
jasoncwarnermorning bryce, RAOF, TheMuso and robert_ancell00:01
RAOFAnd rearing to go.00:01
jasoncwarnerrobert_ancell might still be ill, was hoping he was here.00:03
brycewow, still?00:03
brycepoor guy00:03
jasoncwarnerthere is a western edition todo to talk about bzr usage (see wiki)00:03
jasoncwarnerbryce: yeah...hope he is all better soon...00:03
TheMusoHey folks.00:03
brycejasoncwarner, so we're going to switch xorg packaging from git to bzr?00:04
TheMusoNo I think the bzr stuff is for gnome packaging.00:04
jasoncwarnerpitti told me SVN to store it and hg-svn to do your local work00:04
bryceI'll use the CVS-svn interface00:04
bryceseriously though, I do hate git00:05
jasoncwarnerOk...for realz though.00:05
jasoncwarnerlets get through the meeting and then we can discuss when robert feels better :)00:05
jasoncwarner[TOPIC] X update00:06
RAOFI think that all our blueprints are approved and ready to go.00:06
RAOFAnd bryce has re-targeted our versions-tracking infrastructure at oneiric (thanks!)00:07
bryceI see xserver 1.11 has _already_ broken api00:07
RAOFYou know what they say - break early, break often!00:07
bryceyeah I need to rewrite that script in python and have it auto-probe the ubuntu version so I don't have to manually fiddle with it every release00:08
bryceRAOF, (I don't think they really say that)00:08
TheMusoIMO it should be break early, break once.00:08
brycethere's now an x-backports ppa set up in ubuntu-x-swat00:09
RAOFbryce: Anything more to talk about re: Mesa switching to an SRU-friendly point release policy?00:09
brycetimo and sarvatt will be filling it in as we go00:09
bryceoh yeah, I went up to Intel in hillsboro for a meeting with Keith Packard and the graphics team last week00:10
brycethey're thinking about trying to do point releases of mesa and keeping it stable, in hopes we could pull in point release updates to mesa post-release00:11
bryceI explained our sru policies wrt point release updates, so guess we'll see how they do00:11
brycethey were very encouraging of doing more bug upstreaming too00:11
bryceso this week I've been mostly hammering on my upstreamer tool stuff in arsenal to try to get it more functional00:12
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bryceIntel's development process has changed, too; they're becoming much more distro focused in terms of when they consider hardware support "available"00:12
bryceso sounds like Gen7 hw (Iron Lake?) will be a smoother transition than Sandybridge was00:13
bryceIvy Bridge, right!00:13
bryceanyway, I also inquired about getting us some HW00:13
TheMusoYeah was reading about IvyBridge and the inclusion of Thunderbolt the other day.00:13
brycewhich turned out that Intel interfaces with pgraner00:14
RAOFYeah.  Those chips are due out around the end of the year, and the kernel support for them has landed, as has some mesa bits.  There should be time for solid testing before the distro release season :)00:14
brycethey said they have to ship to a biz address, so the systems get sent to Lexington and I guess parcelled out from there00:15
bryceRAOF, anyway I figure either you or I should bug pete about ensuring we're somewhere on the list to get one so we can do gfx testing00:15
RAOFIt's probably significantly cheaper to ship Lexington → Portland :(00:16
RAOF(Than Lexington → Hobart)00:16
jasoncwarneranything else you guys want to talk about?00:17
RAOFWhen can we expect oneiric to not look like arse? :)00:17
* TheMuso is pondering upgrading to oneiric this week, but not sure how badly things will break. Might try a VM first.00:18
jasoncwarnerOk...do you guys want to wait for robert before talkign about bzr or do you want to go ahead and talk about it and catch him up?00:19
TheMusoSo I can at least make sure accessibility won't break when I upgrade for real.00:19
bryceoh, there is one thing...  while we're escaping nvidia/fglrx breakage due to xserver abi breakage, what about the kernel?00:19
brycebug #77689500:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 776895 in fglrx-installer "fglrx 2:8.840-0ubuntu4 fails to build against 2.6.39 kernels, due to missing linux/smp_lock.h" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77689500:20
RAOFOh, yeah!  fglrx doesn't build without the big kernel lock!00:20
TheMusoRe bzr, I don't mind either way. The vast majority of stuff I package either doesn't have a packaging branch in bzr, or has branches maintained for Ubuntu in Debian vcs.00:20
TheMusoThe latter suiting me just fine.00:21
TheMusoSo whatever is decided, I can work with, if it affects me.00:21
TheMusoI guess I have a question for you X guys, somethign that doesn't affect me, but people from the community may be asking about. What about bumblebee and oneiric, what will your official position be?00:22
kinouchoudesrt: hello00:22
bryceTheMuso, might affect us via sponsors queue work and such00:22
RAOFTheMuso: bumblebee?  (/me googles)00:22
TheMusoRAOF: A little piece of software to help users with NVIDIA optimus make use of both video chips in a way.00:23
brycehybrid graphics eh?00:23
* TheMuso doesn't plan to try it, as I am one of the fortunate ones who can turn on/off whatever video chip I need.00:23
TheMusoSomething like that.00:23
TheMusoNot as automatic as in Windows, but users can manually choose to run certain apps on the intel or NVIDIA chips.00:23
bryceTheMuso, I'd like to see us with a more cohesive solution to hybrid graphics before we start officially supporting it00:24
TheMusoSO I am just thinking ahead about people asking for it etc.00:24
TheMusobryce: Right, I thought as much, but I am thinking about what the community may ask for.00:24
bryceI'm worried there's going to be a lot of different one-off "solutions" which are going to make support complicated in the near term00:24
TheMusoAgain, I don't care, doesn't  affect me, I work around it by using intel only.00:24
* TheMuso nods.00:25
RAOFSo, my position would be that the *correct* solution is Dave Airied's gpu buffer sharing + other work.00:25
brycewhat we're hoping is that these different options will compete and the field will narrow as less good options die off00:25
brycebut for oneiric I think our hybrid graphics plans are <undefined>00:26
RAOFI don't think I'd object to something like bumblebee in the archive, though.00:26
TheMusoYeah, undefined is what I thought.00:26
bryceit would be great to see some community involvement in pushing things like bumblebee forward00:26
TheMusoOk cool that satisfies my curosity.00:29
TheMusocuriosity even.00:29
RAOFHm.  Although obviously before bumblebee can be uploaded it'll need to build from source :)00:29
bryceam I remembering correctly RAOF that you asked Rick for hybrid HW?00:29
RAOFbryce: Yes, I did.  Well, I ended up asking Pete and then Chris; there's apparently one spare after UDS.00:30
brycegood deal, maybe you can arrange to take possession at the sprint ;-)00:30
bryceRAOF, looks like sarvatt has a fix for bug 776895, so that should resolve the kernel breakage.  But I do worry about it generally.00:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 776895 in fglrx-installer "fglrx 2:8.840-0ubuntu4 fails to build against 2.6.39 kernels, due to missing linux/smp_lock.h" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77689500:31
jasoncwarnerI have to step out for a bit...be back later.00:33
RAOFI wonder whether that will introduce crazy races; dropping the BKL means that fglrx will be subjected to things possibly changing under it.00:33
RAOFI'm not sure what we can do about the kernel breakage in general, though.00:34
RAOFOh, boo.  Evolution no longer starts :(00:35
brycewell, maybe we can make jockey not offer the driver00:36
TheMusoAre there any current radeon GPUs that are not supported by the open driver yet?00:36
RAOFOh, right.00:36
RAOFTheMuso: I don't believe so, no.00:36
SarvattHD 69xx00:37
TheMusoah ok.00:38
* RAOF needs to remember that patches for HD 69xx support being committed is not the same as HD69xx support existing in a release :)00:38
desrtkinouchou: bonjour!00:55
kinouchouhow are you?00:58
desrtgood, actually.  just woke from a nap which i took because i had a headache.  headache is gone. :)00:58
kinouchoui have many headache00:59
desrtyou need more naps, clearly01:00
desrtthe bad news is that my girlfriend has stolen my ubuntu.fr pin01:01
desrtshe says that it reminds her of the 80s01:01
kinouchouI have 2000 ubuntu-fr pin but in France01:02
desrtwhere are you now?01:02
kinouchouat home near Paris01:03
desrtah.  it sounded like you were somewhere else.01:03
kinouchoui say that because I can't give you a new pin01:04
desrtclearly the solution is for me to come to paris.  see you soon.01:04
desrtokay.  i've booked my flight.  i arrive in 1 month exactly.01:06
kinouchoudesrt: bonne nuit, i go to sleep01:11
desrtgood night01:12
desrtsee you in 1 month01:12
kinouchouok, i wrote in my calendar01:12
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micahganyone want to fix librsvg again?01:23
TheMusomicahg: Whats up with it?01:26
micahgTheMuso: same problem, one more substitution needed in the postinst01:26
micahgTheMuso: multiarch dir not being accessed01:27
TheMusomicahg: If you have a patch, I'm happy to sponsor.01:27
micahgTheMuso: k, give me a minute01:27
micahgandersk: no, that's not right, the non-multiarch path shouldn't be in the second line01:31
anderskIt is in libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0.postinst.01:31
micahgandersk: you'll get the same error again since the dir doesn't exist01:32
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micahgI'm about to test the fix01:32
anderskIt does for me, since libwmf0.2-7-gtk has /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/io-wmf.so.01:32
anderskIf that’s going to go away, I guess libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 needs to be fixed again too.01:33
micahgandersk: yes, but not everyone will have that installed and yes, it's going away with the multiarch transition01:34
anderskIf I remove libwmf0.2-7-gtk, I get an error that /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/*.so doesn’t exist, but at least the entire command doesn’t fail.01:37
anderskBut I assume you’re in the middle of writing something smarter, so I’ll let you go ahead with that.01:38
micahgyeah, just trying to test01:38
micahgTheMuso: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612527/, I can give you a bug if you want01:40
anderskBut that will break libwmf0.2-7-gtk, right?01:41
micahgandersk: probably, but it should be fixed in any case01:43
TheMusomicahg: If there is a bug for it, it would help to close it, otherwise there is no problem.01:43
micahgTheMuso: I see one from the old issue, not for the ubuntu3 specific issue01:43
micahgandersk: well, it shouldn't actually break it, it just won't load the stuff from that library01:44
andersklibgdk-pixbuf2.0-0.postinst looks in both directories and uses 2>/dev/null to suppress the warning if the older path goes away.01:44
TheMusomicahg: Ok then don't worry about it, I'll just upload as is.01:44
TheMusomicahg: So you tested and it worked?01:44
micahgTheMuso: yeah, let me just check with slangasek about what andersk is asking01:45
anderskI updated my patch to add the 2>/dev/null, if that’s the route you want to take.  I think it makes sense, because this is supposed to do the same thing as libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0.postinst.01:52
TheMusoOk so what needs changing in that patch that was patebinned?01:55
TheMusoHaven't looked much into multi-arch myself just yet.01:55
micahgandersk: have you tested your version?01:58
anderskYeah, just did, it works.01:59
micahgTheMuso: ok, let's go with his solution, I'd rather 2 checks for this and not suppress errors, but that would diverge from what's currently being done, so it should be discussed02:00
TheMusoSo where do I find that patch, or do I misread, and we are leaving it for now?02:05
TheMusoOk thanks.02:05
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TheMusoandersk: Ok thanks for your patch, the package seems to build ok, uploading now.02:11
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pittiGood morning05:28
TheMusoHey pitti.05:32
braiamhey pitti!06:44
pittihey braiam06:47
didrocksgood morning07:19
pittibonjour didrocks07:20
didrocksguten morgen pitti!07:20
ricotzpitti, hello07:24
pittihey ricotz07:24
ricotzthe gnome-keyring build still fail at the exact same position in the ppa07:24
ricotzlocally it builds fine in a natty pbuilder07:24
pittihere as well, I build it three or four times on current oneiric07:25
ricotzi have no idea what is causing this :(07:25
ricotzpitti, btw, dont forget a dep on libarchive-dev for libtotem-plparser-dev07:25
pittiricotz: yes, I added it, and bumped libquvi-dep07:26
pitti-dev even07:26
* pitti diffed configure.in to see07:26
pittijust uploaded to sid07:26
ricotzhmm, you did?07:26
ricotzi dont see the dep here07:26
pittiand if http://svn.debian.org was working I could show you..07:27
ricotzi mean the -dev itself needs to depend on it07:27
pittioh, to the -dev07:27
ricotzthis might cause pkg-config to fail, i have been there :(07:27
pittiRequires: glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 gio-2.007:28
pittiRequires.private: gthread-2.0 libxml-2.0 gmime-2.4 libquvi libarchive07:28
didrockshey ricotz07:28
pittiit's only an internal dependency07:28
pittiit should only depend on the "Requires" -devs, no?07:28
ricotzpitti, hmm, for the missing libquiv it fail the last time07:28
ricotzpitti, see 2.32.4-207:29
ricotzdidrocks, hey07:29
pittithat seems like the kind of thing which would cause unnecessary library dependencies in packages which use libtotem-plparser-dev?07:29
pittiricotz: anyway, I'm happy to add it if it causes problems07:29
ricotzthe last time it caused a build failure of totem07:30
TheMusopitti: Yeah git.debian.org is not working for me, something to do with a read-only filesystem.07:30
pittiTheMuso: svn works, but websvn isn't back up yet (or might never be again, not sure)07:31
pittiricotz: I don't see anythign libarchive-ish in the header files; could that be due to a build system bug? why would totem need libarchive?07:32
ricotzpitti, oh, meant while the libquvi-dev reference was missing the last time it causes the totem build to fail07:33
ricotzwhich i assume could be the same while missing the libarchive-dev now07:33
pittiricotz: hm, if it fails now, I'd rather fix that properly, I think07:34
ricotzif you remove libarchive-dev, what does pkg-config outputs?07:34
ricotzassuming you already updated totem-pl-parser locally07:35
pittiargh, meh07:35
pitti$ pkg-config --cflags totem-plparser07:35
pittiPackage libarchive was not found in the pkg-config search path.07:35
pittidear pkg-config, this really sounds broken07:36
pittiok, I'll add it then07:36
pittithanks for pointing out07:36
ricotzyes :\07:36
ricotzyou're welcome07:40
pittifix uploaded and committed07:43
geserpitti: try http://anonscm.debian.org/ (see http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2011/05/msg00009.html)08:16
geserTheMuso: ^^ this applies for git.debian.org too08:17
pittigeser: ah, thanks08:17
pittigeser: that's a bit of a shame, though, it'll break hundreds of Vcs-Browser: tags in source packages :/08:17
pittihttp://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-gnome/ -> empty :/08:17
geserpitti: not only Vcs-Browser but all Vcs-* tags as the read-only access changed too08:20
LaneyI don't think it's finalised yet08:44
Laneyi.e. I expect the old links to be restored08:45
pittibonjour seb12808:50
seb128hey pitti, how are you?08:50
pittipretty well, thanks!08:51
pittihow about you?08:51
pittihave banged on versions.html a little, some less bright orange there08:52
seb128I've fine thanks08:52
seb128versions> great08:52
seb128the "to update" almost fit on one page now ;-)08:53
ricotzpitti, is the script which is doing this page available somewhere?08:54
ricotzseb128, hello08:54
pittiricotz: lp:~ubuntu-desktop/+junk/versions or something08:54
ricotzpitti, thanks08:54
seb128ricotz, it's written at the bottom on the webpage08:56
didrockssalut seb128!08:57
seb128lut didrocks, ca va ?08:57
didrocksseb128: ça va bien, et toi ?08:57
seb128ca va nickel ;-)08:57
ricotzseb128, ahh ;), should have scrolled down this far :\08:57
seb128ricotz, you have a key on your keyboard sending you at the bottom :p08:58
seb128ricotz, do you want to use it for the ppa or something?08:58
ricotzseb128, hehe09:00
ricotzseb128, yes, i was hoping to get a better overview09:00
didrockshey rodrigo_09:02
seb128hey rodrigo_09:02
seb128didrocks, can you get bug #779717 reviewed?09:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 779717 in indicator-multiload "indicator-multiload causes a memory leak in compiz when run under unity" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77971709:03
seb128it has a valgrind log of a IndicatorObjectEntryProxyRemote::GetPixbuf() leak and some patches09:04
didrocksseb128: sure09:04
seb128didrocks, the leak is in unity, the bot picked the wrong component09:04
seb128didrocks, thanks09:04
pittioh nice, Michael found a fix?09:05
pitti(he's a friend of mine who talked to me about this recently)09:05
seb128oh, that explains the piware email ;-)09:05
seb128pitti, he got some patches on the bug at least09:06
seb128the issue is that dx is so behind on bugs that they probably don't see comments or patches coming09:06
rodrigo_bonjour didrocks, seb12809:06
rodrigo_so, seems dns is failing a lot these last few days?09:07
seb128not here09:07
rodrigo_hmm, not sure what's up, but I get a lot of disconnections09:08
seb128didrocks, seems bug #758248 is the same and jay is on it?09:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 758248 in nux "memory leaking in compiz" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75824809:08
seb128didrocks, see comment #3209:09
didrocksseb128: this is the "most extreme" from it, isn't it?09:09
seb128not sure but seems there is different leaks09:10
seb128the fix from jay is in nux, the patches from michael in unity09:10
didrocksseb128: I think mdz's bug showed other issues in nux09:10
seb128so worth getting the set reviewed09:10
seb128njpatel, ^ could be worth reading for you as well09:11
njpatelseb128, are all the patches on that bug?09:13
seb128njpatel, #779717 has 2 patches from pitti's friend09:14
seb128njpatel, the other bug has a comment from jay added yesterday saying he has a fix in nux 0.909:14
seb128the set seems worth reviewing in context of one of the sru rounds09:14
didrocksnjpatel: just ensure that the team look at the pending merge, it should be ok then09:15
chrisccoulson_good morning everyone09:16
didrockshey chrisccoulson_!09:18
chrisccoulson_hi didrocks, how are you?09:19
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didrockschrisccoulson: I'm fine, thanks, and you?09:19
chrisccoulsonyeah, good thanks09:19
chrisccoulsoni'm just wondering whether to do a dist-upgrade right now. i've not done any updates since i upgraded to oneiric last week09:19
rodrigo_seb128, just to make sure, updating eog to 3.0.2, so the version should be 3.0.2-0ubuntu1, right?09:20
seb128hey chrisccoulson, isn't today an uk holiday? ;-)09:21
seb128rodrigo_, yes09:21
chrisccoulsonseb128, unfortunately not today ;)09:23
chrisccoulsonthe amount of packages on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/FirefoxUpgradeChecklist/5.0 is really depressing09:26
chrisccoulsoni need to think of a way to kill off the extensions on lucid and maverick09:27
chrisccoulsonhmmm, it seems that globalmenu-extension is broken again in firefox 709:29
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geserfirefox is at version 7 already?09:32
chrisccoulsongeser, yes, on mozilla-central09:34
chrisccoulson7 is probably what oneiric will get09:34
TheMusogeser: I was trying to push via ssh, not pull.09:44
seb128rodrigo_, hey09:57
seb128didrocks, hey09:57
seb128ubuntu.session ->09:57
didrockshey seb128 :)09:57
seb128can I drop the DefaultProvider-file-manager line and the ;file-manager RequiredProviders?09:57
seb128it's what is opening a nautilus dialog on login I think09:58
seb128the new nautilus also has an autostart desktop for that now09:58
didrocksseb128: sure, but we should ensure what to do for finale09:58
seb128well that doesn't change09:58
didrockshum, so it's autostarted in /etc/xdg/autostart/ ?09:58
seb128they moved from a component to an autostart09:58
seb128didrocks, yes, with a conditional start on a gsettings key09:59
didrocksok, perfect then :-)09:59
didrocksdoing that now09:59
seb128so deciding what to do is just deciding on the key value09:59
seb128didrocks, I'm doing it09:59
seb128didrocks, don't bother09:59
didrocksok, thanks :-)09:59
seb128I just wanted to check with you I was not overlooking something09:59
didrocksseb128: you should do it as well for the ubuntu-2d.session09:59
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)09:59
didrocksthe other, I didn't touch to get the upstream experience10:00
didrocksthanks seb128 :)10:00
cdbsdidrocks: hi, did 3.8.14 get postponed (again) ?10:10
didrockscdbs: why again?10:11
cdbsdidrocks: I didn't see a release, did it get released yesterday?10:11
didrockscdbs: it was planned yesterday, right, but as I wrote in the desktop team report, it will be later this week10:11
didrockscdbs: but it has never been planned before, hene the "again"?10:11
cdbsdidrocks: Well I thought it was, as you had said so :)10:12
didrockscdbs: when did I say that? I didn't AFAIK10:12
didrocksjust that it was planned yesterday10:12
didrocksand I told yesterday that it will be later this week, in the desktop team meeting10:12
cdbsdidrocks: Okay, I really should read the meeting logs or so10:13
didrockscdbs: and in the report: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2011-05-2410:13
cdbsthis timezone is sucky10:13
didrockscdbs: yeah, you should have a look, we tend to put all info there :)10:13
didrocksat least, try!10:13
didrocks(I won't sign for completeness there :-p)10:13
didrockscdbs: however, I don't know if there is a direct link to always "the latest report"10:14
cdbsThat's not a problem10:15
cdbsatleast not for me. I can check out regularly, like, every Monday10:15
didrocksyeah, I'm wondering still if we should have such link, nevermind anyway :-)10:16
didrocksshankao: hey, so you had some questions on the last gnome-session update?10:30
shankaohi, after the last gnome-session upgrade, for some reason gnome-session-fallback was not in my system, so the ubuntu-classic option was not selectable10:30
shankaois maybe a dependency problem?10:30
didrocksshankao: did you get the latest gnome-panel?10:30
didrocksshankao: gnome-panel recommends gnome-session-fallback10:30
didrocksso people upgrading will get it that way10:30
didrocksnew install won't as gnome-panel won't be seeded10:31
shankaonope, I was upgrading10:31
shankaoI have installed the missing package by hand now10:31
shankaoanyway I can take a deeper look at why it was left this way10:32
didrocksshankao: gnome-panel 1:2.32.1-0ubuntu7 recommends gnome-session-fallback, so if you install recommends (which is the default), it will be installed10:32
didrocksso yeah, more clue will be appreciated :-)10:32
shankaook, my version is gnome-panel 1:2.32.1-0ubuntu6.510:33
didrocksshankao: seems that explains it then :-)10:33
shankaoyep, thanks :)10:34
shankaoumh, seems that version of gnome-panel (ubuntu7) is Dependency wait on vernadsky (i386)10:37
pittijasoncwarner: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+specs?searchtext=desktop-o10:40
geserdidrocks: can you look at the depwait shankao pointed about? gnome-panel depwaits on libedataserverui1.2-dev but there is only libedataserverui-3.0-dev (and libedataserver1.2-dev)10:45
didrocksgeser: I think we rather should work on migrating gnome-panel to 3.010:46
didrocksgeser: not sure I can do it today, already on other stuff, but will give a look if nobody take it10:46
geserdidrocks: no problem, I just wanted you to know about the depwait as they can get easily unnoticed10:48
didrocksgeser: yeah, it was unnoticed TBH :-) thanks for pointing it shankao, geser!10:48
LetoThe2ndhello! as of release 11.04, unity seems to crash(segfault) if xinerama is enabled. is this a know issue? or shall i open a bug once i got all information collected?10:49
seb128didrocks, we should perhaps make gnome-session recommends -fallback until the e-d-s gnome-panel thing is sorted10:49
didrocksseb128: well, do you think we won't do it for alpha1?10:49
didrocksfor e-d-s/gnome-panel10:50
seb128didrocks, what, updating gnome-panel? not if that involve going to gtk3 and updating the indicator stack10:50
didrocksseb128: I can maybe try to build it with libedataserverui-3.0-dev first and se what happens10:51
didrocksbut I really want to first do this unity-2d sortage10:51
pittichrisccoulson: do you have a minute to hop into mumble, desktop 1-1?10:51
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i just need to find my headset10:52
chrisccoulson1 second10:52
seb128$ ldd /usr/lib/libedataserverui-3.0.so.0.0.0 | grep gtk10:52
seb128libgtk-3.so.0 => /usr/lib/libgtk-3.so.0 (0x005af000)10:52
seb128didrocks, not likely to work with a gtk2 gnome-panel10:53
LetoThe2ndsome more details: three 1080p-displays connected via 2 HD4350 boards, everything working fine when using gnome classic10:53
didrocksseb128: didn't you want to test gtk2/gtk3 linking to the same process? :-) maybe time to experiment!10:53
seb128didrocks, that's why debian renamed the e-d-s source to have both gtk2 and gtk3 version in the archive until they go to testing10:53
seb128didrocks, ;-)10:53
didrocksseb128: more seriously, recommends for alpha1 sounds good then…10:54
didrockswe should just drop a note that we will have to revert once g-p ready10:55
seb128didrocks, do you want me to do it?10:56
chrisccoulsonhmmm, pitti, i have no sound coming from my headset at all :/10:57
didrocksseb128: no, it's ok, I'll do it by eod :-)10:57
chrisccoulsoni haven't tried using mumble on oneiric before today ;)10:57
pittichrisccoulson: nevermind, I'll IRC you later10:58
seb128didrocks, ok10:58
chrisccoulsonpitti - sorry about that. i'll try and figure out what's wrong with it here10:58
kinouchouhello seb128 didrocks and fredp10:58
didrockshey kinouchou10:59
seb128chrisccoulson,  you are right; I would be afraid of management asking me to come do a 1:1 on mumble as well, it usually means they want to kick you out or something ;-)10:59
seb128lut kinouchou10:59
didrocksseb128:   * debian/nautilus.install:10:59
didrocks    - install the new autostart desktop entry10:59
didrocksahah, so it wasn't installed? :-)10:59
seb128oh, fredp is there, hey, can you update yelp-xsl to debian? ;-)10:59
pittichrisccoulson: basically jasoncwarner and I were wondering what's missing for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-default-email-client10:59
seb128didrocks, it wasn't there, they added it to 3.0.2 following my email to the list11:00
fredphey kinouchou11:00
pittichrisccoulson: it's got a ton of WIs, and the criteria for "yay or nay" seem to be reasonably clear?11:00
fredpseb128: sure I can11:00
jasoncwarnerhey chrisccoulson...when is our thunderbird meeting? It's today, right?11:00
seb128didrocks, they didn't have one until now since GNOME3 doesn't start nautilus11:00
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner, yeah, it's today11:00
didrocksseb128: ok, nice then :-)11:00
seb128didrocks, I asked a "what about having one conditional on the gsettings key for those who want to turn it on"11:00
chrisccoulsonpitti - do you know who added all the bugs to that blueprint?11:00
chrisccoulsonis it just users who are trying to get my attention on their favourite bugs?11:00
didrocksseb128: heh, nice move!11:00
seb128hey jasoncwarner11:00
jasoncwarnerhey seb128!11:01
pittichrisccoulson: no, I don't; they count as WIs, so if some are irrelevant, please unlink them11:01
chrisccoulsonpitti - i didn't add any of them, so i might unlink them all11:01
pittijasoncwarner: also, is there any interesting dicussino left in the whiteboard? this calls for some cleanup11:01
didrocksseb128: should be part of the d-d-l discussion I'm ignoring for time saving :)11:01
chrisccoulsoni think they were just added by users as a way of waving them in my face ;)11:01
seb128didrocks, no, it was on the nautilus list11:01
jasoncwarnerit would be nice to archive the discussion if possible, but clean up is in order...I don't know if any is really relevant at this point.11:02
didrocksok, no way I would discover it then :)11:02
seb128(so my secret plan to undermine tb by default by adding lot of random bugs to the blocker list is not working...)11:02
chrisccoulsonyeah, the whiteboard is a bit of a mess now11:02
pittichrisccoulson: so from my POV the whiteboard and description need cleanup, and if you don't use bugs as WIs, it'll need actual WIs11:02
seb128bugs as work items--11:02
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah. i guess the WI's will probably come out of todays meeting11:02
jasoncwarnerseb128: what if we made gmail by default in chrome instead? would that suit you more?  ;)11:03
pittiseb128: in some particular cases they are quite nice actually11:03
pittichrisccoulson: ah, so let's wait until after that then11:03
seb128jasoncwarner, I'm fine with that ;-)11:03
chrisccoulsoni'm going to remove the bug links unless someone shouts out now :)11:03
seb128jasoncwarner, I like bold moves ;-)11:03
pittichrisccoulson: they really look like normal tbird bugs indeed11:03
seb128evo to tb is just boring :p11:03
pittimutt! *cough*11:03
jasoncwarnerseb128: ha! fair enough!11:03
rodrigo_didrocks, so, gnome-icon-theme-symbolic is now accepted in main?11:03
jasoncwarnerpitti: emacs11:03
jasoncwarnerpitti: mutt w/ emacs bindings?11:03
jasoncwarnerpitti: just to confuse your muscle memory11:04
didrocksrodrigo_: yeah, and I promoted it11:04
* didrocks checks with rmadison11:04
rodrigo_ok, cool!11:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - is there any way of viewing the activity history on a blueprint? (like there is with a bug report)11:04
didrocksrodrigo_: indeed :)11:04
chrisccoulson+activity doesn't seem to be valid11:04
pittijasoncwarner: actually it'd help to reduce my daily two hours that I spend on email -- I'd just accidentally delete them all :)11:04
pittichrisccoulson: no, I don't think there is11:04
jasoncwarnerpitti: lol11:05
chrisccoulsonok, cleaned :)11:05
pittirodrigo_: hm, seems the control-center thread on d-d pretty much died down -- are you aware of a practical solution to this now?11:11
rodrigo_pitti, the public/private lib thing?11:11
pittirodrigo_: there was a faint compromise proposal about upstream allowing distros to add well-defined and specific panels, but not arbitrary ones; that would work for us, WDYT?11:11
pittirodrigo_: that, and adding new panels in general11:12
rodrigo_yes, there's still discussion internally about making it private11:12
pittirodrigo_: I'm wondering in the context of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-system-config-printer-vs-gnome-3-control-center which still needs a decision about "integreate s-c-p into g-c-c" vs. "add a stub to launch s-c-p in separate window"11:12
rodrigo_but patching that should be easy for us, just a few lines of Makefile.am patching11:12
pittirodrigo_: ok, so that's what we're going to do for now?11:13
rodrigo_pitti, yes, I need to talk with the 2 redhat guys working on g-c-c and s-cp, to see if they plan to merge functionalities11:13
rodrigo_pitti, well, if the decision is to make it private, yes, if not, we'll do thw whitelist thing11:13
rodrigo_pitti, about printing, the biggest thing that I was told is missing in the g-c-c panel was sharing, which will be done in the 'Sharing' panel11:15
rodrigo_pitti, so, I'm waiting to see if we really need s-c-p at all11:15
rodrigo_not sure what other functionalities we would be missing11:15
pittirodrigo_: ah, I thought tkamppeter mentioned quite a lot of other things as well, such as driver download, printer configuration in general, etc.11:16
rodrigo_hmm, yes, that might be useful indeed11:16
seb128pitti, the g-c-c, printing, etc outcome was11:25
seb128- we will make the api public again if upstream doesn't11:25
seb128- we will allow python panels for g-c-c11:26
seb128- we will integrate s-c-p to the g-c-c and hide the upstream one11:26
pittiseb128: ^ +1 on that; I don't think we'll get the upstream one to be as good as s-c-p in just one cycle11:27
seb128especially that they said no to things like downloading of non opensource drivers11:27
seb128they don't want to support those11:27
rodrigo_well, that's still in discussion11:28
rodrigo_the downloading of drivers11:28
seb128rodrigo_, well sorry but I don't see all the missing feature to be sorted and coded back this cycle11:28
pittirodrigo_: s-c-p can be visually embedded and still run as a separate (python) process then?11:28
seb128they will need argrement first, then design, then coding11:28
rodrigo_seb128, oh no, not saying that11:28
seb128need agreement11:28
seb128rodrigo_, so the plan for this cycle is still to use s-c-p then ;-)11:29
rodrigo_pitti, we need to write a loader to embed it11:29
rodrigo_seb128, yes11:29
seb128pitti, it's https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-system-settings11:29
pittirodrigo_: that will require s-c-p to move to gtk3 and g-i, right?11:29
rodrigo_pitti, if we just embed it, no11:29
pittirodrigo_: ah, so loader != in-process?11:30
seb128pitti, see "Plan of action:" on this spec11:30
rodrigo_pitti, using GtkSocket/Plug11:30
seb128- [rodrigo-moya] work on getting a python loader:11:30
rodrigo_that was moved to a X window embedder iirc11:30
pitticool, thanks for the heads-up11:30
rodrigo_a python loader would need indeed to have things ported to gtk311:30
loolHmm now my laptop will suspend when I close the lid, but I couldn't find any setting for this in the Power control-center applet nor any dconf key for it under org.gnome.power-manager11:35
didrockslool: that's a long discussion on planet gnome and ML :)11:36
loolthere is not even a dconf setting for it?11:36
pittirodrigo_: FYI, I replaced the "python loader" WI in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-system-settings with a link to the existing bug 787694, to not have it counted twice11:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 787694 in gnome-control-center "GNOME 3 System Settings: Allow Python Programs (or general programs) as embedded capplet" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78769411:36
didrockslool: http://afaikblog.wordpress.com/2011/02/03/on-laptop-lids-and-power-settings/ FYI11:37
seb128pitti, why did we start using bugs rather than work items for those specs? that seems a bit out of workflow and confusing11:37
loolI have the laptop on my desk most of the time, and I regularly close the lid when I walk away or write down something on top of it; if it suspends, it shuts down wifi etc.11:37
rodrigo_pitti, ok11:37
didrockslool: not sure if there is a system, this blog post seems to intend there shouldn't be11:37
seb128pitti, especially that you don't get emails about the blueprint bug changes11:37
looldidrocks: geez11:37
looldidrocks: thanks for the pointer11:37
seb128not about people adding or deleting bugs11:37
pittiseb128: well, we can also invalidate the bug and use a whiteboard item, I'm not that fussed either way; the WI tracker will treat them pretty equally11:38
pittiseb128: but bugs have a richer state, i. e. you can attach patches, link upstream bugs, etc.; this is one where this could matter11:39
seb128it's just that the printing blueprint is the only one I'm subscribed to from an email reading perspective, I just noticed that's because workitems got handled as bugs11:40
seb128but anyway I'm not working on it so if people doing the work know what they have to do fine with me ;-)11:40
pittirodrigo_: ^ as you'll get mail for both, please keep or change it to your liking11:42
rodrigo_keep the bug you mean?11:47
rodrigo_pitti, I'm fine with whatever you decide, so just tell me what I should do :-)11:47
pittirodrigo_: use the bug or a whiteboard line as WI11:48
pittiI don't mind much, I just used the bug as it was already there11:49
rodrigo_pitti, ok, I'll use the bug then11:49
pittiso its status as a WI will auto-update itself11:49
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bcurtiswxgood morning12:43
seb128pitti, gtksourceview3 could be synced in updated in Debian (just pointing it in case you want another easy update to do in Debian)12:59
seb128in -> if12:59
pittididrocks: if you have a couple of minutes today, would you mind reviewing https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-quickly ?13:12
didrockspitti: yeah, will do (still have the tab opened)13:15
didrocksmais de rien :-)13:16
* rodrigo_ lunch13:23
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pittiseb128: yup13:43
pittiseb128: oh, versions claims the upstream versino of that is at 1.8.5..13:44
seb128pitti, will fix that13:44
mterryAnyone interested in swapping with me on my patch pilot day next Monday?  That's a US Holiday.  pitti?  rodrigo_?13:54
pittimterry: sure, mine is on June 1st if that's better for you?13:55
mterrypitti, yeah, thanks13:55
pittimterry: so, May 30, right?13:55
pittichanging my cal then13:55
mterrypitti, awesome13:55
pittiI get to fly early!13:56
andreasnpitti, meeting?14:01
seb128pitti, mterry: I updated the gcalendar to reflect your swapping14:01
pittiandreasn: uh, what? which?14:01
pittiseb128: cheers14:01
seb128pitti, thunderbird I guess14:02
seb128hey andreasn ;-)14:02
seb128what is the meeting about? where is it? ;-)14:02
mterryseb128, thanks14:03
seb128desrt, didrocks: btw nautilus 3 (in oneiric) has an EmptyTrash() dbus method, I tried with d-feet it does what it should14:23
seb128so unity, applets, etc can use that14:23
didrocksseb128: excellent! thanks or the notice14:24
didrocksyeah, for less code14:24
seb128we need to check what it means in a world where nautilus is not always running though (i.e GNOME3)14:25
seb128chrisccoulson, andreasn: what is the meeting about? reconfirming the requirement decided at UDS?14:26
didrocksseb128: we will run it for the unity session I guess14:26
didrocksbut yeah, better to confirm :)14:26
seb128didrocks, right, we should confirm if that's the design intend14:26
chrisccoulsonseb128, pretty much. we're in #thunderbird-unity14:26
seb128oh ok, let me join, I've opinions on the topic ;-)14:27
seb128what was the CD space conclusion?14:28
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it probably isn't going to fit14:28
chrisccoulsonthe latest thunderbird (and firefox also) have grown in size quite a bit14:29
seb128rodrigo_, there?14:32
pedro_didrocks, salut, is there anybody working on our side on bug 767095 ? it has a gnome-panel task open for natty but no one assigned to it14:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 767095 in gnome-panel "1 pixel icons in notification-area-applet when compiz is the windows manager" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76709514:44
pedro_didrocks, or is that more like a dx bug to fix?14:44
seb128pedro_, it's a compiz issue14:45
didrockspitti: if you have some time just to confirm: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/pkgbinarymangler/dh_translation_support_update_po/+merge/6229714:45
didrockspedro_: right, it's a compiz issue14:45
seb128pedro_, smspillaz is working on it14:45
didrockspedro_: it's the top priority for smspillaz now (after discussing with njpatel)14:45
didrockshey btw :)14:46
pedro_ok just wanted to know if it's being tracked, since it's getting a lot of comments14:46
pedro_thanks didrocks seb12814:46
desrtseb128: very cool information.14:51
pittididrocks: queued14:56
pittiseb128: hm, upgrading gtksourceview from 3.0.0 to 3.0.2 loses all hilighting in gedit :(14:57
pittiuh, downgrading -common fixes it; wth?14:58
mterrydidrocks, heyo, can you approve the desktop-o-quickly spec when you get a chance?14:58
didrocksmterry: yeah, I told before I'll review before eod14:59
mterrydidrocks, oh, sorry.  Didn't know14:59
pittipython still works, C is broken14:59
didrocksmterry: no worry, will do it! ;)15:00
seb128pitti, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtksourceview/commit/?id=84e2e77babfacfaccd5805405f51785b59ebe50815:01
seb128I'm wondering if that has to do with it15:02
seb128but I don't see why it would be broken15:02
seb128(reading the git history to see what changed)15:02
pittiI eliminated the new files in -common15:02
pittitrying this patch15:02
seb128pitti, is only C highlighting broken?15:03
seb128pitti, you can mention it on #gedit on the GNOME IRC15:03
pittiseb128: yes, python works; haven't tried others yet15:03
rodrigo_seb128, yes15:03
pittiperl works, too15:03
pittibash too15:04
seb128rodrigo_, the thunderbird guys will have questions for you on e-d-s addressbook creation, what code is responsive to create the e-d-s store and the u1 one, how would that work in the tb case15:04
rodrigo_seb128, ah, ok15:04
pittiseb128: reverting above git commit on c.lang doesn't do it either, unless it's cached somewhere15:04
seb128pitti, ok, that's likely C specific, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtksourceview/commit/?id=92311794113013127ca2c42d14d91b67b0558370 is quite some change as well15:04
pittihm, doesn't apply any more15:05
pittiseb128: anyway, you gave me enough pointers, thanks!15:05
seb128pitti, np, I asked on #gedit in case15:05
seb128I will let you know if they reply15:05
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ btw (rodrigo pinged about e-d-s questions)15:06
seb128let have the discussion here when you or the tb guys are interested15:06
pittiseb128: hah, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtksourceview/commit/data/language-specs/c.lang?h=gnome-3-0&id=43d9529fc42f29382e8ad640678ed83f38a7070f breaks it15:11
pittiwhich is supposed to only fix indentation, but apparently doesn't15:11
Omegachrisccoulson: You could go through the emails lp sends you to figure out who did it.15:13
chrisccoulsonOmega, lp doesn't send out e-mail for those (or i haven't got one for it)15:13
chrisccoulsonin any case, i know now, as the person mailed me in private15:14
OmegaI get an e-mail everytime someone changes a blueprint I subscribe to.15:14
Omegawith the diff15:14
OmegaBut alright15:14
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ftadidrocks, hi, does unity in oneiric has the fix for the pixbuf leaks?15:30
didrocksfta: no, tomorrow should have a new SRU coming in natty, it will be uploaded in oneiric as well15:30
ftadidrocks, ok, thanks15:31
ftadidrocks, i hope unity in oneiric will soon move faster than the natty SRUs :P15:32
didrocksfta: tell that to the dx team :)15:32
ftadidrocks, i already blogged about it last week15:33
ftabut they're not reading, obviously15:34
fta(ivory tower syndrome?)15:34
didrocksfta: I don't think so, I'm just getting tired to be pinged for things I try to act on but have no power…15:34
ftadidrocks, it was not toward you, but toward the dx team15:35
* fta hugs didrocks ;)15:35
didrockswell, I'm the one pinged ten times a day for it :/15:35
* didrocks hugs fta back ;)15:35
ftachrisccoulson, fyi, chromium 13 now has the global menu enabled by default, as complete as possible15:36
robbiew\o/ I can use Oneiric on my laptop now....thnx desktop team!15:40
* dobey updates and logs out/in to see what robbiew is joyous about15:41
robbiewdobey: heh15:42
robbiewwell..I'm joyous b/c I can use my laptop again15:42
robbiewstill VERY rough ;)15:42
dobeyso "use" is more like "boots and lets you log in" ? :)15:42
ftabooh. lots of (gtk-update-icon-cache:10236): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache': No such file or directory15:45
ftawasn't that fixed yesterday??15:46
seb128fta, what librsvg2-common and libgdk-pixbuf... do you have?15:47
ftaseb128, 2.34.0-0ubuntu4 & 2.23.3-0ubuntu315:47
ftaoh, after the upgrade, the file is there and not empty15:48
seb128ok, dunno then15:48
ftait complained during the upgrade15:48
seb128ok, you probably still had the old version15:49
seb128should be fixed now15:49
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dobeyhrmm, still pretty broken :-/15:57
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ftaare the giant sticky notifications in evo3 here to stay??16:19
ftahttp://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/evo3.png  http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/evo3-giant-sticky-error.png16:20
dobeymy eyes16:20
dobeyi still don't get why people think putting a giant, unthemable, ugly, error message, inside the window, is better than opening a dialog16:22
mdeslaurargh, we're still going to get the stupid "summary and folder mismatch" errors in evo3?16:22
dobeymdeslaur: i haven't seen any of those in a very very long time16:23
mdeslaurdobey: actually, I don't think I've seen them in natty yet...my mother in law's lucid does it every other week though16:24
fta1st time i get it (oneiric), and i've been using evo for years16:25
dobeyfta: yeah, when i said very long time, i meant it; i've been using evo for probably 10 years now16:26
dobeyor more than that even16:27
dobeymdeslaur: hrmm, using pop/imap on gmail and she uses the web UI (or a phone or something else) a lot as well?16:27
pittididrocks: followed up with a question in https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/pkgbinarymangler/dh_translation_support_update_po/+merge/6229716:28
mdeslaurdobey: no, nothing that complicated. She just has a simple pop3 account configured in it...she likes to empty out her trash multiple times a day...and about once every few weeks, it does that with the trash folder16:29
mdeslaurI've been using evo for years and years also16:29
mdeslaurI suspect she may have multiple evo instances running concurrently though, she does that16:30
dobeymdeslaur: unless a different user, that's not possible; it's still a single process16:31
dobeymdeslaur: but maybe something to do with POP configuration. as POP can be quite weird in some cases16:32
dobeymdeslaur: probably because it's not configured to delete messages off the server when evo pulls them through POP.16:32
ftai have 3 accounts (1 local, 2 imaps) in case it matters16:32
mdeslaurdobey: I've seen that error happen to me occasionally with malformed email containing weird characters16:32
dobeymdeslaur: i can see that error happening in the case where POP is used more like IMAP than POP16:33
mdeslauranyway, it's not important...I just saw the error message in fta's screenshot, and it gave me chills, that's all16:33
mdeslaurdobey: nope, her pop3 setup deletes from the server16:33
dobeyah ok16:33
dobeyweird then16:33
dobeyanyway, yeah; evolution is scary huge, i don't know why the developers aren't working on actually breaking it up16:34
didrockspitti: answered16:34
dobeyand making a good mail UI16:34
cyphermoxmdeslaur: IIRC we got these errors in Natty initially, then I fixed it (or somebody else did) as a cherry-pick or whatever, but it seems to happen again16:37
mdeslaurcyphermox: it hasn't happened to me in a long time...which is nice, as in lucid it happened a lot16:38
cyphermoxI think it was found early enough16:39
cyphermoxit's still early enough, I really need to focus on releasing NM 0.9 now, so I'll get back to evo once that's done16:39
mvopitti: I will readd the 91_keep_fd patch to vte if you don't mind. the required parts of the api to replace it are not exposed in the python2 api so this I need to have until gdebi-gtk is ported to gtk316:40
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pittimvo: oh, sure16:52
pittimvo: sorry about that16:52
mvopitti: no problem, its a pretty ugly patch so I understand the urge to get rid of it :)16:52
pittimvo: is there some particular difficulty with the porting, or just a manpower issue? want me to have a look at it?16:53
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mvopitti: no particular problem really more lack of time, it should actually realy easy as the gui is pretty simple. i may give it a try tomorrow morning to warm up on this topic. I'm sure I have many question then for you16:55
mvopitti: I started with softare-centwer, but that is a magnitude bigger16:55
didrockspitti: do you prefer to discuss here about the update-po issue?16:56
pittimvo: so if you _want_ to port gdebi and learn about it, that's fine, and I'm happy to assist you; if you don't really want to do it, then I can have a go at porting it16:57
pittididrocks: yeah, was about to16:57
didrockspitti: the think is that unity-2d has no POTFILES.in, and only this target. (and yeah, it merges po in gmo file as well)16:57
pittididrocks: it's now actually a debian policy issue and a packaging bug if you build the source, clean it, and you still have a diff16:57
pittididrocks: and it's not just extra generated files, it actually will modify the original source files16:57
didrockspitti: let me see if it's just generating .mo files or touching existing .po files16:58
mvopitti: great I give it a go then and ask for either help or takeover, depening on how it goes . thanks a lot for the offer to help with it16:58
pittididrocks: if only we knew the upstream of unity-2d to add a new Makefile target to build the pot only :)16:58
* pitti hugs mvo, np16:59
didrockspitti: well, I proposed them to switch to intltool first or use GETTEXT_PACKAGE, but they are relunctant to it17:00
didrockspitti: a target for updating the pot file would be possible (there is the script called update-unity-2d-pot)17:00
didrocksjust a pity to have to dh_override…17:01
didrocksI was thinking that update-po would have been more generic, but yeah, it's generating the .gmo17:01
pittididrocks: if "make -C po ${GETTEXT_DOMAIN}.pot works, we can also use that17:01
pittididrocks: that sounds like a safe target to try in dh_translations17:01
didrockspitti: they are not using GETTEXT_DOMAIN as well17:02
didrockspitti: I'm trying to convince them to use GETTEXT_DOMAIN17:05
didrockspitti: just curious, this target also create the .pot file, isn't it? so it's again the debian policy if it's called automatically?17:08
pittididrocks: creating an additional file is still better than modifying existing source; and the clean rule could actually remove it again, too17:09
didrockspitti: right, so that + adding the clean target17:09
pittibut merging po files by default is too much, I'm afraid17:09
didrockspitti: trying to do some diplomacy right now to push that change upstream :)17:10
didrocksI knew the review was useful!17:10
* pitti waves good night, 'nuff for today17:14
pittisee you tomorrow!17:14
cyphermoxnight pitti17:14
didrockspitti: see you!17:15
seb128'night pitti17:15
* cyphermox lunch17:19
* mvo pushes a not immediately crashing lp:~mvo/gdebi/gtk3 and goes for lunch17:22
mvoeh, dinner17:22
mvopitti: feel free to work on this if you want, I won't touch it anymore today, I had to comment some drag-n-drop stuff (and some other stuff is not working too). but amazing how much the script did already17:24
bcurtiswxseb128: Thx for the sponsorship17:48
seb128bcurtiswx, you're welcome17:51
seb128bcurtiswx, there was some issues in your merge request but I fixed those, you didn't drop the git backport from the vcs or the serie for example, not sure how you built it17:51
bcurtiswxseb128: I forgot until the end to merge it back with ~ubuntu-desktop and I must have missed those in my final check. Thx for catching them.17:54
seb128if someone feels like doing simple updates gucharmap file-roller and yelp should be easy18:18
didrockshave a good evening everyone18:25
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bcurtiswxWhat tools would best help me port from gtk2 to gtk3?20:21
seb128bcurtiswx, your favorite editor?20:22
bcurtiswxseb128: :( where would i ( the noob ) start?20:23
highvoltageI guess vimtutor is always a good place to start.20:23
seb128bcurtiswx, https://live.gnome.org/DevGnomeOrg/Gnome3PortingGuide20:23
bcurtiswxHaha. I use vim for all my editing, I'm quite good with that. I will start with seb128's site. If I try to compile will it stop at all functions it doesn't recognize as maybe a starting point? Maybe a compiler option?20:27
seb128bcurtiswx, https://live.gnome.org/GnomeGoals/RemoveDeprecatedSymbols/GTK%2B20:27
seb128cyphermox, btw the evo stack has 3.0.2 versions if you want to do the updates20:28
cyphermoxseb128: but do we want to go up more than that, to say, 3.1.1?20:29
seb128no, we want to land the stable 3 first and shake out instability then go the upgrades20:30
cyphermoxthen 3.0.2 it is20:30
seb128i.e we don't want to mix issues due to the upgrades and due to the unstable versions20:30
cyphermoxI *think* I'm almost done bringing up NM 0.9, just a matter of a few more hours20:30
seb128oh, nice20:31
seb128well do nm first, no hurry for evo20:31
seb128though the stable updates might be easy, i.e just a dch run20:31
cyphermoxyeah. I'll get to it right after. hopefully as soon as tomorrow morning20:33
cyphermoxthe merge with Debian for NM 0.9 was... interesting ;)20:33
seb128lol, somewhat that's not a surprise ;-)20:34
cyphermoxnope. I was dreading that task, knowing it would be huge, even with all the other steps I took to manually bring the packaging as close as possible20:34
bcurtiswxHmm bzr branch lp:debian/empathy is at 2.30.3-2. Should i not be using that?20:41
seb128james_w, ^ do you know?20:43
seb128bcurtiswx, it's what debian unstable has20:43
seb128not sure if they import experimental20:43
bcurtiswxI can do it by other means but I was taught to use that20:44
* micahg was under the impression that unstable was the default branch for Debian like the dev release is for us20:45
james_wbcurtiswx, you want to merge from experimental?20:46
bcurtiswxI am rebasing empathy and was going to use that20:46
bcurtiswxjames_w: But yea experimental has the most recent empathy20:48
james_wbcurtiswx, did you try lp:debian/experimental/empathy?20:49
ricotzbcurtiswx, there is a  empathy package in the gnome3 ppa20:50
bcurtiswxjames_w: Nope but I will.20:50
ricotzbcurtiswx, there is also a branch20:50
bcurtiswxricotz: I am going to use that to rebase with debian.20:50
ricotzbcurtiswx, alright20:51
bcurtiswxSeems debian doesn't have 3.0.2 though. Only 3.0.0 so should i try debians version for rebase then update from there?20:52
seb128that's usually the best way to do it20:53
seb128rebase on what debian has and do the minor update over it20:53
seb128the minor update is usually trivial, i.e just updating the changelog and maybe refreshing some patches after it20:53
bcurtiswxOk. Experimentals got 3.1.1 as most recent . Can i use lp:debian/experimental/empathy somehow to get 3.0.0?20:55
bcurtiswxAm searching now20:55
seb128the stable update is probably in the debian history yes20:56
seb128you just need to get the right commit20:56
geserbcurtiswx: try checking out rev 52 of that branch, that should give you 3.0.0-1 (https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/debian/experimental/empathy/experimental)20:58
highvoltage/win 1520:59
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bcurtiswxDebian uses location and map and AFAIK that uses geoclue. Do we follow suit or does there need to be some kind of design decision?21:26
bcurtiswxFor empathy21:26
seb128time to call it a day, 'night everybody22:02
kinouchoubonne nuit seb12822:02
seb128'nuit kinouchou ;-)22:02
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