
qman__ah, good to know00:00
nealmcbSpamapS: Have you talked to folks in #ubuntu-ops about it?  I haven't updated a factoid for a long time, but that was helpful when I did...00:05
SpamapSI don't remember00:08
DavieySpamapS: what was the new factoid, i think i have foo to update it.00:10
SpamapSDaviey: zentyal should basically be the same as ebox with the string replaced, and ebox should point to the zentyal factoid00:11
SpamapSI already ported the Zentyal page too https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal00:11
shauno!servergui probably wants to be updated to match too00:12
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ubottuebox has no aliases - added by LjL on 2008-01-16 23:51:42 - last edited by jussi01 on 2008-04-25 19:25:3500:13
ubottushauno: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:13
SpamapSWhat did you do to poor ubottu ?00:17
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox00:17
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal00:17
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal00:21
SpamapSDaviey: ty!00:22
andygraybealyay for zentyal :)00:22
DavieySpamapS, Wonder if it should reference that it was formally known as ebox?00:23
ubottuUbuntu server does not install a desktop environment or X11 by default in order to enhance security, efficiency and performance.  !eBox provides a GUI system management option via a web interface.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI for more background and options.00:25
shaunoaltho it's still ebox in LTS, so whether that's wrong or not is possibly debatable00:25
SpamapSshauno: its mentioned in the linked page00:27
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).00:28
DavieyEveryone is happy :)00:28
SpamapSDaviey: no, I'm pretty sure smoser is still a little peeved.00:28
* Daviey hopes he is :)00:29
persiaSo, I just heard about zentyl: is my brief reading correct that this is a web-accessible administration framework perfect for use on a small NAS box?00:32
ScottKpersia: Anytime you put framework and perfect in the same sentence, you are certain to be wrong.00:33
persiaThis is part of why I'm asking :)00:33
ScottKThen your answer is "No."00:33
ScottKI can tell that without knowing anything about zentyl.00:34
persiaAll the past remote administration tools I've heard about have grave issues of one sort or another.00:34
ScottKIt may suggest a different question is in order.00:34
persiaIndeed.  Perhaps I'm asking for some hints as to how it isn't perfect.00:34
ScottKAgreed.  The only non-broken remote administrative interface I'm aware of is ssh.00:34
ScottKAnd it's not perfect.00:34
ScottKSince it doesn't appear to be packaged, I expect it's unlikely you'll find much experience with it here.00:35
persiaAccording to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal it's a rename of ebox: I figured the rename just hadn't hit oneric yet.00:36
ScottKFirst I heard of the rename.00:38
ScottKWe did do some work with ebox devs several cycles ago, but it seems to have died out.00:39
persiaHrm.  Oh well.  Based on the impetus information that led to me being interested, I figured folk who are often here would have been involved, but if it's not been discussed here (obviously, or you'd know), and as PPAs are being recommended (always indicative of questionable practices), I suppose I'm incorrect.00:39
ScottKIt's been awhile, but the best thing I remember they gave up on being current in Ubuntu and just went to a PPA.00:40
ScottKIt was better than webmin, but not particularly wonderful as I recall.00:40
persiabetter than webmin isn't saying much :)00:40
ScottKI'm not saying it's bad either.  That was awhile ago.00:41
persiaUnderstood: I'm interpreting your comments as "I'm not that familiar, but I'm trying to be helpful"00:42
persiaMaybe Daviey or SpamapS will catch backscroll, and have recommendations (or at least some understanding why the Ubuntu documentation is recommending a PPA)00:43
ScottKThat and "this laptop is too heavy to carry open, one handed while I try to navigate to the table without losing my wifi connection at the restaurant."00:44
ScottKYou should know better than to thing that anything in the community section qualifies as Ubuntu documentation.00:44
persiaAnd this is why one shouldn't bother brining a laptop > 600g to a restauran00:44
ScottKWhen I left the house I didn't know I was going to a restaurant.00:45
persiaAnd I'll be the first to admit that while one can do a lot of things on a super light platform, thre are limitations00:46
SpamapSthe ebox/zentyal guys were at UDS-O00:47
ryancrhello, is there a correct way to get a more up to date apache2/php setup on 10.04 ??00:47
ryancri looked in backports but did not see anything00:48
persiaSpamapS: Will zentyal be coming to oneiric?  What are some of the disadvantages?00:48
SpamapSebox == zentyal in oneiric00:49
SpamapSthey just haven't renamed the packages00:49
Davieyupstream do not put as much effort into non-lts releases.. but they are starting to ramp up for 12.04.00:50
SpamapSWhich is unfortunate.. we should probably help them do that.00:50
Davieywell, aiui, they consider it a 'best effort'... but not supported by upstream00:51
persiaThat's kinda unfortunate, as it makes transitions a lot harder.00:52
SpamapSPretty slick screencast00:53
persiaI'd hope they'd have a flexible enough build system to do the right thing on all of development, current, and current LTS.  I don't think it's an issue if they only offer end-user support for LTS, but developer support should be wider.00:53
Davieypersia, yeah... it's best effort... I can't argue too much with that00:54
persiaI can't argue with the wording, but lots depends on what it means.  If it means "We'll work on it, but don't bother us too much unless you're prepared to help a bit", that's fine.  If it means "We might get around to that if we have time", that's less exciting.00:55
Davieypersia, they did a pretty complete lecture at FOSDEM this year, I think the video went online.. looking00:58
Davieybah, can't find it01:01
DavieyOne of the honcho's does frequent here, i'll push him your way if you have further questions.01:02
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SpaceBassanyone using a Drobo (specifically Drobo-s) with server? any tips on formatting, lun size, etc?02:17
sabgentonwilll do-release-upgrade upgrade my LTS to the latest LTS or will it go to 10.1002:25
shaunosabgenton: it can do both.  check /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades for a line reading Prompt=02:26
sabgentonas in 10.04 to 10.04.202:26
sabgentonis what I want02:26
sabgentoncan i do that?02:26
persiasabgenton, For that, `apt-get dist-upgrade` is sufficient.02:26
persiaThat is, if you have -updates enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list02:26
sabgenton whats the difference between dis-upgrade and upgrade02:27
persiasabgenton, It's slightly different handling of cases where packages conflict or replace each other.02:28
sabgenton when do I use upgrade02:28
persiaThe apt-get(8) manpage describes the differences in fair detail02:28
sabgentonok dist-upgrade it is02:28
persiaUnless someone had to do something fairly strange, 10.04->10.04.2 should be OK with just "upgrade".  I tend to use dist-upgrade when I *know* I want to upgrade just to work around things.02:29
sabgentonso does  do-release-upgrade upgrade  do what I want though?02:29
sabgentonor will it allways up the version number to the current stable02:29
sabgentonjust currious02:29
persiaNo.  do-release-upgrade will try to move 10.04 to 10.10 or 12.04 (depending on configuration).02:29
sabgentonok so u can choose verison numbers but not the same version  number02:30
persiaRather, you can choose between "next 6-monthly release" and "next biannual release".02:30
sabgenton"when I *know* I want to upgrade just to work around things."02:31
persiaSometimes there's an upgrade of something where the developers need some package to be uninstalled or a different package to be installed.  For stable releases, this is extremely rare.02:31
sabgentonso dist-upgrade fixes dep isuse where as upgrade just upgrades?02:34
sabgentonor fixes more dep isuuses02:34
sabgentonat least02:35
persiaTreats dep issues slightly differently.  dist-upgrade is allowed to uninstall something to resolve things (it will tell you what).  upgrade is not.02:35
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hallyn_afkSpamapS: 'https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20110405'   [11:09:25] <jamespage> SpamapS : to put his version of ubuntuserver-minutes in directions for writing minutes03:36
sabgentonpersia: thx for before :)03:42
twbhttp://paste.debian.net/117892/  is it just me, or does NFS root_squash break setgid?03:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #787891 in openvpn (main) "openvpn should soft-restart on interface up" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78789104:02
guampai have to pick and build a 2.6.36+ kernel for a hyper-v guest (for the staging drivers). any advice on particularly good/bad versions?04:37
twbhyper-v can't emulate a 486?04:44
guampadunno, what does it matter though?04:45
twbWell, .32 has drivers for a 48604:47
guampadoes it have the ethernet accel drivers? i want to avoid using the legacy hyper-v adapter mainly04:49
twbI imagine that "accel" means "not a 486"04:49
twbthe equivalent of linux KVM's virtio stack04:50
guampaaccel in the "virtio hyper-v equivalent" sense04:50
twbSo what I'm saying is: unless you demonstrably need that extra I/O throughput, don't try to fuck with your distro's stable, tested kernel04:51
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guampai know they are in staging, but maybe they are working well04:55
guampas/they/the hyper-v drivers/04:56
flowbeehi folks... can someone help me in configuring openvpn?  i want to ensure that *only* a few types of traffic go through the vpn.  i.e. like web browsing.  right now i'm using hidemyass's openvpn config and it seems to be sending *everything* through the vpn.05:38
SpamapShallyn_afk: its in the comments of wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting05:45
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speakmanI just set up a new raid1, and the new one has "super 1.2" in /proc/mdstat in addition to my old md0 which doesn't. Anyone knows what this "super 1.2" actually mean?08:02
SpamapSspeakman: its telling you that the format of the super block is the new 1.2 format08:17
speakmanoh, so theres a new format.. *googling* :D08:31
twbspeakman: sounds like the superblock is at /dev/sda108:53
twbassuming retarded grub2-style numbering08:53
speakmanCan one "upgrade" the superblock easily?09:03
speakmanby the way - which filesystem is to prefer for file storage these days?09:05
twbspeakman: ignore me, I'm talking rubbish09:10
twbAs to filesystem -- btrfs as soon as it's ready, and ext[432] until then09:10
speakmantwb: Ok. I'll just keep on with my extfs then. :)09:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #788004 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.2-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78800410:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #788006 in samba (main) "package winbind 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78800610:31
xrohi, i'm on a Lucid server and i ry to use openssl with IPv6... but i cannot do a s_client -connect IPv6 --> i get connect: Invalid argument... do you know a solution?10:38
SyriaHello guys, could you please help me with the partitioning thing! it is making me crazy and i can't understand it. I have two hard discs each one is 1tb and I am intending to install zimbra email server on my 10.4.2 server. thnx11:16
persiaWhat are you trying to do with the two disks?11:22
Syriapersia I want to install Zimbra email server and the seller told me that buying tow hard discs is better for a server! i know how to manage to email server but I don't know about portioning.11:26
Syriapartitioning *11:26
persiaRight.  So there's a number of ways that two drives can be an advantage.11:29
persia1) you can put the OS on one and the data on the other11:30
persia2) you can mirror the data between them for reliability11:30
persia3) You can charge more when selling a server and get a larger commission11:30
persiaSo, you have to decide which of those applies in your case.11:30
SyriaI want to mirror the data between hard discs for reliability.11:31
persiahttps://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/advanced-installation.html : read the section on "Software RAID".11:32
persia(the procedures are unchanged from 10.04 to 10.04.2)11:33
lambda_xSyria: http://www.cybersprocket.com/2010/blog/setting-up-raid-1-on-ubuntu-10-04/11:38
Syrialambda_x:  Thx11:39
bencccan I add sources by adding files to /etc/apt/sources.list.d or is it for something else?11:40
Syria"Select the first hard drive," the 1st hard drive is SCSI3 (0.0.0)  (sda)  ?11:41
lambda_xSyria: you got sda and sdb I guess?, so first will be sda11:41
Syrialambda_x:  Still here?12:17
xroHi, someone already deals with openssl s_client connect?12:22
kirklandhallyn_afk: morning, poke me when you're around13:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #788091 in samba (main) "package smbclient 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78809113:46
Doonzhey guys how do i create another session with byobu? when i just type byobu it reattaches to the current current session. I want to start a new session with it14:00
kirklandDoonz: byobu -S new14:00
kirklandDoonz: just launch, but give the new one a different title14:01
kirklandDoonz: or, you can do "byobu bash" if you don't care about the title14:01
DoonzThank youi wasnt using the -S switch and it was comaplaining about the directory14:01
kirklandDoonz: no problem, enjoy ;-)14:01
Doonzthanx again14:02
nigelbkirkland: would it be better if we linked the IRC channel on the top of the room name and possibly in all the session pages?14:05
nigelbkirkland: um, re:summit :)14:05
kirklandnigelb: yes!14:05
kirklandnigelb: i'm sorry my code sucked :-)14:05
kirklandnigelb: but I think it's a good idea14:05
nigelbkirkland: heh, that was in the works last time (I believe I still own the bug), will try to get it out for next time :)14:06
kirklandnigelb: it would be *awesome* to 1) install chatzilla as a firefox plugin, 2) click on irc link and land in channel14:06
kirklandnigelb: sweet, you da man!14:06
hallyn_afkkirkland: whats up?14:18
Davieyhallyn_afk, shouldn't you be afk?14:20
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hallynDaviey: nyeh14:21
zullynxman: rabbitmq-erlang-client rabbitmq-stomp needs to be updated to 2.4.1 in order for it to work in oneiric14:22
lynxmanzul: library dependencies?14:23
lynxmanzul: shouldn't be a problem I reckon14:23
zullynxman: nope rabbitmq-server is now 2.4.1 on oneiric14:23
lynxmanzul: oh darn *snap*14:23
lynxmanzul: okay, putting that in my todo :)14:23
zullynxman: thats why mcollective is having problems connecting to the stomp server14:23
lynxmanzul: yeah plugins are very version dependant14:24
lynxmanzul: I'll redo the packages for 2.4.1, hopefully today, refactoring the provisioner code *sob*14:25
zulDaviey: so for reviewing blueprints do we put the comments at the bottom?14:29
Davieyzul, Well... smoser raised a valuable point that it doesn't store history there.14:30
DavieyI did think about sending a mail to the server list with the title of each bp14:31
Daviey*but*, i think i'd be criticised for noise.14:31
DavieySo.. probably better to stick with the whiteboard.14:31
zulDaviey: sure but if you are subscribed to the spec then you get a diff of the whiteboard change14:31
lynxmanzul: is there anyway we can liaise the rabbitmq plugin packages to rabbitmq, so there's some sort of alert or dependency trigger... or the same maintainer14:40
zullynxman: i usually take care of rabbitmq-server but i wasnt aware of rabbitmq-stomp and erlang-client when i did the merge ill be more careful next time14:41
lynxmanzul: aah okay :)14:41
lynxmanzul: I'll get you the new packages in some mins14:44
RoAkSoAxDaviey: o/ so you ended up not emailing anything after all, not even on how to proceed on commenting the BP;s?14:45
kirklandlynxman: pardon my ignorance :-) ...  but ./usr/share/orchestra/rsyslog/orchestra-client.conf:*.* @@
kirklandlynxman: what's that in rsyslog parlance?14:55
DavieyRoAkSoAx, at the moment, no.15:02
kirklandlynxman: nevermind, I think I'm digesting it now15:04
RoAkSoAxDaviey: k15:04
lynxmankirkland: hah sorry, was in PPA hell15:05
lynxmankirkland: let me know if I can help :)15:05
kirklandlynxman: it's okay;  i'd like to get an orchestra 1.0-ish into archive review ASAP15:06
lynxmankirkland: yeah I know, I would feel better if I could integrate nagios beforehand, but... it's in a stable place now15:06
kirklandlynxman: nah, we need to cut this version loose and keep rolling15:06
lynxmankirkland: rolling rolling rolling... rawhiiiide15:06
kirklandlynxman: your knowledge of Americana never ceases to amaze me :-)15:07
lynxmankirkland: Well my mother is from Panama... so it's almost as if I've been raised in Miami ;)15:08
kirklandlynxman: heh15:08
lynxmanit's almost the same, except for the corrupt government and the poor areas surrounding the city15:10
lynxmanso it's the same15:10
lynxmanzul: https://launchpad.net/~lynxman/+archive/ppa15:12
lynxmanerr nevermind, build error15:12
lynxmanbuild packages in the wrong order, shame on me :)15:16
kirklandlynxman: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612759/15:27
kirklandlynxman: do those permissions look right?15:27
kirklandlynxman: that's a lot of 600 ... are there passwords or private data in those files?15:27
lynxmankirkland: in the seed one there is, and cobbler runs as root so it should be okay I imagine15:28
kirklandlynxman: one more thing ... debian/ubuntu-orchestra-monitoring-server.install:monitoring-server/* /15:30
kirklandlynxman: there's nothing in that dir yet15:30
kirklandlynxman: i'm going to drop that install file for now15:30
kirklandlynxman: add it back when you get the nagios bits15:30
lynxmankirkland: sounds good15:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #788146 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 5.0.3-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saĆ­da de erro 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78814615:31
hallynSpamapS: are you around?15:53
RoyKwtf - just upgraded a VM here from 10.10 to 11.04, and it starts up with just grub telling me it can't boot15:57
RoyKany ideas how to fix that?15:57
* RoyK doesn't like grub215:57
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DexterFbeen running a software raid5 in debian for quite a while - it's very stable, no problem at all so far. how about ubuntu server here?16:25
baggar11DexterF: running raid5 in my ubuntu server, no issues16:26
aurigusDont think you will see an issue. I run zfs and its been rock solid.16:26
DexterFaurigus: zfs via fuse?16:27
aurigusuntil a week ago.16:27
DexterF..and now?16:27
aurigusThe posix layer has just been released for zfs natively on linux16:27
aurigusSo now I'm running natively :)16:28
DexterFhow come this wasnt in the newstickers?16:28
DexterFgood news, but how were the licensing issues resolved?16:28
aurigusI was going to make a big deal about it, blog posts and such, but it is still beta16:29
aurigusI wasn't sure of its stability either... but for the last week or 2 its been rock solid16:29
DexterFperformance over linux-md?16:29
aurigusHaven't had time to do any benchmarking16:30
SpamapShallyn: pong.. whats up?16:31
DexterFreason I'm asking: I'm planning to consolidate file server and htpc. now debian stable is not really the best platform for htpc and testing not for a raid fileserver16:32
DexterFhence I'm eyeing 10.0416:32
* patdk-wk just uses a seperate box for both of those16:33
aurigusI'm running it on 11.04 and its working fine16:33
aurigusIm just using it as a file server though16:33
hallynSpamapS: i was just remining you about an action you had last month, to put up your meeting notes posting script in the knowledgebase :)16:35
SpamapShallyn: right, I guess in the comments of the meeting page isn't all that discoverable. ;)16:35
SpamapSthere used to be a "how to do the minutes" page16:35
hallynwell i always look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase at the bottom16:36
SpamapSahh thats the page16:38
SpamapSstupid moin's sucky search16:38
SpamapShallyn: I updated the link to point at mine, since it supersedes mathiaz' old branch16:41
hallynSpamapS: cool, thanks16:48
RoyKhttp://karlsbakk.net/grub.png <-- this is all I get after upgrading this VM to 11.04 - any idea what to do next?16:49
SlybootsIm curious if anyone can give me some advice regarding RAID arrays16:57
SlybootsRight now, I've got a 4TB file-syste, (3x 2TB disks) in a RAID5.  and I've ordered two new 2tb disks to expand as Im running out of space.  Would I be better off upgrading to RAID6 and giving me 6TB of storage or would RAID5 be safe-enough with 8tb16:58
SlybootsI do weekly backups of all my files as is, (although starting to run out of backup space haha..)16:59
RoyKraid-5 is rather safe, but new drives tend to be worse than older drives due to density17:00
SpamapSSlyboots: given that 1TB recoveries will probably take *hours* .. I would go w/ RAID617:00
SpamapSerr.. I read the original wrong.. 2TB .. RAID5 would be almost insane.17:00
RoyKand I'm not sure if you can change from raid-5 to raid-6 without recreating the raidset17:01
SpamapSSlyboots: did you test how long a re-sync takes when you created the RAID5 ?17:01
SlybootsSpamapS: haha.. it takes.. quite some time17:01
SpamapSYeah thats a backup / restore operation17:01
Slybootsabout 8-9 hours17:01
RoyKSpamapS: insane?17:01
SpamapS8-9 hour window for another drive to fail... add on the time between failure and replacement..17:01
SlybootsWow, well.. wiping the server will be a major pain in teh ass17:01
RoyKseems changing it should be possible http://neil.brown.name/blog/2009081700093117:02
SpamapSSlyboots: honestly this is why you're better off with 10 little drives than 5 giant drives.17:02
SpamapSRoyK: nice!17:03
bencchow can I make "hostname" give "example.com" instead of "example" ?17:03
SlybootsWell Im in the process of backing up my server.17:03
SlybootsIm actually tempted to shfit the OS onto its own disk.. and just not RAID it at all17:03
RoyKbencc: the hostname should be a single word - the domain is another thing17:03
RoyKbencc: see /etc/defaultdomain for the domainname17:03
SpamapSbencc: hostname -f17:04
SpamapSRoyK: I think in this case he wants his FQDN to be example.com .. not just the domain17:05
SpamapSbencc: you'll probably want to look at changinging /etc/hostname17:05
RoyKbut why?17:05
SpamapSBecause he wants his website to be that server?17:06
SpamapSIts a perfectly valid configuration and quite common.17:06
RoyKSpamapS: no need to change the hostname for that - simply a matter of configuring dns+apache17:06
SpamapSI mean, *I* wouldn't do it, but its not a huge problem.17:07
benccI need several application to get the "same" hostname17:07
benccpuppet and erlang17:07
benccone thinks it's example and the other example.com17:07
RoyKimho it's rather silly - adding an A record to allow for http://example.com/ isn't hard, but setting the hostname to the FQDN isn't really a good idea17:07
SlybootsSo I just add the new disks to the RAID array. then run mdadm --grow ...17:09
SlybootsAnd that'll conver it to RAID617:09
benccRoyK: why not?17:09
RoyKbecause one day you want another host in that domain17:10
SpamapSerlang is particularly picky about hostname17:10
RoyKand the normal way to set things up, is to set a hostname on the host and add that hostname to a domain17:10
benccSpamapS:  how does it get inet:gethostname() ?17:11
SpamapSbencc: to RoyK's point, it would be better to pick something like 'web00.example.com' and let example.com be just a DNS alias.17:11
RoyKa programming language shouldn't really bother with the hostname on which it's running17:11
RoyKSpamapS: not all DNS servers allow for FQDN to be registered as a CNAME record - but then - adding another A record won't hurt17:11
benccRoyK: unless it is distributed...17:12
SpamapSbencc: at boot up, /etc/hostname is read and fed into the 'hostname' program. So you can change that file, and then run 'sudo hostname `cat /etc/hostname`' and then restart any services you need to see that hostname.17:12
SpamapSRoyK: whoa whoa nobody said anything about a CNAME17:12
RoyKSpamapS: hostname -F /etc/hostname17:12
SpamapSalias != CNAME17:12
nigelbkirkland: you about?17:12
RoyKSpamapS: same thing17:12
SpamapSRoyK: man pages FTW ;)17:12
kirklandnigelb: howdy17:12
bencchostname -F /etc/hostname doesn't effect erlang inet:gethostname() even after reboot17:12
nigelbkirkland: novacut folks have a vid of you on the bass :)17:13
* pmatulis loves his bandwidth (wget output: 713,385,984 9.98M/s in 97s)17:13
SpamapSRoyK: no, a CNAME is most certainly *not* the same thing. CNAME is for giving away control of one hostname to another domain.17:13
RoyKSpamapS: no, it certainly is not17:13
SpamapSok, whats it for then?17:13
RoyKit's an alias17:14
RoyKCommon NAME17:14
kirklandnigelb: hehe :-) yikes17:14
RoyKSpamapS: delegation isn't done in the zonefile - it's done in the bind config (or whatever dns server you use)17:14
SpamapSCanonical name actually17:14
RoyKwell, still, it doesn't have anything to do with delegations17:14
RoyKCNAME == alias17:15
SpamapSI didn't say delegation, thats a word with a lot of meaning in DNS. I used small words because its a conceptual definition. You give away control of a single hostname to another domain not in the same zone.. if it were in the same zone, you could just set the address to the same thing.17:16
SpamapSSome people certainly misuse it that way.17:16
SpamapSBut they're wasting their DNS server's time and resolvers' time doing two fetches. :-P17:16
SpamapSAnyway, they are aliases, yes, but they are not the only way to make an alias.17:17
SpamapSAnd are probably the worst way.17:18
D0minat0rNeed help, trying to install ubuntu 64-bit server ver 11.04, i can choose language and when i choose install ubuntu server it just reboots. no error no nothing, any ideas?17:18
SpamapSD0minat0r: installing from a CD?17:19
D0minat0rSpamapS: yes17:20
D0minat0rthe dvd-rom spinns to speed then reboot17:20
SpamapSD0minat0r: are you certain you have a 64-bit machine?17:21
D0minat0ryes and i have tried 32bit installer too same thing17:22
SpamapSD0minat0r: very strange indeed.17:22
SpamapSD0minat0r: I believe there is a memory test option on the CD.. maybe you could run that?17:22
D0minat0rSpamapS: takes a while... :)17:26
SpamapSD0minat0r: indeed, though I'd say if it runs through the first 2 passes you can cancel it and we can move on to other diagnostics17:30
D0minat0rit passes no errors17:30
peydudecan someone shed some light on bridge interfaces? I have a couple setup but can't pass any traffic17:32
peydudei read that it needs cap_net_admin capability due to a kernel bug. Is this still true ?17:32
RoyKpeydude: I have a server running kvm with bridging - works well17:35
peydudethat's exactly what I am trying to accomplish. I have two guest servers, my host can pass traffic fine (with or without vlan tagging) but when my bridges are setup17:36
peydudethe guest OSs are not accessible17:36
RoyKpeydude: pastebin your network config17:38
RoyKas in /etc/network/interfaces17:38
pmatulisas well as your guest xml files17:39
D0minat0rSpamapS: i took away 2 gig ram of 4gig and it works17:41
D0minat0rdual channel memory17:41
SpamapSD0minat0r: hm weird17:42
peydudeHere is the host interface file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612826/17:42
peydudepretty basic17:42
peydudelet me grab my guest xml17:42
pmatulispeydude: virsh dumpxml name > name.xml17:43
peydudeguest xml: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612827/17:46
pmatulispeydude: your bridge config is unusual.  i usually use just a single line but you have 1217:48
pmatulispeydude: does br0 even work?17:48
peydudepmatulis: you are right. I have specified how the system should bring the bridge down and up to avoid any errors (e.g. bridge already exists ... )17:49
peydudepmatulis: no. if I just attach a single interface to it it won't pass any traffic regardless of it being a kvm interface or a host interface17:49
peydudepmatulis: that's what i was asking about bridged interfaces to begin with.17:50
pmatulispeydude: do you have bridge-utils installed?17:51
peydudepmatulis: you are probably used to a setup like the one in this doc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking17:51
peydudepmatulis: yep otherwise i couldn't have setup the bridge :)17:51
pmatulispeydude: but you said it doesn't work17:52
pmatulispeydude: that's pretty vague17:52
pmatulispeydude: i recommend setting it up manually17:53
peydudepmatulis: let me set it up manually and see if I can get any traffic to go through ... brb17:53
Jcook_5xDataI set postfix dovecot w/ sieve and it is work, but to make it work I remove maildrop now my mail does not get delivered17:54
pmatulisJcook_5xData: why did you need to remove maildrop to make it work?17:54
Jcook_5xDataweel I guess I dint not but maildrop does not read .dove.seive file does it has it own filter17:55
Jcook_5xDataI am doing all this because of roundcube does not support filter other now sieve17:56
pmatulisJcook_5xData: put maildrop back.  you may then need to edit master.cf (comment maildrop line out)17:57
arandD0minat0r: I'ts probably worth reporting a bug about it when you've got the info settled down, (also interesting to see if it works if you re-add the memory post-install for example..)17:58
Jcook_5xDatapmatulis, do I need a deliver agent then?18:09
Jcook_5xDataI can not find any good how to on this18:09
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D0minat0rarand: well i think it has something motherboard because the system wont function with the 2 onboard LAN devices, when i activate them i have to take aay more ram and only have 1gig of ram for it to run18:39
D0minat0rits so strange right no18:39
genii-aroundD0minat0r: Yes, very odd18:41
D0minat0rmotherboard is Abit in9 32-MAX18:42
* RoyK just came in - D0minat0r what's up?18:44
D0minat0rRoyK: trouble getting ubunut to run on that mobo18:45
RoyKD0minat0r: what does it say?18:46
D0minat0ra sec, re installing18:47
D0minat0rhad to take away 1 gig ram for the installer to work with the onboard lan devices18:47
SpamapSwow its been years since I cared about motherboards.. ahh the good old days18:47
D0minat0rwith 4 gig the installer just reboots, with 2 gis i have to have onboard lan devices disabled and with them enabled i only can have 1 gig ram :O18:48
RoyKD0minat0r: seems something is rather fscked up18:48
D0minat0ryou think? :D18:48
D0minat0rwtf now, disk boot failure18:49
D0minat0rand no errors during installation18:49
pmatulisD0minat0r: RMA the m/b?18:53
D0minat0rpmatulis: what is that?18:55
RoyKreturn it18:55
D0minat0rtoo old18:55
D0minat0rfreadking crap tho18:55
RoyKthen perhaps get a new one :P18:55
RoyKyou get el-cheapo atom-based mobos for almost nothing18:56
RoyKincluding the cpu and perhaps some memory18:56
Jcook_5xDatapmatulis, Ok I have mail getting delivered without maildrop, for some reason it is still not obeying the .dovecot.sieve file. do you know any go how to or have you done this and can give me pointers18:58
pmatulisJcook_5xData: no, never used it.  should soon though19:05
Jcook_5xDatanot any good how out there... well that I can find19:09
peydudepmatulis: i am able to get bridge networking to work with the guest interface(s) attached to my first host bridge19:09
peydudepmatulis: but as soon as i attach a second guest interface to the a second host bridge the guest becomes inaccessible19:10
peydudestill running one guest OS19:10
pmatulispeydude: you can use a single br0 for all host and all guest activities19:11
RoAkSoAxzul: howdy! since you merged openldap, you might have an idea why ipsec-tools FTBFS when building in Oneiric against openldap. But, when building in natty it does not fail: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/72308605/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-amd64.ipsec-tools_1%3A0.8.0-3ubuntu1~ppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz19:12
peydudepmatulis: yes i have attached two guest interfaces (from the same guest OS) to br0 and I can still access the guest19:12
pmatulispeydude: well, you can do the same for all guests19:12
peydudepmatulis: the problem comes when I attache the second guest interface to another bridge on the host19:12
pmatulispeydude: why another bridge??19:13
peydudepmatulis: vlans! what if I want to attach the second guest interface to a host bridge that is on a different vlan19:13
pmatulispeydude: ok19:14
peydudepmatulis: the problem might be the mac address of the second bridge (since it's running on the same physical interface on the host)19:14
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pmatulispeydude: note that i didn't see a 2nd bridge configured in your interfaces file19:15
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peydudepmatulis: correct. I added one manually :) i am not blaming you :)19:17
pmatulispeydude: well, the manual one is working?19:20
peydudepmatulis: only with the setup i described above (all guest interfaces attached to the first bridge on the host interface).19:21
pmatulispeydude: so, remove the auto one and add it manually too19:22
peydudepmatulis: I am testing it with a second bridge on the host interface now by changing the mac address of the second bridge19:22
RoAkSoAxzul: I'm also merging facter and it seems that in natty you've carried merges in debian/rules that are not represented in the changelog... http://paste.ubuntu.com/612878/19:23
jiboumanssmoser: why do 64bit amis have no swap, but 32bit ones do?19:23
RoAkSoAxnor there's a convincent explaination why they have been carried over19:23
jiboumansor is it *.large vs *.small?19:23
RoAkSoAxzul: should I drop them?19:24
zulRoAkSoAx: on a call gimme a few19:25
RoAkSoAx (note that part of those changes seems to be when cdbs was dropped in ubuntu and twhen it happen in debian, they didn't update debian/rules, though the rest of the delta can be dropped for what I can see19:25
RoAkSoAxzul: sure19:25
zulRoAkSoAx: ergh....yeah dont drop them19:26
RoAkSoAxzul: k, I'll just drop the stuff in configure-stamp as that's just lines that makes no sense carrying over then19:27
zulRoAkSoAx: k thanks for the ldap stuff thats new to me19:28
RoAkSoAxzul: yeah being banging my head yesterday trying to figure out why ipsec-tools won't build with the newer ldap19:29
zulRoAkSoAx: ill take a look19:29
RoAkSoAxzul: k ;)19:29
smoserjiboumans, that comes from amazon19:40
jiboumanssmoser: figured =/19:40
jiboumanssmoser: would it make sense to use the values you put in for m1.small/medium on the large ones19:40
smoseryou can partition a ephemeral disk and add swap19:40
jiboumansor just use a file on /mnt19:40
jiboumansriak and rabbitmq are both very very unhappy when they run out of ram19:41
jiboumansso it seems prudent to add some overflow and make the monitors scream bloody murder19:41
postsudo apt-get install bind9 gives me  * Starting domain name service... bind9                                 [fail]19:42
postAnyone can help?19:43
postSomeone msg me in this stupid client I cant see msg :/19:47
RoyKpost: see ya19:47
postsyslog syslog where are you19:53
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RoyKpost: running?20:00
postRoyK: No still getting the error and I cant find syslog :(20:00
RoyKps axf20:00
RoyKdoes that list syslogd?20:00
postRoyK: it listed something20:04
flowbeeare these the steps i must go through to create a self signed x509 cert? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL20:06
postRoyK: nothing that even looks like syslogd (or bind9) is listed20:08
DexterFSlyboots: http://www.snia.org/education/tutorials/2008/spring/storage/Whittington-W_Desktop_Nearline_Enterprise_HDDS.pdf  <- read the section about UER propability when recovering, then do the math for your setup. (you'll end up with: you want raid6. and: you want to rebuild the array and backup/restore, not expand it. and: you want, let's say a HP P400 Smart Array with BBU)20:12
SlybootsWEll I dont want to rebuild the array if I can help it20:15
DexterFI don't see how raid5->6 could even work. I mean it's possible but I so would not want an array that has a pattern originated from a rather obscure stunt but something fresh from scratch. we're talking data integrity here.20:17
SlybootsWell mdadm is supposed to support it20:24
DexterFofficially? wow, they've come a long way.20:25
flowbeetrying to generate my first x509 cert: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL ... but curious when it says "Create the server configuration file, by editing ~/myCA/exampleserver.cnf with your favorite text editor. Add this example content:"  ... there is no exampleserver.cnf generated prior to that step20:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #788284 in facter (main) "Please merge facter 1.5.9-1 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78828420:27
DavieyRoAkSoAx: is facter done yet? :)20:30
ameroanyone ever used checkinstall? why ubuntu tells me it cant find the bin that is installed with checkinstall20:30
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RoAkSoAxDaviey: give me a sec20:33
RoAkSoAxI'm uploading debdiff20:33
RoAkSoAxDaviey: suit yourself20:33
peydudepmatulis: I got it working :)20:40
pmatulispeydude: please do tell20:41
peydudepmatulis: I added vlan interfaces to all the host bridges (aka tagged vlans). this way when my guest interfaces attach to the bridges they all work20:41
peydudepmatulis: before I had untagged vlan traffic on eth1 and tagged on eth1.5, eth1.200, etc20:42
peydudepmatulis: that didn't work. so i stopped using eth1 and just utilized its vlan sub-interfaces20:42
pmatulispeydude: fair enough20:42
pmatulispeydude: maybe post your new interfaces file20:43
peydudepmatulis: i have done everything manually so far. I will update my files and post them20:44
RoAkSoAxnegronjl: ping20:44
negronjlRoAkSoAx: hi20:45
RoAkSoAxnegronjl: o/ hey, I was wondeirng if you have a howto on how to test https://launchpad.net/bugs/73295320:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 732953 in facter "can_connect function inside ec2.rb always return false" [Low,Fix released]20:45
negronjlRoAkSoAx:  let me check really quick...hold on20:47
negronjlRoAkSoAx: withouth the fix.  run facter ec2_ami_id or facter | grep ec220:47
negronjlRoAkSoAx: nothing should come up20:48
negronjlRoAkSoAx: with the fix:20:48
negronjlRoAkSoAx: run the same and something like this:20:48
negronjlshould show up20:49
negronjlI'll be back in a minute20:49
RoAkSoAxnegronjl: that's from an instances? or from a machine with ec2 tols configured or something like that?20:51
RoyK!pastbin @ negronjl21:01
ubottuRoyK: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:01
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:01
IdleOne!pastabowl | IdleOne21:01
PiciRoyK: !pastebin is already an alias to <paste>21:02
Picithis however, isn't the correct spelling of anything; !pastbin21:02
RoyKguess my slight typo was the issue :P21:02
RoyKpastbin - whatever happened five months ago?21:03
RoAkSoAxDaviey: i'll let you know when facter is done as I'm waiting for someone to test a patch that might be able to drop21:05
DavieyRoAkSoAx, I'm actually build testing your debdiff atm21:06
DavieyRoAkSoAx, Should i hold off uploading it then?21:07
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RoAkSoAxDaviey: that works, but was further looking into it and the patch to ec2.rb might be able to be dropped as it seems the error was in a different place and has been addressed differently21:07
RoAkSoAxDaviey: yes pelase, just waiting for negronjl to give it a test the way he is used to, and wanna see the results21:07
RoAkSoAxDaviey: it is not really gonna hurt if it gets uploaded now, though, I'd prefer to not do a second upload tomorrow >P21:08
RoAkSoAxDaviey: but if you wanna sponsor somethign for me corosync, pacemaker, and cluster-glue are still in the queue :)21:08
DavieyRoAkSoAx, yeah, if it was a case of "not sure when i'll have the patch" - i'd just upload it, but as you are activly working on it - lets wait :)21:09
* Daviey wonders when RoAkSoAx will apply for access to upload this stuff himself.21:09
RoAkSoAxDaviey: i';ll do this week21:10
RoAkSoAxDaviey: was catching up with other sutff first21:10
DavieyRoAkSoAx, bah, "mark as patch"21:14
ChmEarlwhen I log into lucid server I see welcome msg twice: for 10.04.2 and 10.0421:17
ChmEarlis this a bug or is it normal?21:17
DavieyChmEarl: When did you install?21:17
RoyKit's the motd.tail bug21:17
ChmEarllet me see..21:18
RoyKjust remove /etc/motd.tail21:18
ChmEarlDaviey, installed on April 20 201121:18
LenhixHello. In which "sub repository" (universe/multiverse) can I find sun-java6-jre. I'm trying to install openfire 3.7.0 from .deb downloaded from igniterealtime.org21:18
ChmEarlRoyK, ty21:19
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Davieybug 634387 , i thought it was fixed.. bah21:19
uvirtbotDaviey: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out21:20
ChmEarlRoyK Daviey - that fix works - now only 10.04.2 gives motd21:20
ChmEarlguys BTW - I converted to lucid server from Centos 5.5...not going back21:21
DavieyChmEarl: \o/21:22
RoyKChmEarl: I work for an institute - our scientists need a truckload of software we earlier had to install by hand on those fscking redhat machines - now it's all (or most) available from the ubuntu repos21:23
ChmEarlRoyK, only shock I had was perl modules names are polish21:24
RoyKI see21:24
ChmEarlRoyK, in RH world the name is perl-Math-BigInt21:24
RoyKI left RH just after rh721:25
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RoyKstarted out with slackware back in 1994 or so, then to redhat, then to debian, then ubuntu...21:26
minkyferrariAny one get ldap client to work on 10.04 LTS without errors?21:26
RoyKminkyferrari: usually by configuring it correctly :D21:26
minkyferrariI am able to authenticate but auth.log says pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure21:26
minkyferrariI looked all through my pam modules but can't figure it out21:27
minkyferrariI am able to auth though, just want to know what this failure means21:27
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sorrellHi all, I am using UEC and  I have a Walrus server and I can't seem to find/mount my RAID controller and I was wondering if anyone knew if it was supported and if so how can I mount it.  The controller is a Dell Perc 5i.  Thanks in advance for any information you can give.21:31
minkyferrariAlso every 20 minutes or nslcd can't find the ldap server but then times out and reconnects21:31
benccwhat is the appropriate path for a local apt repository?21:38
bencc/usr/local/mydebs is ok?21:38
benccit shouldn't be accessed by anyone21:39
sorenbencc: What's the point then?21:53
benccsoren: I mean that it should be secured21:54
benccI've packaged a server and I want to install it with a local repository21:54
benccI can put it in /home/myuser/mydebs but it doesn't feel right21:55
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posthttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1767372  Can someone help ?22:19
shauno $ host -t AAAA podcast.ubuntu-uk.org22:22
shaunopodcast.ubuntu-uk.org has no AAAA record22:22
shaunoachk, wrong window, sorry22:22
flowbeehow do i make it in my sudo file such taht i dont have to enter a password for sudo22:26
dannfflowbee: echo "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers22:27
dannfwell, that won't work exactly, i'd run visudo to do it22:28
dannflike this:22:28
dannfflowbee ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL22:28
dannfthe echo would work if you used sudo tee -a instead of >>22:29
SlybootsIs there a way to copy the partition tabel from one disk and map it on another?22:29
Slybootssince Im adding this disk to the array it needs to be a duplicate of the others22:29
dannfSlyboots: sfdisk can dump a partition table in a format that can be read back in22:29
dannfSlyboots: sfdisk <someargs> /dev/sda | sfdisk <someargs> /dev/sdb22:30
dannfi don't remember <someargs> off the top of my head, but sfdisk(8) can help you22:30
dannfassumes msdos tables, of course22:30
SlybootsMm.. I have to use GPT22:30
dannfthen you probably need to use parted.. and i don't know that it supports something as trivial22:30
dannf(it didn't when we originally adopted it for systemimager, but that was yearsssss ago)22:31
SlybootsI cant figure out parted at all.. x.x22:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #788348 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 127" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78834822:32
dannfSlyboots: what bit are you missing?22:33
Slybootsall of it, I need to create a bios_grub partition22:33
SlybootsBut parted doesnt seem to understand what that is22:34
dannfbios_grub? i don't understand that either :)22:34
* dannf has only used gpt on ia64 though22:34
dannfi also only use parted for partitioning - i use filesystem-specific tools for doing anything to the parittions22:35
SlybootsIts needed for grub to work in GPT partiions22:35
SlybootsOtherwsie it doesnt boot at all :P22:35
dannfdoes it just need to be a standard efi boot partition (i.e., fat)?22:35
Slyboots 1      1049kB  2097kB  1049kB                        bios_grub22:35
SlybootsApparently, 1mb in size22:35
* Slyboots fires up gparted :P22:37
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SlybootsI may just rebuild22:44
SlybootsMove the OS onto its own disk, then nuke the entire array to use it for storage only22:45
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Slybootsnot sure if thats wise, but it would be a lot simpler22:49
postThe person that solves my problem gets a free beer* http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1767372   *= free beer will not be given until 10000 years after you die22:57
dannfpost: if you run 'sudo tail -f /var/log/daemon.log' in another terminal, you might get a clue about the problem23:01
postdannf: thanks will try it in a sec23:01
postdannf: it cant find /var/log/deamon.log :/23:09
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dannfdaemon not deamon23:10
postdannf: I copy pasted what you said "sudo tail -f /var/log/daemon.log" and it gives me a error   tail: cant open /var/log/daemon.log' : File not found23:11
dannfhm.. maybe /var/log/syslog then?23:11
postdannf: it showed "May 25 20:07:01 server1 CRON[4062]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.sh > /dev/null 2>> /var/log/ispconfig/cron.log)23:16
postMay 25 20:07:23 server1 kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.23:16
postMay 25 20:07:23 server1 rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="4.6.4" x-pid="763" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com"] exiting on signal 15.23:16
uvirtbotpost: Error: "C" is not a valid command.23:16
andygraybeali installed squid.. it's been running great for about forever.. for whatever reason though recently it didn't start - how should i trouble shoot this?  how can i make sure that the service is auto-started at boot?23:20
jmedinaandygraybeal: check /var/log/squid3/cache.log23:20
andygraybeali guess it's been running fine without issue for a year or more23:20
jmedinacheck the log for any error message23:21
jmedinathey are always there23:21
andygraybealk thank you23:22
jmedinapastebin the last lines23:22
jmedinaI know a lot of squid errors jje23:22
jmedinaand their fixes, probably I can help23:22
andygraybealk awesome, thank you, two seconds23:22
andygraybeali *just* started the service23:24
andygraybealyou know what i mean... but i had to manually start the service... which i've never done ever... it's just run without issue for maybe a year now23:24
dannfpost: no idea; sorry - you might check if some other dns service is already bound to that port, but hard to say for sure w/o lgos23:24
andygraybealjmedina, it's working fine after i started it.. but the thing is i had to start it :)23:24
postdannf: [][][][][][][][][[]23:27
postdannf: can you recomend something better / equal to bind ?23:28
jmedinacan you try to disable apparmor and try install again?23:29
andygraybealjmedina, me?23:29
jmedinasorry, that was for post23:30
dannfpost: i don't necessarily think bind is the problem - it could be any number of things that might affect others as well. personally i don't have any experience w/ alternatives to bind23:30
RoyKpost: bind is the most use dns server on the net - it works23:30
RoyKthere are others that might work too, but I don't know any better ones23:31
dannfpost: you can run this to see if something else is listening on the port: sudo netstat -pan | grep :5323:32
dannf(if there's a lot of output, please paste to paste.ubuntu.com)23:32
dannfpost: k - then that guess isn't your problem23:34
dannfpost: does 'sudo grep named /var/log/*.log' output anything?23:35
postdannf: yes http://paste.ubuntu.com/612984/23:35
dannfhm.. that only tells me that it tried to start, not why it bailed :(23:36
Aisondamn'it, upgraded to natty and now my dhcp is no longer working....23:37
dannf(777 permissions on named.conf are very dangerous, in case that wasn't obvious)23:37
jmedinaprobably trying to fix things...23:38
dannfpost: one last thing you can try is 'sudo named -g23:39
dannfjmedina: oh - you were talking about this issue - yeah, might be worth disabling apparmor (and yeah, i'm sure post was just trying to fix things)23:40
postsudo named -g outputs http://paste.ubuntu.com/612986/23:40
dannfpost: ah - its complaining about a syntax error, see that?23:41
dannf'options' redefined near 'options'23:41
dannfyou might take a look at your config file to see what is wrong23:42
jmedinapost can you paste named.conf.options?23:42
jmedinaalso the output from named-checkconf please23:42
Aisonstupid isc dhcp server is not compiled with ldap support or what?23:42
jmedinaldd it :)23:43
Aisonyes, looks like so, it's not compiled with ldap support23:48
jmedinaprobably you can use dpkg -s and check if depends on ldap libs or something23:48
Aisonwell, my dhcpd.conf is invalid and not working23:48
postnamed.conf.options   http://paste.ubuntu.com/612992/23:48
Aisonanyway, not my problem now ;) i've got my fixed ip, maybe 60 other people may have got problems now, lol23:49
postjmedina Thx my ISP changed his DNS ips last night23:50
postChanged it to the new ones but stilll [FAIL]23:54
jmedinawhat about the output from named-checkconf?23:55
jmedina and grep ^options /etc/bind/*23:56
postjmedina I cant find  named-checkconf23:56
jmedinarun it23:57
postroot@server1:~# named-checkconf23:58
post/etc/bind/named.conf.options:1: 'options' redefined near 'options'23:58
postroot@server1:~# grep ^options /etc/bind/*23:59
post/etc/bind/named.conf.options:options {23:59
jmedinaare thos *** lines in the options file?23:59

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