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cjwatsonskaet: FYI, /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/backups/natty-unreleased/ has copies of the eight current daily builds that we didn't release with 11.0400:16
cjwatson(on antimony)00:16
cjwatsonand trying an initial round of oneiric CD builds before bed00:17
skaetcjwatson,  thanks.00:19
cjwatsonseveral images way oversized, and absolutely no idea whether they work01:59
cjwatsonalso not cronned yet01:59
stgraberwow, they actually built the first time around?02:00
cjwatsonI did wait until I thought they probably would02:00
cjwatsonI suspect amd64/efi may be busted, haven't checked yet02:00
skaetvery cool.    :)02:06
cjwatsonhah, amd64 doesn't even build, score02:07
skaetwhen do we cut over from doing the natty daily builds?02:07
cjwatsonskaet: what natty daily builds?02:07
cjwatson(no daily builds since we released)02:07
skaethttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ has natty builds in it...02:07
skaetapril 2602:08
skaetsorry,  my bad.02:08
cjwatsonyeah, those were carried over by accident, I just removed them02:08
cjwatsonwell, not by accident, by a long-standing cdimage bug/misfeature/something02:08
cjwatsonanyway, bed02:09
skaetsleep well.02:09
stgrabergood night02:09
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cjwatsonpromoting ttf-sil-nuosusil, since it's a successor of ttf-sil-yi which was previously in main14:25
cjwatsonLaney: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/15:34
cjwatsonmerry Christmas15:34
Laneyhappy days!15:39
* Laney adds IS to the Good List15:39
cjwatsonI think I got everything of yours sucked in15:41
cjwatsonhad to hack it a bit for lucid15:41
cjwatsonwrote http://paste.ubuntu.com/612768/ as a 'go' script15:42
LaneyI think some of my claims in readme.txt might be lies15:42
cjwatsonI edited that a bit15:42
Laneyyou can add --use-cache to the 2nd+ runs15:42
Laneyand you might want --run-debcheck too15:42
cjwatson--run-debcheck for all of them?15:43
Laneythat's how I had it yeah, but I don't know if that's necessary15:44
cjwatsonoopsie, need edos-debcheck installed15:44
Laneyyou could even put it at line 1415:45
cjwatsonhow do you mean?15:45
cjwatsonoh, the cache15:45
cjwatsonLaney: --run-debcheck back in now (thanks lamont)17:00
Laneybrillo pads, thanks17:00
bdmurrayWhat was the Final Answer about Karmic being supported?17:39
skaetbdmurray,  Karmic is EOL'd now.  In process of working through checklist and trying to get it shut down officially now.   Issue that was holding up the decision is documented in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ec2/+bug/73776118:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 737761 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 1 other project) "linux-ec2: 2.6.31-308.29 -proposed tracker (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Fix committed]18:56
bdmurrayskaet: is there an EOL checklist?  I'd like to take a peek at it18:58
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skaetbdmurray,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EndOfLifeProcess - if you spot anything missing,  that should be done, feel free to add ;)18:59
bdmurrayskaet: I was just curious about meta-release since I was looking at that today19:01
skaetbdmurray,  have ping'ed  mvo to edit it, and waiting on him.19:02
bdmurrayskaet: right, okay19:03
skaetcan you deactivate karmic-updates for me - I still dont seem to have permission... grumble.19:03
maxbOn a semi-related note, is there a planned date for shutdown of karmic PPA builds?19:06
skaetmaxb,  its being coordinated with the OEM folk, within the next 6 months. If I am understanding your question correctly.19:09
skaetcjwatson,  can you do the honors on turning off karmic-updates milestone?  my perms still aren't letting me.19:10
maxbThanks - it's interesting to know to plan maintenance of PPAs - will a date be announced somewhere once it's decided?19:11
skaetmaxb,  will talk to the OEM team and see if something can be arranged.   Where would you be looking to see the announce though?19:15
maxbI don't mind - anywhere I can look to see once it's been decided :-)19:15
maxbIIRC, intrepid just stopped working one day, and jaunty is still enabled19:15
maxbMaybe launchpad-users would be a good place to announce it19:17
skaetOne the EOL announce goes out,  they are effectively unsupported and can disappear at any time.    However,  will talk with OEM, and see if we should add something to the process notes to make it explicit.19:19
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mvoskaet: supported is set to false now19:50
skaetthanks mvo.  :)19:55
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cjwatsonskaet: done21:48
skaetcjwatson,  thanks!21:49
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cjwatsonLaney: are you running the libav transition?  do you know if it typically requires sourceful changes, or if it's just a slew of rebuild-only uploads?23:39
cjwatsonoh, heh, /usr/share/doc/libavcodec53/APIChanges23:39
micahgcjwatson: sourceful changes :(, but it's good to know about that file :)23:40
* cjwatson might steer clear then, not having the time for that23:41
cjwatsonnot doing sync requests at the moment because qa.debian.org is down23:42
cjwatson(bed anyway)23:42

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