
micahgchrisccoulson_: where are you uploading to stage stuff?00:05
micahgfta: PM?00:33
ftasure, bug 787846 for you btw00:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 787846 in chromium-browser "11.0.696.68 -> 11.0.696.71" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78784600:33
micahgfta: thanks00:33
ftafrom the security channel00:34
ftai didn't paste the descriptions, because those bugs are not disclosed yet00:35
ftaand are not controlled by google00:35
micahgfta: BTW, there's a new gyp available in Debian for merge/sync01:00
ftadoesn't matter, i stopped using it01:02
micahgfta: k, you want me to take care of it then?01:05
ftagyp? our chromium stopped using it long ago, not sure what else needs it01:06
micahgfta: I was asking with my MOTU hat on, sorry for the confusion01:07
ftastill the ld crash on armel :p01:07
micahgugh, janimo hasn't had time to look at it, I probably can't get to it until next week01:09
ftaasac, ^^01:09
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asacfta: do you have a bug on that?07:36
asaclet me give that log to our porting queue lead ... i guess he wants a bug though07:37
asacfta: one mastery that might be interesting would be to biuld normal ... if fail, run one more make with V=107:39
asacfta: did michael opdenacker talk to you about board?07:39
asacfta: suihkulokki in #linaro is now our master of porting queue/effort07:40
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ftadpm, hi. could you please fix this string? https://translations.launchpad.net/chromium-browser/translations/+pots/chromium-strings/ca/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=El%20Chromium%20OS%20no%20%C3%A9s%20compatible%20amb%20l%27execuci%C3%B3%20d%27aplicacions%20externes%20que%20gestionen%20els%20enlla%C3%A7os%20%25%7BSCHEME%7D15:15
dpmfta, sure, on a call, will fix in a couple of hours15:16
ftadpm, thanks15:18
ftadpm, it's been like that for days :P15:18
dpmfta, ok, finished earlier than expected with the call. String fixed.15:34
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BUGabundofirefox-trunk: Installed: 7.0~a1~hg20110525r70149 !!!!!! 7!!!!!!!!!22:36
BUGabundowe are on a quick pace22:36
BUGabundoaren't we ?22:36
ftaBUGabundo, it doesn't mean it's better ;)22:44
ftaBUGabundo, btw, did you fix your desktop22:44
BUGabundoit means it breaks it22:44
BUGabundofighting it very hard22:44
BUGabundostupid gtk322:44
ftayou probably installed something (long?) before the transition started22:45
BUGabundono idea22:45
BUGabundoI never do dangerous upgrades22:45
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg

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