
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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sha__good morning all07:51
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janimoogra_, are there daily preinstalled images for oneiric?09:23
ogra_janimo, not until the switch to live-build is done09:35
janimoogra_, ok so livecd-rootfs is completely dropped soon?09:36
sha__ogra_: do you have never tryed the Totem Youtube plugin under ubuntu/ac100 ?09:36
ogra_sha__, no, does it work ?09:42
ogra_janimo, yeah, cjwatson is just porting it over09:42
sha__nope ogra_  and i'm tryng to understand why... btw i try next days :( i can't now09:58
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ppisatiGrueMaster: about the A2 panda16:44
ppisatiGrueMaster: did he have a serial console attached? because from the description, looks like the problem is in the bootloaders16:44
ppisati> When you try and boot the green light comes on for about 5 sec then goes16:44
ppisati> completely out.16:44
GrueMasterNot that I know of.16:44
ppisatii'll ask16:44
hallynpersia: hi - in your directions yesterday, you said 'connect the netbook via usb and boot'.  do you mean connect it over usb to another laptop?17:07
persiaDoesn't matter what you connect it to, but yeah, something on which you have the nVidia tools installed17:07
persia(for those following at home, I'll repaste the directions)17:08
hallynah, i need to install those on another laptop :)  gotcha17:09
hallynpersia: looks straightforward enough from there - will hopefully get further this afternoon.  (stuff is d/ling right now).  thanks.17:11
persiaSure.  By the way, which model do you have?17:12
hallynaz/05m ?17:13
persiaWith a Japanese keyboard?17:13
hallynwhat fs do you recommend for the sdcard?17:14
persiaDoesn't matter.  Something that can handle case-sensitivity, symlinks, etc.17:14
persiaI used ext4.  I've seen people recommend nilfs.  If you're planning to write once, do an install, and wipe, you're not going to hurt your card much more regardless of what you use.17:15
gildeanext4 and nilfs are recommended17:15
gildeanext4 only if your sd-card can handle it properly17:15
persiagildean, Does it matter that much for the pasted procedure?  The filesystem is untarred, booted once, and then tossed.17:16
gildeani've used nilfs2 for the last 4-5 months now and can personally recommend it17:16
gildeanpersia: yeah, well not that much17:16
persianilfs is indeed nice for use for flash.17:16
gildeanbut you might want to keep the sd-card with a working system17:16
persiahallyn, Of more concern is that you want to consider which filesystem to use for your main data partition.17:16
gildeanfor later use ;)17:16
persiaI figure it's trivial to recreate given available images, but maybe that's just me :)17:17
gildeanyeah it is trivial, but if you have spare sd-cards it's not a bad idea to keep one with all the crap ready17:18
hallynpersia: the tegra tools won't compile, claim S_ISDIR not defined.  should be trivial to correct, but surprising17:18
* hallyn has no spare sd cards, took one from camcorder17:18
persiahallyn, So, anyway, you'll want to use mmcblk0p12 for your install (13GB).  You have working bluetooth.  You will have to hack around to switch your keyboard to jp106 (/etc/default/keyboard is where I did it), and then your |\ key won't work properly.17:18
persiaYou have no 3G (don't stick a SIM in the slot, it will become lost).  At least on mine (same model), the external USB port doesn't work with my keyboard (although USB works in general).17:19
hallynpersia: noted17:19
hallynfeh, i was afraid of that, it autogenerates the file that needs S_ISDIR defined :)17:21
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hallynpersia: step 9 says 'untar the tarball there'.  which tarball?  the one that got expanded onto the sdcard earlier?21:47
gildeanhallyn: iirc, ogra has made different rootfs's for internal and external install22:06
hallyngildean: so which tarball do you think h e's talking about there?22:07
hallynand btw, which fs *are* you using for your internal root device?22:07
gildeanthe one that has 'SD' on it's name is for the sd and the other one, well you should get the point22:07
hallynok, so same one that i wrote to the sd.  got it22:07
hallyni wonder if it'll know how to handle xfs22:08
gildeani have nilfs2 on my setup, but i use the .32 and have made my own release on it22:08
hallynpersia: oh, you say to use /dev/mmcblk012 on az, but i only have through p7 by default22:08
gildeanor rather, i've made the guide to recommend nilfs, and i've made a modded rootfs from phh's original tarball22:09
hallyngildean: were mods necessary to support nilfs, or you just happen to also be usin gmodified rootfs22:09
gildeanhallyn: hmm, iirc marvins kernel doesn't support nilfs on default22:10
hallyngildean: good call, it's not in /proc/filesystems22:10
gildeanif you want to, you can check the guide i mentioned here: http://ac100.tunk.org/wiki/phh22:10
hallynah but i could modprobe it22:11
gildeanand here is the rootfs i release on monday: http://kotelett.no/ac100/gildean/22:11
gildeanhallyn: you should use ext4 i think, at least ogra says it's fast and reliable22:12
gildeanand marvins kernel should support it by default22:13
hallynok.  i guess my ext4 woes are usually on fast smp.  n/a22:13
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