
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
=== nigelb_ is now known as nigelb
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
=== doko_ is now known as doko
* slangasek waves16:00
* stgraber waves16:00
MootBotMeeting started at 10:01. The chair is slangasek.16:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:01
slangasek[TOPIC] lightning round16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  lightning round16:02
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e cjwatson barry doko csurbhi stgraber jhunt mvo ev vorlon bdmurray)16:02
slangasekmvo bdmurray stgraber csurbhi cjwatson ev doko jhunt vorlon barry16:02
slangasekmvo: tag16:02
mvoWhat I did last week (shorter week, half a day sick, friday on vacation):16:02
mvoSpec writing/workitem creation work16:02
mvoSRU for aptdaemon (#781874) and new oneiric version16:02
mvoApt: Apt-ddtp update oneiric, review/merge donkults branch, work on lp:~mvo/+junk/apt-ordering-failure for SoC apt order16:02
mvoApturl: work on a fix for overlong urls16:02
mvoExpenses uds budapest, travel preparing spring dublin16:02
mvoReview/merge lp:~hodgestar/software-properties/configurable-key-server16:02
mvoSoftware-center: add fallback to previous distro series if there are no reviews for the current one yet, upload new version, fix tests for oneiric, debug/fix broken apthistory.p caches, merged lp:~evfool/software-center/smallfixes, work on lp:~mvo/software-center/qml, review/merge lp:~evfool/software-center/qfix774201, review/merge lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/refactor, upload new 4.0.2 SRU with fixes in the reviews loader, work on lp:~mv16:02
mvoo/software-center/pyflakes branch, work on the lp:~mvo/software-center/refactor16:02
mvoUpdate-manager: debug/fix/upload UnitySupport integration problem, review/merge lp:~brendan-donegan/update-manager/bug699660-fix-settings-shortcut, update meta-release (now that new u-m is in -updates)16:02
mvo(this is for the last week from mon-fri, gtimelog seems to give me16:02
mvothis weekview whatever day I pick from the week, how do others get wed->wed only?)16:02
mvoI guess this comes down to "lots of software-center work" :)16:02
bdmurraycreated foundations-bugs team and mailing list, subscribed them to packages we care about16:04
bdmurraymodification of ftbfs bugs for doko16:04
barrymvo: i distill from the timelog.txt file16:04
bdmurraymodification of bug squad standard replies, bug squad signature greasemonkey script16:04
mvobarry: so you don't use the "create weekly report" menu ? I should just use the file too I thnk :)16:04
slangasekbdmurray: modification of ftbfs bugs is scripting something against bugs currently in LP?16:04
barrymvo: exactly!  super easy16:05
bdmurrayslangasek: yes doko asked me to retag, target and milestone them16:05
mvobarry: thanks!16:05
slangasekah cool16:05
stgraberI've spent a good part of Thursday and Friday working with upstream x2go.16:05
bdmurrayI'm happy to do similar things for other people16:05
stgraberMonday was a public holiday here.16:05
stgraberUploaded nxcomp and nxproxy merging changes from x2go and rebasing on a recent upstream.16:05
stgraberReviewed and uploaded python-x2go (in NEW) and started working on porting the software-center code to it.16:05
stgraberThese changes and new packages should also land in Debian soon (through pkg-devel-x2go).16:05
stgraberBeen doing a few merges too and otherwise worked on my IPv6 test environment and working on the NFS ipv6 MIR (bug 781516).16:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 781516 in rpcbind (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[MIR] libtirpc, rpcbind" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78151616:05
stgraberStarted thinking of possible integration of containers to help the App Review Board.16:06
stgraberUpdated a few specs so they look good and are ready for review/approval.16:06
slangasekstgraber: thanks for that MIR, I've kicked it over to the MIR team now :)16:07
psurbhi*) Tested 2.6.7.x mdadm fixes for autoboot,partition naming etc again -   uploaded a debdiff for the same.16:07
psurbhi*) visa documentation, appointment, ticket booking16:07
psurbhi*) Assessing the need for mountall interface - when root changes while booting (had initially thought that this was needed)16:07
psurbhi*) ext4 deadlock bug - re-worked on the patches that I sent out earlier.16:07
stgraberslangasek: ok, I guess it can be approved with the current content but we should wait for a new libtirpc in Debian or drop the build-dep ourself and then sync whenever Debian does the same thing16:08
slangasekstgraber: yep16:08
cjwatsonThis week:16:09
cjwatson * more work on live-build, now properly specced/wikied (foundations-o-live-build) - x86 mostly sorted, working on ARM requirements now16:09
cjwatson * wrote up foundations-o-great-cd-debate, hopefully clearly16:09
cjwatson * started initial oneiric CD builds16:09
cjwatson * moved transition tracker onto DC infrastructure16:09
cjwatsonNext week:16:09
cjwatson * make sure the installer is working properly for alpha-116:09
slangasekpsurbhi: and that mdadm diff is ready for sponsorship, right?  It's on my todo list16:09
cjwatson * if possible, cut over to live-build, at least for x8616:09
psurbhislangasek, yes16:09
psurbhijust that its quiet a big one.. :-/16:10
slangasekyeah :)16:10
slangasekcjwatson: I was puzzled that foundations-o-great-cd-debate only has one work item16:11
cjwatsonI thought somebody would say that :)16:11
slangaseksurely I should have a work item there to investigate the 703MB CD question further :)16:11
cjwatsonah, yes, that would be a good plan16:11
cjwatsonI didn't want to write a vague work item that said "maybe increase the CD limit"16:11
cjwatsonand a lot of the items are in reality in other specs (e.g. desktop-o-cdspace)16:12
* slangasek nods16:12
cjwatsonI'll lob a work item in for you16:12
cjwatson(the size benefit from live-build was a pleasant surprise)16:12
ev- Investigated Mozilla Input (http://input.mozilla.com and16:12
ev  http://feedback.mozilla.com) and the old kampyle.com-based feedback system16:12
ev  used in the Funnel Cake project (recording why people were quitting the16:12
ev  Firefox install for a day).  Set up a local Django instance of Mozilla Input16:12
ev  and started poking around the code.16:12
ev- Taught Wubi to boot straight into the second stage when in Windows Vista or16:12
ev  later.  Working out an approach for Windows XP.16:12
ev- Implemented code to present the list of keyboard variants in pertinent to the16:12
ev  selected language in ubiquity in the panel keyboard indicator, using16:12
ev  python-xklavier, which I'll have to MIR and seed.16:12
slangasekoh? there was a size savings with live-build?16:13
ev- Started trying to untangle kvm-autotest for automated Wubi testing.16:13
ev- Had a quick play with kexec, enough to confirm that it works.  Still need to16:13
ev  integrate into ubiquity.16:13
ev- Lots of discussion around the crash database.16:13
ev- Tried to address a tech board member's concerns around the community not16:13
ev  having the full data available for installation success/failure measurement.16:13
ev- Created an Ubuntu Metrics team to keep the momentum from mpt's UDS plenary.16:13
ev  Sent out a kickoff email to get things started.16:13
ev- Had a call with Elliot about his team massively helping plan and resource16:13
ev  bigger items from the Ubuntu Metrics work.16:13
ev- Wrote a brief for the Web Team for work on the Spread Ubuntu project.  Sadly16:13
ev  looks like it might be deferred again :-/.16:13
ev- Catch up on the discussion around the crash database and investigate what16:13
ev  Mozilla is doing with Socorro, per Elliot's advice.16:13
ev- Respond to the Technical Board's concerns around the installation16:13
ev  success/failure measurement.16:13
ev- Finish drafting results from "Whats wrong with UDS?" session and engage with16:13
ev  Jono to come up with firmer plans.16:13
ev- Mock up a network-manager 0.9 D-Bus API for unit testing and to use while I16:13
ev  wait for the real thing to be packaged.  Create the wireless page in the16:13
ev  installer.16:13
ev- Investigate the libcheese pygi bindings and see how much work is required16:13
ev  for the picture page.16:13
ev(done) apologies for the poor formatting on that.16:13
cjwatsonslangasek: yeah, about 5 MiB - probably a bit of a memory tradeoff, I think it mostly comes from doing a better job at cleaning up *-old files in /var/lib/dpkg/ and that kind of thing16:14
cjwatson(since that's about the only file-list difference that's left)16:14
cjwatsonev: I improved the second-stage boot menu a bit, BTW, by bringing lupin back into sync with GRUB16:15
slangasekhuh, neat16:15
evcjwatson: yay, thanks16:15
evcjwatson: is it to the point where we don't show the windows option in grub when under wubi?16:15
slangasekev: is the TB concern that raw data gathered about successful installs, etc. should be available to the community also?16:15
mvoev: woah, impressive list!16:15
cjwatsonev: one thing that occurred to me in the process though is that there's no way to do certain things in the Wubi environment, because we don't get to write to the GRUB environment block16:15
evmvo: mostly noise, really16:15
cjwatsonev: no, I haven't changed that - that's quite awkward to do right now16:16
evslangasek: that was this particular member's concern, yes16:16
evwhich is a hard balancing act against "we don't do headcounts"16:16
cjwatsonev: do I have a work item for that?16:16
slangasekclever objection though... if Canonical can be trusted with it, why shouldn't the community :)16:16
evcjwatson: no, do you want one?  It was something I noticed when doing a Wubi install and I find it confusing16:16
cjwatsonev: mm, it's technically accurate and occasionally helpful but I can see how it might be confusing16:17
evslangasek: it was phrased in terms of "If I'm a user, I want to be able to look at a database and roughly see my anonymous information in there, knowing the time, etc"16:17
cjwatsonev: if it bothers you and you want rid of it, give me a work item, yes :)16:17
evcjwatson: will do :)16:17
ev(it means showing two bootloader menus, ick)16:17
cjwatsonev: (taking to /msg)16:18
cjwatson(actually #u-i)16:18
doko- filed MIR's, reviewed and promoted packages for component mismatches16:18
doko- built OpenJDK b22 for armel, started jtreg tests on armel16:18
doko- GCC and binutils updates, GCC bug triage16:18
doko- Linaro toolchain WG call16:18
slangasekanything interesting coming out of the WG call?16:20
dokono, business as usual, addressed the powerpc build failure, but nothing else16:20
* slangasek nods16:21
jhuntPost-holiday inbox boxin'. Added workitems to all blueprints bar16:21
jhuntfoundations-o-upstart-for-admins. Provisional planning for Upstart16:21
jhunt"helpers" (abstract jobs/events). Merging fun (ongoing). Investigating16:21
jhuntnih+upstart build failures (ongoing) - looks like a toolchain issue on16:21
* mvo read "post-holiday inbox bombing"16:22
slangaseksounds like a holiday in itself16:22
barrylove it16:22
slangasekjhunt: eta on work items for foundations-o-upstart-for-admins?16:23
ev(slangasek: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2011-May/000873.html - he's made his concerns public now)16:23
cjwatsondoko: thanks for the c-m work, it's been greatly appreciated16:23
jhuntslangasek: should be done by cob today.16:23
slangasekok, great :)16:23
jhuntwhat's the deadline for the specs btw?16:23
slangaseklast Friday ;)16:24
cjwatsonslangasek: speaking of which, I'm approver of several undrafted specs where you're the drafter ;-)16:24
* slangasek ducks and runs16:24
slangasekyep, will have those done today16:24
* cjwatson cracks the whip16:25
slangasekmy turn16:26
slangasek* blueprint review/approval16:26
slangasek* followed up on wrong memory requirements information for natty16:26
slangasek* documenting our UDS output in the proceedings: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDSProceedings/O16:26
slangasek* looking into the possibility of contracting a Windows programmer to help with Wubi16:26
slangasek* trying to figure out a schedule for an upstart sprint this cycle16:26
slangasek... you guys need to plan your vacations together so I have something to work with ;P16:26
evoh, I intend on waiting until the last minute and taking 26 straight days off :-P16:27
cjwatsonthe "bye, see you next year" option is always fun16:27
barrybug 787822 and debian bug 625784 (virtualenv -p python3 broken), did my first upload to fix this in oneiric!; bug 784662 (winpdb; fix in ppa, maybe backports?); started looking at python3-defaults to drop py3.1; blueprinting; ubuntu packaging guide (copy last bits of wiki to rest and fulfill jorge's mandate by deleting many wiki pages); blog about python plans for oneiric; upgraded dev vm to oneiric; released python 2.6.7rc2; done.16:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787822 in python-virtualenv (Ubuntu) "'virtualenv -p python3 /tmp/xx' should work but doesn't" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78782216:28
ubottuDebian bug 625784 in python-virtualenv "python-virtualenv: 'virtualenv -p python3 xx' should work but doesn't" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/62578416:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 784662 in winpdb (Ubuntu) "winpdb doesn't work with python2.7" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78466216:28
cjwatsonslangasek: cool, that proceedings page makes us look good. :)16:28
slangasekbeing the only team to ACTUALLY fill it out does that :)16:28
jhuntslangasek, ev: the ultimate - http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/1991-10-31/16:29
evooo, I have to try that16:30
slangasekbarry: congrats on the upload! :)16:30
barryslangasek: thanks!16:30
evbarry: was it automatix?16:30
barryev: automatix?16:31
slangasekso with the ubuntu packaging guide moved out of the wiki, are there stubs left somewhere that direct to the new guide?16:31
slangasekev: harsh16:31
* barry didn't sleep a wink last night16:31
slangasekbarry: automatix, because every package management system needs a four-speed blender16:31
evbarry: http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html16:31
evkillall -9 dpkg! yay16:32
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB16:32
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:32
slangasek[LINK] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2011-May/000873.html16:32
MootBotLINK received:  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2011-May/000873.html16:32
evI'm interested to know if anyone has thoughts on how I can remove myself from between the rock and hard place that is giving developers access to the raw data and not giving people data to infer head counts with16:33
slangasekpeople always infer head counts anyway, don't they?16:33
evor how I can play the tech board against itself for massive win16:33
barryev: perhaps assign people a random uid and offer to email that to them so they can track their own data but no one elses?16:34
barryoh wait16:34
cjwatsonScott has an interesting point about the data being genuinely useful to third parties as well16:34
cjwatsonI think I'd prefer to discuss this in a TB meeting though ...16:34
cjwatsoninfer head counts> one option would be expiring the data16:35
slangasekright - we can share whatever data we have, but just not keep interesting data16:36
slangasekif what we want is success rate over time, only keep that16:36
slangaseksorry, not to imply that's not interesting data :)16:36
evexpire the real data, but keep the percentages forever?16:37
evthat works for me16:37
evbut sure, we can discuss this in the TB meeting16:37
stgraberso have the server store the data for the day, at the end of the day generate the stats and remove the data?16:37
cjwatsonor something like that - possible compromise anyway16:38
slangasekyou can't aggregate those numbers over time because you don't have the scale16:38
slangasekso it does limit the utility to some degree16:38
slangasekfood for thought, at least :16:38
slangasekanything else?16:38
stgraberyeah, and we'll still have "interesting data" like how many installs do we get on release day... ;)16:39
evI created a metrics team16:39
evpeople should join it and participate16:39
evif they're interested in this sort of stuff, of course16:39
MootBotLINK received:  http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-metrics16:39
* slangasek creates ~ubuntu-imperials in response16:39
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:42.16:42
slangasekthanks, all :)16:42
* jhunt is on holiday - please leave a message after the prompt16:43
jhuntOops - sorry! :)16:43
psurbhijhunt is coughing... :D16:43
mvoin the good news section (that we did not have): I played with qml and its really really nice for UI work16:43
barrymvo: nice16:43
stgrabermvo: oh cool, it's on my todolist of stuff to look at (since UDS-O) ;) will try to spend some time on it this weekend16:43
evqml> ick16:44
ev"people are moving to the web, and they're using javascript as part of that.  I know, we'll stop the tide by putting javascript on the desktop! This cannot fail!"16:44
mvobarry, stgraber: llp:~mvo/software-center/qml for the curious16:44
mvoev: gnome-shell!16:44
evyep, equally awful16:45
evAlso, Qt bad, very bad.16:45
mvoev: out of curiosity, what do you dislike about the approach? just the layout stuff in qml is vastly more powerful than gtk16:45
barryev: ecmapython16:45
evI am very weary of us moving to Qt in general for a number of reasons16:46
evnot least of which, it doesn't have an owner16:46
evbut more importantly, it's just reliving the battle of the 1990s16:46
evwe don't need another WIMP model to compete with Windows 9516:46
evwe need something new and revolutionary, that, if we're not going to develop upstream software ourselves, leverages the hard work being done in our open source industry16:47
evso, webkit + other things16:47
stgrabermvo: cool, I'll have a look. Off for lunch now, see you.16:47
evif I have to pick between Google creating an open source layout engine and a company that laid off most of its employees on Qt, I'm going to go with Google.16:47
ev(equally, I don't think this is the kind of thing we can hope for some PhD student to knock out as part of their thesis)16:48
cjwatsonjavascript on the desktop: I think I confirmed at UDS that I wasn't the only one who was reminded of Active Desktop16:48
mvoright, fair enough. the future is very uncertain for qt, that is unfortunately true16:48
barrynot that i have a horse in the race, but qt is free software and has a big fan base right?  it's not going anywhere, though it may not progress as quickly.  heck, even tcl is still around :)16:50
evI just want us to be forward thinking. We're not going to compete with the big boys by playing with yesterday's technology, or even today's.16:50
barrythat i agree with16:51
mvoright, and yet we need to have solution today that are compelling16:52
evsure, but this seems to be positioned as the future16:59
evand too many transitions will kill our developers and users16:59
evso I think it's wiser to invest heavily in developing future technology and smoothing out the rough bits of what we already have16:59
mvothat is something I very much agree with, we need to keep the transitions as low as possible17:00
Ahmuck-Sr /topic17:04
patrickmwQA meeting?17:05
patrickmwhggdh ^17:06
hggdhdarn it!17:07
cp1was over about 25 minutes ago17:07
patrickmwhggdh, I can help gather the troops17:08
hggdhpatrickmw: isn't it at 1200?17:08
patrickmwI see 1700 UTC on the fridge17:08
cp1QA is next hour about 50 minutes away17:09
hggdhpatrickmw: 'date -u' return 16:09 ere17:10
patrickmwgrrr Foiled again by google calendar17:10
hggdhpatrickmw: welcome! Been there so many times...17:10
hggdhcp1: thank you17:10
hggdhpffuiiii, not guilty this time17:10
patrickmwhggdh, sorry for the hearth attack :)17:11
hggdhmy heart seems to be still strong, of sort of ;-)17:11
hggdhalmost time....18:00
hggdhno, it *is* time18:00
MootBotMeeting started at 12:00. The chair is hggdh.18:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:00
hggdhgood morning/afternoon/evening/night to all18:00
hggdhwe will go thru the following agenda:18:01
patrickmwgood *18:01
hggdhPrevious Actions (all)18:01
hggdhCommunity Efforts/Testing18:01
hggdhAutomated/Systems Testing18:01
hggdhEngineering Team Bug Status18:01
hggdhOther Topics18:01
hggdhChair Selection18:01
hggdh[TOPIC] Previous Actions18:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Previous Actions18:01
hggdhI cannot see any pending actions. Anybody has a better view than mine (known to be flaky)?18:01
jibelThere was an action to move the meeting on #u-meeting at 1700UTC and update the calendar18:02
jibelhere we are!18:02
hggdh[TOPIC] Community Efforts/Testing18:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Community Efforts/Testing18:02
hggdhwe are starting a new cycle, and today the first ISOs for the desktop were put available. I understand they are quite unstable, though18:03
* charlie-tca waves18:03
pedro_ooh yes :-)18:03
hggdhbut, generically, help testing the new Oneiric images is extremely welcome18:03
hggdhAnything from the community relating to test?18:04
hggdh(BTW -- there are no server ISOs available)18:04
hggdhjibel: please go ahead18:04
jibelonly alternate and desktop on i386 are available.18:05
jibelso, we need help with sru testing and especially 3 bugs:18:05
jibelbug 665185 sysvinit (Lucid) High18:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 665185 in sysvinit (Ubuntu Lucid) "/etc/init.d/sendsigs fails to kill some processes" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66518518:05
jibelit is targeted to 10.04.3 and needs verification asap18:06
jibelbug 695290 grub2 (Lucid, Maverick) High18:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 695290 in grub2 (Ubuntu Maverick) "10_lupin case problem with ntfs UUIDs" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69529018:06
jibelRequires dual RAID controllers18:06
jibelif anyone has a dual raid controller please give it a try18:06
jibelbug 778026 lirc (Natty) Critical18:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 778026 in lirc (Ubuntu Natty) "lirc-modules-source breaks in-kernel lirc support" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77802618:06
jibelRequires an Infrared Remote Control18:06
jibelif anyone has an Infrared Remote Control and is running natty please give it a try18:07
hggdhfor the record, Lucid 10.04.3 is looming... we need to check these SRU bugs really, really, ASAP18:07
hggdhOK. Moving on18:07
hggdh[TOPIC] Automated/Systems Testing18:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Automated/Systems Testing18:07
patrickmwHello all18:07
patrickmwWe are currently running the individual test suites that get executed for Kernel SRU to collect data:18:07
patrickmwWhat type of tests get run18:07
patrickmwWhat kind of results are generated18:07
patrickmwHow do they perform in a CI environment18:07
patrickmwWe have been making steady progress and have been able to run LTP lite to completion.  After reviewing the other test suites (DBench, TBench, TioBench, SignalTest) we will need to transform the results to a standard format.  Most of these test suites started development before test runners like unittest were widely used.18:08
patrickmwUbiquity testing:18:08
patrickmwThere is currently a piloted set of test scripts for automating the Ubiquity installer. Those scripts will be developed into a full-fledged framework so we can continue to add tests18:08
patrickmwNot much to report until after the Automation Sprint18:08
patrickmwPackage continuous integration:18:08
patrickmwEngineering teams have been asked to submit lists of critical packages to Ubuntu. Those packages are being added to the CI process and will be built, tested and reported upon on a more frequent basis whether it be daily, hourly, or upon code push.18:08
* patrickmw is all ears18:09
hggdhwe are currently running kernel SRUs -- what should we change, if anything?18:09
patrickmwnothing right now.  We are still in discovery mode.  As soon as we can get the SRU tests in the hands of Jenkins we will let you know :)18:10
hggdhanything else?18:11
patrickmwnot from me18:11
hggdhmoving on18:11
hggdh[TOPIC] Engineering Team Bug Status18:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Engineering Team Bug Status18:11
hggdhpedro_: ?18:11
hggdh(or am I jumping the gun?)18:12
pedro_as you all know the desktop on Oneiric is a 'bit' broken18:12
pedro_and probably more breakage is coming since the transition to Gnome 318:12
pedro_so if you encounter a bug that i'm not aware of (commented on) or anybody from the desktop team, please raise it to me so i can assign it to the right person and get it fixed18:13
hggdh(pedro_ can usually be found on the #ubuntu-bugs channel)18:13
pedro_yes on that and at #ubuntu-desktop if i'm not around18:14
pedro_and also! on the desktop page, we're having a bug day for the amazing Compiz18:14
pedro_which is tomorrow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2011052618:14
* hggdh forgot -desktop, shame, oh shame18:14
pedro_so if you have some time and wanna learn a bit more about it  please join us :-)18:14
* pedro_ hugs hggdh18:14
* hggdh hugs pedro_ back18:14
pedro_guess that's all from here18:15
hggdhfolks, when you are done typing, please enter a line with just two dots -- like18:15
hggdh(just an example)18:15
hggdhcharlie-tca: please go ahead18:15
charlie-tcaAre we going to need oneiric to work those compiz bugs, or will testing in natty be good?18:16
hggdhfor tomorrow, you mean?18:16
pedro_the version of compiz in both is the same18:16
charlie-tcaSo, if it works/fails in 11.04, that will be valid18:16
hggdhOK, moving on. Next in line is bdmurray18:17
pedro_lot of issues about compiz are related to video drivers though, so it would be good if you cna test with oneiric if its working for you18:17
pedro_otherwise natty is fine18:17
hggdhbdmurray: there?18:17
hggdhlet's try JFo -- there?18:18
bdmurrayhggdh: what is this topic about exactly?  is it the status of engineering team bugs or what I've been up to?18:18
hggdhbdmurray: I understand it to be status of the eng team bugs18:18
hggdhand, why not, what you have been up to :-)18:19
bdmurrayI've nothing really to report regarding specific bugs / issues.18:19
bdmurrayI've been working on sorting out packages the foundations team is interested in.18:20
JFohggdh, I'm here18:20
hggdhbdmurray: the dots there mean you are really, completely, utterly done?18:21
hggdhJFo: just a sec, please18:21
bdmurrayindeed ..18:21
hggdhbdmurray: will your work on the foundation packages be extensible to the other teams?18:21
bdmurrayhggdh: I've one script that looks at packages that members of a team in Launchpad are subscribed to which may be useful as a starting point18:22
crazedpsycAnything I can do to help with tomorrow's powerusers meeting?18:22
bdmurrayhowever, I found there were lots of false positives there as people subscribe to things they care about in their spare time18:23
bdmurrayadditionally, I have an ubuntu-changes mailing list parser that counts package uploads per person18:23
hggdhcrazedpsyc: please wait a bit, this meeting is about QA18:23
bdmurraythis was the most useful for finding packages the team has an interest in18:23
crazedpsychggdh: Ahh, sorry, didn't know there was anything happening at the moment :)18:24
hggdhbdmurray: can it be shared later on? I think all teams would be interested18:24
bdmurraythen I have another launchpadlib script to subscribe people or teams to pacakges18:24
bdmurraythat one could be unused not nicely though I think so I will sit on that18:25
bdmurrayhggdh: yes, I'll share my code18:25
bdmurray. . . ;-)18:25
hggdhJFo: sorry for the delay, floor is yours18:25
JFono sweat, what would you like to know?18:25
JFo(I was unprepared for this meeting ;))18:26
hggdhJFo: I understand kernel triage is changing -- you now do something a bit different. Care to share?18:26
JFoso, I have begun working solely on development release bugs18:26
JFoin addition to that, and because there are so few just now, I am taking some time to dive a bit deeper into career/job development18:27
JFowith those subject matter experts in certain kernel subsystems18:27
hggdhoh, there goes another triager...18:27
JFoI'm taking an hour at least a week to work with Graphics/BIOS and sound subsystem engineers so that I can help them get more clear bugs18:28
hggdhwill there be somebody dedicated to stable releases for thr kernel?18:28
JFothat will benefit the Analyst portion of the new direction18:28
JFonot yet, but the plan is to record what I am able to accomplish this cycle as a means of identifying the need18:29
JFoso the SRU team will be working on their bugs (even though I am helping them still a bit)18:29
JFoI am positive that my assistance to them will wane as the number of development bugs increases18:30
JFowhich is sad really18:30
JFobut I digress18:30
JFoare there any questions on that? :)18:30
JFoany of that?18:30
hggdhthen... should we try to help on stable?18:30
JFonot yet I don't think. That may be something we can revisit in several weeks. I am still working with them to determine how SRU bugs will be handled18:31
hggdhthank you18:31
JFomy pleasure18:31
hggdhmoving on18:31
hggdh[TOPIC] Other Topics18:31
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Topics18:31
hggdhopen mic, please raise hand for attention18:32
hggdhjibel: please go ahead18:33
jibelon the topic 'community testing' 2 more things18:33
hggdho/ (when jibel is done)18:33
jibelthe test cases for Ubuntu desktop and alternate have been updated. A review would be greatly appreciated18:34
jibelWe need help to update non english test cases18:34
jibeland Oneiric alpha 1 is scheduled next week.18:34
hggdhso -- for those of you fluent in other languages: please help on the translation18:35
jibelThe first candidates will be published on the tracker hopefully on tuesday.18:35
jibelA major user visible change is the transition to gnome 3, so testing promises to be fun.18:35
jibeldon't forget to sync your images over the week end.18:35
charlie-tcawill we have all the images by Saturday?18:36
jibelcharlie-tca, I don't think so, but if you sync over the week end there is less to sync when the candidates are published.18:36
hggdhmy turn -- I give the floor to myself18:37
hggdhthere is a survey going on -- community based. You can see/fill it at https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGRLSmxTQ05VYzh6NmdBN3BsakhpM3c6MQ#gid=018:37
macoPlease share it with the non-technical users in your life too18:37
hggdhI am really curious to find out what it will give us as result18:38
hggdhand -- thanks again to maco for putting it up18:38
macoAnswers solely from power users and programmers are a bit biased ;-)18:38
hggdhso. Without any other questions...18:39
hggdh[TOPIC] Chair Selection18:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Chair Selection18:39
hggdhwho shall be the next chair?18:39
hggdhhum. The silence is thunderous18:39
charlie-tcathis is bit different, but being it will be the first of the month, it must be my turn18:39
hggdhcharlie-tca: so you are proposing yourself?18:40
hggdhyou WIN!18:40
charlie-tcaput me down, gets me to the meeting, too18:40
hggdh[ACTION] charlie-tca to chair next meeting18:40
MootBotACTION received:  charlie-tca to chair next meeting18:40
hggdhand I think this is it -- thank you, charlie-tca18:41
charlie-tcaYou are welcome18:41
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:41.18:41
hggdhthank you all18:41
charlie-tcaThanks for chairing, hggdh18:41
jibelThanks for chairing hggdh18:41
charlie-tcaand now, lunch18:41
jibeland now dinner18:41
* alkisg waves20:08
highvoltagestgraber: around? :)20:08
stgraberkind of20:08
highvoltageanyone else for the Edubuntu meeting?20:09
highvoltageall I really need to add is that I'll be updateing our roadmap page to match what we discussed at UDS20:09
highvoltageand I'll send some notes to the list too20:09
highvoltage(should've done that before already, but been busy)20:10
highvoltagethese are basically our blueprints from UDS:20:11
highvoltageanything else that's worth noting?20:12
highvoltagewe've had a few new requests for http://edubuntu.org/marketplace recently, it's been growing steadily. there's probably another one that will be added soon20:12
stgrabernothing on my side. I'm probably going to update the -o-edubuntu spec with the WI I already worked on20:13
alkisgThanks for the update :)20:15
highvoltagesending some details to the list will at least force me to think of some things I haven't had bandwidth for :)20:16
highvoltagewell, I guess it's back to lurking in #edubuntu then :)20:18
stgrabershort meeting ;)20:19
highvoltageI *could* find enough edubuntu stuff to blabber about for an hour but not sure if that would be exactly productive :)20:20
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