
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
=== k1l is now known as Guest97403
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
ubot2pleia2 called the ops in #ubuntu-beginners ()18:14
pleia2being trolled :\18:14
Picipleia2: By whom may I ask?18:15
pleia2groos and maverickx18:15
jpdstrollers going to troll.18:16
IdleOnePici: I suspect d1gital to be groos also18:16
PiciWas groos kickbanned?18:24
IdleOnenot from -beginners18:24
pleia2no, still no ops around18:24
pleia2maverickx left on their own18:25
arandgroos is currently in #ubuntu ... with an "interesting" problem considering the information here...18:26
pleia2ok, an op is around now18:26
pleia2he came in with a made up non-sensical "bin" problem, then had a buddy join them to encourage him on18:28
pleia2groos has been removed from -beginners18:28
Piciand now from #ubuntu too18:28
m4vIdleOne's suspicion is quite sound.18:28
IdleOneI have spidey sense when it comes to trolls18:30
m4vor a working stalker ;)18:31
IdleOnenope no stalker18:31
m4vkk :p18:37
IdleOnem4v: unless you have written a xchat version18:37
IdleOnethat would be helpful18:37
IdleOnebut I don't want to take you away from ubottu coding so no worries18:38
m4vno change, I don't use xchat :P18:38
m4vand at this moment u-es is sucking most of my time anyway.18:39
ubot2cprofitt called the ops in #ubuntu-beginners ()18:41
the_eye_Asking for cloak, https://launchpad.net/~ntoulasd21:44
IdleOneelky topyli tsimpson jussi ^^21:46
the_eye_anyone ?22:21
Picielky: I saw activity from you elsewhere, could you take a look ^22:21
elkyPici, i'm just baout to head out the door. i can't wait around to do the launchpaddy bit, sorry22:22
Picielky: kk22:23
rwwelky: you aren't permanently plugged in to the Internet? The horror!22:23
topylithe_eye_: alright, looking good there22:32
Picitopyli: thanks22:33
topyliyou want to be cloaked as ubuntu/member/the_eye_ or dimitris? would be nice if they matched :)22:33
Picitopyli: I don't think you can put underscores in cloaks. (freenode doesn't do it for unaffiliated ones).22:34
topylisounds sane22:34
PiciSomething about allowed DNS characters.22:35
the_eye_as ubuntu/member/the_eye_22:35
topylithe_eye_: see above, it might not work after all22:36
the_eye_Oh!, as dimitris then22:36
the_eye_or ntoulasd better as my lauchpad22:37
topylithat would be great, less guessing22:38
m4vhow many nicks you have22:39
PiciMy launchpad, irc and wiki names are all different :x22:39
rwwmy LP and IRC names are the same, and I don't have a wiki one any more ;P22:40
the_eye_<topyli> ok, ntoulasd22:41
topylithere you go, done22:41
topylicheers :)22:43
=== nizarus_ is now known as nizarus

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