
ubottuIn ubottu, Daviey said: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal00:15
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:16
rwwRandom statistic of the day: 204 of the 306 bans+quiets in #ubuntu are over a month old03:54
idleonerww: you will be happy to hear that I have hosed my system03:55
rwwyou're lowercase today03:56
idleoneirssi does that03:56
idleoneI have no GUI :/03:56
idleonebunch of xorg updates did done went and broke things for me03:57
rwwat least you have internet!03:57
* rww has wifi configured through /etc/network/interfaces and wpasupplicant and friends marked as manually installed. helps avoid no internet if he does something silly03:57
idleoneoh, god...that's going to go next lol03:57
idleoneI guess I have some time to get used to CLI03:59
Flannelidleone: irssi doesn't force you lowercase!04:12
idleoneFlannel: it uses your user name by default04:16
=== idleone is now known as IdleOne
* Flannel head. desk.04:28
ldunnack. Fine time for me to be on xchat with no op scripts or anything07:30
rwwdo it all manually!07:31
ldunnObviously that's what I'd have to do07:31
rwwalso yes, I am too lazy to start banning Grexo again.07:31
ldunnI seem to remember the default way xchat bans is really stupid, but I'm not sure. Bleh. Scripts, scripts *searches*07:34
tsimpson!chanserv.py | ldunn07:34
ubottuldunn: chanserv.py is a ChanServ helper script for !XChat | https://github.com/seveas/chanserv.py07:34
ldunnThat works! Thanks07:34
tsimpsonput it in ~/.xchat2/, then /py load chanserv.py07:34
ubottuIn ubottu, impiza said: my id is gsruthin@gmail.com09:33
ubottuIn ubottu, impiza said: my name is George Sruthin09:33
popeyArgh, I called an irc channel a 'room' kill me now.11:51
* persia helpfully kills popey, but then provides him with zombie drugs so he can do something later11:52
LjLpopey: i'll send you a whisper to explain why that's wrong12:05
popeywhy what's wrong12:06
LjLcalling an irc channel a room12:06
LjLpopey: because i'm a mod on irc you see, i know things12:06
popeyI fail at it12:06
ubottuCurrent stable releases of Ubuntu use OpenOffice.org, and do not have supported packaging for LibreOffice. Ubuntu developers are working on packaging for Ubuntu Natty and backports for 10.10 and 10.04. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/032298.html for more information on progress and an unstable, unsupported PPA.13:11
jussiahh yes, that could do with an update13:12
jpds!atemyram is <alias>ram17:36
ubottuI'll remember that, jpds17:36
PiciNOM NOM NOM17:36
Pici!no atemyram is <alias> memory17:37
ubottuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm17:37
Pici!no atemyram is <alias> memory17:37
genii-aroundAnyone object to !forget envyng  ?  since 9.10 is past EOL now18:27
IdleOnego for it18:29
genii-around!forget envyng18:30
ubottuI'll forget that, genii-around18:30
genii-around!forget envy18:30
ubottullutz called the ops in #ubuntu (Web-user trolls, bad language)18:44
cillini cant seem to send on any channel, is there some ban or something on this ip?19:53
rwwone sec, I'll take a look19:53
rwwcillin: I see you speaking in #ubuntu three times this hour, most recently about 10 minutes ago.19:54
cillinok well in #linux it said "cant send to channel" i assumed same eas for ubuntu19:55
rwwand I don't see any bans set against you, though I didn't look too hard because you don't appear to be banned.19:55
rwwwe don't supervise ##linux, so no idea about that.19:55
cillinok well thanks for help19:55
rwwah, ##linux stops unregistered users from speaking it looks like19:56
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:56
ubottuIn ubottu, RoyK said: pastebin is like paste21:01
rwwthat would make sense, since one is an alias of the other o.O21:03
Picirww: he was mispelling it as pastbin, and wondering why ubottu wasn't responding.21:03
rwwtasty is like delicious21:04
Picirww: thats eerily similar to the joke that IdleOne made in #ubuntu-server about the same thing.21:04
rwwIdleOne is like rww21:04
IdleOneIdleOne is <alias> rww21:05
rww<alias> is like like21:06
CarlFKwhat is the #u-docs chan?22:21
PiciIt always confuses me too22:21
CarlFKah, no s.  thanks22:21
elkythis is, of course, why redirects were invented22:22
rwwI was about to say...22:22
PiciI wonder why I never set one up when I could do that,.22:22
Picijussi, tsimpson: could either of you tell ubottu that #ubuntu+1 is for oneiric now?22:30
LjLmaybe they're dreaming22:31
rwwLjL: I see what you did there.22:41
IdleOnearvut: what can we do you for?23:06
Piciarvut: hi.23:09
LjLarvut: welcome to hell23:10
IdleOneAnswer or be banished!23:12
arvutjust a second..23:12
rwwNobody expects the banish inquisition!23:12
* IdleOne summons the thunder23:12
* Pici groans23:12
rww"ban" is from the old english word for "curse"23:13
rwwfor some reason I find this excellent23:13
* IdleOne curses rww to curses23:13
arvutrww: not from banish then?23:14
Jordan_Uarvut: Common root.23:14
LjLroot is not encouraged here23:14
Jordan_ULjL: It's OK, I never actually log in as Old English.23:15
IdleOnearvut: please explain your reason for being in here23:15
arvutconsidering root being pretty much the entrance to the underworld in.. gaelic? legends, (or celtic?)..23:16
arvutIdleOne: oh right, Pici reminded me of that.23:17
arvutErmm.. I cannot actually remember tbh.23:17
rwwalrighty, please come back when you do ;P23:18
arvutbut now I started a discussion that went on on its own =)23:18
arvutrww: I'll stay til I do then. helps me remember.23:18
rwwcoz_: Hi, how can we help you?23:19
coz_rww,  hey guy23:19
coz_rww,  curious about ops23:19
IdleOnearvut: we can't talk about you if you are here. feel free to read !logs23:19
rwwcoz_: The channel? All the relevant info's in /topic ;)23:20
LjLarvut: seriously though, this channel shouldn't be used by people who aren't ops unless there is an immediate issue to be addressed23:20
arvutI didnt actually understand that, can you elaborate, IdleOne?23:20
arvutLjL: aha23:20
coz_rww, ok guys thanks,,23:20
IdleOnearvut: I am trying really hard to kindly show you the way out.23:21
arvutsec, reading replies, have to scroll up23:21
arvutI think I understand. this is like the dm chat in nwn23:22
arvutthey can see all party chat, of all parties23:22
LjLi have no idea what you're talking about23:22
arvutand ofcourse all shouts, like normal ppl23:23
LjLthis is just the ubuntu ops channel, where we resolve issues and disputes and bans23:23
rwwanyways, my apologies for feeding the offtopicness there. I don't think it helped matters :|23:27
IdleOneI guess I sorta started it but I was trying to be nice and joyful and maybe he was going to get the hint23:28
IdleOnethat is what you get for being nice23:28
CoreyFYI: I'm leaving in ~16 hours for Africa.  If you don't hear from me for two weeks, no problem.  If you don't hear from me for three weeks, I probably died.23:37
rwwCorey: have fun!23:38
LjLdon't die23:38
CoreyOh, I'm sure it'll be a blast.23:38
IdleOnehave a good trip Corey23:39
rww!away > erkan^AwAy23:47
PiciCorey: For work or play?23:48
CoreyPici: The line blurred years ago.23:50
PiciCorey: :|23:50

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