
tumbleweednigelb_, bdrung_: sorry been offline all day00:03
highvoltagebad tumbleweed03:25
vorianno hard feelings micahg <304:22
paultag♥ vorian04:22
micahgvorian: sorry :)04:22
paultagI had no idea about that command, so I'm pretty happy with it :)04:22
vorianno problemo04:22
paultagthen again I'm not MOTU04:22
vorianI forgot about it actually04:23
micahgpaultag: yet ;)04:23
paultagmicahg: :P I need to get rid of my workload before I do that :)04:23
vorianseeing as I sat a couple of cycles, I have some cobwebs to shake off04:23
paultagmicahg: funny thing is I know deb policy to the letter, but I only have time to do basic maintain work up in Debian, so I don't think I'll ever land a DD DM or MOTU04:23
paultagso I just try to do reviews :)04:24
vorianpaultag: revu reviews?04:24
micahgpaultag: that should be enough for at least DM as long as you have upload history04:24
paultagvorian: usually on debian-mentors04:24
paultagmicahg: I don't think I have enough. I've been doing every fluxbox upload since dec 2009, but I don't think it's enough04:24
paultagand I usually stick to one DD to do my reviews and uploads, so it's not like I can get people to +1 me either :)04:25
paultagOh well :)04:28
vorianyou can do it!04:28
paultagvorian: I'll feel better after I have another DD to back me04:28
paultagvorian: I'll see if I can find one that needs help04:29
paultagall the DDs I know are hella idle :(04:29
vorianyou could always join the darkside (kde)04:29
paultagvorian: I just switched two days ago totally04:29
paultagvorian: DarkwingDuck convinced me. I told him it's a problem since I'd want to help with kubuntu, but I won't have time04:30
vorianyou could help with the extragear set04:30
vorianas far as I remember it's pretty well ignored04:31
paultagvorian: is there a list of packages and their health somewhere?04:31
paultagvorian: I have some time, I can do some updating if it needs done04:31
paultag(or delta upstreaming)04:31
voriani would have to check that and get back to you, I'm not sure what's still in extragear04:32
paultagvorian: np04:32
paultagvorian: also; howareya? Long time no chat. Hope things are well out west04:33
vorianyeah, things are good!04:33
paultagrock on! :)04:33
vorianjust set up a new machine today, so I'm ready to rock for this cycle04:34
micahgvorian: good to have you back!04:34
vorianhow's the big east?04:34
paultagvorian: rock'n as usual, leaving cleveland on thursday, I'll miss Ohio :(04:34
paultagvorian: back to BOS, so I'm stoked about that04:34
vorianI miss ohio too04:34
voriancool cool04:34
vorianer, wifes calling. bbl04:35
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nigelbhow do I debug pbuilder-dist not recognizing oneiric?05:50
nigelbI already did the symblink in debootstrap05:50
nigelbI suspect its something else but I can't figure out what05:50
RAOFDoes the python script itself recognise oneiric?05:54
nigelbokay, this is very strange05:56
nigelbone terminal window does recognize, one doesn't :/05:56
nigelbwell, it won't let me build, but it does work with create05:56
nigelbRAOF: The python script?05:56
RAOFless $(which pbuilder-dist) :)05:57
nigelbRAOF: strange, I don't see any of the ubuntu names in that file.05:58
RAOFSo it probably doesn't care.05:59
nigelbhrm, then what could be going wrong.05:59
nigelbThis worked last night :/05:59
nigelbbut I fed the wrong dsc file to it05:59
nigelbRAOF: heh, got it working.06:02
nigelbFor some strange reason, when I moved out of the directory which held the package, it started working.06:02
nigelbIs that normal or just strange behavior? :/06:03
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Laneyeven now, I still always try to pass '-s' to requestsync09:53
geserI try to remember that I've to pass '-s' to requestsync when requesting a sync for a package in main to be sure that it gets marked as needing sponsorship10:03
Laneyit's supposed to detect that these days10:07
geseryes, but it doesn't work reliable for not core-dev DMB members10:09
gesere.g. for LP I'm a (indirect) member of ~ubuntu-desktop (including their upload rights), socially I'm not a member10:12
hrwhow can I check am I allowed to upload my packages (PPU rights)?12:53
Laneyhrw: you can use the edit_acl script from lp:ubuntu-archive-tools thus: ./edit_acl.py query -p hrw -S oneiric12:54
hrwhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/612698/ shows failure12:56
hrwI authorized it on lp12:56
persiahrw, Yeah, but I didn't sort it yet.  It's on my list for tonight.12:59
jtaylormicahg: concerning the foolscap problem I talked with you about a few days ago, it will get fixed in debian soon, I'll update the branch then14:58
jtaylormicahg: turns out it is dependent on the ordering in the data.tar.gz, so its quite random14:58
micahgjtaylor: cool, thanks14:58
micahgjtaylor: yeah, that would make for a weird problem14:58
jtaylormicahg: ipython fix: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtaylor/ubuntu/natty/ipython/ipython-fix-777420/+merge/6231115:40
micahgjtaylor: that looks good, thanks, I'm in the middle of something at the moment, but it should show up in the sponsorship queue, hopefully someone else can take care of it15:46
LaneyI thought that it was agreed that ubuntu-dev-tools wouldn't install syncpackage.16:00
* persia shares Laney's understanding16:07
* Laney digs out bzr blame16:08
Laneyseems it was only removed for one release16:18
Laneynot sure it's worth taking it out now given that the API methods are tantalisingly close16:18
persiaDid the job to properly import the changelogs into LP run yet?16:19
persia(actually, that question should be asked in the other half of the day, in a different channel)16:19
* Laney is trying to find the appropriate bug report16:20
Laneypointers appreciated16:20
persiaI don't know if there is a bug report asking for the job to run.16:20
LaneyI meant for the feature in general16:21
Laneylooks like #771341, but no real progress report16:22
persiahttps://dev.launchpad.net/Soyuz/NativeSourceSyncing is the launchpad feature description (predating LEPs)16:22
persiaThat bug looks like it was added in response to someone in #launchpad reflexively saying "file a bug".16:24
persiaNo, there's some bugs about changelog attribution that were the main blockers, and needed to be sorted before SyncSource could be applied to the Ubuntu repositories.16:24
persia(sync between PPAs already works cleanly with the API)16:24
persiaWell, seems that landed, as bug #595957 is working around a side effect of the implementation16:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595957 in Launchpad itself "archive uploader tries to move the changelog to the current working directory" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59595716:30
persiaAh, no, despite the implementation making LP librarian have full changelogs, e.g. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-dev-tools/+changelog shows that LP still has the attribution bugs.  I can't find them now, but I'll dig them up later.16:35
Laneyare you referring to https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/55795 ?16:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 55795 in Launchpad itself "+changelog includes misleading information related to package versions and authors" [Medium,Triaged]16:36
persiaAnd two others in the cluster.16:37
persiaSo, a branch got merged into LP that properly sticks the changelogs in librarian.  And there was a branch that properly parsed librarian for +changelog (although I can't seem to find it quickly), but a job needed to run between those two to import all the historical changelogs (which job is written, but last I knew (September), unscheduled).16:39
persiaAt that point, it becomes safe to put syncs into the queue, which then resolves some of the other related bugs.16:40
persiaAnd only at that point does it make sense to have a big "Sync Me!" button on LP.16:40
persia(such a button would appear in the list of "Other versions" at the bottom of the page, so one could select from arbitrary PPAs, Debian, etc.)16:41
cjwatsonI know they're working on putting syncs through the queue16:42
cjwatsonI have alpha-tested a UI for the sync button; it's not as you describe, it's perhaps closer to part of merge-o-matic, but whatever16:42
persiaI suspect there are multiple views of "the right way", and me not pushing mine much for the past year helps make it obsolete.16:43
cjwatsonI gave fairly extensive feedback, but broadly what I alpha-tested seemed OK16:44
cjwatsonit's essentially a UI for resolving differences between distributions16:44
persiaAh, so more like the merge review kind of thing?16:44
cjwatsonyeah, a bit more like that16:45
cjwatsonwith the fundamental support there, we can do whatever we like in the API though16:45
Laneyinteresting. I hadn't thought of using it for merges really16:45
persiaIndeed.  And as the UDD stuff matures, it makes more sense to use more of the LP bzr integration.16:45
cjwatsonwhat I tested wasn't a full merge-o-matic replacement, although I think they'd like to head in that direction16:46
cjwatson(I suspect that will take a while!)16:46
cjwatsonanyway, it's important enough to LP that Julian came to Budapest basically just to alpha-test this with a few of us)16:47
persiaFrom what I understand from DerivativeDistributions, there is a full bzr representation of each distribution (ideally as related branches), so it oughtn't be that hard.16:47
persiaAh, that explains it.  Francis told me it was *very* close, but not any details.16:47
persiaSo we ought be able to have the MoM logic pull lp:debian/foo and lp:ubuntu/foo and push a proposal to lp:ubuntu/foo/MoM-proposed or something, and then use LP's merge review stuff.16:48
persiaWhere the MoM logic jobs run, etc. is more complicated.16:48
persia(and never mind get-merge.sh and related)16:49
cjwatsonI'm not in a rush to decommission MoM16:51
cjwatsonproviding sync API saves me a lot of work; decommissioning MoM will likely create some at least in the short term :)16:51
persiaAs much as I enjoy speculating about how MoM could be replaced, I'd not like to see it gone, as it's one of the nice current examples of working with source packages (as opposed to source branches).16:52
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* Rhonda wonders if I would be able to get the patch for bug #307897 into a SRU?20:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307897 in tworld (Debian) "tworld/X86-64 bad restore" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30789720:37
micahgRhonda: probably, sounds bad enough to warrant an SRU20:38
* micahg post disclaimer that he is not a member of ubuntu-sru20:39
broderRhonda: what releases do you want it sru'd into?22:07
* broder can't deal with it now, but can at least open the SRU nominations22:07
Laneybroder: Rhonda is a MOTU too :-)22:08
broderoh, good point :)22:09
* broder goes and looks for more coffee instead22:09
broderLaney: congrats on DD-ship, by the way22:15
Laneythe alioth migration means I can't actually send that post to planet.d.o, sadly22:16
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