
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
niemeyerI'm stepping away for some home maintenance..00:13
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r241 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com03:56
_mup_-u validation work for provisioning agent03:56
niemeyer"bzr: ERROR: deb-version not fully expanded: {debupstream}+4+{revno:packaging}. Valid substitutions are: ['{time}', '{date}', <property object at 0x3132520>, <property object at 0x3132520>, '{debupstream}', '{debupstream-base}', <property object at 0x3132520>, <property object at 0x3132520>]15:07
niemeyerThat's.. not great15:07
ahasenacka recipe?15:26
niemeyerahasenack: Yeah, a packaging one15:51
niemeyerI'm stepping out for lunch16:09
niemeyerrobbiew: Meeting?17:02
robbiewniemeyer: yes...we're waiting on you17:02
robbiewgoing to start17:02
niemeyerrobbiew: Holy crap.. there's a load of people, sorry17:03
niemeyerrobbiew: I'm dialing in17:03
jimbakerneed to push standup one hour later to 19:00 UTC (the usual time we end up having it anyway) - my kids' school has a picnic lunch for parents/kids at that time for the last day of school17:22
jimbakeror i should say, this lunch overlaps with the 1800 utc time17:26
niemeyerjimbaker: Good morning17:41
niemeyerjimbaker: Sounds good17:41
kim0niemeyer: did you have a chance to review my docs on contributing a formula .. Hope it gets merged soonish, since its lifetime should hopefully be small any way18:20
niemeyerkim0: Hmm.. I actually forgot about it because it's not in the kanban18:31
niemeyerkim0: Sorry about that18:31
niemeyerkim0: We use this as our dashboard: http://ensemble.ubuntu.com/kanban/dublin.html 18:31
kim0niemeyer: a ha .. and how do I get it there18:31
niemeyerkim0: It only gets in there if there's a bug associated with the proper milestone18:31
kim0cool! so I should open a bug ? 18:32
niemeyerkim0: and the bug status is correct (In Progress, for instance)18:32
niemeyerkim0: Sounds good!18:32
niemeyerkim0: I'll do it otherwise18:32
kim0awesome .. doing it18:32
kim0niemeyer: we'll have our meeting in 30mins ? you guys have anything interesting to share with the world ?18:32
_mup_Bug #788255 was filed: Ensemble needs a tutorial for contributing a formula <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/788255 >18:33
kim0did the bug thing ^18:34
niemeyerkim0: Thanks!18:50
niemeyerkim0: re. the meeting, nothing too exciting on top of what we said last week18:50
niemeyerkim0: Maybe a Q.A. session only, plus mentioning hazmat has been working on some Mongo formulas, and negronjl has been pushing some Hadoop ones18:51
kim0ok so we'll do a short one18:53
negronjllet me know when you guys do the Q.A session.  I would like to attend if possible.18:53
kim0negronjl: we're having a community meeting in 5 mins .. I'd love to know more about the work you're doing18:54
kim0this gets published to planet-ubuntu as well18:55
negronjlkim0:  I am currently ( when I have a bit of spare time ) making a hadoop formula for ensemble.18:55
kim0negronjl: yeah you can tell me and the world about it in a couple of minutes :)18:55
negronjlkim0:  the plan is to start porting some of the existing orchestra-puppet-modules to ensemble so we all benefit from it18:55
kim0wait :D18:56
kim0niemeyer: negronjl jimbaker hazmat bcsaller: okie let's jump over to #ubuntu-cloud for the meeting please 19:00
niemeyerkim0: There19:02
kim0hazmat: so with the great voice and everything, at UDS you mentioned you'd do some of the screencasts right :)19:26
kim0hazmat: could you take ownership of some of the casts at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-ensemble-screencast-lib19:26
hazmat  kim0 indeed, that's on the top of my list for next week19:26
kim0hazmat: thanks man19:26
kim0feel free to take as many of em as you'd like ;)19:27
hazmatkim0, i don't see any way to switch the ownership/assignment of the blueprint.. i subscribed to it.19:28
niemeyerjimbaker: Please ping me once you're back20:00
niemeyerbcsaller: ping20:00
jimbakerniemeyer, back20:02
niemeyerjimbaker: Cool, let me catch up with Ben and then we can have a call after that if you're available20:03
niemeyerbcsaller: Are you up for a call now?20:03
bcsallerniemeyer: yeah20:03
bcsallergrabbing headphones20:03
jimbakerniemeyer, sounds good20:04
bcsallerniemeyer: ready when you are but I don't see you online20:04
niemeyerbcsaller: Skype is lying :)20:05
niemeyerWow.. that was weird20:05
niemeyerIt went from Call in Progress to connecting20:05
bcsallertrying again in a second, its being strange here too 20:06
niemeyerUser Not Online for me20:06
niemeyerjimbaker: ping20:30
jimbakerniemeyer, hi20:31
niemeyerjimbaker: Yo20:32
niemeyerjimbaker: I'm up20:32
jimbakerniemeyer, do you want me to call you on skype?20:33
niemeyerjimbaker: Yeah, once you're ready20:33
niemeyer"The owner of the recipe (Ensemble Team) does not have permission to upload packages into the daily build PPA (Chumby Kernel)"21:25
niemeyerI have noooo idea about how that PPA ended up there21:25
niemeyerThat said.. bzr daily builds are the beast! 21:25
niemeyerIt just takes two days to learn how to do them21:26
hazmatniemeyer, do you have a moment21:26
niemeyerhazmat: It depends.. I was just poked by Ale because we've got some hot coffee waiting for us21:27
hazmatniemeyer, i'm looking at the godot-redux work and switching gather_results for something that waits on all the deferred results21:27
hazmatniemeyer, priorities ;-)21:27
hazmatniemeyer, no worries it will keep21:27
niemeyerhazmat: If it's quick, yes, otherwise I'll be back in 15 minutes21:27
niemeyerhazmat: Ah, yeah, let's catch up in 15 minutes21:27
hazmatthe nutshell is if we gather all results, what do we with multiple errors, in this case their about unrelated things (1. establishing a relation watch, 2. establishing a resolved watch), atm i have it just reraising the first error found if any errors. Its unclear what that should look like in the multiple error scenario21:29
niemeyerhazmat: Back21:44
niemeyerhazmat: I was thinking more on a synchronization perspective21:45
niemeyerhazmat: Is it important to wait for them to finish, or is it ok to let things run in the background in the case of errors21:45
hazmat  21:46
niemeyer"Could not create the Java virtual machine.21:47
niemeyerError occurred during initialization of VM21:47
niemeyerCould not reserve enough space for object heap"21:47
hazmatniemeyer, got some coffee as well21:47
* niemeyer sighs21:47
hazmatniemeyer, odd, that's a lp compilation error?21:47
niemeyerOn maverick only.. zookeeper built fine on Natty and Oineric21:47
niemeyerI have 6 months to learn to pronounce/spell it21:48
hazmatniemeyer, :-) .. i'm not sure if maverick is relevant, cutting edge and all21:48
niemeyerhazmat: Yeah.. I'd be happy to give an easy path for users who didn't yet upgrade, though21:48
hazmatniemeyer, i think we do want things to finish, the changes in the branch are being introduced primarily as a sync mechanism21:49
niemeyerhazmat: THat's why I was pondering21:49
hazmati've switched it out to be so, just the corner case of multiple errors and what to do if it happens is what i wanted advice on, atm i only reraise the first error21:49
niemeyerhazmat: It's so much about assembling a joint error, but to wait for things to get done21:49
niemeyerhazmat: *NOT* so much about assembling a joint error, but to wait for things to get done21:50
hazmatniemeyer, indeed21:50
hazmatin that case i'm ok with what's there21:51
niemeyerhazmat: Cool21:51
hazmatwith the wait for all deferreds to finish21:51
_mup_ensemble/watching-godot-redux r249 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com21:52
_mup_wait for all results instead of using gather results which fires on first errback.21:52
hazmaton the comparably fast as static languages, but dynamically typed front.. lua is pretty impressive.. esp with lua jit, coroutines builtin, easy extension and embedding.21:56
niemeyerMan.. I love daily builds.21:58
niemeyerhazmat: Indeed, Lua rocks21:59
niemeyerhazmat: It's quite amazing that they've managed to keep the language small for 20 years21:59
niemeyerMost languages start small, and then people get excited about them, and they never stop growing22:00
niemeyerLua managed that pretty uniquely22:00
hazmatniemeyer, indeed.. its a pretty impressive project, i gather it gets alot of love in the game programming world.22:00
niemeyerIt was just a hiccup22:03
hazmatniemeyer, awesome!22:15
niemeyerThe next ones will likely be a lot easier now22:16
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r242 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com22:17
_mup_-u refactoring - all tests loop properly now22:17

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