah i know13:48
Cheri703posting this here and u-w: http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2011/05/memo-to-dc-metro-police-its-best-not-to-abuse-people-in-wheelchairs/239422/14:30
macothat's U Street14:41
UndiFineDThey should be fired immediately!14:57
UndiFineDmaco, for comaprison, I am near 550015:01
AlanBellyeah, but 4000 of them are omg ubuntu readers15:04
charlie-tcaAlanBell: thanks for doing the blog. That was a great choice to get out there15:07
charlie-tcanow if we could only convince users things did not get magically fixed in unity just because we announced oneiric started15:09
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