
greg-gpaultag: on the team report wiki-infrastructure (ie: following the Team Reports howto guide), do I have to follow the naming convention of the month? The way it is now (month name, eg: April) the sort is alphabetical, which doesn't make much sense.00:31
greg-gpaultag: will it break anything if I use month numbers, eg: 01, 02, ... 11, 1200:32
greg-gczajkowski: ^ comments also welcome :)00:32
paultaggreg-g: nope, it's just convention00:32
paultaggreg-g: feel free to use whatever you want :)00:32
greg-gcool, then I'm going to use numbers00:32
greg-gthanks man00:32
paultaggreg-g: sure thing dude00:32
* greg-g likes orderly ordered lists ;)00:33
paultaggreg-g: I can't blame you!00:33
greg-gpaultag: I figured you wouldn't :)00:33
paultagI'm a data manicuring whore :)00:34
paultagI wonder why we used month names to begin with00:34
* Cheri703 thinks paultag needs that as his fb status for a while "I'm a data manicuring whore :) "00:34
paultagnhandler: prod -- do you remember why we use TeamReport/YY/Monthname and not TeamReport/YY/MM00:34
paultagczajkowski: :)00:34
greg-gCheri703: +1 to that idea00:34
paultagOh fine :)00:35
paultagit was pung, should show up soonish00:37
* greg-g grumbles at the wiki00:51
paultagCheri703: Ahha! It posted (sorry, was out getting vino) -- http://twitter.com/#!/paultag/status/7317516792851660801:32
Cheri703:) Yeah, I saw that :)01:32
cjohnstonpaultag.. I have an action item for you ;-)01:33
paultagcjohnston: oh lordy01:33
paultagcjohnston: what's up?01:33
cjohnstonadd 2 more hours to the day01:33
paultagcjohnston: true that!01:33
cjohnstonjono and joey keep adding stuff to my schedule.. lol01:34
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mhall119cjohnston: I may not be able to make the call on thursday, i may be taking Q to his therapy04:19
mhall119if I can't make it, just sign me up for whatever you feel like04:20
paultagpleia2: e'scu me, http://i.imgur.com/OBmAd.jpg?98204:41
pleia2but she has hair long enough to maybe do leia buns!04:42
paultagpleia2: :)04:42
pleia2don't actually need hair very long, I did it once when my hair was just below my shoulders04:43
pleia2for the intrepid release party: http://gallery.ubuntupennsylvania.org/d/520-1/img_8592.jpg04:43
pleia2(yes, I am sitting next to indiana jones)04:44
paultagpleia2: hahahahah, that rocks!04:44
pleia2indiana jones works for canonical now04:46
paultagpleia2: hehehe04:47
nigelb_indiana jones? wha?04:51
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nigelbAlanBell: I got IS to enable the base search plugin, but the twitter style links still don't work :(04:55
paultagone love ya'll04:58
paultagwow, night04:58
nigelbnight paultag04:59
dpmgood morning!07:07
AlanBellnigelb: yup07:15
AlanBellit isn't something I broke with the theme either07:15
nigelbAlanBell: I poked Daviey the other night for help.  I'll see if I can catch him when he's free.08:05
nigelbmorning dpm!08:05
nigelbno dholbach today? :(08:05
dpmhey nigelb :) dholbach is on holiday, good for him \o/08:06
nigelbdpm: ah!08:06
nigelbdpm: I have a bunch of feedback from using the packaging guide last night :)08:07
nigelbI guess I'll just email him :)08:07
dpmnigelb, yeah, just send him an e-mail and he'll look at it when he's back :)08:07
kim0Morning everyone08:51
nigelbMorning kim0!08:55
kim0nigelb: hey09:04
dpmhey kim0 :)09:30
kim0dpm: hey man .. how are ya09:30
kim0dholbach is enjoying some beach time, right .. cool09:31
dpmkim0, very well, thanks, it's starting to get hot here, but I guess nowhere near as hot as it gets in Cairo :)09:31
kim0dpm: hehe it's around 31C in Cairo now09:32
kim0yes starting to get hot indeed09:32
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czajkowskiit would be nice if the loco team contact could you know, be helpful at times13:50
czajkowskiand pass the information onto their teams without them making the call as to whether their team will approve of a mail or not13:50
macoczajkowski: fabian?13:51
czajkowskiyes not the first time he's sent similar mails13:51
czajkowskiam now fuming13:51
czajkowskiwhat the hell is the point in having a loco contact who is making passing on their own opinion and not to the rest of their team13:51
czajkowskies google docs are not fully open13:52
czajkowskiwhoppdie doo13:52
czajkowskiit's a good first start13:52
czajkowskiI can see it caters more for an admin but so be it13:52
PiciAs much as we don't like it, I think we should remember that in some team contacts think that they are the team leaders as well.  Not that this should excuse that behavior, but whatever.13:52
czajkowskibut to not pass it on13:52
czajkowskiPici: excuse my french but fuck that now that's not on still13:52
czajkowskimaking ones own personal feelings known is one thing, not passing on information based on that to the team is NOT ON13:53
Piciczajkowski: Aye, thats not cool.13:53
czajkowskiaye which is what he and I know others do so am now rather mad13:53
czajkowskiwhich is never a good thing13:53
PiciI wouldn't want to be in your way when you're angry ;)13:56
jussinor I13:57
czajkowskino aloha means I'm not happy on  mail btw13:59
* czajkowski hugs maco 13:59
czajkowskireally annoyed14:08
popeyPici: being a team leader is not a bad thing14:13
popeyyou make it sound like being a team leader as well as a team contact is somehow a negative thing14:13
paultagyeah popey14:21
paultagit can work, but it's harder14:21
paultagand you have to be objective in both positions14:21
* czajkowski tickles paultag 14:21
czajkowskihangover gone ?14:21
paultagczajkowski: finally!14:22
paultagwhere's dholbach?14:22
paultagczajkowski: finally got enough rest :)14:22
czajkowskigood stuff14:23
IdleOneI know Fabian's email may have seemed harsh but I do understand his position, the teams he is contact/lead for are non English. For example the -qc team which I am part of also has many English reading people but when they see any form of communication not in English they assume it is not meant for them and in turn might feel like their opinion does not matter to anyone else because it isn't in a language they can understand. I know14:23
IdleOne maco and those who helped her worked hard on this survey and I took the time to answer it. I appreciate the efforts and I believe Fabian does also.14:23
IdleOnes/not in Englsh/in English/14:25
paultagIdleOne: you forgot to escape the spaces ;)14:25
Picipopey: I should have clarified that.  Some 'team leaders' take the leadership aspect and twist it into some form of dictatorship, thats what I was referencing.  Also, I've not seen any email that everyone seems to be talking about, so if I'm completely off the mark, feel free to ignore me ;)14:26
doctormoIdleOne: +1 I'm currently dealing with a language barrier in a US projects, mostly Hispanic.14:26
* doctormo explains that a 'projects' is a US term for a housing development/council estate.14:27
paultagdoctormo: oh hahaha, right over my head14:28
paultagdoctormo: I keep forgetting you live near southie14:28
paultagor in, I can't remember14:28
doctormopaultag: In, I'm not even near Dorchester ;-)14:28
IdleOneat the same time though I agree with czajkowski in that personal feelings about a group/team/project should not affect our decisions in passing on information.14:28
popeyTell that to RMS ☺14:29
paultagdoctormo: :)14:29
paultagpopey: oh look at that crafty smile ♥14:29
paultagIdleOne: truth14:29
czajkowskiI never ever ever want to deal with RMS as a speaker ever14:29
paultag→ ←14:29
IdleOneI wish we could make everybody happy14:29
paultagI'd love to have RMS talk at me. He seems smart14:30
czajkowskipaultag: watch him speak14:30
IdleOnetalk at you?14:30
czajkowskipicks his feet14:30
paultagI mean, homeby sat down homeless and wrote a F/OSS compiler14:30
popeyThe only thing I think could have been done better with maco's survey was if she'd actually consulted loco-contacts _before_ sending the "Hey, fill my survey in" mail.14:30
IdleOnepeople who talk at me get ignored14:30
czajkowskiputs his hands in his mouth14:30
paultagczajkowski: yeah I could see that14:30
czajkowskidear gods no14:30
paultagIdleOne: truth :)14:30
czajkowskinever ever again will I go to listn to him14:30
popeyand the loco council14:30
doctormopaultag: You wouldn't like RMS, I don't think. He never understands what I'm saying and I have to speak like someone speaking to a little child for him to even comprehend the words.14:31
paultagpopey: she poked me and she said something about the survay. I said i'd pass it onto my locos, but I think she was asking if it was OK14:31
paultagpopey: so might be my fault there14:31
IdleOnepopey: afaik this is the first survey of this type done, we learn, we make things better next time.14:32
paultagdoctormo: hahaha14:32
popeyIdleOne: not correct14:32
popeythere is another survey running _right_ _not_ for the adverts team14:32
doctormoAll power to survey 2.0!14:32
popeyand we have done others14:32
mhall119popey: if she had taken it to loco-contact for discussion first, what would the likely outcome have been?14:33
popeymhall119: translation, more refined questions, clarity on where the data goes14:33
paultagmhall119: yelling, mostly. LC's usually pretty clear14:33
paultagor what popey said :)14:34
mhall119popey: and how long would that have taken?14:34
* Pici just realized that Loco Council and cz<tab> have the same initials14:34
popeyare you suggesting that we should put out substandard products in the name of expediency!?14:34
* popey notes time based releases14:34
mhall119also, I think paultag's answer is fairly accurate14:34
paultagoh holy shaz, that's true14:34
IdleOnepopey: We encourage people to go ahead and do the work if they see a need. I think maco took the initiative, contacted the people she thought were key and ran with it. same as the adverts team seems to have done.14:34
mhall119popey: release early, release often14:35
jussihttp://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2011/05/user-experience-survey.html <- the non adverts team survey blog post14:35
czajkowskiPici: I know very anoying also!14:35
Piciczajkowski: Must be14:35
IdleOnemaco: for the next survey if you need help with translation to French let me know I will be glad to help :)14:35
popeyIdleOne: yes, and I gave feedback last night, as did pleia2, which was ignored14:35
czajkowskiPici: why I have LC off highlight and loco council on highlight14:35
doctormoIdleOne: I agree, of course we do many things to self correct when we see problems with our actions too.14:35
mhall119in my experience, sending an inquiry to loco-contacts will end in silence 80% of the time, and arguing 19% of the time14:35
popeymhall119: I did say loco council too14:36
IdleOnedoctormo: I believe maco sees our comments and she is taking the notes to do things differently next time.14:36
paultagpopey: I think maco asked me on the side14:36
mhall119popey: the survey isn't specific to loco-teams is it?14:36
doctormoIdleOne: I believe so too.14:36
macomhall119: no14:36
paultagpopey: she said something about passing it on to locos and I said that would be a good idea14:36
mhall119I didn't think so14:36
popeymhall119: it was sent to loco contacts asking people to send to their loco teams.14:36
macoloco teams just seem like a good way to contact people who aren't plugged into Twitter & Planet Ubuntu constantly14:36
mhall119popey: right, because loco-contacts is the official way to get the word out to loco teams14:36
popeyi give up14:37
popeyforget I said anything.14:37
IdleOneasking the loco contacts to pass on the survey was a good way to make sure it got out to as many users as possible.14:37
mhall119I'm not trying to be argumentative, just trying to understand your position14:37
macopopey: by that point it was already announced...14:37
macowhich is why i put in on blog post that its a *different* survey14:37
czajkowskimaco: perhaps it could have held off a week14:38
macoand i think on email as well14:38
czajkowskiso as not to clash with the other survey out there is all as well14:38
paultagthere's another survay on right now, right?14:38
paultag+1 czajkowski14:38
mhall119I didn't take maco's survey yet, but the advertising one is very short14:38
paultagI took both14:39
PiciThe usability survey is a few pages long, its much more in-depth that the advertising one.14:39
doctormopaultag: So you're home tomorrow? How about those red sox?14:41
paultagdoctormo: beat the indians here! I'm stoked!14:41
AlanBellthe advertising survey has more respondents but asks fewer useful questions14:54
AlanBellit might have been better if there were not two surveys going on at the same time14:55
AlanBellI am now working with the adverts team to prevent them making outlandish and statistically invalid claims about their results14:55
macoyou know that "ubuntu is for noobs" thing that people using other distros say, like using ubuntu would be beneath them?14:56
paultagAlanBell: ugh, yeah, please14:56
maco88% of respondents so far said power user or computing professional14:56
paultagand keep in mind results are skewed14:56
paultag+1 mhall11914:56
paultagerm, maco14:56
macoyeah i know, reaching the-person-who-installed-it is easier than reaching the-person-they-installed-it-for14:57
AlanBellpaultag: yes, they are, but some people might believe that a bigger sample size means a fair sample (it doesn't)14:57
paultagAlanBell: truth!14:58
AlanBellmy big issue is that they didn't think about what they wanted to do with the results before spewing it out, so they didn't ask questions that help make effective adverts14:59
mhall119paultag: you can +1 me too if you really want to14:59
popeyyup AlanBell14:59
paultag+1 mhall119!14:59
AlanBellwe also ran a survey for the accessibility team fwiw https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/Personas/Survey15:03
AlanBellI set up a wordpress based form for that one15:03
nigelbAlanBell: I talked to Daviey. He asked me to set up etherpad from the PPA and see if it works.  If it doesn't, we may have to update the PPA.  pad.ubuntu-uk.org is a git checkout, so more later version.15:12
nigelbI'm not sure if I can get to reinstalling etherpad today, I have a longish task list, so if you do beat me to it, let me know :)15:12
jonokim0, dpm all set?16:00
dpmjono, sure16:00
jonoone sec, sound issues16:01
jonogoing to reboot16:01
* kim0 hugs skype and pulseaudio16:01
dpmyeah kim0, better hug them, you never know when they might turn against you ;)16:02
* nigelb hugs JFo16:03
* JFo hugs nigelb 16:03
nigelbJFo: Short and sweet email :D16:03
JFooh heh, yeah :)16:04
AlanBellnigelb: mine was installed from the ppa16:04
nigelbAlanBell: Aha, and you can't get it working at all right?16:05
* nigelb reports16:05
AlanBellnigelb: yeah, exactly the same as pad.ubuntu.com16:06
nigelbAlanBell: great, I'll work with kirkland to see if I can update the ppa with a newer version16:06
AlanBellcool, give me a shout when you want me to update and we can test there before messing with the live one16:07
nigelbAlanBell: yup. I'm running the upstream apt which needs fixing.16:09
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TechnovikingWhat is the name of wireframe design tool that I hace seen for Ubuntu mockups?20:37
macoTechnoviking: pencil?20:42
Technovikingmaco: yeah, is it a template for inkscape20:47
jussiTechnoviking: you can also use balsamiq: http://balsamiq.com/products/mockups20:50
macoTechnoviking: it's a proprietary UI design tool20:52
Technovikingmaco: bummer21:11
Picipleia2: around?21:15
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pleia2Pici: yeah21:19
Picipleia2: pm?21:19
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czajkowskijono: call in 40 mins right21:22
jonoczajkowski, nope, that is next week21:23
jonowe talked last week21:23
czajkowskijono: yeah so i got confused with the mail21:25
czajkowskijust checking as been on the jd for the last 3 hours21:25
Pendulumczajkowski: glad you've been doing something fun :P21:25
czajkowskiPendulum: yeah part 2 of going away night21:26
jonoczajkowski, :-)21:26
czajkowskibbq and a bottle of jd21:26
czajkowskiclassy bird21:26
czajkowskiPendulum: random bbq rocks21:32
popeymaco / czajkowski mhall119 apologies for being a grumpy grouch earlier with respect to the survey you've made. I realise now I was probably not being super helpful. Sorry.21:32
* czajkowski hugs popey 21:32
* maco hugs popey too21:32
* mhall119 also hugs popey 21:32
Pendulumczajkowski: we all knew you were a classy bird :P21:32
czajkowskipopey: you dont need to apologise at all21:32
czajkowskipopey: i have foot in mouth syndrom21:33
popeymaco: Hope you get useful data from it!21:33
* popey goes to sit in front of the telly21:33
macoif anyone cares, it crossed the 1024 mark a few minutes back21:33
macoim getting *surprising* data21:33
czajkowskimaco: that is fantastic news and well done21:33
macobut reaching avg users and "bad with computers" people is the sort of thing that takes the nerds who know about it going to their family/friends who use ubuntu, and asking them to take it21:34
head_victimmaco: Oh it's you! I'm Jared from the Australian Loco, I was just about to send it to my loco list. Is there a link I can put into the email as well about who/what/where/when/why for those who like such details? I've done it and it looks pretty handy.21:34
macoso hopefully folks will do that21:34
macohead_victim: I did the make-google-do-stuff part with question suggestions from some folks here, IRC ops who see the support questions, and QA team people21:35
head_victimAh ok so it's not a formal project, just something that would be useful to collate?21:36
macothe results, i'm intending to put at http://people.ubuntu.com/~maco.m/survey.html and thats also where translations of the survey will be linked21:36
macowell it's community-run instead of canonical-run, if that's what you mean21:36
czajkowskipopey: you know what we all go through meh days I've had a month of them and seemignly my reply was less that good but i was being honest21:37
czajkowskiat least for tonight i'm not looking at mail21:37
czajkowskithe3 amout of jd i've had is not safe to go near email21:37
head_victimmaco: ah k, was sort of looking for a wiki page with the rational and who's using it for what but only because I was more curious myself as well21:38
AlanBelldrunk people should use IRC only21:38
macohead_victim: there's stuff in there to interest bug triagers, accessibility team, QA team, loco council, etc.21:38
macoand there's been interest from members of those teams, so i dont think the results will just be thrown out21:39
maco(i'm in the bug & accessibility categories)21:39
czajkowskimaco: well any feedback to the lc would be great please drop us an email ok21:39
head_victimmaco: oh no, and don't think I wouldn't do it because of it I was just half curious for myself and half knowing that's what some will ask about21:40
czajkowskiAlanBell: :)'21:40
macoczajkowski: yep. there's "where are you? how's the loco there? what sort of events do you prefer?" which should help the individual locos and you lot21:40
czajkowskimaco: we;d love that feedback please21:40
macoof course21:40
czajkowskithank you21:41
macofor all that i dislike heavy math, i <3 making charts out of data21:43
PiciI love charts.21:43
head_victimI could play on spreadsheets all day long making pretty data sets and charts21:43
macocomparing audio, graphics, and peripheral support ratings gave me my first chance to use one of those area graphs (line graph with filled in underneath) that has stacking21:44
doctormoI just released, we could replace that funnel game from Star Trek Next Generation that they all get addicted to, with Farmville and they'd be prophetic! ;-)21:44

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