
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
hadsibeardslee: Sorry, went out then got busy. The disk was a replacement disk for a failed on in late 2009 so it was only 18 months old.02:52
ibeardsleeinteresting that the replacement failed02:53
hadsIt didn't show up any errors in SMART or anything just was bung and slow.02:53
hadsPut load right up from IO wait02:54
ibeardsleethe port it was plugged into was/is ok?02:54
hadsYeah, replacement in the same spot is fine.02:54
ibeardsleewas the previous replacement in the same spot as the original?02:54
hadsSo two disks failed in the same spot, each lasted 18 months02:55
ibeardsleebe interesting to see if that new disk goes bad before others02:55
ajmitchheat or vibrations?02:55
hadsThe first one died properly though02:55
hadsRunning at 29 degrees02:55
ajmitchfar better than my poor laptop drives :)02:56
hads1 degree hotter than the other drive which is the one that's lasted 3 years02:56
* ibeardslee installed collectd on his workstation02:56
ajmitch29C is quite cool for a drive02:56
hadsIt's a 1U supermicro I believe02:56
ajmitchthough this desktop has drives at 27C, so about the same02:57
ibeardsleeworkstation drives are 31-36 degrees02:57
ojwbmy drives are 360 degrees!02:57
ajmitchhottest I've seen the drive in my laptop was 61C before it was pausing too often & causing problems :)02:58
ajmitchyeah, it runs hot02:58
hads/dev/sda: OCZ-VERTEX:  no sensor02:58
ajmitchdrive is currently at 51C & that's with the laptop on a cheap cooling stand02:58
hadsMy old laptop used to shut itself down at 90 degrees :)02:59
ajmitch90C CPU temperature?02:59
hadsI think so, I recall the logs in syslog02:59
ajmitchCPU is running cooler than the hard drive at the moment03:00
ajmitchbut that's more due to where things are laid out in the case03:00
ibeardsleegah .. sigh .. arrggghhh04:57
ajmitchwhy isn't it time to go home already?04:57
ibeardsleetoo much 'fun' trying to get new hardware workig with ubuntu04:57
ajmitchI don't tend to have the luxury of new hardware very often04:58
ibeardsleenew HP laptop for a staff member04:59
ajmitchwhat's not working?04:59
ibeardsleethe graphics seem to crash04:59
ibeardsleewith maverick05:00
ibeardsleenatty had a phantom monitor05:00
ajmitchlaptop graphics seem to be getting more complicated with vendors having dual graphics chipsets that get switched in software05:02
snailthis is linux, all you need is shell!05:02
hadsI removed overlay scrollbars today. Discovered you can't change fonts in gimp with the mouse as you can't grab the handle.05:03
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* ajmitch wishes it were 5pm already21:17
ibeardsleeajmitch: it probably is somewhere21:21
snailhas sourceforge rebranded?21:26
ajmitchI think they did it a little while ago, but noone noticed21:40
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mwhudsonsnail: several times!21:48

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