
=== braiam is now known as la
=== la is now known as la_tierra
=== la_tierra is now known as braiam
=== nigelb_ is now known as nigelb
YoBoYgood morning06:35
=== daker_ is now known as daker
Davieyczajkowski, Why are the renewable bugs for the loco teams private?14:06
czajkowskiDaviey: go read my blog post and the email I sent to the list 14:07
czajkowskiits been explained14:07
czajkowski:) 14:07
czajkowskiDaviey: http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/05/21/teams-up-for-re-approval-re-approvals-for-o-cycle/14:08
Davieyczajkowski, it is still not clear to me.14:09
Davieyczajkowski, Fear of the bug being hijacked seems a little damp to me.14:10
czajkowskialready happened on one.14:11
czajkowskithey get opened afterwards 14:11
czajkowskiDaviey: see pm 14:11
* popey sighs at the loco contacts list14:12
* czajkowski fears the wrath of popey 14:12
popeyPeople who do surveys never seem to think them through properly.14:12
nigelbI hope popey isn't planning on shutting down loco-contacts :P15:15
* nigelb hugs popey :)15:18
mischiefhello, does anyone here have information on Ubuntu Hour occuring in Sacramento, CA today?17:09
cjohnstonmischief: may want to try the california channel17:09
mischiefty cjohnston 17:12
=== daker is now known as daker_
belinsonic__mi vedi20:45
=== braiam is now known as s112___
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pcapelutoHola, alguien habla español en el canal?23:06
cjohnstonpcapeluto: try #ubuntu-es23:07
pcapelutothanks cjohnston, is clear to me ubuntu-es, but I have some cuestions related to LoCO login, we are developing a new portal for the group of Uruguay and seeking aid for the login integrarion23:12
cjohnstonYou are wanting SSO login?23:24
pcapelutoseek to integrate access to our portal with SSO login for the user account has the same pear different services23:39
cjohnstonpcapeluto: what are you using? WP Drupal ...?23:40
=== nizarus_ is now known as nizarus
pcapelutoNow we are developing the site without CMS all files are PhP but indepenientes, and some things we needed account log in with SSO, for we are thinking of using WP Blog, but is not defined Ahun that. So far we have this developed, http://www.ubuntu.org.uy23:54
pcapelutoSorry I'm with google translator ... lol23:55

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