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koolhead11hi all07:24
* koolhead11 pokes kim0 07:24
ttxkim0: saw http://cssoss.wordpress.com/2011/04/20/openstack-beginners-guide-for-ubuntu-11-04-natt-narhwal/ ?08:35
kim0ttx: hey .. yeah sure .. I worked with css guys to get that written08:52
kim0we're trying to get it converted to sphinx now, such that it can be integrated into wiki.u.c08:52
ttxoh, ok , that's the opensdtack book you were talking abot08:53
ttxI missed that session unfortunately :)08:53
kim0hehe :)08:53
ttxsounds nicely-centered around the ubuntu "use case" for openstack.08:53
kim0yes indeed .. and should grow with any Ubuntu specific details08:54
flaccidi guess its now going to be openstack vs. cloudstack08:54
flaccidi feel bad for euca but hey they failed..08:54
koolhead11kim0, :P09:06
kim0koolhead11: hey man09:06
koolhead11kim0, feels good!! :D09:06
kim0koolhead11: haha what's up09:06
koolhead11kim0, notthing much trying to scale up my learning curve!! :D09:07
kim0koolhead11: did you do anything interesting lately09:07
koolhead11not on the euca part :(09:08
kim0koolhead11: yeah np .. on which part09:08
koolhead11few other things in plate :)09:09
koolhead11hey TeTeT09:09
kim0cool :)09:09
TeTeThi koolhead1109:10
kim0koolhead11: let me know when you plan on attacking to euca + Ensemble part :)09:10
koolhead11next week i have to09:10
kim0koolhead11: I like, have to :) hehe09:11
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kim0- Ensemble community meeting begining -19:01
kim0Morning afternoon and evening everyone o/19:01
kim0Let's quickly go through happening in the Ensemble scene this week19:01
kim0who can volunteer to kick us started19:01
niemeyerHello everyone!19:02
niemeyerkim0: So, let us.. what's hot in the Ensemble scene?19:03
niemeyers/let us/tell us19:03
kim0niemeyer: I hear a mongo formula is in the works ?19:03
kim0who can tell us more about that please19:03
niemeyerkim0: It is indeed, hazmat has been pushing forward a nice Ensemble formula to present at MongoDC19:04
niemeyerIf you are in the area, we highly recommend checking it out.. both due to Ensemble and due to Mongo19:04
kim0niemeyer: awesome .. is that public somewhere19:04
niemeyerkim0: hazmat is still working on it19:04
kim0hazmat: I'd love to check it out19:04
niemeyerhazmat is probably still sleeping by now.. let's move on19:05
kim0if hazmat is not here .. we can switch to the very interesting hadoop work negronjl is doing ... can you please tell us more about that19:05
* kim0 hears a drum roll19:06
niemeyerYeah, we have some very interesting work taking place around the Orchestra project19:06
negronjlhi all.19:06
* kim0 waves at negronjl 19:06
niemeyerOrchestra is an on going initiative to have something resembling a IaaS for physical hardware19:06
niemeyerOh, I'll hand the mic to negronjl now :)19:07
negronjlI am currently working with the Orchestra project and we have some interesting puppet recipes that I believe would benefit ensemble.19:07
kim0negronjl: can you describe what those receipes do today19:07
kim0and plans for them19:07
negronjlI am currently working on Hadoop, with the intent on also porting mpi, distcc, etc.19:07
negronjlIt would be very interesting to have a full hadoop ensemble formula that will allow the devops/sysadmin people to quickly and efficiently deploy a cluster in minutes as opposed to hours/days/weeks19:08
kim0negronjl: so I think hadoop is multiple moving parts right19:08
kim0are you only interested in one of those19:08
niemeyernegronjl: Absolutely.. the service-orientation aspect of Ensemble should make it quite comfortable to assemble the different bits in custom ways19:09
niemeyernegronjl: Looking forward to deploy my first Hadoop cluster with Ensemble!19:09
negronjlit is and I intend to provide a simple formula for the main parts ( namenode, jobtracker, datanode and tasktracker) as well as convenience formulas for master and slave that will encapsulate all of the work for you19:09
kim0negronjl: wow that sounds hyper cool!19:10
negronjlin the horizon we also have gearman and tomcat as well.19:10
kim0Awesome .. thanks for sharing19:10
negronjlit would benefit the entire community if, in the future, we have orchestra and ensemble working together with the same recipes/formulas/modules19:10
kim0negronjl: are those formulas public yet19:10
niemeyernegronjl: =119:11
niemeyernegronjl: +119:11
negronjlthe orchestra ones are in lp:orchestra-puppet-recipes.  I am currently working on porting those to ensemble but, they are not public yet.19:11
negronjlsoon though :)19:11
niemeyerkim0: That's a real drum roll.. ;-)19:11
kim0negronjl: I would actually be extremely interested in "your experiences" porting a complex puppet module over to ensemble19:12
kim0I hope once you're done you'd consider sharing your experiences19:12
kim0awesome stuff19:12
kim0So .. other than that ..19:12
negronjlstill working on the hadoop one as it is my first but, so far It seems to be a straightforward concept.  It also helps to have niemeyer and gang around to answer my questions :D19:13
* niemeyer waves19:13
kim0hehe :) yeah a lovely bunch19:13
kim0cool ..19:13
kim0niemeyer should be merging some docs soonish about contributing to ensemble if you're new .. you can check out the branch at https://code.launchpad.net/~kim0/ensemble/contribute-formula19:14
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kim0Also .. I'd love to get some feedback on my way of descrining Ensemble19:14
kim0you can read the message at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ensemble/2011-May/000093.html19:14
kim0and if you're reading this, and you're not on the mailing list yet .. get on there :)19:14
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kim0niemeyer: I have a question .. would it make sense to write an ensemble formula for Amazon RDS19:15
niemeyerkim0: That message was awesome, btw19:15
niemeyerkim0: Will read it a few more times and see if I can help you anyhow19:15
kim0ok, that's mostly all .. if anyone has any comments .. shoot19:17
niemeyerYes, any questions on Ensemble, Orchestra, or anything else around it?19:17
niemeyerAh, btw.. AWS's Elastic Load Balancer now supports root domains, which is pretty exciting.  Go check it out if you haven't.19:18
kim0Yeah .. I did see your message19:18
kim0the way it should have been :)19:18
kim0ELB that is19:18
kim0ok guess that's all .. thanks everyone19:19
kim0special thanks for negronjl .. great work there19:19
kim0- Ensemble community meeting end -19:20
niemeyerkim0: Thanks!19:20
niemeyerCheers all!19:20
niemeyerWe'll be around in #ubuntu-ensemble19:20
hazmatthe mongodb formula is still pretty basic it handles setting up a replica set atm19:22
hazmatwith the new service config work, it can be extended to sharding19:23
kim0hazmat: thanks for mentioning that19:23
kim0hazmat: let me know when it's made public :)19:23
negronjlhazmat:  https://launchpad.net/orchestra-puppet-recipes19:27
negronjlhazmat:  I have a mongo puppet module there that may be of use19:27
negronjlIt's puppet, I know but, the concepts are pretty interchangable19:27
hazmatnegronjl, cool, thanks19:28
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sorrellHi all, I was wondering, I have a Walrus server and I can't seem to find/mount my RAID controller and I was wondering if anyone knew if it was supported and if so how can I mount it.  The controller is a Dell Perc 5i.  Thanks in advance for any information you can give.21:16
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